1 Paul and Tymothe the seruauntes of Iesu Chryst. To all the saynctes in Chryst Iesu, which are at Philippos with the Bisshops and Deacons.
2 Grace be vnto you and peace from God oure father, and from the Lorde Iesus Chryst.
3 I thanke my God with all remembraunce of you
4 all wayes in all my prayers for you, and praye with gladnes:
5 because ye are come into the fellowshyppe of the Gospell from the fyrst daye vnto nowe
6 and am suerly certyfyed of thys, that he, which hath begonne a good worke in you, shall perfourme it vntyll the daye of Iesus Chryst,
7 as it becommeth me, so iudge I of you all, because I haue you in my herte: for asmoche as ye all are companyons of grace with me, euen in my bondes, and in the defendynge and stablisshynge of the Gospell.
8 For God is my recorde, howe greatly I longe after you all, from the very herte rote in Iesus Chryst.
9 And thys I praye, that youre loue maye increase yet more and more in knowledge, and in all vnderstandynge,
10 that ye maye accepte the thynges that are most excellent, that ye maye be pure, and soche, as offende no man vntyll the daye of Christ:
11 beynge fylled with the frute of ryghtewesnes, which cometh by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and prayse of God.
12 I wolde ye shulde vnderstonde (brethren) that the thynges which happened vnto me, chaunced vnto the greate furtheraunce of the Gospell:
13 So that my bandes in Christ, are manifeste thorowe out all the iudgement hall and in all other places:
14 In so moche that many of the brethren in the Lorde beynge encoraged thorowe my bandes, dare more boldly speake the worde without feare.
15 Some preache Chryst of enuie and stryfe, and some of good wyll,
16 The one parte preache Chryst of stryfe and not syncerely, supposynge to adde more aduersytie to my bandes.
17 Agayne the other parte preache of loue, because they knowe, that I am set to defende the Gospell.
18 What then? So that Chryst be preached anye maner of waye, whether it be by occasyon, or of true meaninge, I am glad therof, ye and wyll be glad.
19 For I knowe, that this shall chaunce to my saluacyon, thorowe youre prayer and ministrynge of the sprete of Iesu Chryst
20 accordinge to my expectacion, and hope, that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that wyth all boldnesse, (as all wayes euen so nowe also) Christ shall be magnifyed in my body, whether it be thorowe lyfe, or thorowe deeth.
21 For Christ is to me lyfe, and deeth is to me auauntage.
22 If it chaunce me to lyue in the flesshe, that thinge is to me frutefull for the worcke, and what I shall chose I wote not.
23 For I am constrayned of these two thinges. I desyre to be loosed, & to be wt Christ which is moche & far better.
24 Neuerthelesse, to abyde in the flesshe is more nedfull for you,
25 And thys am I sure of, that I shall abyde, and continue with you all, for youre furtheraunce and ioye of youre fayth,
26 that youre reioysinge maye be the more aboundant thorowe Iesus Christ in me, by my commynge to you agayne.
27 Onely let youre conuersacyon be, as it be commeth the Gospell of Christ: that whether I come & se you, or els be absent, I maye yet heare of youre condicyon, that ye contynue in one sprete, and in one soule, labourynge as we do, to mayntayne the fayth of the Gospell,
28 and in nothinge fearynge youre aduersaryes, which is to them a cause of perdicyon, but to you of saluacyon, & that of God:
29 for vnto you it is geuen for Chryst, that not onely ye shulde beleue on hym: but also that ye shulde suffre for hys sake,
30 hauynge euen soche a fyght, as ye sawe in me, and nowe heare of me.
Philippians 1 Cross References - Great
Mark 13:34
34 As a man which is gone into a straunge contrey, and hath lefte his house, and geuen his substaunce to his seruauntes, and to euery man his worke, and commaunded the porter to watche.
John 12:26
26 If eny man mynister vnto me, lett him folowe me: and Where I am, there shall also my minister be. Yf any man mynister vnto me, hym will my father honoure.
Acts 1:20
20 For it is wrytten in the boke of Psalmes: hys habitacyon be voyde, and no man be dwellynge therin: and his Bysshoprycke let another take.
Acts 6:1-7
1 In those dayes (whan the nomber of the discyples grewe) there arose a grudge amonge the Grekes against the Hebrues, because their weddowes were despysed in the dayly ministracyon.
2 Then the twelue called the multitude of the disciples together and sayde, it is not mete, that we shuld leaue the worde of God: and serue tables.
3 Wherfore brethren, loke ye out amonge you seuen men of honeste report, and full of the holy ghost and wisdom, to whom we maye committe this busynes.
4 But we wyll geue oure selues continually to prayer, and to the ministracyon of the worde.
5 And the sayinge pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Steuen a man full of faith and of the holy ghost, and Philip, and Procorus, and Nichanor, and Timon, and Permenas, and Nicolas a conuert of Antioche.
6 These they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they layde theyr handes on them.
7 And the word of God encreased, and the nomber of the disciples multiplyed in Ierusalem greatly, and a greate companye of the prestes were obedient to the fayth.
Acts 9:13
13 Then Ananias answered: Lorde, I haue heard by many of this man how moch euyll he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusalem:
Acts 16:1-3
1 Then cam he to Derba and to Lystra, And beholde, a certayne dyscyple was there named Timotheus a womans sonne, which was a Iewesse and beleued: but hys father was a Greke.
2 Of whom reported well the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium
3 Hym wold Paul that he shulde go forth with him, & toke and circumcised hym, because of the Iewes which were in those quarters: for they knewe all, that hys father was a Greke.
Acts 16:12-15
12 & from thence to Philippos, which is the chefe cytie in the partes of Macedonia, & a fre cytie. We were in that cytie abydinge certayne dayes.
13 And on the Saboth dayes we went out of the citie besydes a ryuer, where men were wont to praye. And we sate downe, & spake vnto the wemen which resorted thyther.
14 And a certayne woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, of the cytie of Thyatira, which worshypped God, gaue vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened, that she attended vnto the thynges, which Paul spake.
15 When she was baptised, and her housholde, she besought vs, sayinge: If ye thyncke that I beleue on the Lorde, come into my house, and abyde there. And she constrayned vs.
Acts 20:28
28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues & to all the flocke amonge whom the holy ghost hath made you ouersears, to rule the congregacyon of God which he hath purchased with his bloude.
Romans 1:1
1 Paul the seruaunt of Iesus Chryst called to the office of an Apostle put a parte for the Gospell of God
Romans 1:7
7 To all you that be at Rome, beloued of God and sayntes by electyon. Grace be wt you and peace from God oure father, & from the Lorde Iesus Chryst.
1 Corinthians 1:1-2
1 Paul called an Apostle of Iesus Christ, thorowe the will of God, and brother Softenes.
2 Unto the congregacyon of God whych is at Corynthum. To them that are sanctifyed by Christ Iesu, called saynctes, with all that call on the name of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst in euery place, ether of theirs or of oures.
1 Corinthians 16:10
10 If Timotheus come, se that he be with out feare with you. For he worketh the worcke of the Lorde, as I do:
2 Corinthians 1:1
1 Paul an apostle of Iesu christ by the wyll of God, and brother Timotheus. Unto the congregacyon of God, which is at Corinthum, with all the saynctes whych are in all Achaia
Ephesians 1:1
1 Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ, by the wyll of God. To the saynctes which are at Ephesus, and to them which beleue on Iesus Christ
Ephesians 1:15
15 Wherfore I also (after that I hearde of the fayth, which ye haue in the Lorde Iesu, & loue vnto all the saynctes)
Colossians 1:1-2
1 Thessalonians 1:1
1 Paul and Syluanus & Timothe. Unto the congregacyon of the Thessalonyans, in God the father, and in the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be vnto you, and peace from God our father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 2:2
2 but euen after that we had suffred before, and were shamfully entreated at Phillipos (as ye knowe) then were we bolde in oure God, to speake vnto you the Gospell of God, in moch stryuynge.
2 Thessalonians 1:1
1 Paul and Syluanus and Timotheus. Unto the congregacyon of the Thessalonyans in God oure father, and in the Lord Iesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 1:10
10 when he shall come to be glorifyed in his saynctes, and to be come maruelous in all them that beleue: because oure testimonie that we had to you, was beleued euen the same daye.
1 Timothy 1:2
2 Unto Timothe hys naturall sonne in the fayth. Grace mercy and peace from God oure father, & from the Lord Iesus Christ our Lorde.
1 Timothy 3:1-2
1 Timothy 3:8
8 Lyke wyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen vnto moch wyne, nether gredy of fylthy lucre:
1 Timothy 3:10-13
10 And let them fyrst be proued, and then let them mynister so, that no man be able to reproue them.
11 Euen so must theyr wyues be honest, not euyll speakers: but sober and faythfull in all thynges.
12 Let the Deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe, and such as rule theyr chyldren well, and their awne housholdes.
13 For they that mynister well, get them selues a good degre and greate lybertye in the fayth, whych is in Christ Iesu.
Titus 1:1
1 Paul the seruaunt of God, and apostle of Iesu Christ accordinge to the fayth of goddes electe, and accordynge to the knowledge of the trueth, which is after godlynes
Titus 1:7
7 For a bysshope must be blamesse, as the stewarde of God: not stubborne, not angrye not geuen to moch wyne, no fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre:
Hebrews 13:23
23 Ye knowe our brother Timothe, that he is at libertye: with whom (yf he come shortly) I wyll se you.
James 1:1
1 Iames the seruaunt of God & of the Lorde Iesus Christ, sendeth gretyng to the twelue trybes which are scattered abroade.
1 Peter 2:25
25 For ye were as shepe goyng astraye: but are now turned vnto the shepeherd and bysshope of youre soules.
2 Peter 1:1
1 Simon Peter a seruaunt, and an Apostle of Iesus Christ, to them whych haue obtayned lyke precyous fayth wt vs thorow the ryghtewesnes of oure God and sauioure Iesus Christ.
Jude 1:1
1 Iudas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ the brother of Iames. To them which are called, and sanctifyed in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.
Revelation 1:1
1 The reuelacyon of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him, for to shewe vnto hys seruauntes, thynges whych muste shortely come to passe. And whan he had sent, he shewed by hys Angell vnto his seruaunt Iohn,
Revelation 1:20-2:1
20 the mistery of the .vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght hande, and the .vii. golden candelstickes. The .vii. starres are the messengers of the .vii. congregacions, And the seuen candelstickes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacyons.
Revelation 2:8
8 And vnto the angell of the congregacyon of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayth he that is fyrst, & the laste, which was deed, and is alyue.
Revelation 2:12
12 And to the messenger of the congregacyon in Pergamos wryte: This sayth he, which hath the sharpe swearde with two edges:
Revelation 19:10
10 And I fell at his fete, to worshippe him. And he sayde vnto me: se thou do it not. For I am thy felow seruaunt, & one of thy brethren, euen of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshyppe God. For the testimony of Iesus is the sprete of prophesy.
Revelation 22:9
9 And he sayde vnto me: se thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt, & the felowe seruaunt of thy brethren the Prophetes, and of them which kepe the sayinges of thys boke. But worshyppe God.
2 Corinthians 1:2
2 Grace be wyth you & peace from God oure father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:2
2 accordyng to the for knowledge of God the farthe thorow the sanctifynge of the sprete vnto obedience & sprincklyng of the bloude of Iesus Chryst. Grace be wyth you and peace be multiplyed.
Romans 1:8-9
Romans 6:17
17 God be thanked, that though ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye haue yet obeyed with herte vnto the rule of the doctryne, that ye be brought vnto.
1 Corinthians 1:4
4 I thanke my God allwayes on youre behalfe, for the grace of God, whych is geuen you by Iesus Christ,
Ephesians 1:15-16
Colossians 1:3-4
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
1 Thessalonians 3:9
9 For what thankes can we recompence to God agayne for you, ouer al the ioye, that we ioye for your sakes before our God:
2 Thessalonians 1:3
3 We are bounde to thanke God all wayes for you brethren (as it is mete) because that youre fayth groweth excedyngly, and euery one of you swymmeth in loue towarde another betwene youre selues,
2 Timothy 1:3
3 I thanke God, whom I serue from myne elders with pure conscience, that without anye ceasynge I make mencyon of the in my prayers nyght and daye,
4 I thanke my God, makynge mencyon all wayes of the in my prayers,
5 when I heare of thy loue & fayth, which thou hast to warde the Lorde. Iesu, and towarde all saynctes,
Luke 15:7
7 I say vnto you, that like wyse ioye shalbe in heauen ouer one synner that repenteth, more then ouer nynty and nyne iuste persons, which nede no repentaunce.
Luke 15:10
10 Likewyse I saye vnto you, shall ther be ioye in the presence of the angels of God, ouer one synner that repenteth.
Romans 1:9
9 For God is my wytnes (whom I serue. Wyth my sprete in the Gospell of hys sonne) that wythout ceasynge I make mencyon of you prayinge allwayes in my prayers,
Ephesians 1:14-23
14 which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce, for the recouerynge of the purchassed possessyon, vnto the prayse of hys glory.
15 Wherfore I also (after that I hearde of the fayth, which ye haue in the Lorde Iesu, & loue vnto all the saynctes)
16 cease not to geue thankes for you, makynge mencyon of you in my prayers:
17 that the God of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst, the father of glory, maye geue vnto you the sprete of wysdome and reuelacyon, by the knowledge of him selfe,
18 and lyghten the eyes of youre myndes, that ye maye knowe what the hope is, where vnto he hath called you, and howe riche the glorye is of his inheritaunce vpon the saynctes,
19 and what is the excedinge greatnes of his power to vs warde, which beleue accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power,
20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raysed him from the deed, and set him on his ryght hande in heauenly thinges,
21 aboue all rule, & power, & myght and dominion, and aboue euery name that is named, not in this worlde onely, but also in the worlde to come:
22 and hath put all thynges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heed of the congregacyon,
23 which is his body and the fulnes of him, that fylleth all in all.
Philippians 1:9-11
9 And thys I praye, that youre loue maye increase yet more and more in knowledge, and in all vnderstandynge,
10 that ye maye accepte the thynges that are most excellent, that ye maye be pure, and soche, as offende no man vntyll the daye of Christ:
11 beynge fylled with the frute of ryghtewesnes, which cometh by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and prayse of God.
Philippians 2:2
2 full fyll ye my ioye, that ye be lyke mynded, hauinge one loue, beynge of one accorde, and of one mynde,
Philippians 3:18
18 For many walke (of whom I haue tolde you often and nowe tell you wepynge) that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ,
Philippians 4:1
1 Therfore my brethren (dearly beloued and longed for) my ioye and crowne, so continue in the Lorde ye beloued.
Colossians 2:5
5 For though I be absent in the flesshe, yet am I with you in the sprete, ioyinge and beholdynge youre order, and youre sted fast fayth in Chryst
1 Thessalonians 1:2
2 We geue god thankes alwaye for you all: makynge mencyon of you in our prayers
1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
Philemon 1:7
7 For we haue great ioye and consolacyon in thy loue: because that by the (brother) the sayntes hertes are conforted.
2 John 1:4
4 I reioysed greatly, that I founde of thy children walkinge in trueth, as we haue receaued a commaundement of the father.
Acts 2:42
42 And they continued in the Apostles doctrine and felowshyp, & in breakynge of bread, and in prayers.
Acts 16:12-40
12 & from thence to Philippos, which is the chefe cytie in the partes of Macedonia, & a fre cytie. We were in that cytie abydinge certayne dayes.
13 And on the Saboth dayes we went out of the citie besydes a ryuer, where men were wont to praye. And we sate downe, & spake vnto the wemen which resorted thyther.
14 And a certayne woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, of the cytie of Thyatira, which worshypped God, gaue vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened, that she attended vnto the thynges, which Paul spake.
15 When she was baptised, and her housholde, she besought vs, sayinge: If ye thyncke that I beleue on the Lorde, come into my house, and abyde there. And she constrayned vs.
16 And it fortuned as we went to prayer, a certayn damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesyed, met vs, which brought her master: & mastres moche vauntage wt Prophesyinge.
17 The same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, sayinge: these men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shew vnto vs the waye of saluacyon.
18 And thys dyd she many dayes. But Paul not content, turned aboute, and sayde to the sprete. I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ, that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre
19 And when her master and mastres sawe that the hope of their gaynes was gone, they caught Paul and Sylas, and drue them into the market place vnto the rulars,
20 & brought them to the officers, sayinge: These men trouble oure cytie seing they are Iewes,
21 & preach ordinaunces, which are not laufull for vs to receaue, nether to obserue, seynge we are Romanys.
22 And the people ranne agaynst them, and the officers rent their clothes, & commaunded them to be beaten with roddes.
23 And when they had beaten them sore, they cast them into preson, commaundynge the iayler of the preson to kepe them diligently.
24 Which when he had receaued such commaundement, thrust them into the ynner preson, & made theyr fete fast in the stockes.
25 At mydnyght Paul & Sylas prayed, and lauded God. And the presoners hearde them.
26 And sodenly ther was a greate erthquake, so that the foundacion of the preson was shaken, and immediatly all the dores opened and euery mannes bandes were loosed.
27 When the keper of the preson waked out of his slepe and sawe the preson dores open, he drue out his swearde and wolde haue kylled him selfe supposyng that the presoners had bene fledd.
28 But Paul cryed with a loude voyce, saying: do thy selfe no harme, for we are all heare.
29 Then he called for a lyght and sprange in and ran tremblynge vnto Paul, and fell downe at the fete of Paul & Sylas,
30 and brought them out, & sayde: Syrs what must I do to be saued?
31 And they sayde: beleue on the Lorde Iesus, & thou shalt be saued & thy housholde.
32 And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lord, & to all that were in hys house.
33 And he toke them the same houre of the nyght, & wasshed their woundes, and was baptised and all they of hys housholde strayght waye.
34 And when he had brought them into hys house, he set meate before them, and ioyed that he with all his housholde, beleued on God.
35 And when it was daye, the officers sent the ministers, saying: let those men go.
36 The keper of the preson tolde this sayinge to Paul: the officers haue sent word to lose you. Now therfore, get you hence and go in peace.
37 Then sayde Paul vnto them: they haue beaten vs openly vncondemned, for all that we are Romayns, and haue cast vs into preson: & now wolde they sende vs awaye preuely? Naye Uerely, but let them come them selues, & fet vs out.
38 When the ministers tolde these wordes vnto the officers, they feared when they hearde, that they were Romaynes
39 they cam and besought them: and brought them out, and desyred them, to departe out of the cytie.
40 And they went out of the preson, and entred into the house of Lidia, and when they had sene the brethren, they conforted them, and departed
Romans 11:17
17 Though some of the braunches be broken of, and thou beynge a wylde olyue tree, wast graft in among them, and made partaker of the rote and fatnes of the olyue tree,
Romans 12:13
13 Distribute vnto the necessite of the sayntes: be readie to harboure.
Romans 15:26
26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribucyon vpon the poore saynctes, whych are at Ierusalem.
1 Corinthians 1:9
9 God is faythfull, by whom ye are called vnto the fellyshyppe of hys sonne Iesus Christ our Lord.
2 Corinthians 8:1
1 I certifye you brethren, of the grace of God which was geuen in the congregacyons of Macedonia,
Ephesians 2:19-22
19 Now therfore, ye are not straungers, and foreyners: but citesyns with the sayntes & of the housholde of God:
20 and are buylt vpon the foundacyon of the Apostles and Prophetes, Iesus Chryst him selfe beynge the heed corner stone,
21 in whom what buyldynge soeuer is coupled together, it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde,
22 in whom ye also are buylt together, to be an habitacion of God thorowe the ghost.
Ephesians 3:6
6 that the Gentyls shulde be inheritours also, and of the same body, and partetakers of hys promes in Christ, by the meanes of the Gospell,
Philippians 1:7
7 as it becommeth me, so iudge I of you all, because I haue you in my herte: for asmoche as ye all are companyons of grace with me, euen in my bondes, and in the defendynge and stablisshynge of the Gospell.
Philippians 2:12
12 Wherfore (my dearly beloued) as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not when I was present onely, but nowe moche more in myne absence, euen so worcke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblyng.
Philippians 4:14-15
Colossians 1:21-23
21 And you which were somtyme farre of and enemyes, because youre myndes were set in euyll worckes hath he nowe yet reconcyled
22 in the body of hys flesshe thorowe deeth, to make you holy, and vnblameable, & without faut in hys awne syght,
23 yf ye contynue grounded and stablysshed in the fayth, and be not moued awaye from the hope of the Gospell, wherof ye haue herde, howe that it is preached amonge all creatures which are vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a mynyster.
Philemon 1:17
17 If thou count me therfore a felowe, receaue him as my selfe.
Hebrews 3:14
14 We are made partetakers of Christ, yf we kepe sure (vnto the ende) the begynnynge of the substance,
1 John 1:3
3 That which we haue sene & herde, declare we vnto you, that ye also maye haue fellowshyppe with vs, and that oure felloushyppe maye be wyth the father and his sonne Iesus Christ.
1 John 1:7
7 But & yf we walke in lyght euen as he is in lyght, then haue we fellishippe wt him, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.
Psalms 138:8
8 The Lord shall make good his louyng kyndnesse towarde me: yee, thy mercy, O Lorde, endureth for euer, despyse not then the worckes of thyne awne handes.
John 6:29
29 Iesus answered & sayde vnto them: This is the worcke of God, that ye beleue on him, whom he hath sent,
Acts 11:18
18 When they heard this, they helde theyr peace, and glorifyed God, sayinge: then hath God also to the Gentyls graunted repentaunce vnto lyfe.
Acts 16:14
14 And a certayne woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, of the cytie of Thyatira, which worshypped God, gaue vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened, that she attended vnto the thynges, which Paul spake.
Romans 8:28-30
28 We knowe that all thynhes worke for the best vnto them that loue God, which also are called of purpose.
29 For those which he knewe before, he also ordeyned before, that they shulde be lyke fassyoned vnto the shape of hys sonne, that he myght be the fyrst begotten sonne amonge many brethren.
30 Moreouer, whom he appoynted before, them also he called. And whom he hath called, them also he iustyfyed: and whom he iustyfyed, them he also gloryfyed.
1 Corinthians 1:8
8 which shall also strenght you vnto the ende, that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:15
15 And in this confidence was I mynded fyrst to haue come vnto you, that I myght haue had one pleasure more with you,
2 Corinthians 2:3
3 And I wrote thys same vnto you, lest yf I came vnto you, I shuld take heuynes of them, of whom I ought to reioyce. Thys confidence haue I towarde you all, that my ioye is the ioye of you all.
2 Corinthians 7:16
16 I reioyce that I maye be bolde ouer you in all thinges.
2 Corinthians 9:4
4 lest parauenture yf they of Macedonia come with me, and finde you vnprepared, we (I wyll not saye ye) shulde be ashamed in thys matter of boastynge.
Galatians 5:10
10 I haue trust towarde you in the Lorde, that ye shalbe none otherwyse minded. But he that troubleth you, shall beare his iudgement whatsoeuer he be.
Ephesians 2:4-10
4 But God which is riche in mercy (for his greate loue wher with he loued vs,
5 euen when we were deed by synnes) quyckened vs together in Christ (by grace are ye saued)
6 and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte together with him amonge them of heauen in Christ Iesu.
7 That in tymes to come he myght shewe the exceadynge, ryches of hys grace, in kyndnes to vs warde thorowe Chryst Iesu.
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorow fayth, and that not of youre selues. It is the gyfte of God,
9 and commeth not of workes, lest eny man shulde boast him selfe
10 For we are his worckmanshyppe, created in Chryst Iesu vnto good workes, whiche God ordeyned, that we shulde walke in them.
Ephesians 4:12
12 to the edifyenge of the saynctes, to the worke and ministracyon, euen to the edifyinge of the body of Chryst,
Philippians 1:10
10 that ye maye accepte the thynges that are most excellent, that ye maye be pure, and soche, as offende no man vntyll the daye of Christ:
Philippians 1:29
29 for vnto you it is geuen for Chryst, that not onely ye shulde beleue on hym: but also that ye shulde suffre for hys sake,
Philippians 2:13
13 For it is God, which worketh in you, both the wyll and also the dede, euen of good wyll.
Colossians 2:12
12 in that ye are buried with hym thorowe bapti me, in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorowe fayth, that is wrought by the operacyon of God which raysed him from deeth.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
3 without ceasynge, & call you to remembraunce because of the worke of your fayth, and labour in loue, and because ye haue contynued in the hope of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, in the syght of God our father.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
2 Thessalonians 1:11
11 Wherfore, also we praye allwayes for you, that our God will make you worthy of this calling, & fulfyll all delectacyon of goodnes & the worcke of fayth, wt power:
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 But we are bounde to geue thankes alwey to God for you (brethren beloued of the Lorde) for because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacyon, thorowe sanctifyinge of the sprete, and thorow beleuing of the trueth,
14 wher vnto he called you by oure Gospell, to obtayne the glorye of oure Lord Iesu Christ.
2 Thessalonians 3:4
4 We haue confydence thorowe the Lord to you warde, that ye both do, & wyll do the thynges which we commaunde you.
Titus 3:4-6
4 But after that the kyndnes and loue of oure saueoure God to man warde appeared,
5 not by the dedes of rightewesnes which we wrought, but accordynge to hys mercye he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth, and renuynge of the holy goost,
6 which he shedd on vs abountdantly, thorowe Iesus Christ oure saueoure,
Philemon 1:21
21 Trustynge in thyne obedience, I wrote vnto the, knowynge, that thou wylt also do more then I saye.
Hebrews 10:35
35 Cast not awaye therfore your confydence, whych hath a great recompence of rewarde.
Hebrews 12:2
2 lookyng vnto Iesus the captayne & finissher of our fayth, which (for the ioye that was set before him) abode the crosse, & despised the shame, & is set downe on the ryghte hande of the throne of God.
Hebrews 13:20-21
20 The God of peace that brought agayne from deeth our Lorde Iesus the gret shepperde of the shepe, thorow the bloud of the euerlastyng testament,
21 make you parfect in all good workes, to do hys wyll, and bryng to passe, that the thyng which ye do, maye be pleasaunt in his syght thorowe Iesus Christ. To whom be prayse for euer whyle the world endureth. Amen.
James 1:16-18
16 Do not erre my deare brethren,
17 Euery good gyfte, and euery parfayt gyft, is from aboue, and commeth downe from the father of lyghtes wt whome is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
18 Of hys awne wyll begat he vs with the worde of trueth, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of hys creatures.
1 Peter 1:2-3
2 accordyng to the for knowledge of God the farthe thorow the sanctifynge of the sprete vnto obedience & sprincklyng of the bloude of Iesus Chryst. Grace be wyth you and peace be multiplyed.
3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Chryst, whych accordyng to his aboundant mercye begat vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope (by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deeth)
1 Peter 5:10
10 But the God of all grace whych hath called vs vnto hys eternall glory by Christ Iesus, shall hys awne selfe (after that ye haue suffred a lytell affliccyon) make you perfect: settle, strength and stablisshe you.
2 Peter 3:10
10 Neuerthelesse the daye of the Lord wyll come as a thefe in the nyghte, in the which daye, the heauens shall passe awaye in maner of a tempest, and the elementes shal melt with heat: the erth also & the workes that are therin, shall burne.
Acts 16:23-25
23 And when they had beaten them sore, they cast them into preson, commaundynge the iayler of the preson to kepe them diligently.
24 Which when he had receaued such commaundement, thrust them into the ynner preson, & made theyr fete fast in the stockes.
25 At mydnyght Paul & Sylas prayed, and lauded God. And the presoners hearde them.
Acts 20:23
23 but the the holy goost witnesseth in euery cytie, saying. that bandes and trouble abyde me.
Acts 21:33
33 Then the captayne cam neare and toke hym, and commaunded hym to be bounde with two chaynes, and demaunded what he was, and what he had done.
1 Corinthians 9:23
23 And this I do for the gospels sake, that I myght haue my parte therof.
1 Corinthians 13:7
7 suffreth all thynges, beleueth all thynges, hopeth all thynges, endureth all thynges.
2 Corinthians 3:2
2 Ye are oure epistle wrytten in oure hertes, which is vnderstande and red of all men,
2 Corinthians 7:3
3 I speake not this to condemne you: for I haue shewed you before, that ye are in oure hertes to dye & lyue with you:
Galatians 5:6
6 For in Iesu Christ, nether is circumcisyon any thynge worth, nether yet vncircumcysion but faith which worketh by loue.
Ephesians 3:1
1 For this cause, I Paul am a presoner of Iesus Chryst for you Hethen:
Ephesians 4:1
1 I therfore (which am a presonner of the Lordes) exhorte you, that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called,
Ephesians 6:20
20 (wherof I am messenger in bondes) that therin I maye speake frely, as I ought to speake.
Philippians 1:5
5 because ye are come into the fellowshyppe of the Gospell from the fyrst daye vnto nowe
Philippians 1:16-17
Philippians 4:14
14 Not withstandynge ye haue well done, that ye bare parte wt me in my tribulacion.
Colossians 4:3
3 prayenge also for vs that God maye open vnto vs the dore of vtteraunce, that we maye speake the mystery of Christ (wherfore I am also in bondes)
Colossians 4:18
18 The salutacion by the hande of me Paul Remember my bondes, the grace be wyth you. Amen.
1 Thessalonians 1:2-5
2 We geue god thankes alwaye for you all: makynge mencyon of you in our prayers
3 without ceasynge, & call you to remembraunce because of the worke of your fayth, and labour in loue, and because ye haue contynued in the hope of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, in the syght of God our father.
4 We knowe brethren (beloued of God) how that ye are electe.
5 For oure Gospel came not vnto you by worde onely, but also by power, and by the holy goost, and by moch certayntye, as ye knowe, after what maner we be haued oure selues amonge you, for your sake.
1 Thessalonians 5:5
5 Ye are all the chyldren of lyght, and the chyldren of the daye. We are not of the nyght nether of darknes.
2 Timothy 1:8
8 Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimony of oure Lorde, nether be ashamed of me whych am his presoner: but suffre thou aduersytie with the Gospell, accordynge to the power of God,
2 Timothy 2:9
9 wherin I suffre trouble as an euyll doar, euen vnto bondes. But the worde of God was not bounde.
Hebrews 3:1
1 Therfore holy brethren, partakers of the celestiall callynge consyder the ambassadour and hye preste of oure professyon Christ Iesus,
Hebrews 6:9-10
9 Neuerthelesse (deare frendes) we trust to se better of you, and thynges which accompany saluacion, though we thus speake.
10 For God is not vnryghteous that he shulde forget youre worke and laboure that procedeth of loue, which loue ye shewe in his name, which haue ministred vnto the saynctes, and yet minister.
Hebrews 10:33-34
33 partly whyle all men wondred & gased at you for the shame and tribulacyon on that was done vnto you: partly, whyle ye became companyons of them which so passed their tyme.
34 For ye became parttakers also of the afflyccyons whych happened thorow my bondes, & toke in worth the spoylyng of your goodes, & that wyth gladnes: knowynge in your selues, how that ye haue in heauen a better & an enduring substaunce.
1 Peter 4:13
13 but reioyce, in as moch as ye are partakers of Christes passyons: that when hys glory appeareth, ye maye be mery and glad.
1 Peter 5:1
1 The elders which are amonge you, I exhorte, which am also an elder, and a wytnes of the affliccyons of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe opened:
2 Peter 1:13
13 Notwythstandynge I thynke it mete (as longe as I am in thys tabernacle) to strete you vp by puttyng you in remembraunce, for as moch,
1 John 3:14
14 We knowe, that we are translated from deeth vnto lyfe, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not hys brother, abydeth in deeth.
Isaiah 16:11
11 Wherfore, my bowels shal romble lyke an harpe for Moabs sake, and myne inwarde partes for the cityes sake that is made of bryck.
Isaiah 63:15
15 Loke downe then from heauen, & beholde the dwellynge place of thy sanctuary & thy glory. Howe is it, that thy gelousy, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercyes & thy louynge kyndnesse, wyll not be entreated of vs?
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Upon this complaynte, I thought thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sens the time that I first commened with hym, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore, my very hert dryueth me vnto him, gladly and louynglye wyll I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lord.
Luke 1:78
78 Through the tender mercy of oure God, wherby the daye springe from an hye hath visited vs.
Romans 9:1
1 I saye the trueth in Chryst, and lye not, (my conscience also bearing me wytnes by the holy ghost)
2 Corinthians 6:12
12 ye are in no strayte in vs, but are in a strayte in youre awne bowelles:
2 Corinthians 7:15
15 And his inwarde affeccion is founde aboundant towarde you, whan he remembreth the obedience of you all howe wt feare & tremblinge ye receaued hym.
2 Corinthians 13:9
9 We are glad when we ar weake, and ye stronge. This also we wysshe for, euen youre perfectnesse.
Galatians 1:20
20 The thinges therfore which I wryte vnto you: beholde, before God I lye not.
Galatians 4:19
19 My lytell chyldren, of whom I trauayle in byrth agayne, vntill Christ be fasshyoned in you,
Philippians 2:1
1 If ther be therfore eny consolacyon in Christ, yf ther be eny comforte of loue, yf ther by eny fellishyppe of the sprete, yf ther be eny compassion and mercy:
Philippians 2:26
26 For he longed after you all, and was full of heuynes, because that ye had hearde saye, that he had bene sycke.
Colossians 2:1
1 For I wolde that ye knewe howe greate care that I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicia, and for as many as haue not sene my parson in the flessh,
Colossians 3:12
12 Therfore as electe of God, holy & beloued, put on tender mercye, kyndnes, humblenes of mynde, mekenes, longe suffrynge,
1 Thessalonians 2:5
5 Nether led we oure conuersacyon at eny tyme with flatterynge wordes, as ye knowe: nether by occasyon of coueteousnes. God is recorde:
1 Thessalonians 2:8
8 so were we affeccyoned towarde you: our good wyll was to haue dealte vnto you, not the Gospell of God onely: but also oure awne soules, because ye were deare vnto vs.
2 Timothy 1:4
4 desyringe to se the, myndefull of thy teares: so that I am fylled with ioye,
Philemon 1:12
12 whom I haue sent home agayne. Thou therfore receyue hym, that is to saye myne awne bowels,
Philemon 1:20
20 Euen so brother, let me enioye the in the Lorde: Comforte my bowels in the Lorde.
1 John 3:17
17 But whoso hath thys worldes good and seyth hys brother haue neade: and shutteth vp his compassion from him: how dwelleth the loue of God in hym?
Job 17:9
9 The righteous also will kepe hys waye, and he that hath cleane handes, wyll euer be stronger and stronger.
Proverbs 4:18
18 The pathe of the ryghtewes shyneth as the lyght, that is euer brighter and brighter vnto the perfect daye.
Matthew 13:31-33
31 Another parable put he forth vnto them, sayinge. The kyngdome of heauen is lyke to a grayne of mustard seed, which a man toke & sowed in his felde,
32 which is the leest of all seedes. But when it is growne, it is the greatest among herbes, and is a tree: so that the byrdes of the ayer come, and make theyr nestes in the braunches therof.
33 Another similitude spake he vnto them: The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto leuen, which a woman taketh and hydeth in thre peckes of meale, tyll all be leuened.
1 Corinthians 14:20
20 Brethren, be not ye chyldren in wytte. Howbeit, as concernyng maliciousnes, be children: but in witte be perfect.
2 Corinthians 8:7
7 Nowe therfore, as ye are riche in all parties, in fayth, in worde, in knowledge, in all feruentnes, and in loue, which ye haue to vs: euen so, se that ye be plenteous in thys beniuolence also.
Ephesians 5:17
17 Wherfore, be ye not vnwyse, but vnderstande what the wyll of the Lorde is,
Philippians 3:15-16
Colossians 1:9
9 For this cause we also, sence that daye we herde of it, haue not ceasyd to praye for you, and to desyre, that ye myght be fulfylled with the knowledge of hys wyll, in all wysdome and spretuall vnderstandynge,
Colossians 3:10
10 and haue put on the newe man which is renued into the knowledge & ymage of him that made hym,
1 Thessalonians 3:12
12 the Lord also shall increace you & make you flowe ouer in loue one toward another, and towarde all men, euen as we do toward you,
1 Thessalonians 4:1
1 Furthermore, we beseche you (brethren) and exhorte you by the Lord Iesus, that ye increace more & more euen as ye haue receaued of vs, how ye ought to walcke and to please God.
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10
Philemon 1:6
6 so that the fellishyppe of thy fayth is frutefull in the knowledge of euery good which is in, you towarde Iesus Christ.
Hebrews 5:14
14 But stronge meate belongeth to them that are perfecte euen those, which (by reason of vse) haue their wittes exercised to discerne both good and euyll.
1 Peter 1:22
22 euen ye whych haue purifyed youre soules thorow the sprete, in obeynge the trueth wyth brotherly loue vnfayned, se that ye loue one another wyth a pure hert feruently:
2 Peter 1:5-6
2 Peter 3:18
18 but growe in grace, & in the knowledge of oure Lorde and sauyoure Iesus Christ. To whom be glory both now and for euer. Amen.
Genesis 20:5
5 sayde not he vnto me, she is my syster? yee, & sayde not she herselfe: he is my brother? with a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this.
Joshua 24:14
14 Now therfore feare the Lorde, & serue him in perfectnesse and truthe: And put awaye the goddes, whych youre fathers serued on the other syde of the floude, and in Egypte, and serue ye the Lorde.
Job 12:11
11 Haue not the eares pleasure in hering, and and the mouth in tastynge the thynge that it eateth?
Job 34:3
3 For the eare proueth and discerneth the wordes, and the mouth tasteth the meates:
Isaiah 7:15-16
Amos 5:14-15
14 Seke after the thinge that is good, & not euell, so shall ye lyue: yee, the Lorde God of hoostes shalbe with you, accordinge to your awne desyre.
15 Hate the euell, and loue the good: set vp ryght agayne in the porte: and (no doute) the Lorde God of Hoostes shalbe mercyfull vnto the remnaunt of Ioseph.
Micah 3:2
2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euel: ye plucke of mennes skynnes, and the flesh from theyr bones:
Matthew 16:23
23 but he turned him aboute, and sayde vnto Peter: go after me Satan, thou hyndrest me: for thou sauourest not the thinges that be of God, but those that be of men.
Matthew 18:6-7
6 But whoso doth offende one of these lytleons whych beleue in me: it were better for hym, that a mylstone were hanged aboute hys necke, & that he were drowned in the depth of the see.
7 Wo vnto the worlde because of offences. Necessary it is that offences come: But wo vnto the man, by whom the offence commeth.
Matthew 26:33
33 Peter answered, & sayde vnto him: though all men be offended because of the, yet will not I be offended.
John 1:47
47 Iesus sawe Nathanael comynge to him, & sayeth of him: Beholde a ryght Israelyte, in whom is no gyle.
John 3:20
20 For euery one that euyll doeth, hateth the lyght: nether commeth to the lyght, lest his dedes shuld be reproued.
Acts 24:16
16 And therfore study I to haue allwaye a cleare conscience toward God, and towarde men.
Romans 2:18
18 and knowest his wyll, and alowest the thynges that be excellent, and art infourmed by the lawe:
Romans 7:16
16 If I do now that whych I wolde not, I consente vnto the lawe that it is good.
Romans 7:22
22 For I delyte in the lawe of God, after the inward man.
Romans 8:7
7 Because that the flesshly mynde is enemyte agaynst God: for it is not obedyent to the lawe of God, nether can be.
Romans 12:2
2 & fassyon not youre selues lyke vnto this worlde: but be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuyng of your mynde, that ye maye proue what thynge that good, and acceptable, and perfaycte wyll of God is.
Romans 12:9
9 Let loue be without dissimulacion Hate that which is euyll & cleaue vnto that which is good.
Romans 14:20-21
Romans 16:17
17 I beseche you brethren, marke them which cause diuisyon & geue occasions of euyll, contrary to the doctrine, which ye haue learned: & auoyde them.
1 Corinthians 8:13
13 Wherfore yf meate hurt my brother, I will neuer eate flesshe lest I shulde offende my brother.
1 Corinthians 10:32
32 Se that ye geue none occasyon of euyll, nether to the Iewes, nor yet to the gentyls, nether to the congregacyon of God:
2 Corinthians 1:12
12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes and godly purenes, & not in fleshly wysdom, but by the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacyon in the world, and most of all to you wardes.
2 Corinthians 2:17
17 For we are not as the most part are, which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but euen out of purenes, and by the power of God, in the syght of God, so speake we in Christ.
2 Corinthians 6:3
3 Lett vs geue no occasyon of euyll, that in oure offyce be founde no faute:
2 Corinthians 8:8
8 This saye I, not commaundynge: but because of feruentnes, I do alowe the vnfaynednesse of youre loue towarde other men.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ.
14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light.
15 Therfore it is no great thynge though hys mynisters fassyon them selues, as though they were the ministers of ryghtewesnes: whose ende shalbe accordyng to theyr dedes.
Galatians 5:11
11 Brethren, yf I yet preach circumcisyon, why do I then yet suffre persecucyon? Then is the slaunder of the crosse ceased.
Ephesians 4:15
15 But let vs folowe the trueth in loue, and in all thynges growe in hym, which is the heed, euen Christ,
Ephesians 5:10
10 Searchynge what is acceptable vnto the Lorde.
Ephesians 5:27
27 to make it vnto him selfe a gloryous congregacyon, without spot or wrynckle, or eny soche thynge: but that it shulde be holy, and without blame.
Ephesians 6:24
24 Grace be with all them which loue oure Lorde Iesus Chryst syncerely. Amen.
Philippians 1:6
6 and am suerly certyfyed of thys, that he, which hath begonne a good worke in you, shall perfourme it vntyll the daye of Iesus Chryst,
Philippians 1:16
16 The one parte preache Chryst of stryfe and not syncerely, supposynge to adde more aduersytie to my bandes.
1 Thessalonians 3:13
13 that he maye make youre hertes stable & vnblameable, in holynes before God oure father, at the commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ with all saynctes.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
21 Examen all thynges, kepe that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
23 The very God of peace sanctifye you thorowe out. And I praye God that youre whole sprete, and soule and body, maye be preserued: so that in nothyng ye maye be blamed in the commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst.
Hebrews 5:12-14
12 For when as concerninge the tyme, ye ought to be teachers, yet haue ye nede agayne, that we teache you the fyrst principles of the worde of God: and are become soch as haue nede of mylke: and not of stronge meate:
13 for euery man that is fed with mylke, is inexperte in the worde of ryghteousnes. For he is but a babe.
14 But stronge meate belongeth to them that are perfecte euen those, which (by reason of vse) haue their wittes exercised to discerne both good and euyll.
1 John 4:1
1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde.
Revelation 2:2
2 I knowe thy workes, and thy labour, & thy pacience, and how thou cannest not forbeare them whych are euyll: and hast examined them whych saye they are Apostles, and are not: & hast founde them lyars,
Psalms 1:3
3 And he shalbe lyke a tre planted by the watersyde, that wyll brynge forth hys frute in due season. His leafe also shall not wither: & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere.
Psalms 92:12-15
12 and myne eare shall heare hys desyre of the wycked that ryse vp agaynst me.
13 The ryghteous shal florish lyke a palme tree, and shal sprede abroade lyke a Cedre in Libanus.
14 Soch as be planted in the house of the Lorde shall florishe in the courtes of our God. They shall also bryng forth more frute in theyr age, & shalbe fat and well likyng.
15 That they maye shewe, how true the Lord my strength is, and that there is no vnryghtuousnesse in hym.
Isaiah 5:2
2 This he hedged, thys he walled rounde aboute, and planted it with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a towre, and made a wyne presse therin. And afterwarde when he loked that it shulde brynge him grapes, it brought forth thornes.
Isaiah 60:21
21 Thy people shalbe all ryghteous, and possesse the lande euer: the floure of my plantynge, the worke of my handes, wherof I wyll reioyce.
Isaiah 61:3
3 that I myght geue vnto them that mourne in Sion, that I myght geue I saye, bewty in the steade of ashes, ioyfull oyntement for syghthinge, pleasaunt rayment for an heuy mynde: That they myght be called trees of ryghteousnesse, a plantynge of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in.
Isaiah 61:11
11 For lyke as the grounde bryngeth forth frute, & as the garden shoteth forth sede: So shall the Lord God cause righteousnes, and prayse to God to florysh forth, before all the Heathen.
Matthew 5:16
16 Let your light so shyne before men. That they maye se your good worckes, & gloryfy your father, which is in heauen.
Luke 13:6-9
6 He tolde also this similitude: a certayne man had a fygge tree planted in his vineyarde & he came and sought frute theron, and founde none.
7 Then sayde he to the dresser of his vineyarde: beholde, this thre yeare haue I come and sought frute in this fygge tree, and fynde none: cut it doune: why combreth it the ground?
8 and he answered & sayd vnto him: Lorde, let it alone this yeare also, tyll I dygge rounde aboute it, and donge it,
9 to se whether it will beare frute: and yf it beare not then, after that shalt thou cut it doune.
John 15:2
2 Euery braunche that beareth not frute in me, he will take awaye. And euery braunche that beareth frute, will he pourge, that it maye bring forth more frute.
John 15:4-5
John 15:8
8 Herin is my father glorifyed: that ye beare moch frute, and become my disciples.
John 15:16
16 Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeyned you, to goo, and brynge forth frute, and that your frute shuld remayne, that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name, he maye geue it you.
Romans 6:22
22 But now are ye delyuered from synne, & made the seruauntes of God, and haue youre frute to be sanctifyed, and the ende euerlastynge lyfe.
Romans 15:28
28 When I haue performed this, and haue brought them this frute sealed, I wyll come backe agayne by you into Spayne.
1 Corinthians 10:31
31 Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke, or whatsoeuer ye do, do all to the prayse of God.
2 Corinthians 9:10
10 He that minystreth seed vnto the sower, minystre breed also for fode: and multyplye youre seede, and increase the frutes of youre ryghtewesnesse,
Galatians 5:22-23
Ephesians 1:12
12 that we (which before beleued in Christ) shuld be vnto the prayse of hys glory.
Ephesians 1:14
14 which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce, for the recouerynge of the purchassed possessyon, vnto the prayse of hys glory.
Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are his worckmanshyppe, created in Chryst Iesu vnto good workes, whiche God ordeyned, that we shulde walke in them.
Ephesians 5:9
9 (For the frute of the sprete consysteth in all goodnes, and ryghtewesnes and trueth.)
Philippians 4:17
17 not that I desire gyftes: but I desyre aboundant frute on youre parte.
Colossians 1:6
6 which is come vnto you: euen as it, is frutefull as it is also amonge you, from the daye in the which ye hearde of it, and had experience in the grace of God thorowe the trueth,
Colossians 1:10
10 that ye myght walke worthy of the Lorde that in all thinges ye maye please beynge frutefull in all good workes, and encreasynge in the knowledge of God,
2 Thessalonians 1:12
12 that the name of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst maye be glorifyed by you, and ye by hym, accordynge to the grace of oure God, and of the Lorde Iesus Christ.
Hebrews 12:11
11 No maner chastisyng for the present tyme semeth to be ioyous, but greueous: neuertheles afterwarde, it bringeth the quyet frute of ryghtewesnes, vnto them which are exercysed therby.
Hebrews 13:15-16
James 3:17-18
1 Peter 2:5
5 & ye as lyuinge stones, are made a spretuall house an holy presthode, for to offer vp spretual sacrifyces, acceptable to God by Iesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are a chosen generacion, a royall presthod, an holy nacyon, a people whych are wonne: that ye shuld shewe the vertues of hym, that called you out of darcknes into hys meruclous lyght,
1 Peter 2:12
12 & se that ye haue honest conuersacion amonge the Gentyles, that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars they maye se your good workes, and prayse God in the daye of vysytacion.
1 Peter 4:10-11
10 As euery man hath receaued the gyfte, euen so mynister the same one to another, as good mynisters of the manyfolde grace of God.
11 If eny man speake, let him talke as the wordes of God. If eny man mynister, let him do it as of the abylite, whych God mynystreth vnto hym. That God in all thynges maye be glorifyed thorow Iesus Christ, to whom be prayse and dominion for euer and euer. Amen.
1 Peter 4:14
14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ, happie are ye. For the glory and the sprete of God resteth vpon you. On their parte he is euyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorifyed.
Exodus 18:11
11 Nowe I knowe that the Lorde is greater then all goddes, for in the thynge wherby they dealt cruelly wyth them, are they them selues peryshed.
Esther 9:1
1 In the twelueth moneth, that is the moneth Adar, vpon the thirtenth daye of the same, whan the kynges word and commaundement shulde be done, euen vpon the same daye that the enemyes shulde haue destroyed the Iewes to haue oppressed them, it turned contrary wyse, euen that the Iewes shulde subdue their enemyes.
Psalms 76:10
10 The fearcenesse of man shall turne to thy prayse: and the fearcenesse of other shalt thou refrayne.
Acts 8:4
4 Therfore, they that were scatered abrode, went euery where preachyng the worde of God.
Acts 11:19-21
19 They also which were scattred abrode thorow the affliccyon that arose about Steuen, walked thorowout vnto Phenices and Cypers, and Antioche, preachinge the worde to no man, but vnto the Iewes onely
20 some of them were men of Cypers & Siren: which when they were come to Antioche, spake vnto the Grekes, and preached the Lorde Iesus.
21 And the hande of the Lorde was with them, & a greate nombre beleued and turned vnto the Lorde.
Acts 21:28-36
28 crying: men of Israell, helpe. This is the man, that teacheth all men euery where agaynst the people and the lawe, and thys place. He hath also brought Grekes into the temple, and hath polluted thys holy place.
29 For they had sene with hym one in the cytie. Trophinus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.
30 And all the cytie was moued, and the people swarmed together. And they toke Paul and drue him out of the temple, and forth with, the dores were shut.
31 As they went about to kyll him, tidinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudyers, that all Ierusalem was moued.
32 Which immediatly toke soudiers and vndercaptaynes, and ranne downe vnto them. When they sawe the vpper captayne and the soudiers: they lefte smytinge of Paul.
33 Then the captayne cam neare and toke hym, and commaunded hym to be bounde with two chaynes, and demaunded what he was, and what he had done.
34 And some cryed one thinge, some another amonge the people. And when he coulde not knowe the certayntie for the rage, he commaunded him to be caryed into the castle.
35 And when he cam vnto a stayre, it fortuned that he was borne of the soudiers for the violence of the people.
36 For the multitude of the people folowed after, cryinge: awaye with hym.
Acts 22:1-30
1 Men, brethren, and fathers, heare ye myne answere which I make nowe vnto you.
2 When they hearde, that he spake in the Hebrue tonge to them, they kept the more sylence. And he sayeth:
3 I am verely a man which am a Iewe borne in Tarsus a cytie in Cycile: neuertheles, yet brought vp in thys cytie, at the fete of Gamaliell, and informed dilygently in the lawe of the fathers, and was seruent mynded to God warde, as ye all are thys same daye,
4 and I persecuted thys waye vnto the death byndynge and delyueryng into preson both men and wemen,
5 as the chefe preste doth beare me wytnesse, and all the estate of the elders: of whom also I receaued lettres vnto the brethren, and went to Damasco to bring them, (which were there bounde) vnto Ierusalem for to be punysshed.
6 And it fortuned (that as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damasco aboute none) sodenly there shone from heauen a greate lyght ronnde aboute me,
7 and I fell vnto the earthe, and hearde a voyce sayinge vnto me: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
8 And I answered: what arte thou Lorde? And he sayde vnto me: I am Iesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.
9 And they that were wyth me, sawe verely a lyghte, and were afrayde: but they hearde not the voyce of hym that spake with me.
10 And I sayde: what shall I do Lorde? And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Aryse, and go into Damasco, and there it shall be tolde the of all thynges, whych are appoynted for the to do.
11 And whan I sawe nothynge for the bryghtnes of that lyght, I was leade by the hande of them that were wyth me, and came into Damasco.
12 And one Ananias a parfecte man, (and as pertaynynge to the lawe hauynge good reporte of all the Iewes, whych there dwelt)
13 cam vnto me, and stode, and sayde vnto me: Brother Saul, receaue thy lyght. And the same houre I receaued my syghte, and sawe hym.
14 And he sayde: the God of our fathers hath ordeyned the before, that thou shuldest knowe hys wyll, and shuldest heare the voyce of hys mouth:
15 for thou shalt be hys wytnes vnto all men of those thinges, which thou hast sene and heard.
16 And nowe, why taryest thou? Aryse, and be baptysed, and wasshe awaye thy synnes in callyng on the name name of the Lorde.
17 And it fortuned, that whan I was come agayne to Ierusalem, and prayde in the temple, I was in a traunce,
18 and sawe hym, sayinge vnto me: Make haste, and get the quyckly oute of Ierusalem: for they wyll not receaue thy wytnesse, that thou bearest of me
19 And I sayde: Lorde, they knowe that I presoned, and bett in euery Synagoge them that beleued on the.
20 And whan the bloude of thy wytnes Steuen was shed, I also stode by, and consented vnto hys death, and kept the rayment of them that slewe hym.
21 And he sayd vnto me departe, for I wyll sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls.
22 They gaue hym audience vnto thys worde, and then lyft vp theyr voyces and sayde: awaye with soche a felowe from the earth: for it is not reason that he shuld lyue.
23 And as they cryed, and cast of thir clothes, and thrue dust into the ayer,
24 the captayne commaunded hym to be brought into the castle, and bad that he shulde be scourged, and to be examined, that he might knowe, wherfore they cryed so on hym.
25 And whan they bounde hym wyth thonges, Paul sayde vnto the Centurion, that stode by him: Is it lauful for you to scourge a man that is a Romayn and vncondempned?
26 When the Centurion hearde that, he went and tolde the vpper captayne, saying: What intendest thou to do? For thys man is of Rome.
27 Then the vpper captayne cam, and sayd vnto him: tell me, art thou a Romayne? He sayd: Yee.
28 And the captayne answered, with a great some obtayned I thys fredom. And Paul sayd: I was fre borne.
29 Then strayght waye departed from hym they which shulde haue examyned hym. And the hye captayne also was afrayde, after he knewe that he was a Romayne, and because he had bounde hym.
30 On the morowe (because he wolde haue knowen the certentye wherfore he was accused of the Iewes) he losed hym from hys bondes, and commaunded the hye prestes and all the counsell to come together and brought Paul forth, & set hym before them.
Acts 28:1-31
1 And when they were scaped, then they knewe, that: the yle was called Milete.
2 And the straungers shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre, and receaued vs euery one, because of the present rayne, & because of the colde.
3 And when Paul had gathered a bondell of styckes, and layde them on the fyre, ther came a vyper out of the heat, & caught hym by the hande.
4 When the straungers sawe the beast hange on hys hande, they sayde amonge them selues: no doute thys man is a mortherer: Whom (though he haue escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyue.
