Nahum 1 Cross References - Great

1 Thys is the heuy burthen of Niniue, whych Nahum of Elchos dyd write as he sawe it. 2 The Lorde is a gelous God, & a taker of vengeaunce is the Lorde, and wrothfull. The Lorde taketh vengeaunce of his enemyes, and reserueth displeasure for his aduersaries. 3 The Lord suffreth longe, he is of great power, & so innocent that he leaueth no man fautlesse before him. The Lord goeth forth in tempest & stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete. 4 When he reproueth the see, he dryeth it vp, & turneth all the floudes to drie lande Basan is desolate, Charmel & the pleasure of Lybanus wasteth awaye. 5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hylles consume. At the sight of him, the earth quaketh: yee, the whole world, and all that dwell therin. 6 Who maye endure before hys wrath? Or who is able to abide his gryme displeasure? His anger taketh on lyke fyre, and the harde rockes are clouen in sunder before him. 7 Full gracious is the Lord, and a stronge holde in the time of trouble, he knoweth them that put their trust in hym: 8 when the floude renneth ouer, and destroyeth the place, and when the darcknesse foloweth styll vpon his enemyes. 9 What do ye Imagin then agaynst the Lord on this maner? (Tush, when he hath once made an ende, there shall come nomore trouble.) 10 For like as the thornes that stike together, and as the drie strawe, so shall the dronckardes be consumed together, euen when they be full. 11 There come oute of the soch as Imagin myschefe, & geue vngracious councell agaynst the Lorde. 12 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord: Let them be as well prepared: yee, & as many as they can, yet shall they be hewen downe, and passe awaye. And as for the, I will vexe the, but not vtterly destroye the. 13 And now wil I breake his rodde from thy backe, & burst thy bondes in sonder. 14 But the Lorde hath geuen a commaundement concernynge the, that there shall come nomore sede of thy name. The carued & casten Images will I rote out of the house of thy God. Thy graue shal I prepare for the, and thou shalt be confounded. 15 (

Genesis 10:11

11 Out of that londe came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and the stretes of the citie & Calah.

Isaiah 13:1

1 This is the heuy burthen of Babylon, which Esay the sonne of Amos dyd se.

Isaiah 14:28

28 The same yeare that Kynge Ahaz dyed, god threatened on this maner:

Isaiah 15:1

1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed & ouerthrowen in the nyght season: Kir also in Moab was destroyed & peryshed in the nyght.

Isaiah 19:1

1 The heuye burthen of Egypte: Beholde, the Lorde rydeth vpon a swyfte clowde, and shall come into Egypte, & the ydols of Egypte shall tremble at the presence of hym, & the hert of Egypte shall quake in the myddes of her.

Isaiah 21:1

1 The burthen of the wayst see: Euen as the stormy wether that passeth thorow at the noone daye, to come from the wyldernesse, from that horrible lande.

Isaiah 22:1

1 The burthen of the valley of vision: What hast thou to do here, that thou clymest vnto the house toppes?

Isaiah 23:1

1 The burthen of Tyre: Mourne ye shyppes of Tharsis, for there commeth such destruccyon that ye shall not haue an house to entre into: Out of the lande of Cittim haue they knowlege of thys plage.

Jeremiah 23:33-37

33 Yf this people, ether eny prophet or preste aske the and saye: what is the burthen of the Lorde? Thou shalt saye vnto them: what burthen? Therfore wyll I cast you fro me, (sayeth the Lorde) because ye your selues a 34 And the prophet, preste or people that vseth this terme (the burthen of the Lorde) hym wyll I viset, and his house also. 35 But thus shall ye saye, euery one to another, & euery man to his brother. What answere hath the Lord geuen? or what is the Lordes commaundement? 36 And as for the burthen of the Lorde, ye shal speake nomore of it: for euery mans awne worde is his burthen because ye haue altered the wordes of the lyuynge God the Lorde of Hostes our God. 37 Thus shall euery man saye to the Prophetes: what answere hath the Lorde geuen the? Or, what sayth the Lorde?

Jonah 1:2

2 Aryse, & get the to Niniue that greate cyte: and preache vnto them, how that theyr wyckednes is come vp before me.

Jonah 3:3-4

3 So Ionas arose, & wente to Niniue at the Lordes commaundement. Niniue was a greate cyte vnto God, namely, of thre dayes iourney, 4 And Ionas wente to, & entred into the cytie: euen a dayes iourney, & cryed, sayenge: There are yet .xl. dayes and then shall Niniue be ouerthrowen.

Nahum 2:8

8 The quene her selfe shall be led awaye captiue, and her gentyl wemen shal mourne as the doues, & grone within their hertes.

Zephaniah 2:13

13 yee, he shall stretch out his hande ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shall make it desolate, drye & waste.

Zechariah 9:1

1 The worde of the Lorde shalbe receaued at Adrach, & Damascus shalbe hys offeryng: for the eyes of all men & of the trybes of Israel shall loke vp vnto the Lord.

Exodus 20:5

5 Thou shalt not worshyppe them, nether serue them: for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, and vyset the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde and fourth generacyon of them that hate me:

Exodus 34:14

14 Thou shalt worshyp no straunge God. For the Lorde is called gelous, because he is a gelous God:

Leviticus 26:28

28 I will walke contrarye vnto you also in indignacyon, and wyll chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes.

Deuteronomy 4:24

24 For the Lorde thy God is a consumynge fyre, and a gelouse God.

Deuteronomy 32:34-35

34 Is not thys layde in store with me, & sealed vp amonge my treasures? 35 Uengeaunce is myne, and I wyll rewarde: their fete shall slyde in due tyme. For the daye of their destruccyon is at hande, and the thynges that shall come vpon them make haste.

Deuteronomy 32:41-43

41 If I whett the edge of my swerde, & myne hande take holde to do iustice, I wyll recompence vengeaunce on myne enemyes, & wyll rewarde them that hate me. 42 I will make myne arowes droncke with bloude, and my swerde shall eate fleshe, & that for the bloude of the slayne, & for their captiuite, sens the begynnynge of the wrath of the enemye. 43 Prayse ye hethen his people, for he will auenge the bloude of hys seruauntes, & wyll auenge hym of his aduersaries, and wylbe mercyfull vnto his lande, and to hys people.

Joshua 24:19

19 And Iosua sayd vnto the people, Ye can not serue the Lorde: for he is an holye God, and a gelous God, and cannot beare youre iniquite and synne.

Job 20:23

23 For though the wycked haue neuer somoch to fyll his bely, yet God shall sende his wrath vpon him, and cause his indignacyon to raygne ouer him:

Psalms 94:1

1 O lord God to whome vengeaunce belongeth: thou God to whome vengeaunce belongeth, shewe thy selfe.

Isaiah 42:13

13 The Lorde shall come forth as a gyaunte, and take a stomack to him lyke as a fresh man of warre. He shall roare & crie, & ouercome his enemies.

Isaiah 51:17

17 Awake, awake, and stande vp, O Ierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lord, hast droncken out the cuppe of hys wrath: thou that hast supped of, and sucked out the dregges of his deadly cuppe to the botome.

Isaiah 51:20

20 Thy sonnes lye comfortles at the heade of euery strete lyke a taken venyson, and are full of the terrible wrath of the Lorde, and punishment of thy God.

Isaiah 59:17-18

17 He put ryghteousnes vpon him for a brest plate, a set the helmet of health vpon hys head. He put on wrath in steade of clothynge, & toke gelousy about hym for a cloke: 18 (lyke as when a man goeth forth wrathfully to recompence hys enemyes, & to be auenged of hys aduersaryes.) Namelye, that be myght recompence & rewarde the Ilandes,

Isaiah 63:3-6

3 I haue troaden the presse my selfe alone, and of all people there is not one with me. Thus wyll I treade downe myne enemyes in my wrath, and set my fete vpon them in my indignacyon. And their bloude shalbe spronge vpon my cloothes, and so wyll I stayne all my rayment. 4 For the daye of vengeaunce is assigned in my hert, & the yeare when my people shall be delyuered, is come. 5 I loked aboute me, and there was no man to shewe me eny helpe, I maruayled that no man helde me vp. Then I helde me by myne awne arme, & my feruentnesse susteyned me. 6 And thus will I treade downe the people in my wrath, & bathe them in my displeasure: and vpon the earth will I laye their strength.

Isaiah 66:15

15 For beholde, the Lorde shall come with fyre, & hys charet shall be lyke a whorle wynde, that he maye recompence his vengeaunce in his wrath and hys indignacyon with the flame of fyre.

Jeremiah 3:5

5 Wylt thou then put me awaye, & cast me of for euer? Or wilt thou withdrawe thy selfe cleane fro me? Neuertheles, thou speakest soch wordes, but thou art euer doinge worse and worse.

