1 Make not thy boost of to morowe for thou knowest not what maye happen to daye.
2 Let another man prayse the, and not thyne awne mouth: yee other folckes lyppes, and not thyne.
3 The stone is heuy and the sande weyghtye: but a fooles wrath is heuyer then them both.
4 Wrath is a cruell thinge and furiousnesse is a very tempest: but who is able to abyde enuye?
5 An open rebuke is better then a secrete loue.
6 Faythfull are the woundes of a louer, but the kysses of an enemye are cruell.
7 He that is full, abhoreth an hony combe: but vnto him that is hongrye, euery sowre thinge is swete.
8 He that oft tymes flytteth, is lyke a byrde that forsaketh her nest.
9 Balme and swete encense make the hert mery: so is the swete counsell of a mans frende that agreeth to his purpose.
10 Thyne awne frende and thy fathers frende se thou forsake not: but go not into thy brothers house in tyme of thy trouble. For better is a frende at hand then a brother farre of.
11 My sonne, be wyse, and thou shalt make me a glad herte so that I shall make answere vnto my rebukers.
12 A wyse man seynge the plage. wyll hyde hym selfe, as for fooles they go on styll, and suffer harme.
13 Take hys garment that is suertye for a straunger, and take a pledge of him for the vnknowen mans sake.
14 He that is to hastye to prayse hys neyghboure aboue measure, shalbe taken as one that geueth hym an euell reporte.
15 A braulynge woman and the rofe of the house droppynge in a raynye daye, maye well be compared together.
16 He that refrayneth her, refrayneth the wynde, & holdeth oyle fast in hys hande.
17 Lyke as one yron whetteth another, so doth one man comforte another.
18 Who so kepeth hys fygge tre, shall enioye the frutes therof: euen so, he that wayteth vpon his master, shall come to honoure.
19 Lyke as in one water there apeare dyuerse faces, euen so diuerse men haue diuerse hertes.
20 Lyke as hell and destruccyon are neuer full, euen so the eyes of men can neuer be satisfyed.
21 Syluer is tryed in the moulde, and golde in the fornace, and so is a man, when he is openly praysed to hys face.
22 Though thou shuldest bray a foole wt a pestell in a morter lyke frumentye corne, yet will not hys foolyshnesse go from hym.
23 Se that thou knowe the nombre of thy catell thy selfe, & loke well to thy flockes.
24 For ryches abyde not alwaye, & the crowne endureth not for euer.
25 The heye groweth, the grasse commeth vp, & herbes are gathered in the mountaynes.
26 The lambes shall clothe the and for the goates thou shalt haue money to thy husbandry.
27 Thou shalt haue goates mylck ynough to fede the, to vpholde thy housholde, and to susteyne thy maydens.
Proverbs 27 Cross References - Great
1 Samuel 28:19
19 And moreouer, the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wt the, into the handes of the Philistines. To morowe shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the hoste of Israel into the handes of the Philistines.
Psalms 95:7
7 For he is oure God: and we are the people of his pasture, and the shepe of his handes.
Isaiah 56:12
12 Come (saye they) I wyll fetch wyne, so shall we fyll oure selues, that we maye be dronken. And do to morowe, lyke as to daye, yee and moche more.
Luke 12:19-20
2 Corinthians 6:2
2 For he sayth: I haue heard the in a tyme accepted: and in the daye of saluacyon, haue I suckered the. Beholde, now is that accepted tyme: beholde, now is that daye of saluacyon.
James 4:13-16
13 Go to now ye that saye: to daye and to morow let vs go into soch a citye, and continue there a yeare, and bye and sell, and wynne:
14 & yet can not ye tell, what shall happen on the morow. For what thing is your lyfe? It is euen a vapour, that apereth for a lytell time, and then vanissheth awaye:
15 For that ye ought to saye: yf the Lord will, and yf we lyue, let vs do this or that.
16 But now ye reioyce in your boastynges. All soch reioysynge is euyll.
Proverbs 25:27
27 Lyke as it is not good to eate to moch hony, euen so he that will search out hye thynges, it shall be to heuy for hym.
2 Corinthians 10:12
12 For we cannot fynde in our hertes to make oure selnes of the nomber of them, or to compare oure selues to them, which prayse them selues. Neuerthelesse, whyle they measure them selues wt them selues, and compare them selues with them selues, they vnderstande nought.
2 Corinthians 10:18
18 For he that prayseth hym selfe, is not alowed but he whom the Lorde prayseth.
2 Corinthians 12:11
11 Therfore, haue I delectacion in infirmityes, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucyons, in anguysshes for Chrystes sake. For when I am weake, then am I stronge.
Genesis 34:25-26
25 And it happened the thyrde daye (when it was paynefull to them) .ij. of the sonnes of Iacob Symeon and Leui Dinas brethren, toke ether of them his swerde and went in to the cytie boldly, and slewe all that was male,
26 and slewe also Hemor and Sichem hys sonne with the edge of the swerde, and toke Dina out of Sichems house, and went their waye.
Genesis 49:7
7 Cursed be their wrath, for it was shamelesse, and their fearsnes, for it was cruell. I wyll deuide them in Iacob, & scater them in Israel.
1 Samuel 22:18-19
18 And the kyng sayde to Doeg: turne thou, and fall vpon the preastes. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and ranne vpon the preastes, and slue that same daye foure skore & fyue persones, that dyd weare a lynnen Ephod.
19 And Nob the cytie of the preastes smote he wyth the edge of the swerde, both men & wemen, children and sucklynges, oxen and asses and shepe.
Esther 3:5-6
5 And when Haman sawe, that Mardocheus bowed not the knee vnto him, nor worshipped him, he was full of indignacion,
6 and thought it to lyttell to laye handes onely on Mardocheus: for they had shewed him the nacion of Mardocheus, wherfore he sought to destroye all the Iewes, that were thorow out the whole empyre of Ahasuerus, and that were of the nacion of Mardocheus.
Proverbs 17:12
12 It were better to come agaynst a she Beare robbed of her whelpes, then agaynst a foole in his foolishnes.
Daniel 3:19
19 Then was Nabuchodonosor full of indignacyon, so that the countenaunce of his face chaunged vpon Sidrach, Misach, and Abednago. Therfore he charged and commaunded, that the ouen shuld be made seuen tymes hotter, then it was wonte to be:
1 John 3:12
12 not as Cayn which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his awne workes were euyll, and hys brothers good.
Genesis 26:14
14 for he had possessyon of shepe, of oxen and a myghtye housholde, and therfore the Philistians had enuy at hym:
Genesis 37:11
11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.
Job 5:2
2 As for the foolysh man, displeasure kylleth hym, and anger slayeth the ignoraunt
Proverbs 6:34
34 For the gelousy and wrath of the man wyll not be intreated,
Proverbs 14:30
30 A mery herte is the lyfe of the body, but rancoure consumeth awaye the bones.
Song of Songs 8:6
6 O set me as a seale vpon thine herte, and as a seale vpon thyne arme: for loue is myghtie as the death, & gelousy as the hel. Her coales are of fyre, & a very flamme of the Lorde:
Matthew 27:18
18 For he knewe that for enuie they had delyuered him.
Acts 5:17
17 Then the chefe Preste rose vp, and all they that were with him (which is the secte of the Saduces) and were full of indignacion,
Acts 7:9
9 And the patriarkes hauing indygnacyon solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with hym,
Acts 17:5
5 But the Iewes which beleued not, had indignacion and toke vnto them euyll men, which were vagabundes, and gathered a company, and set all the cytie on a roare, & made assaute vnto the house of Iason, & sought to brynge them out to the people.
