Isaiah 23 Cross References - Great

1 The burthen of Tyre: Mourne ye shyppes of Tharsis, for there commeth such destruccyon that ye shall not haue an house to entre into: Out of the lande of Cittim haue they knowlege of thys plage. 2 Be styll, ye that dwell in the Ile, the marchauntes of Zidon, and such as passe ouer the see, haue made the plenteous. 3 The corne that groweth by the great waters of Nilus, and the frutes of the ryuer were hyr vitailes, so that it became a comen marte of the nacion 4 Be ashamed thou Zidon, for the see (euen the strength of the see) hath spoken, sayenge: I haue not trauayled, ner broughte forth children, ner norished vp young men, or brought vp virgins. 5 Whan tydinges commeth to the Egipcians they shall be sory for the rumore that goeth of Tyre. 6 Get you to Tharsis, mourne ye that dwell in the Ile. 7 Is not this that glorious cyte of youres, which hath bene of olde antiquite? Hyr awne fete shall cary hyr forth to be a sogeourner in to a farre countre. 8 Who hath deuysed thys agaynst Tyre (that geueth garlandes vnto other cities) whose marchauntes are princes, and whose captaines are honorable in the worlde? 9 Euen the lord of hoostes hath deuysed thys, to put downe the pryde of all such as be glorious, and to mynish all them that be proude vpon earth: 10 Get the out of thy lande vnto the daughter of Tharsis, seyng thou hast nomore strength. 11 He that smote the kyngdomes together, holdeth out his hande ouer the see: euen the lorde him self hath geuen a commaundement agaynst the same comen place of marchandise, that they shall vtterly destroye the might therof. 12 And he sayd: Make nomore thy boast (O virgin thou daughter Zidon) thou shalt be brought downe: Up, get the ouer vnto Citim, where neuertheles thou shalt haue no rest. 13 Behold, this people came not of the Caldees, but Assur made them strong with great shippes. They set vp the strong holdes therof, & destroyed his palaces, & he brought it in decaye. 14 Mourne ye shippes of tharsis for your strength is brought downe. 15 And in that daye shall Tyre be forgotten seuentye yeares (accordinge to the yeares of one kyng) and after the ende of the seuentye yeares shall Tyre syng as doth an harlot. 16 Take an harpe, & go aboute the citye (thou harlot that hast bene forgotten) make swete melody, sing moo songes, that thou mayest be had in remembraunce. 17 And after the ende of the seuentye yeares shall the lorde visyt Tyre, & she shall conuerte vnto her rewarde, and shall committe fornicacion with all the kyngdomes of the earth that are in the worlde. 18 Their occupieng also and their rewarde shalbe holy vnto the lord. Their gaynes shall not be layde vp ner kepte in stoare, but it shalbe theyrs that dwell before the lorde, that they maye eate ynough, & haue clothyng sufficient.

Genesis 10:4

4 The chyldren of Iauan: Elisa and Tharsis, Kitthim, and Dodanim.

Numbers 24:24

24 The shyppes also shall come out of the coste of Italy, and subdue Assur, & subdue Eber, and he hym selfe shall perishe at the last.

Joshua 19:29

29 And then the coast turneth to Ramah and to the strong cytie of Zor, and turneth to Hozah, & endeth at the see, by the possession of Achzibah:

1 Kings 5:1

1 And Hiram kinge of Tire sent his seruauntes vnto Salomon, for he had heard, that they had anoynted hym kynge in the rowme of hys father. For Hiram was euer a louer of Dauid.

1 Kings 10:22

22 For the kinges nauye of shyppes went on the see vnto Tharsis wt the nauie of Hyrams shippes: euen once in the yere went the nauye to Tharsis, & brought golde and syluer Elephantes teth, apes and pecokes.

1 Kings 22:48

48 And Iehosaphat made ten shippes in the se, to come thorowe Tharsis to Ophir for golde, but they went not: for the shyppes brake at ozion Gaber.

2 Chronicles 9:21

21 For the kynges shyppes wente to Tharsis wyth the seruauntes of Hiram: euery thre yeare once came the shyppes to Tharsis, and brought golde, syluer, Iuorie and apes and pecockes.

Psalms 48:7

7 Thou shalt breake the shyppes of the see, thorow the east wynde.

Isaiah 2:16

16 vpon all shyppes of Tharsis, and vpon euery thyng that is glorious and pleasaunt to loke vpon.

Isaiah 15:1-2

1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed & ouerthrowen in the nyght season: Kir also in Moab was destroyed & peryshed in the nyght. 2 They wente vp to the ydols house, euen to Dibon to the hye places, to wepe for Nebo, and Moab dyd mourne for Medba: All theyr heades, were balde & all theyr beardes shauen.

Isaiah 15:8

8 For the crie went ouer the whole lande of Moab: vnto Eglaim & vnto Beer Elim was there nothing but mournyng,

Isaiah 23:12

12 And he sayd: Make nomore thy boast (O virgin thou daughter Zidon) thou shalt be brought downe: Up, get the ouer vnto Citim, where neuertheles thou shalt haue no rest.

Isaiah 24:10

10 The citye of vanite is broken downe, euery house is shut vp, that noman maye come in.

Isaiah 60:9

9 The Iles also shall wayte for me, & specially the shyppes of Tharsis: that they maye brynge thy sonnes from farre, & theyr syluer & their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorifyed the.

Jeremiah 2:10

10 Go in to the Iles of Cethim, and loke well: sende vnto Cedar, take diligent hede: and se, whether soch thynges be done there,

Jeremiah 25:10-11

10 Moreouer, I wyll take from them the voyce of gladnesse and solace, the voyce of the brydegrome and the bryde, the voyce of the anoynted, with the creshettes: 11 and thys whole lande shall become a wyldernes, and these nacions shall serue the kynge of Babylon, threscore yeares and ten.

Jeremiah 25:15

15 For thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayest cause all the people, to whom I send the, for to dryncke of it:

Jeremiah 25:22

22 al the kynges of Tirus & Sidon: the kinges of the Iles that are beyonde the see:

Jeremiah 47:4

4 at the same tyme when he shall be there, to destroye the whole lande of the Philistines. He shall make waste both Tirus, Sidon, and all other that are sworne vnto them. For the Lorde wyll destroye the Philistines, the remnaunt of the yle of Caphto

Ezekiel 26:1-28:24

1 It happened, that in the eleuenth yeare, the fyrst daye of the moneth the worde of the Lord came vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man, because that Tyre hath spoken vpon Ierusalem: A, ha, now I trowe the portes of the people be broken, and she turned vnto me, for now that she is destroyed I shall be fylled. 3 Yee, therfore, sayeth the Lord God: Beholde O Tyre, I will vpon the, I will bringe a great multitude of people agaynst the, lyke as when the see aryseth with his waues: 4 These shall breake the walles of Tyre, and cast downe her towres: I will scrape the grounde from her, and make her a bare stone: 5 yee, as the dryenge place, where the fysshers hange vp theyr nettes by the see syde. Euen I haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God. The Gentyls shall spoyle her: 6 her daughters vpon the felde shall perysh wt the swearde, that they maye knowe how that I am the Lorde. 7 For thus sayeth the Lord God: Behold, I will bring hither Nabuchodonosor (which is the kynge of Babylon, and a kynge of kynges) from the North vpon Tyre: wt horses, charettes, horssmen, and with a greate multitude of people. 8 Thy daughters that are in the land, shall he slaye with the sweard: but agaynst the, he shall make bullworkes and graue vp dyches aboute the, and lyft vp hys shylde agaynst the. 9 Hys slynges and batelrammes shal he prepare for thy walles, and wt his weapens breake downe thy towres. 10 The dust of hys horses shall couer the, they shalbe so many: thy walles shall shake at the noyse of the horsmen, charettes and wheles when he commeth to thy portes, as men do into an open cytie. 11 With the hoffes of his horse fete, shall he treade downe all thy stretes. He shal slaye the people with the sweard, and breake downe the pylers of thy strength. 12 They shall waste awaye thy ryches, and spoyle thy marchaundyse. Thy walles shall they breake downe, and destroye thy houses of pleasure. Thy stones, thy tymbre and foundacyons shall they cast in the water. 13 Thus will I bring the melody of thy songes, and the voyce of thy mynstrelsy to an ende, so that they shall nomore be herde. 14 I will make a bare stone of the, yee, a dryinge place for nettes, & thou shalt neuer be buylded agayne: For euen I the Lord haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God: 15 thus hath the Lorde God spoken concernynge Tyre. The Iles shall be moued at the noyse of thy fall, & at the crye of the slayne, that shall be murthered in the. 16 All kynges of the see shall come downe from theyr seates regall: they shall laye awaye theyr roabes, and put of theyr costly clothynge. Yee, with tremblinge shall they be clothed, they shall syt vpon the ground: they shalbe afrayed at thy soden fall, and be abasshed at the. 17 They shall mourne for the, and saye vnto the. O thou noble cytie, that hast bene so greatly occupyed of olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see with thyne inhabytours, of whom al men stode in feare. How arte thou nowe so vtterly destroyed? 18 Now at the tyme of thy fall the inhabytours of the Iles, yee, and the Iles them selues, shall stande in feare at thy ende. 19 For thus sayeth the Lorde God: when I make the a desolate cytie (as other cyties be, that no man dwell in) and when I bringe the depe vpon the that greate waters maye couer the. 20 Then wil I cast the downe vnto them, that descende into the pitte: vnto a people that hath bene longe deed, and set the in a lande that is beneth, lyke the olde wildernes, with them which go downe to theyr graues, so that no man shall dwell more in the. And I will make the to be nomore in honoure, in the lande of the lyuinge. 21 I will make an ende of the, and thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 27:1-28:24

