Revelation 16 Cross References - Great

1 And I herde a great voyce out of the temple saying to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, powre out youre vyalles of wrath vpon the erth. 2 And the fyrst Angell went, & powred out his vyall vpon the erth, & there fell a noysome, & a sore botche vpon the men whych had the marke of the beast, & vpon them whych worshypped hys ymage. 3 And the second Angell shed out hys vyall vpon the see, and it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuyng thyng dyed in the see. 4 And the thyrde Angell shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, & they turned to bloud. 5 And I herde an Angell saye: Lorde, whych arte and wast, thou arte ryghteous & holy, because thou hast geuen soche iudgementes, 6 for they shed out the bloud of sainctes, and prophetes, & therfore hast thou geuen them bloud to dryncke: for they are worthy. 7 And I herde another saye: euen so Lorde God almyghty: true and ryghteous are thy iudgementes. 8 And the fourth Angell powred out hys vyall on the sunne, & power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heat of fyre. 9 And the men raged in gret heate: & spake euyll of the name of God, which hath power ouer those plages, & they repented not of theyr euill dedis, to geue him glory. 10 And the fyft Angell powred out his viall vpon the seate of the beaste, and his kyngdome wexed derke, & they gnewe theyr tonges for sorowe, 11 and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorowe & payne of theyr sores, & repented not of theyr dedes. 12 And the syxt Angell powred out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, & the water dryed vp, that the wayes of the kynges of the east shulde be prepared. 13 And I sawe thre vnclene spretes lyke frogges come out of the mouth of the dragon, & out of the mouth of the beast, & out of the mouth of the false Prophete. 14 For they are the spretes of deuyls, workyng myracles, to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole world, to gathre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God almyghty. 15 Beholde, I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth, and kepeth hys garmentes, lest he walke naked, and men se hys fylthynes. 16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon. 17 And the seuenth Angell powred out hys vyall into the ayre. And ther cam a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, saying, it is done. 18 And ther folowed, voyces, thondringes, and lightenynges, & ther was a greate erthquake, suche as was not sence men were vpon the erth, so mighty an erthquake & so great. 19 And the great cytye was deuyded into thre partes, and the cyties of all nacyons fell. And greate Babylon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cup of the wyne of the fearcenes of his wrathe. 20 Euery yle also fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde. 21 And ther fell a greate hayle (as it had bene talentes) out of heauen vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God: because of the plage of the hayle, for it was great, and the plage of it sore.

1 Samuel 15:3

3 Nowe therfore go, & smyte Amaleck, and destroye ye all that pertayneth vnto them, & se thou haue no compassyon on them slaye both man & woman, infant & sucklynge. oxe, and shepe, camell and Asse.

1 Samuel 15:18

18 And the Lorde sent the on a iourneye, & sayde: Go, & vtterlye destroye those synners the Amaleckites, and fyght agaynst them, vntill thou vtterlye destroye them.

Psalms 79:6

6 Poure out thyne indignacion vpon the Heathen that haue not knowne the, and vpon the kyngdome that haue not called vpon thy name.

Jeremiah 10:25

25 Poure out thyne indygnacyon rather vpon the Gentiles, that knowe the not, & vpon the people that call not on thy name. And that because they haue consumed, deuoured and destroyed Iacob, and haue made his habytacyon waist.

Ezekiel 9:5-8

5 And to the other, he sayde that I myght heare: Go ye after hym thorowe the cytie, slaye, ouerse none, spare none: 6 kyll and destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, chyldren, and wyues. But as for those, that haue the marcke vpon them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they beganne at the elders, whych were in the temple, 7 for he had sayde vnto them: When ye haue defyled the temple, and fylled the courte wyth the slayne, then go your waye forth. So they wente out, & slewe downe thorowe the citie. 8 Nowe when they had done the slaughter, & I yet escaped: I fell downe vpon my face, & cryed, sayinge: O Lorde, wylt thou then destroye all the resydue of Israel, in thy sore displeasure, that thou hast poured vpon Ierusalem?

Ezekiel 10:2

2 Then sayde he that sat therin, to him that had the lynen rayment vpon hym: Crepe in betwene the wheles that are vnder the Cherubyns, and take thyne hande full of hoate coales out from betwene the Cherubyns, and cast them ouer the cytie. And he crepte in, that I myght se.

Zephaniah 3:8

8 Therfore, ye shall wayte vpon me (sayth the Lorde) vntyll the tyme that I stande vp: for I am determined, to gather the people & to bring the kingdomes together, that I may poure out myne anger, ye all my wrothfull dyspleasure vpon them. For al the worlde shall be consumed with the fyre of my gelousy.

Matthew 13:41-42

41 The sonne of man shall sende forth his Angels, & they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende, and them which do iniquite: 42 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylinge & gnasshyng of teth.

Revelation 14:9-11

9 And the thyrd angell folowed them sayinge wt a loude voyce: If any man worshyppe the beast and his ymage, & receaue his marke in his forhed, or on his hande, 10 the same shall drincke the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cup of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre & brymstone, before the holy angels, & before the lambe. 11 And the smoke of theyr torment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye nor night, which worshyppe the beast & his ymage & whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name.

Revelation 14:15

15 And another angell came out of the temple, crying with a lowde voyce to hym that sate on the clowde: Thruste in thy sykle & repe, for thy tyme is come to repe, for the corne of the erth is rype.

Revelation 14:18

18 And another angell came out from the aultre, whych had power ouer fyre, and cryed with a lowde crye to hym that had the sharpe sykle, & sayde: thrust in thy sharpe sykle, & gaddre the clusters of the erth, for her grapes are rype.

Revelation 15:1

1 And I sawe another sygne in heuen gret and meruellous, seuen Angels, hauyng the seuen laste plages, for in them is fulfylled the wrath of God.

Revelation 15:5-8

5 And after that, I loked, and beholde, the temple of the tabernacle of testimony was open in heauen, 6 and the seuen Angels came out of the temple whych had the seuen plages clothed in pure and bryght lynnen, and hauyng theyr brestes gyrded with golden gerdels. 7 And one of the fowre beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels seuen golden vyalles, full of the wrath of God, whych lyueth for euermore. 8 And the temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God & of hys power, and no man was able to entre into the temple, tyll the seuen plages of the seuen Angels were fulfylled.

Revelation 16:2-12

2 And the fyrst Angell went, & powred out his vyall vpon the erth, & there fell a noysome, & a sore botche vpon the men whych had the marke of the beast, & vpon them whych worshypped hys ymage. 3 And the second Angell shed out hys vyall vpon the see, and it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuyng thyng dyed in the see. 4 And the thyrde Angell shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, & they turned to bloud. 5 And I herde an Angell saye: Lorde, whych arte and wast, thou arte ryghteous & holy, because thou hast geuen soche iudgementes, 6 for they shed out the bloud of sainctes, and prophetes, & therfore hast thou geuen them bloud to dryncke: for they are worthy. 7 And I herde another saye: euen so Lorde God almyghty: true and ryghteous are thy iudgementes. 8 And the fourth Angell powred out hys vyall on the sunne, & power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heat of fyre. 9 And the men raged in gret heate: & spake euyll of the name of God, which hath power ouer those plages, & they repented not of theyr euill dedis, to geue him glory. 10 And the fyft Angell powred out his viall vpon the seate of the beaste, and his kyngdome wexed derke, & they gnewe theyr tonges for sorowe, 11 and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorowe & payne of theyr sores, & repented not of theyr dedes. 12 And the syxt Angell powred out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, & the water dryed vp, that the wayes of the kynges of the east shulde be prepared.

Revelation 16:17

17 And the seuenth Angell powred out hys vyall into the ayre. And ther cam a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, saying, it is done.

Exodus 9:8-11

8 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses and Aaron: take youre handes full of asshes out of the fornace, and Moses shall sprynkle it vp into the ayre, in the syght of Pharao, 9 and it shall turne to dust in all the lande of Egipt: that ther maye be swellyng sores with blaynes both on man and beaste thorowout all the lande of Egipte. 10 And they toke asshes oute of the fornace, and stode before Pharao, and Moses sprynkled it vp into the ayre. And there were sores with blaynes both in men and in beastes: 11 and the sorcerers coulde not stande before Moses because of the blaines: for ther were botches vpon the enchaunters & vpon all the Egipcians.

Deuteronomy 7:15

15 Moreouer the Lorde will take awaye from the all maner infirmityes, and will put none of the euell diseases of Egypte (whiche thou knowest) vpon the, but wyll sende them vpon all them that hate the.

Deuteronomy 28:27

27 The Lord wyll smyte the wt the botche of Egypte, and the emarodes, scalle, & mangenesse, that thou mayest not be healed therof.

1 Samuel 5:6

6 But the hande of the Lorde was heuy vpon them of Asdod, & he destroyed them, & smote them wt emerodes, bothe Asdod & in all the coastes therof.

1 Samuel 5:9

9 And they caryed the arcke of the God of Israel about. And it fortuned, that when they had caryed it about, there was by the hande of the Lorde a myghtye greate noyse in the cytie, & he smote the men of the cytie both small and greate: & they had secrete diseases,

2 Chronicles 21:15

15 And thou shalt suffre great payne: euen a dysease of thy bowelles, vntyll thy guttes fall out by reason of thy sycknes, daye by daye.

2 Chronicles 21:18

18 And after all these thynges, the Lorde smote him in his bowelles wt an incurable disease.

Job 2:7-8

7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole of hys fote vnto hys crowne: 8 so that he sat vpon the ground in the asshes, and scraped of the fylth of hys sores with a potsherde.

Psalms 78:26

26 So man dyd eate angels fode, for he sent them meate ynough.

Isaiah 1:5-6

5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy. 6 From the sole of the fote vnto the head, there is no whole parte in all your body: but all are woundes, botches, sores, & strypes, whych can nether be helped, bounde vp, molifyed, ner eased wt any oyntment.

Isaiah 3:17

17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the daughters of Sion, and shal discouer theyr shame.

