15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell.
Isaiah 14:15 Cross References - Great
Isaiah 14:3-11
3 When the Lord now shal bringe the to rest, from the trauayle, feare, & harde bondage that thou wast laden wt all:
4 then shalt thou vse thys mockage vpon the kyng of Babylon, & saye: How happeneth it that the oppressour leaueth of? Is the golden tribute come to an ende?
5 The Lord hath broken the ceptre of the vngodly & the rodd of the lordly.
6 Which when he is wroth smyteth the people wt continual strokes, & tyrannouselye reignethe ouer the hethen whom he persecuted without compassion.
7 And therfore the whole worlde is now at rest & quyetnes and men synge for ioye.
8 Ye, euen the Fyrre trees & Cedres of libanus reioyse at thy fall sayeng: Nowe that thou art layd downe, there come no mo vp to hewe downe vs.
9 Hell also beneth trembleth to mete the at thy commynge, & for thy sake hath raysed his deade, & all myghtie men & princes of the earth. All kynges of the earth stande vp from their seates,
10 that they may all answere & speake vnto the. Art thou become weake also as we? art thou become lyke vnto vs?
11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is layde downe into the pyt, and so is the melody of thy instrumentes. Wormes be layde vnder the, & wormes are thy couerynge.
Ezekiel 28:8-9
Ezekiel 32:23
23 whose graues lye besyde him in the lowe pytte. Hys comens are buried rounde aboute hys graue, all together wounded and slayne with the swearde, which men afore tyme brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge.
Matthew 11:23
23 And thou Capernaum, which art lyft vp vnto heuen, shalt be brought downe to hell. For yf the miracles which haue bene done in the, had bene shewed in Zodom: they had remayned vntill this daye.
Luke 10:15
15 And thou Capernaum (which art exalted to heauen) shalt be thrust downe to hell.
Acts 12:22-23
Revelation 19:20
20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone: