3 yet they saye they do well when they do euel. As the prince will, so sayeth the iudge: that he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate man speaketh what his herte desireth: & the hearers alowe him.
Micah 7:3 Cross References - Great
1 Kings 21:9-14
9 And she wrote in the letter, sayenge: proclayme a fast, and set Naboth on hye amonge the people,
10 and set two vnthriftes before him, to beare witnesse agaynst him, sayenge: thou dydest blaspheme God and the kyng. And then carye hym out, and stone hym to deeth.
11 And the men of his cyte: that is to saye, which dwelt in his cytie, did as Iezabel had sent vnto them, and as it was written in the letter whych she had sent vnto them.
12 They proclamed fastyng, and set Naboth among the chefe of the people,
13 & there came in two men (the children of Belial) and sate before him. And the two vnthriftie persones wytnessed agaynst Naboth, in the presence of the people, sayeng: Naboth dyd blaspheme God and the kyng, And they caried hym out of the cytie, and stoned hym wyth stones that he dyed.
14 And then they sent to Iezabel, sayenge: Naboth is stoned to dethe.
Proverbs 4:16-17
Isaiah 1:23
23 Thy prices are wicked & companyons of theues. They loue gyftes altogether, and gape for rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe him not to his ryght, nether wyll they lett the wydowes causes come before them.
Isaiah 26:21
21 For lo, the Lorde is commyng out of his place, to viset the wickednes of suche as dwell vpon earth. The earth also shall disclose her awne bloud, and shall nomore hid them that are slayne in her.
Jeremiah 3:5
5 Wylt thou then put me awaye, & cast me of for euer? Or wilt thou withdrawe thy selfe cleane fro me? Neuertheles, thou speakest soch wordes, but thou art euer doinge worse and worse.
Jeremiah 8:10
10 Wherfore, I wyll geue theyr wyues vnto aleauntes, and theyr feldes to destroyers. For from the lowest vnto the hyest, they folowe all filthy lucre: & from the Prophete vnto the preste, they deale all wt lyes.
Ezekiel 22:6
6 Beholde, the rulers of Israel haue brought euery man hys power, to shed bloude in the.
Ezekiel 22:27
27 Thy rulers in the are lyke rauyshynge wolues, to shed bloude, and to destroye soules, for their awne couetous lucre.
Hosea 4:18
18 Their dronckennes hath put them backe, & brought them to whordome. Their rulers loue rewardes, bringe, (saye they) to their awne shame.
Amos 5:12
12 as for the multitude of youre wyckednesses and youre stoute synnes, I knowe them ryght well. Enemyes are ye of the ryghteous, ye take rewardes, ye oppresse the poore in iudgement.
Micah 3:11
11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for gyftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre. O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for mony. Yet will they be taken as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the Lord amonge vs? Tush, there can no mysfortune happen vs.
Matthew 26:15
15 and sayd vnto them: what will ye geue me, and I wyll delyuer him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto hym thyrty peces of syluer.
Luke 12:1-2
1 As ther gathered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so moche that they trood one another) he began to saye vnto his disciples: fyrst of all be warre of the leuen of the Pharises which is ypocrisy.
2 For ther is nothynge couered, that shall not be vncouered: nether hyd, that shall not be knowen.
1 Corinthians 4:5
5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntyll the Lorde come, whych wyll lyghten thinges that are hyd in darcknes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue prayse of God.