Luke 4:42 Cross References - Great

42 As sone as it was daye, he departed, and went into a desert place, & the people sought him, and came to hym, and kept hym that he shulde not departe from them.

Matthew 14:13-14

13 When Iesus hearde of it, he departed thence in a shyppe vnto a desert place, out of the waye. And when the people had harde therof, they folowed him on fote and left the cyties. 14 And Iesus went forth, & sawe moch people, and was moued with mercy toward them, and he healed of them those that were sycke.

Mark 1:35-38

35 And in the mornynge very early, Iesus (whan he was rysen vp) departed, and went out into a solitary place, and there prayed. 36 And Symon and they that were with hym, folowed after hym. 37 And when they had founde him, they saye vnto him: all men seke for the. 38 And he sayd vnto them: let vs go into the next townes, that I maye preach there also: for therfore am I come.

Mark 1:45

45 But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thinges, and to publyshe the sayenge: in so moch that Iesus coulde nomore openly entre into the cytie, but was with out in desert places. And they came to hym from euery quarter.

Mark 6:33-34

33 And the people spyed them when they departed: & many knewe hym, & ranne a fote thyther out of all cyties, and cam thyther before them, and came together vnto hym. 34 And Iesus went out & sawe moche people, & had compassyon on them, because they were lyke shepe, not hauinge a shepherde. And he beganne to teach them many thynges.

Luke 6:12

12 And it fortuned in those dayes that he went out into a mountayne for to praye, & contynued all nyght in prayer to God.

Luke 8:37-38

37 And all the multitude of the Gederenites, besought him, that he wold departe from them: for they were taken with great feare. And he gate him vp into the shyp, and returned backe agayne. 38 Then the man (out of whom the deuyls were departed) besought hym that he myght be with hym. But Iesus sent him awaye, sayinge:

Luke 24:29

29 And they constrayned hym sayinge: abyde wyth vs, for it draweth towardes nyght, and the daye is farre passed. And he went into tary wyth them.

John 4:34

34 Iesus sayeth vnto them: my meate is to do the will of him that sent me, & to fynisshe his worcke.

John 4:40

40 So, when the Samaritans were come vnto him, they besought him, that he wolde tary with them. And he abode there two dayes.

John 6:24

24 when the people therfore sawe that Iesus was not there, nether hys disciples, they also toke shypping, & came to Capernaum, sekynge for Iesus.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.