Micah 5 Cross References - Great

1 After that shalt thou be robbed thy selfe, O thou robbers daughter: they shall laye sege agaynst vs, & smyte the iudge of Israel wt a rodde vpon the cheke. 2 And thou Bethleem Ephrata, art lytle amonge the thou sandes of Iuda, Out of the shal come vnto me, which shal be the gouernoure in Israel: whose out goynge hath bene from the begynning, & from euerlastynge. 3 In the meane whyle he plageth them for a season, vntyll the tyme that she (which shall beare) haue borne: then shall the remnaunt of his brethren be conuerted vnto the children of Israel. 4 He shall stande fast, and geue fode in the strength of the Lord, and in the victory of the name of the Lord his God: and when they be conuerted, he shall be magnified vnto the farthest partes of the worlde. 5 Then shall there be peace, so that the Assyrian maye come into youre lande, & treade in youre houses. We shall bringe vp seuen shepherdes and .viii. princes vpon them: 6 these shall subdue the land of Assur wt the swerde, and the lande of Nymrod with their naked weapens. Thus shal he deliuer vs from the Assirian, when he commeth within oure land, and setteth his fote within oure borders. 7 And the remnaunt of Iacob shall be amonge the multitude of people, as the dewe of the Lorde, and as the droppes vpon the grasse, that tarieth for no man, and wayteth of no body. 8 Yee, the residue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lyon amonge the beastes of the wodd, and as the Lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: which (when he goeth thorowe) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe. 9 Thyne hand shalbe lift vp vpon thyne enemyes, and all thyne aduersaries shall perish. 10 The tyme shall come also, sayeth the Lord, that I will take thine horses from the, and destroye thy charettes. 11 I wil breake downe the cityes of thy lande, and ouerthrowe all thy stronge holdes. 12 All witchcraftes wyll I rote oute of thyne hande, there shall no mo sothsayinges be within the. 13 Thine Idols and thyne Images will I destroye out of the so that thou shalt nomore bowe thy selfe vnto the worckes of thyne awne handes. 14 Thy groues will I plucke vp by the rotes, & breake downe the cities. 15 Thus will I be auenged also, vpon all the Heathen that will not heare.

Deuteronomy 28:49

49 And the Lord shall brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swifte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande:

Deuteronomy 28:51-57

51 The same shall eate the frute of thy catell, and the frute of thy londe, vntyll he haue destroyed the: and shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the encrease of thyne oxen, nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought. 52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cyties, vntyll he haue cast downe thy hye walles and stronge holdes, wherin thou trustedst, thorowe out all the lande. And he shall besege the in all thy cyties thorowe out all thy lande, whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the. 53 And thou shalt eate the frute of thyne awne bodye: the fleshe of thy sonnes, and of thy daughters, whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that straytenesse and sege, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the: 54 so that it shall greue the man (that is tender & exceadynge delycate amonge you,) to loke on hys brother and vpon hys wyfe that lyeth in hys bosome, and on the remnaunte of hys chyldren, whych he hath yet lefte: 55 for feare of geuynge (vnto anye of them) of the fleshe of hys chyldren, whom he shall eate, because he hath nothynge left hym in that straytenesse & sege, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the in all thy cyties. 56 Yee and the woman that is so tender and delycate, that she dare not aduenture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde, (for softnesse and tendernesse) shalbe greued to loke on her husbande that lyeth in her bosome, & on her sonne and on her daughter: 57 and on hyr after byrthe (that is come out from betwene her legges,) and her chyldren whych she shall beare: For whan all thynges lack, she shall eat them secretly, in the sege & straytenesse, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the in thy cyties.

1 Samuel 8:5-6

5 & sayd vnto him: behold, thou art olde, and thy sonnes walke not in thy wayes. Now therfore make vs a kinge to iudge vs, as all other nacions haue. 6 But the thyng displeased Samuel, when they sayde: geue vs a king to iudge vs. And Samuel prayed vnto the Lorde.

1 Kings 22:24

24 But Zedekia the sonne of Chanaana went to and smote Michea on the cheke, & sayde: whan went the sprete of the Lorde from me, to speake vnto the?

2 Kings 24:2

2 And the Lorde sent vpon him men of warre from amonge the Caldeys, from amonge the Syrians, out of the Moabites, and from the chyldren of Ammon: and sent them agaynst Iuda, to destroye it, accordynge to the sayinge of the Lorde, which he spake by hys seruauntes the prophetes.

2 Kings 25:1-3

1 And it fortuned, that in the nynth yere of hys raygne, the tenth daye of the tenth moneth: Nebuchadnezar kynge of Babilon came, he and all his hoost agaynst Ierusalem: and pitched agaynst it, and made engynes agaynst it on euery syde. 2 And the citye was beseged vnto the eleuenth yere of kinge Zedekia. 3 And the nynth daye of the moneth, there was so greate hongre in the citye, that there was no breed for the people of the lande.

Job 16:10

10 They haue opened their mouthes wyde vpon me & smytten me vpon the cheke despitefully, they gather them selues together agaynst me.

Isaiah 8:9

9 Breake downe (o ye peple of Assur) and ye shall be, broken downe: herken to all ye of farre countrees. Muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you to batell and you shall be torne in peces:

Isaiah 10:6

6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 33:22

22 For the Lorde is our iudge, the Lorde is our lawe geuer. The Lorde is our king, and he him selfe shalbe our sauioure.

Jeremiah 4:7

7 For the spoyler of the Gentyles is broken vp from his place, as a lyon out of his denne, that he maye make thy lande waste, and destroy the cyties, so that no man maye dwel therin.

Jeremiah 25:9

9 lo, I wyll sende out, & call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will brynge them vpon this lande, and vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, and wyll vtterly rote them oute. I will make of them a wildernesse, a mockage, and a continuall deserte.

Lamentations 3:30

30 He offreth his cheke to the smyter, he wyll be content with reproues.

Ezekiel 21:21-22

21 For the kynge of Babylon shall stande in the turnynge of the waye, at the head of the two stretes: to aske councell at the sothe sayers, castinge the lottes wt his arowes, to aske councell at the Idole, and to loke in the lyuer. 22 But the sothe sayinge shall poynte to the ryght syde vpon Ierusalem, that he maye set men of warre, to smyte it wt a greate noyse, to crye out Alarum, to sett batell rammes agaynst the gates, to graue vp dyches, & to make bulworkes.

Ezekiel 24:2

2 O thou sonne of man, wryte vp the name of thys daye, yee, euen the houre of this present daye: when the kyng of Babylon sett hym selfe against Ierusalem.

Joel 3:9

9 Crye oute these thynges amonge the Gentyles, proclayme warre, wake vp the gyauntes, let them drawe nye, let them come vp all the lusty warryours of them.

Amos 2:3

3 I wyll rote out the iudge from amonge them, & slaye all hys prynces with him, sayeth the Lorde.

Habakkuk 1:6

6 For lo, I wil rayse vp the Caldees, that bitter and swyfte people: which shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possession of dwelling places, that be not their awne.

Habakkuk 3:16

16 When I heare this, my body is vexed, my lyppes tremble at the voyce therof, my bones corrupte, I am afraied where I stande. O that I myght rest in the daye of trouble, that I myght go vp vnto our people, which are alredy prepared.

Matthew 5:39

39 But I saye vnto you, that ye resist not euell. But whosoeuer geue the a blowe on the ryght cheke, turne to hym the other also.

Matthew 26:67

67 Then dyd they spytt in his face, & buffeted him with fistes. And other smote him on hys face wyth the palme of their handes,

Matthew 27:30

30 and whan they had spytt vpon him, they toke the rede, and smote him on the heed.

Luke 19:43-44

43 For the dayes shall come vpon the, that thy enemyes also shall cast a banke aboute the, and compasse the rounde, and kepe the in on euery syde, 44 and make the euen wyth the grounde, and thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitacyon.

John 18:22

22 When he had thus spoken, one of the ministers which stode by, smote Iesus on the face, sayinge: answerest thou the hye preaste so?

John 19:3

3 and sayde: hayll kynge of the Iewes: and they smote hym on the face.

