1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed & ouerthrowen in the nyght season: Kir also in Moab was destroyed & peryshed in the nyght.
2 They wente vp to the ydols house, euen to Dibon to the hye places, to wepe for Nebo, and Moab dyd mourne for Medba: All theyr heades, were balde & all theyr beardes shauen.
3 In theyr stretes are they gyrded aboute with sack cloth. In all the toppes of their houses & stretes shalbe nothynge but mournynge & wepynge.
4 Hesebon & Eleale shall crye, that theyr voyce shalbe hearde vnto Iahaz. The worthyes also of Moab shall bleare out and crye for very sorow of their Myndes:
5 Wo shall my herte be for Moabs sake. They shal flye vnto the cyte of Zoar, which is lyke a fayre yong bullock of thre yere olde, for they shall all go vp to Luith, wepinge. Euen so by the waye toward Horonaim they shall make lamentacion for ther vtter destruccion.
6 For the waters of Nimrim shalbe dried vp, by reason wherof the grasse is withred, the herbes destroyed, & the grene thynges gone.
7 For the residue that he hath done, they are sory. As for theyr substaunce, the enemyes haue caried them to the broke of the wyllyes.
8 For the crie went ouer the whole lande of Moab: vnto Eglaim & vnto Beer Elim was there nothing but mournyng,
9 because the waters of Dimon were full of bloude: for I the Lord shall sende more bloude vpon Dimon, & lyons vpon the remnaunt of the lande, & on them that are escaped from Moab.
Isaiah 15 Cross References - Great
Exodus 12:29-30
29 And at mydnight, the Lorde smote all the fyrst borne in the lande of Egipte, from the fyrst borne of Pharao that satte on hys seate, vnto the fyrst borne of the captyue that was in preson: and all the fyrste gendred of catell.
30 And Pharao arose in the nyghte, he and all his seruauntes and all the Egipcians: and there was a greate cryinge in Egipt: for there was no house where there was not one deed.
Numbers 21:28
28 for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon, and a flamme from the cytie of Sehon, and hath consumed Ar in Moab, and the inheritours of the hye places in Arnon.
Deuteronomy 2:9
9 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Thou shalt not fyght agaynst the Moabites, nether prouoke them to battell, for I wyll not geue the of their lande to possesse:
Deuteronomy 2:18
18 Thou shalt go thorow Ar the coast of Moab thys daye:
2 Kings 3:25
25 And they ouerthrewe the cyties, & on euery good parcell of lande, cast euery man his stone, and fylled it, and they stopte all the welles of waters, and felde all the good trees. Onely in the cytie of brick left they the stones therof: howbeit they went aboute it with slynges, and smote it.
Isaiah 11:14
14 but they both together shall flye vpon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west, and spoyle them together that dwell towarde the East. The Idumytes and the Moabites shall lett their handes fall, & the Ammonites shalbe obedient vnto them.
Isaiah 13:1
1 This is the heuy burthen of Babylon, which Esay the sonne of Amos dyd se.
Isaiah 14:28
28 The same yeare that Kynge Ahaz dyed, god threatened on this maner:
Isaiah 16:7
7 Therfore shal Moab make lamentacion because of the Moabites (that shalbe slayne) yee they shal wayle all together. Because of the foundacyons of the citye that is made of brick, shal ye complayne: euen ye lame people that are left onely behinde.
Isaiah 16:11
11 Wherfore, my bowels shal romble lyke an harpe for Moabs sake, and myne inwarde partes for the cityes sake that is made of bryck.
Isaiah 25:10
10 For in this mountayne shall the hande of the Lorde cease and Moab shalbe thresshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed vpon the grounde.
Jeremiah 9:26
26 The Egyptians, the Iewes, the Edomytes, the Ammonytes, the Moabites. and the shauen Madianytes, that dwell in the wyldernes. For all the Gentiles are vncircumcysed in the flesh, but all the house of Israell are vncircumcysed in the herte.
Jeremiah 48:1-47
1 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel agaynst Moab: wo be to the cytie of Nebo: for it is layed wast, brought to confusion: and Kariathiarim taken, Misgab is brought to shame and afrayed:
2 Moab can boast nomore of Hesebon: for they haue deuysed against it. Come, shall they saye, let vs rote them out, that they maye be nomore amonge the nomber of the Gentiles, and that thou Madmen maye nomore be thought vpon: and the swearde shall persecute the.
3 A voyce shall crye from Horanaim: With greate wastynge and destruccyon
4 is Moab made desolate. Chyldren coulde tell of the crye therof.
