1 And the angell of the Lorde came vp from Gilgall to Bochim, & sayde: I made you to come out of Egypte, and haue brought you vnto the lande which I sware vnto youre fathers. And I sayd: I wyll not breake myne appoyntment that I made with you.
2 And ye also shall make no couenant wyth the enhabytoures of this lande, but shall breake downe their aultares: Neuertheles ye haue not herkened vnto my voice, why haue ye this done?
3 Wherfore, I haue lykewyse determyned, that I wyll not cast them out before you: but they shalbe thornes vnto you, and their goddes shalbe a snare vnto you.
4 And when the angell of the Lorde spake these wordes vnto all the chyldren of Israel, the people cryed out and wepte:
5 And called the name of the sayde place. Bochim, and offered sacrifyces vnto the Lorde.
6 And when Iosua had sent the people awaye, the chyldren of Israel went euerye man into hys enheritaunce to possesse the lande.
7 And the people serued the Lord all the dayes of Iosua, and all the dayes of the elders that out lyued Iosua, and had sene all the great workes of the lord that he dyd for Israel:
8 and Iosua the sonne of Nun the seruaunt of the Lorde dyed, when he was an hundred & ten yeres olde:
9 whom they buryed in the costes of hys enheritaunce: euen in. Thamnath Hares in mount Ephraim on the northside of the hyll Gaas.
10 And euen so all that generacyon were put vnto their fathers, and there arose another generacyon after them whych nether knewe the Lorde, nor yet the worckes whych he had done for Israel.
11 And then the children of Israel dyd wyckedlye in the syght of the lorde, and serued Baalim,
12 and forsoke the Lorde God of their fathers, whych brought them out of the land of Egypte, and folowed straunge goddes, euen of the goddes of the nacyons that were round aboute them, and bowed them selues vnto them and angred the lorde.
13 They forsoke the lord, and serued Baal and Astharoth
14 and the wrath of the lorde waxed hote agaynst Israel, and he delyuered them into the handes of raueners, that spoyled them, and solde them into the handes of their enemyes rounde aboute them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before their enemyes.
15 But whethersoeuer they went out, the hand of the lord was agaynst them with euell lucke, euen as the lord promysed them, & as he sware vnto them. And he punyshed them sore.
16 Neuerthelesse the lorde raysed vp Iudges, which delyuered them out of the handes of their oppressers,
17 and yet for all that they wold not harken vnto their Iudges: But rather went a whoryng after straunge goddes, and bowed them selues vnto them, and turned quicklye out of the waye, which their fathers walked in, obeying the commaundementes of the Lord: But they dyd not so.
18 And when the lord raysed them vp Iudges, he was with the Iudge, and delyuered them out of the handes of their enemyes all the dayes of the Iudge for the Lorde had compassyon ouer their sorowinges, whych they had, by the reason of them that oppressed them & vexed them:
19 yet for all that as sone as the iudge was dead, they turned and dyd worsse that their fathers, in folowinge straunge goddes, and in seruyng them, and ceased not from their owne inuencyons, nor from their malycyouse waye.
20 And the wrath of the Lorde was moued agaynst Israel, & he sayde: because this people hath transgressed myne appointement which I commaunded their fathers, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce,
21 I wyll hence furth not cast out before them one man of the nacyons, which Iosua leaft when he dyed,
22 that through them I maye proue Israel, whether they wyll kepe the waye of the Lorde, & walke therin, as their fathers dyd or not
23 And so the Lord leaft those nacions, & droue them not out ymmedyatlye, nether delyuered them into the hande of Iosua.
Judges 2 Cross References - Great
Genesis 12:7
7 And the Lorde apearynge vnto Abram: sayd: Unto thy sede wyll I geue this londe. And there buylded he an altare vnto the lorde, euen where he had appeared vnto hym.
Genesis 16:7-10
7 And the Angell of the Lorde founde her besyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by the well that is in the waye to Sur.
8 And he sayde: Hagar Sarais mayde, whence camest thou and whether wilt thou goo? She sayde: I flee from the face of my mastresse Sarai.
9 And the angell of the Lorde sayde vnto her: returne to thy mastresse againe, & submytte thy selfe vnder her handes.
10 And agayne, the angell of the Lorde sayde vnto her: In encreasinge I wyll encrease thy seed and it shall not be nombred for multitude.
Genesis 16:13
13 And she called the name of the Lorde that spake vnto her: thou God lokest on me, for she sayde: haue I not sene here the backe partes of hym that seeth me?
Genesis 17:7-8
7 Moreouer I will make my bonde betwene me and the, and thy seed after the in theyr generacyons, by an euerlastynge testament, that I maye be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.
8 And I wyll geue vnto the and to thy seed after the, the lande where in thou art a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an euerlastynge possessyon, and wyll be their God.
Genesis 22:11-12
Genesis 22:16-17
16 and sayde: by my selfe haue I sworne (sayth the Lorde) because thou hast done thys thynge and hast not spared thy onely sonne:
17 that in blessynge I wyll blesse the, and in multiplienge I wyll multiplie thy seed as the starres of heauen & as the sande which is vpon the see syde. And thy seed shall possesse the gate of hys enemies.
Genesis 26:3-4
3 soiourne in thys lande, and I wyll be wyth the, and wyll blesse the: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I wyll geue all these contreys. And I wyll performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraham thy father,
4 and wyll multiplye thy seed as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seed all these contreys. And in thy seed shall all the nacyons of the erth be blessed,
Genesis 48:16
16 And the angell whych hath delyuered me from all euyll, blesse these laddes: & let my name be named in them, & the name of my fathers Abraham & Isahac, & that they maye growe into a multitude in the myddes of the erth.
Exodus 3:2-8
2 And the angell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a flame of fyre out of the myddes of a bush. And he loked, & beholde, the bush burned wt fyre, and the bush was not consumed.
3 Therfore Moses sayde: I wyll goo nowe, and see thys greate syght, howe it cometh that the bushe burneth not.
4 And when the Lorde sawe that he came for to see, God called vnto him out of the myddes of the bushe, and sayde: Moses, Moses. He answered: here am I.
5 And he sayde: come not hyther, put thy shooes of thy fete: for the place where on thou stondest is holy grounde.
6 And he sayde I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac & the God of Iacob And Moses hyd his face, for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.
7 And the Lorde sayde: I haue surely sene the trouble of my people whych are in Egypte, and haue herde theyr crye from the face of their taskemasters. For I knowe their sorowes,
8 and am come downe to delyuer them out of the hande of the Egyptians, and to brynge them out of that lande vnto a good lande and a large: and vnto a lande that floweth wyth mylcke and hony: euen vnto the place of the Cananites and Hethites, and Amorites, and Pherezites, and Heuites, and of the Iebusites.
Exodus 14:14
14 The Lorde shall fyght for you, and ye shall holde your peace.
Exodus 14:19
19 And the angell of God which went before the hoost of Israel remoued, and beganne to go behynde them. And the clowden piller that was before the face of them beganne to stonde behynde them,
Exodus 20:2
2 I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the lande of Egipte, oute of the house of bondage.
Exodus 23:20
20 Beholde, I sende an Angell before the, to kepe the in the waye, and to brynge the into the place which I haue prepared.
Exodus 33:14
14 And he sayde: my presence shall go with the: and I wyll geue the rest.
Leviticus 26:42
42 And I will remembre my couenaunt, with Iacob, and my bonde with Isahac, and myne appointment with Abraham, and will thynke on the lande.
Leviticus 26:44
44 And yet for all that when they be in the lande of their enemyes, I will not cast them awaye, neyther will abhorre them, to destroye them vtterly, and to breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God.
Numbers 14:34
34 after the nombre of the dayes in which ye searched out the lande euen fourty daies, euery daye for a yeare shall ye beare your vnrighteousnes euen .xl. yeare, and ye shall knowe my displeasure.
Deuteronomy 4:34
34 other whether God assayed to go and take hym a people from amonge nacyons thorowe temptacions, signes wondres, warre, a myghtie hande, a stretched out arme, and thorowe greate syghtes, accordynge vnto all that the Lord youre God dyd vnto you in Egypte before youre eyes?
Deuteronomy 7:9
9 Understande therfore, that the Lorde thy God he his God, & that a true God whych kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue hym & kepe his commaundementes, euen thorowe out a thousande generacyons:
Joshua 3:10
10 And Iosua sayde, Herbye ye shall knowe that the liuyng God is among you, & that he will wythout fayle cast out before you, the Cananites, & the Hethites, the Heuites, the Pheresites, the Gergesites, the Amorites, & the Iebusites.
Joshua 5:13-14
13 And it fortuned that when Iosua was nye to Iericho, he lyfte vp his eyes & loked: and behold, there stode a man against him, hauyng a swerde drawen in his hande. And Iosua went vnto him, and sayde vnto him: arte thou on oure syde or on oure aduersaries.
14 And he sayde, Naye, but as a captayne of the hoste of the lord am I now come. And Iosua fell on his face to the erth, and dyd reuerence, & sayde vnto hym, what sayth my Lorde vnto hys seruaunt?
Judges 2:5
5 And called the name of the sayde place. Bochim, and offered sacrifyces vnto the Lorde.
Judges 6:11-12
11 And the Angell of the Lorde came, & sate vnder an Oke which was in Ephrah, that pertayned vnto Ioas the father of the Eserites. And his sonne Gedeon pressed out whete out of the eares in a presse, to hyde it from the Madianites:
12 & the angell of the Lord apeared vnto hym, & sayde: the Lord is wyth the, thou mightie man of warre.
