Zechariah 7:1 Cross References - Great

1 It happened also in the fourth yeare of kynge Darius, that the worde of the Lorde came vnto Zachary in the fourth daye of the nynth moneth, which is called, Casleu:

Ezra 6:14-15

14 And the Elders of the Iewes builded, and they prospered thorow the prophecienge of Aggeus the prophet and Zachary the sonne of Iddo: and they builded, and layed vp the foundacion, according to the commaundement of the God of Israell, and after the commaundement of Cyrus, and Darius & Arthaxerses kynges of Persia. 15 And the house was fynisshed the thyrde daye of the moneth Adar, euen in the syxte yere of the raygne of kynge Darius.

Nehemiah 1:1

1 The wordes of Nehemia the sonne of Hachalia. It fortuned in the moneth Chisleu in the twentie yere, that I was in the castell at Susan:

Haggai 2:10

10 Thus the glory of the last house shalbe greater then the fyrst, sayth the Lord of hostes: & in thys place wyll I geue peace, sayeth the Lorde of hostes.

Haggai 2:20

20 is not the sede yet in the barne? haue not the vynes, the fyggetrees, the pomgranates, and olyue trees bene yet vnfrutefull? but from thys daye forth, I shal make them to prospere.

Zechariah 1:1

1 In the eyght moneth of the seconde yeare of kynge Darius, came the worde of the Lord vnto Zacharie the sonne of Barachias, the sonne of Addo, the prophete, sayenge:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.