Isaiah 3:24

24 And in steade of good smell, there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe lowse bandes. And for well sett heare there shalbe baldenesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for theyr bewty witherdnesse, and sonne burnyng.

Luke 16:20-22

20 And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus, which laye at his gate full of sores, 21 desyrynge to be refresshed with the cromes, which fell from the ryche mannes borde. The dogges came also, and lycked his sores, 22 And it fortuned, that the begger died, and was caryed by the angelles into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also dyed, and was buryed.

Acts 12:23

23 And immediatly the angell of the Lorde smote hym, because he gaue not God the honour, and he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost.

Revelation 8:7

7 The fyrst Angell blewe, & there was made hayle & fyre, which were myngled wt bloud, & they were cast into the erth: & the thirde parte of trees was burnt, and all grene grasse was brent.

Revelation 13:15-18

15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beast, & that the ymage of the beast shuld speake, and shuld cause, that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beast, shuld be kylled. 16 And he made all, both small & gret, ryche & poore, fre & bond, to receaue a marke in theyr ryght handes or in theyr forheddes. 17 And that no man myght by or sell, saue he that had the marke or the name of the beast, other the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wysdome. Let hym that hath wytt, count the nombre of the beast. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is syxe hondred, threscore, and syxe.

Revelation 14:16

16 And he that sate on the cloude, thrust in hys sycle on the earth, and the erth was reped.

Revelation 16:11

11 and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorowe & payne of theyr sores, & repented not of theyr dedes.

Genesis 7:22

22 What soeuer was (in whose nostrels the breth of lyfe dyd brethe, all these in the drye lande dyed.)

Exodus 7:17-21

17 Thus sayth the Lorde: In thys thou shalt knowe that I am the Lorde. Beholde, I wyll smyte (with the staffe that is in myne hande) the water that is in the ryuer, and it shall turne to bloude. 18 And the fyshe that is in the ryuer shall dye, and the ryuer shall stynke: and it shall greue the Egyptians to dryncke of the water of the ryuer. 19 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saye vnto Aaron: take thy staffe, and stretche out thyne hande ouer the waters of Egypte, ouer their streames, ouer their ryuers and pondes and all pooles of water, whych they haue, that they maye be bloude, and that there maye be bloud thorowe out all the lande of Egypte: both in vessels of wodd and also of stone. 20 And Moses and Aaron dyd euen as the Lorde commaunded. And he lyfte vp the staffe and smote the waters that were in the ryuer in the syghte of Pharao and in the syghte of hys seruauntes, and all the water that was in the ryuer, turned into bloud. 21 And the fyshe that was in the ryuer dyed and the ryuer stanke: and the Egyptians coulde not dryncke of the waters of the ryuer. And there was bloude thorowe out all the lande of Egypte.

Psalms 78:44

44 How he had wrought hys myracles in Egypte, and his wondres in the felde of Zoan.

Psalms 105:29

29 He turned theyr waters into bloude, and slewe their fyshe.

Ezekiel 16:38

38 Moreouer, I will iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, and recompence the thyne awne bloude in wrath and gelousy.

Revelation 8:8-9

8 And the seconde angell blewe: & as it were a gret mountayne burnyng wt fyre was caste into the see, and the thyrde parte of the see tourned to bloude, 9 and the thyrde parte of the creatures which had lyfe, dyed, & the thyrde part of shyppes were destroyed.

Revelation 10:2

2 and he had in his hande a lytell boke open, and he put his ryght fote vpon the see, & his lyfe fote on the erth.

Revelation 11:6

6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesying: and haue power ouer waters to turne them to bloude, and to smyte the erth with all maner plages, as often as they wyll.

Revelation 13:1

1 And I sawe a beaste ryse out of the see, hauyng seuen heddes, and ten hornes, and vpon his hornes ten crounes, & vpon his heed, the name of blasphemy.

Exodus 7:17-20

17 Thus sayth the Lorde: In thys thou shalt knowe that I am the Lorde. Beholde, I wyll smyte (with the staffe that is in myne hande) the water that is in the ryuer, and it shall turne to bloude. 18 And the fyshe that is in the ryuer shall dye, and the ryuer shall stynke: and it shall greue the Egyptians to dryncke of the water of the ryuer. 19 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saye vnto Aaron: take thy staffe, and stretche out thyne hande ouer the waters of Egypte, ouer their streames, ouer their ryuers and pondes and all pooles of water, whych they haue, that they maye be bloude, and that there maye be bloud thorowe out all the lande of Egypte: both in vessels of wodd and also of stone. 20 And Moses and Aaron dyd euen as the Lorde commaunded. And he lyfte vp the staffe and smote the waters that were in the ryuer in the syghte of Pharao and in the syghte of hys seruauntes, and all the water that was in the ryuer, turned into bloud.

Exodus 8:5

5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses: saye vnto Aaron: stretche forth thyne hande with thy rodd ouer the stremes, ouer the ryuers, and ouer the pondes, that thou mayest brynge vp frogges vpon the lande of Egypte.

Isaiah 50:2

2 For why wolde no man receaue me, when I came? and when I called, no man gaue me answere. Is my hande shortened that it might not helpe? or haue I not power to deliuer? lo, at a worde I dryncke vp the see and of water floudes I make drye lande: so that for want of water, the fyshe corrupt and dye for thurst.

Ezekiel 35:8

8 His mountaynes will I fyll with his slayne men: thy hilles, valleys and ryuers, shall lye full of them, that are slayne with the swearde.

Hosea 13:15

15 Yet can I se no comforte, for when he is nowe the goodlyest amonge the brethren, the east wynde (euen the wynde of the Lorde) shall come downe from the wildernes, and drye vp his conduytes, & dryncke vp his welles: he shall spoyle the treasure of all pleasaunt vessels.

Revelation 8:10-11

10 And the thyrde Angell blew, & ther fell a gret starre from heauen, burnyng as it were a lampe, & it fell into the thyrde parte of the ryuers, & into fountaynes of waters, 11 & the name of the starre is called wormwod. And the thyrde parte was turned to wormwod. And many men dyed of the waters, because they were made bytter.

Revelation 14:7

7 saying wt a lowde voyce: Feare God, & geue honour to hym, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshyppe him, that made heauen & erth, & the see, & fountaines of water.

Revelation 16:5

5 And I herde an Angell saye: Lorde, whych arte and wast, thou arte ryghteous & holy, because thou hast geuen soche iudgementes,

Genesis 18:25

25 That be farre from the, that thou shuldest do after thys sayinge, & sley the ryghtwes with the wicked, & that the ryghtwes shulde be as the wicked, that be farre from the. Shall not the iudge of all the worlde do accordynge to ryghte?

Psalms 129:4

4 But the ryghteous Lorde hath hewen the snares of the vngodly in peces.

Psalms 145:17

17 The Lorde is ryghteous in all his wayes, and holy in all hys worckes.

Lamentations 1:18

18 The Lorde is ryghtuous, for I haue prouoked his countenaunce vnto anger. O take hede all ye people, and consydre my heuinesse. My maydens and my yonge men are led awaye into captiuyte.

Daniel 9:14

14 Therfore hath the Lorde made haste, to brynge this plage vpon vs, for the Lorde our God is ryghteous, in all his workes whych he doth: for why? We wolde not herken vnto hys voyce.

John 17:25

25 O righteous father, the worlde also hath not knowen the: but I haue knowen the: and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me.

Romans 2:5

5 But thou after thy stubburnesse, and herte that cannot repent, heapest vnto thy selfe wrath agaynst the daye of vengeaunce, when shalbe opened the ryghtewes iudgement of God,

Romans 3:5

5 But yf oure vnryghtewesnes make the ryghtewesnes of God more excellent: what shall we saye? Is God vnryghteous, which taketh vngeaunce? I speake after the maner of men:

2 Thessalonians 1:5-6

5 whych is a token of the ryghtewes iudgement of God, that ye are counted worthy of the kyngdome of God, for whych ye also suffre. 6 It is verely a ryghtewes thyng with God that he recompence tribulacyon to them that trouble you:

Revelation 1:4

4 Iohn to the seuen congregacions in Asia. Grace be vnto you and peace, from him which is and which was, and which is to come, & from the seuen spretes which are before his trone,

Revelation 1:8

8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endynge, sayth the Lorde almyghty, which is and which was, and which is to come.

Revelation 4:8

8 And the foure beastes had eche one of them .vi. wynges about hym, & they were full of eyes wt in. And they had no rest daye nether nyght saying. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almyghty, whych was, and is, and is to come.

Revelation 11:17

17 sayinge: we geue the thankes O Lord God almyghtye: whych arte & wast, & arte to come, for thou haste receaued thy great myght, and hast raygned.

Revelation 15:3-4

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, & the songe of the lambe, sayinge: Gret and maruelous are thy workes: Lorde God almyghtye, iuste & true are thy wayes, thou Kyng of Saynctes. 4 Who shall not feare o Lorde, & gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy, and all gentyls shall come and worshyppe before the, for thy iudgementes are made manyfeste.

Revelation 16:4

4 And the thyrde Angell shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, & they turned to bloud.

Revelation 16:7

7 And I herde another saye: euen so Lorde God almyghty: true and ryghteous are thy iudgementes.

Revelation 19:2

2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the gret whore which dyd corrupt the erth wt her fornicacion, & hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of hyr hande.

Deuteronomy 32:42-43

42 I will make myne arowes droncke with bloude, and my swerde shall eate fleshe, & that for the bloude of the slayne, & for their captiuite, sens the begynnynge of the wrath of the enemye. 43 Prayse ye hethen his people, for he will auenge the bloude of hys seruauntes, & wyll auenge hym of his aduersaries, and wylbe mercyfull vnto his lande, and to hys people.

2 Kings 24:4

4 and for the innocent bloude that he shed, and fylled Ierusalem with innocent bloude: and the Lorde wolde not be reconcyled.

Isaiah 49:26

26 And wyll fede thyne enemyes with theyr awne fleshe, and make them drynke of their awne bloude, as of swete wyne. And all flessh shall knowe, O Iacob, that I am the Lorde thy sauiour, thy noble redemer.

