Genesis 32:7-12

Great(i) 7 But Iacob was greatly afrayed, and wyst not whych waye to turne hym selfe, and deuyded the people that was wyth hym & the shepe, & oxen & camels, into .ii. companyes: 8 & sayd: If Esau come to the one parte & smyte it, the other shall saue it selfe. 9 And Iacob sayde agayne: O God of my father Abraham; & God of my father Isahac: Lorde whych saydest vnto me returne vnto thy countre and to thy kynred, & I wyll do all well wyth the. 10 I am not worthy of the leaste of all the mercyes and truthe whych thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunte. For wyth my staf came I ouer thys Iordane, & now haue I gotten .ii. droues. 11 Delyuer me from the handes of my brother Esau: for I feare hym: lest he wyll come and smyte the mother wyth the chyldren. 12 Thou saydest: I wyll surely do the good, & make thy seed as the sande of the see, which can not be nombred for multytude.