Acts 23:2

2 And the hye preste Ananias commaunded them that stode by, to smyte hym on the mouth.

2 Corinthians 11:20

20 For ye suffre yf a man bryng you into bondage, yf a man deuoure, yf a man take yf a man exalte him selfe, yf a man smyte you on the face.

Genesis 35:19

19 And thus dyed Rahel and was buryed in the waye to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.

Genesis 48:7

7 And whan I came from Mesopotamia, Rahel dyed vpon my hand in the lande of Canaan, by the waye: when ther was but a feldes brede to come vnto Ephrat. And I buryed her there in the waye to Ephrat. The same is Bethlehem.

Genesis 49:10

10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda, and a lawgeuer from betwene hys fete, vntyll. Sylocome. And vnto hym shall the gatherynge of the people be.

Exodus 18:21

21 Morouer thou shalt seke oute amonge all the people, men of actiuite, and such as feare God: true men, hatynge coueteousnes: and make them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fyftye and ouer ten.

Exodus 18:25

25 and chose actyue men oute of all Israel and made them as heedes ouer the people: namely, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouerfyfty and ouerten.

Deuteronomy 1:15

15 And out of youre trybes I toke the captaynes, (men of wysdome and that were experte) and made them ruelars ouer you: captaynes ouer thousandes & ouer hundredes ouer fyftye and ouer ten, and offycers amonge youre trybes.

Ruth 4:11

11 And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders sayde: we are wytnesses: the Lord make the woman that is come into thyne house, lyke Rahel and Lea, which twayne dyd builde the house of Israell: do thou also valeauntly in Ephrata, and be famouse in Bethlehem.

1 Samuel 8:12

12 and will make him of them, captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer fiftyes, and wyll set them to eare his grounde, and to gather in his heruest, and to make instrumentes of warre, and apparell for his charettes.

1 Samuel 10:19

19 And ye haue this daye cast awaye youre God that helped you out of all youre aduersyties & tribulacyons. And ye haue sayd vnto hym: make a kynge ouer vs. Nowe therfore stande ye before the Lorde by youre trybes & youre thousandes.

1 Samuel 17:12

12 Dauid was the sonne of an Ephrathite of Bethlehem Iuda, named Isai, whych had eight sonnes. And was an olde man in the dayes of Saul, and came to age amonge men.

1 Samuel 17:18

18 And carye these ten freshe cheses vnto the captayne, & loke howe thy brethren fare, and fett out their pledge.

1 Samuel 23:23

23 Se therfore, & know all the lourkyng places, where he hideth him self, and come ye agayne to me with the certentye, & I will go wyth you. And yf he be in the land, I will serche him out thorow out all the thousandes of Iuda.

1 Chronicles 2:50-51

50 These were the sonnes of Caleb the sonne of Hur the eldest sonne of Ephrata: Sobal the father of Kiriath Iearim, 51 Salma the father of Bethlehem, and Hareph the father of Beth Gader,

1 Chronicles 2:54

54 The sonne of Salma: the Bethlehemites, and Netophathites the glory of the house of Ioab, and halfe the countrey of the mansions gat the Zaraites.

1 Chronicles 4:4

4 Penuel was the father of Gedor. And Eser the father of Husa. And these are the sonnes of Hur the eldest sonne of Ephrata the father of Bethlehem.

1 Chronicles 5:2

2 For Iuda, he preuayled aboue hys brethren, and of this trybe came the chefe, and the byrthryght was geuen to Ioseph.

Psalms 90:2

2 Before the mountaynes were brought forth, or euer the earth & the worlde were made, thou art God from euerlastyng and worlde without ende.

Psalms 102:25-27

25 Thou Lorde in the begynnyng hast layed the foundacyon of the earth, and the heauens are the worcke of thy handes. 26 They shall perishe, but thou shalt endure: they all shall wexe olde as doth a garment, 27 and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged. But thou art the same, and thy yeares shall not fayle.

Psalms 132:6

6 Lo, we hearde of the same at Ephrata, and founde it in the wood.

Proverbs 8:22-23

22 The Lorde him selfe had me in possessyon in the begynnynge of his wayes, or euer he beganne his worckes a fore tyme. 23 I haue bene ordened from euerlastynge, and from the begynnynge or euer the earth was made.

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, & vnto vs a sonne is geuen. Upon hys shoulder doth the kyngdome lye, and he is called wt hys awne name: wonderfull. The geuer of councell, the myghtye God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace, 7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngdome & peace, & shall syt vpon the seate of Dauid & in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, & to stablish it wt equyte and ryghteousnesse, from hence forth for euermore. Thys shall the gelousy of the Lorde of Hostes brynge to passe.

Isaiah 11:1

1 And there shall come a rodd forth of the kynred of Isai, and a blossome shall florish out of hys rote.

Isaiah 53:2

2 For he dyd growe before the Lord lyke as a braunche, & as a rote in a drye grounde, he hath nether bewtye nor fauoure. When we shall loke vpon hym, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shall haue no lust vnto him.

Jeremiah 13:5-6

5 So went I, & hydd it at Euphrates, as the Lord commaunded me. 6 And it happened longe after this, that the Lorde spake vnto me. Up, & get the to Euphrates, and fet the breche from thence, which I commaunded the to hyde there.

Jeremiah 30:21

21 A captayne also shall come of them: and a prynce shall springe out from the myddest of them: hym will I chalenge to my selfe, and he shall come vnto me. For what is he, that geueth ouer his hert to come vnto me? sayth the Lorde.

Ezekiel 17:22-24

22 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll also take a braunche from an hye Cedre tree, and will set it, & take the vppermost twygge, that yet is but tendre, and plante it vpon an hye hyll: 23 Namely, vpon the hye hyll of Syon will I plante it: that it maye bringe forth twygges, & geue frute, and be a greate Cedre tree: so that all maner of foules maye bylde in it, & make their nestes vnder the shadow of his braunches. 24 And all the trees of the felde shall knowe that I the Lorde haue brought downe the hye tree, and set the lowe tree vp: that I haue dryed vp the grene tree, and made the drye tree to floryshe: Euen I the Lorde that spake it, haue also brought it to passe.

Ezekiel 34:23-24

23 I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onely shepherde, euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall fede them and he shall be their shepherde. 24 I the Lorde will be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shall be their prince: Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 37:22-25

22 yee, I will make one people of them in the lande, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kyng. They shall no more be two peoples from hence forth, nether be deuided into two kingdomes: 23 they shal also defile them selues nomore with their abhominacions, Idoles, & all their wycked doinges. I will helpe them out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: and wil so clense them, that they shalbe my people, and I their God. 24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kyng, & they al shal haue one shepherde onely. They shall walcke in my lawes, & my commaundementes shall they both kepe and fulfyll. 25 They shall dwell in the lande, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as your fathers also haue dwelt. Yee, euen in the same lande shal they, their chyldren, & their chylders chyldren dwell for euermore, & my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their euerlastinge prince.

Amos 9:11

11 At that tyme will I buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what ys broken, I shal repayre it: yee, I shall buylde it agayne, as it was afore tyme

Zechariah 9:9

9 Reioyce thou greatly, O daughter Syon be glad, O daughter Ierusalem. For lo, thy kynge commeth vnto the, euen the ryghteous and Sauioure, Lowly & symple is he, he rydeth vpon an asse, & vpon the foale of an asse.

Matthew 2:6

6 And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iuda, art not the leest among the princes of Iuda. For oute of the shal there come vnto me the captayne, that shall gouerne my people Israel.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, sayinge: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen, & in erth.

Luke 1:31-33

31 Behold, thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe, & beare a sonne, & shalt call his name Iesus. 32 He shalbe greate, & shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And the Lorde God shall geue vnto him the seate of his father Dauid 33 and he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kyngdome there shalbe none ende.

Luke 2:4-7

4 And Ioseph also ascended from Galile, out of a cytie called Nazareth, into Iewry: vnto the cytie of Dauid, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lynage of Dauid, 5 to be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe, which was with childe. 6 And it fortuned that while they were there, her tyme was come that she shulde be deliuered. 7 And she broughte forth her fyrst begotten sonne, & wrapped him in swadlinge clothes, and layde him in a maunger, because ther was no rowme for them in the ynne.

Luke 23:2

2 And they beganne to accuse him, sayinge: we founde thys felowe peruertinge the people, and forbyddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge, that he is Chryst a kynge.

Luke 23:38

38 And a superscripcyon was wrytten ouer hym, wt lettres of Greke, & Latin, and Hebrew: This is the kynge of the Iewes.

John 1:1-3

1 In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was wyth God: and God was the worde. 2 The same was in the begynnyng wyth God. 3 All thinges were made by it, & wythout it, was made nothynge that was made.

John 7:42

42 Sayeth not the scripture, that Christ shall come of the seed of Dauid: and out of the towne of Bethleem where Dauid was?

John 19:14-22

14 It was the preparyng daye of the easter, aboute the syxte houre. And he sayeth vnto the Iewes: beholde youre king? 15 They cryed, awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifye him. Pylate saieth vnto them: shall I crucifye your kyng? The hye prestes answered: we haue no kyng but Cesar. 16 Then delyuered he hym vnto them, to be crucified. And they toke Iesus, and led hym away. 17 And he bare hys crosse, and went forth into a place, which is called the place of deed mens sculles. But in Hebrue, Golgotha: 18 where they crucified hym, and two other with hym; on ether syde one, and Iesus in the myddes. 19 And Pylate wrote a tytle, & put it on the crosse. The wrytynge was. Iesus of Nazareth kynge of the Iewes. 20 Thys tytle redd many of the Iewes. For the place where Iesus was crucyfyed, was nye to the cytye. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, and Greke and Latyn. 21 Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes to Pylate: wrytte not kynge of the Iewes, but that he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes: 22 Pylate answered: what I haue wrytten, that haue I wrytten.

1 Corinthians 1:27-28

27 But God hath chosen the folisshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosen the weake thynges, of the worlde, to confounde thynges whych are myghtye. 28 And vyle thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, yee and thinges of no reputacyon, for to brynge to nought thynges of reputacyon,

Colossians 1:17

17 & he is before all thynges, and by him all thynges haue theyr beynge.

Hebrews 7:14

14 For it is euident that oure Lorde spronge of the trybe of Iuda, of whych trybe spake Moses nothinge concerninge presthod.

Hebrews 13:8

8 Iesus Christ yesterdaye and to daye, and the same continueth for euer.

1 John 1:1

1 That which was from the begynnynge, whyche we haue hearde, whyche we haue sene wyth oure eyes, whych we haue loked vpon, and our handes haue handled, of the word of the lyfe.

Revelation 1:11-18

11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and the laste. That thou seyst, wryte in a boke, and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, & vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, & vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia. 12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And when I was turned: I sawe seuen golden candelstickes, 13 & in the myddes of the candelstickes, one lyke vnto the sonne of man, clothed with a lynnen garment downe to the fete, and gyrd about the pappes wt a golden gyrdle. 14 His heed, & his heares were whyte, as whyte woll, & as snowe and hys eyes were as a flame of fyre: 15 & hys fete lyke vnto brasse, as though they brent in a fornace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters. 16 And he had in his ryghte hande .vii. starres. And out of his mouthe went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone, euen as the sonne in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste, 18 & and am a lyue, and was deed. And beholde I am a lyue for euermore & haue the keyes of hell & of deeth.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacyon of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayth he that is fyrst, & the laste, which was deed, and is alyue.

Revelation 19:16

16 And hath on hys vesture and on his thygh a name wrytten: Kyng of Kynges, and Lorde of Lordes.

Revelation 21:6

6 And he sayd vnto me: it is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng & the ende I wyll geue to hym that is a thyrst, of the well of the water of lyfe, fre.

1 Kings 14:16

16 And he shall geue Israel vp, becuase of the synnes of Ieroboam, which dyd synne, and made Israel to synne.

2 Chronicles 30:7

7 And be not ye lyke your fathers, & your brethren which trespaced agaynst the Lorde God of theyr fathers, which gaue them vp to be destroyed, as ye se.

Isaiah 10:20-21

20 After that daye shall the remnaunt of Israel, & soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke nomore conforte at him that smote them, but with faythfulnesse & treuth shal they trust vnto the Lord, the holy one of Israel. 21 The remnaunt, euen the Posteryte of Iacob, shall conuerte vnto God the myghty one.

Isaiah 11:11

11 At the same time shal the lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of his people (which shalbe left alyue) From the Assyrians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochians and from the Ilandes of the see.

Isaiah 66:7-8

7 lyke as when a wyfe bringeth forth a man chylde, or euer she suffre the payne of the byrth & anguyshe of the trauayle. 8 Who euer hearde or sawe soche thynges? doth the grounde beare in one daye? or are the people borne all at once, as Syon traueyled in childe byrth and bare her sonnes?

Jeremiah 31:1

1 At the same tyme, sayth the Lord, shall I be the God of all the generatyons of Israel, and they shalbe my people.

Jeremiah 31:7-9

7 for thus sayth the Lorde: Reioyce with gladnes because of Iacob, crie vnto the head of the Gentils: speake out, syng, and saye: O Lorde saue thy people, the remnaunt of Israel, and make them whole. 8 Beholde, I wyll bringe them agayne from out of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, with the blynde and lame that are amonge them, with the wemen that be great with chylde, and soch as be also delyuered: and the company of them that come agayne, shalbe greate. 9 They shall come weping and with mercyfull pitye wyll I bring them hyther agayn. I wyll leade them to the ryuers of water in a strayght waye, where they shall not stomble. For I am Israels father, & Ephraim is my fyrst borne.

Hosea 2:9

9 Wherfore, nowe will I go take my corne and wyne agayne in their season, and fet agayne my woll & my flax, whych I gaue her, to couer her shame.

Hosea 2:14

14 Wherfore beholde, I wyll call her agayne bringe her into a wyldernes, & speake frendly vnto her:

Hosea 11:8

8 What greate thynges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? howe faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt with the as with Adama? or haue I intreated the lyke Seboim? No, my hert is other wise mynded. Yee, my mercy is to feruent:

Micah 4:7

7 & wyll geue yssue vnto the lame, and make of the out castes a great people: and the Lorde hym selfe shalbe theyr kynge vpon the mount Syon, from thys tyme forth for euermore.

Micah 4:9-10

9 Why then art thou now so heuy? is there no kynge in the? are thy councelers awaye that thou art so payned, as a woman in her trayuayle? 10 And now (O thou daughter Syon) be sory, let it greue the as a wyfe laboryng wyth chylde: for now must thou get the out of the cytie, and dwell vpon the playnefelde: Yee, vnto Babylon shalt thou go, there shalt thou be delyuered, and there the Lorde shall lowse the from the hande of thyne enemyes.

Micah 6:14

14 Thou shalt eate, & not haue ynough: yee, thou shalt bringe thy selfe downe. Thou shalt fle, but not escape: & those that thou woldest saue, will I delyuer to the swerde.

Micah 7:13

13 Notwythstandynge, the land must be wasted, because of them that dwell therin, and for the frutes of their awne Imaginacions.

Matthew 1:21

21 She shall brynge forth a sonne, and thou shalt cal hys name Iesus. For he shall saue his people from theyr synnes.

Matthew 12:50

50 For whosoeuer doth the will of my father which is in heauen, the same is my brother, syster, and mother.

Matthew 25:40

40 And the kyng shall answere, and saye vnto them: veryly I saye vnto you: in as moch as ye haue done it vnto one of the leest of these my brethren, ye haue done it to me.

Romans 8:29

29 For those which he knewe before, he also ordeyned before, that they shulde be lyke fassyoned vnto the shape of hys sonne, that he myght be the fyrst begotten sonne amonge many brethren.

Romans 9:27-28

27 But Esay cryeth concerning Israel though the nombre of the chyldren of Israel be as the sonde of the see, yet the remnaunt shall be saued 28 For he fynyssheth the word verely, and maketh it short in ryghtewesnes. For a short worde wil God make on erth.