1 The worde of the Lord came vnto me sayenge: 2 O thou sonne of man, make a lamentable complaynte vpon Tyre, 3 and saye vpon Tyre, thou which art a porte of the see, that occupieth with moche people, & many Iles: thus speaketh the Lord God: O Tyre, thou hast sayd: what, I am a noble cyti 4 thy borders are in the middest of the see, and thy buylders haue made the maruelous goodly, 5 Al thy tables haue they made of cypres trees of the mount Sanyr, From Libanus haue they taken Cedre trees, to make the mastes: 6 and the Okes of Basan to make the rowers. Thy boordes haue they made of yuery, & of costely wood out of the Ile of Cethim. 7 Thy sayle was of dyuers colours, small nedle worke out of the lande of Egypt, to hange vpon thy mast: & thy hanginges of yelow sylcke purple, out of the Iles of Elisah. 8 They of Sydon & Arnad were thy maryners, and the wysest in Tyre were thy shypmasters. 9 The eldest and wysest at Gebal were they, that mended & stopped thy shyppes. All shyppes of the see wt theyr shypmen occupyed theyr marchaundies in the. 10 The Perses, Lydians and phutens were in thyne host, & helped the to fyght: these hanged vp theyr shyldes & helmettes with the, these sett forth they bewty. 11 They of Arnad were with thyne hoost rounde aboute thy walles, & the Pigmenians were thy watchmen vpon thy towres, these hanged vp theyr quivers rounde aboute thy walles, and made the maruelous goodly. 12 Tharsis occupyed with the in all maner of wares, in syluer, yron, tynne and lead, and made thy marckett greate. 13 Iauan, Tubal, and Mesech were thy marchauntes, which brought the men, and ornamentes of metall for thy occupienge. 14 They of the house of Thogarma brought vnto the at the tyme of thy marte, horse, horsmen and mules. 15 They of Dedan were thy marchauntes: and many other Iles that occupyed with the, brought the weathers, Elephant bones & Peacockes for a present. 16 The Sirians occupied with the, because of thy diuerse worckes, and increased thy marchaundies, with Smaragdes, with scarlet, with nedle worcke, with whyte lynen cloth, with sylcke, and with crystall. 17 Iuda and the lande of Israel occupied wt the & brought vnto thy markettes, wheat, of Minnith and pannag, balme, hony, oyle, & tryacle. 18 Damascus also vsed marchaundyes wt the, in the best wyne of Helbon & wt woll: because thy occupieng was so greate, and thy wares so many, 19 Dan, Iauan & Meusall haue brought vnto thy marckettes, yron redy made, with Cassia & Calamus, accordinge to thine occupyenge. 20 Dedan occupied with the in fayre tapestrye worcke and cusshyns. 21 Arabia & al the princes of Cedar haue occupied wt the, in shepe, wethers and goates. 22 The marchauntes of Seba and Rema haue occupied also with the, in all costly spyces, in all precyous stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy marckettes. 23 Haram, Chene and Eden, the marchauntes of Saba, Assiria, and Chelmad, were all doers wt the, 24 and occupyed with the. In costly rayment, of yelow sylcke & nedle worcke (very precyous, & therfore packte and bounde together with roapes.) Yee, and in Cedre woodde, at the tyme of thy marckettes.

Ezekiel 28:1-24

1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayenge: 2 thou sonne of man, tell the prince of Tyre: Thus sayeth the Lorde God, because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest of the see lyke a God: where as thou art but a man and not God, and yet standest in thyne awne conceate, that thou arte God: 3 Beholde, thou thynckest thy selfe wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from the. 4 Wyth thy wysdome and thy vnderstandyng, thou hast gotten the great welthynes, and gathered treasure of syluer and golde. 5 With thy greate wysdome and occupyenge, hast thou increased thy power, and because of thy greate rychesse, thy herte is proude. 6 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so moch as thou hast lyft vp thyne hert as though thou were God: 7 Beholde, I will brynge ennemyes vpon the, euen the tyrauntes of the Heathen: these shall drawe out their sweardes vpon thy bewty and wysdome, & shal defyle thy glory. 8 They shall cast the downe to the pitte, so that thou shalt dye in the myddest of the see, 9 as they that be slayne. Lett se, yf thou wilt saye then (before them that slaye the) I am God: where as thou art but a man and not God, in the handes of them that slaye the. 10 Dye shalt thou, euen as the vncircumcised in the handes of the enemyes for I my selfe haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God. 11 Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayeng: 12 Thou sonne of man, make a lamentable complaynte ouer the kynge of Tyre, and tell hym: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: thou art a seale of a lykenesse, full of wysdome & excellent bewty. 13 Thou hast bene in the pleasaunt garden of God: thou art deckte with al maner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topas, Crystall, Iacynte, Onix, Iaspis, Saphyr, Smaragde, Carbouncle, and golde. Thy bewty and the holes that be in the, were sett forth in the daye of thy creacyon. 14 Thou art a fayre Cherub exalted by the anoyntyng, stretched wyde out for to couer. I haue sett the in this dignyte vpon the holy mount of God, there hast thou bene, & walcked amonge the fayre glysteringe stones. 15 From the tyme of thy creacyon thou hast bene ryght excellent, tyll wickednes was founde in the. 16 Because of thy great marchaundise, thy hert is full of wyckednesse, & thou hast offended. Therfore, wyll I cast the from the mount of God (O thou couering Cherub) and destroye the amonge the glysterynge stones. 17 Thy hert was proude in thy fayre beuty, and thorow thy bewty thou hast destroyed thy wysdome. I will cast the downe to the grounde, & that in the sight of kynges. 18 Thou hast defyled thy Sanctuary, wt the greate wyckednes of thy vnryghteous occupyenge. I wyll bringe a fyre from the myddest of the, to consume the: & wyll make the to asshes, in the sight of all them that loke vpon the. 19 All they that haue bene acquaynted with the amonge the Heathen shalbe abasshed at the, seyng thou art so clene brought to naught, and commest nomore vp. 20 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayeng: 21 Thou sonne of man, set thy face agaynst Sydon. Prophecye vpon it, 22 and speake: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, O Sydon, I will vpon the, and gett me honoure in the: that it maye be knowne, how that I am the Lorde: when I punyshe her, and gett me honoure in her. 23 For I will sende pestilence and bloudsheddyng into her streates, so that those which be slayne with the swearde, shall lye rounde aboute in the myddest of her: and they shall knowe, that I am the Lorde. 24 She shall nomore be a pryckyng thorne, and an hurtyng breer vnto the house of Israell, ner vnto them that lye rounde aboute her, and hate her, & they shal knowe that I am the Lorde.

Daniel 11:30

30 And why? the shyppes with Italyans shall come vpon him, that he may be smytten and turne agayne: that he may take indignacion against the couenaunt of holynesse, to medle agaynst it. Yee, he shall turne him, and drawe soch vnto him, as leaue the holy couenaunt.

Joel 3:4-8

4 Thou Tirus and Sidon and all ye borders of the Philistines: what haue ye to do wt me? Will ye defye me? well, yf ye will nedes defye me, I shall recompence you, euen vpon your heade, & the ryght worthely: 5 for ye haue taken awaye my syluer and golde, my fayre and goodly Iewels, and brought them into your goddes houses. 6 The chyldren also of Iuda and Ierusalem haue ye solde vnto the Grekes, that ye myght brynge them farre from the borders of their awne countrees. 7 Beholde therfore, I wyll rayse them out of the place, where ye haue solde them, and will rewarde you euen vpon your head. 8 Your sonnes and youre daughters wyll I sell thorowe the handes of the chyldren of Iuda, and so they shall geue them forth to sell, vnto them of Saba, a people of a farre countre: for the Lorde him selfe hath sayde it.

Amos 1:9-10

9 Thus sayeth the Lorde: For thre & foure wickednesses of the cytie of Tyre, I wyll not spare her: because they haue increased the captiuyte of the Edomites, and haue not remembred the brotherly couenaunt. 10 Therfore, wyll I sende a fyre into the walles of Tyre, that shall consume her palaces.

Zechariah 9:2-4

2 The borders of Hemath shall be herde therby, Tirus also & Sidon, for they are very wyse, 3 Tirus shall make her self stronge, heape vp syluer as the sande, & golde as the claye of the stretes. 4 Behold, the Lord shal take her in, & haue her in possessyon: he shal smyte downe her power into the see, and she shalbe consumed wt fyre.

Revelation 18:17-19

17 for at one houre so great ryches is come to nought. And euery shyppe gouerner, and all they that occupied shyppes, and shypmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of, 18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnyng, saying: what cytie is lyke vnto this gret citie? 19 And they cast dust on theyr heddes, and cryed wepyng, & waylyng, & sayde: Alas, Alas, that great cytie, wherin were made riche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her costlynes, for at one houre is she made desolate.

Revelation 18:22-23

22 And the voyce of harpers, and musycions, & of pypers, and trompetters shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man, of whatsoeuer craft he be, shalbe founde eny more in the. And the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the, 23 and the voyce of the brydegrom and of the bryde, shalbe herd no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the gret men of the erth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceaued al nacions:

Psalms 46:10

10 Be styll then & knowe that I am God: I wil be exalted among the Heithen, and I wyll be exalted in the earth.

Isaiah 41:1

1 Be styll (ye Ilandes) and herken vnto me. Be stronge ye people, Come hyther, and shewe youre cause, we wyll go to the lawe together.