5 For at the goynge vp vnto Luyth, he arose with lamentation and mournynge, and downe towarde Horonaim, they heard a cruell and a deedly crye.
6 Get you awaye, saue your lyues, and be lyke vnto the heeth in the wildernesse.
7 For because thou hast trusted in thine owne workes and treasure, thou shalt be taken. Chamos with his prestes and princes shall go awaye into captiuyte.
8 The destroyer shall come vpon all cyties none shall escape. The valleys shalbe destroyed, and the feldes shalbe layed waste, lyke as the Lorde hath spoken.
9 Geue wynges vnto Moab, that she get her awaye spedely: for her cyties shalbe made so desolate, that no man shall dwell therin.
10 Cursed be he that doth the worcke of the Lorde negligently, and cursed be he that kepeth backe his swearde from sheddynge of bloude.
11 Moab hath euer bene ryche and carelesse from her youth vp, she hath sytten and taken her ease with her treasure. She was neuer yet put out of one vessell into another (that is) she neuer wente awaye into captiuyte, therfore her taste remayneth, and her sauour is not yet chaunged.
12 But lo, the tyme commeth, sayth the Lord, that I shall sende her trussers to trusse her vp: which shall remoue her from her dwellynge: and to emptye her vessels, and breake her wyne pottes.
13 And Moab shalbe ashamed of Chamos, lyke as Israel was ashamed of Bethel, wherin she put her trust
14 Wherfore do ye thynke thus: we are myghtye and stronge men of warre?
15 Moab is destroyed, and her cyties brent vp: her chosen yonge men be slayne, sayth the kyng, whose name is the Lorde of hostes.
16 The destruccyon of Moab commeth on apace, and her fall is at hande.
17 All her neyghbours shall mourne for her, and all they that know her name shall saye, O howe happeneth it, that the stronge stafe and the goodly rodde is thus broken?
18 And thou daughter Dibon, come downe from thy glory, & syt in thyrst. For he that destroyeth Moab, shall come vp to the also, and breake downe thy stronge holde.
19 And thou that dwellest in Aroer, get the to the strete, and loke aboute the: aske them that are fledd and escaped, and saye: what thinge is happened?
20 Oh, Moab is confounded and ouercome. Mourne and crye, tell it out at Arnon, that Moab is destroyed.
21 For iudgment shall come vpon the playne lande: Namely, vpon Holon, and Iahazah, vpon Mephaath
22 and Dibon, vpon Nabo and the house of Deblathaim,
23 vpon Cariathiarim and vpon the house Gamul, vpon the house Maon
24 and Carioth vpon Bozrah and all the cyties in the lande of Moab, whether they lye farre or neare.
25 The horne of Moab is smyten downe and her arme broken, sayth the Lorde.
26 Make her dronken, for she magnifyed her selfe aboue the Lorde, that men maye clappe theyr handes at her vomyte, and that she also maye be laughed to scorne.
27 O Israel, shalte thou not laugh him to scorne, when he is taken amonge theues. Yee, because of thy wordes that thou hast spoken agaynste hym, thou shalt be dryuen awaye.
28 Ye Moabites shall leaue the cyties, and dwell in rockes of stone, and become lyke doues, that make theyr nestes in holes.
29 As for Moabs pryde, we haue hearde of it: she is verye hye mynded. I knowe her stoutnes, her boastynge, her arogancye, and the pryde of her stomack, sayth the Lorde.
30 I knowe (sayeth the Lorde) her indignacyon, she doth not ryght, her wordes are lyes, and they haue not delt truly.
31 Therfore shal ther mourning be made for Moab, and euery man shall crye for Moabs sake: a lamentatyon shalbe made to the men that stande vpon the wall.
32 So will I mourne for the also, O Iazer and for the, O thou vineyarde of Sabamah. Thy vyne braunches shall come ouer the see, and the braunches of Iazer but vnto the see: the destroyer shall breake into thy haruest and grape gathering:
33 myrth and cheare shalbe taken awaye from the tymbre felde, and from the whole lande of Moab. There shalbe no swete wyne in the presse, the treader shall haue no stomacke to crye yee, ther shalbe none to crie vnto him:
34 which afore tyme were heard from Hesebon to Eleale and Iahaz, which lifted vp their voyce from Zoar vnto Horonaim, that bullocke of thre yeare olde shall go mourning. The waters also of Memrim shalbe dryed vp.
35 Moreouer, I will make Moab cease, sayeth the Lord, from the offeringes and censing that, she hath made vnto her goddes in hie places.
