10 And he saued them from the aduersaries hande, and delyuered them from the hande of the enemye.
Psalms 106:10 Cross References - Great
Exodus 14:30
30 Thus the Lorde delyuered Israel the selfe same daye out of the hande of the Egipcians: and Israel sawe the Egipcians deed vpon the see syde.
Exodus 15:9-10
Exodus 15:13
13 Thou in thy mercye hast caryed thys people which thou deliueredst: & hast brought them in thy strength vnto thy holy habitatyon.
Deuteronomy 11:4
4 & what he dyd vnto the host of Egypt, vnto theyr horses & charettes howe he brought the water of the red see vpon them as they chased you behynde, & howe the Lorde hath brought them to nought vnto thys daye:
Nehemiah 9:11
11 And the reed see dydest thou deuyde in sunder before them, so that they went thorow the myddes of the see drye shode: and theyr persecuters threwest thou into the depe (as a stone) in the myghtie waters,
Job 6:22-23
Psalms 107:2
2 Let them geue thanckes whom the Lorde hath redemed, and delyuered from the hande of the enemye.
Psalms 136:24
24 And hath delyuered vs from oure enemyes: for his mercy endureth for euer.
Micah 6:4
4 Because I brought the from the lande of Egipte, and deliuered the out of the house of bondage? Because I made Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lede the?