Isaiah 47:5

5 Syt styll, holde thy tunge, and get the into some darck corner (O daughter Chaldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes.

Ezekiel 27:3-4

3 and saye vpon Tyre, thou which art a porte of the see, that occupieth with moche people, & many Iles: thus speaketh the Lord God: O Tyre, thou hast sayd: what, I am a noble cyti 4 thy borders are in the middest of the see, and thy buylders haue made the maruelous goodly,

Ezekiel 27:8-36

8 They of Sydon & Arnad were thy maryners, and the wysest in Tyre were thy shypmasters. 9 The eldest and wysest at Gebal were they, that mended & stopped thy shyppes. All shyppes of the see wt theyr shypmen occupyed theyr marchaundies in the. 10 The Perses, Lydians and phutens were in thyne host, & helped the to fyght: these hanged vp theyr shyldes & helmettes with the, these sett forth they bewty. 11 They of Arnad were with thyne hoost rounde aboute thy walles, & the Pigmenians were thy watchmen vpon thy towres, these hanged vp theyr quivers rounde aboute thy walles, and made the maruelous goodly. 12 Tharsis occupyed with the in all maner of wares, in syluer, yron, tynne and lead, and made thy marckett greate. 13 Iauan, Tubal, and Mesech were thy marchauntes, which brought the men, and ornamentes of metall for thy occupienge. 14 They of the house of Thogarma brought vnto the at the tyme of thy marte, horse, horsmen and mules. 15 They of Dedan were thy marchauntes: and many other Iles that occupyed with the, brought the weathers, Elephant bones & Peacockes for a present. 16 The Sirians occupied with the, because of thy diuerse worckes, and increased thy marchaundies, with Smaragdes, with scarlet, with nedle worcke, with whyte lynen cloth, with sylcke, and with crystall. 17 Iuda and the lande of Israel occupied wt the & brought vnto thy markettes, wheat, of Minnith and pannag, balme, hony, oyle, & tryacle. 18 Damascus also vsed marchaundyes wt the, in the best wyne of Helbon & wt woll: because thy occupieng was so greate, and thy wares so many, 19 Dan, Iauan & Meusall haue brought vnto thy marckettes, yron redy made, with Cassia & Calamus, accordinge to thine occupyenge. 20 Dedan occupied with the in fayre tapestrye worcke and cusshyns. 21 Arabia & al the princes of Cedar haue occupied wt the, in shepe, wethers and goates. 22 The marchauntes of Seba and Rema haue occupied also with the, in all costly spyces, in all precyous stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy marckettes. 23 Haram, Chene and Eden, the marchauntes of Saba, Assiria, and Chelmad, were all doers wt the, 24 and occupyed with the. In costly rayment, of yelow sylcke & nedle worcke (very precyous, & therfore packte and bounde together with roapes.) Yee, and in Cedre woodde, at the tyme of thy marckettes. 25 The shyppes of Tharsis were the chefe of thy occupyenge. Thus thou art full, and in greate worship, euen in the myddest of the see. 26 Thy robbers shall brynge the into grett waters, the easte winde shall ouerbeare the into the myddest of the see: 27 so that thy wares, thy marchaundies, thy ryches, thy maryners, thy shypmasters, thy buylders of thy broken places, thy occupiers (that brought the thynges necessary) the men of warre that are in the: yee, and all thy comens shall perysh in the myddest of the see: in the daye of thy fall. 28 The suburbes shall shake at the loude crye of thy shypmen. 29 All whyry men, & all maryners vpon the see, shall leape out of theyr boates, & set them selues vpon the lande. 30 They shall lyft vp theyr voyce because of the and make a lamentable cry. They shall cast dust vpon theyr heades, and lye downe in the asshes. 31 They shall shaue them selues, and put sacke cloth vpon them for thy sake. They shall mourne for the with hertfull sorow, 32 and heuy lamentacion, yee, they also shall wepe for the. Alas, what cytie hath so bene destroyed in the see, as Tyre is? 33 When thy wares and marchaundies came from the sees, thou gauest al people ynough. The kinges of the earth hast thou made ryche, thorow the multitude of thy watres & occupieng. 34 But thou art now cast downe in to the depe of the see, all thy resorte of people is perished with the. 35 All they that dwell in the Iles are abashed at the, & all theyr kynges are afrayed, yee, theyr faces haue chaunged couloure. 36 The marchauntes of the nacyons wondre at the. In that thou art so cleane brought to naught, and commest nomore vp.

Ezekiel 28:2

2 thou sonne of man, tell the prince of Tyre: Thus sayeth the Lorde God, because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest of the see lyke a God: where as thou art but a man and not God, and yet standest in thyne awne conceate, that thou arte God:

Habakkuk 2:20

20 But the Lorde in his holy temple is he: whom all the worlde shulde feare.

Deuteronomy 11:10

10 For the lande whether thou goest to possesse it, is not as the lande of Egypte that ye came out of, where thou sowedst thy seed and wateredst it wyth thy fete as a garden of herbes:

1 Chronicles 13:5

5 So Dauid gathered all Israel together from Sihor in Egypte, vnto the entrynge of Hemath, to bringe the arcke of the Lorde from kyriath Iearim.

Isaiah 19:7

7 The grasse in the ryuer & by the ryuers banck, & all that groweth by the ryuer shal wither awaye, and be brought to naught.

Isaiah 23:8

8 Who hath deuysed thys agaynst Tyre (that geueth garlandes vnto other cities) whose marchauntes are princes, and whose captaines are honorable in the worlde?

Isaiah 32:20

20 O howe happy shall ye be, when ye shall safely sowe your seed besyde all waters, and dryue thyther the fete of your oxen and asses.

Jeremiah 2:18

18 And what hast thou now to do in the strete of Egypte? to drincke the water of Nilus? Ether, what makest thou in the waye of Assyria? To dryncke water of the floude?

Ezekiel 27:3-23

3 and saye vpon Tyre, thou which art a porte of the see, that occupieth with moche people, & many Iles: thus speaketh the Lord God: O Tyre, thou hast sayd: what, I am a noble cyti 4 thy borders are in the middest of the see, and thy buylders haue made the maruelous goodly, 5 Al thy tables haue they made of cypres trees of the mount Sanyr, From Libanus haue they taken Cedre trees, to make the mastes: 6 and the Okes of Basan to make the rowers. Thy boordes haue they made of yuery, & of costely wood out of the Ile of Cethim. 7 Thy sayle was of dyuers colours, small nedle worke out of the lande of Egypt, to hange vpon thy mast: & thy hanginges of yelow sylcke purple, out of the Iles of Elisah. 8 They of Sydon & Arnad were thy maryners, and the wysest in Tyre were thy shypmasters. 9 The eldest and wysest at Gebal were they, that mended & stopped thy shyppes. All shyppes of the see wt theyr shypmen occupyed theyr marchaundies in the. 10 The Perses, Lydians and phutens were in thyne host, & helped the to fyght: these hanged vp theyr shyldes & helmettes with the, these sett forth they bewty. 11 They of Arnad were with thyne hoost rounde aboute thy walles, & the Pigmenians were thy watchmen vpon thy towres, these hanged vp theyr quivers rounde aboute thy walles, and made the maruelous goodly. 12 Tharsis occupyed with the in all maner of wares, in syluer, yron, tynne and lead, and made thy marckett greate. 13 Iauan, Tubal, and Mesech were thy marchauntes, which brought the men, and ornamentes of metall for thy occupienge. 14 They of the house of Thogarma brought vnto the at the tyme of thy marte, horse, horsmen and mules. 15 They of Dedan were thy marchauntes: and many other Iles that occupyed with the, brought the weathers, Elephant bones & Peacockes for a present. 16 The Sirians occupied with the, because of thy diuerse worckes, and increased thy marchaundies, with Smaragdes, with scarlet, with nedle worcke, with whyte lynen cloth, with sylcke, and with crystall. 17 Iuda and the lande of Israel occupied wt the & brought vnto thy markettes, wheat, of Minnith and pannag, balme, hony, oyle, & tryacle. 18 Damascus also vsed marchaundyes wt the, in the best wyne of Helbon & wt woll: because thy occupieng was so greate, and thy wares so many, 19 Dan, Iauan & Meusall haue brought vnto thy marckettes, yron redy made, with Cassia & Calamus, accordinge to thine occupyenge. 20 Dedan occupied with the in fayre tapestrye worcke and cusshyns. 21 Arabia & al the princes of Cedar haue occupied wt the, in shepe, wethers and goates. 22 The marchauntes of Seba and Rema haue occupied also with the, in all costly spyces, in all precyous stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy marckettes. 23 Haram, Chene and Eden, the marchauntes of Saba, Assiria, and Chelmad, were all doers wt the,

Ezekiel 27:33

33 When thy wares and marchaundies came from the sees, thou gauest al people ynough. The kinges of the earth hast thou made ryche, thorow the multitude of thy watres & occupieng.

Ezekiel 28:4

4 Wyth thy wysdome and thy vnderstandyng, thou hast gotten the great welthynes, and gathered treasure of syluer and golde.

Joel 3:5

5 for ye haue taken awaye my syluer and golde, my fayre and goodly Iewels, and brought them into your goddes houses.

Revelation 18:11-13

11 And the marchauntes of the erth shal wepe and wayle in them selues, for no man wyll bye theyr ware eny more, 12 the ware of gold and siluer, & precious stones, nether of pearle, and raynes, and purple, and skarlet, and all thynne wodde, and all maner vessels of yuery, & all maner vessels of most precious wodde, & of brasse & yron, 13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men.

