1 Timothy 3:5 Cross References - JMNT

5 now if anyone does not know (has not seen and is not aware) to put himself or herself at the head of (= lead, provide for and protect) her or his own household so as to stand before and lead them, how will she or he be thoughtful of, take an interest in, and take care of, God's called-out community?

Acts 20:28

28 "Continue holding focused toward and taking attentive care – to and for yourselves, as well as for all the little flock among whom the Set-apart Breath-effect Itself (or: the Holy Spirit Himself) set you folks [as] ones who look around over people for their welfare and oversee situations – to be continuously (or: habitually) acting as shepherds of God's [other MSS: {the} Lord's {= Christ's or Yahweh's}] called-out community which He built as a surrounding for Himself (or: made to encompass Himself), through (or: by means of) His own blood.

1 Corinthians 10:32

32 Progressively come to be people who are not obstacles or causes for stumbling (= become inoffensive) – both to Jews and to Greeks (or: those of the Hellenistic culture), as well as to God's called-out community (or: God's called-out person),

Ephesians 1:22

22 and then placed and aligned all people in humbleness under His feet (or: and arranges everyone in a supportive position by His feet; or: then by the feet which are Him He subjects all things), and yet gives (or: gave) Him, [as] a Head (or: Source; origin and beginning of a series; or: extreme and top part) over all humanity and all things, for the called-out community (or: and as a Head over all humanity, gave Him to the summoned and gathered assembly; or: and then by the called-forth congregation He gives Him [to be the] Source over [the situation] of, and for, all humanity),

Ephesians 5:24

24 But, just as the called-out community (summoned-forth assembly) continuously humbly aligns and places itself under for (or, as a passive: is normally subjected in support to) the Christ, thus also the wives to (or: for; with) the husbands, in everything (or: within all; among all mankind).

Ephesians 5:32

32 This secret (or: mystery) is great (= important), but I am speaking unto (or: into; with a view to) Christ, even (or: and; as well as) unto (or: into) the called-out community (or: the called-out person; or: the summoned-forth assembly).

1 Timothy 3:15

15 but if ever I should be slow (or: delay), [I am writing this] to the end that you may see and thus know how it is necessary and binding to be twisted and turned back up again within God's household (or: to be treated, conducted or caused to behave in God's house), which is (or: exists being) a called-out community of [the] Living God (or: whose source is a living God; which has the qualities and character of [the] living God; or: which is a living god), a pillar and foundational seat of The Truth (or: a base from and an effect of a settling of reality),

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.