36 Wherfore my hert mourneth for Moab, lyke a crowde playenge an heuy songe: and for the mennes sake of the brycke wall my herte mourneth also: euen as a pype that pypeth a dolefull songe: for they shalbe very feawe, and destroyed.
37 All heades shalbe shauen, and all beerdes clipped of: all handes bounde, and loynes girded about with sacke cloth.
38 Upon all the house toppes and stretes of Moab, ther shall be lamentable mourning. For I wyll breake Moab lyke an vnprofytable vessell, sayth the Lorde.
39 O howe is she destroyed? O howe mourneth she? O howe doeth Moab hange downe her heade, & is ashamed? Thus shall Moab be a laughing stock: & had in derision of all them that be rounde aboute her.
40 For thus sayth the Lorde. Beholde, the enemye shall come flieng as an aegle: & sprede hys winges vpon Moab.
41 They shall clyme ouer the walles, & wynne the strongholdes. Then the mighty mens hertes in Moab shalbe lyke the hert of a woman trauelyng with chylde.
42 And Moab shalbe made so desolate: that she shal nomore be a people, because she hath sett vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde.
43 Feare, pytt & snare shall come vpon the, O Moab, sayeth the Lorde.
44 Whoso escapeth the feare, shall fall in the pytte: and who so getteth out of the pyt, shalbe taken in the snare. For I will bring a yeare of visitation vpon Moab, sayth the Lorde.
45 They that are able to flye, shall stande vnder the shadowe of Hesebon. For there shall go a fier out of Hesebon, and a flame from Sion, and shall burne vp that proude people of Moab, and the toppe of those sedityous chyldren.
46 Wo be vnto the, O Moab, for thou people of Chamos shalt peryshe. Yee, thy sonnes and daughters shalbe leade awaye captiue.
47 Yet at the laste wyll I brynge Moab out of captiuite agayne, sayeth the Lorde. Thus farre is of the plage of Moab.
Ezekiel 25:8-11
8 Thus sayeth the Lord God: For so moch as Moab & Seir do saye: As for the house of Iuda, it is but lyke as all other Gentyles be:
9 Therfore beholde, I will open the syde of Moab, & take awaye theyr strength, their cyties & chefe coastes of theyr lande, which are the pleasures of the countre. As namely. Bethiesimoth, Baalmeon and Cariathaim:
10 these will I open vnto them of the east, that they maye fall vpon the Ammonites: & will geue it them in possession: so that the Ammonites shall nomore be had in remembraunce amonge the Heathen
11 Euen thus will I punysh Moab also, that they maye know, how that I am the Lorde.
Amos 2:1-3
1 Thus sayeth the Lorde: For thre and foure wyckednesses of Moab, I wyll not spare hym: because he brent the bones of the kynge of Edom to asshes.
2 Therfore, wyll I sende a fyre into Moab, which shall consume the palaces of Carioth: so that Moab shall peryshe with noyse and the sounde of a shawme.
3 I wyll rote out the iudge from amonge them, & slaye all hys prynces with him, sayeth the Lorde.
Zephaniah 2:8-11
8 I haue herde the despite of Moab, & the blasphemyes of the children of Ammon how they haue shamefully intreated my people, & magnified them selues within the borders of their lande.
9 Therfore, as truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel) Moab shalbe as Sodome & Ammon as Gomorra: euen drie thorne hedges, salt pittes & a perpetuall wyldernes. The resydue of my folcke shal spoyle them, the remnaunt of my people shal haue them in possession.
10 This shall happen vnto them for their pryde, because they haue dealte so shamefully with the Lorde of hostes people, & magnified them selues aboue them.
11 The Lord shall be grymme vpon them, & destroye all the goddes in the lande. And all the Iles of the Heathen shall worshippe him, euery man in his place.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
1 Finally of the tymes & seasons (brethren) it is no nede that I wryte vnto you:
2 for ye yourselues know perfectly, that the daye of the Lord shall come, euen as a thefe in the nyght.
3 For when they shall saye, peace and all thynges are safe, then shall soden destruccyon come vpon them (as sorowe commeth vpon a woman traualynge with chylde) & they shall not scape:
Leviticus 19:27-28
Leviticus 21:5
5 Let them not make baldnesse vpon their heed, nor shaue of the lockes of their bearde, nor make any markes in their fleshe.
