Proverbs 14:1 Cross References - Great

1 Wyse women vpholde theyr house, but a folysh wyfe plucketh it downe.

Ruth 4:11

11 And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders sayde: we are wytnesses: the Lord make the woman that is come into thyne house, lyke Rahel and Lea, which twayne dyd builde the house of Israell: do thou also valeauntly in Ephrata, and be famouse in Bethlehem.

1 Kings 16:31

31 For it semed vnto hym but a lyght thinge to walke in the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat. He toke Iezabel also the daughter of Ethbaal kynge of the Sidonites to wyfe, and went and serued Baal, & worshypped hym.

1 Kings 21:24-25

24 And he that dyeth of Ahab in the towne, him shal dogges eate: & he that dyeth in the feldes, him shal the foules of the ayre eate. 25 But there was none lyke Ahab which dyd euen sell hym selfe, to worcke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and that because Iezabel hys wyfe prycked hym forwarde.

2 Kings 11:1

1 And Athalia the mother of Ahaziahu, when she sawe that her sonne was deed, she arose, and destroyed all the kinges seede.

Proverbs 9:13-15

13 A folyshe restlesse woman, full of wordes, and soch a one as hath no knowledge, 14 sytteth at the dore of her house, and in the hye places of the cyte, 15 to call soch as go by, and that walke streyght in theyr wayes.

Proverbs 19:13

13 An vndyscrete sonne is the heuynes of his father: & a braulyng wyfe is lyke the top of an house, where thorowe it is euer droppynge.

Proverbs 21:9

9 It is better to dwell in a corner vnder the house toppe, then with a braulynge woman in a wyde house.

Proverbs 21:19

19 It is better to dwell in a wildernes then with a chydynge & an angrye woman.

Proverbs 24:3-4

3 Thorow wysdome is an house buyled, and wyth vnderstandynge is it sett vp. 4 Thorow discrecion shalt the chambers be fylled with all costly and pleasaunt ryches.

Proverbs 31:10-31

10 Who so fyndeth an honest faythfull woman, she is moch more worth then perles. 11 The hert of her husband maye safely trust in her, so that he shall fall in no pouertye. 12 She will do hym good and not euell, all the dayes of her lyfe. 13 She occupyeth woll and flaxe, & laboureth gladly with her handes. 14 She is lyke a marchauntes shyppe, that bryngeth her vytayles from a farre. 15 She is vp in the nyght season, to prouyde meate for her housholde, and fode for her maydens. 16 She consydreth lande, & byeth it, and with the frute of her handes she planteth a vyneyarde. 17 She gyrdeth her loynes with strength, & courageth her armes. 18 And yf the perceaue that her houswyferye doth good, her candle goeth not out by nyght. 19 She layeth her fyngers to the spyndell: and her hande taketh holde of the distaffe. 20 She openeth her hande to the poore, yee she stretcheth forth her handes to soche as haue nede. 21 She feareth not that the colde of wynter shall hurte her house, for all her housholde folkes are clothed with skarlett. 22 She maketh her selfe fayre ornamentes, her clothynge is whyte sylke & purple. 23 Her husband is moch set by in the gates, when he sytteth amonge the rulers of the land. 24 She maketh cloth of sylke and selleth it, & delyuereth gyrdles vnto the marchaunt. 25 Strength and honoure is her clothynge, & in the latter daye she shall reioyse. 26 She openeth her mouth with wysdome, and in her tonge is the lawe of grace. 27 She loketh well to the wayes of her housholde: & eateth not her bred with ydylnes. 28 Her children shall aryse, and call her blessed: & her housband shall make moch of her. 29 Many daughters there be that gather riches together, but thou goest aboue them all. 30 As for fauoure, it is disceatfull, and beutie is a vayne thynge: but a woman that feareth the Lorde, she is worthy to be praysed. 31 Geue her of the frute of her handes and let her awne worckes prayse her in the gates.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.