Isaiah 51:22-23

22 Thus sayeth thy Lorde: thy Lorde and God, the defender of hys people: Beholde, I wyll take the slombrynge cuppe out of thy hande, euen the cuppe wyth the dregges of my wrath: that from hence forth thou shalt neuer drinke it more, 23 but I wyll putt it into their hande that trouble the: whych haue spoken to thy soule: stoupe downe, that we maye go ouer the: & thou laydest thy body euen wyth the grounde, and as the strete to go vpon.

Jeremiah 2:30

30 It is but lost laboure, that I smyte youre chyldren, for they receaue not my correccion. Youre awne swearde destroyeth youre prophetes, lyke a deuouringe lyon.

Jeremiah 26:11

11 Then spake the prestes and the prophetes vnto the rulers and to all the people, these wordes: Thys man is worthy to dye, for he hath preached agaynst thys citye, as ye youre selues haue hearde with your eares.

Jeremiah 26:16

16 Then sayde the rulers and the people vnto the prestes and prophetes: This man maye not be condempned to death, for he hath preached vnto vs in the name of the Lorde oure God.

Lamentations 4:13

13 Which neuerthelesse is come to passe for the synne of her prophetes, and for the wickednes of her prestes: that haue shed innocentes bloude within her.

Matthew 7:2

2 For as ye iudge, so shall ye be iudged. And with what measure ye meate, with the same shall other men measure to you.

Matthew 21:35-41

35 And the husbandmen caught his seruauntes, & bet one, killed another, & stoned another. 36 Againe, he sent other seruauntes, moo then the fyrst: and they dyd vnto them lykewyse. 37 But last of all, he sent vnto them his awne sonne, saying: they wyll stande in awe of my sonne. 38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne, they sayd amonge them selues: This is the heyre: come, let vs kyll him, & let vs enioye his inheritaunce 39 And they caught hym, & thrust hym out of the vineyarde, & slewe him. 40 When the Lord therfore of the vineyard commeth, what wil he do vnto those husbandmen? 41 They sayd vnto him: For asmoch as they be euell, he will cruellye destroye them, & will let out his vineyard vnto other husbandmen, which shall delyuer hym the frute in due seasons.

Matthew 23:30-37

30 & saye: yf we had bene in the dayes of our fathers, we wolde not haue bene parteners wyth them in the bloude of the Prophetes. 31 And so ye be wytnesses vnto youre selues, that ye are the chyldren of them whych kylled the prophetes. 32 Fulfyll ye lykewyse the measure of your fathers. 33 Ye serpentes, ye generacion of vypers, how wyll ye scape the damnacyon of hell? 34 Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you Prophetes & wyse men, & scrybes, and some of them ye shall kyll & crucifye: & some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, & persecute them from cytie to cytie: 35 that vpon you maye come all the ryghteous bloude whych hath bene shedd vpoon the erthe, from the bloude of ryghteous. Abel, vnto the bloude of Zachary sonne of Barachias, whom ye slewe betwene the temple & the altare. 36 Uerely I saye vnto you: all these thynges shall come vpon this generacion. 37 O Ierusalem, Ierusalem, thou that kyllest the prophetes, & stonest them which are sent vnto the: how often wolde. I haue gathered thy chyldren together, euen as the henne gathereth her chyckens vnder her wynges, & ye wolde not?

Luke 11:49-50

49 Therfore sayde the wisdome of God, I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and some of them they shall slaye and persecute: 50 that the bloude of all Prophetes (which is shed from the begynninge of the worlde) maye be required of this generacion,

Luke 12:48

48 But he that knewe not, and dyd commytte thynges worthy of strypes, shalbe beaten with fewe strypes. For vnto whomsoeuer moch is geuen, of him shalbe moche requyred. And to whom men haue committed moch: of him wyll they aske the more.

Hebrews 10:29

29 how moch sorer (suppose ye) shall he be ponisshed which treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God: & counteth the bloude of the testament, wherwith he was sanctifyed, as an vnholy thyng, & doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.

Revelation 6:10-11

10 & they cryed with a lowde voyce, sayinge: How longe taryest thou Lord, holy & true, to iudge & to auenge oure bloud on them that dwel on the erth? 11 And longe whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them. And it was sayde vnto them, that they shuld reste yet for a lytle season vntyll the nomber of theyr felowes, and brethren, & of them that shulde be kylled as they were, were fulfylled.

Revelation 11:18

18 And the nacyons were angry, and thy wrath is come, & the tyme of the deed that they shuld be iudged and that thou shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the Prophetes and Saynctes, & to them that feare thy name small & great & shuldest destroye them, which destroye the erth.

Revelation 13:10

10 He that leadeth into captyuyte, shall go into captyuyte: he that kylleth with a swearde, must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacyence, & the fayth of the saynctes.

Revelation 13:15

15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beast, & that the ymage of the beast shuld speake, and shuld cause, that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beast, shuld be kylled.

Revelation 17:6-7

6 And I sawe the wyfe droncken wyth the bloude of saynctes, and with the bloude of the wytnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her: I wondred with great meruayle. 7 And the Angell sayde vnto me: wherfore maruaylest thou? I wyll shewe the the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that beryth her, which hath seuen heades and ten hornes.

Revelation 18:20

20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen, and ye holy Apostles and Prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgement on her.

Revelation 18:24

24 & in her was founde the bloude of the Prophetes, & of the saynctes, & of all that were slayne vpon the erth.

Isaiah 6:6

6 Then flewe one of the Seraphins vnto me, hauynge a hote cole in his hande, which he had taken from the aulter with the tonges,

Ezekiel 10:7

7 Then the one Cherub reached forth hys hande from vnder the Cherubyns, vnto the fyre that was betwene the Cherubyns, and toke therof, and gaue it vnto hym that had on the lynen rayment in his hande: which toke it, & went out.

Revelation 6:9

9 And when he had opened the fyft seale, I saw vnder the aultre the soules of them that were kylled for the worde of God, & for the testymony whych they had,

Revelation 8:3-5

3 And another angell came & stode before the aultre, hauynge a golden senser, & moch of odoures was geuen vnto him, that he shulde offre of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter, whych was before the seate. 4 And the smoke of the odoures whych cam of the prayers of all saynctes, ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande. 5 And the Angell toke the senser, and fylled it wyth fyre of the aulter, and caste it into the erth, and voyces were made, & thondrynges & lyghtnynges, and erthquake.

Revelation 14:10

10 the same shall drincke the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cup of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre & brymstone, before the holy angels, & before the lambe.

Isaiah 24:23

23 The mone shall be abashed, and the sunne ashamed, when the Lorde of hostes shall raygne in mount Sion and in Ierusalem with worshyp, and in the syght of such as shalbe of hys councell.

Jonah 4:8

8 And when the Sunne was vp, God prepared a feruent east wynde: & the Sunne bett ouer the head of Ionas, that he faynted agayne, & wysshed vnto his soule, that he myght dye, and sayd: It is better for me to dye, then to lyue.

Matthew 13:6

6 and when the sonne was vp, they caught heat, & because they had no rote, they wyddred awaye.

Luke 21:25

25 And ther shalbe sygnes in the Sonne, and in the Moone, and in the starres: and in the erth the people shalbe at their wyttes ende, thorow dispayre. The see and the water shall roare,

Acts 2:20

20 The sunne shalbe turned into darcknes, & the moone into bloude, before that great and notable daye of the Lorde come.

Revelation 6:12

12 And I behelde, when he had opened the syxt seale: & lo, ther was a great erthquake and the sunne was as blacke as sacke cloth made of heere. And the mone wexed all, euen as bloud,

Revelation 7:16

16 They shall honger no more, nether thyrst, nether shall the sunne lyght on them, nether eny heate.

Revelation 8:12

12 And the fourth Angell blew, and the thyrde parte of the sunne was smytten, and the thirde parte of the mone, and the thyrde parte of starres: so that the thyrd part of them was darckned. And the daye was smytten, that the thyrde part of it shulde not shyne, & lykewyse the nyght.

Revelation 9:2

2 And he opened the bottomlesse pytt, and the smoke of the pytt arose as the smoke of a gret fornace. And the sunne, and the ayer were darckned by the reason of the smoke of the pytt.

Revelation 9:17-18

17 & thus I sawe the horses in a vision, & them that sate on them, hauynge fyrye habbergions of a Iacincte couloure, & brymstone, & the heades of the horses were as the heades of lyons. And out of their mouthes went forth fyre and smoke, & brymstone. 18 And of these thre was the thyrd part of men kylled: that is to saye, of fyre, smoke, and brymstone: whych proceded out of the mouthes of them:

Joshua 7:19

19 And Iosua sayde vnto Acan: my sonne, I beseche the, geue glorie to the Lord God of Israell, & geue him praise, & shewe me what thou hast done, hyde it not from me.

2 Kings 6:33

33 Whyle he yet talked with them: Beholde the messenger came downe vnto him, & sayde beholde, this euell is of the Lorde, & what more shall I loke for of the Lorde

2 Chronicles 28:22

22 And in the very tyme of hys tribulacion dyd kyng Ahaz trespace yet moare agaynst the Lord.

Isaiah 1:5

5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy.

Isaiah 8:21

21 If he do not thys, he stombleth and suffreth hunger. And yf he suffre hunger he is out of pacience, and blasphemeth his kyng & his God. Then loketh he vp warde, & downe warde to the earth,

Jeremiah 5:3

3 Where as thou (O Lord) lokest onely vpon fayth and truthe. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast corrected them for amendement, but they refused thy correction. They made theyr faces harder then a stone, and wolde not amende.

Jeremiah 6:29-30

29 The bellous are brent in the fyre, the leade is not molten, the melter melteth in vayne for the euell is not taken awaye from them. 30 Therfore do they call them naughty syluer, because the Lorde hath cast them out.

Jeremiah 13:6

6 And it happened longe after this, that the Lorde spake vnto me. Up, & get the to Euphrates, and fet the breche from thence, which I commaunded the to hyde there.

Ezekiel 24:13

13 In thy fylthynes euen in thy myscheuous dedes, thou dost contynue & because thy fylthynesse is abhominable, for I haue clensed the, but thou art not clensed. Thou shalt not be pourged from thyne vnclennesse, tyll I haue powred my wrothful indygnacion vpon the.

Daniel 5:22-23

22 And thou his sonne (O Balthazar) for all this, hast not submytted thyne herte, though thou knewest all these thinges: 23 but hast magnifyed thy selfe aboue the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of hys house were brought before the: that thou, and thy Lordes? with thy quene and concubynes, myght dryncke wyne therout. And hast praysed the Idoles of syluer and gold, copper and yron, of wodd and stone. As for the God in whose hande consysteth thy breth and all thy wayes: thou hast not loued hym.

Amos 4:6-12

6 Therfore haue I geuen you ydle teeth in all youre cyties, and scarsnesse of bred in all your palaces: yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 7 When there were but thre monethes vnto the haruest, I withelde the rayne from you: ye I rayned vpon one cytie: and not vpon another, one pece of grounde was moystured wt rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon, was drye. 8 Wherfore two, yee, thre cyties came vnto one, to drincke water: but they were not satisfyed, yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 9 I haue smytten you with drouth & blastinge: and loke howe many orchardes, vyneyardes, fyggetrees & olyuetrees ye had: the caterpyller hath eaten them vp. But yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 10 Pestylence haue I sent amonge you, as I dyd in Egypt: your yonge men haue I slayne with the swerde, and caused your horses to be taken captyue: I made the stinckynge sauour of youre tentes to come vp into youre nostrels. Yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 11 Some of you haue I ouerthrowen, as I ouerthrewe Sodome and Gomorre: so that ye were as a bronde plucte out of the fyre. Yet wyll ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. 12 Therfore, thus will I handle the agayne, O Israel, ye euen thus will I handle the. Make the ready then to mete thy God, O Israel.

Luke 13:3

3 I tell you naye: but except ye repent: ye shall all lyke wyse perysshe.

Luke 13:5

5 I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent, ye all shall lyke wyse perysshe.

2 Corinthians 12:21

21 For I feare, lest it come to passe, that yf I come, I shall not fynde you soch as I wolde: & that I shalbe founde vnto you soch as ye wolde not. I feare, lest ther be amonge you debates, enuyinges, wrath, stryfes, bakbytynges, whysperinges, swellynges, & sedicyons:2Co

Revelation 2:21

21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornycacyon, & she repented not.

Revelation 9:20

20 And the remanaunt of the men whych were not kylled by these plages, repented not of the dedes of their handes that they shulde not worshyppe deuyls, & ymages of golde and syluer, and brasse, and stone, and of wood, whych nether can se, nether heare, nether go.

Revelation 11:13

13 And the same houre was ther a great erthquake, and the tenth parte of the cytye fell, and in the erthquake were slayne names of men seuen .M. and the remnaunt were feared, and gaue glory to the God of heauen.

Revelation 16:10-11

10 And the fyft Angell powred out his viall vpon the seate of the beaste, and his kyngdome wexed derke, & they gnewe theyr tonges for sorowe, 11 and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorowe & payne of theyr sores, & repented not of theyr dedes.

Revelation 16:21

21 And ther fell a greate hayle (as it had bene talentes) out of heauen vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God: because of the plage of the hayle, for it was great, and the plage of it sore.

Exodus 10:21-23

21 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses: stretch out thy hande vnto heauen, that there maye be vpon the lande of Egipt darcknes, which maye be felt. 22 And Moses stretched forth his hande vnto heauen, and there was a thicke darcknes vpon all the lande of Egipt thre dayes longe, 23 no man sawe another, nether rose vp from the place where he was by the space of thre dayes: but all the children of Israel had lyght where they dwelled.

Psalms 78:49

49 He smote their catel also with haylestones, & their flockes with hote thonder boltes.

Isaiah 8:21-22

21 If he do not thys, he stombleth and suffreth hunger. And yf he suffre hunger he is out of pacience, and blasphemeth his kyng & his God. Then loketh he vp warde, & downe warde to the earth, 22 & beholde, there is trouble and darckenesse, vexacion is rounde aboute hym, and the cloude of erroure. And out of soch aduersite, shal he not escape.

Matthew 8:12

12 but the children of the kyngdome shalbe cast out into vtter darcknes: there shalbe weping and gnasshing of teth.

Matthew 13:42

42 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylinge & gnasshyng of teth.

Matthew 13:50

50 & shall cast them into a furnace of fyre: there shalbe wayling & gnasshing of teth.

Matthew 22:13

13 Then sayd the king to the ministers: take & bynde him hand and fote, & cast hym into vtter darcknes there shall be wepynge & gnasshynge of teth.

Matthew 24:51

51 & shall hewe him in peces, & geue hym his porcyon wyth ypocrites: there shalbe wepynge and gnasshynge of teth.

Luke 13:28

28 There shalbe wepinge & gnasihinge of teth, when ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob, and all the Prophetes in the kyngdome of God, and ye youre selues thrust out.

1 Peter 2:17

17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherly feleshyppe. Feare God, honoure the kynge.

Revelation 11:2

2 & the queer which is wt in the temple, cast out & meate it not for it is geuen vnto the Gentyles, & the holy cytye shall they treade vnder fote .xlii. monethes.

Revelation 11:8

8 And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the greate citye, which spritually is called Zodom and Egypte, where oure Lorde was crucyfyed.

Revelation 11:10

10 And they that dwell vpon the erth, shall reioyce ouer them, and be glad, & shall sende gyftes one to another, for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the erth.

Revelation 13:2-4

2 And the beast which I sawe, was lyke a catte of the mountayne, and hys fete were as the fete of a beare, & hys mouth as the mouth of a lyon. And the dragon gaue hym his power & his seate, & gret auctorite: 3 and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wounded to deeth, & his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast, 4 & they worshypped the dragon, whych gaue power vnto the beast, and they worshypped the beast sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with hym?

Revelation 17:9

9 And here is a mynde that hath wysdome. The seuen heades are seuen mountaynes, on which the woman sytteth,

Revelation 17:17

17 For God hath put in theyr hertes to fulfyll his wyll, & to do wyth one consent, for to geue their kyngdome vnto the beast, vntyll the wordes of God be fulfylled.

Revelation 18:2

2 And he cryed myghtely with a stronge voyce, sayinge: Great Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the inhabitacion of deuyls, and the holde of all fowle spretes, and a cage of all vncleane and hatefull byrdes,

Revelation 18:11-19

11 And the marchauntes of the erth shal wepe and wayle in them selues, for no man wyll bye theyr ware eny more, 12 the ware of gold and siluer, & precious stones, nether of pearle, and raynes, and purple, and skarlet, and all thynne wodde, and all maner vessels of yuery, & all maner vessels of most precious wodde, & of brasse & yron, 13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in price, are departed from the, & thou shalt fynde them nomore. 15 The marchauntes of these thynges whyche were wexed ryche, shall stande a farre of from hir, for feare of the punyshement of her, wepynge and waylynge, 16 & saying: Alas, Alas, that gret cytie, that was clothed in raynes and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stones, & pearles: 17 for at one houre so great ryches is come to nought. And euery shyppe gouerner, and all they that occupied shyppes, and shypmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of, 18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnyng, saying: what cytie is lyke vnto this gret citie? 19 And they cast dust on theyr heddes, and cryed wepyng, & waylyng, & sayde: Alas, Alas, that great cytie, wherin were made riche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her costlynes, for at one houre is she made desolate.

Revelation 18:21

21 And a mighty angell toke vp a stone lyke a gret milstone and cast it into the see, saying: with such vyolence shall that gret citie Babylon be cast, & shalbe founde no more.

Revelation 18:23

23 and the voyce of the brydegrom and of the bryde, shalbe herd no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the gret men of the erth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceaued al nacions:

2 Chronicles 36:23

23 Thus sayeth Cyrus kyng of Persia: all the kyngdomes of the earth hath the Lord God of heauen geuen me, and hath charged me to buylde him an house in Ierusalem, that is in Iuda. Wherfore, whosoeuer is amonge you of all hys people, the Lorde his God be with hym, and lett hym go vp.

Ezra 1:2

2 Thus sayth Cirus the kynge of Persia: The Lorde God of heauen hath geuen me all the kyngdomes of the earth, and hath commaunded me to buylde hym an house at Ierusalem which is in Iuda.

Ezra 5:11-12

11 But they answered vs with these wordes, and sayde. We are the seruauntes of him that is God of heauen and earth, and buylde the house that was buylded many yeres agoo which a greate kynge of Israel buylded, and set vp. 12 But after that oure fathers had prouoked the God of heauen vnto wrath, he gaue them ouer into the hande of Nabuchodonozer the king of Babilon, & of the Caldees, which brake downe this house, and caried the people awaye captiue vnto Babilon.

Ezra 6:10

10 that they maye offre swete sauoures vnto the God of heauen, and praye for the kynges lyfe, and for his chyldren.

Ezra 7:12

12 Arthaxerses a king of kynges, Unto Esdras the preast & scrybe of the lawe of the God of heauen, peace and salutacion.

Ezra 7:21

21 I kyng Arthaxerses haue commaunded all the treasures beyonde the water, that loke whatsoeuer Esdras the preaste and scrybe in the lawe of the God of heauen, requireth of you, that ye fulfyll the same spedely,

Ezra 7:23

23 Whatsoeuer also belongeth to the lawe of the God of heauen, let the same be done without anye delaye for the house of the God of heauen, that he be not wroth agaynst the realme, & agaynst the kynge, and hys chyldren.