Numbers 21:30
30 Theyr empire is lost from Hesbon vnto Dibon, and we made a wyldernesse euen vnto Nopha, whych reacheth vnto Mediba.
Numbers 32:3
3 The lande of Ataroth and Dibon, Iazer and Nemrah, Hesbon and Elealeh, Sabam and Nebo and Beon:
Numbers 32:38
38 Nebo, Baal, Meon, & turned their names, & Sibama also: and gaue other names vnto the cityes which they builded.
Deuteronomy 14:1
1 Ye are the children of the Lord your God. Ye shall not cut youre selues, nor make you any baldnes betwene youre eyes for any deed man.
Deuteronomy 34:1
1 And Moses went from the playne of Moab vp into mount Nebo and vnto the toppe of the hyll that is ouer agaynst Iericho. And the Lorde shewed hym all the lande of Gilead, euen vnto Dan,
Joshua 13:16-17
Job 1:20
20 Then Iob stode vp, and rent his clothes, and shaued hys heade, fell downe vpon the grounde, worshipped,
Isaiah 3:24
24 And in steade of good smell, there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe lowse bandes. And for well sett heare there shalbe baldenesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for theyr bewty witherdnesse, and sonne burnyng.
Isaiah 14:31
31 Mourne thou porte, wepe thou citye, for (O whole land of Palestina) thou art layde waste for there shall come from the North, a smoke that not one alone may abyde in his place
Isaiah 15:3
3 In theyr stretes are they gyrded aboute with sack cloth. In all the toppes of their houses & stretes shalbe nothynge but mournynge & wepynge.
Isaiah 16:12
12 And it shal come to passe, that whan it is sene that Moab shalbe made wery of hys hyll chapels, he shall come to his temple to praye, but he shal not be able
Isaiah 22:12
12 And in that daye dyd the Lorde God of hoostes call men vnto wepyng and mournyng, to baldnesse & gyrdyng aboute wyth sack cloth.
Jeremiah 7:29
29 Wherfore cut of thyne hearre O Ierusalem, & cast it awaye, take vp a complaynte on hye, for the Lord hath cast awaye, and scatred the people that he is displeased withall.
Jeremiah 47:5
5 Baldenesse is come vpon Azah, Ascalon with her other valleys shall kepe her peace. Howe longe wilt thou slaye,
Jeremiah 48:1
1 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel agaynst Moab: wo be to the cytie of Nebo: for it is layed wast, brought to confusion: and Kariathiarim taken, Misgab is brought to shame and afrayed:
Jeremiah 48:18
18 And thou daughter Dibon, come downe from thy glory, & syt in thyrst. For he that destroyeth Moab, shall come vp to the also, and breake downe thy stronge holde.
Jeremiah 48:22-23
Jeremiah 48:31
31 Therfore shal ther mourning be made for Moab, and euery man shall crye for Moabs sake: a lamentatyon shalbe made to the men that stande vpon the wall.
Jeremiah 48:37-39
37 All heades shalbe shauen, and all beerdes clipped of: all handes bounde, and loynes girded about with sacke cloth.
38 Upon all the house toppes and stretes of Moab, ther shall be lamentable mourning. For I wyll breake Moab lyke an vnprofytable vessell, sayth the Lorde.
39 O howe is she destroyed? O howe mourneth she? O howe doeth Moab hange downe her heade, & is ashamed? Thus shall Moab be a laughing stock: & had in derision of all them that be rounde aboute her.
Ezekiel 7:18
18 they shall gyrde them selues wyth sackcloth, feare shall fall vpon them. Theyr faces shalbe confounded, and theyr heades balde:
Deuteronomy 22:8
8 When thou byldest a newe house, thou shalt make a batelment on the rouffe, that thou lade not bloude vpon thyne house, yf any man fall therof.
2 Samuel 3:31
31 And Dauid sayd to Ioab, and to all the people that were with hym. Rent youre clothes, and put on sacke cloth, and mourne before Abner. And king Dauid him self folowed the corse.
2 Kings 6:30
30 And it came to passe, that when the kynge hearde the wordes of the woman, he rent his clothes, and went vp on the wall. And the people loked: and beholde he had a sack cloth vnder, vpon hys flesshe.
Isaiah 15:2
2 They wente vp to the ydols house, euen to Dibon to the hye places, to wepe for Nebo, and Moab dyd mourne for Medba: All theyr heades, were balde & all theyr beardes shauen.
Isaiah 22:1
1 The burthen of the valley of vision: What hast thou to do here, that thou clymest vnto the house toppes?
Isaiah 22:4
4 Therfore sayd I: let me alone & I wyll make lamentacion. Ye shall not be able to comforte me, because of the destruccyon of the daughter of my people.
