9 A thanckesgeuynge, which Hezekia Kynge of Iuda wrote, when he had bene sycke, and was recouered.
Isaiah 38:9 Cross References - Great
Exodus 15:1-21
1 Then Moses & the chyldren of Israel sange this songe vnto the Lord and sayde: I wyll syng vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and him that rode vpon him hath he ouerthrowne in the see.
2 The Lord is my strength and prayse, and he is become my saluacion. He is my God, and I wyll glorify hym: my fathers God, & I wyll exalte hym.
3 The Lorde is a man of warre. The Lorde is hys name.
4 Pharaos charettes and his hoost hath he caste into the see. Hys chosen captaynes also are drowned in the red see,
5 the depe waters haue couered them: they soncke to the botome as a stone.
6 Thy ryght hande Lorde, is become glorious in power: thy ryght hande Lorde hath all to dashed the enemy.
7 And in thy greate glory thou hast ouerthrowne them that rose vp agaynst the: thou sentest forth thy wrath which consumed them euen as stobell.
8 Thorowe the winde of thy nastrels the water gathered together, the floudes stode styll as an heape, and the depe water congeled together in the hert of the see.
9 The enemye sayd: I wyll folowe on them: I will ouertake them, I will deuyde the spoyle, I wyll satisfye my lust vpon them, I wyll drawe my sweard, myne hande shall destroye them.
10 Thou blewdest wt thy wynde, the see couered them, they sancke as leed in the mightye waters.
11 Who is lyke vnto the, o Lorde, among goddes? who is lyke the so glorious in holynes, fearfull in prayses, shewing wonders?
12 Thou stretchedest out thy ryght hande, the erth swalowed them.
13 Thou in thy mercye hast caryed thys people which thou deliueredst: & hast brought them in thy strength vnto thy holy habitatyon.
14 The nations heard and were afrayed, sorowe came vpon the Philistines.
15 Then the dukes of the Edomites were amased, and the mightyest of the Moabites, tremblynge came vpon them: all the inhabiters of Canaan waxed faynte harted:
16 Lett feare and dreade fall vpon them in the greatnes of thyne arme, let them be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people passe thorowe, O Lorde, whyle thys people passe thorowe, which thou hast goten.
17 Thou shalte brynge them in, and plante them in the mountayne of thyne enheritaunce, the place, Lord, which thou hast made for to dwell in, the sanctuary, o Lorde, which thy handes haue prepared.
18 The Lorde shall raigne euer and all waye.
19 For Pharaos horse went in wt his charettes and horsemen into the see, & the Lord brought the waters of the see vpon them. But the children of Israel went on drye land in the myddest of the see.
20 And Mir Iam a prophetysse the syster of Aaron toke a tymbrell in her hande, & all the wemen came out after her wt tymbrels & daunces.
21 And Mir Iam sange before them: Synge ye vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse & his ryder hath he ouerthrowne in the see.
Deuteronomy 32:39
39 Se nowe, howe that I I alone am God, & there is none but I: I kyll, and wyll make alyue: I wounde, and I wyll heale: nether is there any that can delyuer out of my hande.
Judges 5:1-31
1 Then Debora & Barak the sonne of Abinoam sange the same daye, sayeng:
2 Prayse ye the Lord, for the auengyng of Israel, and for the people that became so wylling.
3 Heare O ye kynges, herken o ye prynces: I, euen I, will syng vnto the Lord, I wyl prayse the Lorde God of Israel.
4 Lord, whan thou wentest out of Seir, whan thou departedst out of the felde of Edom, the erth trembled, & the heauens rayned: the cloudes also dropped water.
5 The mountaynes melted before the lord, euen as dyd Sinai, before the lorde God of Israel.
6 In the dayes of Samgar the sonne of Anath, in the dayes of Iael the hye wayes were vnoccupied: And the ronners of the pathes walked thorow by wayes.
7 The inhabiters of the townes were gone, they were gone in Israel, vntyll I Debora came vp, which came vp a mother in Israel.
8 They chose new goddes, and then had they (the enemye) in the gates, though there were shilde and speare. There was not a child or spere sene amonge fourtye thousande of Israel.