Genesis 10:15

15 Chanaan begat at Zidon his fyrst borne sonne, and Heth,

Genesis 10:19

19 The border of the Cananites was from Zidon, as thou commest to Gerar vntill Gazan, and as thou goest vnto Sodoma, and Gomora, and Adama, and Zeboiim, euen vnto Lesa.

Jeremiah 47:3-4

3 at the noyse and stampinge of theyr stronge barbed horses, at the shakyng of theyr charettes and at the romblynge of the wheles. The fathers shall not loke to their chyldren, so feable and wery shall their handes be: 4 at the same tyme when he shall be there, to destroye the whole lande of the Philistines. He shall make waste both Tirus, Sidon, and all other that are sworne vnto them. For the Lorde wyll destroye the Philistines, the remnaunt of the yle of Caphto

Ezekiel 26:3-6

3 Yee, therfore, sayeth the Lord God: Beholde O Tyre, I will vpon the, I will bringe a great multitude of people agaynst the, lyke as when the see aryseth with his waues: 4 These shall breake the walles of Tyre, and cast downe her towres: I will scrape the grounde from her, and make her a bare stone: 5 yee, as the dryenge place, where the fysshers hange vp theyr nettes by the see syde. Euen I haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God. The Gentyls shall spoyle her: 6 her daughters vpon the felde shall perysh wt the swearde, that they maye knowe how that I am the Lorde.

Hosea 9:11-14

11 Ephraim flyeth lyke a byrde, so shall their glory also: In so moch, that they shall nether begette, conceaue ner beare chyldren. 12 And though they brynge vp eny, yet will I make them chyldeles amonge men. Yee, wo shall come to them, when I depart from them. 13 Ephraim (as me thyncke) is planted in welthynes, lyke as Tyrus, but nowe must she brynge her awne chyldren forth to the manslayer. 14 O Lorde thou shalt geue them: what shalt thou geue them? geue them an vnfrutefull wombe & drye brestes.

Revelation 18:23

23 and the voyce of the brydegrom and of the bryde, shalbe herd no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the gret men of the erth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceaued al nacions:

Exodus 15:14-16

14 The nations heard and were afrayed, sorowe came vpon the Philistines. 15 Then the dukes of the Edomites were amased, and the mightyest of the Moabites, tremblynge came vpon them: all the inhabiters of Canaan waxed faynte harted: 16 Lett feare and dreade fall vpon them in the greatnes of thyne arme, let them be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people passe thorowe, O Lorde, whyle thys people passe thorowe, which thou hast goten.

Joshua 2:9-11

9 & sayde vnto the men: I knowe, that the Lorde hathe geuen you the lande for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs, & the enhabiters of the land faynt at the presence of you. 10 For we haue heard, how the Lorde dried vp the water of the redd see before you when you came out of Egypte, & what you dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites, that were on the other side Iordan Sehon, & Og, whom ye vtterlye destroyed. 11 And as sone as we had heard these thynges oure hertes dyd fainte. And there remayned no moare courage in any man at the presence of you. For the Lord youre God, he is the God in heauen aboue, & on the erth benethe.

Isaiah 19:16

16 In that daye shall Egypte be lyke vnto women: It shalbe afrayed and stonde in feare at the mocyon of the hand of the Lorde of hostes, which he shaketh ouer it.

Ezekiel 26:15-21

15 thus hath the Lorde God spoken concernynge Tyre. The Iles shall be moued at the noyse of thy fall, & at the crye of the slayne, that shall be murthered in the. 16 All kynges of the see shall come downe from theyr seates regall: they shall laye awaye theyr roabes, and put of theyr costly clothynge. Yee, with tremblinge shall they be clothed, they shall syt vpon the ground: they shalbe afrayed at thy soden fall, and be abasshed at the. 17 They shall mourne for the, and saye vnto the. O thou noble cytie, that hast bene so greatly occupyed of olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see with thyne inhabytours, of whom al men stode in feare. How arte thou nowe so vtterly destroyed? 18 Now at the tyme of thy fall the inhabytours of the Iles, yee, and the Iles them selues, shall stande in feare at thy ende. 19 For thus sayeth the Lorde God: when I make the a desolate cytie (as other cyties be, that no man dwell in) and when I bringe the depe vpon the that greate waters maye couer the. 20 Then wil I cast the downe vnto them, that descende into the pitte: vnto a people that hath bene longe deed, and set the in a lande that is beneth, lyke the olde wildernes, with them which go downe to theyr graues, so that no man shall dwell more in the. And I will make the to be nomore in honoure, in the lande of the lyuinge. 21 I will make an ende of the, and thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 28:19

19 All they that haue bene acquaynted with the amonge the Heathen shalbe abasshed at the, seyng thou art so clene brought to naught, and commest nomore vp.

Isaiah 16:7

7 Therfore shal Moab make lamentacion because of the Moabites (that shalbe slayne) yee they shal wayle all together. Because of the foundacyons of the citye that is made of brick, shal ye complayne: euen ye lame people that are left onely behinde.

Isaiah 21:15

15 For because of swerdes are they become fugitiue, euen for the drawen swerde, and for the bent bowe, & because of the greuousnes of warre.

Isaiah 23:1-2

1 The burthen of Tyre: Mourne ye shyppes of Tharsis, for there commeth such destruccyon that ye shall not haue an house to entre into: Out of the lande of Cittim haue they knowlege of thys plage. 2 Be styll, ye that dwell in the Ile, the marchauntes of Zidon, and such as passe ouer the see, haue made the plenteous.

Isaiah 23:10

10 Get the out of thy lande vnto the daughter of Tharsis, seyng thou hast nomore strength.

Ecclesiastes 10:7

7 I haue sene seruauntes ryde vpon horses, and princes goyng vpon their fete as it were seruauntes.

Isaiah 22:2

2 Thou that art full of occupieng, thou sedicious & proude citye: thy slayne men are nether put to death wyth swerde, ner deed in batell.

Isaiah 32:13

13 My peoples felde shall brynge thornes and thistles: and so shall it be euen in euery house of volupteousnesse and in euery citye that reioyseth.

Isaiah 47:1-2

1 But as for the (O daughter, thou vyrgyn Babilon) sytt thou downe in the dust syt vpon the grounde, & not in a throne (O thou mayden of Caldea.) Thou shalt nomore be called tender & pleasaunt. 2 Bring forth the querne, & grinde meele, vntrusse thy broyded heare, put of thy shoes, make bare thy knees: & wade thorowe the water ryuers.

Deuteronomy 29:24-28

24 Euen then shall all nacions saye: wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facyon vnto thys lande? O howe fearse is thys great wrath? 25 And men shalt saye: because they lefte the testament of the Lorde God of theyr fathers whych he made with them, when he brought them out of the lande of Egypt. 26 For they went, and serued straunge goddes, & worshipped them: Goddes whych they knewe not, and whych had geuen them nought. 27 And the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote agaynst thys lande, to brynge vpon it all the curses that are written in this boke. 28 And the Lorde cast them out of theyr lande in angre, wrath, and greate indignacyon, and cast them into a straunge lande, as this daye beareth wytnesse.

Isaiah 10:8

8 for he sayeth are not my Prynces all Kynges?

Isaiah 36:9

9 How darest thou resist the power of the smallest prynce, that my Lord hath? how darest thou trust in the charettes and horse men of Egipt?

Jeremiah 50:44-45

44 Beholde, lyke as the lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Ethan, so wyll I dryue them forth, and make them runne agaynst her. But whom shall I chose out: & ordeyne to soch a thynge? For who is lyke me, or who will stryue wt me? or what shepherd maye stande agaynst me? 45 Therfore, heare the councell that the Lord hath geuen vpon Babilon, and the deuyce that he hath taken vpon the land of the Chaldees: The least among the people shall teare them in peces, and loke what pleasaunt thing they haue: they shall laye it waste.

Ezekiel 28:2-6

2 thou sonne of man, tell the prince of Tyre: Thus sayeth the Lorde God, because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest of the see lyke a God: where as thou art but a man and not God, and yet standest in thyne awne conceate, that thou arte God: 3 Beholde, thou thynckest thy selfe wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from the. 4 Wyth thy wysdome and thy vnderstandyng, thou hast gotten the great welthynes, and gathered treasure of syluer and golde. 5 With thy greate wysdome and occupyenge, hast thou increased thy power, and because of thy greate rychesse, thy herte is proude. 6 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so moch as thou hast lyft vp thyne hert as though thou were God:

Ezekiel 28:12-18

12 Thou sonne of man, make a lamentable complaynte ouer the kynge of Tyre, and tell hym: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: thou art a seale of a lykenesse, full of wysdome & excellent bewty. 13 Thou hast bene in the pleasaunt garden of God: thou art deckte with al maner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topas, Crystall, Iacynte, Onix, Iaspis, Saphyr, Smaragde, Carbouncle, and golde. Thy bewty and the holes that be in the, were sett forth in the daye of thy creacyon. 14 Thou art a fayre Cherub exalted by the anoyntyng, stretched wyde out for to couer. I haue sett the in this dignyte vpon the holy mount of God, there hast thou bene, & walcked amonge the fayre glysteringe stones. 15 From the tyme of thy creacyon thou hast bene ryght excellent, tyll wickednes was founde in the. 16 Because of thy great marchaundise, thy hert is full of wyckednesse, & thou hast offended. Therfore, wyll I cast the from the mount of God (O thou couering Cherub) and destroye the amonge the glysterynge stones. 17 Thy hert was proude in thy fayre beuty, and thorow thy bewty thou hast destroyed thy wysdome. I will cast the downe to the grounde, & that in the sight of kynges. 18 Thou hast defyled thy Sanctuary, wt the greate wyckednes of thy vnryghteous occupyenge. I wyll bringe a fyre from the myddest of the, to consume the: & wyll make the to asshes, in the sight of all them that loke vpon the.

