54 He sayde also to the people: when ye se a cloude ryse out of the west, strayght waye ye saye: ther commeth a shower, and so it is.
Luke 12:54 Cross References - Great
1 Kings 18:44-45
44 And it fortuned, that at the seuenth tyme he sayd: behold, there ariseth a little clowde of the see, lyke a mannes hande. He sayde: go, & saye vnto Ahab, Make fast thy charet, & gett the downe, that the rayne stoppe the not.
45 And it came to passe, that in the meane while, the heuen was blacke wt clowdes & winde, & there was a great rayne. And Ahab gatt vp & came to Iezreel.
Matthew 16:2-4
2 He answered and sayde vnto them: whan it begynneth to drawe toward euen, ye saye, it wylbe fayre wether, for the skye is reed?
3 And in the mornynge: It wylbe foule wether to daye, for the skye is glowmyng reed. O ye ypocrites, ye can discerne the outward appearaunce of the skye: but can ye not discerne the sygnes of the tymes?
4 The frowarde & aduoutrous nacyon requyreth a sygne, and there shall no sygne be geuen vnto it, but the sygne of the Prophet Ionas. And he lefte them, and departed.