Jeremiah 19:13
13 (For the houses of Ierusalem and the houses of the kynges of Iuda shalbe defyled, lyke as Topheth) because of all the houses, in whose parlers they dyd sacryfyce vnto all the hooste of heauen and powred drinke offeringes vnto straunge goddes.
Jonah 3:6-8
6 And the tydinges came vnto the kyng of Niniue which arose out of hys seate, and dyd hys apparell of and put on sack cloth, and sate hym downe in asshes.
7 And it was cryed & commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the kynge and hys Lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beest, oxe or shepe taste ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drinke water:
8 but put on sack cloth both man & beast: and crye myghtely vnto God: yee, se that euery man turne from his euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande.
Matthew 11:21
21 Wo vnto the Chorasin: Wo vnto the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which were shewed in you, had bene done in the cytie of Tyre or Sidon, they had repented of their synnes longe agon in sack cloth and asshes.
Genesis 27:46
46 & Rebecca spake to Isahac, I am wery of my lyfe, for feare of the daughters of Heth. If Iacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, soche one as these are, or of the daughters of the lande, what good shall my lyfe do me?
Numbers 11:15
15 If thou deale thus with me, kyll me, I praye the, yf I haue founde fauour in thy syght, that I se not my wrechednes.
Numbers 21:23
23 But Sehon wolde geue Israel no licence to passe thorowe hys countre, but gethered all hys people together and went oute agaynst Israel into the wyldernesse. And he came to Iaheza and foughte agaynst Israel.
Numbers 32:3-4
Deuteronomy 2:32
32 Then both Sehon & all hys people came out agaynst vs to fyght at Iaza.
Joshua 13:18
18 and Iahazah, and kedemoth and Mephaah
Judges 11:20
20 But Sehon consented not to Israel, that he shulde go thorow hys coast: but gathered all his people togeather, & pitched in Iazah, & fought wt Israel.
1 Kings 19:4
4 But he hym selfe went a dayes iourney into the wyldernesse, and came and satt downe vnder a Iuniper tree, and desyred for his soule; that he myght dye, and sayde, it is nowe ynough (O Lorde) take my soule, for I am not better then my fathers.
Job 3:20-22
Job 7:15-16
Isaiah 16:8-9
8 For the vynes of Hesbon are cut downe: As for the vyne of Sibma, the Lordes of the Heithen haue broken downe hyr principall braunches: they are come euen vnto Iazer, they went on wandering vnto the wildernesse. Hyr goodly braunches were throwen downe, as they went ouer the see.
9 Therfore will I mourne for Iazer, & for the vyne of Sibma. I will poure my teares vpon the, O Hesbon and Eleale, for the crie of thyne enemyes is fallen vpon thy sommer frutes, and vpon thyne haruest.
Jeremiah 8:3
3 And all they that remayne of this wycked generacion, shall desyre rather to dye then to lyue: wheresoeuer they remaine, and whereas I scatre them, sayeth the Lord of hostes.
Jeremiah 20:18
18 Wherfore cam I forth of my mothers wombe? To haue experience of laboure and sorowe? and to lead my lyfe with shame?
Jeremiah 48:34
34 which afore tyme were heard from Hesebon to Eleale and Iahaz, which lifted vp their voyce from Zoar vnto Horonaim, that bullocke of thre yeare olde shall go mourning. The waters also of Memrim shalbe dryed vp.
Jonah 4:3
3 And now O Lord, take my lyfe fro me (I beseche the) for I had rather dye then lyue.
Jonah 4:8
8 And when the Sunne was vp, God prepared a feruent east wynde: & the Sunne bett ouer the head of Ionas, that he faynted agayne, & wysshed vnto his soule, that he myght dye, and sayd: It is better for me to dye, then to lyue.
Revelation 9:6
6 And in those dayes shall men seke deeth, and shall not finde it, & shall desyre to dye, and deeth shall flye from them.
Genesis 13:10
10 And so Lot lyftynge vp hys eyes, beholde all the contre of Iordane, which was a plenteous contre of water euery where, before the Lord destroyed Sodome & Gomorra, euen as the garden of the Lorde, lyke the lande of Egypte as thou commest vnto Zoar.
Genesis 14:2
2 and they made warre wyth Bera kynge of Sodome, & wyth Birsa kynge of Gomorra, and with Sineab kynge of Adama, and with Semeabar kynge of Zeboim, and with the kynge of Bela. The same is Zoar.