Jeremiah 4:4

4 Be circumcysed in the Lorde, and cut awaye the foreskynne of youre hertes, all yee of Iuda, and all the indwellers of Ierusalem: that my indignacyon breake not out lyke fyre and kyndle, so that no man maye quench it, because of the wyckednes of youre ymaginacyons.

Jeremiah 25:15

15 For thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayest cause all the people, to whom I send the, for to dryncke of it:

Jeremiah 36:7

7 Peraduenture they wyll praye mekely before the face of the Lorde, & turne euery one from hys wycked waye. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the Lorde hath taken agaynst this people:

Lamentations 4:11

11 The Lorde hath perfourmed hys heuy wrath: he hath poured oute the furiousnes of hys displeasure. He hath kyndled a fyre in Syon, which hath consumed the foundacyons therof.

Ezekiel 5:13

13 Thus I wyll perfourme my indignacion, & set my wrath agaynst them, and ease my selfe. So that when I haue fulfylled myne anger agaynst them, they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, which wyth a feruent gelousy haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 6:12

12 Who so is farre of, shall dye of the pestilence: he that is nye at hande, shall perysh wyth the swearde: and the other that remayne & that are beseged, shall dye of honger. Thus wyll I satisfye my wrothfull displeasure vpon them.

Ezekiel 8:18

18 Therfore will I also do some thynge in my wrathfull dyspleasure, so that myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them. Yee, and though they crye in myne eares wyth loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them.

Ezekiel 36:6

6 Prophecy therfore vpon the lande of Israell, speake vnto the mountaynes & hilles to valleys and dales, thus sayeth the Lord God. Behold, this haue I deuised in my gelousy & terrible wrath. For so moche as ye haue suffred reprofe of the Heathen,

Ezekiel 38:18

18 At the same tyme, when Gog commeth vp into the land of Israel (saieth the Lord God) shal my indignacion go forth in my wrath.

Ezekiel 39:25

25 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Now will I bringe agayne the captiues of Iacob & haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sak

Joel 2:18

18 Then shall the Lorde be gelous ouer his lande, and spare hys people:

Micah 5:15

15 Thus will I be auenged also, vpon all the Heathen that will not heare.

Micah 7:18

18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wyckednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne herytage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: and why? his delite is to haue compassion:

Zechariah 1:14

14 And the aungel that comened with me, sayd vnto me: Crye thou, & speake. Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes. I am exceadynge gelous ouer Ierusalem and Sion,

Zechariah 8:2

2 Thus sayth the Lord of hoostes. I was in a great gelousy ouer Sion, yee, I haue bene very gelous ouer her in a great dyspleasur

Romans 2:5-6

5 But thou after thy stubburnesse, and herte that cannot repent, heapest vnto thy selfe wrath agaynst the daye of vengeaunce, when shalbe opened the ryghtewes iudgement of God, 6 which wyll reward euery man accordynge to hys dedes:

Romans 12:19

19 Dearly beloued, auenge not youre selues, but rather geue place vnto wrath. For it is wrytten: vengeaunce is myne, I wyll rewarde, sayth the Lorde.

Romans 13:4

4 For he is the mynyster of God, for thy welth. But and yf thou do that which is, euyll, then feare: for he beareth not the sweard for nought: for he is the mynister of God, to take vengeaunce on hym that doth euyll.

Hebrews 10:30

30 For we knowe hym that hath sayd: It belongeth vnto me to take vengeaunce. I wyll recompence sayth the Lord. And agayne: the Lord shal iudge his people.

2 Peter 2:9

9 The Lorde knoweth how to delyuer the godly out of temptacyon, and to reserue the vniuste vnto the daye of iudgement for to be punysshed:

Exodus 19:16-18

16 And the thyrde daye in the mornynge there was thunder, and lyghtenynge, and a thycke clowde vpon the mounte, and the voyce of the trompe exceadynge lowde, so that all the people that was in the hoste was afrayed. 17 And Moses brought the people oute of the tentes to mete with God, and they stode vnder the hyll. 18 And mounte Sinay was all to gether on a smoke: because the Lorde descended downe vpon it in fyre. And the smoke therof ascended vp, as the smoke of a kele, and all the mount was exceadyng fearfull.

Exodus 34:6-7

6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cryed, Lorde Lorde God, mercyfull and gracyous, long suffering, & aboundaunt in goodnes & trueth, 7 & kepyng mercye in store for thousandes, forgeuynge wikednes, vngodlynes & synne, & not leauynge one innocent, visytynge the wyckednes of the fathers vpon the children and vpon childrens children, euen vnto the third and fourth generacyon.

Numbers 14:18

18 the Lorde is longe yer he be angrye, and full of mercy, and suffereth iniquitie, and synne, and leaueth no man innocent, and visiteth the vnryghteousnesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, in the third and fourth generacyon:

Deuteronomy 5:22-24

22 These wordes the Lorde spake vnto all your multitude in the mount out of the myddes of the fyre, cloude and darcknesse, with a greate voyce, added nomore therto, and wrote them in two tables of stone, and delyuered them vnto me. 23 And it fortuned, that whan ye herde the voyce out of the myddes of the darcknesse, & sawe that the hill dyd burne with fyre, ye came vnto me with the captaynes of youre tribes and youre elders: 24 and ye sayde: beholde, the Lord oure God hath shewed vs his glorye and his greatnesse, & we haue herde his voyce out of the myddes of the fyre: we haue sene thys daye, that God doth talke wyth a man, and he yet lyueth.

1 Kings 19:11-13

11 And he sayde: come out & stande vpon the mount, before the Lord. And beholde the Lorde went by, & a myghtie stronge wynde that rent the mountaynes & brake the rockes before the Lorde. But the Lorde was not in the wynde. And after the winde came an erth quake. But the Lorde was not in the erthe quake. 12 And after the erthe quake, came fire: but the Lord was not in the fyre. And after the fyre, came a small styll voyce. 13 And when Elia hearde it, he couered his face with hys mantle, & went out & stode in the entringe in of the caue. And beholde, there came a voyce vnto him, & sayd. what doest thou here Elia?

Nehemiah 9:17

17 and wolde not obeye, nether were myndefull of the wonders that thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moche, that they turned backe to theyr bondage for theyr disobedyence. And thou my God forgauest, and wast gracyous, mercyfull, pacyent, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not

Job 9:4

4 Concernynge soch as be wyse of herte, or myghtye in strength, who euer prospered, that toke part against hym?

Job 10:14

14 If I dyd synne, thou haddest an eye vnto me, and shalt not declare me innocent because of myne offence.

Job 38:1

1 Then answered the Lorde vnto Iob out of the storme, and sayd:

Psalms 18:7-15

7 The erth trembled & quaked, the very foundacions also of the hylles shoke & were remoued, because he was wroth. 8 There went a smoke out in his presence: & a consumynge fyre out of hys mouth, so that coales were kyndled at it. 9 He bowed the heauens also, & came downe, and it was darcke vnder his fete. 10 He rode vpon the cherubins, & dyd flye: he came flying vpon the wynges of the wynde. 11 He made darcknes hys secrete place: hys pauylion rounde aboute hym, with darcke water and thycke cloudes to couer hym. 12 At the bryghtnesse of hys presence hys cloudes remoued, hayle stones and coales of fyer. 13 The Lorde also thondred out of the heauen, & the hyest gaue his thondre, hayle stones, and coales of fyer. 14 He sent out his arowes and scattered them, he cast forth lyghtnynges, & destroyed them. 15 The sprynges of waters were sene, & the foundacions of the round worlde were discouered at thy chydinge, O Lorde, at the blastynge of the breth of thy displeasure.

Psalms 50:3

3 Oure God shall come, and shall not kepe sylence: there shall go before hym a consumynge fyre, and a myghtye tempest shalbe stered vp rounde aboute hym.

Psalms 62:11

11 God spake once and twyse: I haue also herde the same: that power belongeth vnto God.

Psalms 66:3

3 For all the worlde shall worship the, singe of the, & prayse thy name. Sela.

Psalms 97:2-5

2 Cloudes and darcknesse are rounde aboute hym, ryghteousnesse and iudgment are the habitacyon of his seate. 3 There shall go a fyre before hym, and burne vp hys enemyes on euery syde. 4 His lightenynges gaue shyne vnto the worlde, the earth sawe it and was afrayed. 5 The hilles melted lyke waxe at the presence of the Lorde, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

Psalms 103:8

8 The Lord is full of compassyon & mercy, longe sufferyng, and of great goodnesse.

Psalms 104:3

3 Which layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters, & maketh the cloudes his charet, & walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde.