5 And he shouke of the vyper into the fyre, and felt no harme.
6 Howbeit they wayted when he shulde haue swolne, or fallen downe deed sodenly. But after they had loked a greate whyle, and sawe no harme come to hym, they chaunged theyr myndes, and sayde that he was a God.
7 In the same quarters were londes of the chefe man of the yle (whose name was Publius) whych receaued vs, & lodged vs thre dayes courteously.
8 And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sycke of a feuer, and of a bloudy flixe. To whom paul entred in and prayde, and layde hys handes on hym & healeth him.
9 So, when this was done, other also whych had dyseases in the yle, cam and were healed:
10 whych also dyd vs great honoure. And when we departed, they laded vs wt soch thynges as were necessary.
11 After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry, whych had wyntred in the yle, whose badge was Castor & Pollux.
12 And when we came to Cyracusa, we taryed there thre dayes.
13 And from thence we fet a compasse, and came to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blewe, and we came the nexte daye to Putiolus:
14 where we founde brethren, and were desyred to tary wyth them seuen dayes, and so came we to Rome.
15 And from thence, when the brethren hearde of vs, they came to mete vs at Apiphorum, and at the thre tauernes. When Paul sawe them, he thancked God, and wexed bolde.
16 And when we came to Rome, the vndercaptayne delyuered the presoners to the chefe captayne of the host: but Paul was suffred to dwell by hym selfe wyth a soudyer that kept hym.
17 And after thre dayes, Paul called the chefe of the Iewes together. And when they were come, he sayde vnto them: Men and brethren, though, I haue committed nothing agaynst the people or lawes of the Elders yet was I delyuered presoner from Ierusalem into the handes of the Romayns.
18 Whych when they had examined me, wolde haue let me go, because ther was no cause of death in me.
19 But when the Iewes spake contrary, I was constrayned to appeale vnto cesar: not that I had ought to accuse my people of.
20 For thys cause then haue I called for you, euen to se you, and to speake wyth you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bounde wt this cheyne.
21 And they sayde vnto hym: we nether receaued lettres out of Iewry pertayninge vnto the nether eny of the brethren that came shewed or spake eny harme of the.
22 But we wyll heare of the what thou thynckest. For as concernyng thys secte, we knowe that euery where it is spoken agaynst.
23 And when they had appoynted him a daye, ther came many to hym into hys lodgyng. To whom he expounded and testifyed the kyngdom of God and preached vnto them of Iesus: both out of the lawe of Moses and out of the Prophetes, euen from morninge to nyght.
24 And some beleued the thynges whych were spoken, and some beleued not.
25 And when they agreed not amonge them selues, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one worde: well spake the holy ghost by Esay the prophet vnto oure fathers,
26 saying: Go vnto thys people, and saye: wyth youre eares shall ye heare, and shall not vnderstande: and wyth youre eyes shall ye se, & not perceaue.
27 For the hert of thys people is wexed grosse, and wyth their eares haue they had no lust to heare, and their eyes haue they closed: lest they shulde se wyth their eyes, & heare wyth their eares, and vnderstande with their hertes, and shuld be conuerted, and I shuld heale them.
28 Be it knowen therfore vnto you, that thys saluacyon of God is sent to the gentyls, and they shall heare it.
29 And when he had sayde these wordes, the Iewes departed from him and had greate despycions amonge them selues.
30 And Paul dwelt two yeares full in hys lodgynge, and receaued all that cam in vnto hym,
31 preachinge the kyngdome of God, and teachynge those thynges whych concerne the Lorde Iesus wyth all confydence, no man forbyddyng hym.
Romans 8:28
28 We knowe that all thynhes worke for the best vnto them that loue God, which also are called of purpose.
Romans 8:37
37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs.
Acts 20:23-24
23 but the the holy goost witnesseth in euery cytie, saying. that bandes and trouble abyde me.
24 But none of these thinges moue me nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I might fulfyll my course with ioye, and the ministracyon which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.
Acts 21:11-13
11 When he was come vnto vs, he toke Pauls gerdell, & bounde his fete & handes, & sayd: Thus sayth the holy ghost so shal the Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man that oweth this gerdell, and shall delyuer hym into the handes of the Gentyls.
12 When we hearde this, both we and other which were of the same place, besought him that he wolde not go vp to Ierusalem.
13 Then Paul answered, & sayde: what do ye wepynge & veryng myne herte? I am ready, not to be bounde onely, but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu.
Acts 26:29
29 And Paul sayde? I wolde to God that not onely thou: but also all that heare me to daye were, not somwhat onely, but all together, soch as I am, except these bondes.
Acts 26:31
31 And when they were gone aparte, they talked betwene them selues, sayinge. Thys man doeth nothyng worthy of deeth, or of bondes.
Acts 28:17
17 And after thre dayes, Paul called the chefe of the Iewes together. And when they were come, he sayde vnto them: Men and brethren, though, I haue committed nothing agaynst the people or lawes of the Elders yet was I delyuered presoner from Ierusalem into the handes of the Romayns.
Acts 28:20
20 For thys cause then haue I called for you, euen to se you, and to speake wyth you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bounde wt this cheyne.
Acts 28:30
30 And Paul dwelt two yeares full in hys lodgynge, and receaued all that cam in vnto hym,
Philippians 4:22
22 All the saynctes salute you, most of all they which are of the emperours housholde.
Colossians 4:3-18
3 prayenge also for vs that God maye open vnto vs the dore of vtteraunce, that we maye speake the mystery of Christ (wherfore I am also in bondes)
4 that I maye vtter it, as it becommeth me to speake.
5 Walke wysely towarde them that are without, and lose no oportunite.
6 Let youre speache be alwayes well sauored & powdred with salt, that ye maye knowe, howe ye ought to answer euery man.
7 Of all my busynes shal ye be certified by Tichicus, the beloued brother and faythful mynyster and felowe seruaunt in the Lord,
8 whom I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose, that he myght knowe whath ye do, & that he myght comfort youre hertes,
9 wyth one Onesymus a faythfull and beloued brother, which is one of you. They shall shewe you of all thynges, which area doinge here.
10 Aristarchus my preson felowe saluteth you, and Marcus Barnabas systers sonne: touchynge whom, ye receaued commaundementes. If he come vnto you, receaue hym:
11 and Iesus which is called Iustus, whych are of the circumcisyon. These only are my worke felowes vnto the kyngdome of God, which haue bene vnto my consolacyon.
12 Epaphras the seruaunt of Chryst, (which is one of you) saluteth you, and all wayes laboureth feruently for you in prayers, that ye maye stande perfect and full, in all the wyll of God.
13 For I beare hym recorde, that he hath a feruent mynde for you and them that are of Laodicia and them that are of Hierapolis.
14 Deare Lucas the Phisycion greteth you, and Demas.
15 Salute the brethren whych are of Laodicia, and salute Nymphas, and the congregacyon, whych is in hys house,
16 And when the Epystle is reed of you, make that it be reed also in the congregacyon of the Laodicians: and that ye lykewyse reade the Epistle of Laodicia.
17 And saye to Archyppus: take hede to the offyce that thou hast receaued in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.
18 The salutacion by the hande of me Paul Remember my bondes, the grace be wyth you. Amen.
1 Thessalonians 1:8-9
8 For from you sounded out the worde of the Lorde, not in Macedonia and in Achaia onely: but youre fayth also which ye haue vnto God, spred her selfe abroade in all quartars, so that it nedeth not vs to speake eny thynge at al.
9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entring in we had vnto you and how ye tourned to God from ymages, for to serue the liuynge and true God,
1 Peter 4:12-16
12 Dearly beloued, maruayll not that ye are proued by fyre (whych thyng is to trye you) as though some straunge thing happened vnto you:
13 but reioyce, in as moch as ye are partakers of Christes passyons: that when hys glory appeareth, ye maye be mery and glad.
14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ, happie are ye. For the glory and the sprete of God resteth vpon you. On their parte he is euyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorifyed.
15 Se that none of you be punysshed as a murtherer, or as a thefe, or an euyll doar, or as a busybody in other mens matters.
16 If eny man suffre as a Christen man, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorifye God on this behalfe.
Luke 1:74
74 for to geue vs. That we deliuered oute of the handes of oure enemies, might serue him with out feare,
Luke 12:5-7
5 But I will shewe you, whom ye shall feare. Feare him, which after he hath kylled, hath power to cast into hell. Yee, I saye vnto you: feare him.
6 Are not fyue sparowes bought for two farthinges? And not one of them is forgoten of God.
7 Also, euen the very heeres of youre heed are all nombred. Feare not therfore: ye are moare of value then many sparowes.
Acts 4:23-31
23 Assone as they were let go, they came to theyr felowes, and shewed all that the hye Prestes and elders had sayde.
24 And when they hearde that, they lyfte vp their voyces to God with one accorde, and sayde: Lorde, thou art God, which hast made heauen and erth, the see, & all that in them is,
25 which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayd: Why dyd the hethen rage, and the people ymagen vayne thynges?
26 The kynges of the erth stode vp, and the rulars came together, agaynst the Lorde and agaynst hys anoynted.
27 For of a trueth, agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus (whom thou hast anoynted) both Herode and also Poncius Pylate, which the Gentyls and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together
28 for to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determyned before to be done.
29 And now Lorde, beholde their threatenynges, and graunte vnto thy seruauntes, that with all confydence they maye speake thy worde.
30 So that thou stretche forth thyne hande, that healynge and sygnes and wonders be done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus.
31 And assone as they had prayed the place moued where they were assembled together and they were all fylled with the holy Goost, and they spake the worde of God boldely.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
3 Blessed be God (the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ) which is the father of mercy, & the God of all comforte,
4 whych comforteth vs in all oure tribulacyon, in so moche that we are hable to comforte them whych are in any maner of trouble, with the same comforte, wherwith we oure selues are comforted of God.
5 For as the affliccyons of Christ are plenteous in vs, euen so is oure consolacyon plenteous by Christ.
6 Whether we be troubled for youre consolacyon and health, which saluacyon sheweth her power in that ye soffre the same affliccyons, which we also suffre: or whether we be comforted for youre consolacyon and saluacyon:
7 our hope also is stedfast for you: in as moche as we know, how that as ye are partetakers of the affliccyons, so shall ye be partakers also of the consolacyon.
Ephesians 3:13
13 Wherfore I desyre, that ye faynt not because of my tribulacions that I suffre for youre sakes: which is youre prayse.
Ephesians 6:19-20
Colossians 4:4
4 that I maye vtter it, as it becommeth me to speake.
Colossians 4:7
7 Of all my busynes shal ye be certified by Tichicus, the beloued brother and faythful mynyster and felowe seruaunt in the Lord,
Matthew 23:5
5 All theyr worckes do they for the intent, that they maye be sene of men. They set abroade their philateries, & make large the borders of their garmentes,
Acts 5:42
42 And dayly in the temple and in euery house they ceased not, to teach and preach Iesus Christ.
Acts 8:5
5 Then came Philip into a cytie of Samaria, & preached Christ vnto them.
Acts 8:35
35 Philip opened hys mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached vnto hym Iesus.
Acts 9:20
20 And straight waye he preached Christ in the Sinagoges, howe that he was the sonne of God,
Acts 10:36
36 Ye knowe the preachynge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachyng peace by Iesu Christ, which is Lord ouer all thynges.
Acts 11:20
20 some of them were men of Cypers & Siren: which when they were come to Antioche, spake vnto the Grekes, and preached the Lorde Iesus.
Romans 16:17-18
17 I beseche you brethren, marke them which cause diuisyon & geue occasions of euyll, contrary to the doctrine, which ye haue learned: & auoyde them.
18 For they that are suche, serue not the Lorde Iesus Christ, but their awne bellyes, & with swete and flatterynge wordes, deceaue the hertes of the innocentes.
1 Corinthians 1:23
23 But we preache Christ crucifyed, vnto the Iewes an occasyon of fallynge, and vnto the Grekes foolysihnes:
1 Corinthians 3:3-4
1 Corinthians 13:3
3 And though I bestowe all my goodes to fede the poore, and though I geue my body euen that I burned, and yet haue no loue, it profyteth me nothynge.
2 Corinthians 1:19
19 For Goddes sonne Iesus Christ which was preached amonge you by vs (euen by me and Siluanus and Timotheus) was not yee & naye: but by hym it was yee:
2 Corinthians 4:5
5 For we preache not our selues, but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde, and oure selues youre seruauntes, for Iesus sake.
2 Corinthians 11:13
13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ.
2 Corinthians 12:20
20 Agayne, thynke you that we excuse our selues vnto you? we spake in Christ in the syght of of God: but we do all thinges (dearly beloued) for youre edifyinge.
Galatians 2:4
4 and that because of incommers beynge false brethren, which came in preuely to spye out oure libertye which we haue in Christ Iesu, that they myght bringe vs in to bondage.
Philippians 1:16-18
16 The one parte preache Chryst of stryfe and not syncerely, supposynge to adde more aduersytie to my bandes.
17 Agayne the other parte preache of loue, because they knowe, that I am set to defende the Gospell.
18 What then? So that Chryst be preached anye maner of waye, whether it be by occasyon, or of true meaninge, I am glad therof, ye and wyll be glad.
Philippians 2:3
3 that nothinge be done thorowe stryfe or of vayne glory, but in mekenes of mynde, let euery man esteme another better then hym selfe.
1 Timothy 3:16
16 And without doute great is that mystery of godlynes: God was shewed in the flesshe, was iustifyed in the sprete, was sene amonge the Angels, was preached vnto the gentyls, was beleued on in the worlde, and receaued vp in glory.
James 4:5-6
1 Peter 5:2-4
2 Fede ye Christes flocke, asmoch as lyeth in you, takynge the ouersyght of them, not as compelled therto, but wyllyngly: not for the desyre of fylthy lucre: but of a good mynde,
3 not as though ye were lordes ouer the parisshes: but that ye be an ensample to the flock
4 And when the chefe sheperd shall appeare; yee shal receaue, an incorruptibile crowne of glorie.
Job 6:14
14 He that is in tribulacyon ought to be comforted of hys neyghbour: but the feare of the Lord is cleane awaye.
Job 16:4
4 I coulde speake, as ye do also. But wold God, that youre soule were in my soules steade: then shuld I heape vp wordes agaynst you, and shake my heade at you.