Romans 11:4-6

4 But what sayth the answere of God vnto hym? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousande men, which haue not bowed the knee to the ymage of Ball. 5 Euen so also at thys tyme is ther a remanaunt lefte accordynge to the eleccyon of grace. 6 If it be of grace, then is it not now of workes. For then grace is nomore grace. But If it be of workes, then is it now no grace. For then were deseruynge nomore deseruynge.

Hebrews 1:11-12

11 They shall perysshe, but thou endurest, But they all shall wexe olde also as doth a garment: 12 & as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, & they shalbe chaunged. But thou art euen the same and thy yeres shall not fayle.

Revelation 12:1-2

1 And ther appered a gret wonder in heauen: A woman clothed wt the sonne, & the mone vnder her fete, & vpon her heed a croune of .xii. starres. 2 And she was wt chylde, & cryed trauaylinge in byrth, & payned redy to be delyuered.

Exodus 23:21

21 Beware of hym, and heare his voyce, and resyst hym not: for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes & my name is in hym.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12

11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatnesse, and power, glorie, victorie and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in erth is thyne, & thyne is the kyngdom (O Lorde) and thou excellest aboue all, euen as the heed of all. 12 And rychesse and honoure come of the, and thou rayguest ouer all, and in thyne hande is power and strength, and in thyne hand it is to make great & to geue strength vnto all.

Psalms 22:27

27 All the endes of the worlde shall remembre them selues, & be turned vnto the Lorde, & all the kynreds of the nacions, shall worshyppe before him.

Psalms 23:1-2

1 A psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, therfore can I lack nothing. 2 He shall fede me in a grene pasture, & leade me forth besyde the waters of comforte.

Psalms 45:3-6

3 Thou art fayrer then the chyldren of men, full of grace are thy lyppes, because God hath blessed the for euer. 4 Gyrde the wt thy swerde vpon thy thygh (O thou most myghtye) accordyng to thy worshipe & renowne. 5 Good lucke haue thou wt thine honour, ryde on because of the word of treuth, of mekenesse & righteousnes: and thy ryght hande shall teach the terrible thynges. 6 Thy arowes are very sharpe, & the people shalbe subdued vnto the, euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemyes.

Psalms 72:8

8 His dominion shalbe also from the one see to the other, and from the floud vnto the worldes ende.

Psalms 72:19

19 And blessed be the name of hys maiesty for euer, and all the erth shalbe filled with his maiestye. Amen, Amen.

Psalms 93:1

1 The Lord is Kyng, and hath put on gloryous apparell: the Lorde hath put on his apparell, & gyrded hym selfe with strength:

Psalms 98:3

3 The Lord declared hys saluacyon, his ryghteousnes hath he openly shewed in the syght of the Heathen.

Psalms 145:12

12 That thy power, thy glory & mightinesse of thy kyngdome, myght be knowne vnto men.

Isaiah 40:10-11

10 beholde the Lord God shall come with power, and beare rule with his arme. Beholde, he bringeth hys treasure with him, and his worckes go before hym. 11 He shall fede his flock lyke an herdman. He shall gather the lambes together with hys arme, and carye them in his bosome, & shall kyndely intreate those that beare yonge.

Isaiah 49:5

5 And nowe sayth the Lorde, euen he that fashyoned me fro my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte, that I maye bryng Iacob agayn vnto him: howbeit, Israel wyll not be gathered vnto hym agayne. In whose sight I am greate, which also is my Lorde, my God and my strength.

Isaiah 49:9-10

9 That thou mayest saye to the presoners: go forth, and to them that are in darcknesse: come into the lyght, they shall fede in the hye wayes, and get their pasture in all hye places. 10 They shall nether honger, ner thurst: heate nor sunne shall not hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them dryncke of the springe welles.

Isaiah 52:10

10 The Lorde hath made bare hys holy arme, and shewed it forth in the syght of all the Gentiles, & all the endes of the earth hath sene the sauinge health of our God.

Isaiah 52:13

13 Beholde, my seruaunt shall deale wysely, therfore shall he be magnified, exalted & greatly honoured.

Ezekiel 34:13-15

13 I will bringe them out from all people, and gather them together out of all landes. I will bringe them into their awne lande, and fede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the ryuers, and in all the places of the countre. 14 I will fede them in ryght good pastures and vpon the hie mountaynes of Israel shall there foldes be. There shal they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shal they fede: euen vpon the mountaynes of Israell. 15 I will fede my shepe my selfe, and bringe them to their rest, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 34:22-24

22 I will helpe my shepe, so that they shal nomore be spoyled: yee, I will discerne one shepe from another.

Micah 7:14

14 Therfore fede thy people with thy rodde, the flocke of thine heritage which dwel desolate in the wodde: that they maye be fedde vpon the mount of Charmell, Basan & Galaad as afore time.

Zechariah 9:10

10 I will rote out the charrettes from Ephraim, & the horse from Ierusalem, the batel bowes shalbe destroyed. He shall geue the doctrine of peace vnto the Heathen, & his dominyon shalbe from the one see to the other, & from the floudes to the endes of the worlde.

Matthew 16:18

18 And I saye also vnto the that thou art Peter: & vpon this rocke I wil bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shal not preuayle agaynst it.

Matthew 25:31

31 When the sonne of man commeth in his glorye, & all the holy angels wyth him, then shall he syt vpon the seate of hys glorie,

Luke 1:32

32 He shalbe greate, & shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And the Lorde God shall geue vnto him the seate of his father Dauid

John 5:22-29

22 Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath commytted all iudgement vnto the sonne, 23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym. 24 Uerely, verely I saye vnto you. He that heareth my worde, & beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, and shall not come into damnacyon: but is scaped from deeth vnto lyfe. 25 Uerely, verely, I saye vnto you the houre shall come, & nowe it is, when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they that heare, shall lyue. 26 For as the father hath lyfe in hym selfe, so lykewyse hath he geuen to the sonne to haue lyfe in hym selfe: 27 and hath geuen him power also to iudge, because he is the sonne of man. 28 Maruayle not at this: for the houre shal come, in that which, all that are in the graues, shall heare hys voyce, 29 and shall come forth: they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: and they that haue done euyll, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.

John 10:27-30

27 my shepe heare my voyce: and I knowe them, & they folowe me, 28 and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shall neuer perissh, nether shall eny man plucke them oute of my hande. 29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them oute of my fathers hand. 30 I and my father are one.

John 10:38

38 But yf I do, and yf ye beleue not me, beleue the worckes: that ye maye knowe and beleue, that the father is in me, and I in him.

John 14:9-11

9 Iesus sayth vnto hym: haue I bene so longe tyme with you, & yet hast thou not knowen me? Philip, he that hath sene me, hath sene my father. And howe sayest thou then: shewe vs the father? 10 Beleuest thou not, that I am in the father, & the father in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, I speake not of my self: but the father that dwelleth in me is he that doth the workes. 11 Beleue me that I am in the father, & the father in me. Or els beleue me for the worckes sake.

John 20:17

17 Iesus sayeth vnto her, touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father. But go to my brethren, & saye vnto them? I ascende vnto my father & youre father: & to my God, & youre God.

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessyng in heuenly thinges by Christ

1 Peter 1:5

5 whych are kept by the power of of God thorow fayth, vnto saluacion, whych is prepared allready to be shewed in the last tyme,

Jude 1:1

1 Iudas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ the brother of Iames. To them which are called, and sanctifyed in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.

Revelation 11:15

15 And the seuenth Angell blewe, & ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euermore.

Job 5:19

19 He shall delyuer the in syxe troubles, and in the seuenth there shall no euell come to the.

Psalms 72:7

7 In his tyme shall the ryghteous florish, yee, and aboundaunce of peace, so longe as the mone endureth,

Proverbs 6:16

16 These syxe thynges doth the Lord hate, and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth:

Proverbs 30:18

18 There be thre thynges to hye for me, yea foure that passeth my knowledge.

Proverbs 30:29

29 There be thre thynges that go styfly, yea fowre ar comlye in goinge.

Ecclesiastes 11:2

2 Geue parte .vii. dayes, and also vpon the eyght, for thou knowest not what misery shall come vpon earth.

Isaiah 7:14

14 And therfore the Lord shall geue you a token: Behold, a vyrgin shall conceaue and beare a sonne, and (thou hys mother) shalt cal his name Emanuel.