Psalms 145:8

8 The Lorde is gracyous and mercyfull, long sufferynge, and of greate goodnesse.

Psalms 147:5

5 Greate is oure Lorde, and greate is hys power: yee hys wysdome is infynite.

Daniel 7:13

13 I sawe in a visyon by nyght, and beholde, there came one in the cloudes of heauen lyke the sonne of a man, which wente vnto the olde aged, before whom they brought him.

Joel 2:13

13 rente your hertes, and not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the Lord your God, for he is gracious and mercyfull, longe sufferynge and of great compassyon: and redy to pardone wyckednes.

Jonah 4:2

2 And he prayed vnto the Lorde, and sayde: O Lorde, was not thys my sayinge (I praye the) when I was yet in my countre? therfore I hasted rather to fle vnto Tharsis, for I knowe wel ynough that thou art a mercyfull God, full of compassyon, longe sufferyng, and of great kyndnes and repentest when thou shuldest take punyshment,

Habakkuk 3:5-15

5 Destruccyon goeth before hym, & a pestilent sycknesse go from his fete. 6 He standeth, & measureth the earth He loketh, & the people consume awaye, the mountaynes of the worlde fal downe to poulder, & the hilles are fayne to bowe them selues, for his goinges are euerlastynge and sure. 7 I sawe, that the pauilyons of the Morians & the tentes of the land of Madian were vexed for werynesse. 8 Wast thou not angrie O Lord, in the waters? was not thy wrath in the floudes, & thy displeasure in the see? yes when thou sattest vpon thine horse, & when thy charetes had the victory. 9 Thou shewedst thy bowe openly, lyke as thou haddest promysed wt an othe vnto the trybes. Selah. Thou dydest deuyde the waters of the earth. 10 When the mountaines sawe the, they were afrayed, the water streame wente awaye: the depe made a noyse at the lyftinge vp of thyne hand. 11 The Sunne & Moone remayned styll in their habitacyon. Thyne arowes wente out glisterynge, and thy speares as the shyne of the lyghtenyng. 12 Thou trodest downe the land in thyne anger, and dydest throshe the Heathen in thy displeasure. 13 Thou camest forth to helpe thy people, to helpe thine anointed. Thou smotest downe the head the house of the vngodly, & discoueredest hys foundacions, euen vnto the necke of him. Selah. 14 Thou dydest stryke thorow wt his scepter the heades of his playne people: which come as a stormy wynd to scatre me abrode, & are glad when they maye eat vp the poore secretly 15 Thou makest awaye for thine horses in the see, euen in the mudde of great waters.

Zechariah 9:14

14 the Lorde God shalbe sene aboue them, & hys dartes shall go forth as the lyghtenynge. The Lord God shall blowe the trompet, and shal come forth as a storme out of the south.

Matthew 26:64

64 Iesus sayeth vnto hym, thou hast sayd. Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you here after shall ye se the sonne of man syttinge on the right hande of power, and commyng in the cloudes of the skye.

Ephesians 1:19-20

19 and what is the excedinge greatnes of his power to vs warde, which beleue accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power, 20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raysed him from the deed, and set him on his ryght hande in heauenly thinges,

James 1:19

19 Wherfore (deare brethren) let euery man be swyfte to heare, slowe to speake, slowe to wrath.

Revelation 1:7

7 Beholde, he cometh with cloudes, & all eyes shall se him, & they also which pearsed him. And all kynredes of the erth shall wayle. Euen so: Amen.

Joshua 3:13-15

13 And as sone as the sooles of the fete of the preasts (that beare the arcke of the Lord the Gouernour of all the world) tread in the waters of Iordan, the waters of Iordan shall be deuided: & the waters that come from aboue, shall stande still vpon an heape. 14 And it fortuned, that when the people were departed from their tentes to goo ouer Iordan, the preastes bearyng the arcke of the appointment, went before the people. 15 And as sone as they that bare the arcke came vnto Iordan, & the fete of the preastes that bare the arcke were dipped in the brym of the water (For Iordan vseth to fill all hys banckes all the tyme of haruest)

Job 38:11

11 saying: Hyther to shalt thou come, but no farther, & here shalt thou laye downe thy proud and hye waues.

Psalms 74:15

15 Thou smotest the heades of Leuiathan in peces, and geuest him to be meate for the people in the wyldernesse.

Psalms 104:7

7 At thy rebuke they flye, at the voyce of thy thonder they are afrayed.

Psalms 106:9

9 He rebuked the reed see also, & it was dryed vp: so he ledd them thorow the depe as thorow a wyldernesse.

Psalms 114:3

3 The see sawe that, and fled Iordan was dryuen backe.

Psalms 114:5

5 What ayleth the, O thou see, that thou fleddest? and thou Iordan, that thou wast dryuen backe?

Isaiah 19:5-10

5 The waters of the see shal fayle, & the ryuer shall decreace and be dryed vp. 6 The waters shalbe drawen out: the ryuers of Egypte shalbe emptyed & dryed vp, the redes and flagges shalbe cut downe. 7 The grasse in the ryuer & by the ryuers banck, & all that groweth by the ryuer shal wither awaye, and be brought to naught. 8 The fysshers also shal mourne and all they that cast angle into the water, shal make lamentacion, and they that laye forth theyr nett besyde the waters, shalbe roted out. 9 Morouer, they that worke in flaxe, and make fyne workes, shall be confounded, and so shall they that weaue open workes. 10 For theyr open workes shalbe euen destroyed, and all they that make pondes and stewes for fish shall come to naught.

Isaiah 33:9

9 the desolat erth is in heuynes. Libanus is shamed: & hewen downe. Saron is lyke a wyldernes: Basan & Charmel are despoyled of their frutes.

Isaiah 44:27

27 He sayeth to the grounde: be drye. And I will drye vp thy wader floudes.

Isaiah 50:2-3

2 For why wolde no man receaue me, when I came? and when I called, no man gaue me answere. Is my hande shortened that it might not helpe? or haue I not power to deliuer? lo, at a worde I dryncke vp the see and of water floudes I make drye lande: so that for want of water, the fyshe corrupt and dye for thurst. 3 As for heauen, I clothe it with darcknesse, and put as it were a sack vpon it.

Isaiah 51:10

10 Art not thou the same arme, that hast wounded the proude Egypt, and hewen the Dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dryed vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered myght goo thorow?

Ezekiel 30:12

12 I will drye vp theyr floudes of water, and sell the lande into the handes of wicked people. The lande & all that is therin, will I destroye thorow the enemyes. Euen I the Lord haue sayde it.

Amos 1:2

2 And he sayde: The Lorde shall roare oute of Sion, and shewe his voyce from Ierusalem: so that the pastures of the shepherdes shalbe in a myserable case, & the toppe of Charmel dryed vp.

Amos 5:8

8 Ye forsake the Lord that maketh the .vij. starres & the Orions, that turneth the nyght into daye, and of the daye he maketh darcknesse. He calleth the waters of the see, and poureth them out vpon the playne grounde: the Lorde is hys name.

Matthew 8:26

26 And he sayth vnto them: why are ye fearful, O ye of lytle faith? Then he arose and rebuked the wyndes and the see, and there folowed a greate calme.

Exodus 19:18

18 And mounte Sinay was all to gether on a smoke: because the Lorde descended downe vpon it in fyre. And the smoke therof ascended vp, as the smoke of a kele, and all the mount was exceadyng fearfull.

Judges 5:5

5 The mountaynes melted before the lord, euen as dyd Sinai, before the lorde God of Israel.

2 Samuel 22:8

8 The erth trimbled and quaked: the foundacyons of heuen moued and shoke, whan he was angrye.

Psalms 29:5-6

5 The voyce of the Lorde is myghtie in operacion, the voyce of the Lorde is a glorious voyce. 6 The voyce of the Lorde breaketh the. Cedre trees: yee, the Lorde breaketh the Ceders of Libanus.

Psalms 46:6

6 The Heathen make moch a doo, & the kyngdomes are moued: but God hath shewed hys voyce, & the earth shall melt awaye.

Psalms 68:8

8 The earth shoke, and the heauens dropped at the presence of God, euen as Sinai also was moued at the presence of God, which is the God of Israel.

Psalms 98:7

7 With trompettes also and shawmes: O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the Lorde the kynge.

Psalms 114:4

4 The mountaynes skipped lyke rammes, and the lytle hilles lyke yonge shepe.

Psalms 114:6

6 Ye mountaynes, that ye skypped lyke rammes: & ye lytle hylles, lyke yong shepe?

Isaiah 2:12-14

12 For the daye of the Lord of Hostes shall go ouer al pride and presumption, vpon all them that exalte them selues, and shall brynge them all downe: 13 vpon all the hygh and stoute Cedre trees of Libanus, & vpon all the okes of Basan, 14 vpon all hygh hylles, and vpon all stoute mountaynes,

Isaiah 64:1-2

1 O that thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder, & come downe: that the mountaynes myght melte awaye at thy presence, 2 lyke as at an hote fyre: & that the malicyous myght boyle, as the water doth vpon the fyre: Wherby thy name myght be knowne amonge thyne enemyes, & that the Gentyls myght tremble before the.

