1 Thys is the heuye burthen vpon Damascus: Beholde, Damascus is taken awaye, to be nomore a citye, but shalbe an heape of broken stones.
Isaiah 17:1 Cross References - Great
Genesis 14:15
15 And he was sett in Aray vpon them by nyght, he and his seruauntes, and smote them and pursued them vnto Hoba: which lyeth on the lefte hande of Damascos,
Genesis 15:2
2 And Abram sayde: Lorde God what wilt thou geue me whan I go chyldlesse, and the chylde of the stewardship of my house is thys Eleazar of Damasco?
1 Kings 11:24
24 And he gathered men vnto hym, and became captayne ouer the companye, when Dauid slewe them. And they went to Damasco, and dwelt there, and raigned in Damasco:
2 Kings 16:9
9 And the kynge of Assiria consented vnto hym. For the kynge of Assiria went vp agaynst Damasco. And when he had take it, he caryed the people awaye to Kyr, and slue Rezin.
1 Chronicles 18:5
5 And when the Syriens of Damasco came to helpe Hadadezer kynge of Zoba, Dauid slue of the Syriens .xxii. thousande,
2 Chronicles 28:5
5 Wherfore the Lorde his God delyuered him into the hande of the kynge of the Siriens: which bet him, & caried awaye a great multitude of hys captiue, and brought them to Damascon. And he was delyuered into the hande of the kynge of Israel, which smote him with a greate slaughter.
2 Chronicles 28:23
23 For he offered vnto the Gods of them of Damasco, which bette hym, & he sayd: because the Gods of the kynges of Syria healpe them, therfore wyll I offer to them, that they maye helpe me also. But they were his destruccyon, and the destruccion of all Israel.
Isaiah 7:8
8 for the head cytie of the Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rayzin. And after fyue & threscore yeare, shall Ephraim be no more a people.
Isaiah 8:4
4 For why, or ouer the chylde shal haue knowledge to crye father, & mother: shall the ryches of Damascus & the substaunce of Samaria be taken awaye by the spoyler, before the kyng of the Assirians.
Isaiah 10:9
9 Is not Calno as easye to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Hamath then Arphad? Or is it lyghter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria?
Isaiah 13:1
1 This is the heuy burthen of Babylon, which Esay the sonne of Amos dyd se.
Isaiah 15:1
1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed & ouerthrowen in the nyght season: Kir also in Moab was destroyed & peryshed in the nyght.
Isaiah 19:1
1 The heuye burthen of Egypte: Beholde, the Lorde rydeth vpon a swyfte clowde, and shall come into Egypte, & the ydols of Egypte shall tremble at the presence of hym, & the hert of Egypte shall quake in the myddes of her.
Isaiah 25:2
2 Thou hast mad of a citye an heape of stones, and brought a stronge towne into decaye. The habitation of straungers hast thou made to be no citye, nether shal it be builded any more.
Isaiah 37:26
26 Yee, hast thou not hearde, what I haue taken in hande, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wyll I do nowe also: waste, destroye, and brynge stronge cyties vnto heapes of stones.
Jeremiah 49:2
2 Beholde therfore, the tyme commeth, sayth the Lorde, that I wyll bring a noyse of warre into Rabah of the Ammonites: and it shall be layed on a desolate heape: and her cityes brent vp: & the Israelites shalbe lordes ouer those that had them in possession afore, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 49:23-27
23 Upon Damascus, Hemath and Arphad shall come confusion: for they shall heare euell tydinges: they shalbe tossed to and fro lyke the see that cannot stande styll.
24 Damascus shalbe sore afrayed, and shall flee, tremblinge come vpon her. Sorowe & payne shall ouertake her as a woman trauelynge of chylde.
25 But howe shuld so worshipfull & glorious a citye be forsaken?
26 Heare therfore: her yonge men shall fall in the stretes, and all her men of warre shalbe taken awaye in that tyme, sayth the Lorde of hostes.
27 I wyll kyndle a fyre in the walles of Damascus, which shall consume the palace of Benhadad.
Amos 1:3-5
3 Thus sayeth the Lorde: for thre and foure wyckednesses of Damascus, I will not spare her: because they haue throshed Galaad with yron flayles.
4 But I will sende a fyre into the house of Hazaell, the same shall consume the palaces of Benadab.
5 Thus will I breake the barres of Damascus, and rote out the inhabyter from the felde of Auen, And him that holdeth the scepter, out of the pleasaunt house: so that the people shalbe dryuen out of fayre Siria, sayeth the Lorde.
6 Therfore I shall make Samaria an heape of stones in the felde, to laye aboute the vyneyarde: her stones shall I cast into the valley, and discouer her foundacyons.
Micah 3:12
12 Therfore shall Sion (for youre sakes) be plowed lyke a felde Ierusalem shall become an heape of stones, and the hyll of the temple shall be turned to an hye wodde.
Zechariah 9:1
1 The worde of the Lorde shalbe receaued at Adrach, & Damascus shalbe hys offeryng: for the eyes of all men & of the trybes of Israel shall loke vp vnto the Lord.
2 and desyred of hym letters, to cary to Damasco, to the synagoges. that yf he founde any of thys waye, (whyther they were men or wemen) he myght brynge them bounde vnto Ierusalem.