Psalms 77:2 Cross References - Great

2 In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde: my sore ranne and ceassed not in the nyght ceason: my soule refused comforte.

Genesis 32:7-12

7 But Iacob was greatly afrayed, and wyst not whych waye to turne hym selfe, and deuyded the people that was wyth hym & the shepe, & oxen & camels, into .ii. companyes: 8 & sayd: If Esau come to the one parte & smyte it, the other shall saue it selfe. 9 And Iacob sayde agayne: O God of my father Abraham; & God of my father Isahac: Lorde whych saydest vnto me returne vnto thy countre and to thy kynred, & I wyll do all well wyth the. 10 I am not worthy of the leaste of all the mercyes and truthe whych thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunte. For wyth my staf came I ouer thys Iordane, & now haue I gotten .ii. droues. 11 Delyuer me from the handes of my brother Esau: for I feare hym: lest he wyll come and smyte the mother wyth the chyldren. 12 Thou saydest: I wyll surely do the good, & make thy seed as the sande of the see, which can not be nombred for multytude.

Genesis 32:28

28 He sayde: thou shalt be called Iacob nomore, but Israell. For as a prynce hast thou wrastled wyth God: and wyth man, and hast preuayled.

Genesis 37:35

35 But all his sonnes and all hys doughters rose vp to comforte him. Neuertheles he wolde not be comforted, but sayde: I wyll go downe into the graue vnto my sonne, mourninge. And thus hys father wepte for hym.

2 Kings 19:3-4

3 And they sayde vnto him, thus sayth Hezekia this daye is a daye of tribulacyon and of rebuke and blasphemy. For the chyldren are come to the byrth, and there is no strength to be delyuered. 4 Paraduenture the Lorde thy God wyll heare all the wordes of Rabsake, whom the kynge of Assyria his master hath sent, to rayle on the lyuynge God, and to rebuke him with wordes, which the Lorde thy God hath hearde: And lyfte thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are lefte.

2 Kings 19:15-20

15 And Hezekia prayed before the Lorde, and sayde: O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest betwene the Cherubs, thou art God alone ouer all the kyngdomes of the erth, thou hast made heauen & earth Lord, 16 bowe downe thine eare, & heare: Open Lorde thyne eyes (I beseche the) & se: and heare the wordes of Sennacherib which hath sent thys man to rayle on the lyuynge God. 17 Of a truthe Lorde, the kinges of Assyria haue destroyed nacyons and their landes, 18 and haue sett fyre on their Gods. For they were no Gods, but the worcke of the handes of man: euen of wood & stone. And they destroyed them. 19 Nowe therfore, O Lorde oure God, I beseche the, saue thou vs out of hys hande, that all the kyngdomes of the earth maye knowe, that thou onely art the Lorde God. 20 And Isay the sonne of Amoz sent to Hezekia, sayinge: thus sayth the Lord God of Israel: that which thou hast prayed me, concernynge Sennacherib kynge of Assyria, I haue hearde it.

2 Chronicles 6:28

28 And yf there be dearth in the lande, or pestylence, corrupcyon, or blastinge of corne, grashoppers, or caterpyllers, or that theyr enemyes besege them in the cyties of theyr lande, or whatsoeuer plage or syckenesse it be.

Esther 4:1-4

1 When Mardocheus perceaued all that was done, he rente his clothes and put on sack cloth, with asshes, and went out into the myddes of the cytie, and cryed loud and lamentably, 2 & came before the kynges gate: but he myght not entre within the kynges gate, because he had sack cloth on. 3 And in all landes, countrees, & places, as farre as the kynges worde and commaundment extended, there was greate lamentacion among the Iewes, fasting, weping, and mourning, and many laye in sack clothes & in asshes. 4 So Esthers damosels and her chamberlaynes, came & told it her. Then was the quene exceadyngly astonnied. And she sent rayment, that Mardocheus shulde put on, and laye the sack cloth from him. But Mardocheus wold not take them.

Job 11:13

13 If thou haddest nowe a ryght hert, and lyftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym:

Psalms 6:2-3

2 Haue mercy vpon me, O Lorde: for I am weake: O Lorde heale me: for my bones are vexed. 3 My soule also is sore troubled: but Lorde howe longe wylt thou punyshe me?

