Leviticus 10:1 Cross References - Great

1 And Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron toke ether of them his censor, & put fyre therin, & put cens ther vpon, & offred straunge fyre before the Lord whych he commaunded them not,

Exodus 6:23

23 And Aaron toke Elizaba daughter of Aminadab and syster of Nahason, to wyfe: whych bare hym Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

Exodus 24:1

1 And he sayde vnto Moses: come vp vnto the Lorde: thou & Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the .lxx. elders of Israel, and ye shal worshyppe a farre of.

Exodus 24:9

9 Then went Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and the .lxx. elders of Israel vppe,

Exodus 27:3

3 And make hys asshepannes, shouels, basens, fleshhokes, fyrepannes & all the apparell therof for the same, of brasse.

Exodus 28:1

1 And take thou vnto the Aaaron thy brother and hys sonnes wt him, from amonge the chyldren of Israel, that they maye minister vnto me. Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes.

Exodus 30:1-9

1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne incense: of sethim wodde shalt thou make it, 2 a cubite long and a cubite broade: euen foure square shall it be and two cubites hye: the hornes ther of shall procede out of it, 3 and thou shalt ouerlaye it with fyne golde, both the roffe and the walles round about, and hys hornes also, & shalt make vnto it a crowne of golde round about 4 and two golden rynges on eyther syde: euen vnder the crowne, that they may be as places for the barres to beare it withall. 5 And thou shalt make the barres of sethim wodd, and couer them with golde. 6 And thou shalt putt it before the vayle, that is by the arcke of witnesse, before the mercy seate that is vpon the witnes, where I wyll mete the. 7 And Aaron shall burne theron swete incense euery mornynge, when he dresseth the lampes, 8 euen then shall he burne it: and lykewyse at euen, when he setteth vp the lampes he shall burne incense: and thys incensynge shalbe perpetually before the Lorde thorow out youre generacyons. 9 Ye shall putt no straunge incense theron, burnt sacrifyce or meateofferynge, neyther powre any drinckofferinge theron.

Exodus 30:34-36

34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: take vnto the swete spices: balme, Onycha, swete galbanum, these spices with pure franckincense, of eache lyke moch: 35 and make of them swete smellyng incense, after the craft of the apoticarye, myngled together, pure and holy. 36 And beate it to powdre and put of it before the witnes in the tabernacle of witnes, where I wyll mete the.

Exodus 31:11

11 and the anoyntyng oyle: and swete cense for the sanctuary, according to all that I haue commaunded the shall they do.

Exodus 37:29

29 And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle, and the swete pure incens after the apotecaryes crafte.

Exodus 38:3

3 And he made all the vessels of the alter: the cauldrons, shouels, basyns, fleshhokes and colepannes. All the vessels therof made he of brasse.

Exodus 40:27

27 and brent swete cens theron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 9:24

24 And there came a fyre out from before the Lorde, & consumed vpon the alter the burntoffryng & the fatt. Whych whan all the people sawe, they gaue thankes, and felle on theyr faces.

Leviticus 16:1

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses after the deeth of the two sonnes of Aaron, when they offered before the Lorde, and dyed: And he sayde vnto Moses:

Leviticus 16:12

12 And he shall take a censer full of burnynge coles out of the alter before the Lord, and shall fyll hys handfull of swete cens, beaten small, and brynge them wythyn the vayle,

Leviticus 22:9

9 Let them kepe therfore myne ordynaunce, lest they for the same lade synne vpon them, and dye for it, yf they defyle it. I the Lorde sanctifye them.

Numbers 3:2-4

2 & these are the names of the sonnes of Aaron: Nadad the eldest sone, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 3 These are the names of the sonnes of Aaron which were Preastes anoynted, & whose hande was consecrated to minystre. 4 And Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde whan they offred straunge fyre before the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Synai, and had no chyldren. And Eleazar and Ithamar mynistred in the syght of Aaron their father.

Numbers 16:6-7

6 This do therfore, take you fyerpannes, both Corah and all his company 7 and do fyer therin, and put cens in them before the Lorde to morowe. And the man whom the Lorde doth chose, the same shalbe holy. Ye make much to do, ye chyldren of Leui.

Numbers 16:16-18

16 And Moses sayde vnto Corah: Be thou and all thy company before the Lorde both thou, they, and Aaron tomorowe. 17 And take euery man his censer, and put cens in them, that ye maye offre before the Lorde: euery man of the two hundred and fyftye take his censoure, thou also Aaron, that euery one maye haue his censer. 18 And they toke euery man hys censer, and put fyer in them, and layed cens theron, and stode in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse with Moses and Aaron.

Numbers 16:46

46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: take a censer, and put fier therin out of the aulter, and powre on cens, and go quyckly vnto the congregacion, that thou mayest obteyne forgeuenes for them. For there is wrath gone oute from the Lorde, and there is a plage begonne.