Jeremiah 4:24

24 I behelde the mountaynes, and lo, they trembled, and all the hylles were in a feare.

Micah 1:4

4 The mountaynes shall consume vnder him, & the valleyes shal cleue asunder: lyke as waxe consumeth at the fyre, & as the waters runne downwarde.

Habakkuk 3:10

10 When the mountaines sawe the, they were afrayed, the water streame wente awaye: the depe made a noyse at the lyftinge vp of thyne hand.

Matthew 27:51

51 And beholde, the vayle of the temple dyd rent in to two partes, from the toppe to the bottome, and the earth dyd quake, and the stones ren

Matthew 28:2

2 And beholde, ther was a greate earthquake. For the angell of the Lord descended from heauen, & came & rowlled backe the stone from the dore, and sat vpon it.

2 Peter 3:7-12

7 But the heauens and erth whych are now, be kept by hys worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynst the daye of iudgement & perdicion of vngodly men. 8 Dearly beloued, be not ignoraunt of this one thinge, howe that one daye is with the Lorde as a thousande yeare, & a thousande yeare as one daye. 9 The Lord that hath promised, is not slacke, as some men count slacknes: but is pacyent to vs warde: for asmoch as he wolde haue no man lost, but wyll receaue all men to repentaunce. 10 Neuerthelesse the daye of the Lord wyll come as a thefe in the nyghte, in the which daye, the heauens shall passe awaye in maner of a tempest, and the elementes shal melt with heat: the erth also & the workes that are therin, shall burne. 11 Seyng then that all these thinges shal perishe, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersacyon, and godlynes: 12 lokyng for, and hastinge vnto the commynge of the daye of God, by whom the heauens shall perisshe with fyre, & the elementes shall melt with heate?

Revelation 20:11

11 And I sawe a great whyte seate, and him that sate on it, from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.

Deuteronomy 32:22-23

22 For fyre is kyndled in my wrath, & burneth vnto the botome of hell. And hath consumed the earth with her encrease, and sett a fyre the botoms of the mountaynes. 23 I will heape mischeues vpon them, & wyll destroye them wyth myne arowes.

1 Kings 19:11

11 And he sayde: come out & stande vpon the mount, before the Lord. And beholde the Lorde went by, & a myghtie stronge wynde that rent the mountaynes & brake the rockes before the Lorde. But the Lorde was not in the wynde. And after the winde came an erth quake. But the Lorde was not in the erthe quake.

Psalms 2:12

12 Kysse the sonne, lest he be angrye, & so ye perysshe from the waye, yf his wrath be kyndled (yee but a lytle) blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym.

Psalms 76:7

7 Thou, euen thou art to be feared: and who may stande in thy syght, when thou art angrye.

Psalms 90:11

11 But who regardeth the power of thy wrath, for euen therafter as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure.

Isaiah 10:16

16 Therfore shal the Lord of hostes send him amonge his fatlinges leanes, & burne vp his glory, as it were wt a fyre.

Isaiah 27:4

4 els (when the vyneiarde bringeth me forth breers & thornes) I wold go thorow it by warre, & burne it vp together.

Jeremiah 10:10

10 But the Lorde is a true God, a lyuynge God, & an euerlastynge kynge. If he be wroth, the earth shaketh: all the Gentyles maye not abyde his indygnacyon.

Lamentations 2:4

4 He hath bent his bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened hys right hand as an aduersary: and euerythynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smytten it downe. He hath poured out his wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon.

Ezekiel 30:16

16 and kyndle a fyre in Egypte. Sin shalbe in greate heuynesse, Alexandria shalbe roted out, and Noph shall haue daylye sorow.

Nahum 1:2

2 The Lorde is a gelous God, & a taker of vengeaunce is the Lorde, and wrothfull. The Lorde taketh vengeaunce of his enemyes, and reserueth displeasure for his aduersaries.

Malachi 3:2

2 But who may abyde the daye of his commyng? Who shalbe able to endure, when he appeareth? For he is like a goldsmythes fyre, ad lyke wasshers sope.

Revelation 6:17

17 for the grete daye of his wrath is come, and who is able to endure?

Revelation 16:1

1 And I herde a great voyce out of the temple saying to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, powre out youre vyalles of wrath vpon the erth.

Revelation 16:8

8 And the fourth Angell powred out hys vyall on the sunne, & power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heat of fyre.

1 Chronicles 5:20

20 And they were helped of the Lorde against them, and the Hagarites were deliuered into their hande, and so were all that were with them. For they cryed to God in the battayll, and he hearde them, because they put theyr trust in hym.

1 Chronicles 16:34

34 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is good, for hys mercye endureth euer:

2 Chronicles 16:8-9

8 Had not the blacke mores and Lubim an exceadinge great hoost with many charettes and horsemen? And yet because thou trustedest in the Lorde, he delyuered them into thyne hande. 9 For the eyes of the Lorde beholde all the erth, to strength them that are of perfecte hert towarde him. Herin thou hast done folyshly, and therfore from hensforth thou shalt haue warre.

2 Chronicles 32:8

8 With him is an arme of flesh. But with vs is the Lorde oure God, for to helpe vs, and to fyght oure batayles. And the people toke a courage thorow the wordes of Hezekia kyng of Iuda.

2 Chronicles 32:11

11 Doth not Hezekia entyce you to geue ouer youre selues vnto deeth, hongre, and thurst, sayeng: the Lorde our God shall ridd vs oute of the hande of the kynge of Assur?

2 Chronicles 32:21

21 And the Lord sent an angell, which destroyed all the men of warre and the Lordes and captaynes of the hoost of the kyng of Assur, that he turned his face agayne wt shame toward hys awne land. And when he was come into the house of his God, they that came of hys awne body, slue hym there with the sweard.

Ezra 3:11

11 And they sang together, whan they gaue prayse & thankes vnto the Lord, because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell. And all the people shouted loude in praysyng the Lord, because the foundacion of the house of the Lorde was layde.

Psalms 1:6

6 But the Lorde knoweth the waye of the ryghtewes, and the waye of the vngodly shall peryshe.

Psalms 18:1-2

1 To the chaunter of Dauid the seruaunt of the Lorde, which spake vnto the Lord the wordes of thys song, (in the daye that the Lorde delyuered hym from the hande of all hys enemyes, and from the hande of Saul) and he sayde: I Will loue the, O Lorde, my strength. The Lorde is my stony rock, & my defence, my sauyour, my God, & my might, in whom I wyll trust: my buckler, the horne also of my saluacyon, and my refuge. 2 I will call vpon the Lord, which is worthy to be praysed, so shall I be safe fro myne enemyes.

Psalms 20:1

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. The Lorde heare the in the daye of trouble, the name of the God of Iacob defende the.

Psalms 25:8

8 Gracious & ryghteous is the Lorde, therfore wyll he teache synners in the waye.

Psalms 27:5

5 For in the tyme of trouble he shall hyde me in his tabernacle, yee in the secrete place of his dwellynge shall he hyde me, and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone.

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble, so wyll I heare the, and thou shalt prayse me.

Psalms 59:16

16 As for me, I wil singe of thy power, and will prayse thy mercy by tymes in the morninge: for thou hast bene my defence and refuge in the daye of my trouble.

Psalms 62:6-8

6 He truly is my strength, and my saluacion: he is my defence: so that I shall not fall. 7 In God is my health & my glory, the rocke of my might, & in God is my trust. 8 O put your trust in him allwaye (ye people) powre out youre hertes before him, for God is our hope. Sel

Psalms 71:3

3 Delyuer me, O my God, out of the hand of the vngodly, out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruell man.

Psalms 84:11-12

11 I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlynesse. 12 For the Lorde God is a lyght and defence, the Lorde will geue grace and worshype, and no good thynge shall he wytholde from them that lyue a godly lyfe. O Lord God of Hostes, blessed is the man, that putteth his trust in the.

Psalms 86:7

7 In the tyme of my trouble I wyll call vpon the, for thou hearest me.

Psalms 91:1-2

1 Who so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hyest, shal abyde vnder the shadow of the Almightye. 2 I wyll saye vnto the Lorde: Thou art my hope, and my stronge holde, my God, in hym will I trust.

Psalms 91:15

15 He shall call vpon me, & I wyll heare hym: yee I am with hym in trouble, I will deliuer hym, and brynge hym to honoure.