Romans 1:29
29 beyng full of all vnryghteousnesse, fornicacyon, wyckednes, coueteousnes, malicyousnes, full of enuye morther, debate, disceyte, euyll condicyoned, whysperers,
James 1:19-21
19 Wherfore (deare brethren) let euery man be swyfte to heare, slowe to speake, slowe to wrath.
20 For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God.
21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes & superfluyte of maliciousnes, and receaue wt meknes, the worde that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules.
James 3:14-16
James 4:5-6
Leviticus 19:17
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thyne hart, but shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neyghbour: that thou bere not synne for hys sake.
Proverbs 28:23
23 He that folowynge my precepts rebuketh a man? shall fynde more fauoure at the last, then he that flatreth hym.
Matthew 18:15
15 Moreouer yf thy brother treaspace agaynst the, go & tell hym hys faute betwene him & the alone. If he heare the, thou hast wonne thy brother:
Galatians 2:14
14 But when I sawe that they went not the right waye after the trueth of the Gospell, I sayde vnto Peter before them all: yf thou beynge a Iewe, lyuest after the maner of the Gentyls, and not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the Gentyls to lyue as do the Iewes?
1 Timothy 5:20
20 Then that synne, rebuke openly, that other also maye feare.
2 Samuel 12:7-15
7 And Nathan sayth to Dauid: thou art the man. Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, I anoynted the kynge ouer Israel, and rydde the out of the hande of Saul,
8 I gaue the thy masters house, and thy masters wyues into thy bosome, and gaue the, the house of Israel and of Iuda, & might (yf that had bene to lytle) haue geuen the so moche moare.
9 Wherfore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Urias the Hethite with the swerde, and hast taken his wife to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym with the swerde of the chyldren of Ammon.
10 Nowe therfore, the swerde shall neuer depart from thyne house, because thou hast despysed me, and taken the wyfe of Urias the Hethite, to be thy wife.
11 Wherfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll stere vp euell agaynst the, euen out of thyne awne house, & wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and geue them vnto thy neyghboure, and he shall lye wyth thy wyues in the syght of the sonne.
12 For thou dydest it secretly, But I wyll do thys thynge before all Israel, and in the open sonne lygth.
13 And Dauid sayde vnto Nathan I haue synned agaynst the Lorde. And Nathan sayd vnto Dauid: the Lorde also hath put awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye.
14 Howbeit, because in doyng thys deade, thou hast geuen the enemyes of the Lord a cause to rayle, the chylde that is borne vnto the, shall surelye dye.
15 And Nathan departed vnto hys house. And the Lorde stroke the chylde that Urias wyfe bare vnto Dauid, and it sickened sore.
2 Samuel 20:9-10
9 And Ioab sayde to Amasa: art thou in health my brother? And Ioab toke Amasa by the chynne with the ryght hande, to kysse hym.
10 But Amasa toke no hede to the knyffe that was in Ioabs hande, for therwith he smote hym in the short rybbes, and shed out hys bowelles to the grounde, and thrust at him nomore, and he dyed. So Ioab and Abisai his brother folowed after Seba the sonne of Bichri.
Job 5:17-18
Psalms 141:5
5 Let the ryghteous rather smyte me frendly & reproue me.
Proverbs 10:18
18 Dissemblynge lyppes kepe hatred secretely, and he that speaketh any sclaunder, is a foole.
Proverbs 26:23-26
23 Uenymous lyppes and a wycked herte, are lyke a potsherde couered with syluer drosse.
24 And enemye shalbe knowen by his talkyng, & in the meane season he ymagyneth myschefe,
25 but when he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacions in his herte.
26 Who so kepeth euell will, secretly to do hurte, his malyce shalbe shewed before the whole congregacyon.
Matthew 26:48-50
48 But he that betrayed him gaue them a token, sayinge: whomsoeuer I kysse, that same is he, hold him fast.
49 And forth with he came to Iesus, and sayde, hayle Master: and kyssed him.
50 And Iesus sayde vnto him: frende, wherfore art thou come? Then came they, and layed handes on Iesus and toke him.
Hebrews 12:10
10 And they verely for a feaw dayes, nurtred vs after theyr awne pleasure: but he nurteth vs for our profit, to the intent that he maye mynister of his holynes vnto vs.
Revelation 3:19
19 As many as I loue, I rebuke, & chasten, Be feruent therfore, and repent.
Numbers 11:4-9
4 And the rascall people that was amonge them, fell a lustyng, and turned them selues and wepte (euen as dyd also the chyldren of Israel) and sayde: who shall geue vs flesh to eate?
5 we remembre the fyshe which we dyd eate in Egipt for naught, & the Cucumbers, and melons, lekes, onyons & garleke.
6 But nowe oure soule is dryed awaye, for we can se nothyng els, saue Manna.
7 The manna was as coriander seed, and (to se to) lyke Bedellion.
8 And the people went about and gathered it, and grounde it in milles, or bet it in morters, and baked it in pannes, and made kakes of it. And the taist of it was like vnto the taist of an oyle kake.
9 And whan the dewe fell downe vpon the hooste in the nyght, the Manna fell vpon it.
Numbers 11:18-20
18 And saye thou vnto the people: be halowed agaynst tomorowe, and ye shall eate flesh: for your whyning is in the eares of the Lorde, seing ye sayd: who shall geue vs flesh to eate? we were happye in Egipt: therfore the Lorde wyll geue you flesh, and ye shall eate.
19 Ye shall not eate one daye nor two, nor fyue dayes, neyther ten, nor twentye dayes:
20 but euen a moneth longe, vntyll it come out at the nastrels of you: and make you to parbrake, because that ye haue cast the Lorde asyde which is amonge you: and haue wepte before hym, saying: why came we thus oute of Egipte?
Numbers 21:5
5 And the people spake agaynst God & agaynst Moses wherfore hast thou brought vs oute of Egypte, for to dye in the wildernesse? for here is nether bread nor water, & oure soule lotheth thys lyghte breade.
Job 6:7
7 The thynges that some tyme I myght not awaye withall, are now my meate for very sorowe.
Luke 15:16-17
John 6:9
9 There is a lad here, whych hath fyue barly loues and two fysshes: but what are they amonge so many?
Genesis 4:16
16 And Cain wente out from the presence of the Lorde, & dwelt in the londe of Nod eastward from Eden.
Genesis 16:6-8
6 But Abram sayde to Sarai: beholde, thy mayde is in thy hande, do with hyr as it pleaseth the. And whan Sarai fared foule wyth her, she fled from the face of her.
7 And the Angell of the Lorde founde her besyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by the well that is in the waye to Sur.
8 And he sayde: Hagar Sarais mayde, whence camest thou and whether wilt thou goo? She sayde: I flee from the face of my mastresse Sarai.
1 Samuel 22:5
5 And the prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid: abide not in holde, but departe and go into the land of Iuda. Then Dauid departed and came into the forest Hareth.
1 Samuel 27:1-12
1 And Dauid sayde in his hert: I shall perishe one daye or other by the hand of Saul. Therfore is there nothing better for me, then to flee and saue my selfe in the land of the Philistines, and Saul shall cease & seke me nomore in all the coastes of Israel, & so shall I escape out of his hand.
2 And Dauid arose, & he & the syxe hundred men that were wt him went vnto Achis, the sonne of Maoch, king of Geth.
3 And Dauid dwelt wt Achis at Geth, both he & his men, euery man wt his housholde, & Dauid wt hys two wiues: Ahinoam the Iezrahelite, & Abigail Nabals wife of Carmell.