Judges 13:3
3 And the Aungell of the Lorde apeared vnto the woman: and sayde vnto her: Beholde, thou art barren, and bearest not: But thou shalt conceaue, & beare a sonne.
Psalms 78:51-53
51 He made awaye to his indignacion, and spared not their soule from death, but gaue their lyfe ouer to the pestylence.
52 And smote all the fyrst borne in Egypt, the moost principall and myghtyest in the dwellynges of Ham.
53 But as for hys awne people, he lead them forth lyke shepe, and caryed them in the wyldernesse lyke a flocke
Psalms 89:34
34 Neuerthelesse, my louynge kyndnesse will I not vtterly take from hym, ner suffre my trueth to fayle.
Psalms 105:36-38
Psalms 105:44-45
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles he was also troubled wt them, and the angell that went forth from hys presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kyndnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caryed them vp euer, sence the worlde beganne.
Jeremiah 14:21
21 Be not displeased, (O Lorde) for thy names sake, forget not thy louing kyndnesse. Remembre the throne of thyne honoure, breake not the couenaunt, that thou hast made wt vs.
Jeremiah 33:20-21
20 Thus sayeth the Lord: maye the couenaunt which I haue made wt daye and nyght be broken, that there shulde not be daye and nyght in due season?
21 Then maye my couenaunt also be broken, which I made wt Dauid my seruaunte, and so he not to haue a sonne to reygne in hys throne. so shall also the prestes & Leuites neuer fayle, but serue me.
Hosea 12:3-5
3 He toke his brother by the hele, when he was yet in his mothers wombe: and in hys strength he wrestled with God.
4 He strowe with the angell, and gatt the victorye: so that he prayde & desyred hym. He founde him at Bethell, and there he talketh with vs.
5 Yee, the Lorde God of Hoostes, euen the Lorde him selfe remembred him.
Zechariah 3:1-2
Zechariah 11:10
10 I toke also my louynge meke staff, and brake it, that I myght disanull the couenaunt, which I made wyth all people.
Malachi 3:1
1 Beholde, I will sende my messaunger, whiche shall prepare the waye before me: and the Lorde whom ye wolde haue, shal soone come to his temple, yee, euen the messaunger of the couenaunt whom ye longe for. Beholde, he commeth, saieth the Lorde of hostes.
Acts 7:30-33
30 And whan fourty yeares were expired, there appeared to hym in the wildernesse of mount Sina an angell of the Lord in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
31 When Moses sawe it, he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde, the voyce of the Lord came vnto hym.
32 I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. Moses trembled, and durst not beholde.
33 Then sayd the Lorde to him: Put of thy shoes from thy fete, for the place where thou standest, is holy grounde.
Genesis 3:11-12
Genesis 4:10
10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the grounde.
Exodus 23:32-33
Exodus 32:21
21 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: what dyd thys people vnto the, that thou hast brought so greate a synne vpon them?
Exodus 34:12-16
12 Take hede to thy selfe, that thou make no compacte with the inhabyters of the lande whether thou goest, lest it be cause of ruyne amonge you.
13 But ouerthrowe their aulters, and breake their ymages, and cut doune their groues.
14 Thou shalt worshyp no straunge God. For the Lorde is called gelous, because he is a gelous God:
15 lest yf thou make any agrement with the inhabiters of the lande, and they goo a whoring after theyr goddes, and do sacrifice vnto theyr goddes, they call the, and thou eate of theyr sacrifice:
16 & thou take of their daughters vnto thy sonnes, and theyr daughters go a whoringe after theyr goddes,
Numbers 33:52-53
Deuteronomy 7:2-4
2 and when the Lorde thy God hath sett them before the, thou shalt smyte them, & vtterly destroye them, and make no couenaunt with them, nor haue compassyon on them. Thou shalt make no mariages with them,
3 nether geue thy daughter vnto hys sonne, nor take hys daughter vnto thy sonne.
4 For they wyll disceaue thy sonne, that he shuld not feare me and they shall serue straunge goddes, and then wyll the wrath of the Lorde waxe whote agaynst you, and destroye you shortely.
Deuteronomy 7:16
16 Thou shalt consume all the nacions which the Lord thy God shall deliuer the: thyne eye shall haue no pytie vpon them, nether shalt thou serue theyr goddes, for that shalbe thy decaye.
Deuteronomy 7:25-26
25 The grauen ymages of theyr goddes shalt thou burne wyth fyre, & couet not the golde and syluer that is on them, nor take it vnto the, lest thou be snared ther in. For it is an abhominacyon before the Lorde thy God.
26 Brynge not therfore abhominacyon in to thyne house, lest thou be a damned thynge, as it is: but vtterlye defye it and abhorre it, for it is a damned thynge.
Deuteronomy 12:2-3
2 Ye shall destroye all places where in the nacions which ye shall conquere serued their Goddes, vpon hye mountaynes, on hylles, and vnder euery thyck tree.
3 Ouerthrowe theyr alters, and breake theyr pilers, and burne their groues with fyre and hewe downe the grauen ymages of the Goddes that they haue, and bringe the names of them to noughte out of that place.
Deuteronomy 20:16-18
16 But of the cyties of these nacions, which the Lorde thy God shall geue the to enheret, thou shalt saue alyue nothinge that bretheth.
17 But shalt destroye them without redempcyon, namely the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites, and the Iebusites, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the,
18 that they teache you not to do after all their abhominacyons, whych they haue done vnto their goddes, & so ye shulde synne agaynst the Lorde youre God.
Judges 2:20
20 And the wrath of the Lorde was moued agaynst Israel, & he sayde: because this people hath transgressed myne appointement which I commaunded their fathers, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce,
Ezra 9:1-3
1 When these thynges were done, the rulers came to me, and sayde. The people of Israel, and the preastes, and Leuites are not separated from the people of the landes (as touchynge their abhominacyons) namely of the Cananites, Hethites, Pheresites, Iebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egypcians, and Amorites.
2 For they haue taken the daughters of the same to them selues and to their sonnes, and the holy sede is mixte with the nacions in the lande: and the hande of the princes & rulers hath bene principall in this trespace.
3 And when I hearde this saying, I rente my clothes and my rayment, and pluckte of the heer of my heade, and of my beerd, and sate mourninge.
Ezra 9:10-13
10 And now, O oure God, what shall we saye after this? for we haue forsaken thy commaundementes,
11 whych thou hast commaunded by thy seruauntes the prophetes, sayeng: The lande vnto which ye go to possesse, it is an vncleane land, because of the fylthynes of the people of the landes, whych with theyr abhominacions haue made it full of vncleanesse on euery syde.
12 Therfore shall ye not geue youre daughters vnto their sonnes, and their daughters shall ye not take vnto your sonnes, ner seke their peace & welth for euer, that ye maye be strong, & enioye the good in the land, & that ye & youre chyldren maye haue the enheritaunce of it for euermore.
13 And after that all these thinges are come vpon vs (because of oure euell dedes & greate trespaces) thou oure God hast thrust downe oure wickednesses, & hast geuen vs a delyueraunce,
Psalms 78:55-58
55 And brought them within the borders of hys Sanctuary: euen to this mountayne, whych he purchased with hys ryght hande.
56 He cast out the Heathen also before them, caused their lande to be denyded amonge them for an heritage, and made the trybes of Israell to dwell in their tentes.
57 So they tempted and displeased the most hye God, and kepte not hys testimonyes.
58 But turned their backes, and fell awaye lyke their forfathers, startynge asyde lyke a broken bowe.
Psalms 106:34-40
34 Nether destroyed they the Heathen, as the Lorde commaunded them.
35 But were myngled among the Heathen, and lerned their worckes.
36 In so moch that they worshipped their ydoles, which turned to their awne decaye.
37 Yee they offred their sonnes and their daughters vnto deuel
38 And shed innocent bloude, euen the bloude of their sonnes & of their daughters, whom they offred vnto the ydoles of Canaan, and the lande was defyled with bloud.
39 Thus were they stayned with their awne worckes, and went a whorynge wyth their awne inuencions.
40 Therfore was the wrath of the Lorde kynled agaynst hys people, in so moch that he abhorred hys awne enheritaunce.
Jeremiah 2:5
5 Thus sayeth the Lorde. What vnfaythfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye fro me, fallynge to lightnesse, and beynge so vayne?
Jeremiah 2:18
18 And what hast thou now to do in the strete of Egypte? to drincke the water of Nilus? Ether, what makest thou in the waye of Assyria? To dryncke water of the floude?
Jeremiah 2:31-33
31 O ye people, loke vpon the worde of the Lorde. Am I then become a wyldernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a lande that hath no lyght? Wherfore sayeth my people then: we are Lordes, we will come no more vnto the?
32 Doth a mayden forget her rayment, or a bryde her stomacher? But as for my people they haue forget me, dayes innumerable.
33 Why boastest thou thy wayes so hylie (to optayne fauoure there thorowe) when thou hast yet stayned them with blasphemyes? and teachest thyne awne wayes.
Jeremiah 2:36
36 And why runnest thou so often to and fro, to chaunge thy wayes? For thou shalt be confounded, as well of Egypte, as of the Assyrians:
Jeremiah 7:23-28
23 but this I commaunded them, sayinge: herken & obeye my voyce, and I shalbe youre God, and ye shall be my people: so that ye walcke in all the wayes, whych I haue commaunded you, that ye maye prospere.
24 But they were not obedient, they inclyned not theyr eares there vnto, but went after theyr awne ymagynacyons & after the mocyons of theyr awne wycked herte, & so turned them selues awaye, and conuerted not vnto me.