Psalms 69:26
26 Let their habitacion be voyde and no man to dwell in their tentes.
2 Corinthians 4:1-2
1 Therfore, seyng that we haue soch an offyce, euen as God hath had mercy on vs, we go not out of kynde:
2 but haue cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestye, and walke not in craftynes, nether handle we the worde of God disceatfully, but open the trueth, & reporte oure selues to euery mannes conscience in the syght of God
Philippians 1:12
12 I wolde ye shulde vnderstonde (brethren) that the thynges which happened vnto me, chaunced vnto the greate furtheraunce of the Gospell:
Luke 21:14
14 Be at a sure point therfore in your hertes, not to study before, what ye shal answere:
Acts 22:1
1 Men, brethren, and fathers, heare ye myne answere which I make nowe vnto you.
Acts 26:1
1 Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou art permytted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and answered for hym selfe.
Acts 26:24
24 As he thus spake for hym selfe: Festus sayde with a loude voyce: Paul, thou art besyde thy selfe. Moch learnynge doth make the madd.
Romans 1:13-17
13 I wolde that ye shuld knowe (brethren) how that I haue often tymes purposed to come vnto you but haue bene let hitherto, to haue some frute also amonge you, as among other of the Gentyls.
14 I am detter both to the Grekes and to the vngrekes, to the learned and to the vnlearned.
15 So that (as moch as in me is) I am redy to preach the Gospell to you that are at Rome also.
16 For I am not asshamed of the Gospell of Chryst, because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to euery one that beleueth, to the Iewe fyrst, & also to the Gentyle.
17 For by it is the ryghtewesnes of God opened from fayth to fayth.
1 Corinthians 9:16-17
Galatians 2:7-8
1 Timothy 2:7
7 where vnto I am ordayned a preacher and an Apostle. I tell the trueth in Christ and lye not: beynge the teacher of the gentyls wyth fayth and veritye.
2 Timothy 1:11-12
11 whervnto I am apoynted, a preacher & Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentyls:
12 for the whych cause I also suffre these thynges. Neuerthelesse, I am not ashamed. For I knowe, and am sure, that he (in whom I haue put my trust) is able to kepe that whych I haue committed to hys kepynge, agaynst that daye.
2 Timothy 4:6-7
2 Timothy 4:16
16 At my fyrst answerynge, no man assisted me, but all forsoke me. I praye God, that it maye not be layde to their charges:
Matthew 23:13
13 Wo vnto you Scribes & Pharises, ye ypocrites, for ye shutt vp the kyngdome of heauen before men ye nether go in your selues, nether suffre ye them that come, to enter in.
Mark 9:38-40
38 Iohn answered hym, sayinge: Master, we sawe one cast out deuyls in thy name, & he foloweth not vs: and we forbade hym, because he foloweth vs not.
39 But Iesus sayde: forbyd him not. For ther is no man whych (yf he do a myracle in my name) can lyghtely speake euill of me.
40 For he that is not agaynst vs, is on oure parte.
Mark 12:40
40 whych deuoure wydowes houses, and vnder a pretence, make longe prayers. These shall receaue greater dampnacyon.
Luke 9:45
45 But they wist not what the worde meant, and it was hyd from them, that they vnderstode it not. And they feared to aske him of that sayinge.
Luke 9:50
50 And Iesus sayd vnto him: forbyd ye him not. For he that is not agaynst vs, is with vs.
Romans 3:9
9 What then? Are we better then they? No, in no wyse. For we haue all ready proued, how that both Iewes and Gentyls are all vnder synne,
Romans 6:15
15 What then? Shall we synne, because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd.
1 Corinthians 10:19
19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thynge? or that it whych is offered to ymages, is eny thynge?
1 Corinthians 14:15
15 What is it then? I will praye with the sprete, and will praye with the vnderstonding. I will synge with the sprete, and will synge with the vnderstonding.
1 Corinthians 15:11
11 therfore whether it were I or they, so we preach, & so haue ye beleued.
Philippians 1:14-17
2 John 1:9-11
9 Whosoeuer transgresseth & bydeth not in the doctryne of Christ, hath not God. He that endureth in the doctrine of Christ, hath both the father & the sonne.
10 If ther come eny vnto you, & bringe not this learninge, him receaue not to house: nether byd him God spede.
11 For he that byddeth him God spede, is partaker of hys euyl dedes.
Acts 16:7
7 they came to Mysya, and sought to go into Bethynia. But the sprete soffred them no
Romans 8:9
9 But ye are not in the flesshe, but in the sprete: yf so be that the sprete of God dwell in you. If eny man haue not the spryte of Chryst, the same is none of hys.
1 Corinthians 4:17
17 For thys cause haue I sent vnto you Tymotheus, which is my deare sonne, and faythfull in the Lorde, whych shall put you in remembraunce of my wayes, that I haue in Chryst, euen as I teach euery where in all congregacions.
2 Corinthians 1:11
11 by the helpe of youre prayer for vs, that by the meanes of many persones, thankes maye be geuen of many on oure behalfe, for the gyfte geuen vnto vs.
Galatians 4:6
6 Because ye are sonnes, God hathe sent the sprete of hys sonne into oure hertes, cryinge: Abba father.
Ephesians 6:18-19
1 Peter 1:7-9
7 that the triall of youre fayth beyng moche more precious then golde that peryssheth (though it be tryed with fyre) myght be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure, at the apperynge of Iesus Chryst,
8 whom ye haue not sene, & yet loue hym, in whome euen now, though ye se hym not, yet do you beleue, and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable and glorious
9 receauyge the ende of your fayth, euen the saluacyon of youre soules.
1 Peter 1:11
11 searchyng when or at what tyme the sprete of Chryst (whych was in them) shuld sygnifye, whych sprete testifyed before, the passyons that shuld happen vnto Chryst, & the glory that shulde folowe after,
Psalms 25:2
2 My God, I haue put my trust in the: Oh lett me not be confounded, nether let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me.
Psalms 62:5
5 Neuertheles, my soule wayte thou styll vpon God, for my hope is in hym.
Psalms 119:80
80 O let myne herte be sounde in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed.
Psalms 119:116
116 O stablishe me accordinge vnto thy worde, that I maye lyue, and let me not be disapoynted of my hope.
Proverbs 10:28
28 The pacient abydinge of the ryghteous shalbe turned to gladnesse, but the hope of the vngodly shall perishe.
Proverbs 23:18
18 for the ende is not yet come, & thy pacient abydynge shall not be in vayne.
Isaiah 45:17
17 But Israel shalbe saued in the Lorde, which is the euerlastinge saluacyon. Ye shall not come to shame ner confusyon, worlde without ende.
Isaiah 50:7
7 & the Lord God shall helpe me: therfore shall I not be confounded. I haue hardened my face like a flynt stone, for I am sure, that I shall not come to confusion.
Isaiah 54:4
4 Feare not, for thou shalt not be confounded: Be not ashamed, for thou shalt not come to confusyon. Yee thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, & shalt not remembre the dishonoure of thy wedowhead.
John 12:27-28
John 21:19
19 That spake he, sygnyfyinge, by what death he shuld glorifye God. And when he had spoken thys, he sayeth vnto him: folowe me.
Acts 20:24
24 But none of these thinges moue me nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I might fulfyll my course with ioye, and the ministracyon which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.
Acts 21:13
13 Then Paul answered, & sayde: what do ye wepynge & veryng myne herte? I am ready, not to be bounde onely, but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu.
Romans 5:5
5 And hope maketh not ashamed: because the loue of God is sheed abroad in oure hertes, by the holy ghost whych is geuen vnto vs.
Romans 6:13
13 Nether geue ye youre membres as instrumentes of vnryghtewesnes vnto synne: but geue ouer your selues vnto God as they that of deed, are alyue. And geue ouer youre members as instrumentes of ryghtewesnes vnto God.
Romans 6:19
19 I speake grosly, because of the infirmytie of youre fleshe. As ye haue geuen youre members seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitye, (from one iniquitye to another) euen so now geue ouer youre members seruauntes vnto ryghtewesnes, that ye maye be sanctifyed.
Romans 8:19
19 For the feruent desyre of the creature abydeth, lokyng, when the sonnes of God shall appere,
Romans 9:33
33 As it is wrytten: Behold, I put in Syon a stomblynge stone, & a rocke that men shalbe offended at. And whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded.
Romans 12:1
1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercyfulnes of God, that ye make yor bodies a quycke sacryfice, holy & acceptable vnto God: which is youre resonable seruynge of God
Romans 14:7-9
7 And he that eateth not, eateth not, to please the Lorde withall, and geueth God thankes.
8 For none of vs lyueth for hym selfe, and no man dyeth for hym selfe. For yf we lyue, we lyue vnto the Lorde. And yf we dye, we dye vnto the Lord. Whether we lyue therfore, or dye, we are the Lordes.
9 For Christ therfore dyed, and rose agayne, and reuyued, that he myght be Lorde of deed and quycke.
1 Corinthians 6:20
20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifye God in youre bodyes, and in youre spretes, which are Goddes.
1 Corinthians 7:34
34 There is difference betwene a virgin & a wife. The syngle woman careth for the thinges that are of the Lorde, that she maye be holy both in bodye & also in sprete. Agayne: she that is maryed, careth for the thinges that pertayne to the worlde, how she maye please her husbande.
1 Corinthians 15:31
31 By oure reioysinge which I haue in Christ Iesu oure Lorde, I dye dayly.
2 Corinthians 2:14-16
14 Thankes be vnto God, which alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christ, and openeth the sauer of his knowledge by vs in euery place.
15 For we are vnto God the swete sauoure of Christ, amonge them that are saued, and amonge them which perysshe.
16 To the one parte are we the sauour of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other part are we the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges?
2 Corinthians 4:10
10 We all wayes beare aboute in the bodye, the dyinge of the Lorde Iesus, that the lyfe of Iesu myght also appeare in oure bodye.
2 Corinthians 5:15
15 and he dyed for all: that they whych lyue, shuld not hence forth lyue vnto them selues, but vnto him whych dyed for them, & rose agayne.
2 Corinthians 7:14
14 I am therfore not nowe ashamed, though I boasted my selfe to hym of you. For as all thynges which we spake vnto you are true, euen so, oure boastynge that I made vnto Titus is founde true.
2 Corinthians 10:8
8 For though I boaste my selfe somwhat more of oure auctorite (which the Lorde hath geuen vs to edifye, and not to destroye you) it shall not be to my shame:
Philippians 1:14
14 In so moche that many of the brethren in the Lorde beynge encoraged thorowe my bandes, dare more boldly speake the worde without feare.
Philippians 1:23-24
Philippians 2:17
17 Yee and though I be offered vp vpon the offeringe & sacrifyce of youre fayth: I reioyce and reioyce with you all.
Colossians 1:24
24 Nowe ioye I in my sufferinges for you and fulfyll that which is behynde of the passyons of Christ in my flesshe, for hys bodies sake, which is the congregacyon:
1 Peter 4:16
16 If eny man suffre as a Christen man, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorifye God on this behalfe.
2 Peter 1:12-15
12 Wherfore, I wyll not be neglygent to put you all wayes in remembraunce of soch thynges though ye knowe them youre selues, and and be stablished in the present trueth.
13 Notwythstandynge I thynke it mete (as longe as I am in thys tabernacle) to strete you vp by puttyng you in remembraunce, for as moch,
14 as I am sure, that shortly I must put of thys my tabernacle, euen as oure Lorde Iesus Christ shewed me.
15 I wyll euer also geue my diligence, that ye maye haue wherwyth to stere vp the remembraunce of these thinges after my departyng.
1 John 2:28
28 And now babes abyde in hym: that when he shall appeare, we maye be bolde, & not be made ashamed of hym at hys commynge.
Isaiah 57:1-2
Romans 8:35-39
35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God? shall tribulacyon? or angusshe? or persecucyon? other honger? ether nakednesse? ether parell? ether swearde?
36 As it is written: for thy sake are we kylled all daye longe, and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne.
37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs.
38 For I am sure, that nether deeth, nether lyfe, nether Angels, nor rule, nether power, nether thynges present, nether thynges to come,
39 nether heygth, nether loweth, nether eny other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure Lorde.
1 Corinthians 1:30
30 And of hym are ye, in Chryst Iesu, whych of God is made vnto vs, wysdome, & rightwesnes, and sanctifyinge, and redempcyon.
1 Corinthians 3:22
22 whether it be Paul, ether Apollo, ether Cephas: whether it be the worlde, ether lyfe, ether deeth, whether they be present thynges, or thynges to come: all are youres:
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we knowe that yf oure erthy mancion of this dwellyng were destroyed, we haue a byldinge of God, an habitacyon not made with handes, but eternall in heauen.
2 Corinthians 5:6
6 Therfore, we are alwaye of good cheare, and knowe, that as longe as we are at home in the body, we are absent from God.
2 Corinthians 5:8
8 Neuerthelesse, we are of good comforte, and had leuer to be absent from the body, and to be present with God.
Galatians 2:20
20 I am crucified wt Christ. Neuertheles I lyue: yet nowe not I, but Christ lyueth in me. The lyfe which I nowe lyue in the flesshe, I lyue by the fayth of the sonne of God which loued me, and gaue hym selfe for me.
Galatians 6:14
14 God forbyd that I shulde reioyce, but in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christ, wherby the worlde is crucifyed vnto me, & I vnto the worlde.
Philippians 1:20
20 accordinge to my expectacion, and hope, that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that wyth all boldnesse, (as all wayes euen so nowe also) Christ shall be magnifyed in my body, whether it be thorowe lyfe, or thorowe deeth.