Revelation 18:8

8 Therfore shal her plages come in one daye, deeth, & sorowe, and honger, & she shalbe brent with fyre: for stronge is the Lorde God which shal iudge her.

Job 12:21

21 He poureth the confusion vpon prynces, and comforteth them that haue bene oppressed.

Job 40:11-12

11 powre out the indignacion of thy wrath: se that thou cast downe all the proude, 12 loke well, that thou makest all soch as be stubburne, to obeye: treade downe all the vngodly in their place,

Psalms 107:40

40 Though he suffre them to be euell intreated thorowe tyrauntes, and lett them wandre out of the waye in the wildernesse.

Isaiah 2:11

11 Which casteth downe the high lookes of presumptuous personnes, and bringeth lowe the pryde of man, and the Lorde only shall be exalted in that daye.

Isaiah 2:17

17 And it shall brynge downe the pryde of man, and laye mans presumptuousnesse full lowe, and the Lorde shall only haue the vyctory in that daye.

Isaiah 5:13

13 Therfore commeth my folk also into captyuite, because they haue no vnderstandynge. Theyr glory is fameshed with hunger, and theyr pryde is marred for thyrste.

Isaiah 5:15-16

15 Thus hath man a fall, and is brought lowe, and the hygh loke of the proude shalbe layde downe. 16 But the Lord of hostes is exalted in iudgement, and God that is holy, is praysed in ryghteousnes:

Isaiah 9:15

15 By the head, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle the Prophet that preached lyes.

Isaiah 10:33

33 But se, the Lord God of hostes shall take awaye the proude from thence, with feare. He shall hewe downe the proude, & fel the hye mynded.

Isaiah 13:11

11 And I wyll punysh the wyckednesse of the worlde, and the synnes of the vngodly, sayeth the Lorde. The hye stomackes of the proude wyll I take awaye, and wyll laye downe the boastynge of tyrauntes.

Isaiah 14:24

24 The Lord of Hostes hath sworne an othe, sayinge? It shall come to passe as I haue determyned, and shalbe fulfylled as I haue deuysed.

Isaiah 14:27

27 For yf the Lord of hostes determen a thynge, who is able to dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his hande, who maye holde it in agayne?

Isaiah 46:10-11

10 In the begynnynge of a thynge. I shewe the ende therof: & I tell before, thinges that are not yet come to passe. My deuice stondeth, stedfastly stablyshed, & I fulfyll all my pleasure. 11 I call a byrde out of the East, & the man by whom my councell shall be fulfylled out of farre countrees, as soone as I thyncke to deuise a thynge, I do it.

Jeremiah 47:6-7

6 O thou swearde of the Lorde? Whan wylt thou ceasse? Turne agayne into thy swete reste, and leaue of. 7 But howe can it cease, when the Lorde hym selfe hath geuen him a charge agaynste Ascalon, and raysed it vp agaynst the cityes of the see coast?

Jeremiah 51:62

62 and saye. O Lorde, thou art determined to rote out thys place, so that nether people ner catell shall dwell there eny more, but to lye waste for euer:

Daniel 4:37

37 Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor, loue, magnifye and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all his worckes are true, and hys wayes ryght. As for those that go on proudly, he is able to brynge them downe.

Malachi 4:1

1 For marck, the daye commeth that shal bnrne as an ouen: and all the proude, yee, and all soch as do wyckednesse, shalbe strawe, & the daye that is for to come, shall burne them vp (saieth the Lord of hostes) so that it shal leaue them nether rote ner braunche.

Acts 4:28

28 for to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determyned before to be done.

1 Corinthians 1:26-29

26 Brethren, ye se your callynge, how that not many wyse men after the flesshe, not many myghty, not many of hye degre, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the folisshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosen the weake thynges, of the worlde, to confounde thynges whych are myghtye. 28 And vyle thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, yee and thinges of no reputacyon, for to brynge to nought thynges of reputacyon, 29 that no flesshe shulde reioyce in hys presence.

Ephesians 1:11

11 euen by hym by whom we are made heyres, and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym by whose power all thynges are wrought accordinge to the purpose of hys awne wyll:

Ephesians 3:11

11 accordynge to the eternall purpose, which he wrought in Christ Iesu oure Lord,

James 4:6

6 but geueth more grace.

1 Samuel 28:20

20 Then Saul fell streyght waye flatte on the erth a longe as he was, and was sore adread because of the wordes of Samuel. And there was no strength in hym, for he had eaten no bread all the daye and the nyght before.

Psalms 18:32

32 It is God that gyrdeth me wt strength of warre, and maketh my waye parfecte.

Isaiah 23:14

14 Mourne ye shippes of tharsis for your strength is brought downe.

Lamentations 1:6

6 All the bewtie of the daughter of Sion is awaye, her princes are become lyke hertes that fynde no pasture. They are dryuen awaye before theyr enemie, so that they haue nomore power.

Haggai 2:22

22 Speake to Zorobabell the prynce of Iuda, & saye: I wyll shake both heauen & earth,

Romans 5:6

6 For when we were yet weake, accordyng to the tyme, Christ dyed for vs whych were vngodly:

Genesis 9:25

25 And he sayde: Curssed be Chanaan, a seruaunt of seruauntes shall he be vnto hys brethren.

Genesis 10:15-19

15 Chanaan begat at Zidon his fyrst borne sonne, and Heth, 16 & Iebusi, and Emori, & Girgosi. 17 Hahiui also and Haarki and Hassini, 18 and Haaruadi, and Hazmari, and Hahemathi: And afterwarde were the kynreds of the Cananites spred abrode. 19 The border of the Cananites was from Zidon, as thou commest to Gerar vntill Gazan, and as thou goest vnto Sodoma, and Gomora, and Adama, and Zeboiim, euen vnto Lesa.

Exodus 14:21

21 And Moses stretched forth hys hande ouer the see: and the Lord caryed awaye the see by a verye stronge easte wynde all that nyght, and made the see drye lande, and the waters were deuyded.

Exodus 15:8-10

8 Thorowe the winde of thy nastrels the water gathered together, the floudes stode styll as an heape, and the depe water congeled together in the hert of the see. 9 The enemye sayd: I wyll folowe on them: I will ouertake them, I will deuyde the spoyle, I wyll satisfye my lust vpon them, I wyll drawe my sweard, myne hande shall destroye them. 10 Thou blewdest wt thy wynde, the see couered them, they sancke as leed in the mightye waters.

Psalms 46:6

6 The Heathen make moch a doo, & the kyngdomes are moued: but God hath shewed hys voyce, & the earth shall melt awaye.

Psalms 71:3

3 Delyuer me, O my God, out of the hand of the vngodly, out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruell man.

Isaiah 2:19

19 Men shall crepe in to holes of stone, and into caues of the earth, for feare of the Lorde, and for the glory of hys magesty: what tyme as he shall aryse vp to condemne the earth.

Isaiah 10:6

6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 14:16-17

16 They that se the, shall narowly loke vpon the, and thynke in them selues, sayenge: Is thys the man, that brought all landes in feare, and made the kingdomes afrayde? 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cytyes to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go out?

Isaiah 23:3

3 The corne that groweth by the great waters of Nilus, and the frutes of the ryuer were hyr vitailes, so that it became a comen marte of the nacion

Isaiah 25:2

2 Thou hast mad of a citye an heape of stones, and brought a stronge towne into decaye. The habitation of straungers hast thou made to be no citye, nether shal it be builded any more.

Jeremiah 47:7

7 But howe can it cease, when the Lorde hym selfe hath geuen him a charge agaynste Ascalon, and raysed it vp agaynst the cityes of the see coast?

Ezekiel 26:10

10 The dust of hys horses shall couer the, they shalbe so many: thy walles shall shake at the noyse of the horsmen, charettes and wheles when he commeth to thy portes, as men do into an open cytie.

Ezekiel 26:15-19

15 thus hath the Lorde God spoken concernynge Tyre. The Iles shall be moued at the noyse of thy fall, & at the crye of the slayne, that shall be murthered in the. 16 All kynges of the see shall come downe from theyr seates regall: they shall laye awaye theyr roabes, and put of theyr costly clothynge. Yee, with tremblinge shall they be clothed, they shall syt vpon the ground: they shalbe afrayed at thy soden fall, and be abasshed at the. 17 They shall mourne for the, and saye vnto the. O thou noble cytie, that hast bene so greatly occupyed of olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see with thyne inhabytours, of whom al men stode in feare. How arte thou nowe so vtterly destroyed? 18 Now at the tyme of thy fall the inhabytours of the Iles, yee, and the Iles them selues, shall stande in feare at thy ende. 19 For thus sayeth the Lorde God: when I make the a desolate cytie (as other cyties be, that no man dwell in) and when I bringe the depe vpon the that greate waters maye couer the.

Ezekiel 27:34-35

34 But thou art now cast downe in to the depe of the see, all thy resorte of people is perished with the. 35 All they that dwell in the Iles are abashed at the, & all theyr kynges are afrayed, yee, theyr faces haue chaunged couloure.