Isaiah 8:7-10

7 Behold, the Lorde shall brynge myghtie & greate floudes of water vpon them: namely, the kynge of the Assirians with all his power: Which shall clyme vp vpon all his floudes, and renne ouer all theyr banckes. 8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, flowinge & increasing in power, tyll he gett him by the neck. He shall fyll also the widenesse of thy lande with hys brode winges, O Emanuel. 9 Breake downe (o ye peple of Assur) and ye shall be, broken downe: herken to all ye of farre countrees. Muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you to batell and you shall be torne in peces: 10 take your councell together, yet must your councel come to naught: go in hande withall, yet shall it not prospere: for God is with vs.

Isaiah 10:24-27

24 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes: Thou my people, that dwellest in Syon, be not afrayed, for the kynge of the Assirians: He shal smyte the with a rodd, & shal wagg his staff at the, as the Egypcians dyd some tyme: 25 But soone after, shall my wrath and myne indignacion be fulfylled in the destruccion of them. 26 Moreouer, the Lord of Hostes shall prepare a scourge for him, lyke as was the slaughter of Madian vpon the rock of Oreb. And he shall lyft vp his rodd ouer the see, as he dyd somtyme ouer the Egypcians. 27 Then shall hys burthen be taken from thy shoulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee, the same yock shall be corrupte for very fatnesse.

Isaiah 37:31-36

31 And soche of the house of Iuda as are escaped, shall come together, and the remnaunt shall take rote beneth, and bringe forth frute aboue. 32 For the escaped shall go out of Ierusalem, and the remnaunt from the mounte Syon. And thys shall the gelousy of the Lorde of Hostes bring to passe. 33 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde, concernynge the kynge of the Assyrians. He shall not come into this cyte, and shal shote no arowe into it, there shal no shilde hurt it, nether shal they cast ditches about it. 34 The same waye that he came, he shal retourne, and not come at thys cytie, sayeth the Lorde. 35 And I wyll kepe and saue the cytie (sayeth he) for myne awne, and for my seruaunte Dauids sake. 36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoost, an hundred fourescore and fyue thousande. And when men arose vp early in the mornynge. Beholde, they were slayne, and all laye full of deed bodyes.

Isaiah 44:28

28 He sayeth of Cyrus. He is myne herdman: so that he shall fulfyll all thynges after my will. He sayeth also of Ierusalem: It shall be buylded, and of the temple: It shalbe fast grounded.

Isaiah 59:19

19 wher thorowe the name of the Lorde myght be feared, from the rysynge of the Sunne: and hys magesty, vnto the goinge downe of the same. For he shall come as a violent waterstreame, whych the wynde of the Lorde hath moued.

Isaiah 65:8

8 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde: lyke as when one wolde gather holy grapes, men saye vnto hym: breake it not of for it is holy: euen so wyll I do also for my seruauntes sakes, that I wyll not destroye them all.

Jeremiah 33:15

15 In those dayes and at the same tyme, I wyll bring forth vnto Dauid, the braunche of ryghtuousnes, & he shall do equytie & righteousnesse in the lande.

Amos 1:3

3 Thus sayeth the Lorde: for thre and foure wyckednesses of Damascus, I will not spare her: because they haue throshed Galaad with yron flayles.

Amos 1:6

6 Thus sayeth the Lord: For thre and foure wickednesses of Gaza, I will not spare her: because they make the presoners yet more captyue, and haue dryuen them into the lande of Edom.

Zechariah 1:18-21

18 Then lyfte I vp myne eyes, & sawe, & beholde foure hornes. 19 And I sayde vnto the aungel, that talked wt me what be these? he answered me. These are the hornes which haue scatered Iuda, Israel & Ierusalem abroade. 20 And the Lord shewed me foure carpenters. 21 Then sayde I: what wyll these do? He answered and sayde Those are the hornes which haue so stroweed Iuda abroad, that no man durste lyft vp hys heade: But these are come to fray them awaye: & to caste out the hornes of the Gentiles: whyche lyfte vp theyr horne ouer the lande of Iuda, to scatre it abroade.

Zechariah 9:13

13 For Iuda haue I bent out as a bowe for me & Ephraim haue I fylled. Thy sonnes, O Sion, will I rayse vp agaynst the Grekes, & make the as a gyauntes swearde:

Zechariah 10:3

3 My wroth full displeasure is moued at the shepherdes, & I will vyset the goates. For the Lorde of hostes will graciously viset his flock, the house of Iuda, and holde them as a goodly fayre horse in the batel.

Zechariah 12:6

6 In that tyme will I make the princes of Iuda lyke an hote burnynge ouen with wood, and lyke a cresset of fyre among the strawe: so that they shall consume all the people rounde aboute them, both vpon the ryght hande & the left. Ierusalem also shalbe inhabyted agayne: namely, in the same place where Ierusalem standeth.

Luke 2:14

14 Glory to God on hye, and peace on the erth, & vnto men a good wyll.

John 14:27

27 Peace I leaue with you, my peace I geue vnto you. Not as the world geueth, geue I vnto you. Let not youre hertes be greued, nether feare.

John 16:33

33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye myghte haue peace. For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulacyon: but be of good chere, I haue ouercome the worlde.

Ephesians 2:14-17

14 For he is oure peace, which hath made of both one, and hath broken downe the wall that was a stoppe betwene vs, 15 and hath also put awaye thorowe his flesshe, the cause of hatred, euen the lawe of commaundementes contayned in the lawe wrytten, for to make of twayne one newe man in hym selfe, so makynge peace, 16 and to reconcyle both vnto God in one body thorowe the crosse, & slewe hatred therby: 17 and came, and preached peace to you which were a farre of, and to them that were nye.

Colossians 1:20-21

20 and by him to reconcyle all thinge vnto him selfe, and to set at peace by hym thorowe the bloude of hys crosse, both thynges in heauen and thinges in erth. 21 And you which were somtyme farre of and enemyes, because youre myndes were set in euyll worckes hath he nowe yet reconcyled

Revelation 17:14

14 These shall fyght with the lambe, & the lambe shall ouercome them. For he is Lorde of lordes, and kynge of kynges, and they that are on his side, are called, and chosen, and faythfull.

Revelation 19:14

14 And the warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed wyth whyte & pure raynes:

Genesis 10:8-11

8 Cusch also begat Nimrod. The same beganne to be myghtye in the erth. 9 For he was a myghtye hunter before the Lorde. Wherfore it is sayde: Euen as Nimrod the myghtie hunter before the Lorde. 10 The begynning of his kyngdome was Babel and Erech and Accad, and Calne, in the londe of Sinhar. 11 Out of that londe came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and the stretes of the citie & Calah.

2 Kings 15:29

29 In the dayes of Pekah kyng of Israel, came Thiglath Pelesar kynge of Assiria, and toke Iion, Abel, Bethmaacha, Ianoah, Kedes, Hazor, Gilead, Galile, and all the lande of Nephthali, & caryed them awaye to Assiria:

2 Kings 17:3-5

3 And Salmanasar kyng of Assyria came vp agaynst him, and Hosea became hys seruaunt, and gaue hym presentes. 4 And the kynge of Assyria founde treason in Hosea: for he had sent messengers to So, kynge of Egypte, and brought no presente vnto the kynge of Assyria, from yeare to yeare: and therfore the kynge of Assyria toke hym: and put hym in pryson. 5 And then the kynge of Assyria came vp thorowout all the lande, & gat vp against Samaria, and beseged it thre yeare.

