2 Corinthians 1:5 Cross References - JMNT

5 because correspondingly as the effects and results of (or: from) the Christ's experiences and sufferings are progressively superabounding into (or: encompassing in full measure unto) us, in the same way, through the Christ (or: the Anointed One; [= the Messiah]; or: the Anointing), our calling [folks] to our side to give [them] help, relief, comfort and encouragement is also progressively superabounding so as to surround us in full quantity (or: the work of the Paraclete constantly environs in abundance from us, by the Anointing)!

Luke 2:25

25 And now, look and consider this! There was a man within Jerusalem whose name [was] Simeon, and this man [was] just (fair; equitable; in right relationships; in accord with the way pointed out) as well as grasping things well (or: well-received; taking it with ease and wellness), habitually receptive to (or: continuously welcoming and granting access to) Israel's call to the side for relief, aid, comfort and encouragement (or: the work and function of a Paraclete from Israel) – and a set-apart spirit (a holy wind; a separated Breath-effect; a sacred attitude) was continuously being upon him.

Acts 9:4

4 and having fallen upon the ground, he heard a Voice (or: sound) repeatedly saying to him, "Saul... Saul... Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?"

1 Corinthians 4:10-13

10 We [are] stupid folks (fools; ones led by nonsense) because of Christ, yet you folks [are] sensible and intelligent ones (ones with understanding) within and in union with Christ; we [are] weak ones, yet you people [are] strong ones; you [are] folks in glory and illustrious reputation, yet we [are] dishonored and unvalued ones. 11 Until the present hour (or: Up to now – this very minute), we also continue being hungry, constantly thirsty, habitually naked (= scantily clothed), repeatedly being struck on the ear with a fist (= treated roughly) and are continuously unsettled (= homeless and wanderers). 12 Further, we continue toiling (laboring) to weariness – habitually active in work with our own hands [note: the Greek culture despised manual labor]. Being constantly insulted (reviled; cursed; verbally abused), we are repeatedly speaking words of goodness (or: blessing); being habitually pursued and persecuted, we are continuously holding up (or: holding back [i.e., from retaliation]); 13 being incessantly defamed (slandered; plied with ill-rumors; other MSS: blasphemed), we regularly called them to our sides (normally entreated and offered assistance). We were made to be as that which comes from cleaning all around (as the off-scouring results; as the filthy refuses) of the world (from the organized System of culture, religion, economy and government) – wiped-off filth and scum of all things and all people – until right now!

2 Corinthians 4:10-11

10 at all times continuously carrying around (or: bearing about) among the body Jesus' being put to death (or: within [our] body the deadening, or the state of death, which comes from Jesus; or: within the midst of the body the dying associated with Jesus), to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; would) be set in clear light and manifested, within our body (or: in the midst of the body, which is us)! 11 For we, ourselves – the continuously living ones – are ever being repeatedly handed over into death (or: = continuously delivered into life-threatening experiences) – because of Jesus – to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; could; would) be set in clear light and manifested – within our mortal flesh!

2 Corinthians 11:23-30

23 Are they Christ's attending servants? – I am speaking as one being beside himself (or: insane) – I [am] over and above [them] (or: I, more so; = I surpass [them])! In toilsome labors and weariness more exceedingly; in prisons and jails more often; in blows (stripes or beatings) surpassingly; in deaths many times (= in near-death situations often). 24 Five times by Jews I received forty [stripes; lashes], less one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked – I have done night and day within the midst of the depth [of the sea], even hitting bottom; 26 on journeys often (many times); in dangers (perils) of rivers (or: floods); in dangers of robbers (perils of plunderers); in dangers from out of [my] race (kindred); in dangers from out of the multitudes of ethnic groups ([the] nations); in dangers within city; in dangers within a desolate place (wilderness); in dangers at sea; in dangers among false-brothers (= pseudo-believers; or: = Family members who lie and deal falsely); 27 in exhaustive labor and wearisome toil; in lack of sleep (or: sleeplessness; or: vigils) often; in hunger (or: scarcity of food; or: famine) and in thirst – in situations of deprivation or need of food (or: in fastings), many times; in cold and in lack of sufficient clothing (or: nakedness); 28 apart from these external matters (or: apart from those things [just mentioned] – besides the outside –) [there is] the thing rushing in on me and giving cares (the pressure) from day to day: the anxiety, concern and divided distraction pertaining to all the called-out folks (or: summoned-forth communities): 29 Who is continuing weak and I am not proceeding to be weak (= sharing their weakness)? Who is habitually snared and caused to stumble or be entrapped, and I, myself, am not being repeatedly made fiery hot (or: caused to be incensed)? 30 If (or: Since) it is necessary to boast, I will boast concerning the things pertaining to my weakness.

Philippians 1:20

20 in accordance with my looking away – with my head stretched out to watch – and [the] expectation (or: hope) that within nothing will I proceed being put to shame (disgrace; embarrassment), but to the contrary, within all freedom of speech (boldness and public openness which comes from being a citizen) – as always, even now (at the present moment) – Christ will progressively be made great (be magnified; be enlarged) within my body, whether through life, or through death!

Philippians 2:1

1 If, then, [there exists] any calling-alongside to receive relief, aid, encouragement, consolation, comfort or supporting influence (or: any receiving of the work of a paraclete) within Christ or in union with [the] Anointing, if [there is] any spoken comfort and consolation of love (belonging to love; having a source in love; or: which is love), if any common being and existence (common participation; fellowship; partnership; communion; sharing) of Breath-effect (or: belonging to spirit; from the result of [the] Breath), if any tender emotions (literally: upper internal organs) and compassions (or: pities),

Philippians 3:10

10 to intimately and experientially know Him, and the ability – even the power – of His resurrection and also the [other MSS: a] common existence (participation; partnership, sharing and fellowship) of the results and from the effects of His experiences [note: these include good times/feelings and passions, as well as sufferings] – being a person that is being continuously conformed by (being progressively brought together with the form of; being habitually configured to) His death,

Colossians 1:24

24 I am at this moment continuing to rejoice within the effects of experiences and the results of my sufferings over your [situation] and on your behalf, and I am progressively filling back up in turn – so as in [His] stead to replace, supply and balance out, within my flesh (or: = with the means of my natural situation) – the deficiencies (or: results from what is lacking; effects from need) with regard to the pressures (or: from the squeezings, tribulations and tight spots) that pertain to the Anointed One (or: that belong to and affect Christ; or: from the Christ) over [the situation of] His body, which is the called-out community (which exists being the summoned-forth congregation – the ecclesia) (or: Now I am progressively filled with joy – in union with the feelings coming from passion over you folks – and am habitually filling up again, to bring balance, the effects of what is lacking, resulting from the distresses of Christ – resident within my flesh – concerning His body, which is the invited-out assembly),

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

16 Now may our Lord, Jesus Christ Himself, even (or: and) our God and Father, the One loving us and giving a calling alongside pertaining to the Age (or: performance as a Paraclete with age-lasting aid; eonian relief, encouragement, consolation and admonition) as well as a good expectation (or: a virtuous and excellent hope) in grace (or: in union with favor), 17 be at once calling your hearts alongside and establishing (making to stand fast; making stable and firm) you in every good (or: excellent; virtuous) work and word (or: thought; idea; message) [with other MSS: in all the Word and in virtuous action].

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.