Ezekiel 31:16

16 I will make the Heathen shake at the sounde of his fall, when I cast him downe to hell with them that descende into the pytte. All the trees of Eden, with all the chosen and best trees of Lybanus, yee, and all they that are planted vpon the waters, shall mourne with hym also in the lower habitacyons:

Hosea 12:7-8

7 But thou art lyke the marchaunt that hath a false weyght in his hande, he hath a pleasure to occupie extorcyon. 8 Ephraim thinketh thus: Tush, I am rich. I haue good ynough: In all my worckes shall not one fawte be founde that I haue offended.

Nahum 1:14

14 But the Lorde hath geuen a commaundement concernynge the, that there shall come nomore sede of thy name. The carued & casten Images will I rote out of the house of thy God. Thy graue shal I prepare for the, and thou shalt be confounded.

Haggai 2:7

7 For thus sayeth the Lord of hostes: yet once more wil I shake heauen and earth, the see, and the drye land,

Zechariah 14:21

21 yee, al the kettels in Ierusalem and Iuda, shalbe holy vnto the Lorde of hostes: and all they that slaye offeringes, shall come & take of them, & dyght them there in. And at that tyme there shall be no mo Cananites in the house of the Lorde.

Mark 11:17

17 And he taught, sayinge vnto them: is it not wrytten: my house shalbe called the house of prayer vnto all nacyons? But ye haue made it a denne of theues.

John 2:16

16 & sayde vnto them that solde doues: Haue these thinges hence, & make not my fathers house an house of marchaundyse.

Genesis 49:13

13 Zabulon shall dwell besyde the heauen of the see and nye the heauen of shyppes. His border shalbe vnto Sydon.

Deuteronomy 28:64-67

64 And the Lorde shall scater the amonge all nacions, from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes, whych thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wodd and stone. 65 And amonge these nacyons thou shalt fynde no ease, neyther shall the sole of thy foote haue rest. But the Lorde shall geue the there an vnquyet herte, and dasyng eyes, and sorowe of mynde. 66 And thy lyfe shall hange before the and thou shalt feare both daye, and nyghte, & shalt haue no trust in thy lyfe. 67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye, wolde God it were nyght. And at nyght thou shalt saye: wolde God it were mornynge: for feare, of thyne harte whych thou shall feare & for the syghte of thyne eyes, whych thou shalt se.

Joshua 11:8

8 And the Lorde delyuered them into the hande of Israell: and they smote them, and chased them vnto great Sidon, & vnto the whott waters, and vnto the valeye of Mizpa which is Eastwarde: and smote them vntyll they had none remaynyng of them.

Isaiah 23:7

7 Is not this that glorious cyte of youres, which hath bene of olde antiquite? Hyr awne fete shall cary hyr forth to be a sogeourner in to a farre countre.

Isaiah 37:22

22 this is the answere, that the Lorde hath geuen concernynge hym. Despised art thou, and mocked (O daughter of Syon) he hath shaken his head at the, O daughter of Ierusalem.

Isaiah 47:1

1 But as for the (O daughter, thou vyrgyn Babilon) sytt thou downe in the dust syt vpon the grounde, & not in a throne (O thou mayden of Caldea.) Thou shalt nomore be called tender & pleasaunt.

Jeremiah 14:17

17 Thys shalt thou say also vnto them. Myne eyes shall wepe without ceassynge daye & nyght. For my people shalbe destroyed wt greate harme, & shall perysh with a greate plage.

Jeremiah 46:11

11 Go vp, O Gilead, and brynge triacle vnto the daughter of Egypt. But in vayne shalt thou go to surgery: for thy wounde shall not be stopped.

Lamentations 1:3

3 Iuda is taken presoner, because she was defyled: and for seruynge so many straunge goddes, she dwelleth nowe amonge the Heythen. She fyndeth no rest, all they that persecuted her, toke her, in strayte places wher she coulde not escape.

Lamentations 1:15

15 The Lorde hath destroyed all the myghtye men, that were in me He hath proclaymed a feaste, to slaughter all my best men. The Lorde hath troden downe the daughter, of Iuda, lyke as it were in a wyne presse.

Lamentations 4:15

15 But they cried vnto euery man flee the staynynge, awaye, gett you hence, touche it not. Yee, they fleade and remoued from them yee, they haue sayde amonge the hethen they shall nomore dwell in this cytie.

Ezekiel 26:13-14

13 Thus will I bring the melody of thy songes, and the voyce of thy mynstrelsy to an ende, so that they shall nomore be herde. 14 I will make a bare stone of the, yee, a dryinge place for nettes, & thou shalt neuer be buylded agayne: For euen I the Lord haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God:

Ezekiel 27:6

6 and the Okes of Basan to make the rowers. Thy boordes haue they made of yuery, & of costely wood out of the Ile of Cethim.

Revelation 18:22

22 And the voyce of harpers, and musycions, & of pypers, and trompetters shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man, of whatsoeuer craft he be, shalbe founde eny more in the. And the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the,

Genesis 2:14

14 The name of the third ryuer is Hidekel, & it goth towarde the eastsyde of Assiria. And the fourth ryuer is Euphrates.

Genesis 10:10-11

10 The begynning of his kyngdome was Babel and Erech and Accad, and Calne, in the londe of Sinhar. 11 Out of that londe came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and the stretes of the citie & Calah.

Genesis 11:9

9 And therfore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lorde dyd there confounde the language of all the erth. And from thence dyd the Lorde scater them abrode vpon the face of all the erth.

Genesis 11:28

28 And Haran dyed in the presence of Terah hys father, in the londe of hys natyuitye, euen in Ur of the Caldees.

Genesis 11:31

31 And Terah toke Abram his sonne, and Lot the sonne of Haran, hys sonnes sonne, & Sara hys daughter in lawe, hys sonne Abrams wyfe. And they departed together from Ur of the Caldees, that they myght go into the londe of Chanaan, & they came vnto Charan, & dwelt there.

2 Kings 17:24

24 And the kynge of Assyria brought men from Babylon, from Cutha, from Aua, from Hanath, and from Sepharuaim, and put them in the cyties of Samaria, in steade of the chyldren of Israel. And they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cyties therof.

2 Kings 20:12

12 The same ceason Berodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan kynge of Babilon sent letters and a present vnto Hezekia, for he had hearde, howe that Hezekia was sycke.

2 Chronicles 33:11

11 Wherfore, the Lord brought vpon them the captaynes of the host of the kyng of the Assirians, whych toke Manasse in holde, and bounde hym with chaynes, and caryed hym to Babylon.

Ezra 4:9-10

9 Then Rehum the recorder, & Samsai the scribe, and other of their companye of Dina, of Arphasath, of Tarpla, of Persia, of Arach, of Babylon, of Susan, of Deha, of Elan, 10 & other of the people who the greate & noble Asnapar brought ouer, and sett in the cytes of Samaria, & other, that are now on this syde the water.

Job 1:17

17 And whyle he was yet speakinge, there came another, and sayde: The Caldees made thre armyes, and fell in vpon the camels, and haue caryed them awaye, yee, and slayne thy seruauntes with the swearde: and I onely am gotten awaye, to tell the.

Psalms 72:9

9 They that dwell in the wildernes shall knele before him, his enemies shall licke the dust.

Isaiah 10:5

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staf of my wrath, in whose hande is the rod of my punyshement.

Isaiah 10:7

7 Howbeit, his meanyng is not so nether thynketh his hert of thys fasshyon. But he ymagineth onely, how he may rote out and destroye moch people,

Isaiah 13:19

19 And Babylon (that glory of kyngdomes and bewtye of the Caldees honour) shalbe destroyed euen as God destroyed Sodome and Gomorre.

Ezekiel 26:7-21

7 For thus sayeth the Lord God: Behold, I will bring hither Nabuchodonosor (which is the kynge of Babylon, and a kynge of kynges) from the North vpon Tyre: wt horses, charettes, horssmen, and with a greate multitude of people. 8 Thy daughters that are in the land, shall he slaye with the sweard: but agaynst the, he shall make bullworkes and graue vp dyches aboute the, and lyft vp hys shylde agaynst the. 9 Hys slynges and batelrammes shal he prepare for thy walles, and wt his weapens breake downe thy towres. 10 The dust of hys horses shall couer the, they shalbe so many: thy walles shall shake at the noyse of the horsmen, charettes and wheles when he commeth to thy portes, as men do into an open cytie. 11 With the hoffes of his horse fete, shall he treade downe all thy stretes. He shal slaye the people with the sweard, and breake downe the pylers of thy strength. 12 They shall waste awaye thy ryches, and spoyle thy marchaundyse. Thy walles shall they breake downe, and destroye thy houses of pleasure. Thy stones, thy tymbre and foundacyons shall they cast in the water. 13 Thus will I bring the melody of thy songes, and the voyce of thy mynstrelsy to an ende, so that they shall nomore be herde. 14 I will make a bare stone of the, yee, a dryinge place for nettes, & thou shalt neuer be buylded agayne: For euen I the Lord haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God:

Ezekiel 29:18

18 Thou sonne of man, Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon hath made his hoost, with great trauayle & labour to come before Tyre: that euery head maye be balde & euery shoulder bare. Yet hath Tyre geuen nether hym ner hys hoost any rewarde, for the great trauayl that he hath taken there.

Daniel 4:30

30 and sayde. Thys is the greate cyte of Babylon, which I my selfe (with my power and strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honour of my magestye.

Habakkuk 1:6

6 For lo, I wil rayse vp the Caldees, that bitter and swyfte people: which shall go as wyde as the land is, to take possession of dwelling places, that be not their awne.