Nehemiah 1:4

4 It fortuned, that when I hearde these wordes, I sat me downe and wepte, and mourned certayne dayes, & fasted, & prayed before the God of heauen,

Nehemiah 2:4

4 And the kyng sayde vnto me: what is then thy request? I made my prayer also to the God of heauen,

Psalms 136:26

26 O geue thanckes vnto the God of heauen, for hys mercy endureth for euer.

Daniel 2:18-19

18 that they shulde beseche the God of heauen for grace in thys secret, that Daniel & hys felowes with other soche as were wyse in Babylon, perished not. 19 Then was the mystery shewed vnto Daniel in a visyon by nyght. And Daniel praysed the God of heauen.

Daniel 2:44

44 In the dayes of these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlasting kyngdome whych shall not perish, & his kyngdome shal not be geuen ouer to another people: yee, the same shall breake & destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer.

Jonah 1:9

9 He answered them: I am an Ebrue, and I feare the Lorde God of heauen, whych made both the see, & drye lande.

2 Timothy 3:13

13 But the euyll men & disceauers shall wexe worsse and worsse, whill they deceaue and are deceaued them selues.

Revelation 16:2

2 And the fyrst Angell went, & powred out his vyall vpon the erth, & there fell a noysome, & a sore botche vpon the men whych had the marke of the beast, & vpon them whych worshypped hys ymage.

Revelation 16:9

9 And the men raged in gret heate: & spake euyll of the name of God, which hath power ouer those plages, & they repented not of theyr euill dedis, to geue him glory.

Isaiah 8:7

7 Behold, the Lorde shall brynge myghtie & greate floudes of water vpon them: namely, the kynge of the Assirians with all his power: Which shall clyme vp vpon all his floudes, and renne ouer all theyr banckes.

Isaiah 11:15

15 The Lorde also shall cleue the tunges of the Egypcians see, & with a myghtie wynde shall he lyft vp his hande ouer Nilus, and shall smyte hys seuen streames, and make men go ouer drye shod.

Isaiah 41:2-3

2 Who raysed vp the iust man from the rysinge of the Sunne, & called him to go forth? Who cast downe the people, and subdued the kynges before him: that he maye throwe them all to the grounde with his swearde, and scatre them lyke stubble with his bowe? 3 He foloweth vpon them, and goeth safely him self. And that in a waye where before his fote had not troden.

Isaiah 41:25

25 Neuertheles, I haue waked vp one from the North, and he shall come. And another from the East, which shall call vpon my name, & shall treade vpon princes as vpon claye, & as the potter treadeth downe the myre.

Isaiah 42:15

15 I will make wayste both mountayne and hill, & drye vp euery grene thing that groweth theron. I will drye vp the floudes of water, and drincke vp the ryuers.

Isaiah 44:27

27 He sayeth to the grounde: be drye. And I will drye vp thy wader floudes.

Isaiah 46:11

11 I call a byrde out of the East, & the man by whom my councell shall be fulfylled out of farre countrees, as soone as I thyncke to deuise a thynge, I do it.

Jeremiah 50:38-40

38 A drougth vpon their waters, so that they shalbe dried vp. For the lande worshippeth ymages, and delyteth in straunge wondrefull thinges. 39 Therfore shall wylde beastes, lamia & catte of mountaynes, and estryches dwell therin, for there shall neuer man dwell there, nether shall eny man haue his habitation there for euermore. 40 Like as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorre, with the cityes that laye ther aboute, sayth the Lorde. So shall no man dwell there also, nether shall eny man haue there his habitatyon.

Jeremiah 51:36

36 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wyll drincke vp her see, and drye vp her water sprynges.

Ezekiel 38:1-23

1 And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, sayinge. 2 Thou sonne of man, turne thy face towarde Gog the lande of Magog which is the chefe prince at Mesech and Tubal: prophecy agaynst hym, 3 & saye. Thus sayeth the Lord God. O Gog thou chefe prince of Mesech and Tubal: beholde, I will vpon the, 4 & will turne the aboute and put a bytt in thy chawes: I will bringe the forth and all thine hoost, both horse and horsmen, which be all weapened of the best fassion: a great people, that handle altogether speares, shildes, & swerdes: 5 the Perses, Morians and with them the Libians, which all beare shildes and helmettes: 6 Gomer and all his hoostes: the house of Thogorma out of the north quarters, and all his hoostes, yee, and moch people with the. 7 Therfore prepare the, set thy selfe in araye with all thy people, that are come vnto the by heapes, and be thou their defence. 8 After many dayes thou shalt be visited, and in the latter yeares thou shalt come into the lande that hath bene destroyed with the swearde, & now is replenished agayne with diuerse people vpon the mountaines of Israel, which haue longe lyen waste. Yee, they be brought out of the nacions, and dwell all safe. 9 Thou shalt come vp like a stormy wether, to couer the lande, & as it were a darck cloude, thou with all thine hostes, and a greate multitude of people with the. 10 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lord God: At the same tyme shal many thinges come into thy mynde, so that thou shalt ymagyn myschefe, 11 and saye: I wyll vp to yonder playne lande, seinge they syt at ease, & dwell so safely (for they dwell all without any walles they haue nether barres nor dores) 12 to spoyle them, to robbe them, to laye hande vpon their so well inhabited wyldernesses: against that people, that is gathered together from amonge the Heathen, which haue gotten catell and good, and dwell in the middest of the lande. 13 Then shall Saba, and Dedan, and the marchauntes of Tharsis with all their worthies saye vnto the: Art thou come to robbe? Hast thou gathered thy people together, because thou wilt spoyle? to take syluer and golde: to cary awaye catell and good, and to haue a greate praye? 14 Therfore, O thou sonne of man, thou shalt prophecie, and saye vnto God. Thus saieth the Lord God. In that daye thou shalt knowe that my people of Israel dwelleth safe: 15 and shalt come from thy place out of the north partes, thou & moch people with the which ryde vpon horses, whereof there is a greate multitude and an innumerable sorte. 16 Yee, thou shalt come vpon my people of Israell, as a cloude to couer the lande. Thys shall come to passe in the latter dayes: I will bringe the vp into my lande, that the heathen maye knowe me, when I get me honoure vpon the (O Gog) before their eyes. 17 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Thou art he, of whom I haue spoken afore tyme by my seruauntes the prophetes of Israel, which prophecied in those dayes and yeares, that I shuld bringe the vpon them. 18 At the same tyme, when Gog commeth vp into the land of Israel (saieth the Lord God) shal my indignacion go forth in my wrath. 19 For in my gelousy and hote displeasure I haue deuysed that there shalbe a greate trouble in the lande of Israell at that tyme. 20 The very fishes in the see, the foules of the ayre, the beastes of the felde, and all the men that are vpon the earth, shall tremble for feare of me. The hilles also shalbe turned vp side downe, the stayres of stone shal fall, and all walles shal syncke to the grounde. 21 I will cal for a swearde vpon them in all my mountaines sayeth the Lorde God: so that euery mans swearde shall be vpon another. 22 With pestylence and bloude will I punishe him: stormy rayne and hayle stones, fyre and brimstome will I cause to rayne vpon him and all his heape, yee, and vpon all that greate people that is with hym. 23 Thus will I be magnifyed, honoured, & knowne amonge the Heathen: that they maye be sure, howe that I am the Lorde.

Daniel 11:43-45

43 For thorowe his goynge in, he shall haue dominion ouer the treasures of syluer and golde, and ouer all the precious Iewels of Egypt, Libia and Ethiopia. 44 Neuerthelesse, the tydynges out of the East and the north shall trouble him, for the whych cause he shall goo forth to destroye and rote owte a greate multitude. 45 The tentes of hys palace shall be pytched betwyxte the two sees, vpon the hyll of the noble Sanctuary, for he shall come to his dethe, and then shall no man helpe hym.

Revelation 7:2

2 And I sawe another angell ascende from the rysynge of the sunne, which had the seale of the lyuyng God, & he cryed wyth a loude voyce to the foure Angels (to whom power was geuen to hurte the erth & the see)

Revelation 9:14

14 sayinge to the syxt Angell, which had the trompe: Lose the foure Angelles, which are bounde in the grete ryuer Euphrates.

Revelation 11:14

14 The second woo is past, & beholde, the thyrde woo wyll come anone.

Revelation 17:15

15 And he sayde vnto me: the waters whych thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are people, and folke, & nacions, and tonges.

Exodus 8:2-7

2 If thou wylt not let them goo: beholde, I wyll smyte all thy border wt frogges. 3 And the ryuer shall scrall wyth frogges, whych shall go vp and come into thyne house and in to thy preuy chambre where thou slepest, and vpon thy bedd, and into the house of thy seruauntes, & vpon thy people, and into thyne ouens, and vpon thy meates. 4 And the frogges shall come vpon the and on thy people and vpon all thy seruauntes. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses: saye vnto Aaron: stretche forth thyne hande with thy rodd ouer the stremes, ouer the ryuers, and ouer the pondes, that thou mayest brynge vp frogges vpon the lande of Egypte. 6 And Aaron stretched hys hande ouer the waters of Egypte, and the frogges came vp, & couered the lande of Egypte. 7 And the sorcerers dyd lyke wyse wt theyre sorcery, and brought frogges vp vpon the lande of Egypte.

Psalms 78:45

45 He turned their waters into bloude, so that they myght not dryncke of the ryuers.

Psalms 105:30

30 Their land brought forth frogges, yee euen in their kynges chambers.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

9 euen hym whose commynge is after the workynge of Satan, with all lyinge power sygnes and wonders. 10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued. 11 And therfore, God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shulde beleue lyes:

1 Timothy 4:1-3

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them 2 which speake false thorowe ypocrysye, & haue their consciences marcked wt an hote yron, 3 forbyddynge to mary, & commaundynge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaued with geuynge thanckes, of them whych beleue, & knowe the trueth.