4 And it was tolde Saul, that Dauid was fleed to Geth, and he sought no moare for him.
5 And Dauid sayd vnto Achis: If I haue now found grace in thine eyes, lett them geue me a place in some towne in the feldes, that I maye dwell there. For why shulde thy seruaunt dwell in the heed cytie of the kingdome wt the?
6 Then Achis gaue hym Zikleg the same daye, for which cause Zikleg pertaineth vnto the kynges of Iuda vnto thys daye.
7 And the tyme that Dauid dwelt in the contreye of the Philistines, was foure monethes, and certayne dayes.
8 And Dauid & his men went vp, and ranne vpon the Gesurites, the Gerzites & the Amalekites: For those nacions were from the begynnyng the enhabiters of the lande, as men go to Sur, vnto the lande of Egypte.
9 And Dauid smote the land, and left nether man ner woman alyue, and droue awaye the shepe, the oxen, the asses, camelles, and clothes, and retourned, and came to Achis.
10 And Achis sayde: where haue ye bene a rouing this daye? And Dauid answered: Toward the south of Iuda, & towarde the south of the Iezrahelites, & towarde the south of the kenites.
11 And Dauid saued nether man nor woman alyue ner suffred them to come to Geth, for feare (sayeth he) leste they shuld telle on vs saing so dyd Dauid & so wylbe his maner all the while he dwelleth in the contreye of the Philistines.
12 And Achis beleued Dauid saying He abhorreth his people of Israel, & therfore he shalbe my seruaunt for euer.
1 Kings 19:9
9 Whan he came thether into a caue, he lodged there in, all nyght. And beholde, the worde of the Lorde came to him & sayde vnto hym: what doest thou here Elia?
Nehemiah 6:11-13
11 And I sayde: shulde any soch man as I flye? Who is that, beyng as I am, that wil go into the temple, to saue his lyfe? I wyll not go in.
12 And I perceaued, that God had not sent hym. Yet spake he prophecy vpon me, neuerthelesse, Tobiah and Sanabalat had hyred him for money.
13 Therfore toke he the money that through feare I shulde so do, and synne: that they might haue an euell reporte of me, to blaspheme me.
Job 39:14-16
Proverbs 21:16
16 The man that wandreth out of the waye of wysdome, shall remayne in the congregacyon of the deed.
Proverbs 26:2
2 Lyke as the byrde & the swalowe take theyr flyght & fle here & there, so the curse that is geuen in vayne, shall not lyght vpon a man.
Isaiah 16:2
2 For as for the daughters of Moab, they shalbe as a tremblyng byrde, that is put out of heruest, for they shal carye them vnto Arnon:
Jonah 1:3
3 And Ionas made him ready to fle vnto Tharsis from the presence of the Lorde, and gat hym downe to Ioppa: where he founde a shyp ready for to go vnto Tharsis. So he payde hys fare, and wente aborde, that he myght go with them vnto Tharsis, from the presence of the Lorde.
Jonah 1:10-17
10 Then were the men exceadyngly afrayed & sayde vnto hym: why dydest thou so? (for they knewe, that he was fled from the presence of the Lorde, because he had tolde them)
11 & sayd moreouer vnto him: What shall we do vnto the, that the see maye ceasse from troublynge vs? (for the see wrought and was troublous)
12 he answered them: Take me, and cast me into the see, so shall it lett you be in rest: for I wote, it is for my sake, that this great tempeste is come vpon you.
13 Neuerthelesse, the men assayed wyth rowynge, to brynge the shyppe to lande: but it wolde not be, because the see wrought so: & was so troublous agaynst them.
14 Wherfore they cryed vnto the Lord, & sayde: O Lord let vs not perysh for thys mans death, nether laye thou innocent bloude vnto our charge: for thou, O Lord, hast done, euen as thy pleasure was.
15 So they toke Ionas, and cast hym into the see, and the see lefte ragynge,
16 And the men feared the Lorde exceadyngly, doyng sacryfyces and makinge vowes vnto the Lorde.
17 (
1 Corinthians 7:20
20 Let euery man abyde in the same callinge, wherin he was called.
Jude 1:13
13 They are the ragynge waues of the see, fomynge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge sterres, to whom is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer.
Exodus 18:17-24
17 And Moses father in lawe sayd vnto him: it is not well that thou doest.
18 Thou both weryest thy selfe, and thys people that is wt the: for thys thynge is of more weyght, then thou art able to perfourme thy selfe alone.
19 Heare nowe therfore my voyce, and I wyll geue the councell, and God shalbe with the. Be thou vnto the people to God warde, that thou mayest brynge the causes vnto God,
20 and thou shalt teache them ordinaunces and lawes, and shewe them the waye wherin they must walke, and the worke that they must doo.
21 Morouer thou shalt seke oute amonge all the people, men of actiuite, and such as feare God: true men, hatynge coueteousnes: and make them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fyftye and ouer ten.
22 And let them iudge the people at all seasons. And euery greate matter that happeneth, let them bringe vnto the, but let them iudge all small causes them selues, and so shall it be easyer for thy selfe, and they shall bere with the.
23 If thou shalt do thys thinge, (and God charge the with all) thou shalt be able to endure, and yet the people shall come to theyr place in peace.
24 And so Moses obeyed the voyce of hys father in lawe, and did all that he had sayde,
Judges 9:9
9 But the olyue tree sayd vnto them: shulde I leaue my fattenesse, whych both goddes and men prayse in me, and go to be promoted ouer the trees?
1 Samuel 23:16-17
Ezra 10:2-4
2 And Sechania the sonne of Iehiel one of the children of Elam, answered, and sayde vnto Esdras. We haue trespaced agaynst oure God, and haue taken straunge wyues of the people of the land. Now there is hope yet in Israel concerning this thyng:
3 For now we wyll make a couenaunt with oure God, and put awaye all the wyues (and soch as are borne of them) accordinge to the councell of the Lord, and we wylbe in the feare of the commaundementes of oure God, that we maye do accordyng to the lawe.
4 Get the vp, for thys matter belongeth vnto the. We also wyll be wyth the, be of good conforte therfore, and do it.
Psalms 23:5
5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me agaynst them that trouble me: thou hast anoynted my head wt oyle, & my cuppe shalbe full.
Psalms 45:7-8
Psalms 104:15
15 that he maye brynge fode out of the earth: and wyne that maketh glad the herte of man, and oyle to make him a chearfull countenaunce, and bred to strength mans herte.
Psalms 133:2
2 Lyke the dewe of Hermon, which fell vpon the hyll of Sion.
Proverbs 7:17
17 My bed haue I made to smell of Mirre, Aloes, and Cynamon.
Proverbs 15:23
23 A ioyfull thynge is it, to a man when his counsell is folowed: and very pleasunt is a worde spoken in due season.
Proverbs 16:21
21 Who so hath a wyse vnderstandynge, shalbe called to councell: and he that can speake fayre, shall haue the more lernynge.
Proverbs 16:23-24
Song of Songs 1:3
3 & that, because of the good & pleasaunt sauoure of thy most preciouse balmes. Thy name is a swete smellynge oyntment when it is shed forthe, therfore do the maydens loue the:
Song of Songs 3:6
6 Who is thys, that commeth vp out of the wyldernesse like vapours of smoke, as it were a smell of Myrre, franckencense, and all maner spyces of the Apotecary?
Song of Songs 4:10
10 O howe fayre are thy brestes, my syster, my spouse? Thy brestes are more pleasaunt then wyne, and the smel of thyne oyntmentes passeth all spyces.