Philippians 1:23
23 For I am constrayned of these two thinges. I desyre to be loosed, & to be wt Christ which is moche & far better.
Philippians 2:21
21 For all other seke theyr awne, and not the thynges which are Iesus Christes.
Colossians 3:4
4 Whensoeuer Chryst (which is oure lyfe) shall shewe hym selfe, then shall ye also appeare with hym in glory.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-15
13 I wolde not brethren that ye shulde be ignoraunt concernynge them whych are fallen aslepe, that ye sorowe not as other do, whych haue no hope.
14 For yf we beleue, that Iesus dyed, & rose agayne: euen so them also which slepe by Iesus, wyll God brynge agayne wt hym.
15 For thys saye we vnto you in the worde of the Lorde, that we whych shall lyue, & shall remayne in the commynge of the Lorde, shall not come yer they whych slepe.
Revelation 14:13
13 And I hearde a voyce from heauen saying vnto me: wryte. Blessed are the deed, which here after dye in the Lorde, euen so sayth the sprete: that they rest from theyr laboures, but theyr workes folowe them.
Genesis 21:26
26 And Abimelech sayde: I wote not who hath done thys thinge. Also thou toldest me not: nether herde I of it, but thys daye.
Genesis 39:8
8 But he refused, and sayde to hys masters wyfe: Beholde, my master woteth not what he hath in the house with me, and hath commytted all that he hath to my hande.
Exodus 32:1
1 And when the people sawe, that yt was longe or Moses came downe out of the mountayne, they gathred them selues together vnto Aaron, and sayd vnto hym: Up, make vs goddes to go before vs: for of this Moses (the felowe that brought vs out of the lande of Egypt) we wote not what is become.
Psalms 71:18
18 O what greate troubles and aduersyties hast thou shewed me? and yet didest thou turne and refreshe me: yee, and broughtest me from the depe of the earth
Isaiah 38:18-19
Acts 3:17
17 And now brethren, I wote that thorow ignoraunce ye dyd it, as dyd also youre rulers.
Romans 11:2
2 God hath not cast awaye his people, which he knewe before. Wote ye not, what the scripture sayth of Helias, how he maketh intercession to God agaynst Israell, saying:
2 Corinthians 10:3
3 For though we walke in the flesshe, yet we do not warre flesshly.
Philippians 1:24
24 Neuerthelesse, to abyde in the flesshe is more nedfull for you,
1 Peter 4:2
2 that he hence forwarde shulde lyue (as moch tyme as remayneth in the flesshe) not after the lustes of men, but after the wyll of God.
2 Samuel 24:14
14 And Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. We will fall now into the hande of the Lorde, for moch is his mercye, and lett me not falle into the hande of man.
Job 19:26-27
Psalms 16:10-11
10 Wherfore my hert was glad, & my glory reioysed, my flesh also shall rest in hope.
11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy holy one to se corrupcion. Thou shalt shewe me the path of lyfe: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye, and at thy ryght hande ther is pleasure for euermore.
Psalms 17:15
15 They haue children at their desyre: & leaue the reste of theyr substaunce for theyr babes. But as for me, I wyll beholde thy presence in righteousnes: & when I awake vp after thy lykenes, I shalbe satisfyed with it.
Psalms 49:15
15 But God shall delyuer my soule from the place of hell, for he shall receaue me. Sela.
Psalms 73:24-26
Luke 2:29-30
Luke 8:38
38 Then the man (out of whom the deuyls were departed) besought hym that he myght be with hym. But Iesus sent him awaye, sayinge:
Luke 12:50
50 Not withstandynge I must be baptysed wt a baptime: and how am I payned, tyll it be ended?
Luke 23:43
43 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Uerely I saye vnto the: to daye shalt thou be wyth me in Paradyse.
John 13:1
1 Before the feaste of Easter, when Iesus knewe that hys houre was come, that he shuld depart out of this world vnto the father. When he loued his which were in the worlde, vnto the ende he loued them.
John 14:3
3 And yf I go to prepare a place for you, I will come agayne, and receaue you euen vnto my selfe: that wher I am, ther maye ye be also.
John 17:24
24 Father, I will that they which thou hast geuen me be with me where I am, that they maye se my glory, which thou hast geuen me. For thou louedest me before the makyng of the worlde.
Acts 7:59
59 And they stoned Steuen callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu, receaue my sprete.
1 Thessalonians 2:1
1 For ye youre selues (brethren) knowe of oure entraunce in vnto you, how that it was not in vayne:
1 Thessalonians 2:13
13 For this cause thanke we God also without ceassyng, because that when ye receaued of vs the worde (wherwith ye learned to know God) ye receaued it not as the worde of man: but euen as it was in dede, the worde of God, whych worketh also in you that beleue.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
17 then we which shall lyue (euen we which shall remayne) shall be caught vp with them also in the cloudes, to mete the Lorde in the ayer. And so shall we euer be with the Lorde.
2 Timothy 4:6
6 For I am nowe ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departynge, is at hande.
Revelation 7:14-17
14 And I sayde vnto him: Lord thou wotest. And he sayde to me: these are they, whych came out of great tribulacyon, & made their garmentes large, & made them white by the bloude of the lambe:
15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God & serue hym daye & nyght in his temple, & he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them.
16 They shall honger no more, nether thyrst, nether shall the sunne lyght on them, nether eny heate.
17 For the lambe whych is in the myddes of the seate, shall fede them, & shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, & God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.
John 16:7
7 Neuertheles, I tel you the treuth, it is expedient for you, that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye, that comforter wyll not come vnto you. But yf I departe, I wyll sende hym vnto you.
Acts 20:29-31
29 For I am sure of thys, that after my departynge shall greueous wolues entre in amonge you, not sparyng the flocke.
30 Moreouer, of youre awne selues shall men arise, speaking peruerse thinges to drawe disciples after them.
31 Therfore awake, & remember, that by the space of .iij. yeres: I ceased not to warne euery one of you nyght and daye with teares.
Philippians 1:22
22 If it chaunce me to lyue in the flesshe, that thinge is to me frutefull for the worcke, and what I shall chose I wote not.
Philippians 1:25-26
Psalms 60:6
6 God hath spoken in hys holynesse. I will reioyce and deuyde Sychem, and mete oute the valley of Suchoth.
Luke 22:32
32 but I haue prayed for the, that thy fayth fayle not. And when thou arte conuerted, strength thy brethren.
John 21:15-17
15 So when they had dyned, Iesus sayeth to Simon Peter: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me more then these? He sayd vnto him: ye Lord, thou knowest, that I loue the. He sayeth vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayeth to him agayne the seconde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? He saieth vnto him. Yee Lord, thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe.
Acts 11:23
23 Which when he came, & had sene the grace of God, was glad, & exhorted them all, that with purpose of hert, they wold contynually cleaue vnto the Lord.
Acts 14:22
22 and strengthed the discyples soules agayne, and exhorted them to contynue in the fayth affirmynge that we must thorowe moche tribulacyon enntre into the kyngdome of God.
Acts 20:25
25 And now beholde, I am sure, that henceforth ye all (thorow whom I haue gone preachynge the kyngdom of God) shall se my face no more.
Romans 1:11-12
Romans 5:2
2 by whom also it chaunsed vnto vs to be brought in thorow fayth, vnto thys grace, wherin we stande, and reioyce in hope of the glory of God.
Romans 15:13
13 The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuyng: that ye maye be ryche in hope, thorow the power of the holy ghost.
Romans 15:18
18 For I dare not speake of eny of those thynges, whych Chryst hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentyls obedient, with worde and dede,
Romans 15:29
29 I am sure that when I come vnto you I shall come with aboundaunce of the blessynge of the Gospell of Chryst.
2 Corinthians 1:24
24 Not that we be Lordes ouer your fayth: but are helpers of youre ioye. For by fayth ye stande.
Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And the very same made some Apostles, some Prophetes, some Euangelistes, some Shepherdes and Teachers:
12 to the edifyenge of the saynctes, to the worke and ministracyon, euen to the edifyinge of the body of Chryst,
13 tyll we all come to the vnitye of fayth, and knowledge of the sonne of God, vnto a perfecte man, vnto the measure of the full perfecte age of Chryst
Philippians 2:24
24 I trust in the Lord, that I also my selfe shall come shortly.
1 Peter 1:8
8 whom ye haue not sene, & yet loue hym, in whome euen now, though ye se hym not, yet do you beleue, and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable and glorious
Song of Songs 5:1
1 I Am come into my garden, O my sister, my spouse: I haue gathered my Myrre with my spyce. I haue eaten hony with my hony combe, I haue dronke my wyne with my mylke. Eate, O ye frendes, dryncke and be mery, O ye beloued.
John 16:22
22 And ye now therfore haue sorowe: but I will se you agayne, and your hertes shall reioyse, and your ioye shal no man take from you.
John 16:24
24 Hytherto haue ye asked nothynge in my name. Aske, and ye shall receaue: that youre ioye maye be full.
2 Corinthians 1:14
14 for we are youre reioysinge, euen as ye are oures in the daye of the Lord Iesus.
2 Corinthians 5:12
12 For we prayse not oure selues agayne vnto you, but geue you an occasyon to reioyce of vs, that ye maye haue some what against them, whych reioyce in the face, and not in the herte.
2 Corinthians 7:6
6 Neuerthelesse God that conforteth the abiecte, conforted vs by the commynge of Titus.
Philippians 2:16-18
16 holdynge faste the worde of lyfe, that I maye reioyce in the daye of Chryst, howe that I haue not runne in vayne, nether haue laboured in vayne.
17 Yee and though I be offered vp vpon the offeringe & sacrifyce of youre fayth: I reioyce and reioyce with you all.
18 For the same cause also do ye reioyce, and reioyce with me.
Philippians 3:1
1 Moreouer, (brethren) reioyce ye in the Lorde. It greueth me not to wryte one thynge often to you. For to you it is a sure thynge.
Philippians 3:3
3 For we are circumcisyon, which serue God in the sprete, and reioyce in Chryst Iesu, and haue no confydence in the flesshe:
Philippians 4:4
4 Reioyce in the Lord alwaye and agayne I saye reioyce.
Philippians 4:10
10 I reioyce in the Lord greatly, that nowe at the last youre care is reuyued agayne for me in that wherin ye were also carefull, but ye lacked oportunite.
Psalms 122:3
3 Ierusalem is buylded as a cytie, that is at vnite in it selfe.
Psalms 133:1
1 A songe of the stayres of Dauid: Beholde, howe good and ioyfull a thing it is, brethren to dwell together in vnitye. It is lyke the precyous oyntement vpon the heade, that ranne downe vnto the beerd: euen vnto Aarons beerd, and wente downe to the skyrtes of hys clothynge.
Proverbs 22:23
23 for the Lord him selfe will defende their cause, & do violence vnto them that haue vsed violence.
Jeremiah 32:39
39 And I wyll geue them one hert and one waye, that they maye feare me all the daies of their lyfe, that they and their chyldren after them maye prospere.
Matthew 12:25
25 But whan Iesus knewe their thoughtes he sayde vnto them: Euery kingdome deuided agaynst it selfe, shalbe brought to naught. And euery citie or house deuyded agaynst it selfe shall not stande.
John 17:20-21
Acts 2:46
46 And they continued dayly with one accorde in the temple, & brake bread from house to house, & dyd eate their meate together, wt gladnes & singlenes of hert,
Acts 4:32
32 And the multitude of them that beleued, were of one hert, & of one soule. Neyther sayde anye of them, that ought of the thynges which he possessed, was hys awne: but they had all thinges commen.
Acts 24:24
24 And after a certayne dayes, whan Felix came with his wyfe Drusilla (which was a Iewesse) he called forth Paul, and hearde hym of the fayth, which is towarde Chris
Romans 1:5
5 by whom we haue receaued grace & Apostleshyp, that obedience myght be geuen vnto the fayth in hys name amonge all heathen,
Romans 1:16
16 For I am not asshamed of the Gospell of Chryst, because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to euery one that beleueth, to the Iewe fyrst, & also to the Gentyle.
Romans 10:8
8 But what sayth he? The worde is nye the, euen in thy mouth and in thyne herte. Thys same is the worde of fayth, which we preache.
Romans 12:4-5
Romans 15:16
16 that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amonge the Gentyls, & shuld minyster the Gospell of God, that the offeryng of the gentyls myght be acceptable, & sanctified by the holy ghost.
1 Corinthians 1:10
10 I beseche you brethren by the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thinge, and that there be no dissencion amonge you: but that ye maye be a whole body: of one mynde and of one meanynge.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
12 For as the body is one, and hath many membres, and all the membres of one body though they be many, yet are but one bodye, euen so is Christ.
13 For by one sprete are we all baptysed to make one body, whether we be Iewes or Gentyls, whether we be bonde or fre, and haue all droncke of one sprete.
14 For the body is not one member, but many.
15 If the fote saye: I am not the hande, I am not of the body: is he therfore not of the body?
16 And yf the eare saye, I am not the eye, I am not of the body: is he therfore not of the body?
17 If all the body were an eye, where were then the eare? If all were hearynge: where were the smellynge?
18 But nowe hath God set the membres euery one seuerally in the body as it hath pleased him.
19 If they were all one member: where were the bodye?
20 Nowe are there many membres, yet but one body.
21 And the eye can not saye vnto the hande: I haue no nede of the. Agayne, the heed can not saye to the fete: I haue no nede of you.
22 Yee rather a great deale those membres of the body which seme to be more feble, are necessary.
23 And vpon those membres of the body which we thinke leest honest, put we more honestye on. And oure vngoodlye partes haue more beautye on.
24 For oure honest membres nede it not: But God hath so disposed the body, & hath geuen the more honoure to that parte whych lacked,
25 lest there shulde be eny stryfe in the body: but that the membres shuld indifferently care one for another. And yf one member suffer, all suffer with him.
26 yf one member be had in honour, all membres be glad also.