Psalms 100:5

5 For the Lorde is gracyous, hys mercy is euerlastynge, and his treuth endureth from generacion to generacion.

Psalms 136:1-26

1 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is gracyous, and hys mercy endureth for euer. 2 O geue thankes vnto the God of all goddes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 3 O thanke the Lord of all Lordes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 4 Whych only doth greate wonders, for his mercy endureth for euer. 5 Which by his excellentt wysdome made the heauens, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 6 Whych layed out the earth aboue the waters, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 7 Whych hath made greate lyghtes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 8 The sunne to rule the daye, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the nyght, for his mercy endureth for euer. 10 Whych smote Egypt wyth theyr fyrst borne, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 11 And brought out Israel from amonge them, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 12 Wyth a myghtye hande and stretched out arme, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 13 Whych deuyded the reed see into partes, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorowe the myddest of it, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 15 But as for Pharao and hys hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 16 Which led his people thorowe the wildernesse, for hys mercy endureth for euer. 17 Which smote great kinges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 18 Yee, & slue myghtye kynges: for his mercy endureth for euer. 19 Sehon kynge of the Amorites: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 20 And Og the kyng of Basan: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 21 And gaue awaye theyr lande for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for euer. 22 Euen for an heritage vnto Israel hys seruaunt: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 23 Which remembred vs, when we were in trouble: for his mercy endureth for euer. 24 And hath delyuered vs from oure enemyes: for his mercy endureth for euer. 25 Whych geueth fode vnto all flesshe: for hys mercy endureth for euer. 26 O geue thanckes vnto the God of heauen, for hys mercy endureth for euer.

Psalms 144:1-2

1 Of Dauid. Blessed be the Lord my strengthe, which teacheth my handes to warre, & my fyngers to fyght. 2 My hope and my fortresse, my castell, and delyuerer, my defender in whom I trust, whych subdueth my people that is vnder me.

Psalms 145:6-10

6 So that men shall speake of the myght of thy maruelous actes, and I wyll also tell of thy greatnes. 7 The memoriall of thyne aboundant kyndnes shalbe shewed, and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse. 8 The Lorde is gracyous and mercyfull, long sufferynge, and of greate goodnesse. 9 The Lord is louyng vnto euery man, and hys mercy is ouer all hys workes. 10 All thy worckes prayse the, O Lord, and thy saynctes geue thanckes vnto the.

Proverbs 18:10

10 The name of the Lord is a stronge castell, the ryghteous flyeth vnto it, and is in saue garde.

Isaiah 25:4

4 For thou hast bene a strength vnto the pore, and a succour for the neady in his trouble. A refuge agaynst euell wether, a shadowe against the heate. For the blast of ragyng men is lyke a storme that casteth downe a wall.

Isaiah 26:1-4

1 In that daye shall thys songe be songe in the lande of Iuda. We haue a stronge citye. Saluacion shall God appoynte in steade of walles and bulworke. 2 Open ye the gates that the righteous people which kepeth the trueth maye entre in. 3 Their minde is set vpon the, because thou preseruest them in peace yee, euen in peace: because they put their trust in the. 4 Put ye your trust allwaye in the Lorde: for in the Lorde God there is strength for euermore.

Isaiah 32:2

2 And that man shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynd, and as a refuge for the tempest: lyke as a riuer of water in a thirstye place, and the shadowe of a greate rocke in a drye lande.

Isaiah 37:3-4

3 and they said vnto hym: Thus sayth Hezekias: Thys is the daye of trouble, of plage and of blasphemye: for the children are come to the place of byrth: but there is no power to brynge them forth. 4 The Lorde thy God (no doubte) hath well consydered the wordes of Rabsaketh, whom his Lorde the king of Assirians hath sent to defye & blaspheme the lyuynge God: with soche wordes as the Lorde thy God hath hearde ryght well. And therfore, lyfte vp thy prayer for the remnaunt, that yet are left.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 O blessed is the man, that putteth his trust in the Lorde, and whose hope is the Lorde him selfe. 8 For he shalbe as a tre, that is planted by the water syde: whyche spredeth out the rote vnto moystnesse, whom the heate cannot harme, when it commeth, but his leaffe shalbe grene. And though there growe but lytle frute because of drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to brynge forth frute.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 shall the voyce of gladnes be hearde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall singe: Prayse the Lorde of hoostes, for he is louynge and hys mercy endureth for euer: and the voyce of them that shall offer vp giftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuitie of this lande, as it was afore, sayth the Lorde.

Lamentations 3:25

25 O how good is the Lorde vnto them, that put theyr trust in hym, and to the soule that seketh after hym?

Daniel 3:28

28 Then spake Nabuchodonosor, and sayde, Blessed be the God of Sidrach, Misach and Abednago: which hath sent his angell, and defended his seruauntes, that put theyr trust in him: that haue altered the kinges commaundement: and ieoperde their bodies ther vpon: rather then they wolde serue or worshippe eny other God, excepte their awne God onely.

Daniel 6:23

23 Then was the kynge exceadinge glad, & commaunded to take Daniel out of the denne, So Daniel was brought out of the denne, and no maner of hurte was founde vpon him. For he put hys trust in hys God.

Matthew 7:23

23 And then wyll I knowledge vnto them. I neuer knewe you. Departe fro me, ye that worcke iniquyte.

Matthew 27:43

43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wyll haue him: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God.

John 10:14

14 I am the good shepheard, and knowe my shepe, and am knowen of myne.

John 10:27

27 my shepe heare my voyce: and I knowe them, & they folowe me,

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde therfore the kyndnes and rygorousnes of God: on them which fell, rygorousnes. but towardes the, kyndnes: yf thou continue in hys kyndnes. Or els thou shalt be hewen of,

Galatians 4:9

9 But nowe after that ye haue knowen God (yee rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye tourne agayn vnto the weake and beggarly ordinaunces, wherunto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage?

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the sure grounde of God standeth still, and hath this seale: the Lorde knoweth them that are hys. And let euery man that calleth on the name of Christ, departe from iniquite.

1 John 4:8-10

8 He that loueth not, knoweth not God: for God is loue. 9 In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward, because that God sent hys onely begotten sonne into the worlde, that we might liue thorow him. 10 Herin is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, & sent hys sonne to be the agrement for oure synnes.

Job 30:15

15 Fearfulnesse is turned agaynst me. Myne honoure vanisshed awaye more swyftly then the wynde, and my prosperite departeth hence, lyke as it were a cloude.

Proverbs 4:19

19 But the waye of the vngodly is as the darcknesse: they knowe nott where they fall.

Isaiah 8:7-8

7 Behold, the Lorde shall brynge myghtie & greate floudes of water vpon them: namely, the kynge of the Assirians with all his power: Which shall clyme vp vpon all his floudes, and renne ouer all theyr banckes. 8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, flowinge & increasing in power, tyll he gett him by the neck. He shall fyll also the widenesse of thy lande with hys brode winges, O Emanuel.

Isaiah 8:22

22 & beholde, there is trouble and darckenesse, vexacion is rounde aboute hym, and the cloude of erroure. And out of soch aduersite, shal he not escape.

Isaiah 28:17

17 Iudgment also will I laye to the rule, and righteousnes to the balaunce: so that the hayle shall take awaye your vayne confidence as a broome, and the preuy place of youre refuge shall the waters renne ouer.

Jeremiah 13:16

16 Honoure the Lord your God here in, or he take hys lyght from you, & or euer youre fete stomble in darcknesse at the hyll: lest when ye loke for the lyght, he turne it into the shadowe & darcknesse of death,

Ezekiel 13:13

13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll breake out in my wrothfull displeasure wyth a stormy wynde, so that in myne anger there shall come a myghtye shower of rayne, & hayle stones in my wrath, to destroye withall.

Daniel 9:26

26 After these .lxij. wekes, shall Christ be slayne, and they shall haue no pleasure in hym. Then shall there come a people with the Prince, and destroye the cyte & the Sanctuary: and hys ende shall come as the water floude. But the desolacyon shall contynue tyll the ende of the battell.

Daniel 11:10

10 Wherfore hys sonnes shalbe displeased, & shall gather together a myghtye greate hoost of people: and one of them shall come, and go thorowe lyke a water flowde: then shall he returne, and go forthwith defyinge and boastynge vnto his awne lande.

Daniel 11:22

22 he shall fyght agaynst the armes of the myghtye (and destroye them) yee, and agaynst the prince of the couenaunt.

Daniel 11:40

40 In the latter tyme shall the kynge of the south stryue wyth him: and the kynge of the north in lyke maner shall come against him with charettes, horsmen and wt a greate nauy of shyppes. He shall come into the landes, destroye and go thorowe:

Amos 8:8

8 Shall not the lande tremble, and all they that dwell therin, mourne for this? Shall not theyr destruccyon come vpon them lyke a water streame, and flowe ouer them as the floude of Egypte?