2 Kings 18:9-15

9 And in the fourth yeare of kynge Hezekia, (which was the seuenth yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israell) it fortuned, that Salmanazar kyng of Assyria came vp agaynst Samaria, & beseged it. 10 And after thre yeres they toke it euen in the syxte yere of Hezekia: that is to saye, the nynth yere of Hosea kynge of Israel. And Samaria was wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assyria, dyd carye awaye Israel vnto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the ryuer of Gozan, and in the cyties of the Medes: 12 because they wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde theyr God: but transgressed hys appoyntment, and all that Moses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded, & wolde nether heare them nor do them. 13 Therfore in the .xiiii. yeare of kynge Hezekia dyd Sennacherib kynge of Assyria come vp agaynst all the stronge cytyes of Iuda, and toke them. 14 And Hezekia kynge of Iuda sent to the kynge of Assyria to Lachis, saying: I haue offended: departe from me, and all that thou puttest on me, that will I beare. And the kynge of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekia kynge of Iuda thre hundred talentes of syluer, & thirtye talentes of gold. 15 And Hezekia gaue him all the syluer that was founde in the house of the Lorde, & in the treasures of the kynges house.

2 Kings 19:32-35

32 Wherfore, thus sayth the Lorde, concerninge the kinge of Assyria: he shall not come to this cytie, nor shote an arowe into it, nor come before it with shilde, nor cast bancke agaynst it: 33 but shall go backe agayne the waye he came, & shall not come into this cytie sayeth the Lorde. 34 For I will defende this cytie, to saue it, for myne awne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake. 35 And so it came to passe that the selfe same nyght the angell of the Lorde went out & smote in the Hoste of the Assyrians an hundred foure skore and fyue thousande. And when the remnaunt were vp erlye in the mornynge: they sawe, they were all deed coarsses.

2 Chronicles 33:11

11 Wherfore, the Lord brought vpon them the captaynes of the host of the kyng of the Assirians, whych toke Manasse in holde, and bounde hym with chaynes, and caryed hym to Babylon.

Isaiah 10:5-12

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staf of my wrath, in whose hande is the rod of my punyshement. 6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete. 7 Howbeit, his meanyng is not so nether thynketh his hert of thys fasshyon. But he ymagineth onely, how he may rote out and destroye moch people, 8 for he sayeth are not my Prynces all Kynges? 9 Is not Calno as easye to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Hamath then Arphad? Or is it lyghter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria? 10 As who say: I were able to wynne the Kyngdome of the Idolaters and their goddes: but not Ierusalem & Samaria. 11 Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem & their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ydoles? 12 Wherfore the Lord sayeth: Assone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the hyll of Syon and Ierusalem, then wyll I vyset the noble and stoute hart of the kynge of Assyria, with hys proude lookes.

Isaiah 14:2

2 The people shal take them, & cary them home to their awne lande. And make them to enherite the house of Israel in the lande of the Lord that they maye be seruauntes & hand maydens of the Lord. They shal take those prisoners whose captyues they had bene a fore: & rule those that had oppressed them.

Isaiah 14:25

25 So that Assiria shal I destroye in my lande, & vpon my mountaynes will I treade him vnder foote. Wher thorow his yock shal come from them, and his burthen shalbe taken from their shoulder.

Isaiah 33:1

1 Wo to the that destroiest, when thou waste not destroyed, thou breakest the leage, where as none hath broken it with the: for when thou shalt leaue destroying, thou thy self shalt be destroyed. And when thou ceasest from breakinge the leage, then shall they breake it to the.

Nahum 2:11-3:3

11 Thus must she be spoyled, emptied & clene striped out: that their hertes may be melted awaye, their knees tremble, all their loynes be weake, & their faces blacke as a pot.

Zephaniah 2:13

13 yee, he shall stretch out his hande ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shall make it desolate, drye & waste.

Luke 1:71

71 That we shulde be saued from oure enemies, and from the hande of all that hate vs.

Luke 1:74

74 for to geue vs. That we deliuered oute of the handes of oure enemies, might serue him with out feare,

Deuteronomy 32:2

2 My doctrine shall droppe as doeth the rayne, & my speach shall flowe as dothe the dewe, as the shower vpon the herbes, & as the droppes vpon the grasse.

Judges 6:36

36 And Gedeon sayd vnto God: wilt thou saue Israel in my hande, as thou hast sayde:

Psalms 72:6

6 He shall come downe like the rayne into a flese of wolle, euen as the droppes that water the earth.

Psalms 110:3

3 In the daye of thy power shall thy people offre the frewyll offrynges wt an holy worshippe, the dewe of thy byrth is of the wombe of the mornyng.

Isaiah 32:15

15 vnto the tyme that the sprete be powred vpon vs from aboue. Then shall the wyldernes be a frutefull felde, and the plenteous feld shalbe rekened for a wodde.

Isaiah 44:3

3 For I shall powre water vpon the drye grounde, & ryuers vpon the thurstye. I shall poure my sprete vpon thy sede, and myne encrease vpon thy stock.

Isaiah 55:10

10 And lyke as the rayne & snowe commeth downe from heauen, and returneth not thyther agayne, but watereth the earth, maketh it frutefull and grene, that it maye geue corne vnto the sower, and breade to hym that eateth.

Isaiah 66:19

19 Unto them shall I geue a token, and sende certayne of them (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: into Cilycia, Affryca, and Lydia (where men can handle bowes) into Italye and also Greke lande. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, and haue not sene my glory, shall preache my prayse amonge the Gentiles,

Jeremiah 14:22

22 Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentyles, that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen? Or may the heuens drope rayne without thy commaundement? Dost not thou it, O Lorde our God, in whom we trust? Yee Lorde, thou dost all these thynges.

Ezekiel 14:22

22 Beholde ther shall be a remnaunt saued therin, which shall bringe forth their sonnes and daughters. Beholde, they shall come forth vnto you, and ye shall se their waye, and what they take in hande, and ye shall be comforted, as touchinge all the plages that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem.

Ezekiel 47:1

1 After this, he brought me agayne before the dore of the house: and beholde, there gushed oute waters from vnder the postes of the house eastwarde, for the house stode towarde the east, that ran downe vpon the ryght syde of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde.

Hosea 6:3

3 Then shall we haue vnderstandynge, & endeuoure oure selues to knowe the Lorde. He shall go forth as the spryng of the daye, & come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth.

Hosea 14:5

5 Yee, I wolde be vnto Israel as the dewe, and he shulde growe as the lylie, and hys rote shulde breake out as Libanus.

Joel 2:32

32 And the tyme shall come, that whosoeuer calleth on the name of the Lorde, shalbe saued. For vpon the mounte Syon and at Ierusalem, there shalbe a saluacyon, lyke as the Lorde hath promysed: yee, and amonge the other remnaunt, whom the Lorde shall call.

Amos 5:15

15 Hate the euell, and loue the good: set vp ryght agayne in the porte: and (no doute) the Lorde God of Hoostes shalbe mercyfull vnto the remnaunt of Ioseph.

Micah 2:12

12 But I will gather the in dede, O Iacob, & dryue the remnaunt of Israell all together. I shal cary them one with another, as a flocke in the folde, and as the catell in theyr stalles, that they maye be dysquyeted of other men.

Micah 5:3

3 In the meane whyle he plageth them for a season, vntyll the tyme that she (which shall beare) haue borne: then shall the remnaunt of his brethren be conuerted vnto the children of Israel.

Micah 5:8

8 Yee, the residue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lyon amonge the beastes of the wodd, and as the Lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: which (when he goeth thorowe) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe.

Zephaniah 3:13

13 The remnaunt of Israell shall do no wyckednes, ner speake lyes: nether shall there eny disceatfull tunge be founde in their mouthes. For they shalbe fed, and take their rest, and no man shal make them afrayed.

Zechariah 14:8

8 In that tyme shall there waters of lyfe runne out from Ierusalem: the halfe potte of them towarde the east see, and the other halfe towarde the vttermost see, and shall continue both somer and wynter.

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye therfore, & teach all nacions, baptising them in the name of the father, & of the sonne, & of the holy goost:

Acts 9:15

15 The Lorde vnto him: go thy waye, for he is a chosen vessel vnto me, to beare my name before the Gentyls, and kynges, and the chyldren of Israel.

Acts 11:15

15 And as I beganne to preach, the holy ghost fell on them, as he dyd on vs at the begynninge.

Acts 13:46

46 Then Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde, & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst haue bene preached to you. But seynge ye put it from you, and thynke youre selues vnworthy of euerlastynge lyfe: lo, we turne to the Gentyls:

Acts 16:9

9 And a visyon appered to Paul in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him, saying: come into Macedonia, and helpe vs.

