1 Consyderinge then that there is no tyme hid from the Almyghtie, how happeneth it, that they which knowe hym, do not regarde his dayes?
Job 24:1 Cross References - Great
Genesis 7:4
4 For yet after seuen dayes I wyl rayne vpon the erth fortye dayes & fortye nyghtes. And all substaunce that I haue made, wyll I destroye from of the vpper face of the earth.
Genesis 18:17
17 And the Lorde sayde: Shall I hyde from Abraham that thynge which I do?
Genesis 18:20-21
Psalms 9:10
10 And they that knowe thy name, wyll put their trust in the: for thou (Lorde) hast neuer fayled them, that seke the.
Psalms 31:15
15 For I haue herde the blasphemy of the multitude: and feare is on euerye syde whyle they conspire together agaynst me, & take ther counsell to take awaye my lyfe.
Psalms 36:10
10 O contynue forth thy louynge kyndnesse vnto them that knowe the, and thy ryghteousnesse vnto them that are true of hert.
Psalms 73:16-19
16 Then thought I to vnderstand this, but it was to harde for me.
17 Untill I wente into the Sanctuary of God, then vnderderstode I the ende of these men.
18 Namely, how thou dost sett them in slyppery places, and castest them downe and destroyest them.
19 O how sodenly do they consume, perysh, and come to a fearfull ende?
Ecclesiastes 3:17
17 Then thought I in my minde: God shal separate the ryghteous from the vngodly, and then shalbe the tyme and iudgement of all councels and worckes.
Ecclesiastes 8:6-7
Ecclesiastes 9:11-12
11 So I turned me vnto other thinges vnder the Sunne, & I sawe, that in runnyng, it helpeth not to be swyft: in batayle, it helpeth not to be stronge: to fedynge, it helpeth not to be wyse, so riches, it helpeth not to be suttell: to be had in fauoure, it helpeth not to be connyng: but that all lyeth in tyme & fortune.
12 For a man knoweth not hys tyme, but lyke as the fyshe are taken with the angle, and as the byrdes are catched with the snare: Euen so are men taken in the perlous tyme, when it commeth sodenly vpon them.
Isaiah 2:12
12 For the daye of the Lord of Hostes shall go ouer al pride and presumption, vpon all them that exalte them selues, and shall brynge them all downe:
Isaiah 60:22
22 Thy yongest and leest shall growe in to a thousande, and the symplest in to a stronge people. I the Lorde shall shortly bringe this thinge to passe in his tyme.
Jeremiah 12:1-3
1 O Lorde, thou art more ryghteous, then that I shulde dispute wt the. Neuertheles, lett me talke with the in thynges reasonable. How happeneth it, that the waye of the vngodly is so prosperous? & that it goeth so well with them, whych (wythout any shame) offende & lyue in wickednes?
2 Thou plantest them, they take rote, they growe, & brynge forth frute. They boast moch of the, yet art thou farre from ther reynes.
3 But thou Lorde (to whom I am well knowne) thou that hast sene, & proued my herte, take them awaye, lyke as a flock is caryed to the slaughter house, and apointe them for the daye of slaughter.
Jeremiah 46:10
10 This daye of the Lorde God of hostes, is a daye of vengeaunce, that he maye auenge hym of hys enemyes. The swearde shall deuoure, it shalbe satisfyed, and bathed in theyr bloude. For the Lorde God of hostes shall haue a slayne offering towarde the north, by the water of Euphrates.
Daniel 2:21
21 he chaungeth the tymes and ages he putteth downe kynges, he setteth vp kynges: he geueth wysdome vnto the wyse, & vnderstandinge to those that vnderstande,
Matthew 24:38
38 For as in the dayes (that went before the floud) they dyd eate and dryncke, mary, and were maryed, euen vntyll the daye that Noe entred into the shyppe,
Luke 21:22-24
22 For these be the dayes of vengeaunce, that all thynges which are wrytten, maye be fulfylled.
23 But wo vnto them that be with chylde, & to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe greate trouble in the lande, and wrath ouer all this people.
24 And they shall fall thorow the edge of the swearde, and shalbe ledd awaye captyue into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentyls, vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfylled.
John 17:3
3 This is lyfe eternal, that they might knowe the, the onely true God, & Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
Acts 1:7
7 And he sayde vnto them: It is not for you to knowe the tymes, or the seasons, which the father hath put in his awne power:
Acts 17:26
26 & hath made of one bloude all nacions of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath assigned before, how longe tyme, & also the endes of their inhabitacyon,
Romans 2:5
5 But thou after thy stubburnesse, and herte that cannot repent, heapest vnto thy selfe wrath agaynst the daye of vengeaunce, when shalbe opened the ryghtewes iudgement of God,
1 Thessalonians 5:1
1 Finally of the tymes & seasons (brethren) it is no nede that I wryte vnto you:
1 Timothy 4:1
1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them
1 Timothy 6:15
15 which appearyng (in hys tyme) he shall shewe, that is blessed & myghty onely, kynge of kynges, & Lorde of Lordes,
2 Peter 2:3
3 and thorow coueteousnes shall they wyth fayned wordes make marchandyse of you, whose iudgement is now not farre of, and their damnacyon slepeth not.
2 Peter 3:7-8
7 But the heauens and erth whych are now, be kept by hys worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynst the daye of iudgement & perdicion of vngodly men.
8 Dearly beloued, be not ignoraunt of this one thinge, howe that one daye is with the Lorde as a thousande yeare, & a thousande yeare as one daye.