John 12:3
3 Then toke Mary a pound of oyntment (called Nardus, perfecte and precious) and anoynted Iesus fete, and wyped his fete with her hear, & the house was fylled with the odoure of the oyntment.
Acts 28:15
15 And from thence, when the brethren hearde of vs, they came to mete vs at Apiphorum, and at the thre tauernes. When Paul sawe them, he thancked God, and wexed bolde.
2 Corinthians 2:15-16
2 Samuel 19:24
24 And Miphiboseth the sonne of Saul came also to mete the kynge, & had nether wasshed his fete, ner shauen his beerde, ner wasshed his clothes from the tyme the kynge departed, vntyll he came agayne in peace.
2 Samuel 19:28
28 For all my fathers house were but deed men before my Lorde the kynge: and yet dydest thou put thy seruaunt amonge them that dyd eate at thyne awne table. What ryght therfore haue I yet, to crye any more vnto the kynge?
2 Samuel 21:7
7 But the kynge had compassyon on Miphiboseth the sonne of Ionathas, the sonne of Saul, because of the Lords othe that was betwene them: euen betwene Dauid and Ionathas the sonne of Saul.
1 Kings 12:6-8
6 And kynge Rehoboam toke councell with the olde men that stode before Salomon hys father, while he yet lyued, and sayde: what councell geue ye, that I maye haue matter to answere thys people?
7 And they sayde vnto hym: If thou be a seruaunt vnto thys people this daye, and folowe theyr myndes and answere them, and speake kynde wordes to them: they wyll be thy seruauntes for euer.
8 But he forsoke the councell that the olde men had geuen him, and called vnto hys councell yonge men, that were growen vp with him, and wayted on hym.
2 Chronicles 10:6-8
6 And kynge Rehoboam counsayled wyth the elders that had stande before Salomon his father, whyle he yet lyued, and he sayde: what councell geue ye me, to answere thys people agayne?
7 And they tolde him, saying: If thou be kynde to thys people, and shewe thy selfe lowely to them, and speake louynge wordes to them, they wyll be thy seruauntes for euer.
8 But he left the councell whiche the elders gaue him, and toke councell wyth the youngemen, that were growen vp with hym and that stode in his presence.
2 Chronicles 24:22
22 And so Ioas the kynge remembred not the kyndnes which Iehoiada hys father had done to him, but slue his sonne. And when he dyed, he sayd: the Lorde loke vpon it, and requyre it.
Job 6:21-23
Proverbs 17:17
17 He is a frende that all waye loueth, and in aduersyte a man shall knowe who is hys brother.
Proverbs 18:24
24 A man that loueth his frendes wyll be compinable with them: and some frende sticketh faster to a man then his brother.
Proverbs 19:7
7 As for the poore, he is hated amonge all his brethren: yee, hys awne frendes withdrawe from him: and yf he aske them the cause, they dysdayne to answere hym.
Isaiah 41:8-10
8 But thou Israel art my seruaunte: thou Iacob art electe, thou art the sede of Abraham my beloued
9 thou art he whom I led from the endes of the earth by the hande. For I called the from farre euen from among the gloriouse men of it, & sayd vnto the. Thou art my seruaunt. I haue chosen the, and not cast the awaye:
10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.
Jeremiah 2:5
5 Thus sayeth the Lorde. What vnfaythfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye fro me, fallynge to lightnesse, and beynge so vayne?
Obadiah 1:12-14
12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of hys captiuite: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the children of Iuda, in the daye of theyr destruccyon, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of theyr trouble.
13 Thou shalt nomore come in at the gates of my people, in the tyme of theyr decaye: thou shalt not se theyr misery in the daye of theyr fall. Thou shalt sende out no man agaynst theyr hoost, in the daye of theyr aduersyte:
14 nether shalt thou stande waytynge any more at the corners of the stretes, to murthur soch as are fled, or to take them presoners, that remayne in the daye of theyr trouble.
Luke 10:30-37
30 Iesus answered, & sayde, A certayne man descended from Hierusalem to Hierico, & fell among theues, which robbed him of his rayment & wounded him, and departed, leuynge him halfe deed.
31 And it chaunced, that ther came downe a certayne Preste that same waye, & when he sawe him, he passed by.
32 And lyke wyse a Leuite, when he went nye to the place, came and loked on him, & passed by.
33 But a certayne Samaritane, as he iorneyed, came vnto hym: and when he sawe him, he had compassion on him
34 & went to, and bounde vp his woundes, & poured in oyle & wyne, and set him on his awne beaste, and brought him to a commen ynne, and made prouision for him.
35 And on the morow, when he departed, he toke out .ij. pence, & gaue them to the host, & sayd vnto him. Take cure of him & whatsoeuer thou spendest moare, when I come agayne I will recompence the.
36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou, was neyghbour vnto him that fell among the theues?
37 And he sayd: he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Go, and do thou lyke wyse.
Acts 23:12
12 And whan it was daye, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues togeather, and made a vowe, sayinge: that they wolde nether eate nor dryncke, tyll they had kylled Paul.
Acts 23:23-35
23 And he called vnto hym two vnder captaynes sayinge: make ready two hundred soudiers to go to Cesarea, and horssmen threscore, and ten: and speare men two hundred, at the thyrde houre of the nyghte.
24 And delyuer them beastes, that they maye sett Paul on, and brynge hym safe vnto Felix the hye debyte
25 and he wrote a letter after thys maner.
26 Claudius Lysias vnto the most myghty rular Felix, sendeth, gretynges.
27 Thys man was taken of the Iewes, and shuld haue bene kylled of them. Then came I with soudyers, and reskued hym, and perceaued that he was a Romayn.
28 And when I wold haue knowen the cause, wherfore they accused hym, I broughte hym forth into theyr councell.
29 There perceaued I that he was accused of questions of their lawe. But was not gyltye of eny thynge worthy of death or of bondes.
30 And when it was shewed me, how that Iewes layde wayte ther for him, I sent hym strayght waye to the, and gaue commaundement to hys accusars, that the thynges, which they haue agaynst hym, they shulde tell before the: fare well.
31 Then the soudyers (as it was commaunded them) toke Paul, and brought hym by night to Antipatras.
32 On the morow they left the horssmen to go with hym, and returned vnto the castle.
33 Whych when they came to Cesarea, (and delyuered the epistle to the debyte) presented Paul also before him.
34 When the debite had redde the lettre, he asked of what countre he was. And when he vnderstode that he was of Cilicia
35 I wyll heare the (sayde he) when thyne accusars are come also: and he commaunded hym to be kepte in Herodes iudgement hall.
Psalms 119:42
42 So shal I make answere vnto my blasphemers, for my trust is in thy worde.
Psalms 127:4-5
4 Lo, chyldren and the frute of the wombe are an herytage and gyfte, that commeth of the Lorde.
5 Lyke as the arowes in the hande of the gyaunt, euen so are the yonge chyldren. Happy is the man, that hath hys quyuer full of them, they shall not be ashamed, when they speake wyth theyr enemyes in the gate.
Proverbs 10:1
1 Prouerbes of Salomon. A wyse sonne maketh a glad father, but an vndiscrete sonne is an heuynesse vnto hys mother.
Proverbs 15:20
20 A wyse sonne maketh a glad father, but an vndiscrete body shameth his mother.
Proverbs 23:15-16
Proverbs 23:24-25
Proverbs 29:3
3 Who so loueth wysdome maketh his father a glad man: but he that kepeth company with harlottes, spendeth awaye that he hath.
