Luke 4:41 Cross References - Great

41 And deuyls also came out of many, crying & saieng: thou art Christ the sonne of God. And he rebuked them, and suffered them not to speake: for they knewe that he was Christ.

Matthew 4:3

3 And when the tempter came to hym, he sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God commaunde, that these stones be made bread:

Matthew 8:29

29 And beholde, they cryed out sayinge: O Iesu thou sonne of God what haue we to do with the? Art thou come hyther to torment vs before the tyme?

Matthew 26:63

63 But Iesus helde hys peace. And the chefe preste answered and sayde vnto him: I charge the by the lyuinge God, that thou tell vs, whether thou be Christ the sonne of God.

Mark 1:25

25 And Iesus rebuked hym sayinge: holde thy peace, and come out of the man.

Mark 1:34

34 and he healed many that were sycke of dyuers deseases, and cast out many deuyls, & suffred not the deuyls to speake, because they knewe him.

Mark 3:11

11 And when the vncleane spretes sawe him, they fell downe before him, & cryed, sayinge: thou art the sonne of God.

Luke 4:34-35

34 sayenge: let me alone, what hast thou to do with vs, thou Iesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou art, euen the holy of God. 35 And Iesus rebuked him, sayinge: holde thy peace, and come out of hym. And whan the deuyll had throwen hym in the myddes, he came out of him, and hurt him not.

John 20:31

31 These are written, that ye myght beleue, that Iesus is Chryst the sonne of God, and that (in beleuyng) ye myght haue lyfe thorow hys name.

Acts 16:17-18

17 The same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, sayinge: these men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shew vnto vs the waye of saluacyon. 18 And thys dyd she many dayes. But Paul not content, turned aboute, and sayde to the sprete. I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ, that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre

James 2:19

19 Beleuest thou that ther is one god? Thou doest well. The deuyls also beleue, & tremble.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.