Amos 9:5-6

5 For when the Lorde God of hoostes toucheth a lande, it consumeth awaye, and all they that dwell therin, must nedes mourne: And why? theyr destruccyon shall aryse as euery streame & runne ouer them, as the floude in Egypte. 6 He that hath hys dwellynge in heauen, & groundeth hys tabernacle in the earth: He that calleth the waters as the see, & poureth them out vpon the playne grounde: his name is the Lorde.

Nahum 1:1

1 Thys is the heuy burthen of Niniue, whych Nahum of Elchos dyd write as he sawe it.

Matthew 7:27

27 and a shower of rayne descended, and the floudes came, and the wyndes blew, and bet vpon that house, and it fell, and greate was the fall of it.

Matthew 8:12

12 but the children of the kyngdome shalbe cast out into vtter darcknes: there shalbe weping and gnasshing of teth.

2 Peter 3:6-7

6 by the whych thynges the world that then was, peryshed beynge ouerrunne wyth water. 7 But the heauens and erth whych are now, be kept by hys worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynst the daye of iudgement & perdicion of vngodly men.

1 Samuel 3:12

12 In that daye I wyll rayse vp agaynst Eli, all thynges whych I haue spoken concernynge his house: from the begynnyng to the endyng.

1 Samuel 26:8

8 Then sayde Abisai to Dauid: God hath deliuered thyne enemye into thyne hande this daye. Now therfore, lett me smyte hym once with my speare to the erth, & I wyll not smyte hym the seconde tyme.

2 Samuel 20:10

10 But Amasa toke no hede to the knyffe that was in Ioabs hande, for therwith he smote hym in the short rybbes, and shed out hys bowelles to the grounde, and thrust at him nomore, and he dyed. So Ioab and Abisai his brother folowed after Seba the sonne of Bichri.

Psalms 2:1-4

1 Why do the Heythen so furiouslye rage together? and why do the people ymagyne a vayne thynge? 2 The kynges of the erth stande vp, and the rulers take councell together agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst hys anoynted. 3 Let vs breake theyr bondes asunder, and cast awaye theyr coardes from vs. 4 He that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne: the Lorde shall haue them in derisyon.

Psalms 21:11

11 For they intended myschefe agaynst the, and ymagined soch a deuyce, as they are not able to perfourme.

Psalms 33:10

10 The Lorde bryngeth the councell of the Heithen to naught, and maketh the deuyces of the people, to be of none effecte.

Proverbs 21:30

30 There is no wisdome, there is no vnderstandynge, there is no councell agaynst the Lorde.

Isaiah 8:9-10

9 Breake downe (o ye peple of Assur) and ye shall be, broken downe: herken to all ye of farre countrees. Muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you to batell and you shall be torne in peces: 10 take your councell together, yet must your councel come to naught: go in hande withall, yet shall it not prospere: for God is with vs.

Ezekiel 38:10-11

10 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lord God: At the same tyme shal many thinges come into thy mynde, so that thou shalt ymagyn myschefe, 11 and saye: I wyll vp to yonder playne lande, seinge they syt at ease, & dwell so safely (for they dwell all without any walles they haue nether barres nor dores)

Nahum 1:11

11 There come oute of the soch as Imagin myschefe, & geue vngracious councell agaynst the Lorde.

Acts 4:25-28

25 which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayd: Why dyd the hethen rage, and the people ymagen vayne thynges? 26 The kynges of the erth stode vp, and the rulars came together, agaynst the Lorde and agaynst hys anoynted. 27 For of a trueth, agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus (whom thou hast anoynted) both Herode and also Poncius Pylate, which the Gentyls and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together 28 for to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determyned before to be done.

2 Corinthians 10:5

5 wherewith we ouerthrowe councels and euery hye thynge that exalteth it selfe agaynst the knowledge of God, and brynge into captiuyte all ymaginacion to the obedience of Christ,

1 Samuel 25:36

36 And Abigail came to Nabal: and behold, he held a feast in his house, lyke the feest of a kyng, & Nabals herte was mery within him, for he was very droncke. Wherfore she tolde him nothing, nether lytle nor moare, vntill the morow daye.

2 Samuel 13:28

28 Nowe had Absalom commaunded his younge men, sayenge: marke when Amnons hert is mery wyth wyne & when I byd you smyte Amnon, then kyll hym: and feare not, haue not I bydden you? be bolde therfore, & playe the men.

2 Samuel 23:6-7

6 But the vngodly man of Belial shall be as a thorne cleane pluckt vp, which can not be taken wt handes: 7 But the man that shall touche them, must haue yron, or a longe helue. Or els must they be burnt with fyre in the same place.

Psalms 68:2

2 Like as the smoke vanysheth, so shalt thou dryue them awaye: and lyke as waxe melteth at the fyre: so let the vngodly perysh at the presence of God.

Isaiah 5:24

24 Therfore, lyke as fyre lycketh vp the strawe, and as the flame consumeth the stubble: Euen so theyr rote shalbe as corrupcion: and theyr blossome shall vanysh awaye lyke dust: for they haue cast awaye the lawe of the Lord of Hostes, & blasphemed the word of the holy maker of Israel.

Isaiah 9:18

18 For vngodlynesse burneth, as a fyre in the bryers and thornes. And as it were out of a fyre in a wood or a rede bush, so ascendeth the smoke of theyr pryde.

Isaiah 10:17-19

17 But the lyght of Israel shalbe that fyre, and his Sanctuary shalbe the flamme and it shall kyndle, and burne vp his thornes and breers in one daye, 18 yee all the glory of his woddes and feldes shalbe consumed with body & soule: And they shalbe as an hoost of men, whose standerd bearer fayleth. 19 The trees also of hys felde which remayne, shalbe of soch a nombre, that a childe maye tell them.

Jeremiah 51:39

39 In theyr heate I shall gyue them a dyner and they shalbe droncken for ioye. Then shall they slepe an euerlastynge slepe, and neuer wake, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 51:57

57 Yee, (sayeth the Lorde.) I wyll make theyr princes, theyr wyse men, theyr chefe rulers, and all their worthyes, droncken: so that they shall slepe an euerlastynge slepe, and neuer wake. Thus sayeth the kynge, whose name is the Lorde of Hostes.

Micah 7:4

4 The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye.

Nahum 3:11

11 Euen so shalt thou also be droncken, & hyde thy selfe, and seke some helpe agaynst thyne enemy.

Malachi 4:1

1 For marck, the daye commeth that shal bnrne as an ouen: and all the proude, yee, and all soch as do wyckednesse, shalbe strawe, & the daye that is for to come, shall burne them vp (saieth the Lord of hostes) so that it shal leaue them nether rote ner braunche.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

2 for ye yourselues know perfectly, that the daye of the Lord shall come, euen as a thefe in the nyght. 3 For when they shall saye, peace and all thynges are safe, then shall soden destruccyon come vpon them (as sorowe commeth vpon a woman traualynge with chylde) & they shall not scape:

1 Samuel 2:12

12 But the sonnes of Eli were chyldren of Belial, and knewe not the lord.

2 Samuel 20:1

1 Whan there cam thither a certayne man of Belial (named Seba, the sonne of Bichri, a man of gemini) he blew a trompet & sayde: we haue no parte in Dauid, neither haue we enheritaunce in the sonne of Isai, let the men of Israel departe vnto there tentes.

2 Kings 18:13-14

13 Therfore in the .xiiii. yeare of kynge Hezekia dyd Sennacherib kynge of Assyria come vp agaynst all the stronge cytyes of Iuda, and toke them. 14 And Hezekia kynge of Iuda sent to the kynge of Assyria to Lachis, saying: I haue offended: departe from me, and all that thou puttest on me, that will I beare. And the kynge of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekia kynge of Iuda thre hundred talentes of syluer, & thirtye talentes of gold.

2 Kings 18:30

30 nether let Hezekia make you to trust in the Lorde, sayinge: the Lorde shall surely delyuer vs, and this cytie shall not be geuen ouer into the hande of the kynge of Assyria.

2 Kings 19:22-25

22 Whom hast thou rayled on, & whom hast thou blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lyfted vp thyne eyes so hye. Euen agaynst the holy of Israel. 23 By the hande of thy messengers thou hast rayled on the Lorde and sayde: wt the multitude of my charettes I am come vp to the toppes of the mountaynes, euen alonge by the sydes of Libanon, and I wyll cut downe the hye Cedar trees and the lustie fyrre trees therof: and I will go into the lodging of his nest, & into the wood of his playne. 24 I haue digged & droncke straunge waters, and wt the steppe of my goynge will I drye all the water poles that are beseaged. 25 Hast thou not hearde, howe I haue ordeyned soch a thinge a great whyle a goo, & haue prepared it from the begynninge? And shall I not nowe bringe it forth, that it maye destroye, and to brynge stronge cyties into wast heapes of stones?

