John 14:28 Cross References - Great

28 Ye haue hearde howe I sayde vnto you: I go, and come agayne vnto you. If ye loued me, ye wolde verely reioyse, because I sayd: I go vnto the father, for the father is greater then I.

Psalms 47:5-7

5 God is gone vp wyth a mery noyse, & the Lord wyth the sownde of the trompe. 6 O syng prayses, syng prayses vnto God: O synge prayses, synge prayses vnto oure kyng. 7 For God is kyng of all the earth synge ye prayses wt vnderstandyng.

Psalms 68:9

9 Thou O God sendedst a gracyous rayne vpon thyne enheritaunce, and refresshedst it, when it was weerye

Psalms 68:18

18 Thou art gone vp an hye, thou hast led captiuitye captiue, and receaued gyftes for men. Yee, euen for thyne enemies, that the Lorde God myght dwell amonge them.

Isaiah 42:1

1 Beholde, this is my seruaunte vpon whom I leane, myne electe, In whom my soule is pacifyed. I haue geuen hym my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgement and equitye among the Gentiles.

Isaiah 49:5-7

5 And nowe sayth the Lorde, euen he that fashyoned me fro my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte, that I maye bryng Iacob agayn vnto him: howbeit, Israel wyll not be gathered vnto hym agayne. In whose sight I am greate, which also is my Lorde, my God and my strength. 6 And he sayde: It is but a small thinge that thou art my seruaunt, to sett vp the kynreddes of Iacob, and to restore the destruccyon of Israel. For I haue made the the light of the Gentyls, that thou mayst be my health vnto the ende of the worlde. 7 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holy one of Israel: because of the abhorringe and despysinge amonge the Gentiles, concerning the seruaunt of all them that beare rule. Kynges and princes shall se, and aryse and worshyp, because of the Lord that is faythfull: & because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 53:11

11 With trauayle & laboure of hys soule, shall he optayne frute, and he shall be satisfyed by the knowledge of hym whych is my ryghteous seruaunt he shall iustifye the multitude, for he shall beare awaye theyr synnes.

Matthew 12:18

18 Beholde, my childe, whom I haue chosen, my beloued, in whom my soule deliteth. I wyll put my sprete vpon him, and he shall shewe iudgement to the gentyls.

Luke 24:51-53

51 And it cam to passe, as he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caryed vp into heauen. 52 And they worshypped hym, and returned to Ierusalem wyth greate ioye, 53 and were contynually in the temple praysynge & laudynge God, Amen.

John 5:18

18 Therfore, the Iewes sought the more to kyll him, not onely because he had broken the Sabboth: but sayde also that God was hys father and made hym selfe equall with God.

John 10:29-30

29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them oute of my fathers hand. 30 I and my father are one.

John 10:38

38 But yf I do, and yf ye beleue not me, beleue the worckes: that ye maye knowe and beleue, that the father is in me, and I in him.

John 13:16

16 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: the seruaunte is not greater then his master, nether the messenger greater then he that sent hym.

John 14:2-4

2 In my fathers house are many mansions: If it were not so, I wolde haue tolde you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And yf I go to prepare a place for you, I will come agayne, and receaue you euen vnto my selfe: that wher I am, ther maye ye be also. 4 And whyther I go, ye knowe, and the waye ye knowe.

John 14:12

12 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: he that beleueth on me, the worckes that I do, the same shal he do also, & greater worckes then these shall he do, because I go vnto my father.

John 14:18

18 I wyll not leaue you comforteles: but will come to you:

John 16:7

7 Neuertheles, I tel you the treuth, it is expedient for you, that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye, that comforter wyll not come vnto you. But yf I departe, I wyll sende hym vnto you.

John 16:16-22

16 After a while ye shall not se me, and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: for I go to the father. 17 Then sayde some of hys discyples betwene them selues: what is thys that he saith vnto vs, after a while, ye shall not se me, and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: and that I go to the father? 18 They sayd therfore: what is this that he sayth: after a whyle? we cannot tell what he sayth. 19 Iesus perceaued, that they wolde aske him, and sayde vnto them. Ye enquire of this betwene your selues, because I sayde after a whyle ye shal not se me, & agayne after a whyle ye shall se me. 20 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: ye shall wepe and lamente, but contrary wyse, the world shall reioyse. Ye shall sorowe, but yor sorowe shalbe turned to ioye. 21 A woman when she trauaileth, hath sorowe, because her houre is come: but assone as she is deliuered of the childe, she remembreth nomore the anguisshe, for ioye that a man is borne into the worlde. 22 And ye now therfore haue sorowe: but I will se you agayne, and your hertes shall reioyse, and your ioye shal no man take from you.

John 20:17

17 Iesus sayeth vnto her, touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father. But go to my brethren, & saye vnto them? I ascende vnto my father & youre father: & to my God, & youre God.

John 20:21

21 Then sayd Iesus to them agayne: peace be vnto you. As my father sent me, euen so sende I you also.

1 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I wolde haue you to knowe, that Christ is the heed of euery man. And the man is the womans heed. And God is Christes heed.

1 Corinthians 15:24-28

24 Then commeth the ende, when he hath delyuered vp the kyngdome to God the father, when he hath put downe all rule and all auctorite & power. 25 For he must raygne tyll he haue put all his enemyes vnder his fete. 26 The last enemye that shalbe destroyed, is deeth 27 For he hath put all thynges vnder his fete. But when he sayth all thynges are put vnder him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which dyd put all thynges vnder him. 28 When all thynges are subdued vnto him, then shall the sonne also him selfe be subiect vnto him, that put all thynges vnder him, that God maye be all in all.

Philippians 2:6-11

6 which whan he was in the shape of God, thought it no robbery to be equall with God 7 Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacion, takynge on hym the shape of a seruaunte, and became lyke vnto men, 8 and was founde in his apparell as a man. He humbled him selfe, and became obedient vnto the deeth, euen the deeth of the crosse. 9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth, 11 and that all tonges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the Lorde, vnto the prayse of God the father.

Hebrews 1:2-3

2 but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his awne sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thynges by whom also he made the worlde. 3 Which (sonne) beinge the bryghtnes of his glory, and that very ymage of his substance rulynge all thynges with the worde of hys power, hath by hys awne person pourged oure synnes, and sytteth on the ryght hande of the maiestye on hye:

Hebrews 2:9-15

9 Neuerthelesse, we se not yet all thynges subdued vnto him: but him that was made lesse then the angels, we se that it was Iesus, which is crowned with glory and honour for the sofferynge of death: that he by the grace of God, shulde tast of deeth for all men. 10 For it became him, for whom are all thinges and by whom are all thynges (after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory) that he shulde make the Lorde of their saluacyon perfecte thorowe affliccyons. 11 For both he that sanctifyeth and they which are sanctyfyed, are all of one. For whych causes sake he is not a shamed to call them brethren, 12 sayinge: I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren, in the myddes of the congregacyon wyll I prayse the. 13 And agayne: I wyll put my trust in hym. And agayne: beholde, here am I and the chyldren whom God hath geuen me. 14 For as moch then as the chyldren are partetakers of flesshe and bloud, he also him selfe lykewyse toke parte with them that (thorowe deeth) he myght expell hym that had lordshyppe ouer deeth, that is to saye the deuyll, 15 and that he myght delyuer them, which thorowe feare of deeth were all there lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage.

Hebrews 3:1-4

1 Therfore holy brethren, partakers of the celestiall callynge consyder the ambassadour and hye preste of oure professyon Christ Iesus, 2 howe that he is faythfull vnto hym that put hym in the offyce, euen as was Moses in all his house. 3 For loke howe moche honoure he (that hath buylded a house) hath more then the house it selfe, so moch honour is he counted worthy of more then Moses. 4 For euery house is buylded of some man. But he that ordeyned all thynges, is God.

1 Peter 1:8

8 whom ye haue not sene, & yet loue hym, in whome euen now, though ye se hym not, yet do you beleue, and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable and glorious

Revelation 1:11

11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and the laste. That thou seyst, wryte in a boke, and sende it vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, & vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, & vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia.

Revelation 1:17-18

17 And when I saw him, I fell at his fete. euen as deed. And he layde his ryghte hande vpon me, saying vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst & the laste, 18 & and am a lyue, and was deed. And beholde I am a lyue for euermore & haue the keyes of hell & of deeth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.