Ecclesiastes 2:18-21
18 Yee I was weery of all my labour, whych I had taken vnder the Sunne, because I shulde be fayne to leaue them vnto another man that commeth after me:
19 And who knoweth, whether he shalbe a wyse man or a fole? And yet shall he be lord of all my labours, which I with soch wysdome haue taken vnder the Sunne Thys is also a vayne thyng.
20 So I turned me to refrayne my mynde from all soch trauayle, as I toke vnder the Sunne:
21 for so moch as a man shulde weery hym selfe with wysdome, with vnderstanding and oportunite, & yet be fayne to leaue his labours vnto another that neuer swett for them. This is also a vayne thing & greate misery.
Philemon 1:7
7 For we haue great ioye and consolacyon in thy loue: because that by the (brother) the sayntes hertes are conforted.
Philemon 1:19-20
2 John 1:4
4 I reioysed greatly, that I founde of thy children walkinge in trueth, as we haue receaued a commaundement of the father.
Exodus 9:20-21
Psalms 57:1-3
1 To the chaunter destroye not: The badges or armes of Dauid, when he fled from Saul into the caue. Be mercyfull vnto me (O God) be mercyfull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in the: and vnder the shadowe of thy winges shalbe my refuge vntyll this tyrannye be ouer past.
2 I wil cal vnto the most hye God, euen to the God that shall perfourme the cause which I haue in hande.
3 He shall sende from heauen, and saue me from the reprofe of hym that wold eate me vp. Sela. God shall sende forth hys mercy & treuth.
Proverbs 18:10
10 The name of the Lord is a stronge castell, the ryghteous flyeth vnto it, and is in saue garde.
Proverbs 22:3
3 A wyse man seeth the plage, and hydeth hym selfe: but the folysh go on styll and are punysshed.
Isaiah 26:20-21
20 Come my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy dores about the: hyde thy selfe a lytle for a whyle, vntyll the indignation be ouerpast.
21 For lo, the Lorde is commyng out of his place, to viset the wickednes of suche as dwell vpon earth. The earth also shall disclose her awne bloud, and shall nomore hid them that are slayne in her.
Matthew 3:7
7 But when he sawe many of the Pharises and Saduces come to hys baptyme, he sayd vnto them: O generacion of vypers, who hath taught you to fle from the vengeaunce to come?
Hebrews 6:18
18 that by two immutable thynges (in whych it was vnpossible that God shulde lye) we myght haue a stronge consolacyon, which hitherto haue fled, for to holde fast the hope that is set before vs,
Hebrews 11:7
7 By fayth Noe beynge warned of God, eschued the thynges which were as yet not sene, and prepared the arke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whych arke, he condempned the worlde, and became heyre of the ryghtewesnes which is accordyng to fayth.
2 Peter 3:7
7 But the heauens and erth whych are now, be kept by hys worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynst the daye of iudgement & perdicion of vngodly men.
2 Peter 3:10-14
10 Neuerthelesse the daye of the Lord wyll come as a thefe in the nyghte, in the which daye, the heauens shall passe awaye in maner of a tempest, and the elementes shal melt with heat: the erth also & the workes that are therin, shall burne.
11 Seyng then that all these thinges shal perishe, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersacyon, and godlynes:
12 lokyng for, and hastinge vnto the commynge of the daye of God, by whom the heauens shall perisshe with fyre, & the elementes shall melt with heate?
13 Neuerthelesse, we (according to his promes) loke for a new heauen and a new earth, wherin dwelleth ryghtewesnes.
14 Wherfore dearly beloued, seynge that ye loke for such thinges, be diligent that ye maye be founde of hym in peace, wythout spotte and vndefyled.
Exodus 22:26
26 If thou take thy neyghbours rayment to pledge, thou shalt delyuer it vnto hym agayne by that the sonne goo doune.
Proverbs 6:1-4
1 My sonne yf thou be suertye for thy neyghboure, and hast fastened thyne hand for another man,
2 thou art bounde wt thyne awne wordes, and taken with thine awne speache.
3 Therfore, my sonne, do thys & thou shalt be discharged: when thou art come into thy neighbours daunger. Goo thy wayes then soone, humble thy selfe, and with thy frendes intreate thy creditour:
4 let not thyne eyes slepe, ner thyne eye lyddes slomber.
Proverbs 20:16
16 Take hys garment that is suretye for a straunger: and take a pledge of hym for the vnknowne mans sake.
Proverbs 22:26-27
2 Samuel 15:2-7
2 And he roase vp erlye in the morninges, and stode in the place of the entring in of the gate. And euery man that had anye matter and came to the kynge for iudgement, him dyd Absalom call vnto hym, and sayde: of what cytie art thou? He answered: thy seruaunt is of one of the trybes of Israel.
3 And Absalom sayde vnto hym: se, thy matter is good and ryghteous, but there is no man deputed of the kynge to heare the.
4 Absalom sayde moreouer: Oh, that I were made iudge in the lande, that euery man which hath anye pleye and matter in the lawe, myght come to me, and that I myght do him iustice?
5 And whan any man came nye to hym, and dyd him obeysaunce, he put forth his hande and toke hym to hym, and kyssed hym.
6 And on this maner dyd Absalom to all Israel that came to the kynge for Iudgement, and he stale the hertes of the men of Israel.
7 And after fourtye yeres it fortuned that Absalom sayde vnto the kynge: let me go nowe to Hebron, and paye my vowe which I haue vowed, vnto the Lorde:
2 Samuel 16:16-19
16 And as sone as Husai the Arachite was come vnto Absalom, he sayde vnto hym: God saue the kynge, God saue the kyng.
17 And Absalom sayde agayne to Husai: is this the kyndnesse thou owest to thy frende? Why wentest thou not wyth hym?
18 Husai answered vnto Absalom: naye not so, but whom the Lorde and this people and all the men of Israel chose, hys will I be, and with hym wyll I dwell.
19 Moreouer, vnto whome shall I do seruice, but euen to hys sonne? And as I was seruaunt before wt thy father, euen so shall I be with the.
2 Samuel 17:7-13
7 Husai answered vnto Absalom: the councell that Ahithophel hath geuen, is not good at this tyme:
8 For (sayd Husai) thou knowest thy father, & his men, howe that they be strong. And they be chafed in their myndes, and are euen as a Beare robbed of her whelpes in the felde. Thy father is a man also practised in warre, & maketh no tarienge with the people.
9 Beholde he lurketh now in some caue, or in some other stronge place. And though some of his men be ouerthrowen at the fyrst brunt, yet they that heare it will saye: The people that foloweth Absalom, be put to the worsse.
10 And the best men thou hast whose herttes are as the hertes of Lyons, shall shrynke therat. For all Israel knoweth, that thy father is a myghtye man, and they whych be wyth him are all men of warre.
11 Therfore my councell is, that all Israel be geathered vnto the, from Dan to Beerseba, (which are as the sande of the see in nombre) and that thou go to batayle in thyne awne person.
12 For so shall we come vpon him in one place or other, where we shall fynde hym, & we will fall vpon him euen as thicke as the dewe falleth on the grounde. And of all the men that are wyth hym, we shall not leaue hym one.
13 Moreouer, yf he be gotten into a towne then shall all the men of Israel bringe ropes to that cytie, and we wyll drawe it into the ryuer, vntyll there be not one stone founde there.
1 Kings 22:6
6 And then the king of Israel geathered the prophetes together upon a foure hundred men, and sayde vnto them: shall I go agaynst Ramoth in Gilead to batayle, or shall I let it alone? And they sayd, go vp: for the Lorde shall delyuer it into the handes of the kyng.