2 Chronicles 13:7

7 And ther gathered to hym lewde men the chyldren of Belial, & preuayled agaynst Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon: when Rehoboam was yong & tender hearted, & coulde not stande before them.

2 Chronicles 32:15-19

15 Wherfore, nowe lett not Hezekia deceaue you, ner persuade you of this facion, nor yet beleue him. For as no God among all nacions and kingdomes, was able to rydde hys people out of my hande and out the hande of my fathers: How moch lesse shall your goddes be able to kepe you out of myne hand? 16 And yet mo thinges dyd his seruauntes speake against the Lord God, and agaynst his seruaunt Hezekia. 17 And (Sennacherib) also wrote a letter, to rayle on the Lord God of Israell, & spake agaynst him, sayinge: as the Gods of the nacyons of other landes haue not bene able to delyuer their people out of myne hande. Euen so shal not the God of Hezekia delyuer hys people out of myne hand. 18 And they cryed wt a loude voyce in the Iewes speach vnto the people of Ierusalem that were on the wall, to feare them and to make them faynt harted, & that they might so take the cyte. 19 And they spake against the God of Ierusalem, as against the Gods of the nacyons of the earth, which were the worckes of the handes of men.

Isaiah 10:7-15

7 Howbeit, his meanyng is not so nether thynketh his hert of thys fasshyon. But he ymagineth onely, how he may rote out and destroye moch people, 8 for he sayeth are not my Prynces all Kynges? 9 Is not Calno as easye to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Hamath then Arphad? Or is it lyghter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria? 10 As who say: I were able to wynne the Kyngdome of the Idolaters and their goddes: but not Ierusalem & Samaria. 11 Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem & their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ydoles? 12 Wherfore the Lord sayeth: Assone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the hyll of Syon and Ierusalem, then wyll I vyset the noble and stoute hart of the kynge of Assyria, with hys proude lookes. 13 For he standeth thus in his awne conceate: This do I thorowe the power of myne awne hande, and thorow my wysdome: For I am wyse, I am he that remoue the landes of the people: I robbe their treasures: and (lyke one of the worthyes) I dryue them from their hye seates. 14 My hande hath founde out the strength of the people, as it were a nest. And lyke as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countrees. And there is no man, that darre be so bolde, as to touch a fether, that darre open his mouth, or once whysper. 15 Shall the axe boast it selfe, agaynst him that heweth therwith? or doth the sawe make eny bragging agaynst him that ruleth it? That were euen lyke, as yf the rod dyd exalte it selfe agaynst him that beareth it: or as though the staff shulde magnifye it selfe, as who saye: it were no wood.

Nahum 1:9

9 What do ye Imagin then agaynst the Lord on this maner? (Tush, when he hath once made an ende, there shall come nomore trouble.)

Exodus 12:12

12 for I wyll passe thorowe the lande of Egipt this same nyght, and wyll smytte all the first borne in the land of Egipt, both of man and beaste, and vpon all the goddes of Egipt will I the Lord do execution.

2 Kings 19:35

35 And so it came to passe that the selfe same nyght the angell of the Lorde went out & smote in the Hoste of the Assyrians an hundred foure skore and fyue thousande. And when the remnaunt were vp erlye in the mornynge: they sawe, they were all deed coarsses.

2 Kings 19:37

37 And it fortuned, that as he was in a temple worshyppynge Nisroch hys God, Adramelech & Sacesar his awne sonnes smote hym with the swerde. And they escaped into the lande of Armenia, and Asarhaddon his sonne raygned in his steade.

Isaiah 7:20

20 At the same tyme shall the Lord shaue the heare of the head and the fete and the beerd cleane of, with the rasoure that he shall hyer beyonde the water: namely, with the kynge of the Assirians.

Isaiah 8:8

8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, flowinge & increasing in power, tyll he gett him by the neck. He shall fyll also the widenesse of thy lande with hys brode winges, O Emanuel.

Isaiah 10:32-34

32 yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lyft vp hys hande agaynst the mount of the daughter Syon, the hyll of Ierusalem. 33 But se, the Lord God of hostes shall take awaye the proude from thence, with feare. He shall hewe downe the proude, & fel the hye mynded. 34 The busshes also of the wood shal he rote out with yron, and Lybanus shall haue a myghtye fall.

Isaiah 14:24-27

24 The Lord of Hostes hath sworne an othe, sayinge? It shall come to passe as I haue determyned, and shalbe fulfylled as I haue deuysed. 25 So that Assiria shal I destroye in my lande, & vpon my mountaynes will I treade him vnder foote. Wher thorow his yock shal come from them, and his burthen shalbe taken from their shoulder. 26 Thys deuyce hath God taken thorow the whole worlde, and thys is hys hande stretched out ouer all people. 27 For yf the Lord of hostes determen a thynge, who is able to dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his hande, who maye holde it in agayne?

Isaiah 17:14

14 At euen beholde, there is trouble: & or euer it be mornyng, lo, he is gone. This is the porcyon of them that oppresse vs, and the lott of them that robbe vs.

Isaiah 30:19

19 Yf the people remayne in Syon and at Ierusalem, thou shalt not be in heuines: but at the voyce of thy complaynte shall he haue mercy vpon the. And when he heareth it he shall geue the an answer.

Isaiah 30:28-33

28 Hys breth is as a vehement floude of water, that reacheth vp to the necke. That he maye syft awaye the Heythen in the syue of vanitye. And his breth is as a brydle of errour in the chawes of the people. 29 And ye shall syng, lyke as in the nyghte, when the holy solempnitye beginneth. And ye shall haue gladnes of hert, lyke as when one commeth with a pype vnto the hyll of the Lorde, and to the moost mightye one of Israel. 30 And the Lorde shall cause his gloryous voyce to be heard, and shall declare his stretched out arme with a terrible countenaunce and with the flame of a consuming fyer, with noysome lyghtenynge, with a shower, and with hayle stone. 31 For thorowe the voyce of the Lorde shall Assur be destroyed, which smote other men with the rodde. 32 And it shall come to passe, that whyther soeuer he goth, the rodde shall cleue vnto him, which the Lorde shall laye vpon him with tabrettes and harpes: and with greate warre shall he fyght agaynst his hoost. 33 For the fyer of payne is ordeyned from the begynning: yee, euen for kynges is it prepared. Thys hath the Lorde set in the depe, and made it wyde: the burninge wherof is fyer and muche wodde. The breth of the Lorde, which is a ryuer of brymstone, doth kyndle it.

Isaiah 31:8

8 Assur also shalbe slayne with the swearde, not with a mans swearde, nether shall the swearde of eny man deuoure hym. And he shall fle from the slaughter and his seruauntes shalbe disconfyted in their hertes.

Isaiah 37:36

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoost, an hundred fourescore and fyue thousande. And when men arose vp early in the mornynge. Beholde, they were slayne, and all laye full of deed bodyes.

Isaiah 51:22

22 Thus sayeth thy Lorde: thy Lorde and God, the defender of hys people: Beholde, I wyll take the slombrynge cuppe out of thy hande, euen the cuppe wyth the dregges of my wrath: that from hence forth thou shalt neuer drinke it more,

Isaiah 60:18-20

18 Uiolence and robbery shall neuer be hearde of in thy lande, nether harme and destruccyon with in thy borders. Thy walles shalbe called health, and thy gates the prayse of God. 19 The Sunne shall neuer be thy daye lyght, and the lyght of the Moone shall neuer shyne vnto the: but the Lorde him selfe shalbe thyne euerlastyng lyght, and thy God shalbe thy glory. 20 Thy Sunne shall neuer go downe, and thy Moone shall not be hydde, for the Lorde hym selfe shalbe thy euerlastynge lyght, and thy sorowfull dayes shalbe ended.

Lamentations 3:31-32

31 For the Lorde wyll not forsake for euer, 32 but though he punyshe hym: yet according to the multitude of his mercyes, he receaueth to grace agayne:

Joel 2:19

19 yee, the Lorde shall answere, and saye vnto his people: Beholde, I wyll sende you corne, wyne & oyle, so that ye shall haue plenty of them: and I will nomore geue you ouer to be a reprofe amonge the Heathen.

Nahum 1:15

15 (

Revelation 7:16

16 They shall honger no more, nether thyrst, nether shall the sunne lyght on them, nether eny heate.

Psalms 107:14

14 For he brought them out of darcknesse & out of the shadow of death, & brake their bondes in sonder.

Isaiah 9:4

4 For thou hast broken the yocke of the peoples burthen: the staff of hys shoulder and the rod of hys oppressoure, as in the dayes of Madian.

