Judges 13:19 Cross References - Great

19 And so Manoah toke a kydde wt a meateofferinge, and offered it vpon a rocke vnto the Lorde. And the angell dyd wonderouslye. Manoah and hys wyfe lokynge vpon.

Judges 6:19-21

19 And Gedeon went in, & made redye a kydd, and swete kakes of an Epha of flowre, & put it wt the fleshe in a basket, & put the broth in a potte, & brought it out vnto hym vnder the Oke, & presented it. 20 And the angell of God sayd vnto him: take the flesh & the swete kakes, & laye them vpon this rocke, & powre out the broth. And he dyd so. 21 Then the angell of the Lord put forth the ende of the staffe that he helde in his hande, & touched the fleshe and the swete kakes. And there arose vp fyre out of the rocke, & consumed the flesh & the swete kakes. But the angell of the Lord vanished out of his syght.

1 Kings 18:30-38

30 And Elia sayde vnto all the folke: come to me. And all the people came to hym. And he repayred the aulter of the Lord, that was broken. 31 And Elia toke .xij. stones according to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of the sonnes of Iacob (vnto whom the worde of the Lorde came, sayeng. Israel shalbe thy name. 32 And with the stones he made an aultare in the name of the Lorde. And he made a dyche rounde about the aulter, as brode as two forowes of the corne felde. 33 And he put the wodd in order, & hewed the oxe in peces, & layed hym on the wodd, and sayde: fyll foure barels wt water, and powre it on the burntsacrifyce & on the wodd. 34 And he sayd: do so agayne. And they dyd so the seconde tyme. And he sayde agayne: do it the thyrde tyme. And they dyd it the thyrde tyme. 35 And the water ranne rounde about the aulter, and he fylled the pitte wyth water also. 36 And it fortuned when the tyme came (wherin the burntsacrifyce of the eueninge vsed to be offred) Elia the prophete came & sayd: Lord God of Abraham, Isahac & of Israel, it shalbe knowen this daye, that thou art the God in Israel, & that I am thy seruaunt, & that I haue done all these thynges at thy commaundement. 37 Heare me (O Lorde) heare me, that this people maye knowe, that thou art the Lorde God, & thou hast turned theyr herte agayne now at the last. 38 And the fyre of the Lord fell, & consumed the burntsacrifyce & the wodd, the stones & the dust, & lycked vp the water that was in the pitte.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.