Genesis 19:22
22 Haste the, & be saued there, for I can do nothynge tyll thou become thyther. And therfore the name of the cyte is called Zoar.
2 Samuel 15:23
23 And all the countreye wepte wyth a loude voyce, & so dyd all the people that went forth. The kynge also hym selfe passed ouer the broke Kydron. And all the people went towarde the waye that leadeth to the wyldernesse.
2 Samuel 15:30
30 And Dauid went vpon mount olyuet, and wepte as he went, and had his heed couered, & went barefote. And all the people that was wyth hym, had euery man hys heed couered, and as they went vp, they wepte also.
Isaiah 16:9-11
9 Therfore will I mourne for Iazer, & for the vyne of Sibma. I will poure my teares vpon the, O Hesbon and Eleale, for the crie of thyne enemyes is fallen vpon thy sommer frutes, and vpon thyne haruest.
10 The Myrth and chere is taken awaye out of the plentifull felde, and in the vyneyardes there shalbe no ioye ner gladnesse. The treader shall treade out no wyne in the presses, the song of theyr mery chere haue I layde downe.
11 Wherfore, my bowels shal romble lyke an harpe for Moabs sake, and myne inwarde partes for the cityes sake that is made of bryck.
Isaiah 16:14
14 But now the Lord hath spoken sayeng. In thre yeares which shalbe as the yeares of an hyred seruaunt: shall the glorye of Moab be turned into confusion, thorow out al his multitude, which is very great. And that whych remayneth, shalbe very small and feble.
Isaiah 22:5
5 For thys is a daye of trouble, of ruyne, & of destruccyon that the Lorde wyll bryng to passe in the valley of vision, breakyng downe the citye, & cryeng vnto mountaynes.
Jeremiah 4:20
20 They crye: murther vpon murther, the hole lande shal perish. Immediatlye, my tentes were destroyed, and my hangynges in the twynkelynge of an eye.
Jeremiah 8:18-19
18 I wolde haue had comforte agenst sorowe: but sorowe is come vpon me, and heuynes vexeth my hert:
19 for lo, the voyce of the cryenge of my people is herde for feare of them, that come from a farre countre. Is not the Lorde in Syon? Is not the Kyng, in her? Wherfore then haue they greued me (shall the Lorde saye) wt theyr ymages & foolysh straunge fashyons of a foreyne god?
Jeremiah 9:10
10 Upon the mountaines will I take vp a lamentacion & a sorowful crie, & a mourninge vpon the fayre playnes of the wildernesse. Namely, how they are so brente vp, that no man goeth there any moore. Yee, a man shall not heare one beaste crye there. Byrdes & catell are all gone from thenc
Jeremiah 9:18-19
18 and synge a mournynge songe of you: that the teares may fall out of oure eyes, and that our eye lyddes maye gusshe out of water.
19 For there is a lamentable noyse hearde of Sion. O how are we so sore destroyed? O how are we so pyteously confounded? We must forsake our awne naturall countre, & we are shut out of oure awne lodgynges.
Jeremiah 13:17
17 But yf ye wyll not heare me, that geue you secrete warnyng, I wyll mourne from my whole hert for youre stubburnes. Pyteously wyll I wepe, & the teares shall gusshe out of myne eyes. For the Lordes flocke shall be caryed awaye captyue.
Jeremiah 17:16
16 Where as I neuertheles obediently folowed the as a shepherde, and haue not vncalled taken this office vpon me, this knowest thou well. My wordes also were ryght before the.
Jeremiah 48:5
5 For at the goynge vp vnto Luyth, he arose with lamentation and mournynge, and downe towarde Horonaim, they heard a cruell and a deedly crye.
Jeremiah 48:31-36
31 Therfore shal ther mourning be made for Moab, and euery man shall crye for Moabs sake: a lamentatyon shalbe made to the men that stande vpon the wall.
32 So will I mourne for the also, O Iazer and for the, O thou vineyarde of Sabamah. Thy vyne braunches shall come ouer the see, and the braunches of Iazer but vnto the see: the destroyer shall breake into thy haruest and grape gathering:
33 myrth and cheare shalbe taken awaye from the tymbre felde, and from the whole lande of Moab. There shalbe no swete wyne in the presse, the treader shall haue no stomacke to crye yee, ther shalbe none to crie vnto him:
34 which afore tyme were heard from Hesebon to Eleale and Iahaz, which lifted vp their voyce from Zoar vnto Horonaim, that bullocke of thre yeare olde shall go mourning. The waters also of Memrim shalbe dryed vp.