Isaiah 10:27

27 Then shall hys burthen be taken from thy shoulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee, the same yock shall be corrupte for very fatnesse.

Isaiah 14:25

25 So that Assiria shal I destroye in my lande, & vpon my mountaynes will I treade him vnder foote. Wher thorow his yock shal come from them, and his burthen shalbe taken from their shoulder.

Jeremiah 2:20

20 I haue euer broken thy yock of olde, & burste thy bondes: yet sayest thou, I wyll nomore offend, but (lyke an harlot) thou runnest about vpon all hye hilles, & amonge all grene trees,

Jeremiah 5:5

5 Therfore, wyll I go vnto theyr heedes & rulers, & talke with them: yf they knowe the waye of the Lord and the iudgementes of oure God. But these (in lyke maner) haue broken the yocke, and burst the bondes in sondre.

Micah 5:5-6

5 Then shall there be peace, so that the Assyrian maye come into youre lande, & treade in youre houses. We shall bringe vp seuen shepherdes and .viii. princes vpon them: 6 these shall subdue the land of Assur wt the swerde, and the lande of Nymrod with their naked weapens. Thus shal he deliuer vs from the Assirian, when he commeth within oure land, and setteth his fote within oure borders.

Leviticus 26:30

30 I wyll destroye youre hye places, and roote out youre ymages, and cast youre carkasses vpon the bodyes of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you.

1 Samuel 3:13

13 I haue tolde him, that I wyll iudge hys house for euer. For the wickednes which he knoweth. For when the people cursed hys sonnes for the same wickednes, he hath not corrected them.

Psalms 109:13

13 Let the wickednesse of hys fathers be had in remembraunce in the syght of the Lorde, and let not the synne of his mother be done awaye.

Proverbs 10:7

7 The memoryall of the iust shall haue a good reporte, but the name of the vngodly shall stincke.

Isaiah 14:20-22

20 and art not buried with them. Euen because that thou hast wasted thy lande, and destroyed thy people The generacyon of the wycked shalbe without honour, for euer. 21 Let there a waye be sought to destroye their children, that he in their fathers wyckednes, that they come not vp agayne to possesse the lande, and fyll the worlde full of enemyes. 22 I will stande vp agaynst them (sayeth the lord of hostes) & roote out the name & remnaunt sonne, & sonnes sonne of Babylon (sayeth the Lord)

Isaiah 33:13

13 Now herken to ye that are farre of how I haue done, & considre my power, ye that be at hande.

Isaiah 46:1-2

1 Bell is fallen, Nabo is broken downe: whose ymages were a burthen for the beastes and catell, to ouerlade them, and to make them weery. 2 They are soncke downe, and fallen together: for they maye not ease them of theyr burthen, therfore must they go into captiuitie.

Jeremiah 50:2

2 Preache amonge the Gentyles, let your voyce he hearde, make a token, crye out, kepe no silence, but saye: Babilon is wonne. Bel is confounded, and Merodach is ouercome. Yee, their goddes be brought to shame: and their ymages burst in peces.

Ezekiel 32:22-23

22 Assur is there also wyth hys company, & their graues rounde aboute, which were slayne and fell all with the swearde, 23 whose graues lye besyde him in the lowe pytte. Hys comens are buried rounde aboute hys graue, all together wounded and slayne with the swearde, which men afore tyme brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge.

Daniel 11:21

21 In hys steade there shall aryse a vyle person, not holden worthy of a kynges dignytie: this shall come in peaceably, and optayne the kyngdome wyth fayre wordes:

Micah 5:13

13 Thine Idols and thyne Images will I destroye out of the so that thou shalt nomore bowe thy selfe vnto the worckes of thyne awne handes.

Nahum 3:4-6

4 And that for the greate and manyfolde whordome, of the fayre & beutyfull harlot: which is a mastresse of witchcraft: yee, and selleth the people thorow her whordome, & the nacyons thorow her witchcraft. 5 Beholde, I will vpon the (sayeth the Lord of hostes) and will pull thy clothes ouer thy head: that I maye shewe thy nakednes amonge the Heathen, and thy shame amonge the kyngdomes. 6 I will cast dyrte vpon the, to make the be abhorred, & a gasynge stocke:

Leviticus 23:2

2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, & saye vnto them: These are my feastes, euen the feastes of the Lorde, whych ye shall call holy conuocacyons.

Leviticus 23:4

4 These are the feastes of the Lorde, euen holy conuocacyons, whyche ye shall proclayme in their ceasons.

Psalms 107:8

8 O that men wolde therfor prayse the Lorde, for his goodnes, and declare the wonders that he doth for the chyldren of men.

Psalms 107:15

15 O that men wold therfore prayse the Lorde for hys goodnesse: & declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men.

Psalms 107:21-22

21 O that men wold therfore prayse the Lorde for hys goodnesse, and declare the wonders that he doth for the chyldren of men. 22 That they wold offre vnto hym the sacrifyce of thanckesgeuyng, and tell out hys worckes wt gladnes.

Psalms 116:12-14

12 What reward shall I geue vnto the Lorde, for all the benefytes that he hath done vnto me? 13 I wyll receaue the cuppe of saluacion, and call vpon the name of the Lord. 14 I wyll paye my vowes now in the presence of all his people, ryght deare in the syght of the Lorde is the death of hys saynctes.

Psalms 116:17-18

17 I wyll offre to the, the sacrifyce of thanckesgeuynge, and wyll call vpon the name of the Lord. 18 I wyll paye my vowes vnto the Lord in the syght of all his people,

Isaiah 29:7-8

7 And the multitude of all nations that fyght agaynst Ariel, shalbe as a dreame sene by night: euen so shall all they be that make warre agaynst it, and stronge holdes to ouercome it, and that laie eny sege vnto it. 8 In conclusion, it shalbe euen as when an hongry man dreameth that he is eating, and when he awaketh, hys soule is emptye. Or as when a thurstye man dreameth that he is drincking: and when he awaketh, he is yet faynt: and his soule lacketh the appetite. Euen so shalbe the multitude of all nations that fyght agaynst Syon.

Isaiah 37:36-38

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoost, an hundred fourescore and fyue thousande. And when men arose vp early in the mornynge. Beholde, they were slayne, and all laye full of deed bodyes. 37 So Sennaherib the kyng of the Assyrians brake vp, & dwelt at Niniue. 38 Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the temple of Nesrah his God, that Adramalech and Sarazer hys awne sonnes slewe him with the sweard, and fled into the lande of Armenia. And Asar hadon his sonne raygned in his steade.

Isaiah 40:9-10

9 Go vp vnto the hye hyll (O Syon) thou that bringest good tydynges, lyfte vp thy voyce with power, O thou preacher Ierusalem. Lyfte it vp without feare, and saye vnto the cyties of Iuda: Beholde youre God, 10 beholde the Lord God shall come with power, and beare rule with his arme. Beholde, he bringeth hys treasure with him, and his worckes go before hym.

Isaiah 52:1

1 Vp Sion vp, take thy strength vnto the: put on thyne honest rayment O Ierusalem, thou holy citie. For from thys tyme forth, there shall no vncircumcysed ner vncleane person come in the.

Isaiah 52:7

7 O howe bewtifull are the fete of the Embassitoure, that bryngeth the message from the mountayne, & proclameth peace: that bryngeth the good tydynges, and preacheth health, and sayeth vnto Sion: Thy God is the kynge.

Joel 3:17

17 Thus shall ye knowe, that I the Lorde youre God dwell vpon my holy mounte of Syon. Then shall Ierusalem be holy, & there shall no straungers go thorowe her any more.

Nahum 1:11-12

11 There come oute of the soch as Imagin myschefe, & geue vngracious councell agaynst the Lorde. 12 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord: Let them be as well prepared: yee, & as many as they can, yet shall they be hewen downe, and passe awaye. And as for the, I will vexe the, but not vtterly destroye the.

Nahum 1:14

14 But the Lorde hath geuen a commaundement concernynge the, that there shall come nomore sede of thy name. The carued & casten Images will I rote out of the house of thy God. Thy graue shal I prepare for the, and thou shalt be confounded.

Luke 2:10

10 And the angell sayde vnto them: Be not afrayed. For beholde, I bringe you tydinges of greate ioye, that shall come to all people:

Luke 2:14

14 Glory to God on hye, and peace on the erth, & vnto men a good wyll.

Acts 10:36

36 Ye knowe the preachynge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachyng peace by Iesu Christ, which is Lord ouer all thynges.

Romans 10:15

15 And how shall they preache except they be sent? As it is written: how beautyfull are the fete of them which brynge tydynges of peace, and brynge tydynges of good thynges.

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