Proverbs 17:16 Cross References - Great

16 What helpeth it to geue a foole treasure in hys hande, where as he hath no mynde to bye wysdome?

Deuteronomy 5:29

29 Oh that ther were such an hert in them that they wolde feare me, & kepe all my commaundementes alwaye, that it myghte go wel with them, and with theyr chyldren for euer.

Psalms 81:11-13

11 I am the Lorde thy God, whych brought the out of the lande of Egypt, open thy mouth wyde, and I shall fyll it. 12 But my people wold not heare my voyce, and Israel wolde not obey me. 13 So I gaue them vp vnto their awne hertes lust, and let them folowe their awne ymaginacyons.

Proverbs 1:22-23

22 O ye children, how longe wyll ye loue childesshnes? how longe wyll the scorners delyte in scorning, & the vnwyse be enemyes vnto knowledge? 23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo, I wyll expresse my mynde vnto you, & make you vnderstande my wordes.

Proverbs 8:4-5

4 It is you, O ye men (sayeth she) whom I call: Unto (the chyldren of men) do I lyft vp my voyce. 5 Take hede vnto knowledge O ye ignoraunt be wyse in herte, O ye foles.

Proverbs 9:4-6

4 Who so is ignoraunt, let hym come hyther. And to the vnwyse she sayde: 5 O come on your waye, eate my bread, and drincke my wyne, which I haue poured out for you. 6 Forsake ignoraunce, and ye shall lyue: and se that ye go in the waye of vnderstandynge.

Proverbs 14:6

6 A scornefull body seketh wysdome, and fyndeth it not: but knowledge is easy to come by, vnto hym that wyll vnderstande.

Proverbs 18:15

15 A wyse herte laboureth for knowledge and a prudent eare seketh vnderstandynge.

Proverbs 21:25-26

25 The volupteousnesse of the slouthfull is hys awne death: for his handes wyll not laboure. 26 He coueteth and desyreth all the daye longe: but the ryghteous is allwaye geuynge, and kepeth nothynge backe.

Proverbs 23:23

23 Labour for to get the trueth: sell yt not awaye, & so do by wysdome, nourtour & vnderstandyng:

Isaiah 55:1-3

1 Come to the waters all ye, that be thursty, and ye that haue no money. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne and mylck, wythout any money, or money worth. 2 Wherfore do ye laye out youre money, for the thynge that fedeth not, & spende youre laboure aboute the thynge that satisfyeth you not. But herken herken rather vnto me, & ye shall eate of the best, and youre soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnes. 3 Enclyne your eares, and come vnto me, take hede (I saye) & your soule shall lyue. For I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.

Hosea 4:11

11 Whordome, wyne & dronckenesse taketh the herte awaye.

John 3:20

20 For euery one that euyll doeth, hateth the lyght: nether commeth to the lyght, lest his dedes shuld be reproued.

Acts 13:46

46 Then Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde, & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst haue bene preached to you. But seynge ye put it from you, and thynke youre selues vnworthy of euerlastynge lyfe: lo, we turne to the Gentyls:

Acts 28:26-27

26 saying: Go vnto thys people, and saye: wyth youre eares shall ye heare, and shall not vnderstande: and wyth youre eyes shall ye se, & not perceaue. 27 For the hert of thys people is wexed grosse, and wyth their eares haue they had no lust to heare, and their eyes haue they closed: lest they shulde se wyth their eyes, & heare wyth their eares, and vnderstande with their hertes, and shuld be conuerted, and I shuld heale them.

2 Corinthians 6:1

1 We also as helpers exhorte you that ye receaue not the grace of God in vayne.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.