1 Kings 22:13
13 And the messenger that was gone to call Michea, spake vnto hym sayenge: beholde the wordes of the Prophetes speake good vnto the kynge wt one mouth: let thy worde therfore (I praye the) be lyke the worde of euery one of them, to speake that whych is good.
Jeremiah 28:2-4
2 b) And thys was done in the same yeare, euen in the begynnynge of the raygne of Zedekiah kynge of Iuda. But in the .iiij. yeare of the raygne of Zedekiah kinge of Iuda, in the .v. moneth, it happened that Hananiah the sonne of Assur the prophet of Gibeon, spake to me in the house of the Lorde, in the presence of the prestes, & of all the people, and sayde:
3 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel: I haue broken the yock of the king of Babilon,
4 & after two yeare will I brynge agayne into this place: all the ornamentes of the Lordes house, that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon caried awaye from this place vnto Babilon.
Acts 12:22-23
Job 14:19
19 the waters pearse thorowe the very stones by lytle and lytle, the floudes wasshe a waye the grauell and earth. And destroyest thou the hope of man?
Proverbs 19:13
13 An vndyscrete sonne is the heuynes of his father: & a braulyng wyfe is lyke the top of an house, where thorowe it is euer droppynge.
Proverbs 21:9
9 It is better to dwell in a corner vnder the house toppe, then with a braulynge woman in a wyde house.
Proverbs 21:19
19 It is better to dwell in a wildernes then with a chydynge & an angrye woman.
Proverbs 25:24
24 It is better to syt in a corner vnder the rofe, then with a brauling woman in a wyde house:
Joshua 1:18
18 And whosoeuer he be that doth dysobeye thy mouth, and will not herken vnto thy wordes in all that thou commaundest him, let him dye: Onlye be strong and of good courage.
Joshua 2:24
24 And they sayd vnto Iosua: the Lord truly hathe delyuered into oure handes all the lande, and all the inhabiters of the contrey faynte at the presence of vs.
1 Samuel 11:9-10
9 And they sayde vnto the messengers that cam: so saye vnto the men of Iabes in Gilead: to morow by that tyme the sonne be hote, ye shal haue helpe. And the messengers cam & shewed the men of Iabes, which were glad.
10 Therfore the men of Iabes sayde: tomorowe we wyll come out vnto you, and ye shall do wyth vs all that pleaseth you.
1 Samuel 13:20-21
1 Samuel 23:16
16 And Ionathas Sauls sonne arose, & went to Dauid in to the thicket, & comforted his hand in God,
2 Samuel 10:11-12
11 And be sayd, yf the Sirians be stronger then I, thou shalt helpe me. But yf the chyldren of Ammon be to strong for the, I will come and succoure the.
12 Therfore quyte the lyke a man, & let vs stonde stiff for oure people, & for the cities of oure God. And the Lord do that which is good in his owne eyes.
Job 4:3-4
Proverbs 27:9
9 Balme and swete encense make the hert mery: so is the swete counsell of a mans frende that agreeth to his purpose.
Isaiah 35:3-4
1 Thessalonians 3:3
3 that no man shulde be moued in these affliccyons, For ye your selues knowe, that we are euen apoynted there vnto.
2 Timothy 1:8
8 Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimony of oure Lorde, nether be ashamed of me whych am his presoner: but suffre thou aduersytie with the Gospell, accordynge to the power of God,
2 Timothy 1:12
12 for the whych cause I also suffre these thynges. Neuerthelesse, I am not ashamed. For I knowe, and am sure, that he (in whom I haue put my trust) is able to kepe that whych I haue committed to hys kepynge, agaynst that daye.
2 Timothy 2:3
3 Thou therfore suffre afflyccyons as a good soudier of Iesu Chryst.
2 Timothy 2:9-13
9 wherin I suffre trouble as an euyll doar, euen vnto bondes. But the worde of God was not bounde.
10 Therfore I suffre all thynges, for the electes sakes, that they myght also obtayne the saluacion, which is in Christ Iesu, with eternall glory.
11 It is a true sayinge for yf we be deed wt hym, we shall also lyue wyth hym.
12 If we be pacient, we shall also raygne wyth hym. If we denye hym, he also shall denye vs.
13 If we beleue not, yet abydeth he faythfull. He cannot denye hym selfe.
Hebrews 10:24
24 & let vs consider one another, to the intent that we maye prouoke vnto loue, & to good workes,
James 1:2
2 My brethren, count it for an excedyng ioye, when ye fall into diuers temptacyons:
1 Peter 4:12-13
Genesis 24:2-3
2 And Abraham sayde vnto his eldest seruaunte of his house whych had the rule ouer all that he had: Put thy hande vnder my thygh,
3 & I wyll make the swere by the Lorde God of heauen and God of the erth, that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne, of the daughters of Chanaan, amonge whych I dwell.
Genesis 39:2-5
2 And God was with Ioseph, & he became a luckye man, continuynge in the house of his master the Egyptian.
3 And his master sawe that God was with him, & that God made all that he dyd to prosper in his hande.
4 And Ioseph founde grace in hys masters syghte, and serued him. And made hym rular of hys house, and put all that he had in his hande.
5 And it fortuned from the tyme that he had made him rular ouer hys house and ouer all that he had, the Lorde blessed the Egyptyans house for Iosephs sake, and the blessynge of the Lorde was vpon all that he had: in the house, and in the felde.
Genesis 39:22-23
22 And the keper of the preson commytted to Iosephs hande all the presoners that were in the preson house. And whatsoeuer was done there, that dyd he.
23 And the keper of the preson loked vnto nothynge that was vnder his hande, seynge that the Lorde was with him. For whatsoeuer he dyd, the Lorde made it to prosper.
Exodus 24:13
13 And Moses rose vppe & hys minister Iehosua, & Moses went vppe into the hyll of God,
1 Samuel 2:30
30 Wherfore the lorde God of Israell sayeth: I sayde, that thy house and the house of thy father shuld walke before me for euer. But now the lorde sayeth: that be farre from me: for them that worshipe me, I will worshipe, & they that despyse me, shall come to shame.
2 Kings 3:11
11 But Iehosaphat sayde: is there not here a prophet of the Lorde, that we maye enquyre of the Lorde by him? And one of the kynge of Israels seruauntes answered and sayde: here is Elisa the sonne of Saphat, which powred water on the handes of Elia.
2 Kings 5:2-3
2 Kings 5:25
25 and they departed. But he went in, and stode before his master. And Elisa sayde vnto him: whence commest thou Gehezi? He sayde: thy seruaunt went no whether.
2 Kings 5:27
27 The leprosye therfore of Naaman shall cleaue vnto the, and vnto thy seed for euer. And he went out from his presence a leper, as whyte as snowe.
Psalms 123:2
2 Beholde, euen as the eyes of seruauntes loke vnto the hande of their masters: and as the eyes of a mayden vnto the hande of her mastresse, euen so our eyes wayte vpon the Lorde oure God, vntyll he haue mercy vpon vs.
Proverbs 17:2
2 A discrete seruaunt shall haue more rule then the sonnes that haue no wysdome, and shall haue lyke heritage with the brethren.
Proverbs 22:29
29 Seest thou not, that they which be diligent in theyr busynes, stande before kynges and not amonge the symple people?
Song of Songs 8:12
12 My vyneyard is in my sight: thou (O Salomon) must haue a thousande, and the kepers two hundred with the frute.
Matthew 24:25
25 behold, I haue tolde you before.