35 Moreouer, I will make Moab cease, sayeth the Lord, from the offeringes and censing that, she hath made vnto her goddes in hie places.
36 Wherfore my hert mourneth for Moab, lyke a crowde playenge an heuy songe: and for the mennes sake of the brycke wall my herte mourneth also: euen as a pype that pypeth a dolefull songe: for they shalbe very feawe, and destroyed.
Luke 19:41-44
41 And when he was come neare, he behelde the cytie, and wept on it,
42 sayinge: If thou haddest knowen those thynges whych belonge vnto thy peace, euen in thys thy daye, thou woldst take hede. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes.
43 For the dayes shall come vpon the, that thy enemyes also shall cast a banke aboute the, and compasse the rounde, and kepe the in on euery syde,
44 and make the euen wyth the grounde, and thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitacyon.
Romans 9:1-3
Numbers 32:36
36 Bethnimra, & Betharan, fenced cities, & they buylt foldes for the shepe.
Joshua 13:27
27 And in the valeye they had Betharan Bethnimra, Socoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kyngdome of Sehon kyng of Hesbon, vnto Iordan and the costes that lye theron, euen vnto the edge of the see of Ceneroth, on the other syde Iordan eastward.
Isaiah 16:9-10
9 Therfore will I mourne for Iazer, & for the vyne of Sibma. I will poure my teares vpon the, O Hesbon and Eleale, for the crie of thyne enemyes is fallen vpon thy sommer frutes, and vpon thyne haruest.
10 The Myrth and chere is taken awaye out of the plentifull felde, and in the vyneyardes there shalbe no ioye ner gladnesse. The treader shall treade out no wyne in the presses, the song of theyr mery chere haue I layde downe.
Isaiah 19:5-7
5 The waters of the see shal fayle, & the ryuer shall decreace and be dryed vp.
6 The waters shalbe drawen out: the ryuers of Egypte shalbe emptyed & dryed vp, the redes and flagges shalbe cut downe.
7 The grasse in the ryuer & by the ryuers banck, & all that groweth by the ryuer shal wither awaye, and be brought to naught.
Joel 1:10-12
10 The felde shalbe wasted, the lande shalbe in a myserable case: for the corne shalbe destroyed, the swete wyne shall come to confusyon, and the oyle vtterly desolate.
11 The housbandmen and the wyne gardeners shall loke pyteously and make lamentacyon, for the wheate, wyne and barly, and because the haruest vpon the felde is so clene destroyed.
12 The grapegatherers shall make greate mone, when the vyneyarde and fyggetrees be so vtterly wasted. Yee, all the pomgarnettes, palmetrees, apletrees, & the other trees of the felde shall wyther awaye. Thus the mery cheare of the chyldren of men, shall come to confusyon.
Habakkuk 3:17-18
17 For the fygg trees shal not be grene: & the vynes shal beare no frute. The laboure of the olyue shalbe but lost, & the lande shall bring no corne: the shepe shalbe taken out of the folde, and there shalbe no catel in the stalles.
18 But as for me, I wyll be glad in the Lorde, and will reioyce in God my Sauyoure.
Revelation 8:7
7 The fyrst Angell blewe, & there was made hayle & fyre, which were myngled wt bloud, & they were cast into the erth: & the thirde parte of trees was burnt, and all grene grasse was brent.
Psalms 137:1-2
Isaiah 5:29
29 His crye is as it were of a lyon, and he roareth lyke lyons whelpes. They shall roare, & hantch vp the praye, & no man shall recouer it or get it from them.
Isaiah 10:6
6 I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.
Isaiah 10:14
14 My hande hath founde out the strength of the people, as it were a nest. And lyke as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countrees. And there is no man, that darre be so bolde, as to touch a fether, that darre open his mouth, or once whysper.
Isaiah 30:6
6 The heauy burthen of the beastes of the south in a lande of trouble and anguysshe, from whence shall come the yonge and olde lion, the vyper and fyrye serpent that flyeth agaynste them that vpon coltes beare theyr riches, and vpon camels their treasures, to a people that can do them no good.
Jeremiah 48:36
36 Wherfore my hert mourneth for Moab, lyke a crowde playenge an heuy songe: and for the mennes sake of the brycke wall my herte mourneth also: euen as a pype that pypeth a dolefull songe: for they shalbe very feawe, and destroyed.
Nahum 2:12-13
12 Where is now the dwellyng of the lyons, & the pasture of the lyons whelpes? where the lyon & the lyonesse went wt the whelpes, & no man frayed them awaye?