25 And this haue they done, from the tyme that youre fathers came out of Egypt, vnto thys daye. Neuertheles, I sent vnto you, all my seruauntes the prophetes. I rose vp early, & sent you worde,
26 yet wolde they not herken, ner offre me theyr eares, but were obstynate, & worse then theyr fathers.
27 And thou shalt now speake al these wordes vnto them, but they shall not heare the: thou shalt crye vpon them, but they shall not answere the.
28 Therfore, shalt thou saye vnto them: this is the people, that nether heareth the voyce of the Lorde theyr God, ner receaueth hys correccyon. Faythfulnesse and treuth is cleane roted out of theyr mouth.
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Set your selues at large, and beare not ye the yoke wt the vnbeleuers. For what fellyship hath ryghtewesnes with vnryghtewesnes? Or what company hath lyght wt darknes?
15 Or what concorde hath Christ with Beliall? Ether what parte hath he that beleueth, with an infidell?
16 Or how agreeth the temple of God with Images for ye are the temple of the lyuinge God, as sayde God? I wyll dwell amonge them, & walcke amonge them, and wylbe their God: & they shalbe my people.
17 Wherfore come out from amonge them, and separate youre selues from them (sayth the Lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receaue you,
2 Thessalonians 1:8
8 wyth flaminge fyre, whych shall rendre vengeaunce vnto them that knowe not God, and that obeye not the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christ
1 Peter 4:17
17 For the tyme is come, that iudgement must begynne at the house of God. If it fyrst begynne at vs, what shall the ende be of them, whych beleue not the Gospell of God?
Exodus 23:33
33 Nether let them dwell in thy lande, lest they make the synne against me: for yf thou serue theyr goddes, it wyll be thy decaye.
Exodus 34:12
12 Take hede to thy selfe, that thou make no compacte with the inhabyters of the lande whether thou goest, lest it be cause of ruyne amonge you.
Numbers 33:55
55 But and yf ye wyll not dryue oute the inhabiters of the lande before you, than those which ye let remayne of them, shalbe prickes in youre eyes, and dartes in your sydes, and shall vexe you in the lande wherin ye dwell.
Joshua 23:13
13 be ye sure, that the Lorde youre God will nomore cast out all these nacions from before you. But they shalbe snares and trappes vnto you and scourges in youre sydes, and thornes in youre eyes, vntyll ye peryshe from of thys good lande, whych the Lorde youre God hath geuen you.
Judges 2:21
21 I wyll hence furth not cast out before them one man of the nacyons, which Iosua leaft when he dyed,
Judges 3:6
6 & toke the daughters of them to be their wyues, & gaue their owne daughters to their sonnes, & serued their Goddes,
1 Kings 11:1-7
1 But kynge Salomon loued many outelandishe wemen: and the daughter of Pharao: and wemen of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonites, and Hethites.
2 Where as yet (concernynge these nacyons) the Lorde sayde vnto the chyldren of Israell: come not ye at them, nor let them come at you: elles wyll they turne youre hertes after theyr goddes. Neuerthelesse, Salomon claue vnto them in loue.
3 And he had seuen hundred Quenes, and thre hundred concubines, and his wyues. turned a waye his hert.
4 For it came to passe, when Salomon was olde, hys wyues turned his herte after other Gods: and his herte was not perfecte with the Lord his God, as was the herte of Dauid his father:
5 for Salomon folowed Astaroth the God of the Zidons, and Milcom, the abhominacion of the Ammonites.
6 And Salomon wrought wyckednesse in the sight of the Lorde, & folowed not the Lorde perfectly, as dyd Dauid hys father.
7 For than did Salomon buylde an hye place for Chamos the abominacyon of Moab, in the hyll that is before Ierusalem, & vnto Moloch the abhominacyon of the chyldren of Ammon.
Psalms 106:36
36 In so moch that they worshipped their ydoles, which turned to their awne decaye.
1 Samuel 7:6
6 And they gathred together to Mizpa, and drewe water: and powred it out before the Lorde, & fasted the same daye and sayde there: we haue synned against the Lorde. And Samuel iudged the chyldren of Israel in Mizpa.
Ezra 10:1
1 And when Esdras prayed after this maner, & knowleged, wepte, & laye before the house of God, there resorted vnto him out of Israell a very greate congregacyon of men and wemen, and chyldren: & the people wepte very sore.
Proverbs 17:10
10 One reprofe onely doth more good to hym that hath vnderstandynge, then an .C. strypes vnto a foole.
Jeremiah 31:9
9 They shall come weping and with mercyfull pitye wyll I bring them hyther agayn. I wyll leade them to the ryuers of water in a strayght waye, where they shall not stomble. For I am Israels father, & Ephraim is my fyrst borne.
Zechariah 12:10
10 Moreouer, vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the cytesyns of Ierusalem will I poure out the sprete of grace & compassion, so that they shall loke vpon me, whom they haue pearsed: & they shal bewepe him as men mourne for their only begotten sonne: yee, & be sory for him, as men are sory for their first chyld.
Luke 6:21
21 Blessed are ye that honger now, for ye shalbe satisfyed. Blessed are ye that wepe now, for ye shall laugh.
Luke 7:38
38 & stode at his fete behinde him wepyng, & beganne to wasshe hys fete wt teares, and dyd wype them with the heares of her head, & kyssed his fete, & anoynted them with the oyntment.
2 Corinthians 7:10
10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacyon, not to be repented of, contrary wyse, worldely sorowe causeth deeth.
James 4:9
9 Suffre afflictions & mourne, & wepe. Let your laughter be turned to mournyng, & youre ioye to heuynes.
Genesis 35:8
8 But Debora Rebeccas norse, dyed, & was buryed beneth Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called: the ooke of lamentacyon.
Joshua 7:26
26 and ouerwhelmed them with stones. And they cast vpon him a great heape of stones vnto this daye. And so the Lorde turned from the wrathe of his indignacion. And the name of the place is called the valeye of Acor vnto this daye.
Judges 6:24
24 Then Gedeon made an aultare there vnto the Lord, & called it: The Lorde of peace. And vnto thys daye it is yet in Ephrath, that pertayneth vnto the father of the Eserites.
Judges 13:19
19 And so Manoah toke a kydde wt a meateofferinge, and offered it vpon a rocke vnto the Lorde. And the angell dyd wonderouslye. Manoah and hys wyfe lokynge vpon.
1 Samuel 7:9
9 And Samuel toke a suckyng lambe, and offered it all together for a burntoffrynge vnto the Lorde: & cryed vnto the Lorde for Israel, & the Lord heard him.
Joshua 22:6
6 And so Iosua blessed them and sent them awaye. And they went vnto theyr tentes.
Joshua 24:28-31
28 And so Iosua let the people departe, euery man vnto his enheritaunce.
29 And after these thinges it came to passe, that Iosua the sonne of Nun, the seruaunt of the Lorde died, beyng an hundreth and ten yeres olde.
30 And they buryed hym in the contrey of hys enheritaunce, euen in Thamnath Sareth, which is in mount Ephraim, on the northsyde of the hill of Gaas.
31 And Israel serued the Lord all the dayes of Iosua, & all the dayes of the elders that ouer lyued Iosua, and whych had knowne all the worckes of the Lorde that he had done for Israel.
Joshua 24:31
31 And Israel serued the Lord all the dayes of Iosua, & all the dayes of the elders that ouer lyued Iosua, and whych had knowne all the worckes of the Lorde that he had done for Israel.
2 Kings 12:2
2 And he did that which was good in the syght of the Lorde, as longe as Iehoiada the preste enfourmed hym.
2 Chronicles 24:2
2 And Ioas dyd that which was ryght in the syght of the Lorde all the dayes of Iehoiada the preaste.
2 Chronicles 24:14-22
14 And when they had finisshed it, they brought the rest of the moneye before the kyng and Iehoiada, and ther with were made vessels for the house of the Lorde: euen vessels to ministre withall, and to serue for burnt offerynges: chargers and spones, vessels of golde and syluer. And they offered burntofferynges in the house of the Lorde continuallye all the dayes of Iehoiada.
15 But Iehoiada waxed olde, and dyed full of dayes. For an hundred & thyrtye yere olde was he when he dyed.
16 And they buryed hym in the cytie of Dauid amonge the kynges, because he dealt well with Israel, and with God and with his house.
17 And after the deeth of Iehoiada, came the Lordes of Iuda, and made obeysaunce to the kynge. And the kynge herkened vnto them.
18 And so they lefte the house of the Lorde God of theyr fathers, & serued groues and ydoles. And then came the wrath of God vpon Iuda and Ierusalem, for this theyr trespaces sake.
19 And he sent prophetes to them, to bryng them agayne vnto the Lorde. And they testifyed vnto them: But they wolde not heare.
20 And the spyrite of God came vpon Zacharia the sonne of Iehoiada the preast, which stode by the people, & sayde vnto them: Thus sayth God: why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the Lorde, that ye cannot prospere? For because ye haue forsaken the Lord, he also hath forsaken you.
21 And they conspyred agaynst him, and stoned him with stones at the commaundement of the kynge: euen in the courte of the house of the Lorde.
22 And so Ioas the kynge remembred not the kyndnes which Iehoiada hys father had done to him, but slue his sonne. And when he dyed, he sayd: the Lorde loke vpon it, and requyre it.
Philippians 2:12
12 Wherfore (my dearly beloued) as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not when I was present onely, but nowe moche more in myne absence, euen so worcke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblyng.
Joshua 24:29-30
Joshua 19:50
50 according to the worde of the Lorde they gaue him the cytie which he asked, euen Thamnath serah in mounte Ephraim And he bylte the cytie & dwelt therin.
Joshua 24:30
30 And they buryed hym in the contrey of hys enheritaunce, euen in Thamnath Sareth, which is in mount Ephraim, on the northsyde of the hill of Gaas.
Genesis 15:15
15 And thou shalt goo vnto thy fathers in peace, and shalt be buryed in a good olde age:
Genesis 25:8
8 and than fell sycke and dyed in a lustye age (when he had lyued ynough) and was put vnto hys people.
Genesis 25:17
17 And these are the yeares of the lyfe of Ismael, an hundred and .xxxvij. yeare, and he fell sycke, & dyed, & was layde vnto hys people.
Genesis 49:33
33 And when Iacob had commaunded all that he wolde vnto hys sonnes, he plucked vp his fete vnto the bedd and dyed, and was put vnto hys people.
Exodus 5:2
2 And Pharao sayde: who is the Lorde, that I shulde heare hys voyce, & let Israell goo?
Numbers 27:13
13 And when thou hast sene it, thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also, as Aaron thy brother was gathered.
Deuteronomy 31:16
16 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: beholde, thou shalt slepe wyth thy fathers, and thys people wyll ryse vp, and go a whorynge after straunge goddes of the lande (whether they go) and will forsake me, and breake the appoyntment, whych I haue made wyth them.
1 Samuel 2:12
12 But the sonnes of Eli were chyldren of Belial, and knewe not the lord.
2 Samuel 7:12
12 And when thy dayes he fulfilled, thou shalt slepe wyth thy fathers, and I wyll set vp thy seede after the, which shall procead out of thy bodye, & will stablyshe his kyngdome.
1 Chronicles 28:9
9 And thou Salomon my sonne, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and wyth a swete courage. For the Lorde sercheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacyons of thoughtes. And yf thou seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But yf thou forsake hym, he wyll cast the of for euer.
Job 21:14
14 They saye also vnto God: go from vs, we desyre not the knowledge of thy wayes.
Psalms 92:5-6
Isaiah 5:12
12 In those companyes are harpes and lutes, tabrettes & pipes, and wyne. But they regarde not the worcke of the Lord, and consydre not the operacyon of his handes.
Jeremiah 9:3
3 They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes, to shote out lyes. They wax stronge vpon erthe. As for the trueth, they maye nothynge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wyckednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 22:16
16 Yee, when he helped the oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well. From whence came thys, but onely because he had me before hys eyes, sayeth the Lorde?
Jeremiah 31:34
34 And from thens forth, shall no man teach his neyghbour or his brother, & saye: knowe the Lorde. But they shall all knowe me from the lowest vnto the hyest, sayth the Lorde. For I will forgeue their mysdedes, and will neuer remembre their synnes eny more.
Acts 13:36
36 For Dauid (after he had in hys tyme fulfylled the wyll of God) fell on slepe, and was layde vnto hys fathers, and sawe corrupcyon.
Galatians 4:8-9
Titus 1:16
16 They confesse that they knowe God: but with the dedes they denye hym seinge they are abominable and disobedient, & vnapte vnto euery good worcke.
Genesis 13:13
13 But the men of Sodome were wicked, and exceadynge synners before the Lorde.
Genesis 38:7
7 And Er Iudas eldest sonne was wycked in the syghte of the Lorde, & the Lorde slewe hym.
Judges 3:7
7 And the children of Israell did wickedlye in the syght of the lord, and forgate the lord their God, and serued Baalim & Aseroth.
Judges 3:12
12 And the children of Israel went to agayne, & committed wickednesse in the sight of the lord. And the Lord strengthed Eglon the kyng of the Moabites, agaynst the children of Israel, because they had committed wickednesse before the lord.
Judges 4:1
1 And the chyldren of Israel beganne agayne to do wickedly in the syght of the Lord, when Ahud was dead.
Judges 6:1
1 And the chyldren of Israell committed wyckednes in the sight of the Lord. And the Lord delyuered them into the handes of Madian seuen yeres.
Judges 8:33
33 But it fortuned, that as sone as Gedeon was deed, the children of Israel turned awaye & went a whoring after Baalim, & made a couenaunt wt Baal to be their God,
Judges 10:6
6 And the children of Israel wrought wyckednesse yet agayne, in the syght of the Lord, & serued Baalim and Astharoth, & the goddes of Siria, the goddes of Sidon, and the goddes of Moab, the goddes of the children of Ammon, and the goddes of the Philistines, and forsoke the Lord & serued not him
Judges 10:10
10 And the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord, sayinge: we haue synned agaynst the: for we haue forsaken oure awne God, and haue serued Baalim.
Judges 13:1
1 And the chyldren of Israell began agayne to commytte wyckednes in the sight of the Lord. And the Lord delyuered them into the handes of the Philistines fourty yere.
1 Samuel 7:4
4 Then the chyldren of Israel dyd put awaye Baalim and Astaroth, and serued the Lorde onely.
1 Kings 18:18
18 He answered: it is not I that haue troubled Israel, but thou, and thy fathers house, in that ye haue forsaken the commaundementes of the Lorde, and thou hast folowed Baal.
2 Chronicles 28:2
2 For he walked in the wayes of the kynges of Israel, & made molten ymages for Baalim.
2 Chronicles 33:2-3
2 But dyd euell in the syght of the Lord, lyke vnto the abhominacions of the heathen, whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel. For he went to,
3 and buylt the hylaulter, which Hezekia hys father had broken downe. And he rered vp aulters for Baalim, and made groues, and worshypped all the hoost of heauen, and serued them.
2 Chronicles 33:6
6 And he burnt hys chyldren in fyre, in the valey of the sonne of Hinnom. He was a sorcerer, he regarded the cryenge of byrdes, vsed inchauntementes, and mayntened workers wt spretes, and sears of fortunes: and wrought moch euell in the syght of the Lorde, to angre him with all.
Ezra 8:12
12 Of the children of Asgad, Iohanan, the sonne of Hakatan, and with him an hundred and ten men.
Jeremiah 2:23
23 Saye not nowe: I am not vnclene, and I haue not folowed Baal. Loke vpon thyne awne wayes in the woddes, valleys and dennes: so shalt thou knowe, what thou hast done. Thou art lyke a swyft Dromedary, that goeth easely his waye:
Jeremiah 9:14
14 but folowed the wickednes of theyr awne hertes, & serued straunge Goddes, as theyr fathers taught them.
Hosea 2:13-17
13 I wyll punysh her also for the dayes of Baal wherin she censed hym, deckynge hym wyth her earynges & cheynes: when she folowed her louers, and forgat me, sayeth the Lorde.
14 Wherfore beholde, I wyll call her agayne bringe her into a wyldernes, & speake frendly vnto her:
15 there will I geue her her vyniardes agayne, yee & the valley of Achor also to shewe her hope and comforte. Then shall she synge there as in the tyme of her youth, and lyke as in the daye when she came out of the lande of Egypte.
16 Then (sayeth the Lorde she shall saye vnto me) O my housbande, & shall call me nomore Baal:
17 for I wyll take awaye those names of Baal from her mouth, yee, she shall neuer remembre their names eny more.
Exodus 20:5
5 Thou shalt not worshyppe them, nether serue them: for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, and vyset the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde and fourth generacyon of them that hate me:
Deuteronomy 5:9
9 Thou shalt nether bowe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them, for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, visytinge the wyckednesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, euen in the thyrde & fourth generacyon, amonge them that hate me:
Deuteronomy 6:14-15
Deuteronomy 13:5
5 And that prophete or dreamer of dreames shall dye, because he hath spoken to turne you a waye from the Lorde youre God, (which brought you out of the lande of Egypte, and delyuered you out of the house of bondage) to thrust the out of the waye, which the Lorde thy God commaunded the to walke in: and therfore thou shalt put the euell a waye from the.
Deuteronomy 29:18
18 Lest there be amonge you man or woman, kynred or trybe, whose hert turneth awaye this daye from the Lorde oure God, to go and serue the goddes of these nacyons: & lest there be amonge you some roote that beareth gall & worm wod,
Deuteronomy 29:25
25 And men shalt saye: because they lefte the testament of the Lorde God of theyr fathers whych he made with them, when he brought them out of the lande of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 31:16-17
16 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: beholde, thou shalt slepe wyth thy fathers, and thys people wyll ryse vp, and go a whorynge after straunge goddes of the lande (whether they go) and will forsake me, and breake the appoyntment, whych I haue made wyth them.
17 And then my wrath wyll waxe whote agaynst them, and I wyll forsake them, and wyll hyde my face from them, & they shalbe consumed. And moch aduersyte and tribulacyons shall come vpon them, so that then they wyll saye: Are not these troubles come vpon me, because God is not wyth me?
Deuteronomy 32:15
15 But he that shulde haue bene vpryght, whan he waxed fatt, spurned with his hele. Thou art well fedd, thou art growen thick: thou art euen laden with fatnesse. And he forsoke God his maker, & regarded not the God of his saluacyon.
Deuteronomy 33:17
17 his firstborne oxe hath be wtie, and his hornes are as the hornes of an vnycorne. And wyth them he shall trouble the nacyons together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are also the many thousandes of Ephraim, & the thousandes of Manasses.
Judges 5:8
8 They chose new goddes, and then had they (the enemye) in the gates, though there were shilde and speare. There was not a child or spere sene amonge fourtye thousande of Israel.
Judges 2:11
11 And then the children of Israel dyd wyckedlye in the syght of the lorde, and serued Baalim,
1 Samuel 31:10
10 And they layed vp hys harnesse in the house of Astharoth, but they hanged vp hys body on the wall of Bethsan.
1 Kings 11:5
5 for Salomon folowed Astaroth the God of the Zidons, and Milcom, the abhominacion of the Ammonites.
1 Kings 11:33
33 because they haue forsaken me, and haue worshypped vnto Astharoth the God of the Zidons, & Chamos the God of the Moabites, and Milcom the God of the chyldren of Ammon, and haue not walked in my wayes (to fulfyll my pleasure, my statutes and my lawes) as dyd Dauid hys father.
2 Kings 23:13
13 And the hyllaulters that were before Ierusalem on the ryght hande of the mounte Oliuete (which Salomon the kynge of Israel had buylded for Astaroth the Idoll of the Zidons, and for Chamos the Idoll of the Moabites, and for Milchom the abhomynable Idoll of the children of Ammon) those the kinge defyled:
1 Corinthians 8:5
5 And though ther be that are called Goddes, whether in heauen other in erth (as ther be Goddes many, and Lordes many)
1 Corinthians 10:20-22
20 Nay, but thys I saye: that the thynges whych the gentyls offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. I wolde not that ye shulde haue felloshyppe wyth the deuyls.
21 Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the Lorde, and of the cup of deuyls. Ye cannot be the partakers of the Lordes table, and of the table of deuelles.
22 Ether do we prouoke the Lord? Are we stronger then he? I maye do all thynges, but all thynges are not expedient.
Leviticus 26:28
28 I will walke contrarye vnto you also in indignacyon, and wyll chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes.
Leviticus 26:37
37 They shall fall one vpon another, as it were before a swerde, euen no man folowynge vpon them, and ye shall haue no power to stande before your enemyes:
Numbers 32:14
14 And beholde, ye are rysen vp in your fathers steade, as an encrease of synfull men, to augmente the fearce wrath of the Lorde, to Israel warde.
Deuteronomy 28:20
20 The Lorde shall sende vpon the, cursynge, destruccyon, and rebuke in all that thou settest thyne hande to, and that thou doest: vntyll he destroye the, and brynge the to nought quyckely, because of the wyckednesse of thyne inuencyons, and because thou hast forsaken me.
Deuteronomy 28:25
25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enemyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and flee seuen wayes before them, and shall be scatered amonge all the kyngdomes of the erthe.
Deuteronomy 28:58
58 If thou wylt not kepe and do all the wordes of thys lawe (that are wrytten in thys boke,) and feare thys gloryous and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God:
Deuteronomy 29:19-20
19 so that when he heareth the wordes of thys ooth, he blesse hym selfe in hys hert, sayinge. I shall haue peace. I wyll walke in the meanynge of myne owne hert, (Thou put the dronken to the thyrstye.)
20 And so the Lorde wyll not consent to be mercyfull vnto hym, but then the wrath of the Lorde and hys gelousye shall smoke agaynst that man, & all the curses that are wryten in this boke shall lyght vpon hym, and the Lorde shall do out hys name from vnder heauen,
Deuteronomy 31:17-18
17 And then my wrath wyll waxe whote agaynst them, and I wyll forsake them, and wyll hyde my face from them, & they shalbe consumed. And moch aduersyte and tribulacyons shall come vpon them, so that then they wyll saye: Are not these troubles come vpon me, because God is not wyth me?
18 And I also wyll surely hyde awaye my face in that daye, for all the euels sake whych they shall haue wrought in that they are turned vnto straunge Goddes.
Deuteronomy 32:30
30 Howe shulde one chace a thousande, and two put ten thousande to flyghte: excepte their maker had solde them, and excepte the Lorde had shutt them vp?
Joshua 7:12-13
12 And therfore is it that the children of Israel cannot stande before their ennemyes, but shall turne their backes before their ennemyes because they be excommunicate. Nether will I be wt you any moare, excepte ye rote out the excommunicate from amonge you.
13 Up therfore, & sanctifie the people, and saye: sanctifie youre selues against to morowe: for so sayd the Lord God of Israel There is a damned thinge amonge you (O Israel) & therfore ye cannot stande against youre ennemyes, vntill ye haue put the damned thinge from amonge you.
Judges 1:19
19 And the lorde was wyth Iuda, and he conquered the mountaynes, but coulde not dryue out that enhabiters of the valeyes because they had charettes of yron.
Judges 1:34
34 And the Amorites troubled the chyldren of Dan in the mountayne, and soffered them not to come downe to the valeye.
Judges 3:7-8
7 And the children of Israell did wickedlye in the syght of the lord, and forgate the lord their God, and serued Baalim & Aseroth.
8 Therfore the lord was angrye with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia, and the children of Israell serued Chusam Risathaim .viii. yeres.
Judges 4:2
2 And the Lord solde them into the hande of Iabin kyng of Canaan, that raygned in Hazor, whose captayne of warre was called Sisara, which dwelt in Haroseth of the gentiles.
Judges 10:7
7 And the Lorde was wroth with Israel, & solde them into the handes of the Philistines, & into the handes of the children of Ammon:
2 Kings 17:20
20 And the Lorde cast vp all the seed of Israel, and vexed them, and delyuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntyll he had cast them out of hys syght.
2 Chronicles 15:5
5 And in that time me there was no peace to hym, that dyd goo out and in: but greate sedicyon was there amonge all the inhabiters of the earth.
2 Chronicles 36:16
16 But they mocked the messengers of God, & despised his wordes, and mysse vsed hys prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord arose agaynst his people, and tyll there was no remedy.
Psalms 44:9-10
Psalms 44:12
12 Thou lettest vs be eaten vp lyke shepe, & hast scatred vs among the Heithen.
Psalms 106:40-42
Isaiah 50:1
1 Thus sayth the Lord: where is the byll of your mothers deuorcement, that I sent her awaye? or who is the vsurer, to whom I solde you? Beholde, for your awne offences are ye solde, & because of youre transgression, is youre mother forsaken.
Jeremiah 37:10
10 For though ye had slayne the whole hoste of the Caldees, that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tente, yet shulde they stande vp, and set fyre vpon thys cyte.
Leviticus 26:14-46
14 But and yf ye wyll not harken vnto me, nor wyll do all these my commaundementes:
15 And yf ye shall despise myne ordinaunces, ether yf youre soule abhorre my lawes, so that ye wyll not do all my commaundementes, but breake myne appoyntment,
16 I also will do thys vnto you. For I will bring vpon you fearfulnesse, swellynge of body, and the burnynge agewe, to consume youre eyes, & gendre sorowe of hert. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it,
17 And I wyll set my face agenste you, and ye shall fall before youre enemyes, & they that hate you, shall raygne ouer you and ye shall flee, when no man foloweth you.
18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, then will I punysh you seuen tymes more for youre synnes,
19 and wyll breake the pryde of youre stubburnesse. And I wyll make youre heauen as yron, and youre erth as brasse.
20 And youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre lande shall not geue hyr encrease, nether shall the trees of the lande geue theyr frutes.
21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me, and wyll not herken vnto me, I wyll brynge seuen tymes moo plages vpon you, accordinge to youre synnes.
22 I will also sende in wilde beastes vpon you, which shall robbe you of youre children, and destroye youre catell, and make you fewe in nombre, and cause youre hye wayes to growe vnto a wyldernesse.
23 And yf ye maye not be refourmed by these thynges but shall walke contrarye vnto me,
24 then wyll I also walke contrarye vnto you, and wyll punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes.
25 And I wyll sende a swerde vpon you, that shall auenge my testament And when ye are gathered together wythin youre cyties, I wyll sende the pestilence amonge you, and ye shalbe delyuered into the hande of the enemye.
26 And when I haue broken the staffe of youre bread: ten wyues shall bake youre bread in one ouen, and they shall delyuer you youre bread agayne by weyght ye shall eate, and not be satisfyed.
27 And yf ye wyll not yet for all thys herken vnto me, but shall walke agaynst me,
28 I will walke contrarye vnto you also in indignacyon, and wyll chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes.
29 And ye shall eate the flesh of youre sonnes and the fleshe of youre daughters shall ye deuoure.
30 I wyll destroye youre hye places, and roote out youre ymages, and cast youre carkasses vpon the bodyes of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you.
31 And I wyll make your cyties desolate, and brynge youre sanctuarye vnto nought, and wyll not smell the swetnesse of youre odoures.
32 I wyll brynge the lande vnto a wyldernesse, and youre enemyes which dwell therin, shall wondre at it.
33 And I will strawe you amonge the hethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cyties desolate.
34 Then shall the lande enioye her Sabbothes, as longe as it lyeth voyde, and ye shalbe in your enemyes lande: euen then shall the lande rest, and reioyse in her Sabbothes.
35 As longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, because it dyd not reste in youre Sabbothes, when ye dwelt vpon it.
36 And vpon them that are left alyue of you, I wyll sende a fayntnesse into theyr hertes in the lande of theyr enemyes: & the sounde of a shakyng leef, shall chace them, and whan they flee the swerde, they shall fall: no man folowinge vpon them.
37 They shall fall one vpon another, as it were before a swerde, euen no man folowynge vpon them, and ye shall haue no power to stande before your enemyes:
38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, & the lande of youre enemyes shall eate you vp.
39 And they that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their vnryghteousnes, euen in their enemyes lande, and in the mysdeades of their fathers shall they consume.
40 And they shall confesse their misdeades and the mysdeades of their fathers for their trespace, which they haue trespaced agaynst me, and for that also that they haue walked contrarye vnto me.
41 Therfore I also wyll walke contrary vnto them, and wyll brynge them into the lande of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, and they shall make an attonement for their mysdeades.
42 And I will remembre my couenaunt, with Iacob, and my bonde with Isahac, and myne appointment with Abraham, and will thynke on the lande.
43 The lande shall be lefte of them, and shall enioye her Sabbothes, whyle she lyeth wast without them. And they shall make an attonement for their misdeades, because they despised my lawes, and because their soule refused myne ordinaunces:
44 And yet for all that when they be in the lande of their enemyes, I will not cast them awaye, neyther will abhorre them, to destroye them vtterly, and to breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God.
45 I wyll for their sakes remembre the couenaunt made vnto their fathers, whom I brought out of the lande of Egypte in the syghte of the hethen, that I myght be their God: I am the Lorde.
46 These are the ordinaunces, and iudgementes, and lawes, which the Lorde made betwene him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai, by the hande of Moses.
Deuteronomy 4:25-28
25 If thou dost beget chyldren childrens children, & whan ye haue dwelt in the lande, ye do wikedly, & make any maner of grauen ymage, and worke euell in the syghte of the Lord thy God, to prouoke him to anger,
26 I call heauen and erth to recorde agaynst you thys daye, that ye shall shortely perish from of the lande, whether ye go ouer Iordan to possesse it: ye shall not prolonge youre dayes therin, but shall vtterly be destroyed
27 And the Lord shall skater you amonge the nacyons, and ye shalbe lefte fewe in nombre amonge the people, whether the Lorde shall brynge you:
28 and there ye shall serue goddes, whyche are the worke of mans hande, wood and stone, which nether se, nor heare, nor eate, nor smell.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68
15 But and yf thou wylt not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe & to do all hys commaundementes and his ordinaunces, which I commaunde the this daye: all these curses shall come vpon the, and ouertake the:
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne, and cursed in the felde:
17 cursed shall thy baskett be, & thy store.
18 Cursed shall be the frute of thy body, and the frute of thy lande, and the frute of thyne oxen, and the flockes of thy shepe.
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou goest in, and cursed when thou goest out.
20 The Lorde shall sende vpon the, cursynge, destruccyon, and rebuke in all that thou settest thyne hande to, and that thou doest: vntyll he destroye the, and brynge the to nought quyckely, because of the wyckednesse of thyne inuencyons, and because thou hast forsaken me.
21 The Lorde shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto the, vntyll he haue consumed the from of the lande, whether thou goest to enioye it.
22 The Lorde shall smyte the with swellynge, wyth feuers, heet, burnynge, and wyth the swerde, with wetherynge, and with blastynge. And they shall folowe the vntyll thou peryshe.
23 And the heauen that is ouer thy head shalbe brasse, and the erthe that is vnder the, yron.
24 The Lorde shall turne the rayne of the lande vnto powder and dust: euen from heauen shall they come doune vpon the, vntyll thou be brought to nought.
25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enemyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and flee seuen wayes before them, and shall be scatered amonge all the kyngdomes of the erthe.
26 And thy carkesse shalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the ayre, and vnto the beastes of the erthe, and no man shall fraye them awaye.
27 The Lord wyll smyte the wt the botche of Egypte, and the emarodes, scalle, & mangenesse, that thou mayest not be healed therof.
28 And the Lord shall smyte the with madnesse, and blyndnesse and dasynge of herte.
29 Thou shalt grope at noone dayes, as the blinde gropeth in darkenesse, and shalt not prosper in thy wayes. Thou shalt be oppressed wyth wronge, and be polled euermore, & no man shall sucker the.
30 Thou shalt be betrowthed vnto a wyfe, and another man shall lye wyth her. Thou shalt buylde an house, and not dwell therin. Thou shalt also plante a vyneyarde, and shalt not gather the grapes.
31 Thyne oxe shalbe slayne before thyne eyes, and thou shalt not eate therof. Thyne asse shalbe violently taken a waye euen before thy face, and shall not be restored to the agayne. Thy shepe shalbe geuen vnto thine enemyes, and no man shall rescue them.
32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shall be geuen vnto another nacyon, and thyne eyes shall se it, & dase vpon them all the daye longe, and there shalbe no myghte in thyne hande.
33 The frute of thy lande and all thy laboures shall a nacion whych thou knowest not, eate, & thou shalt continually suffre violence onely, and be oppressed alwaye:
34 so that thou shalt be cleane besyde thy selfe, for the syghte of thyne eyes whych thou shalt se:
35 The Lorde shall smyte the in the knees and legges, wyth a myscheuous botche that can not be healed: euen from the sole of thy fote vnto the toppe of thy head.
36 The Lorde shall brynge the and thy kynge (which thou shalt set ouer the) vnto a nacyon, which nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne, that there thou mayest serue straunge Goddes: euen wodd and stone.
37 And thou shalt be wondred at, spoken of, & iested at amonge all nacyons, whether the Lorde shall carye the.
38 Thou shalt carye moche seed out in to the felde, and shalt gether but lytle in: for the greshoppers shall destroye it.
39 Thou shalt plante a vyneyarde and dresse it, but shalt nether dryncke of the wyne, nether gether the grapes, for the wormes shall eate it.
40 Thou shalt haue oliue trees thorowe out all thy coastes, but shalt not anoynte thy selfe wyth the oyle, for thyne olyue trees shalbe roted out.
41 Thou shalt beget sonnes, and daughters, but shalt not haue them: for they shalbe caryed a waye captyue.
42 All thy trees and frute of thy lande shalbe marred wyth blastynge.
43 The straunger that is amonge you, shall clyme aboue the vp on hye, and thou shalt come doune beneth alowe.
44 He shall lende the, & thou shalt not lende hym: he shalbe before, & thou behynde.
45 Moreouer, all these curses shall come vpon the, and shall folowe the and ouertake the, tyll thou be destroyed: because thou herkenedst not vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe hys commaundementes, and hys ordinaunces, whych he commaunded the,
46 and they shalbe vpon the as myracles and wonders, and vpon thy seed for euer,
47 because thou seruedst not the Lorde thy God wyth ioyfulnesse and wyth a good herte, whan thou haddest aboundaunce of all thynges,
48 therfore thou shalt serue thyne enemye, whych the Lorde shall sende vpon the in hunger and thyrst, in nakednesse, and in nede of all thynge: and he shall put a yocke of yron vpon thy necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to nought.
49 And the Lord shall brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swifte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande:
50 a harde fauoured nacyon, whych shall not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassyon on the younge.
51 The same shall eate the frute of thy catell, and the frute of thy londe, vntyll he haue destroyed the: and shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the encrease of thyne oxen, nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought.
52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cyties, vntyll he haue cast downe thy hye walles and stronge holdes, wherin thou trustedst, thorowe out all the lande. And he shall besege the in all thy cyties thorowe out all thy lande, whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the.
53 And thou shalt eate the frute of thyne awne bodye: the fleshe of thy sonnes, and of thy daughters, whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that straytenesse and sege, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the:
54 so that it shall greue the man (that is tender & exceadynge delycate amonge you,) to loke on hys brother and vpon hys wyfe that lyeth in hys bosome, and on the remnaunte of hys chyldren, whych he hath yet lefte:
55 for feare of geuynge (vnto anye of them) of the fleshe of hys chyldren, whom he shall eate, because he hath nothynge left hym in that straytenesse & sege, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the in all thy cyties.
56 Yee and the woman that is so tender and delycate, that she dare not aduenture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde, (for softnesse and tendernesse) shalbe greued to loke on her husbande that lyeth in her bosome, & on her sonne and on her daughter:
57 and on hyr after byrthe (that is come out from betwene her legges,) and her chyldren whych she shall beare: For whan all thynges lack, she shall eat them secretly, in the sege & straytenesse, wherwith thyne enemye shall besege the in thy cyties.
58 If thou wylt not kepe and do all the wordes of thys lawe (that are wrytten in thys boke,) and feare thys gloryous and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God:
59 the Lorde will sende vnto the and thy seed, greate plages and of longe continuaunce,
60 euell sycknesses and of longe duraunce. Moreouer he will bringe vpon the all the diseases of Egypte, and those whych thou wast afrayed of shall cleaue vnto the.
61 And all maner syckenesses, and all maner plages whych are not wrytten in the boke of thys lawe, wyll the Lorde brynge vpon the, vntyll he bringe the to noughte.
62 And ye shalbe lefte fewe in nombre, where before ye were as the starres of heauen in multytude: because thou woldest not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God.
63 And it shall come to passe, that as the Lord reioysed ouer you, to do you good, & to multiplye you: euen so he wyll reioyse ouer you, to destroye you, & to brynge you to nought. And ye shalbe wasted from of the land, whether thou goest to enioye it.
64 And the Lorde shall scater the amonge all nacions, from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes, whych thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wodd and stone.
65 And amonge these nacyons thou shalt fynde no ease, neyther shall the sole of thy foote haue rest. But the Lorde shall geue the there an vnquyet herte, and dasyng eyes, and sorowe of mynde.
66 And thy lyfe shall hange before the and thou shalt feare both daye, and nyghte, & shalt haue no trust in thy lyfe.
67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye, wolde God it were nyght. And at nyght thou shalt saye: wolde God it were mornynge: for feare, of thyne harte whych thou shall feare & for the syghte of thyne eyes, whych thou shalt se.
68 And the Lorde shall brynge the into Egipt agayne wyth shyppes, by the waye which I bad the, that thou shuldest se it no moare. And there ye shalbe solde vnto youre enemies, for bondmen and bondwemen: & no man shall bye you.