2 Timothy 3:1-6

1 Thys knowe, that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes. 2 For men shalbe louers of theyr awne selues, coueteous, boasters, proude, cursed speakers, dysobedient to fathers and mothers, vnthankfull, vngodly, 3 vnkynde, trucebreakers, falseaccusars, riatours, fearce, despisers of them which are good, 4 traytours, heady, hye mynded, gredy vpon volupteousnes more then the louers of God, 5 hauynge a symilitude of godlynesse, but haue denyed the power therof: and soch abhorre. 6 For of thys sorte are they, which entre into houses, and bringe into bondage wemen laden wt synne, which wemen are led with diuers lustes,

2 Peter 2:1-3

1 Ther were false prophetes also amonge the people, euen as ther shalbe false teachers amonge you: whych preuely shall brynge in damnable sectes (euen denyenge the Lorde that hath bought them) and brynge vpon them selues swyft damnacyon, 2 and many shall folowe their damnable wayes, by whom the waye of trueth shal be euyll spoken of, 3 and thorow coueteousnes shall they wyth fayned wordes make marchandyse of you, whose iudgement is now not farre of, and their damnacyon slepeth not.

1 John 4:1-3

1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde. 2 Herby shall ye knowe the sprete of God. Euery sprete that confesseth that Iesu Christ is come in the fleshe is of God. 3 And euery sprete which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe, is not of God. And this is that sprete of Antichrist, of whom ye haue hearde, howe that he shulde come: and euen now alredy is he in the worlde.

Revelation 12:3-4

3 And ther appered another wonder in heauen, for beholde, a gret red dragon hauynge .vii. heddes, & ten hornes & seuen crounes vpon hys heades: 4 and hys tayle drue the thyrde parte of the starres and cast them to the erth. And the dragon stode before the woman whych was redy to be delyuered: for to deuoure her chylde as sone as it were borne.

Revelation 12:9-13

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also 10 And I hearde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heauen is now made saluacyon and strength & the kyngdome of oure God, & the power of hys Chryst. For is cast doune, which accused them before God daye and nyght. 11 And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, & they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth. 12 Therfore reioyce heuens, & ye that dwell in them. Woo to the inhabiters of the erth, and of the see: for the deuyll is come downe vnto you, which hath great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. 13 And when the dragon sawe that he was caste vnto the erth, he persecuted the woman, which brought forth the man chylde.

Revelation 13:1-7

1 And I sawe a beaste ryse out of the see, hauyng seuen heddes, and ten hornes, and vpon his hornes ten crounes, & vpon his heed, the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I sawe, was lyke a catte of the mountayne, and hys fete were as the fete of a beare, & hys mouth as the mouth of a lyon. And the dragon gaue hym his power & his seate, & gret auctorite: 3 and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wounded to deeth, & his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast, 4 & they worshypped the dragon, whych gaue power vnto the beast, and they worshypped the beast sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with hym? 5 And ther was geuen vnto hym a mouth, that spake great thynges & blasphemyes, & power was geuen vnto hym, to do .xlii. monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name & his tabernacle, & them that dwell in heauen. 7 And it was geuen vnto hym to make warre with the Saynctes, & to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, and people, and tonge, and nacion,

Revelation 13:11-18

11 And I behelde another beast comminge vp out of the erth, and he had two hornes lyke a lambe, & he spake as dyd the dragon. 12 And he dyd all that the fyrste beast coulde do in his presence, & he caused the erth, & them which dwel therin, to worshyppe the fyrst beast, whose dedly wounde was healed. 13 And he dyd grett wonders, so that he made fyre come doune from heauen in the syght of men. 14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth, by the meanes of those sygnes whyche he had power to do in the syght of the beast, sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast, whych had the wounde of a swearde, and dyd lyue.

Revelation 16:14

14 For they are the spretes of deuyls, workyng myracles, to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole world, to gathre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God almyghty.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone:

Revelation 20:10

10 and the deuyll that deceaued them, was cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone, where the beast and the false prophetes shalbe tormented daye and nyght for euermore.

Deuteronomy 13:1-2

1 If there a ryse amonge you a prophete or a dreamer of dreames, and geue the a sygne, or a wonder, 2 and that sygne or wonder whych he hath sayde come to passe, and then saye: let vs go after straunge Goddes whych thou hast not knowen, and let vs serue them

1 Kings 22:6

6 And then the king of Israel geathered the prophetes together upon a foure hundred men, and sayde vnto them: shall I go agaynst Ramoth in Gilead to batayle, or shall I let it alone? And they sayd, go vp: for the Lorde shall delyuer it into the handes of the kyng.

1 Kings 22:10-11

10 And the kynge of Israel and Iehosaphat the kyng of Iuda set ether in hys seat and theyr apparell on them, in a voyde place besyde the entrynge in of the gate of Samaria, and all the Prophetes prophesyed before them. 11 And Zedekia the sonne of Canaana made hornes of yron, and sayd: thus sayth the Lorde: wyth these hornes shalt thou pusshe the Syrians, vntyll thou haue made an ende of them.

1 Kings 22:19-23

19 And he sayde agayne: heare thou therfore the worde of the Lorde. I saw the Lorde syt on hys seate, and all the hoost of heauen stode about hym, on hys ryght hand and on hys lefte. 20 And the Lorde sayde: who shall persuade Ahab, that he maye go and fall at Ramoth in Gilead? and one sayde on thys maner, and a nother on that, 21 And there came forth a certayne sprete, and stode before the Lorde and sayde: I wil persuade hym. 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: wherwyth? And he sayde: I wyll go out, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all hys prophetes. He sayde: thou shalt persuade hym, and preuayle, go forth then, and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde the Lord hath put a lyenge sprete in the mouth of all these thy prophetes: and the Lorde hath spoken euell towarde the.

2 Chronicles 18:18-22

18 But he sayde agayne: therfore heare ye the worde of the Lorde. I sawe the Lorde syt vpon his seate, & all the company of heauen stode on hys ryght hande & on hys lefte. 19 And the Lorde sayde: who shall deceaue Ahab king of Israel, that he maye go vp & be ouerthrowen at Ramoth in Gilead? And he sayde: oue sayth this, another that. 20 And there came out a sprete & stode before the Lorde, & sayde: I wyll deceaue him. And the Lorde sayde vnto him: Wherin? 21 And he sayd: I will go out, & be a lyinge sprete in the mouth of all his prophetes. And the Lorde sayde: thou shalt deceaue him, and shalt preuayle: go out, and do euen so. 22 And now therfore beholde, the Lord hath put a lyinge sprete in the mouthes of all these thy prophetes, & the Lorde hath spoken euell agaynst the.

Isaiah 34:1-8

1 Come ye Heythen and heare, take hede ye people. Herken thou erth & all that is therin: thou round compasse and all that groweth there vpon: 2 for the Lorde is angry wt all people, and his displeasure is kindled agaynst all the multitude of them, he hath destroied them, & deliuered them to the slaughter. 3 So that their slayne shalbe cast out, and their bodyes stynck: that euen the very hylles shalbe wet wt the bloud of them. 4 All the starres of heauen shall waist, and the heuen shall folde together lyke a roll, and all the starres therof shall fall, lyke as the leaues fall from the vynes and fyggetrees. 5 For my sweard shalbe bathed in heauen, and shall immediatly come downe in iudgment vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce. 6 And the Lordes swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rusty wt the fatnes and bloude of lambes and goates, with the fatnesse of the kidneys of wethers. For the Lord shall kill a great offering in Bozra, & a great slaughter in the lande of Idumea. 7 There shall the vnicornes fall wt them, and the bulles wt the gyauntes: and their lande shalbe thorowely soaked with bloude, & their grounde corrupt with fatnes. 8 Unto the also, O Zion, shall come the daye of the vengeaunce of God, and the yeare when thyne awne iudgmentes shalbe recompensed.

Isaiah 63:1-6

1 What is he thys, that cometh from Edom, wt redd coloured clothes of Bosra: (which is so costly cloth) & cometh in so myghtylye wt all his strength. I am he that teacheth ryghtuousnes, & am of power to helpe. 2 Wherfore then is thy clothynge read, & thy rayment lyke his that treadeth in the wyne presse? 3 I haue troaden the presse my selfe alone, and of all people there is not one with me. Thus wyll I treade downe myne enemyes in my wrath, and set my fete vpon them in my indignacyon. And their bloude shalbe spronge vpon my cloothes, and so wyll I stayne all my rayment. 4 For the daye of vengeaunce is assigned in my hert, & the yeare when my people shall be delyuered, is come. 5 I loked aboute me, and there was no man to shewe me eny helpe, I maruayled that no man helde me vp. Then I helde me by myne awne arme, & my feruentnesse susteyned me. 6 And thus will I treade downe the people in my wrath, & bathe them in my displeasure: and vpon the earth will I laye their strength.

Ezekiel 14:9

9 and yf that Prophete be disceaued, when he telleth hym a worde: then I the Lorde my selfe haue disceaued that Prophet, and wyll stretch forth myne hande vpon hym, to rote hym out of my people of Israel:

Ezekiel 38:8-12

8 After many dayes thou shalt be visited, and in the latter yeares thou shalt come into the lande that hath bene destroyed with the swearde, & now is replenished agayne with diuerse people vpon the mountaines of Israel, which haue longe lyen waste. Yee, they be brought out of the nacions, and dwell all safe. 9 Thou shalt come vp like a stormy wether, to couer the lande, & as it were a darck cloude, thou with all thine hostes, and a greate multitude of people with the. 10 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lord God: At the same tyme shal many thinges come into thy mynde, so that thou shalt ymagyn myschefe, 11 and saye: I wyll vp to yonder playne lande, seinge they syt at ease, & dwell so safely (for they dwell all without any walles they haue nether barres nor dores) 12 to spoyle them, to robbe them, to laye hande vpon their so well inhabited wyldernesses: against that people, that is gathered together from amonge the Heathen, which haue gotten catell and good, and dwell in the middest of the lande.