Acts 7:4

4 Then came he out of the lande of Chalde, and dwelt in Charran. And from thence, whan hys father was deed, he brought him into this lande in which ye now dwel,

Isaiah 23:1

1 The burthen of Tyre: Mourne ye shyppes of Tharsis, for there commeth such destruccyon that ye shall not haue an house to entre into: Out of the lande of Cittim haue they knowlege of thys plage.

Isaiah 23:6

6 Get you to Tharsis, mourne ye that dwell in the Ile.

Ezekiel 27:25-30

25 The shyppes of Tharsis were the chefe of thy occupyenge. Thus thou art full, and in greate worship, euen in the myddest of the see. 26 Thy robbers shall brynge the into grett waters, the easte winde shall ouerbeare the into the myddest of the see: 27 so that thy wares, thy marchaundies, thy ryches, thy maryners, thy shypmasters, thy buylders of thy broken places, thy occupiers (that brought the thynges necessary) the men of warre that are in the: yee, and all thy comens shall perysh in the myddest of the see: in the daye of thy fall. 28 The suburbes shall shake at the loude crye of thy shypmen. 29 All whyry men, & all maryners vpon the see, shall leape out of theyr boates, & set them selues vpon the lande. 30 They shall lyft vp theyr voyce because of the and make a lamentable cry. They shall cast dust vpon theyr heades, and lye downe in the asshes.

Revelation 18:11-19

11 And the marchauntes of the erth shal wepe and wayle in them selues, for no man wyll bye theyr ware eny more, 12 the ware of gold and siluer, & precious stones, nether of pearle, and raynes, and purple, and skarlet, and all thynne wodde, and all maner vessels of yuery, & all maner vessels of most precious wodde, & of brasse & yron, 13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in price, are departed from the, & thou shalt fynde them nomore. 15 The marchauntes of these thynges whyche were wexed ryche, shall stande a farre of from hir, for feare of the punyshement of her, wepynge and waylynge, 16 & saying: Alas, Alas, that gret cytie, that was clothed in raynes and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stones, & pearles:

Jeremiah 25:9-11

9 lo, I wyll sende out, & call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will brynge them vpon this lande, and vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, and wyll vtterly rote them oute. I will make of them a wildernesse, a mockage, and a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 27:3-7

3 and send them to the kynge of Edom, to the kynge of Moab, to the kynge of Ammon, to the king of Tirus, and to the kynge of Sidon: and that by the messengers, which shall come to Ierusalem vnto Zedekiah the kinge of Iuda: 4 and byd them saye vnto theyr masters: Thus sayth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel: speake thus vnto your masters: 5 I am he that made the earth, the men and the catell that are vpon the grounde, with my great power and outstretched arme, and haue geuen it vnto whom it pleased me. 6 And now will I delyuer all these landes into the power of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon my seruaunt. The beastes also of the felde shall I geue hym to do hym seruyce. 7 And all people shall serue hym, & hys sonne, and his childers children, vntill the tyme of the same lande become also: yee, many people and great kinges shall serue him.

Jeremiah 29:10

10 But thus sayth the Lorde. When ye haue fulfylled .lxx. yeares at Babylon, I wyll brynge you home, & of myne awne goodnes I wyll carye you hyther agayne into thys place.

Ezekiel 27:25

25 The shyppes of Tharsis were the chefe of thy occupyenge. Thus thou art full, and in greate worship, euen in the myddest of the see.

Ezekiel 29:11

11 so that in fourty yeares there shall no fote of man walke there, nether fote of catell go there, nether shall it be inhabited.

Daniel 7:14

14 Then gaue he him power & dignite regall, that all people, trybes and tunges shulde serue him. His power is an euerlastinge power, which shall neuer be put downe: & his kyngdome endureth uncorrupte.

Daniel 8:21

21 but the goate is the kynge of Greke lande: the greate horne that stode betwyxte hys eyes, that is the principall kynge.

Hosea 2:15

15 there will I geue her her vyniardes agayne, yee & the valley of Achor also to shewe her hope and comforte. Then shall she synge there as in the tyme of her youth, and lyke as in the daye when she came out of the lande of Egypte.

Revelation 17:10

10 they are also seuen kynges. Fyue are fallen, and one is, and another is not yet come. And when he commeth, he must continew a shorte space.

Proverbs 7:10-12

10 And beholde, there mett hym a woman wt open tokens of an harlot, onely her herte was hyde, 11 She was full of loude wordes, & redy to daly: whose fete coulde not abyde in the house, 12 nowe is the without, now in the stretes, and layeth abayte in euery corner,

Jeremiah 30:14

14 All thy louers haue forgotten the, and care nothynge for the. For I haue geuen the a cruell stroke, and chastened the roughly: and that for the multitude of thy mysdedes: for thy synnes haue had the ouer hande.

Deuteronomy 23:18

18 Thou shalt nether brynge the hyer of an whore nor the pryce of a dogge into the house of the Lorde thy God, in any maner of vowe, for euen both of them are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God.

Ezekiel 16:26

26 Thou hast commytted fornicacyon wt the Egypcyans thy neyghbours, which had moch fleshe: and thus hast thou encreased thine whordome, to anger me.

Ezekiel 16:31

31 buyldinge thy stewes at the head of euery strete, & thy brodell houses in all places? Thou hast not bene as an other whore, that holdeth scorne of a small rewarde,

Ezekiel 22:13

13 Beholde, I haue smyten my handes vpon thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the bloude whych hath bene shed in the.

Ezekiel 27:6-36

6 and the Okes of Basan to make the rowers. Thy boordes haue they made of yuery, & of costely wood out of the Ile of Cethim. 7 Thy sayle was of dyuers colours, small nedle worke out of the lande of Egypt, to hange vpon thy mast: & thy hanginges of yelow sylcke purple, out of the Iles of Elisah.

Micah 1:7

7 All her Images shall be broken downe & all her garmentes shall be brent in the fyre: yee, all her Idols will I destroye: for why? they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore, & into an whores hyre shall they be turned agayne.

Micah 3:11

11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for gyftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre. O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for mony. Yet will they be taken as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the Lord amonge vs? Tush, there can no mysfortune happen vs.

Nahum 3:4

4 And that for the greate and manyfolde whordome, of the fayre & beutyfull harlot: which is a mastresse of witchcraft: yee, and selleth the people thorow her whordome, & the nacyons thorow her witchcraft.

Zephaniah 2:7

7 yee, it shalbe a porcion for soch as remayne of the house of Iuda, to fede ther vpon. In the houses of Ascalon shall they rest towarde nyght: for the Lord their God shal vyset them, & turne awaye their captiuite.

Acts 15:14

14 Simeon tolde, how God at the beginning dyd visit the gentyls, to receaue of them a people in his name.

1 Timothy 3:3

3 not geuen to ouer moch wyne, no fyghter, not gredy of fylthye lucre. but gentle, abhorryng fyghtynge, abhorrynge coueteousnes,

1 Timothy 3:8

8 Lyke wyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen vnto moch wyne, nether gredy of fylthy lucre:

1 Peter 5:2

2 Fede ye Christes flocke, asmoch as lyeth in you, takynge the ouersyght of them, not as compelled therto, but wyllyngly: not for the desyre of fylthy lucre: but of a good mynde,

Revelation 17:1-5

1 And ther came one of the seuen Angels, whyche had the seuen vyalles: and talked wyth me, sayenge vnto me: come, I wyll shewe vnto the, the iudgement of the great whore that sytteth vpon many waters, 2 wyth whome haue commytted fornicacion the kynges of the erthe, and the inhabyters of the erth are droncken wyth the wyne of hir fornicacion. 3 And the sprete caryed me awaye in to the wyldernes. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored beast, full of names of blasphemye, whyche had seuen heades and ten hornes. 4 And the woman was arayed in purple and rose coloure, and decked wyth golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cup of golde in her hande, full of abhominacions and fylthynes of her fornicacion. 5 And in her forheade was a name written, a mystery, gret Babylon the mother of whordom and abominacions of the erth.

Revelation 18:9-14

9 And the kynges of the erth shall bewepe her and wayle ouer her, which haue commytted fornicacion with her, & haue lyued wantanly with her, when they shall se the smoke of her burnyng, 10 & shall stande a farre of, for feare of her punishement, sayinge. Alas, Alas, that gret cytie Babylon, the myghtye citie: for at one hour is thy iudgement come. 11 And the marchauntes of the erth shal wepe and wayle in them selues, for no man wyll bye theyr ware eny more, 12 the ware of gold and siluer, & precious stones, nether of pearle, and raynes, and purple, and skarlet, and all thynne wodde, and all maner vessels of yuery, & all maner vessels of most precious wodde, & of brasse & yron, 13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after, are departed from the. And all thinges which were deyntie, and had in price, are departed from the, & thou shalt fynde them nomore.

Revelation 19:2

2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the gret whore which dyd corrupt the erth wt her fornicacion, & hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of hyr hande.

Exodus 28:36

36 And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and graue theron, as sygnettes are grauen. The holynesse of the Lorde,

Deuteronomy 12:18-19

18 but thou must eate them before the Lorde thy God, in the place which the Lorde thy God hath chosen: thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy seruaunte and thy mayde, & the Leuite that is wythin thy gates: and thou shalt reioyse before the Lorde thy God, in all that thou puttest thyne hande to. 19 Beware, that thou forsake not the Leuite, as longe as thou lyuest vpon the erth.