Deuteronomy 32:40-41
Joshua 23:15-16
15 But all are come to passe, & nothyng hath fayled therof. Therfore, as all good thinges are come vpon you, which the Lorde youre God promysed you, so shall the Lorde bryng vpon you all euell, vntyll he haue destroyed you from of thys good lande, whych the Lorde youre God hath geuen you,
16 when ye haue transgressed the appointment of the Lorde youre God, which he commaunded you: and haue gone and serued straunge goddes, and bowed youre selues to them. Then shall the wrath of the Lorde waxe whote vpon you, & ye shall peryshe quicklye from of the good lande, which he hath geuen you,
Judges 10:9
9 Moreouer, the children of Ammon went ouer Iordan to fight agaynst Iuda, Beniamin, and the house of Ephraim: so that Israel was sore combred,
1 Samuel 13:6
6 And when the men of Israel sawe it, they were in a strayte, & feare came vpon the people, and they hydd them selues in caues, and in preuy holes, and in rockes, and in hye places, & in pittes.
1 Samuel 14:24
24 And whyle the men of Israel were kepte downe wyth honger that daye, Saul charged the people with an ooth sayinge: Cursed be the man that eateth any foode vntyll nyght, tyll I be aduenged of myne enemyes: And so, none of the people tasted any sustinaunce.
1 Samuel 30:6
6 And Dauid was in a shrewde combraunce: for the people entended to stone hym, because the hertes of all the people were vexed for theyr sonnes & theyr daughters. But Dauid toke a good courage to hym in the Lorde hys God
Jeremiah 18:8
8 yf that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) conuerte from theyr wyckednes: I repente of the plage, that I deuysed to brynge vpon them.
Jeremiah 21:10
10 For I haue set my face agaynst this cytie (sayeth the Lorde) to plage it, and to do it no good. It must be geuen into the hande of the king of Babylon, and be brent with fyre.
Jeremiah 44:11
11 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes, the God of Israel: I am stedfastly aduised and determyned to punysshe you, & to rote out all Iuda.
Jeremiah 44:27
27 for I wyll watche, to plage them, and not for theyr wealthe. And all the men of Iuda that be in the lande of Egypte shall peryshe with the swearde, and with honger, vntyll they be vtterly destroyed.
Micah 2:3
3 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde agaynst thys housshold haue I deuysed a plage, wherout ye shall not plucke your neckes: Ye shall nomore go so proudly, for it wyll be a perlous tyme.
2 Corinthians 4:8
8 We are troubled on euery syde, yet are we not without shyft. We are in pouertie: but not vtterly without somwhat.
Judges 3:9-10
9 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the lorde, the lorde stered vp a sauer, to the children of Israel, & saued them: one Othoniel the sonne of kenes. Calebs younger brother.
10 And the sprete of the lorde came vpon him. And he iudged Israel, and went out to warre. And the lorde delyuered Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia into his hande, & his hande preuayled agaynst Chusan Risathaim.
Judges 3:15
15 But when they cryed vnto the lorde, the lorde stered them vp a sauer, Ahud the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini a man that coulde do nothing handsomlye with his ryght hande. And by him the chyldren of Israel sent a present vnto Eglon the king of Moab:
Judges 4:5
5 & the same Debora dwelt vnder a paulme tree betwene Ramath and Bethell, in mounte Ephraim. And the children of Israel came vp to her for iudgement.
Judges 6:14
14 And the Lord loked vpon him, & sayd: Go hence in this thy might, and thou shalt delyuer Israel out of the handes of the Madianites: Haue not I sent the?
1 Samuel 12:11
11 And the Lorde sent Ierobaal Badan Iephthah, & Samuel, and delyuered you out of the handes of youre enemyes on euery syde, and ye dwelled safe.
Nehemiah 9:27
27 Therfore, thou gauest them ouer into the hand of their enemyes, that vexed them. And in the tyme of their trouble whan they cryed vnto the, thou hardest them from heauen: & thorow thy greate mercy thou gauest them sauiours, whych helped them out of the hande of their enemyes.
Psalms 106:43-45
43 Many a tyme did he delyuer them, but they rebelled agaynst him with their awne inuencions, & were brought downe in their wyckednesse.
44 Neuerthelesse, when he sawe their aduersyte, he herde their complaynte.
45 He thought vpon his couenaunt, & pytied them, accordyng vnto the multitude of his mercyes.
Acts 13:20
20 And afterwarde, he gaue vnto them iudges about the space of foure hundred and fyftye yeares, vnto the tyme of Samuell the prophete.
Exodus 32:8
8 haue marred all, they are turned at once out of the waye, which I commaunded them: for they haue made them a calfe of molten metall, and haue worshypped it, and haue offered thereto, sayinge: These be thy goddes, O Israel, which hath brought the oute of the lande of Egipt.
Leviticus 17:7
7 And lett them no moare offer their offeringes vnto deuyls, after whom they haue gone a whorynge. Thys shalbe an ordynaunce for euer vnto them in their generacyons.
Deuteronomy 9:12
12 and the Lorde sayde vnto me. Up, & get the doune quickely from hence, for thy people which thou hast broughte out of Egypte, haue marred all. They are turned attonce out of the waye, whiche I commaunded them, and haue made them a molten ymage.
Deuteronomy 9:16
16 And I loked, & beholde, ye had synned agaynst the Lorde your God, & had made you a molten calfe, and had turned attonce out of the waye whyche the Lord had commaunded you.
Joshua 24:24
24 The people sayde vnto Iosua: the Lord oure God will we serue, and his voyce will we obeye,
Judges 2:7
7 And the people serued the Lord all the dayes of Iosua, and all the dayes of the elders that out lyued Iosua, and had sene all the great workes of the lord that he dyd for Israel:
1 Samuel 8:5-8
5 & sayd vnto him: behold, thou art olde, and thy sonnes walke not in thy wayes. Now therfore make vs a kinge to iudge vs, as all other nacions haue.
6 But the thyng displeased Samuel, when they sayde: geue vs a king to iudge vs. And Samuel prayed vnto the Lorde.
7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: heare the voyce of the people in all that they saye vnto the. For they haue not cast the awaye, but me: that I shulde not raygne ouer them.
8 And as they haue euer done (sence I brought them out of Egypte vnto thys daye, and haue forsaken me, and serued other goddes) euen so do they vnto the.
1 Samuel 12:12
12 And for all that, when you sawe that Nahas the kyng of the chyldren of Ammon cam agaynst you, ye sayde vnto me: not so but a kyng shall raigne ouer vs, when yet the Lorde youre God was youre kynge.
1 Samuel 12:17
17 is it not now wheatheruest? I will call vnto the Lorde, and he shall sende thunder and rayne: that ye maye perceaue and se, howe that youre wickednes is great, which ye haue done in the syght of the Lorde, in askynge you a kynge.
1 Samuel 12:19
19 And all the people sayde vnto Samuel: praye for thy seruauntes vnto the Lord thy God, that we dye not: for we haue synned in askynge vs a kynge, besyde all the synnes that euer we dyd.
2 Chronicles 36:15-16
15 And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them, by hys messengers, risyng vp by tymes and sendynge: for he had compassyon on hys people, and on his dwellyng place.
16 But they mocked the messengers of God, & despised his wordes, and mysse vsed hys prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord arose agaynst his people, and tyll there was no remedy.
Psalms 73:27
27 For lo, they that forsake the shall perysh: thou hast destroyed all them that commytte fornicacyon agaynst the.
Psalms 106:39
39 Thus were they stayned with their awne worckes, and went a whorynge wyth their awne inuencions.
Psalms 106:43
43 Many a tyme did he delyuer them, but they rebelled agaynst him with their awne inuencions, & were brought downe in their wyckednesse.
Hosea 2:2
2 As for youre mother, ye shall chyde wt her, and reproue her for she is not my wyfe, nether am I her husbande, onlesse she put awaye her whordome out of my syght, & her aduoutry from her brestes.
Galatians 1:6
6 I maruayle, that ye are so soone turned (from Christ which called you by grace) vnto another Gospe
Revelation 17:1-5
1 And ther came one of the seuen Angels, whyche had the seuen vyalles: and talked wyth me, sayenge vnto me: come, I wyll shewe vnto the, the iudgement of the great whore that sytteth vpon many waters,
2 wyth whome haue commytted fornicacion the kynges of the erthe, and the inhabyters of the erth are droncken wyth the wyne of hir fornicacion.
3 And the sprete caryed me awaye in to the wyldernes. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored beast, full of names of blasphemye, whyche had seuen heades and ten hornes.
4 And the woman was arayed in purple and rose coloure, and decked wyth golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cup of golde in her hande, full of abhominacions and fylthynes of her fornicacion.
5 And in her forheade was a name written, a mystery, gret Babylon the mother of whordom and abominacions of the erth.
Genesis 6:6
6 And it repented the Lorde, that he had made man in the erth, & he was touched with sorow in his harte.
Exodus 2:24
24 And their complaynt came vp vnto God from the bondage: and God hearde their mone. And God remembred hys promyse with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob.
Exodus 3:12
12 And he answered: I wyll be wyth the. And thys shalbe a token vnto the that I haue sent the: after that thou hast brought the people out of Egypte, ye shall serue God vpon thys mountayne.
Deuteronomy 32:36
36 For the Lorde shall iudge hys people, and haue compassyon on hys seruauntes: whan he seyth that their power is gone, and that they be in a maner shut vp, or brought to naught and forsaken.
Joshua 1:5
5 There shall not a man be able to withstande that all the dayes of thy lyfe. For as I was with Moses, so will I be with the and will not fayll the, nor forsake the.
Judges 10:16
16 And thei put away the straung goddes from them, and serued the Lorde. And hys soule had pytie on the miserie of Israel.
2 Kings 13:4
4 And Iehoahaz besought the Lorde, & the Lorde heard him. For he considred the trouble of Israel, wher with the king of Siria troubled them.