27 Ye are the body of Christ, and membres one of another.
28 And God hath also ordeyned in the congregacyon, fyrst Apostles, secondarely prophetes, thrydly teachers, then them that do myracles: after that, the gyftes of healyng, helpers, gouerners, diuersitye of tonges.
29 Are all Apostles? Are all Prophetes? Are all teachers? Are all doars of miracles?
30 Haue all the gyftes of healinge? Do all speake with tonges? Do all interprete?
31 Couet after the best gyftes. And yet shewe I vnto you a more excellent waye.
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Therfore my deare brethren, be ye stedfast and vnmouable, alwayes ryche in the worke of the Lorde, for as moch as ye knowe, how that youre labour, is not in vayne in the Lorde.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
2 Corinthians 4:4
4 in whom the God of this world hath blynded the myndes of them which beleue not, lest the lyght of the gospell of the glory of Christ (whych is the ymage of God) shulde shyne vnto them.
2 Corinthians 9:13
13 which prayse God for the obedience of youre consentynge to the Gospell of Christ, and for youre synglenesse in distrybutyng to them, and to all men,
2 Corinthians 13:11
11 Finallye brethren, fare ye well, be parfect, be of good conforte, be of one mynde, lyue in peace, and the God of loue and peace shalbe with you.
Galatians 1:7
7 which is nothinge elles, but that there be some which trouble you, & intende to peruerte the Gospell of Christ.
Ephesians 1:13
13 In whom also we beleue, for asmoche as we haue hearde the worde of trueth, euen the Gospell of youre saluacyon: wherin, whan ye had beleued ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promes
Ephesians 4:3-6
Philippians 2:1-2
Philippians 3:18-4:1
18 For many walke (of whom I haue tolde you often and nowe tell you wepynge) that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ,
Colossians 1:4
4 For we haue hearde of your fayth in Christ Iesu, and of the loue which ye beare to all saynctes,
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
1 Thessalonians 3:6
6 But now lately, when Timothe came from you vnto vs, & declared to vs your faith & your loue, & how that ye haue good remembraunce of vs allwayes, desyrynge to se vs as we also desyre to se you.
1 Timothy 1:11
11 accordynge to the Gospell of the glory of the blessed God, whych Gospell is commytted vnto me.
1 Timothy 1:19
19 hauynge fayth and good conscyence: whych some haue put awaye from them, and as concernynge fayth haue made shypwracke.
2 Timothy 4:7
7 I haue fought a good fyght, I haue fulfylled my course, I haue kept the fayth.
Titus 2:10
10 nether to be pickers, but that they shewe all good faythfulnes, that they maye do worshippe to the doctrine of God oure saueoure in all thynges.
Philemon 1:5
5 when I heare of thy loue & fayth, which thou hast to warde the Lorde. Iesu, and towarde all saynctes,
James 3:18
18 yee, & the frute of ryghtewesnes is sowen in peace, of them that mayntene peace.
2 Peter 1:4-9
4 by the whych are geuen vnto vs excellent and moste greate promyses, that by the meanes therof ye myght be partakers of the godly nature, yf ye flye the corrupcyon of worldly lust.
5 And herunto geue all diligence: in youre fayth mynyster vertue: in vertue knowledge:
6 in knowledge temperaunce, in temperaunce pacience: in pacience godlynes,
7 in godlynes brotherly kyndnes, in brotherly kyndnes loue.
8 For yf these thynges be amonge you, and be plenteous, thy wyll make you that ye nether shalbe ydle nor vnfrutefull in the knowledge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
9 But he that lacketh these thynges, is blynde and gropeth for the waye wyth his hande, and hath forgotten, that he was pourged from hys olde synnes.
2 Peter 3:11
11 Seyng then that all these thinges shal perishe, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersacyon, and godlynes:
2 Peter 3:14
14 Wherfore dearly beloued, seynge that ye loke for such thinges, be diligent that ye maye be founde of hym in peace, wythout spotte and vndefyled.
3 John 1:3-4
Jude 1:3
3 Beloued, when I gaue all dyligence to wryte vnto you of the commen saluacyon, it was nedeful for me to write vnto you, to exhorte you, that ye shuld contynually laboure in the fayth, which was once geuen vnto the saynctes.
Genesis 49:18
18 after thy saluacyon haue I loked (o Lorde.)
Psalms 50:23
23 Who so offreth me thanckes and prayse, he honoureth me: and to hym that ordreth hys conuersacyon ryght wyll I shewe the saluacyon of God.
Psalms 68:19-20
Isaiah 12:2
2 Behold, God is my saluacion in whom I will trust, and not be afrayde. For the Lorde God is my strength, & my songe, he also is become my saluacion.
Isaiah 51:7
7 Herken vnto me, ye that haue pleasure in righteousnes, thou people that bearest my lawe in thyne hert. Feare not the curse of men: be not afrayde of their blasphemyes and reuylinges:
Isaiah 51:12
12 Yee I, I am euen he, that in all thynges geueth you consolacyon. What art thou then, that fearest a mortall man, the chylde of man, which goeth awaye as doeth the floure?
Matthew 5:10-12
10 Blessed are they which suffre persecucyon for righteousnes sake: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen.
11 Blessed are ye, when men reuyle you, and persecute you, and shall falesy say all maner of euyll sayinge against you, for my sake.
12 Reioyse & be glad for greate is your rewarde in heuen. For so persecuted they the prophetes, which were before you.
Matthew 10:28
28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body but are not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare him, which is able to destroye both soule and body into hell.
Luke 3:6
6 & all flesshe shall se the Saluacion of God.
Luke 12:4-7
4 I saye vnto you my frendes: be not afrayde of them that kyll the body, and after that haue no moare, that they can do.
Luke 21:12-19
12 But before all these, they shall laye handes on you, and persecute you, delyuerynge you vp to the Synagoges & into presons, & shall bringe you vnto kynges & rulers for my names sake.
13 And thys shall chaunce you for a testimoniall.
14 Be at a sure point therfore in your hertes, not to study before, what ye shal answere:
15 for I wyll geue you a mouth & wysdome, where agaynste, all your aduersaries shall not be able to speake nor resist.
16 Moreouer ye shalbe betrayd of your fathers and mothers & brethren, & kynsfolke & frendes, and some of you shall they put to deeth.
17 And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake,
18 & ther shall not one herre of youre head perysshe.
19 Possesse ye youre soule by pacience.
Acts 4:19-31
19 But Peter & Iohn answered and sayde vnto them: whether it be ryght in the sight of God, to herken vnto you more then to God, iudge ye.
20 For we cannot but speake, that which we haue sene & heard.
21 So threatened they them, and let them go, and founde nothynge howe to punysshe them, because of the people. For all men praysed God because of that which was done:
22 for the man was aboue fourty yeare olde, on whom thys myracle of healynge was shewed.
Acts 5:40-42
40 And to hym agreed the other: and whan they had called the apostles, they bet them, and commaunded that they shulde not speake in the name of Iesu, and let them go.
41 And they departed from the counsell, I reioysinge, that they were counted worthy, to suffre rebuke for his name.
42 And dayly in the temple and in euery house they ceased not, to teach and preach Iesus Christ.
Acts 28:28
28 Be it knowen therfore vnto you, that thys saluacyon of God is sent to the gentyls, and they shall heare it.
Romans 8:17
17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, & heyres anexed with Chryst yf so be that we suffer with hym, that we maye be also glorified together with hym.
2 Thessalonians 1:5-6
5 whych is a token of the ryghtewes iudgement of God, that ye are counted worthy of the kyngdome of God, for whych ye also suffre.
6 It is verely a ryghtewes thyng with God that he recompence tribulacyon to them that trouble you:
7 For God hath not geuen to vs the sprete of feare: but of power, and of loue, and of sobrenes.
8 Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimony of oure Lorde, nether be ashamed of me whych am his presoner: but suffre thou aduersytie with the Gospell, accordynge to the power of God,
2 Timothy 2:11-12
Hebrews 13:6
6 so that we maye boldly saye: the Lorde is my helper, and I will not feare what man maye do vnto me.
1 Peter 4:12-14
12 Dearly beloued, maruayll not that ye are proued by fyre (whych thyng is to trye you) as though some straunge thing happened vnto you:
13 but reioyce, in as moch as ye are partakers of Christes passyons: that when hys glory appeareth, ye maye be mery and glad.
14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ, happie are ye. For the glory and the sprete of God resteth vpon you. On their parte he is euyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorifyed.
Revelation 2:10
10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Beholde, the deuyll shall caste some of you into preson, to tempte you, & ye shall haue tribulacyon ten dayes. Be faythfull vnto the deeth, and I wyll geue the a croune of lyfe.
Matthew 16:17
17 And Iesus answered, & sayde vnto hym: happy art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas, for fleshe & bloud hath not opened that vnto the but my father which is in heuen.
John 1:12-13
John 6:44-45
Acts 5:41
41 And they departed from the counsell, I reioysinge, that they were counted worthy, to suffre rebuke for his name.
Acts 13:39
39 and that by hym, all that beleue, are iustyfyed from all thynges, from which ye coulde not be iustifyed by the lawe of Moses.
Acts 14:27
27 When they were come, and had gathered the congregacion together, they rehersed all that God had doue by them and how he had opened the dore of fayth vnto the Gentyls.
Romans 5:3
3 Not that onely: but also we reioyce in tribulacyons: knowyng that tribulacyon bryngeth pacience,
Ephesians 2:8
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorow fayth, and that not of youre selues. It is the gyfte of God,
James 1:2
2 My brethren, count it for an excedyng ioye, when ye fall into diuers temptacyons:
John 16:33
33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye myghte haue peace. For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulacyon: but be of good chere, I haue ouercome the worlde.
Romans 8:35-37
35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God? shall tribulacyon? or angusshe? or persecucyon? other honger? ether nakednesse? ether parell? ether swearde?
36 As it is written: for thy sake are we kylled all daye longe, and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne.
37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs.
1 Corinthians 4:9-14
9 For me thynketh, that God hath set forth vs (which are the last Apostles) as it were men appoynted to deeth. For we are a gasynge stocke vnto the worlde, and to the Angels, and to men.
10 We are fooles for Christes sake, but ye are wyse thorowe Chryst. We weake, but ye are stronge. Ye are honorable, but we are despysed.
11 Euen vnto this tyme we honger and thyrst, and are naked, and are boffeted with fystes, and haue no certayne dwellynge place,
12 & laboure, worckynge wt oure awne handes. We are reuyled, and yet we blesse. We are persecuted, and suffer it.
13 We are euyll spoken of, & we praye. We are made as it were the fylthines of the worlde, the ofscowrynge of all thynges, euen vnto thys daye.
14 I wryte not these thynges, to shame you: but as my beloued sonnes I warne you.
1 Corinthians 15:30-32
30 Yee and why stonde we all waye then in ieoperdy?
31 By oure reioysinge which I haue in Christ Iesu oure Lorde, I dye dayly.
32 That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men, what auauntageth it me, yf the deed ryse not agayne: Let vs eate and dryncke, for to morowe we shall dye.
Ephesians 6:11-18
11 Put on all the armoure of God, that ye maye stande agaynst the assautes of the deuyll.
12 For we wrestle not agaynst bloude and flesshe: but agaynst rule, agaynst power, agaynst worldy rulers, euen gouerners of the darcknes of thys worlde, agaynst spretuall craftynes in heauenly thynges.
13 Wherfore take vnto you the whole armoure of God, that ye maye be able to resyste in the euyll daye, and stande perfecte in all thinges.
14 Stande therfore, and youre loynes gyrd with the trueth, hauynge on the brest plate of ryghtewesnes,
15 & hauynge shoes on youre fete, that ye maye be prepared for the Gospell of peace.
16 Aboue all, take to you the shylde of fayth, wherwith ye maye quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wycked.
17 And take the helmet of saluacyon, and the swearde of the sprete, which is the worde of God.
18 And praye all wayes with all maner of prayer and supplicacyon in the sprete: and watch ther vnto with all instance and supplycacyon for all saynctes
Colossians 1:29-2:1
29 Wherin I also laboure and stryue, euen as farforth as his strength worketh in me myghtely.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
14 For ye brethren became folowers of the cogregacyons of God whych in Iewry are in Christ Iesu: for ye haue suffred lyke thynges of youre kynsmen, as we oure selues haue suffered of the Iewes.
15 Whych as they kylled the Lorde Iesus, and theyr awne Prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs: and God they please not, and are contrary to al men,
1 Thessalonians 3:2-4
2 and sent Timothe oure brother & mynyster of God, and the helper forth of oure laboure in the Gospell of Christ, to stablisshe you: and to conforte you concernyng our fayt
3 that no man shulde be moued in these affliccyons, For ye your selues knowe, that we are euen apoynted there vnto.
4 For when we were wyth you, we tolde you before, that we shude suffre tribulacyon, euen as it came to passe, and as ye knowe.
1 Timothy 6:12
12 Fyght the good fyght of fayth. Laye, hande on eternall lyfe, wher vnto thou art also called, and hast professed a good professyon before many witnesses.
2 Timothy 2:10-12
10 Therfore I suffre all thynges, for the electes sakes, that they myght also obtayne the saluacion, which is in Christ Iesu, with eternall glory.
Hebrews 10:32-33
32 Call to remembraunce the dayes that are passed, in the whych after ye had receaued lyght, ye endured a greate fyght of aduersities,
33 partly whyle all men wondred & gased at you for the shame and tribulacyon on that was done vnto you: partly, whyle ye became companyons of them which so passed their tyme.
Hebrews 12:4
4 For ye haue not yet resysted vnto bloud, striuynge agaynst synne.
Revelation 2:10-11
10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Beholde, the deuyll shall caste some of you into preson, to tempte you, & ye shall haue tribulacyon ten dayes. Be faythfull vnto the deeth, and I wyll geue the a croune of lyfe.
11 Let hym that hath eares, heare, what the sprete sayth to the congregacyons. He that ouercommeth, shall not be hurt of the seconde deeth.
Revelation 12:11
11 And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, & they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth.