5 The fourth daye whan they arose erly in the mornynge, the man stode vp, to departe. And the damoselles father sayd vnto his sonne in lawe: confort thyne hert with a morsell of bread, and then go your waye.
Judges 19:5 Cross References - Great
Genesis 18:5
5 And I wyll fett a morsell of breed, to comforte youre hartes withall. And than shall ye goo youre wayes, for euen therfore are ye come to youre seruaunte. And they sayde: Do euen so as thou hast sayde:
Judges 19:8
8 And he rose vp erlye the fyfth daye to departe, and the damoselles father sayde, comforte thine herte: & they taried vntyll after middaye. And they dyd eate bothe of them to geather.
1 Samuel 14:27-29
27 But Ionathas hearde not when hys father charged the people with the ooth, wherfore he put forth the ende of the rodd that was in his hande, and dipt it in an honye combe, & put his hande to his mouth, and his eyes receaued syght.
28 Then answered one of the people and sayde: thy father adiured the people, sayinge: Cursed be the man that eateth any sustinaunce this daye, & the people were fayntye.
29 Then sayde Ionathas: my father hath troubled the lande: se howe myne eyes hath receaued syght, because I tasted a lytle of this honye:
1 Samuel 30:12
12 & gaue hym a fewe fygges & two clousters of reasings. And when he had eaten, hys sprete cam agayne to hym: for he had eaten, no bread nor droncke no water in thre dayes & thre nyghtes.
1 Kings 13:7
7 And the kynge sayde vnto the man of God come home with me, that thou mayest dyne, and I wyll geue the a rewarde.
Psalms 104:15
15 that he maye brynge fode out of the earth: and wyne that maketh glad the herte of man, and oyle to make him a chearfull countenaunce, and bred to strength mans herte.
John 4:34
34 Iesus sayeth vnto them: my meate is to do the will of him that sent me, & to fynisshe his worcke.
Acts 9:19
19 and receaued meate and was comforted. Then was Saul a certen dayes with the disciples which were at Damasco.