2 Kings 13:22-23
Psalms 12:5
5 Nowe for the comforles troubles sake of the neadye, & because of the deape fyghthing of the poore, I will vp (sayeth the Lorde) and wyll helpe euery one, from hym that swelleth agaynst hym, and wyll set them at rest.
Psalms 90:13
13 Turne the agayne (O Lorde) at the laste, and be gracious vnto thy seruauntes.
Jeremiah 18:7-10
7 When I take in hande to rote out, to destroye, or to waste awaye eny people or kyngdom
8 yf that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) conuerte from theyr wyckednes: I repente of the plage, that I deuysed to brynge vpon them.
9 Agayne, when I take in hande, to buylde, or to plante a people or a kyngdom:
10 yf the same people do euell before me, and heare not my voyce: I repente of the good, that I deuise to do for them:
Hosea 11:8
8 What greate thynges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? howe faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt with the as with Adama? or haue I intreated the lyke Seboim? No, my hert is other wise mynded. Yee, my mercy is to feruent:
Jonah 3:10
10 And when God sawe theyr workes how they turned from their wicked wayes he repented on the euell, which he sayd he wolde do vnto them, and dyd it not.
Acts 18:9-10
Judges 3:11-12
11 And the lande had rest fourtye yeres, and Othoniel the sonne of kenes died.
12 And the children of Israel went to agayne, & committed wickednesse in the sight of the lord. And the Lord strengthed Eglon the kyng of the Moabites, agaynst the children of Israel, because they had committed wickednesse before the lord.
1 Samuel 15:23
23 For rebellyon is as the synne of witchcrafte, and stoburnesse is as the wickednesse of Idolatrie. Because thou hast cast awaye the worde of the Lorde, therfore hath the Lorde cast awaye the also, from beynge kynge.
2 Chronicles 24:17-18
17 And after the deeth of Iehoiada, came the Lordes of Iuda, and made obeysaunce to the kynge. And the kynge herkened vnto them.
18 And so they lefte the house of the Lorde God of theyr fathers, & serued groues and ydoles. And then came the wrath of God vpon Iuda and Ierusalem, for this theyr trespaces sake.
Psalms 78:8
8 That they myght put their trust in God, and not to forget the workes of God, but to kepe his commaundementes.
Jeremiah 3:17
17 Then shall Ierusalem be called the Lordes seate, & all Heathen shalbe gathered vnto it, for the name of the Lordes sake, which shalbe set vp at Ierusalem. And from the tyme forth, they shall folowe no more the ymaginacyon of their awne frowarde herte.
Jeremiah 16:12
12 And ye with your shamefull blasphemyes, haue exceaded the wyckednes of youre fathers. For euery one of you hath folowed the frowarde and euell ymaginacion of his awne herte, and is not obedient vnto me.
Jeremiah 23:17
17 They saye vnto them that despyse me: The Lorde hath spoken it: Tush: ye shal prospere ryght well. And vnto all them, that walcke after the lust of theyr awne hert, they saye: Tush, there shall no misfortune happen you.
Matthew 23:32
32 Fulfyll ye lykewyse the measure of your fathers.
Exodus 24:3-8
3 And Moses came, & tolde the people all the wordes of the Lord and all the lawes: And all the people answered with one voyce, and sayde: all the wordes whiche the Lorde hath sayde, wyll wee doo.
4 And Moses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde, & rose vp early, and set vp an aulter vnder the hyll, & .xii. stones according to the .xii. trybes of Israel,
5 and sent yonge men of the chyldren of Israell, which brought burntofferynges, and offred peace offeringes of oxen vnto the Lord.
6 And Moses toke halfe of the bloude, and put it in basens, & the other halfe he sprenkeld on the aulter.
7 And he toke the boke of the appoyntement and redd it in the audience of the people. And they sayd. All that the Lorde hath sayde, we wyll do and be obedyent.
8 And Moses toke the bloude, and sprynkeld it on the people and sayde, beholde thys is the bloude of the appoyntement, which the Lorde hath made with you vpon all these wordes.
Exodus 32:10-11
10 and nowe suffre me, that my wrath may waxe hote agaynst them, and consume them: and I wyll make of the a mightye people.
11 And Moses besought the Lord his God, and sayde: O Lorde, why doeth thy wrath waxe hote agaynst thy people, which thou hast brought oute of the lande of Egipte, wt greate power and with a mightye hande?
Deuteronomy 29:10-13
10 Ye stande thys daye euery one of you before the Lorde your God: youre captaynes, youre trybes, your elders, youre offycers, and all the men of Israel:
11 youre chyldren also, youre wyues & the straunger that is in thyne hoste from the hewer of thy wodd, vnto the drawer of thy water:
12 that thou shuldest go into the appoyntment of the Lord thy God, & into his othe which the Lord thy God maketh wyth the this daye.
13 For to make the a people vnto him selfe, and that he maye be vnto the a God, as he hath sayde vnto the, and as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers Abraham, Isahac and Iacob.
Deuteronomy 32:22
22 For fyre is kyndled in my wrath, & burneth vnto the botome of hell. And hath consumed the earth with her encrease, and sett a fyre the botoms of the mountaynes.
Joshua 23:16
16 when ye haue transgressed the appointment of the Lorde youre God, which he commaunded you: and haue gone and serued straunge goddes, and bowed youre selues to them. Then shall the wrath of the Lorde waxe whote vpon you, & ye shall peryshe quicklye from of the good lande, which he hath geuen you,
Joshua 24:21-25
21 And the people sayde vnto Iosua: naye, but we will serue the Lorde.
22 And Iosua sayde vnto the people: ye are witnesses youre selues, that ye haue chosen you the Lorde, to serue him: and they sayd: we are wytnesses.
23 Then put awaye (sayde he) the straunge goddes which are amonge you, and bowe youre hertes vnto the Lorde God of Israell.
24 The people sayde vnto Iosua: the Lord oure God will we serue, and his voyce will we obeye,
25 And so Iosua made a couenant with the people the same daye, and set an ordinaunce and lawe before them in Sichem.
Judges 2:14
14 and the wrath of the lorde waxed hote agaynst Israel, and he delyuered them into the handes of raueners, that spoyled them, and solde them into the handes of their enemyes rounde aboute them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before their enemyes.
Judges 3:8
8 Therfore the lord was angrye with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia, and the children of Israell serued Chusam Risathaim .viii. yeres.
Jeremiah 31:32
32 not after the couenaunt that I made wt their fathers, when I toke them by the hande: and led them out of the lande of Egypt: which couenaunt they bracke: yee, euen when I as an husbande had rule ouer them, sayeth the Lorde.
Ezekiel 20:37
37 I will bringe you vnder my iurisdiccyon, and vnder the bonde of the couenannt.
Judges 2:3
3 Wherfore, I haue lykewyse determyned, that I wyll not cast them out before you: but they shalbe thornes vnto you, and their goddes shalbe a snare vnto you.
Judges 3:3
3 Of those whom he left, there were fyue lordes of the Philistines, & all the Cananites, & the Sodonites, and the Heuites that dwelt in mount Libanon: euen from mount Baal Hermon vnto Hemath.
Ezekiel 20:24
24 because they had not kepte my lawes, but cast asyde my commaundementes, vnhalowed my Sabbathes, and lyft vp their eyes to their fathers Idoles.
Genesis 22:1
1 After these sayinges it happened that God dyd proue Abraham and sayde vnto hym: Abraham. Whych answered: here am I.
Deuteronomy 8:2
2 And thou shalt thynke on all the waye, which the Lorde thy God ledd the thys .xl. yeare in the wildernesse, for to humble the, & to proue the, & to wete what was in thyne herte, whether thou woldest kepe hys commaundmentes or no,
Deuteronomy 8:16
16 he fedd the in the wildernesse wyth Manna, whych thy fathers knewe not, euen for to humble the, and to proue the, and that he myght so do the good at thy later ende.
Deuteronomy 13:3
3 herken not thou vnto the wordes of that prophete or dreamer of dreames. For the Lorde thy God proueth you, to wete, whether ye loue the Lorde youre God wyth all youre herte and with all your soule.
Judges 3:1-4
1 These are the nacyons which the lord left, that he myght proue Israel by them: euen as manye of Israell as had not knowen all the warres of Canaam:
2 Onlye for the lernyng of the generacyon of the children of Israel: that he also myght teach them warre, in asmuch as they that were before them, knew nothing therof,
3 Of those whom he left, there were fyue lordes of the Philistines, & all the Cananites, & the Sodonites, and the Heuites that dwelt in mount Libanon: euen from mount Baal Hermon vnto Hemath.
4 Those remayned to proue Israel by, and to wete, whether they wold herken vnto the commaundementes of the lorde, which he commaunded their fathers by the hand of Moses.
2 Chronicles 32:31
31 And when the prynces of Babylon sent vnto him Ambassatoures, to enquyre of the wondre that chaunced in the lande, God left hym to trye hym, and that all that was in hys hert, myght be knowne.
Job 23:10
10 But as for my waye, he knoweth it: and tryeth me as the golde in the fyre.
Psalms 66:10
10 Thou broughtest vs into the snare, and layed trouble vpon oure loynes.
Proverbs 17:3
3 Lyke as syluer is tryed in the fyre, and golde in the fornace, euen so doth the Lorde proue the hertes.
Malachi 3:2-3
2 But who may abyde the daye of his commyng? Who shalbe able to endure, when he appeareth? For he is like a goldsmythes fyre, ad lyke wasshers sope.
3 He shal syt him downe to trye and to clense the syluer, he shall pourge the chyldren of Leui, and purifye them lyke as golde and syluer: that they maye bringe meatofferinges vnto the Lorde in righteousnes.