9 My hart loueth the gouerners of Israel, and them that are willing amonge the people. O prayse ye the Lorde.
10 Speake ye that ryde on fayre asses, & that sitt vppermost in iudgement, & walke by the wayes
11 At the cryeng of the archers amonge the drawers of water, there shall they speake of the righteousnes of the Lorde, his righteousnesse in the vnfenced places of Israel: then shall the people of the Lord go downe to the gates.
12 Up Debora vp, get the vp, and syng a songe: Aryse Barac, and leade the captiuyte captyue, thou sonne of Abinoam.
13 Then shall they that remayne, haue domynion of the proudest of the people (of Iabin:) The Lorde shall for my sake haue domynion ouer the myghtie.
14 Out of Ephraim was there a rote of them agaynst Amaleck, and after the, Beniamin amonge thy people. Out of Machir came rulers, & out of zabulon they that gouerne the penne of the wryter.
15 And of Isachar, there were prynces with Debora, Isachar also and Barac were sent on their fete into the valley, whan in the departing awaye of Ruben there were greate men, and wyse of hert?
16 Why abodest thou among the shepe foldes, to heare the bleatinges of the flockes, & to separate thy selfe awaye wt greate men and wyse of hert?
17 Gilead also abode beyonde Iordane: and why doth Dan remayne in shippes? Aser contynued on the see shore, and taried in hys decayed places.
18 But the people of Zabulon haue ieoperde their lyues euen vnto the dethe, lyke as did Nephthalim in the hye places of the felde.
19 The kynges came & fought, then fought the kynges of Canaan in Thamnah, by the waters of Negiddo, and wanne no money.
20 They fought from heauen, euen the starres in their courses fought agaynst Sisera.
21 The ryuer of Cyson remoued them, that auncient ryuer, the ryuer Cyson: My soule shall treade (hym) downe mightely.
22 Then were the horse hoffes smytten asunder by the meames of the praunsinges that their mightye men made.
23 Curse ye the cite of Meros (sayd the angell of the Lord) cursse the inhabitours therof, because they came not to helpe the Lorde, to helpe the Lorde with the myghtie.
24 Iael the wife of Haber the kenyte shalbe blessed aboue other wemen, blessed shall she be aboue other wemen in the tent.
25 He asked water, & she gaue him mylck, she brought furth butter in a lordly disshe.
26 She put hir hande to the nayle, and hir right hande to the smythes hammer: wt the hammer smote she Sisera, and smote hys heade, wounded him, & pearsed his temples.
27 He bowed hym downe at hir fete, he fell downe & laye still: At hir fete he bowed him downe, & fell. And when he had soncke downe, he laye still desolate.
28 The mother of Sisera loked out at a wyndowe, & cried thorow the lattesse? Why is his charret so long a commyng? Why tarye the wheles of his cartes?
29 All the wyse ladyes answered her, ye and her awne wordes answered hir selfe.
30 Surely they haue founde, they deuyde the spoyles: euery man hath a damsell or two: Sisera hath a praye of diuerse couloured garmentes, euen a praye of rayment dyed wt sondrye coloures, & that are made of nedle worke: rayment of diuerses coloures & of nedle worke which is mete for him that is chefe in distributinge of the spoyles.
31 So perishe all thine enemyes: O Lord: but they that loue him, let them be as the sonne whan he ryseth in his might. And the lande had rest fourtye yeres.
1 Samuel 2:1-10
1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon.
2 There is none so holye as the Lord, for without the, is nothing. Nether is there any of strength as is oure God.
3 Talke not to moche proudlye let olde thynges depart out of your mouthes, for the lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe.
4 The bowe with the mightye men are broken: and they that were weake, haue girded them selues wt strength.
5 They that were full, haue hired out them selues for breed, & they that were hongrye, ceasse so to be, tyll the baren hath borne seuen: & she that had many chyldren, is waxed feble.
6 The Lord kylleth, and maketh alyue: bryngeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp agayne.
7 The Lorde maketh poore, & maketh ryche: bringeth lowe, and heueth vp on hye.
8 He reyseth vp the poore out of the dust, and lyfteth vp the begger from the dong hyll: to sett them amonge princes, and to enherett them with the seate of glorye. For the pillers of the erth are the lordes, and he hath sett the rounde worlde vpon them.
9 He wyll kepe the fete of hys sayntes, and the wycked shall kepe sylence in darcknesse, & in his awne myght shall no man be stronge.
10 The lordes aduersaries shall be destroyed of hym: and out of heauen shall he thunder vpon euery one of them. The lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, & shall gyue myght vnto his kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted.
2 Chronicles 29:30
30 And Hezekia the kynge & the Lordes spake to the Leuites to prayse the Lorde with the wordes of Dauid, & of Asaph the sear. And the Leuites sange prayses with gladnesse, and the other bowed them selues, and worshypped.
Job 5:18
18 For though he make a wounde, he geueth a playster: though he smyte, hys hande maketh whole agayne.
Psalms 18:1
1 To the chaunter of Dauid the seruaunt of the Lorde, which spake vnto the Lord the wordes of thys song, (in the daye that the Lorde delyuered hym from the hande of all hys enemyes, and from the hande of Saul) and he sayde: I Will loue the, O Lorde, my strength. The Lorde is my stony rock, & my defence, my sauyour, my God, & my might, in whom I wyll trust: my buckler, the horne also of my saluacyon, and my refuge.
Psalms 30:11-12
Psalms 107:17-22
17 Folysh men are plaged for their offence, & because of their wyckednesse.
18 Their soule abhorred all maner of meat, and they were euen hard at deathes dore.
19 So whan they cryed vnto the Lord in their trouble, he delyuered them out of their dystresse.
20 He sent his word, and healed them, and they were saued from their destruccion.
21 O that men wold therfore prayse the Lorde for hys goodnesse, and declare the wonders that he doth for the chyldren of men.
22 That they wold offre vnto hym the sacrifyce of thanckesgeuyng, and tell out hys worckes wt gladnes.
Psalms 116:1-4
1 I Am well pleased, that the Lorde hath herd the voyce of my prayer.
2 That he hath enclined his eare vnto me, therfore will I call vpon him as longe as I lyue.
3 The snares of death compased me round about, and the paynes of hell gat hold vpon me,
4 I shall fynde trouble and heuynesse, and I shall call vpon the name of the Lorde (O Lord) I besech the delyuer my soule.
Psalms 118:18-19
Isaiah 12:1-6
1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me.
2 Behold, God is my saluacion in whom I will trust, and not be afrayde. For the Lorde God is my strength, & my songe, he also is become my saluacion.
3 Therfore with ioye shall ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure,
4 & then shall ye saye: geue thanckes vnto the lorde, call vpon his name, declare his councels amonge the people, kepe them in remembrance, for his name is excellent.
5 O syng prayses vnto the Lord, for he hath done greate thynges, as it is knowne in all the worlde.
6 Crye out, and syng thou that dwellest in Syon, for great is the holy one of Israell in the myddes of the.
Hosea 6:1-2
1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs:
2 He hath wounded vs, and he shall bynde vs vp agayne: after two dayes shall he quycken vs, in the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vp, so that we shall lyue in hys syght.
Jonah 2:1-9
1 (2 b) And Ionas prayed vnto the Lorde hys God, out of the fysshes bely,
3 and sayd. In my trouble I called vnto the Lorde, and he herde me: out of the bely of hell I cryed, & thou herdest my voyce.
4 Thou haddest cast me downe depe in the myddest of the see, & the floude compased me aboute: yee, all thy waues and roules of water went ouer me,
5 I thought that I had bene cast awaye out of thy syght: but I will yet agayne loke towarde thy holy temple.
6 The waters compased me, euen to the very soule: the depe laye aboute me, & the wedes were wrapte aboute myne head.
7 I went downe to the botome of the hylles, and was barred in with earth for euer. But thou, O Lorde my God, hast brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcion.
8 When my soule fainted wythin me, I thought vpon the Lorde: & my prayer came in vnto the, euen into thy holy temple.
9 They that hold of vayne vanyties, wyll forsake his mercy.