Romans 9:30

30 What shall we saye then? We saye, that the gentyls which folowed not ryghtewesnes, haue ouertaken ryghtewesnes: euen the ryghtewesnes which cometh of fayth.

Romans 10:20

20 Esay after that, is bolde and sayeth: I am founde of them, that sought me not: I am manyfest vnto them, that asked not after me.

Romans 11:12

12 Wherfore yf the fall of them be the ryches of the worlde, and the mynisshynge of them the ryches of the gentyls: How moch more their perfectnesse?

Romans 15:19-20

19 in myghty sygnes & wonders, by the power of the sprete of God: so that from Ierusalem & the coastes rounde aboute vnto Illyrycum, I haue fylled all countres with the Gospell of Christ. 20 So haue I enforsed my selfe to preache the Gospell, not where Chryst was named, lest I shulde haue bylt on another mannes foundacyon:

1 Corinthians 3:6

6 I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the encreace.

Genesis 49:9

9 Iuda is a lyons whelpe, From thy spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye. He layde hym downe and couched hym selfe as a lyon, and as a lionesse. Who wyll stere hym vp?

Psalms 2:8-12

8 Desyre of me, and I shall geue the, the Heythen for thyne enheritaunce, & the vtmost partes of the erthe for thy possessyon. 9 Thou shalt bruse them with a rodd of yron, and breake them in peces lyke a potters vessell. 10 Be wyse nowe therfore, O ye kinges, be warned, ye that are iudges of the earth. 11 Serue the Lorde in feare, and reioyse. with reuerence. 12 Kysse the sonne, lest he be angrye, & so ye perysshe from the waye, yf his wrath be kyndled (yee but a lytle) blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym.

Psalms 50:22

22 O consydre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaye, and there be none to delyuer you.

Psalms 110:5-6

5 The Lorde vpon thy ryght hande, shall wounde euen kynges in the daye of his wrath. 6 He shall be iudge among the Heathen, he shall fyll the places with deed bodyes, & smyte a sonder the heades ouer diuerse countres.

Isaiah 41:15-16

15 Beholde, I wyll make the a treading cart and a new flayle, that thou mayst thresshe and grinde the mountaynes, and brynge the hylles to poulder. 16 Thou shalt fanne them and the wynde shall carye them awaye, and the whirlwynde shall scater them. But thou shalt reioyse in the Lorde, and shalt delyte in praysinge the holy one of Israel.

Hosea 5:14

14 I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen, I will spoyle them, & go my waye. I wyll take them wyth me, and no man shall rescue them.

Obadiah 1:18-19

18 Moreouer. the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, and the, house of Esau shalbe the strawe: whych they shall kyndle and consume, so that nothyug shalbe left of the house of Esau, the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it. 19 They of the South shall haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lyeth vpon the grounde, that shall the Philystynes haue: the playne feldes shall Ephraim and Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shall BenIamin haue:

Micah 4:13

13 Therfore get the vp, O thou daughter Syon, and throsshe out the corne: For I wyll make thy horne yron, & thy clawes brasse, that thou mayest grynde many people: theyr goodes shalt thou appropriate vnto the Lorde, and theyr substaunce vnto the ruler of the whole worlde.

Zechariah 9:15

15 The Lord of hoostes shall defende them, they shal consume & deuoure, & subdue them with slynge stones. They shall dryncke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled lyke the basens, & as the hornes of the aulter.

Zechariah 10:5

5 They shalbe as the gyauntes, which in the batell treade downe the myre vpon the stretes. They shal fyght for the Lorde shalbe wyth them, so that the horsmen shalbe confounded.

Zechariah 12:3

3 At the same tyme wyll I make Ierusalem an heuy stone for al people, so that al soch as lyft it vp, shalbe toarne and rente, and all the people of the earth shalbe gathered together agaynst it.

Matthew 10:14

14 And whosoeuer shall not receaue you, nor wyll heare youre preachynge: when ye departe oute of that house or that cytie shake of the duste of youre fete.

Acts 18:6

6 And when they sayde contrary & blasphemed he shoke hys rayment and sayde vnto them: youre bloude be vpon youre awne heedes: from hence forth wyll I go blamelesse vnto the gentyls.

2 Corinthians 2:15-17

15 For we are vnto God the swete sauoure of Christ, amonge them that are saued, and amonge them which perysshe. 16 To the one parte are we the sauour of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other part are we the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges? 17 For we are not as the most part are, which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but euen out of purenes, and by the power of God, in the syght of God, so speake we in Christ.

Hebrews 2:3

3 howe shall we escape, yf we despyse so great saluacyon, which at the fyrst began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe, and was confirmed vnto vs warde, by them that hearde it?

Hebrews 12:25

25 Se that ye despyse not hym, that speaketh. For yf they escaped not, whych refused him that spake on erth: moch more shall we not escape, yf we turne awaye from hym, that speaketh from heauen:

Psalms 10:12

12 Aryse (O Lorde God) and lyfte vp thyne hande, forget not the poore.

Psalms 21:8

8 All thyne enemies shall fele thy hand: thy ryght hand shall fynde out them that hate the.

Psalms 106:26

26 Then lyft he vp his hand agaynst them, to ouerthrowe them in the wildernes.

Isaiah 1:25

25 I shall laye my hand vpon the, & burne out thy drosse from the fynest & purest, & put out all thy tynne,

Isaiah 11:14

14 but they both together shall flye vpon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west, and spoyle them together that dwell towarde the East. The Idumytes and the Moabites shall lett their handes fall, & the Ammonites shalbe obedient vnto them.

Isaiah 14:2-4

2 The people shal take them, & cary them home to their awne lande. And make them to enherite the house of Israel in the lande of the Lord that they maye be seruauntes & hand maydens of the Lord. They shal take those prisoners whose captyues they had bene a fore: & rule those that had oppressed them. 3 When the Lord now shal bringe the to rest, from the trauayle, feare, & harde bondage that thou wast laden wt all: 4 then shalt thou vse thys mockage vpon the kyng of Babylon, & saye: How happeneth it that the oppressour leaueth of? Is the golden tribute come to an ende?

Isaiah 26:11

11 Lorde, when thy hande is lyfte vp to stryke, they se it not: but they shall se it, and be confounded with the zele of the people, and the fyer that consumeth thyne enemyes, shall deuoure them.

Isaiah 33:10

10 And therfore sayth the Lord: I will vp nowe: now will I be auaunced: now will I be exalted as a mightye God.

Isaiah 37:36

36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoost, an hundred fourescore and fyue thousande. And when men arose vp early in the mornynge. Beholde, they were slayne, and all laye full of deed bodyes.

Luke 19:27

27 Moreouer, those myne enemyes, (whych wolde not that I shuld raygne ouer them) brynge hyther, and slee them before me.

1 Corinthians 15:25

25 For he must raygne tyll he haue put all his enemyes vnder his fete.

Revelation 19:13-21

13 And he was clothed wyth a vesture dipt in bloude, & his name is called the worde of God. 14 And the warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed wyth whyte & pure raynes: 15 and out of hys mouthe wente a sharpe two edged swerde, that wyth it he shulde smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them wyth a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefat of fearsnes and wrath of almyghty God. 16 And hath on hys vesture and on his thygh a name wrytten: Kyng of Kynges, and Lorde of Lordes. 17 And I sawe an Angell stande in the sonne, and he cryed with a loude voyce, sayinge: to all the fowles that flye by the middes of heauen: come and gather youre selues to gether vnto the supper of the great God, 18 that ye maye eate fleshe of kynges, and the fleshe of hye captaynes, and the fleshe of myghty men, & the fleshe of horsses, and of them that syt on them, and the flesh of all free men and bonde men and of small and gret. 19 And I sawe the beast, and the kynges of the earth, and their warriers gathered together to make batayle agaynst hym that sat on the horsse, and agaynst his soudiers. 20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone: 21 & the remnaunt were slayne wt the swearde of hym that sat vpon the horsse, whych swearde proceaded out of his mouth, & all the soules were fulfylled wyth theyr fleshe.