Psalms 18:6

6 So shall he heare my voyce out of his temple, & my complaynte shall come before him, it shall entre euen into hys cares.

Psalms 38:3-8

3 There is no health in my flessh, because of thy displeasure: nether is there anye rest in my bones, by reason of my synne. 4 For my wyckednesses are gone ouer my heade, and are lyke a sore burthen, to heuy for me to beare. 5 My woundes styncke and are corrupt, thorowe my folyshnesse. 6 I ambrought in to so greate trouble & misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe. 7 For my loynes are fylled with a sore disease, & there is no whole parte in my body. 8 I am feble & sore smytten, I haue roared for the very disquyetnes of my hert.

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble, so wyll I heare the, and thou shalt prayse me.

Psalms 63:6

6 My soule shalbe satisfyed euen as it were with mary and fatnesse, when my mouth prayseth the with ioyfull lyppes.

Psalms 86:7

7 In the tyme of my trouble I wyll call vpon the, for thou hearest me.

Psalms 88:1-3

1 A song and Psalme of the sonnes of Corah, to the chaunter vpon Mahelath, to geue thankes: an instruccion of Heman the Ezrahyte. O lorde God of my saluacion, I haue cryed daye and nyght before the: Oh let my prayer entre into thy presence, encline thyne eare vnto my callynge. 2 For my soule is full of trouble, and my lyfe draweth nye vnto hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go downe vnto the pytte, and I haue bene euen as a man that hath no strength.

Psalms 102:1-2

1 A prayer of the afflyct, when he hath an heuy hart, and powereth out hys complaynte before the Lorde. Heare my prayer, O Lorde, and lett my cryenge come in vnto the. 2 Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble: enclyne thyne eares vnto me when I call, O heare me, and that ryght soone.

Psalms 130:1-2

1 A songe of the stayres. Out of the depe haue I called vnto the O Lorde, Lorde heare my voyce. 2 Oh let thyne eares consydre well the voyce of my complaynte.

Proverbs 18:14

14 A good stomacke dryueth awaye a mans disease, but when the sprete is vexed, who maye byde it?

Isaiah 1:5-6

5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy. 6 From the sole of the fote vnto the head, there is no whole parte in all your body: but all are woundes, botches, sores, & strypes, whych can nether be helped, bounde vp, molifyed, ner eased wt any oyntment.

Isaiah 26:9

9 My soule hath longed for the all the night, and wt my sprete (which is within me) wyll I seke the earlye in the morning. For when thy iudgementes are in the erth, the inhabitatours of the worlde shall learne righteousnes.

Isaiah 26:16

16 Lorde in trouble haue they visited the: they powred out their prayer, when thy chastenyng was vpon them.

Jeremiah 31:15

15 Thus sayth the Lorde: The voyce of heuynes, weping and lamentation was heard on hye: euen of Rachel mournyng for her children, and wolde not be conforted, because they were awaye.

Hosea 5:13

13 When Ephraim sawe hys sycknesse, and Iuda hys dysease, Ephraim wente vnto Assur, and sent vnto kyng Iareb: yet coulde not he helpe you, ner ease you of your payne.

Hosea 6:1

1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs:

Jonah 2:1-2

1 (2 b) And Ionas prayed vnto the Lorde hys God, out of the fysshes bely,

John 11:31

31 The Iewes then which were with her in the house and comforted her, (when they sawe Mary that she rose vp hastely, and went out) folowed her, saieng: She goeth vnto the graue, to wepe there.

2 Corinthians 12:7-8

7 For though I wolde boast, I shall not be a foole: for I wolde saye the trueth. Neuerthelesse, I spare you: lest any man shulde thinke of me, aboue that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. 8 And lest I shulde be exalted out of measure thorowe the excellencye of the reuelacions: there was gyuen vnto me vnquyetnes thorowe the flesshe, euen the messenger of Satan to buffet me, because I shulde not be exalted out of measure.

Hebrews 5:7

7 which in the dayes of his flesshe, whan he had offered vp prayers and supplicacions, with stronge cryinge and teares (vnto him that was able to saue him from deeth) and was hearde because of hys reuerence,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.