9 But I wyll take a sede out of Iacob, & out of Iuda one, to take possession of my hyll. My chosen shall possesse these thinges, & my seruauntes shall dwell there.
Isaiah 65:9 Cross References - Great
Isaiah 10:20-22
20 After that daye shall the remnaunt of Israel, & soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke nomore conforte at him that smote them, but with faythfulnesse & treuth shal they trust vnto the Lord, the holy one of Israel.
21 The remnaunt, euen the Posteryte of Iacob, shall conuerte vnto God the myghty one.
22 For though thy people (O Israel) be as the lande of the see, yet shal the remnaunt of them conuerte in hym. Perfecte is the iudgement of him that floweth in ryghteousnesse,
Isaiah 11:11-16
11 At the same time shal the lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of his people (which shalbe left alyue) From the Assyrians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochians and from the Ilandes of the see.
12 And he shall sett vp a token amonge the Gentyles, and gather together the dispersed of Israel, yee & the out castes of Iuda from the foure corners of the worlde.
13 The hatred of Ephraim also and enemyes of Iuda shalbe cleane roted oute. Ephraim shall beare no euell will to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim:
14 but they both together shall flye vpon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west, and spoyle them together that dwell towarde the East. The Idumytes and the Moabites shall lett their handes fall, & the Ammonites shalbe obedient vnto them.
15 The Lorde also shall cleue the tunges of the Egypcians see, & with a myghtie wynde shall he lyft vp his hande ouer Nilus, and shall smyte hys seuen streames, and make men go ouer drye shod.
16 And thus shal there be awaye for his people, that remayneth from the Assirians, lyke as it happened to the Israelites, what tyme they departed out of the land of Egypt.
Isaiah 27:6
6 The dayes are commyng, that Iacob shall take rote. Israel shalbe grene & floryshe, and the worlde shalbe fylled with frute.
Isaiah 32:18
18 And my people shall dwell in the ynnes of peace, and in sure dwellinges in safe places of conforte.
Isaiah 45:19
19 I haue not spoken secretly, nether in darcke places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I sayde vnto the sede of Iacob: seke me. I am the Lorde, which when I speake, declareth the thing that is righteous & true:
Isaiah 65:15
15 Youre name shall you leaue accursed amonge my chosen, for God the Lorde shall slaye you, and call his seruauntes by another name.
Isaiah 65:22
22 They shall not buylde, and another possesse: they shall not plant and another eate: But the lyfe of my people shalbe lyke a tre, and so shall the worcke of their handes.
Jeremiah 31:36-40
36 Like as this ordinaunce shall neuer be taken oute of my syght, sayth the Lorde. So shall the sede of Israel neuer ceasse, but allwaye be a people before me.
37 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde: lyke as the heauen aboue cannot be measured, & as the foundacions of the earth beneth maye not be sought out. So wyll I also not cast out the whole seede of Israel, for that they haue commytted, sayeth the Lorde.
38 Beholde, the dayes come, sayth the Lord, that the citye of the Lorde shalbe enlarged from the towre of Hananeel, vnto the gate of the corner wall:
39 From thens shall the ryght measure be taken before her vnto the hyll toppe of Gareb, & shal come about Gaath,
40 and the whole valley of the deed carkases, and of the ashes, and all the feldes vnto the broke of Cedron: and vnto the corner of the horsgate towarde the east, where as the sanctuary of the Lorde also shalbe set. And when it is nowe buylded, and set vp of thys fasshyon, it shall neuer be be broken, nor cast downe any more.
Jeremiah 33:17-26
17 For thus the Lorde promyseth. Dauid shall neuer want one, to syt vpon the throne of the house of Israel:
18 nether shall the prestes and Leuites want one to offre allwaye before me burntofferinges, to kyndle the meatofferynges, and to prepare the sacrifyces.
19 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremy after this maner.
20 Thus sayeth the Lord: maye the couenaunt which I haue made wt daye and nyght be broken, that there shulde not be daye and nyght in due season?
21 Then maye my couenaunt also be broken, which I made wt Dauid my seruaunte, and so he not to haue a sonne to reygne in hys throne. so shall also the prestes & Leuites neuer fayle, but serue me.
22 For lyke as the starres of heauen maye not be nombred, nether the sande of the see measured: so wyll I multiplye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt, & the Leuites my ministers.
23 Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came to Ieremy, saying:
24 Consydrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kynreddes (saye they) had the Lorde chosen, & those same two hath he cast awaye. For so they haue despised my people & they reputed them as though they were no people,
25 Therfore thus saieth the Lorde: If I haue made no couenaunt with daye & nyght, & geuen no statute vnto heauen & earth:
26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Iacob & Dauid my seruaunt: so that I will take no prince out of his sede, to rule the posteritie of Abraham, Isaac & Iacob. But yet I wil turne agayne their captiuitie, & be mercyfull vnto them.
Ezekiel 36:8-15
8 And as for you (O mountaynes of Israel) ye shall shute out your braunches, and bringe forth your frute to my people of Israell, for it is hard by, that it will come.
9 Beholde, I come vnto you, and vnto you wyll I turne me, that ye maye be tylled and sowne.
10 I wyll sende you moch people, which shalbe all of the house of Israell, the cityes shalbe inhabited, & the decayed places shalbe repaired agayne,
11 I wil prouide you with moch people and catell, which shal increase and bringe frute, I wyll restore you also to your olde estate & shewe you more kyndnes then euer ye had before: wherby ye shal knowe, that I am the Lord.
12 Yee, people wyll I send vnto you (O my folke of Israel) which shall haue the in possession, and thou shalt be their inheritaunce, so that thou shalt nomore be without them.
13 Agayne, thus sayeth the Lorde God. For so moch as they saye vnto you, thou art an eater vp of men, and a waster of thy people:
14 therfore thou shalt eate no mo men, nether destroye thy people eny more, sayeth the Lord God.
15 And I will not suffre the, for to heare thine awne confusion amonge the Gentiles from hensforth. Thou shalt not beare the reprofe of the nacions, ner cast out thyne awne people eny more, saieth the Lord God.
Ezekiel 36:24
24 As for you, I will take you from amonge the Heathen, and gather you together out of all countres, and brynge you agayne into your awne lande.
Ezekiel 37:21-28
21 and shalt saye vnto them. Thus sayeth the Lord God: beholde, I will take awaye the children of Israel from amonge the Heathem, vnto whom they be gone, and will gather them together on euery syde, and bringe them agayne into theyr awne lande:
22 yee, I will make one people of them in the lande, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kyng. They shall no more be two peoples from hence forth, nether be deuided into two kingdomes:
23 they shal also defile them selues nomore with their abhominacions, Idoles, & all their wycked doinges. I will helpe them out of all their dwellinge places, wherin they haue synned: and wil so clense them, that they shalbe my people, and I their God.
24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kyng, & they al shal haue one shepherde onely. They shall walcke in my lawes, & my commaundementes shall they both kepe and fulfyll.
25 They shall dwell in the lande, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as your fathers also haue dwelt. Yee, euen in the same lande shal they, their chyldren, & their chylders chyldren dwell for euermore, & my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their euerlastinge prince.
26 Moreouer, I wil make a bonde of peace wt them, which shalbe vnto them an euerlastinge couenaunt. I wil setle them also, & multiply them, my Sanctuary wil I set among them for euermore.
27 My dwellynge shalbe with them: yee, I will be their God, & they shal be my people.
28 Thus the Heathen also shal knowe, that I the Lord am the holy maker of Israell: when my Sanctuary shalbe amonge them for euermore.
Ezekiel 39:25-29
25 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Now will I bringe agayne the captiues of Iacob & haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sak
26 All their confusion and offence that they haue done agaynst me shall be taken awaye: & so safely shal they dwell in their lande, that no man shall make them afrayed.
27 And when I haue brought them agayne from amonge the people, when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies landes, & am praysed in them before many Heathen:
28 then shal they knowe, that I am the Lord their God which suffred them to be led into captiuite amonge the Heathen, but now haue I brought them agayne into their awne lande, and not left one of them yonder.
29 After that, will I hyde my face nomore from them but will poure out my sprete vpon the house of Israell, sayeth the Lorde God.
Amos 9:11-15
11 At that tyme will I buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what ys broken, I shal repayre it: yee, I shall buylde it agayne, as it was afore tyme
12 that they maye possesse the remnaunt of Edom, yee, and all soch people as call vpon my name wyth them, sayeth the Lorde, whych doth these thynges.
13 Beholde, the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that the plowman shall ouer take the mower, & treader of grapes, hym that soweth sede. The mountaynes shall droppe swete wyne, and the hylles shall be frutefull
14 & I wyll turne the captiuyte of my people of Israell: they shal repayre the waste cyties, and haue them in possession: they shall plante vyneyardes, and dryncke the wyne therof they shall make gardens, & enioye the frutes of them.
15 And I wyll plante them vpon theyr awne grounde, so that I will neuer rote them out agayne from theyr lande whych I haue geuen them sayeth the Lorde thy God.
Obadiah 1:17-21
17 But vpon the mount Syon shall the saluacyon be, and holynes, these shalbe holy, & the house of Iacob shall possesse euen those, that had them selues afore in possession.
18 Moreouer. the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, and the, house of Esau shalbe the strawe: whych they shall kyndle and consume, so that nothyug shalbe left of the house of Esau, the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it.
19 They of the South shall haue the mount of Esau in possession: and loke what lyeth vpon the grounde, that shall the Philystynes haue: the playne feldes shall Ephraim and Samaria possesse: and the mountaynes of Galaad shall BenIamin haue:
20 And thys hoost shalbe the chyldren of Israels presoners: Now what so lyeth from Canaan vnto Zareptah, and in Sepharad, that shalbe vnder the subieccyon of Ierusalem: and the cyties of the south shall enheret it.
21 Thus they that escape vpon the hyll of Syon, shall go vp to punysh the mount of Esau, and the kyngdome shalbe the Lordes,
Zephaniah 3:20
20 At that same tyme wyll I brynge you in, & at the same tyme will I gather you. I wil get you a name and a good reporte amonge all people of the erth, when I turne backe your captyuite before your eyes, sayeth the Lorde.
Zechariah 10:6-12
6 I wyll comforte the house of Iuda, and preserue the house of Ioseph. I wyll turne them also, for I pitie them: and they shal be lyke as they were, when I had not cast them of. For I the Lorde am their God, and wyll heare them.
7 Ephraim shalbe as a gyaunt, and their hert shalbe chereful as thorow wyne: yee, their children shall se it, and be glad, and their hert shall reioyce in the Lorde.
8 I wyll blowe for them and gather them together, for I wyll redeme them. They shall increace, as they increased afore.
9 I wyll sowe them amonge the people, that they may thyncke vpon me in farre countrees: they shall lyue with their children, & turne agayne.
10 I wyll brynge them agayne also from the lande of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria. I wyll carye them into the lande of Galaad & to Libanus and they shal wante nothinge.
11 He shall go vpon the see of trouble, & smyte the see waues: so that all the depe floudes shalbe dryed vp. The proude boastynge of Assur shalbe cast downe, and the sceptre of Egypte shall be taken awaye.
12 I wyll comforte them in the Lorde, that they maye walke in his name, sayeth the Lorde.
Matthew 24:22
22 Ye & except those dayes shulde be shortened, there shulde no fleshe be saued: but for the chosens sake, those dayes shalbe shortened.
Romans 11:5-7
5 Euen so also at thys tyme is ther a remanaunt lefte accordynge to the eleccyon of grace.
6 If it be of grace, then is it not now of workes. For then grace is nomore grace. But If it be of workes, then is it now no grace. For then were deseruynge nomore deseruynge.
7 What then? Israel hath not obtayned that which he seketh: but the eleccyon hath obtayned it. The remnaunt are blynded
Romans 11:28
28 As concernynge the gospell they are enemies for youre sakes: but as touchyng the eleccyon they are loued for the fathers sakes.