13 But the lyon spoyled ynough for hys yonge ones, & deuoured for his lyonesse: he filled his dennes wt his praye, & his dwelling place wt that he had rauished.Nah
Isaiah 15:2-5
2 They wente vp to the ydols house, euen to Dibon to the hye places, to wepe for Nebo, and Moab dyd mourne for Medba: All theyr heades, were balde & all theyr beardes shauen.
3 In theyr stretes are they gyrded aboute with sack cloth. In all the toppes of their houses & stretes shalbe nothynge but mournynge & wepynge.
4 Hesebon & Eleale shall crye, that theyr voyce shalbe hearde vnto Iahaz. The worthyes also of Moab shall bleare out and crye for very sorow of their Myndes:
5 Wo shall my herte be for Moabs sake. They shal flye vnto the cyte of Zoar, which is lyke a fayre yong bullock of thre yere olde, for they shall all go vp to Luith, wepinge. Euen so by the waye toward Horonaim they shall make lamentacion for ther vtter destruccion.
Jeremiah 48:20-24
20 Oh, Moab is confounded and ouercome. Mourne and crye, tell it out at Arnon, that Moab is destroyed.
21 For iudgment shall come vpon the playne lande: Namely, vpon Holon, and Iahazah, vpon Mephaath
22 and Dibon, vpon Nabo and the house of Deblathaim,
23 vpon Cariathiarim and vpon the house Gamul, vpon the house Maon
24 and Carioth vpon Bozrah and all the cyties in the lande of Moab, whether they lye farre or neare.
Jeremiah 48:31-34
31 Therfore shal ther mourning be made for Moab, and euery man shall crye for Moabs sake: a lamentatyon shalbe made to the men that stande vpon the wall.
32 So will I mourne for the also, O Iazer and for the, O thou vineyarde of Sabamah. Thy vyne braunches shall come ouer the see, and the braunches of Iazer but vnto the see: the destroyer shall breake into thy haruest and grape gathering:
33 myrth and cheare shalbe taken awaye from the tymbre felde, and from the whole lande of Moab. There shalbe no swete wyne in the presse, the treader shall haue no stomacke to crye yee, ther shalbe none to crie vnto him:
34 which afore tyme were heard from Hesebon to Eleale and Iahaz, which lifted vp their voyce from Zoar vnto Horonaim, that bullocke of thre yeare olde shall go mourning. The waters also of Memrim shalbe dryed vp.
Ezekiel 47:10
10 By this ryuer shall the fysshers stande from Engaddy vnto En Eglaim, & there spread out their nettes: for there shalbe great heapes of fysh, lyke as in the mayne see.
Leviticus 26:18
18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, then will I punysh you seuen tymes more for youre synnes,
Leviticus 26:21-22
21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me, and wyll not herken vnto me, I wyll brynge seuen tymes moo plages vpon you, accordinge to youre synnes.
22 I will also sende in wilde beastes vpon you, which shall robbe you of youre children, and destroye youre catell, and make you fewe in nombre, and cause youre hye wayes to growe vnto a wyldernesse.
Leviticus 26:24
24 then wyll I also walke contrarye vnto you, and wyll punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes.
Leviticus 26:28
28 I will walke contrarye vnto you also in indignacyon, and wyll chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes.
2 Kings 17:25
25 And it fortuned, that at the begynnynge of theyr dwellinge there, they feared not the Lorde. And the Lorde sent lyons amonge them, which slue them.
Jeremiah 15:3
3 For I will bryng foure plages vpon them, sayeth the Lorde. The swearde shall sleye them, the dogges shall teare them in peaces, the foules of the ayre, & beastes of the earth shall eate them vp, and destroye them.
Jeremiah 48:43-45
43 Feare, pytt & snare shall come vpon the, O Moab, sayeth the Lorde.
44 Whoso escapeth the feare, shall fall in the pytte: and who so getteth out of the pyt, shalbe taken in the snare. For I will bring a yeare of visitation vpon Moab, sayth the Lorde.
45 They that are able to flye, shall stande vnder the shadowe of Hesebon. For there shall go a fier out of Hesebon, and a flame from Sion, and shall burne vp that proude people of Moab, and the toppe of those sedityous chyldren.
Jeremiah 50:17
17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the lyons haue dispersed them. Fyrst the king of the Assirians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonosor king of Babilon hath brosed all their bones.
Amos 5:19
19 Yee, lyke as when a man runneth from a lyon, and a Beer meteth with him: or when he commeth into the house, & leaneth his hande vpon the wall, a serpent byteth him.