Joel 3:11-14

11 Mustre you, & come, all ye Heathen rounde about: gather you together, there shall the Lord laye all thy gyauntes to the grounde. 12 Lett the people aryse, & get them to the valley of Iosaphat for there will I syt, & iudge all Heathen rounde about 13 Laye to your sythes, for the haruest is rype: come, get you downe: the wyne presse is full, yee, the wynepresses runne ouer, for their wickednes is waxen greate. 14 In the valley appoynted, there shalbe many, many people: for the daye of the Lorde is nye in the valley appoynted.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall aryse false Chrystes, and false prophetes and shall shew great miracles, & wondres. In so moch (that yf it were possyble) the verie electe shuld be deceaued:

Mark 13:22

22 For false Christes & false prophetes shall ryse, & shall shewe myracles & wondres, to deceaue yf it were possible, euen the electe.

Luke 2:1

1 And it chaunced in those dayes: that ther went oute a commaundement from Augustus the Emperour, that all the world shulde be taxed.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing:

Acts 13:8-10

8 But Elymas the sorcerar (for so is hys name by interpretacion) with stode them, and sought to turne awaye the ruler from the faith. 9 Then Saul (which also is called Paul) beynge full of the holy ghost, set hys eyes on him, 10 and sayde. O full of all suttelty and disseytfulnesse, thou chylde of the deuyll, thou enemy of all righteousnes: wilt thou not cease to peruerte the strayght wayes of the Lorde?

Romans 1:8

8 Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorow Iesus Chryst for you all, that youre fayth is spoken of in all the worlde.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ. 14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light. 15 Therfore it is no great thynge though hys mynisters fassyon them selues, as though they were the ministers of ryghtewesnes: whose ende shalbe accordyng to theyr dedes.

2 Thessalonians 2:9

9 euen hym whose commynge is after the workynge of Satan, with all lyinge power sygnes and wonders.

1 Timothy 4:1

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them

James 3:15

15 For soch wysdome descendeth not from aboue: but is erthy, naturall, & diuelisshe.

1 John 5:19

19 We knowe, that we are of God, and the worlde is all together set on wyckednes.

Revelation 3:10

10 Because thou hast kept the wordes of my pacyence, therfore I wyll kepe the from the houre of temptacyon, which wyll come vpon all the worlde, to tempte them that dwell vpon the erth.

Revelation 6:17

17 for the grete daye of his wrath is come, and who is able to endure?

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also

Revelation 13:3

3 and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wounded to deeth, & his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast,

Revelation 13:13-14

13 And he dyd grett wonders, so that he made fyre come doune from heauen in the syght of men. 14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth, by the meanes of those sygnes whyche he had power to do in the syght of the beast, sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast, whych had the wounde of a swearde, and dyd lyue.

Revelation 16:16

16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon.

Revelation 17:14

14 These shall fyght with the lambe, & the lambe shall ouercome them. For he is Lorde of lordes, and kynge of kynges, and they that are on his side, are called, and chosen, and faythfull.

Revelation 19:19-20

19 And I sawe the beast, and the kynges of the earth, and their warriers gathered together to make batayle agaynst hym that sat on the horsse, and agaynst his soudiers. 20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone:

Revelation 20:8

8 and shall go out to deceaue the people, whych are in the foure quarters of the erth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battayle, whose nombre is as the sonde of the see:

Exodus 32:25

25 Moses therfore sawe that the people were naked (and that Aaron had made them naked vnto theyr shame amonge theyr enemyes)

Isaiah 47:3

3 Thy shame shalbe discouered and thy pryuityes shalbe sene. For I wyll auenge me of the & wyll shewe no mercy to the as, I do to other men

Ezekiel 16:37

37 Beholde therfore, I will gather together all thy louers, vnto whom thou hast made thy selfe comen: yee, and all them whom thou fauourest, & euery one that thou hatest: I wyll (I saye) gather them together rounde aboute the and will discouer thy shame before them, that they maye se all thy fylthynes.

Hosea 2:3

3 If no I shall stryppe her naked, & sett her euen as she came into the worlde: yee, I shall laye her waste, and make her lyke a wyldernesse, & slaye her for thyrste.

Habakkuk 2:15

15 Wo vnto him that geueth his neyghboure dryncke, puttynge in gall and makyng him droncken, that he maye se hys preuytees.

Matthew 24:42-43

42 Watch therfore, for ye knowe not what houre your lord will come. 43 Of this yet be sure, that yf the good man of the house knew what houre the thefe wolde come: he wolde suerly watche, & not suffre hys house to be broken vp.

Matthew 25:13

13 Watche therfore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre wherin the sonne of man shall come.

Matthew 26:41

41 watche, and praye, that ye entre not into temptacyon. The sprete is willinge, but the fleshe is weake.

Mark 13:33-37

33 Take hede, watche & praye, for ye knowe not when the tyme is 34 As a man which is gone into a straunge contrey, and hath lefte his house, and geuen his substaunce to his seruauntes, and to euery man his worke, and commaunded the porter to watche. 35 Watche ye therfore, for ye knowe not when the master of the house will come, at euen, or at mydnyght, whether at the cocke crowyng, or in the dawnynge: 36 lest yf he come sodenly, he finde you slepynge. 37 And that I saye vnto you, I saye vnto all watche.

Mark 14:38

38 watche ye, & praye, leest ye entre into temptacion, the sprete trulye is ready, but the flesh is weake.

Luke 12:37-43

37 Happy are those seruauntes, whom the Lorde (when he commeth) shall fynde wakynge. Uerely I saye vnto you, that he shall gyrde hym selfe and make them to syt downe to meate, and walke by, and minister vnto them. 38 And yf he come in the seconde watch, yee, yf he come in the thirde watch, and fynde them so, happy are those seruauntes. 39 This vnderstond, that yf the good man of the house knewe, what houre the thefe wolde come, he wolde suerly watch, and not suffer hys housse to be broken vp. 40 Be ye therfore ready also: for the sonne of man will come at an houre when ye thincke not. 41 Peter sayde vnto him: Master, tellest thou this similitude vnto vs, or to all men? 42 And the Lorde sayde: who is a faythfull and wise stewarde, whom his Lorde shall make ruler ouer his housholde, to geue them their duetie of meat in due season: 43 happy is that seruaunt, whom his Lorde when he commeth; shall fynde so doing.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch ye therfore contynually, and praye, that ye maye escape all these thynges that shall come, and that ye maye stande before the sonne of man.

Acts 20:31

31 Therfore awake, & remember, that by the space of .iij. yeres: I ceased not to warne euery one of you nyght and daye with teares.

2 Corinthians 5:3

3 so yet, yf that we be founde clothed, & not naked.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

2 for ye yourselues know perfectly, that the daye of the Lord shall come, euen as a thefe in the nyght. 3 For when they shall saye, peace and all thynges are safe, then shall soden destruccyon come vpon them (as sorowe commeth vpon a woman traualynge with chylde) & they shall not scape:

1 Thessalonians 5:6

6 Therfore let vs not slepe as do other: but let vs wacth, & be sober.

1 Peter 4:7

7 The ende of al thinges is at hande. Be ye therfore sober, and watch vnto prayer.

2 Peter 3:10

10 Neuerthelesse the daye of the Lord wyll come as a thefe in the nyghte, in the which daye, the heauens shall passe awaye in maner of a tempest, and the elementes shal melt with heat: the erth also & the workes that are therin, shall burne.

Revelation 3:3-4

3 Remember therfore, how thou hast receaued & heard, & hold faste, & repent. If thou shalt not watche, I wyll come on the as a thefe, & thou shalt not know what houre I wyll come vpon the. 4 Thou hast a feawe names in Sardys, whych haue not defyled theyr garmentes, & they shall walke wyth me in whyte, for they are worthy.

Revelation 3:18

18 I counsell the to bye of me, golde tryed in the fyre, that thou mayste be ryche: and whyte rayment, that thou mayste be clothed, that thy fylthy nakednes do not appeare, & anoynt thyne eyes wyth eye salue that thou mayste se.

Judges 4:7

7 And I will bryng vnto the to the ryuer kyson, Sisara, the Captayne of warre vnto Iabin, wt his charettes, & his people, and will delyuer him into thyne handes.

Judges 5:19

19 The kynges came & fought, then fought the kynges of Canaan in Thamnah, by the waters of Negiddo, and wanne no money.

2 Kings 23:29-30

29 In hys dayes Pharao Necho kyng of Egypte went vp agaynst the kynge of Assyria to the ryuer of Euphrates. And kynge Iosia went agaynst hym, and was slayne of hym at Magiddo, when he had sene hym. 30 And hys seruauntes caryed hym deed from Magiddo, and brought hym to Ierusalem & buryed hym in hys awne sepulchre. And the people of the lande toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosia, and anoynted hym, and made hym kynge in hys fathers steade.

Joel 3:9-14

9 Crye oute these thynges amonge the Gentyles, proclayme warre, wake vp the gyauntes, let them drawe nye, let them come vp all the lusty warryours of them. 10 Make you sweardes of your plowshares, and speares of youre sycles & sythes. Let the weake man saye: I am stronge.

Zechariah 12:11

11 Then shall there be a great mournyng at Ierusalem, lyke as the lamentacion at Adremnon in the felde of Maggadon.

Zechariah 14:2-3

2 for I will gather together all the Heathen to fight agaynst Ierusalem: so that the citie shalbe wonne, the houses spoyled, and the wemen defiled. The halfe of the citie shal go awaye into captiuite, and the residue of the people shal not be caried out of the citie. 3 After that shall the Lorde go forth to fight agaynst those Heathen, as men vse to fyght in the daye of battel.

John 5:2

2 And ther is at Ierusalem, by the slaughterhouse, a pole (which is called in the Ebrue tonge, Bethseda) hauing fyue porches,

John 19:13

13 When Pylate hearde that sayinge, he brought Iesus forth, and sate downe to geue sentence, in a place that is called the pauement: but in the Hebrue tonge, Gabbatha.

John 19:17

17 And he bare hys crosse, and went forth into a place, which is called the place of deed mens sculles. But in Hebrue, Golgotha:

Acts 26:14

14 When we were all fallen to the erthe, I heard a voyce speakynge vnto me, & saying in the Hebrue tonge: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynst the prickes.

Revelation 9:11

11 And they had a kyng ouer them, which is the angell of the bottomlesse pytt, whose name in the Hebrewe tong, is Abadon: but in the Greke tonge, Apollion that is to saye: a destroyer.