Matthew 24:46
46 Blessed is that seruaunt whom hys Lord (when he cometh) shall fynde so doynge:
Matthew 25:21-22
21 His Lord sayde vnto him: well thou good and faythfull seruaunt. Thou hast bene faythfull ouer fewe thinges, I wyll make the ruler ouer many thinges: entre thou into the ioye of thy Lorde.
22 He also that had receaued two talentes, came and sayde: Sir, thou delyueredst vnto me two talentes: beholde, I haue wone two other talentes with them:
Mark 10:43
43 And they that be greate amonge them, exercyse auctoryte vpon them. Neuertheles, so shall it not be amonge you: but whosoeuer of you wylbe greate amonge you, shalbe youre mynister.
Luke 12:37
37 Happy are those seruauntes, whom the Lorde (when he commeth) shall fynde wakynge. Uerely I saye vnto you, that he shall gyrde hym selfe and make them to syt downe to meate, and walke by, and minister vnto them.
Luke 12:43-44
Luke 19:17
17 And he sayd vnto hym: Well thou good seruaunt: because thou hast bene faythfull in a very lytell thynge, haue thou auctoryte ouer ten cyties.
John 12:26
26 If eny man mynister vnto me, lett him folowe me: and Where I am, there shall also my minister be. Yf any man mynister vnto me, hym will my father honoure.
Acts 10:7
7 And when the angell which spake vnto hym, was departed, he called two of hys housholde seruauntes, and a deuoute soudier of them that wayted on him,
1 Corinthians 3:8
8 He that planteth and he that watreth, are one. Euery man yet shall receaue hys rewarde, accordynge to his laboure.
1 Corinthians 9:7
7 Who goeth a warfare eny tyme at hys awne cost? who planteth a vineyarde, and eateth not of the frute therof? Or who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylcke of the flocke?
1 Corinthians 9:13
13 Do ye not knowe, howe that they which minister aboute holy thinges lyue of the sacrifyce? They which wayte of the temple, are partakers of the temple.
Colossians 3:22
22 Ye seruauntes be obedient vnto them that are youre bodyly masters in all thinges: not with eye seruice as men pleasers, but in synglenes of herte, fearynge God.
2 Timothy 2:6
6 The husbandman that laboureth, must fyrst receaue of the frutes.
1 Peter 2:18
18 Seruauntes, obey your masters wt feare not onely yf they be good & courteous: but also though they be froward
1 Peter 2:21
21 For here vnto verely were ye called: for Christ also suffered for vs leauynge vs an ensample, that ye shulde folowe his steppes,
Genesis 6:5
5 But God sawe that the malyce of man was greate in the erth, and all the ymaginacyon of the thoughtes of hys hert was onely euell euery daye.
Psalms 33:15
15 He fashyoneth all the hertes of them, and vnderstandeth all theyr worckes.
Mark 7:21
21 defyleth the man. For from wyth in, euen out of the herte of men proceade euyll thoughtes, aduoutry, fornicacyon, murther,
James 1:22-25
22 And se that ye be doars of the worde & not hearers onely, deceauing your awne selues.
23 For yf eny man heare the worde and declareth not the same by his workes, he is lyke vnto a man beholding his bodely face in a glasse.
24 For assone as he hath loked on hym selfe, he goeth his waye, & forgetteth immediatly what hys fassyon was.
25 But who so loketh in the parfayt lawe of libertye, and contynueth therin (yf he be not a forget full hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happye in his dede.
Job 26:6
6 Hell is naked before him, and the very destruccion it selfe cannot be hyd out of his syght.
Proverbs 15:11
11 The hell with her payne is knowen vnto the Lorde, howe moche more then the hertes of men?
Proverbs 23:5
5 Why wilt thou set thyne eye vpon the thynge, which sodenly vanisheth awaye? For riches make them selues winges, & take theyr flyght lyke an Aegle in to that ayre.
Proverbs 30:15-16
Ecclesiastes 1:8
8 All thinges are so harde to be knowen, that no man can expresse them. The eye is not satisfyed wt syght, the eare is not fylled wt hearinge.
Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
10 & loke whatsoeuer myne eyes desyred, I let them haue it: and wherin soeuer my hert delyted, or had eny pleasure, I with helde it not from it. Thus my herte reioysed in all that I dyd, and this was my porcion of all my trauayle.
11 But when I consydred all the workes that my handes had wrought, and all the laboure that I had taken therin: lo, all was but vanite and vexacion of mynd, and nothing of eny value vnder the Sunne.
Ecclesiastes 4:8
8 There is one man, no mo but hym selfe alone, hauyng nether chylde ner brother: yet is there no ende of his carefull trauayle, his eyes can not be satysfyed with riches, For whom do I take soch trauayle? For whose pleasure do I thus consume awaye my lyfe? This is also a vayne & myserable thinge?
Ecclesiastes 5:10-11
10 He that loueth money, wyll neuer be satisfyed wt money: & who so deliteth in riches, shal haue no profyt therof. This is also a vayne thinge.
11 Where as moche ryches is, there are many also that spende them awaye. And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, sauynge that he maye loke vpon them with his eyes?
Ecclesiastes 6:7
7 All the labour that a man taketh, is for him selfe, & yet his desire is neuer fylled after his minde.
Jeremiah 22:17
17 Neuertheles, as for thyne eyes and thyne herte, they loke vpon coueteousnesse, to shed innocent bloude, to do wronge & violence.
Habakkuk 2:5
5 Lyke as the wyne disceaueth the dronckarde, euen so the proude shall fayle and not endure. He openeth his desire wyde vp as the hel, & is as vnsaciable as death. All Heathen gathereth he to hym, and heapeth vnto him all people.
1 John 2:16
16 For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe, and the lust of the eyes, & the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.
1 Samuel 18:7-8
7 And the wemen answered one another in theyr playe, & sayde Saul hath slayne his thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande.
8 And Saul was excedyng wroth, and the sayinge displeased him, and he sayde: they haue ascribed vnto Dauid ten thousande, and to me but a thousande, & what can he more haue, saue the kyngdome?
1 Samuel 18:15-16
1 Samuel 18:30
30 The lordes of the Philistines vsed to go furth. And it fortuned that whan they went furth, Dauid behaued hym selfe wyselier then all the seruauntes of Saul: so that his name was moche set by.
2 Samuel 14:25
25 But in all Israel there was not so goodlye a man as Absalom, for he was very bewtifull: in so moche that from the sole of his fote to the toppe of his heed, there was no blemeshe in him.
2 Samuel 15:6-12
6 And on this maner dyd Absalom to all Israel that came to the kynge for Iudgement, and he stale the hertes of the men of Israel.
7 And after fourtye yeres it fortuned that Absalom sayde vnto the kynge: let me go nowe to Hebron, and paye my vowe which I haue vowed, vnto the Lorde:
8 for thy seruaunt vowed a vowe (when I was in Gesur in the lande of Siria) sayeng: yf the Lord shall bringe me agayne to Ierusalem, I will serue the Lord.
9 And the kynge sayde vnto hym: go in peace. And so he arose, and went to Hebron.
10 But Absalom sent spyes thorowe out all the tribes of Israel sayenge: as sone as ye heare the voyce of the trompet blowe, ye shall saye: Absalom raigneth kynge in Hebron.
11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Ierusalem, that were called. And they went wt pure hertes, not knowinge of any thynge.
12 And Absalom sent also for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, that he shulde come out of hys cytie Gilo, whyle he offered sacrifyces. And there was wrought stronge treason. For the people went and increased wt Absalom in multitude.
