Isaiah 65:10 Cross References - Great

10 Saron shalbe a shepefolde, & the valley of Achor shall geue the stallynge for the catell of my people, that feare me.

Joshua 7:24-26

24 And Iosua toke Acan the sonne of Zareh, and the siluer, & the garment, and the tonge of golde, and his sonnes & his daughters, his oxen, & his asses, his shepe, & his tent, & all that he had: and all Israell wyth hym brought them vnto the valeye of Acor. 25 And Iosua sayde: In as moche as thou haste troubled vs, the Lord shall trouble the this daye. And all Israell stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, 26 and ouerwhelmed them with stones. And they cast vpon him a great heape of stones vnto this daye. And so the Lorde turned from the wrathe of his indignacion. And the name of the place is called the valeye of Acor vnto this daye.

Isaiah 33:9

9 the desolat erth is in heuynes. Libanus is shamed: & hewen downe. Saron is lyke a wyldernes: Basan & Charmel are despoyled of their frutes.

Isaiah 35:2

2 She shall floryshe pleasauntlye, and be ioyfull, and euer be geuyng of thankes more and more. For the glory of Libanus, the bewtye of Charmel and Saron shalbe geuen her. These shall knowe the honoure of the Lorde, and the magesty of oure God.

Isaiah 51:1

1 Herken vnto me, ye that holde of righteousnes, & ye that seke the Lorde. Take hede vnto the stone, whereout ye are hewen, & to the graue wherout ye are dygged.

Ezekiel 34:13-14

13 I will bringe them out from all people, and gather them together out of all landes. I will bringe them into their awne lande, and fede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the ryuers, and in all the places of the countre. 14 I will fede them in ryght good pastures and vpon the hie mountaynes of Israel shall there foldes be. There shal they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shal they fede: euen vpon the mountaynes of Israell.

Hosea 2:15

15 there will I geue her her vyniardes agayne, yee & the valley of Achor also to shewe her hope and comforte. Then shall she synge there as in the tyme of her youth, and lyke as in the daye when she came out of the lande of Egypte.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.