Revelation 20:8-9

8 and shall go out to deceaue the people, whych are in the foure quarters of the erth, Gog & Magog, to gather them together to battayle, whose nombre is as the sonde of the see: 9 and they went vp in the playne of the erth: & compased the tentes of the saynctes about, & the beloued citie. And fyre came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them:

Psalms 20:7-8

7 Some put theyr trust in charettes, and some in horses: but we wyll remembre the name of the Lorde oure God. 8 They are brought downe and fallen, but we are rysen, and stande vp ryght.

Psalms 33:16-17

16 There is no kynge that can be saued by the multytude of an hoost, nether is any myghtie man delyuered by moche strength. 17 A horse is counted but a vayne thynge to saue a man, neyther shall he delyuer any man by hys greate strength.

Isaiah 2:7

7 Theyr land is full of siluer and gold, nether is there any ende of theyr treasure: Theyr land is also full of horses, & no ende is there of theyr charets.

Jeremiah 3:23

23 Truly vaynly trusteth he for helth that loketh for it in the hylles and in vayne is it sought in the multitude of the mountaynes, but the health of Israell standeth only vpon God oure Lorde.

Hosea 1:7

7 Neuerthelesse, I wyll haue mercy vpon the house of Iuda, and wyll saue them, euen thorowe the Lorde theyr God. But I wyll not delyuer them thorowe eny bowe, swearde, battell, horses or horsmen.

Hosea 14:3

3 Assur shalbe nomore oure helper, nether will we ryde vpon horses eny more. As for the worckes of oure handes, we wyll nomore call vpon them: For it is thou that art oure God, thou shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse.

Isaiah 2:12-17

12 For the daye of the Lord of Hostes shall go ouer al pride and presumption, vpon all them that exalte them selues, and shall brynge them all downe: 13 vpon all the hygh and stoute Cedre trees of Libanus, & vpon all the okes of Basan, 14 vpon all hygh hylles, and vpon all stoute mountaynes, 15 vpon all costly towres, & vpon all stronge walles, 16 vpon all shyppes of Tharsis, and vpon euery thyng that is glorious and pleasaunt to loke vpon. 17 And it shall brynge downe the pryde of man, and laye mans presumptuousnesse full lowe, and the Lorde shall only haue the vyctory in that daye.

Isaiah 6:11

11 Then spake I: Lorde, how longe? he answered: vntill the cyties be vtterly wasted without inhabitours, & the houses without men, tyll the lande be also desolate, and lye vnbuylded.

Ezekiel 38:11

11 and saye: I wyll vp to yonder playne lande, seinge they syt at ease, & dwell so safely (for they dwell all without any walles they haue nether barres nor dores)

Hosea 10:14

14 there shall growe a sedicyon amonge thy people. All thy stronge cyties shalbe layed waste, euen as Salmana was destroyed with his famyliers, thorowe him that was auenged of Arbell, in the daye of batayll, where the mother peryshed with her chyldren.

Amos 5:9

9 He rayseth destruccyon vpon the myghtye people, & bringeth downe the stronge holde.

Zechariah 4:6

6 He answered & sayde vnto me: This is the worde of the Lorde vnto Zorobabel, sayinge: Nether thorow an hooste of men nor thorowe strengthe, but thorowe my sprete, sayeth the Lorde of hoostes.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

10 Let ther not be founde amonge you any one, that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorowe the fyre, or that vseth wytchcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyenge of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth wyth spretes, or a sothsayer, or that asketh at them that be deed. 12 For all that do soch thynges are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacyons the Lorde thy God doeth cast them out before the.

Isaiah 2:6-8

6 But thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Iacob, because they go farre beyonde the east contreys in Sorceryes (whom they haue as the Philistines had) and in straunge chyldren they thinke them selues to haue ynough. 7 Theyr land is full of siluer and gold, nether is there any ende of theyr treasure: Theyr land is also full of horses, & no ende is there of theyr charets. 8 Theyr lande is also full of vayne goddes, and before the worcke of theyr awne handes haue they bowed them selues, yee, euen before the thinge that theyr awne fyngers haue made.

Isaiah 2:18

18 But the Idols shall vtterly be roted out.

Isaiah 2:20

20 Then shall man cast awaye hys goddes of syluer, and hys goddes of gold (which he neuertheles had made to honour them) vnto Molles & Backes:

Isaiah 8:19-20

19 And yf they saye vnto you: aske councell at the sothesayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them thys answere. Is there a people eny where, that asketh not councell at his God? Shulde men renne vnto the dead for the lyuynge? 20 If eny man want lyght, leet hym loke vpon the lawe, and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meaning.

Isaiah 27:9

9 Thus therfore shall the iniquytie of Iacob be reconcyled, and here is all the frute of the takynge awaye of his synne, yf he make all the stones of the aultars of ydolles, as chalke stones that are beaten in sunder, that theyr groues and ymages ryse not vp agayne.

Zechariah 13:2-4

2 And then (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) I wyll destroye the names of Idoles out of the lande: so that they shall nomore be put in remembraunce. As for the false prophetes also, and the vnclene sprete, I shall take them out of the lande. 3 So that yf any of them prophecye any more, his awne father and mother that begat him, shall saye vnto him. Thou shalt dye for thou speakest lyes vnder the name of the Lorde: yee, his awne father and mother that begat him, shall wounde him, when he prophecieth. 4 And then shall those prophetes be confounded, euery one of his vision when he prophecieth: nether shal they were sack clothes any more, to disceaue men with all.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone:

Revelation 22:15

15 For wythout shalbe dogges and inchaunters, and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

Isaiah 2:8

8 Theyr lande is also full of vayne goddes, and before the worcke of theyr awne handes haue they bowed them selues, yee, euen before the thinge that theyr awne fyngers haue made.

Isaiah 17:7-8

7 Then shall man turne agayne to his maker, & his eyes shall haue respecte to the holy one of Israel. 8 As for the altares which are his awne handy worke, he shal not regarde them, & the thynges that his fyngers haue made (as groues & ymages) those shall he not cast his eye vnto.

Ezekiel 6:9

9 And they that escape of you, shall thincke vpon me amonge the Heathen, where they shalbe in captiuitye. As for that whorysh and vnfaythfull herte of theyrs, wherewyth they runne awaye fro me, I wyll breake it: yee, & put oute those eyes of theirs, that commytte fornicacyon with theyr Idols. Then shall they be ashamed, and displeased wyth their selues, for the wyckednesses and abhominacyons, which they haue done:

Ezekiel 36:25

25 Then will I poure cleare water vpon you, and ye shalbe clene: yee, from all your vnclennesse and from all your Idols shall I clense you.

Ezekiel 37:23

23 they shal also defile them selues nomore with their abhominacions, Idoles, & all their wycked doinges. I will helpe them out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: and wil so clense them, that they shalbe my people, and I their God.

Hosea 2:16-17

16 Then (sayeth the Lorde she shall saye vnto me) O my housbande, & shall call me nomore Baal: 17 for I wyll take awaye those names of Baal from her mouth, yee, she shall neuer remembre their names eny more.

Hosea 14:8

8 O Ephraim, what haue I to do wyth Idols eny more? I wyll graciously heare hym, and sede hym forth. I wyll be vnto the as a grene fyrre tre, vpon me shalt thou fynde thy frute.

Zechariah 13:2

2 And then (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) I wyll destroye the names of Idoles out of the lande: so that they shall nomore be put in remembraunce. As for the false prophetes also, and the vnclene sprete, I shall take them out of the lande.

Exodus 34:13

13 But ouerthrowe their aulters, and breake their ymages, and cut doune their groues.

Psalms 149:7

7 To be auenged of the Heathen, and to rebuke the people.

Isaiah 65:12

12 Therfore wyll I nombre you with the swerde, that ye shall be destroyed all together. For when I called, no man gaue me answere: when I spake, ye herkened not vnto me, but dyd wyckednes before myne eyes, and chose the thynge that pleased me not:

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 wyth flaminge fyre, whych shall rendre vengeaunce vnto them that knowe not God, and that obeye not the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christ

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