Psalms 12:6
6 The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes euen as the syluer, whych from earth is tryed and purifyed seuen tymes in the fyre.
Psalms 66:10
10 Thou broughtest vs into the snare, and layed trouble vpon oure loynes.
Proverbs 17:3
3 Lyke as syluer is tryed in the fyre, and golde in the fornace, euen so doth the Lorde proue the hertes.
Zechariah 13:9
9 And the same thyrde parte wyll I bringe thorow the fire, & wil clense them, as the siluer is clensed: yee, & trye them lyke as golde is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name and I will heare them: I wyll saye: it is my people. And they shal saye: Lorde my God.
Malachi 3:3
3 He shal syt him downe to trye and to clense the syluer, he shall pourge the chyldren of Leui, and purifye them lyke as golde and syluer: that they maye bringe meatofferinges vnto the Lorde in righteousnes.
1 Peter 1:7
7 that the triall of youre fayth beyng moche more precious then golde that peryssheth (though it be tryed with fyre) myght be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure, at the apperynge of Iesus Chryst,
1 Peter 4:12
12 Dearly beloued, maruayll not that ye are proued by fyre (whych thyng is to trye you) as though some straunge thing happened vnto you:
Exodus 12:30
30 And Pharao arose in the nyghte, he and all his seruauntes and all the Egipcians: and there was a greate cryinge in Egipt: for there was no house where there was not one deed.
Exodus 14:5
5 And it was tolde the king of Egipt that the people fled. And the hert of Pharao and of his seruauntes turned agaynst the people and they sayde: why haue we this done that we haue let Israel go out of our seruice?
Exodus 15:9
9 The enemye sayd: I wyll folowe on them: I will ouertake them, I will deuyde the spoyle, I wyll satisfye my lust vpon them, I wyll drawe my sweard, myne hande shall destroye them.
2 Chronicles 28:22-23
22 And in the very tyme of hys tribulacion dyd kyng Ahaz trespace yet moare agaynst the Lord.
23 For he offered vnto the Gods of them of Damasco, which bette hym, & he sayd: because the Gods of the kynges of Syria healpe them, therfore wyll I offer to them, that they maye helpe me also. But they were his destruccyon, and the destruccion of all Israel.
Proverbs 23:35
35 They wouded me (shalt thou saye) but it hath not hurte me: they haue all to broken me, but I felt it not. Whan I am well wakened, I will go to the drincke againe.
Isaiah 1:5
5 Wherby shulde ye be plaged any more for ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole head is syck, & the hert is heuy.
Jeremiah 5:3
3 Where as thou (O Lord) lokest onely vpon fayth and truthe. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast corrected them for amendement, but they refused thy correction. They made theyr faces harder then a stone, and wolde not amende.
Jeremiah 44:15-16
15 Then all the men which knewe that their wyues had offred vnto straunge goddes, and a greate sorte of wyues that stode there, yee, and all the people that dwelt there in Egipt in the cytie of Patures, answerde Ieremye, and sayde:
16 As for the wordes that thou hast spoken vnto vs, in the name of the Lorde, we wyll in no wyse heare them:
Revelation 16:10-11
Genesis 31:38-40
38 Beholde: Thys .xx. yere haue I bene wyth the, thy shepe & thy goates haue not bene baren, & the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten.
39 Whatsoeuer was torne of beastes I brought it not vnto the, but made it good my selfe: of my hande dydest thou requyre it, euen as it that was stollen by daye or nyght.
40 By daye the hete consumed me, and the frost by nyght, and my slepe departed fro myne eyes.
Genesis 33:13
13 Iacob answered him: my Lorde, Thou knowest, that the chyldren are tendre, & the ewes & kyne wyth yonge vnder myne hande, which yf men shulde ouerdryue but euen one daye all the shepe wyll dye.
Exodus 7:23
23 And Pharao turned hym selfe, and went agayne into hys housse, and let not hys herte there vnto.
Deuteronomy 32:46
46 and sayde vnto them: Sett youre herte vnto all the wordes which I testyfye vnto you thys daye: and ye shall commaunde them vnto youre chyldren, that they maye obserue and do all the wordes of thys lawe.
1 Samuel 17:28
28 And Eliab his eldest brother hearde when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was angrye wt Dauid, and sayde: Why camest thou downe hither? and with whom hast thou lefte those few shepe in the wildernesse? I know thy pryde, and the malyce of thyne herte, that thou art come downe to se the battell.
1 Chronicles 27:29-31
29 ouer the oxen that fed in Saron, was Setari the Saronite. And ouer the oxen that were in the valeyes was Saphat the sonne of Adlai.
30 Ouer the camelles, Obil the Ismaelyte. And ouer the Asses was Iohadtahu the Meronothite.
31 Ouer the shepe, was Iazis the Hagerite. All these were the rulers of the substance of kynge Dauid.
2 Chronicles 26:10
10 And he buylt towres in the wyldernesse, and digged many welles: For he had moche catell, in the valeys and playnes, plowmen and vynedressers in the mountaynes and in Charmel, for he loued husbandrye:
Proverbs 24:32
32 Thys I sawe, & considered it well: I loked vpon it, & toke it for a warnyng.
Ezekiel 34:22-24
22 I will helpe my shepe, so that they shal nomore be spoyled: yee, I will discerne one shepe from another.
23 I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onely shepherde, euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall fede them and he shall be their shepherde.
24 I the Lorde will be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shall be their prince: Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it.
Ezekiel 34:31
31 Ye men are my flocke ye are the shepe of my pasture: and I am youre God, sayeth the Lorde God.
John 10:3
3 to hym the porter openeth, & the shepe heare hys voyce, and he calleth his awne shepe by name, and leadeth them out.
John 21:15-17
15 So when they had dyned, Iesus sayeth to Simon Peter: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me more then these? He sayd vnto him: ye Lord, thou knowest, that I loue the. He sayeth vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayeth to him agayne the seconde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? He saieth vnto him. Yee Lord, thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe.
1 Peter 5:2
2 Fede ye Christes flocke, asmoch as lyeth in you, takynge the ouersyght of them, not as compelled therto, but wyllyngly: not for the desyre of fylthy lucre: but of a good mynde,
2 Samuel 7:16
16 And thyne house and thy kyngdome shall endure wt out ende after the, and thy seate shalbe stablyshed foreuer.
Psalms 89:36
36 I haue sworne once by my holynesse, that I wyll not fayle Dauid.
Isaiah 9:7
7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngdome & peace, & shall syt vpon the seate of Dauid & in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, & to stablish it wt equyte and ryghteousnesse, from hence forth for euermore. Thys shall the gelousy of the Lorde of Hostes brynge to passe.
Zephaniah 1:18
18 Nether their syluer ner their golde shalbe able to deliuer them in that wrothful daye of the Lorde, but the whole lande shalbe consumed thorow the fyre of his gelousy: for he shall soone make clene ryddaunce of al them that dwell in the lande.
1 Timothy 6:17-18
James 1:10
10 Agayne: let hym that is riche, reioyce whan he is made lowe. For euen as the flower of the grasse, shall he passe awaye.
Psalms 104:14
14 He bryngeth forth grasse for the cattell, and grene herbe for the seruice of men:
Proverbs 10:5
5 Who so gathereth in Sommer, is wyse: but he that is slougysh in haruest, bringeth him selfe to confusyon.
Job 31:20
20 whose sydes thancked me not, because he was warmed with the wolle of my shepe?
Proverbs 30:8-9
Matthew 6:33
33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God, and the ryghteousnesse therof, and al these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.