Numbers 26:61

61 And Nadab and Abihu dyed, when they offered straunge fier before the Lorde.

Deuteronomy 4:2

2 Ye shall put nothinge vnto the worde which I commaunde you, nether do ought therfrom, that ye maye kepe the commaundementes of the Lord youre God which I commaunde you.

Deuteronomy 12:32

32 Therfore whatsoeuer I commaunde you, that take hede ye do and put thou nought therto, nor take ought therfrom.

Deuteronomy 17:3

3 and gone and serued straunge goddes, and worshypped them the sonne or moone or any of the hoost of heauen, which I haue not commaunded,

1 Kings 13:1-2

1 And beholde, there came a man of God out of Iuda (by the worde of the Lord) vnto Bethel, & Ieroboam stode by the aulter to put incense. 2 And he cried agaynst the aultare in the worde of the Lord & sayde. O aultare, aultare, thus sayth the Lord: Beholde, a chylde shall be borne vnto the house of Dauid, (Iosia by name) & vpon the shall he offer the preastes of the hillaultares that burne incense vpon the, & mennes bones shalbe brent vpon the.

2 Chronicles 26:16-20

16 But in his strength, his hert arose to hys destruction: For he transgressed agaynst the Lorde hys God, & went into the temple of the Lorde, to burne cense vpon the alter of incense. 17 And Asariahu the preaste went in after him, and with him foure skore preastes of the Lorde that were valeaunt men. 18 And they stode by Uzia the kynge, and sayde vnto hym: it pertayneth not to the Uzia to burne incense vnto the Lorde, but to the preastes the chyldren of Aaron, that are consecrate for to offre incense. Come therfore out of the sanctuarye for thou hast trespaced, and it is no worshyp to the before the Lorde God. 19 And Uzia was wroth, & had incense in his hande to burne it: & so whyle he had indignacyon agaynst the preastes, the leprosye sprange in his foreheed before the preastes in the house of the Lorde, euen besyde the incense aulter. 20 And Asariahu the chefe preaste with all the other preastes loked vpon him: and beholde, he was become a leper in his foreheed, & they vexed him thence. And he was fayne to go out, because the Lorde had smitten hym.

Psalms 141:2

2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense: & let the lyftyng vp of my handes be an eueninge sacrifyce.

Jeremiah 7:31

31 They haue also buylded an aulter at Topheth, which is in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom: that they myght burne theyr sonnes & daughters in fyre, which I neuer commaunded them, nether came it euer in my thought.

Jeremiah 19:5

5 for they haue sett vp an aulter vnto Baal, to burne their children for a burntoffering vnto Baal, which I nether commaunded, ner charged them, nether thought once there vpon.

Jeremiah 32:35

35 They haue builded hye places for Baal in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom, to vowe theyr sonnes and daughters vnto Moloch: which I neuer commaunded them: nether came it euer in my thoughte, to make Iuda synne with soch abhominatyon.

Jeremiah 44:8

8 because ye prouoke me vnto wrathe with the worckes of youre awne handes: when ye offer vnto straunge goddes in the lande of Egipt, where as ye be gone to dwell. That ye myght vtterly peryshe, and that ye myght be reuyled and shamefully intreated of all natyons.

Jeremiah 44:15

15 Then all the men which knewe that their wyues had offred vnto straunge goddes, and a greate sorte of wyues that stode there, yee, and all the people that dwelt there in Egipt in the cytie of Patures, answerde Ieremye, and sayde:

Jeremiah 44:19-21

19 Last of all, when we wemen dyd sacrifyce and offered vnto the quene of heauen, dyd we make her cakes and poure vnto her drinckofferinges, euen to that ymage dyd we sacrifyce and seruice, without oure husbandes wylles? 20 Then sayde Ieremy vnto all the people, to the men, to the wemen, and to all the folke, which had geuen him that answere: 21 Dyd not the Lorde remember the sacrifyces that ye, youre forefathers, youre kynges and rulers, with all the people, haue offered in the cyties of Iuda, in the stretes and lande of Ierusalem? and hath he not consydered thys in his mynde?

Luke 1:9-11

9 (accordyng to the custome of the prestes office) hys lot fell to burne incence. 10 And he went into the temple of the Lorde, & the whoale multitude of the people were without in prayer, whill the incense was a burninge. 11 And ther appeared vnto him an Angell of the Lorde, standynge on the ryght syde of the aultare of incense.

Hebrews 9:4

4 whych had the golden senser, and the arcke of the testament ouerlayde round about with golde, wherin was the golden pot with Manna, and Aarons rodde, that spronge and the tables of the testament.

Revelation 8:3-5

3 And another angell came & stode before the aultre, hauynge a golden senser, & moch of odoures was geuen vnto him, that he shulde offre of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter, whych was before the seate. 4 And the smoke of the odoures whych cam of the prayers of all saynctes, ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande. 5 And the Angell toke the senser, and fylled it wyth fyre of the aulter, and caste it into the erth, and voyces were made, & thondrynges & lyghtnynges, and erthquake.

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