Deuteronomy 26:12-14

12 When thou hast made an ende of tythinge all the tythes of thyne encrease the thyrde yere, which is the yere of tythynge: thou shalt geue it vnto the Leuite, the straungers, the fatherlesse and the wedowes, that they maye eate wythin thy gates, and fyll them selues. 13 And thou shalt saye before the Lorde thy God. I haue brought the halowed thynges out of myne house, and haue geuen them vnto the Leuites, the straungers, the fatherlesse and the wedowes accordynge to all thy commaundmentes which thou hast commaunded me: I haue not ouerskypped thy commaundementes, nor forgotten them. 14 I haue not eaten therof in my mournynge nor suffred ought to peryshe thorowe vnclennesse, ner geuen ought therof for the deed, but haue herkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde my God, & haue done after all that thou hast commaunded me.

2 Chronicles 2:7-9

7 sende me nowe therfore a connynge man, that can worcke in golde and syluer, in brasse and yron, in purple, cremosin and yelowe sylke, and that can skylle to graue, with the connynge men that are with me in Iuda and Ierusalem, whom Dauid my father dyd prepare. 8 Send me also Cedar trees, pyne trees & Algume trees out of Libanon. For I wote that thy seruauntes can skylle to hewe tymbre in Libanon. And beholde, my men shalbe wt thyne, 9 that they maye prepare me tymbre ynough. For the house which I am determyned to builde, shalbe wonderfull greate.

2 Chronicles 2:11-16

11 And Hiram kynge of Tire answered in wrytinge, which he sent to Salomon. Because the Lorde hath loued his people, therfore hath he made the kynge ouer them. 12 And Hiram sayde moreouer: blessed be the Lorde God of Israel which made heauen and erth, and that hath geuen Dauid the kynge a wyse sonne, and one that hath discrecion, prudence, and vnderstandynge, to buylde an house for the Lorde, & a palace for him selfe. 13 And nowe I haue sent a wyse man, and a man of vnderstandynge (whom my father Huram dyd vse) 14 the sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tire, and he can skylle to worke in gold and syluer, in brasse and yron, in stone and tymbre, in purple and yelowe sylke, in fyne whyte and cremosin: and can graue sondrie maner of grauinges, and to fynde out dyuerse maner of sotle worke that shalbe sett before him, with thy connynge men, & with the connynge men of my Lorde Dauid thy father. 15 Nowe therfore, the wheate, and barleye, oyle and wyne which my Lorde hath spoken of, let him sende vnto his seruauntes. 16 And we will cut wood in Libano, as moch as thou shalt nede, and will bring it to the, in shippes by see to Iapho, from whence thou mayst carye them to Ierusalem.

Psalms 45:12

12 So shall the kyng haue pleasure in thy bewtye, for he is thy Lorde & worshype thou hym.

Psalms 72:10

10 The kynges of Tharsis and of the Iles shall geue presentes, the kynges of Araby and Saba shall bring gyftes.

Proverbs 3:9-10

9 Honoure the Lord wt thy substaunce: and with thy firstlinges of all thyne encrease 10 so shall thy barnes be fylled with plenteousnesse: and thy presses shall flowe ouer with swete wyne.

Proverbs 13:22

22 He that is vertuous, leaueth an enheritaunce vnto hys chylders children and the ryches of the synner is layed vp for the iust.

Proverbs 28:8

8 He that by vsurye and vniuste gaynes gatherith ryches: he shall laye them in store for a man that will pytye the pore.

Ecclesiastes 2:26

26 God gyueth to the man that is good before him, wysdome, vnderstandyng, & gladnesse. But vnto the synner he geueth weerynes that he maye gather and heape together the thynge, that afterwarde shalbe geuen vnto him, whom it pleaseth God. This is now a vayne thinge, yee a very disquietnesse and vexacyon of mynde.

Isaiah 60:5-9

5 Then thou shalt se thys: and be gloriouse, thou shalt maruell exceadyngly, and thyne hert shalbe opened: when the abundaunce of the see shalbe conuerted vnto the (that is) when the ryches of the Gentiles shall come vnto the. 6 The multitude of Camels shall couer the, the dromedaries of Madian & Epha All they of Saba shall come, bryngynge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the Lord. 7 All the catell of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto the, the rammes of Nabaioth shall serue the, to be offred acceptablye vpon myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnyshed. 8 But what are these, that fle here lyke the cloudes, & as the doues flyenge to theyr wyndowes? 9 The Iles also shall wayte for me, & specially the shyppes of Tharsis: that they maye brynge thy sonnes from farre, & theyr syluer & their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorifyed the.

Micah 4:13

13 Therfore get the vp, O thou daughter Syon, and throsshe out the corne: For I wyll make thy horne yron, & thy clawes brasse, that thou mayest grynde many people: theyr goodes shalt thou appropriate vnto the Lorde, and theyr substaunce vnto the ruler of the whole worlde.

Zechariah 14:20-21

20 At that tyme shall the rydyng gere of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde, & the kettels in the Lordes house shall be lyke the basens before the aulter: 21 yee, al the kettels in Ierusalem and Iuda, shalbe holy vnto the Lorde of hostes: and all they that slaye offeringes, shall come & take of them, & dyght them there in. And at that tyme there shall be no mo Cananites in the house of the Lorde.

Malachi 3:10

10 Bringe euery Tithe into my barne, that there maye be meat in myne house: and proue me withall (sayeth the Lorde of hoostes) yf I wyll not open the wyndowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessyng with plenteousnesse.

Matthew 6:19-21

19 Laye not vp for your selues treasure vpon earth, where the rust and mothe doth corrupte, and where theues breake through, and steale. 20 But laye vp for you, treasures in heuen, where nether rust nor mothe doth corrupte, and where theues do not breake thorow nor steale. 21 For where your treasure is, there will youre hert be also.

Matthew 25:35-40

35 For I was an hongred, & ye gaue me meate. I was thyrstye, & ye gaue me drincke. I was herbourlesse, & ye toke me in: 36 Naked, & ye clothed me: Sicke & ye visyted me. I was in preson, and ye came vnto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answere him saying: Lord, when sawe we the an hongred, and fedd the? or thirstye, & gaue the drinke? 38 when sawe we the herborlesse, & tooke the in? or naked, and clothed the? 39 or when sawe we the sycke, or in preson, and came vnto the? 40 And the kyng shall answere, and saye vnto them: veryly I saye vnto you: in as moch as ye haue done it vnto one of the leest of these my brethren, ye haue done it to me.

Mark 3:8

8 and from Ierusalem, and from Idumea, and from beyonde Iordane, and they that dwelled about Tyre and Sidon, a greate multitude of men: which (when they had herde what thinges he dyd) came vnto hym.

Luke 8:3

3 and Ioanna the wyfe of Chusa. Herodes stewarde, and Susanna, and many other, which minystred vnto hym of theyr substaunce.

Luke 12:18-20

18 And he sayd: This will I do. I will destroye my barnes, and bylde greater, and therin will I gather all my goodes that are growen vnto me: 19 and I will saye to my soule: Soule thou hast moche goodes layd vp in stoore for many yeares, take thyne ease: eate, drincke, be mery. 20 But God sayd vnto him. Thou fole, this nyght will they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall those thynges be, which thou hast prouided?

Luke 12:33

33 Sell that ye haue, and geue almes. And prepare you bagges, which wexe not olde, euen a treasure that fayleth not in heauen, where no thefe commeth, nether moth corrupteth.

Luke 16:9-13

9 And I saye vnto you: make you frendes of the vnryghteous mammon, that when ye shall haue nede they may receaue you into euerlastyng habitacyons. 10 He that is faythfull in that which is least, is faythfull also in moch. And he that is vnryghteous in the least: is vnryghteous also in moch. 11 So then, yf ye haue not ben faythfull in the vnryghteous mammon, who wyll beleue you in that which is true? 12 And yf ye haue not bene faythfull in another mannes busynes, who shal geue you that which is your awne? 13 No seruaunt can serue two masters: for ether he shall hate the one, and loue the other: or els he shall leane to the one, & despyse the other. Ye cannot serue God & mammon.

Acts 9:39

39 Peter arose, & came with them. And when he was come, they brought him into the chamber. And all the widdowes stode round about him, wepynge, and shewyng the coates and garmentes, which Dorcas made, whyle she was with them.

Acts 21:3-5

3 But whan Ciprus beganne to appeare vnto vs, we lefte it on the lefte hande, and sayled vnto Siria, and cam vnto Tyre. For there the shyppe vnladed the burthen. 4 And when we had founde brethren, we taryed there .vij. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe the sprete that he shuld not go vp to Ierusalem. 5 And when the dayes were ended we departed and went oure waye, and they all brought vs on oure waye, with wyues and chyldren, tyll we were come out of the cytie. And we kneled downe in the shore and prayde.

Romans 15:25-27

25 Now go I vnto Ierusalem, and minister vnto the saynctes. 26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribucyon vpon the poore saynctes, whych are at Ierusalem. 27 It hath pleased them verely, and their detters are they. For yf the Gentyls be made partetakers of their spirituall thynges, their dutie is to minyster vnto them in bodyly thinges.

Galatians 6:6

6 Let hym that is taught in the worde, minister vnto him that teacheth him in all good thinges.

Philippians 4:17-18

17 not that I desire gyftes: but I desyre aboundant frute on youre parte. 18 Neuertheles I receaued all, and haue plentie. I was euen fylled after that I receaued of Epaphroditus the thinges, which were sent from you, an odoure of a swete smell a sacrifyce accepted and pleasaunt to God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.