Revelation 19:17-21

17 And I sawe an Angell stande in the sonne, and he cryed with a loude voyce, sayinge: to all the fowles that flye by the middes of heauen: come and gather youre selues to gether vnto the supper of the great God, 18 that ye maye eate fleshe of kynges, and the fleshe of hye captaynes, and the fleshe of myghty men, & the fleshe of horsses, and of them that syt on them, and the flesh of all free men and bonde men and of small and gret. 19 And I sawe the beast, and the kynges of the earth, and their warriers gathered together to make batayle agaynst hym that sat on the horsse, and agaynst his soudiers. 20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone: 21 & the remnaunt were slayne wt the swearde of hym that sat vpon the horsse, whych swearde proceaded out of his mouth, & all the soules were fulfylled wyth theyr fleshe.

Daniel 12:7-13

7 Then herde I the man wyth the lynen clothes, which stode aboue vpon the waters of the floude: when he helde vp hys ryght and left hande vnto heauen, and sware by hym whych lyueth for euer that it shall tary for a tyme, two tymes and halfe a tyme: & when the power of the holy people is clene scatred abrode, then shall all these thynges be fulfylled. 8 I herde it well, but I vnderstode it not. Then sayde I: O my Lord, what shall happen after that? 9 He answered: Go thy waye Daniel, for these wordes shall be closed vp & sealed, tyll the last tyme: 10 and many shalbe purifyed, clensed & tryed. But the vngodly shall lyue wyckedly and those wicked (as many of them as they be) shall haue no vnderstandynge. As for soch as haue vnderstanding, they shall regarde it. 11 And from the tyme forth that the daylye offerynge shalbe put downe & the abhominable desolation sett vp, there shalbe a .M.CCXC: daies 12 O well is hym, that wayteth, & cometh to the thousande.iij.C. and .xxxv. dayes. 13 Go thou thy waye nowe tyll it be ended: take thy rest, and hyde thy lot, tyll the dayes haue an ende.

John 19:30

30 Assone as Iesus then receaued of the veneger, he sayde. It is fynisshed, & bowed his heed, and gaue vp the goost.

Ephesians 2:2

2 in the which in tyme passed ye walked, accordyng to the course of this worlde, euen after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayer, the sprete that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst bloude and flesshe: but agaynst rule, agaynst power, agaynst worldy rulers, euen gouerners of the darcknes of thys worlde, agaynst spretuall craftynes in heauenly thynges.

Revelation 10:6-7

6 and sware by him that lyueth for euer more, wich created heauen, & the thynges that therin are and the see, & the thynges which therin are: that there shulde be no lenger tym 7 but in the dayes of the voyce of the seuenth Angell, when he shall begyn to blowe: euen the mystery of God shalbe fynysshed, as he preached by his seruauntes the prophetes.

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth Angell blewe, & ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euermore.

Revelation 11:19

19 And the temple of God was opened in heauen, & ther was sene in his temple, the arcke of his testament, & ther folowed lightnynges, and voyces, and thondrynges and erthquake, and moch hayle.

Revelation 14:17

17 And another angell came out of the temple, whych is in heauen, hauyng also a sharpe sykle.

Revelation 15:5-6

5 And after that, I loked, and beholde, the temple of the tabernacle of testimony was open in heauen, 6 and the seuen Angels came out of the temple whych had the seuen plages clothed in pure and bryght lynnen, and hauyng theyr brestes gyrded with golden gerdels.

Revelation 16:1

1 And I herde a great voyce out of the temple saying to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, powre out youre vyalles of wrath vpon the erth.

Revelation 20:1-3

1 And I sawe an Angel come downe from heauen, hauyng the kaye of the bottomlesse pyt, and a greate chayne in hys hand. 2 And he toke the dragon the olde serpente, which is the deuyll & Satanas, & he bounde hym a thousande yeres: 3 and cast hym into the bottomlesse pyt, and he shutte hym vp, and set a seale on hym, that he shulde deceaue the people nomore, tyll the thousande yeres were fulfylled. And after that he must be losed for a lytell season.

Revelation 21:6

6 And he sayd vnto me: it is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng & the ende I wyll geue to hym that is a thyrst, of the well of the water of lyfe, fre.

Daniel 12:1

1 The tyme wyll come also, that the great prince Michael, which standeth on thy peoples side, shal aryse vp, for there shall come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there began to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shall thy people be delyuered, yee, all those that be founde wrytten in the boke.

Matthew 24:21

21 For then shalbe great tribulacions suche as was not sens the begynning of the worlde to this tyme, nor shalbe.

Revelation 4:5

5 And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges, & thundrynges, & voyces, & ther were seuen lampes of fyre, burnynge before the seate, whych are the seuen spretes of God,

Revelation 8:5

5 And the Angell toke the senser, and fylled it wyth fyre of the aulter, and caste it into the erth, and voyces were made, & thondrynges & lyghtnynges, and erthquake.

Isaiah 51:17-23

17 Awake, awake, and stande vp, O Ierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lord, hast droncken out the cuppe of hys wrath: thou that hast supped of, and sucked out the dregges of his deadly cuppe to the botome. 18 For among all the sonnes whom he hath begotten, there is not one that maye holde it vp: & not one to leade it by the hande, of all the sonnes that he hath noryshed. 19 Both these thynges are happened vnto the, but who is sory for it? Yee, destructyon, wastynge, hunger and swerde: but who wyll comforte the? 20 Thy sonnes lye comfortles at the heade of euery strete lyke a taken venyson, and are full of the terrible wrath of the Lorde, and punishment of thy God. 21 And therfore thou miserable and droncken (howbeit not wyth wyne) Heare this:

Jeremiah 25:15-16

15 For thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayest cause all the people, to whom I send the, for to dryncke of it: 16 that when they haue droncken therof, they maye be mad, & out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wyll sende amonge them.

Jeremiah 25:26

26 all kynges towarde the North, whether they be farre or nye, euery one agaynst his neyghbours: Yee, and all the kyngdomes that are vpon the whole earth. The kynge of Sezach sayde he shall dryncke with them also.

Daniel 4:30

30 and sayde. Thys is the greate cyte of Babylon, which I my selfe (with my power and strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honour of my magestye.

Revelation 14:8-10

8 And there folowed a nother angell, saying: Babylon is fallen is fallen that greate cyte, for she made all nacyons dryncke of the wyne of her fornycacyon. 9 And the thyrd angell folowed them sayinge wt a loude voyce: If any man worshyppe the beast and his ymage, & receaue his marke in his forhed, or on his hande, 10 the same shall drincke the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cup of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre & brymstone, before the holy angels, & before the lambe.

Revelation 17:5

5 And in her forheade was a name written, a mystery, gret Babylon the mother of whordom and abominacions of the erth.

Revelation 17:18

18 And the woman which thou sawest, is the great cytye, whiche raygneth ouer the kynges of the erth.

Revelation 18:5

5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, & God hath remembred her wickednes.

Revelation 18:10

10 & shall stande a farre of, for feare of her punishement, sayinge. Alas, Alas, that gret cytie Babylon, the myghtye citie: for at one hour is thy iudgement come.

Isaiah 2:14-17

14 vpon all hygh hylles, and vpon all stoute mountaynes, 15 vpon all costly towres, & vpon all stronge walles, 16 vpon all shyppes of Tharsis, and vpon euery thyng that is glorious and pleasaunt to loke vpon. 17 And it shall brynge downe the pryde of man, and laye mans presumptuousnesse full lowe, and the Lorde shall only haue the vyctory in that daye.

Jeremiah 4:23-25

23 I haue loked vpon the erth, and se: it was waste and voyde. I loked towarde heauen, and it had no shyne. 24 I behelde the mountaynes, and lo, they trembled, and all the hylles were in a feare. 25 I loked aboute me, and there was no bodye, and all the byrdes of the ayre were awaye.

Revelation 6:14

14 And heauen vanisshed awaye, as a scroll when it is rolled to gether. And all mountaynes and yles, were moued out of theyr places.

Revelation 20:11

11 And I sawe a great whyte seate, and him that sate on it, from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.

Exodus 9:23-26

23 And Moses stretched out his rod vnto heauen: and the Lord thondred and hayled, and the fyrr ran a longe vpon the grounde. And the Lorde so hayled in the lande of Egypt, 24 that there was hayle and fyer mengled with the hayle, so greuous, and such as there was none thorowout all the lande of Egipte, sence people inhabited it. 25 And the hayle smote thorowout all the lande of Egipt, all that was in the felde both man and beast. And the hayle smote all the herbes of the felde, and broke all the trees of the felde: 26 onely in the lande of Gozan, where the children of Israel were, was there no hayle.

Joshua 10:11

11 And it fortuned, that as they fled from Israell, & were in the goyng doune to Bethoron, the Lorde cast downe great stones from heauen vpon them, vntyll Esaka. And there were mo deed with hayle stones, then they were, whom the chyldren of Israell slewe wyth the swerde.

Isaiah 30:30

30 And the Lorde shall cause his gloryous voyce to be heard, and shall declare his stretched out arme with a terrible countenaunce and with the flame of a consuming fyer, with noysome lyghtenynge, with a shower, and with hayle stone.

Ezekiel 13:11

11 Therfore tell them whych dawbe it with vntempered morter, that it shall fall For there shall come a great shower of rayne greate hayle stones shall fall vpon it, & a sore storme of wynde shall breake it,

Ezekiel 13:13

13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll breake out in my wrothfull displeasure wyth a stormy wynde, so that in myne anger there shall come a myghtye shower of rayne, & hayle stones in my wrath, to destroye withall.

Ezekiel 38:21-22

21 I will cal for a swearde vpon them in all my mountaines sayeth the Lorde God: so that euery mans swearde shall be vpon another. 22 With pestylence and bloude will I punishe him: stormy rayne and hayle stones, fyre and brimstome will I cause to rayne vpon him and all his heape, yee, and vpon all that greate people that is with hym.

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