Isaiah 12 Cross References - Great

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me. 2 Behold, God is my saluacion in whom I will trust, and not be afrayde. For the Lorde God is my strength, & my songe, he also is become my saluacion. 3 Therfore with ioye shall ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure, 4 & then shall ye saye: geue thanckes vnto the lorde, call vpon his name, declare his councels amonge the people, kepe them in remembrance, for his name is excellent. 5 O syng prayses vnto the Lord, for he hath done greate thynges, as it is knowne in all the worlde. 6 Crye out, and syng thou that dwellest in Syon, for great is the holy one of Israell in the myddes of the.

Deuteronomy 30:1-3

1 When all these wordes are come vpon the, the blessynge and the curse which I haue set before the, thou shalt turne vnto thine hert, amonge all the nacyons whether the Lorde thy God hath thruste the, 2 and come agayne vnto the Lorde thy God, and herken vnto his voyce in all these thynges that I commaunde the thys daye: thou & thy chyldren wythall thyne herte and all thy soule: 3 And the Lord thy God wyll turne thy captiuite, and haue compassyon vpon the, & wyll turne, and fet the agayne from all the nacions, amonge whych the Lorde thy God shall haue scatered the.

Psalms 30:5

5 For hys wrath endureth but the twinclinge of an eye, and in hys pleasure is lyfe: heuynesse maye endure for a nyght, but ioye commeth in the mornynge.

Psalms 34:1-22

1 Of Dauid, when he chaunged his speche before Abimelech. which droue hym awaye and he departed. I Wyll allwaye geue thanckes vnto the Lorde, hys prayse shall euer be in my mouth. 2 My soule shall make her boast in the Lord the humble shall heare therof, and be glad. 3 O prayse the Lorde with me, and let vs magnifye hys name together. 4 I sought the Lorde & he hearde me, yee he deliuered me out of all my feare. 5 They had an eye vnto him, and were lyghtened, & their faces were not ashamed. 6 Lo, the poore cryeth, & the Lorde heareth hym, yee and saueth hym out of all hys troubles. 7 The Angell of the Lorde taryethe rounde about them that feare hym, and delyuereth them. 8 O taste and se, howe gracious the Lord is, blessed is the man that trusteth in hym. 9 O feare the Lorde, ye that be hys sayntes for they that feare hym, lacke nothynge. 10 The lyons do lacke, & suffre hunger but they which seke the Lorde: shall want no maner of thynge that is good. 11 Come ye chyldren & herken vnto me, I wyll teach you the feare of the Lorde. 12 What man is he that lysteth to lyue, & wold fayne se good dayes? 13 Kepe thy tonge from euell, & thy lyppes, that they speake no gile. 14 Eschue euell, & do good. seke peace and ensue it. 15 The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the ryghteous, & his eares are open vnto their prayers. 16 The countenaunce of the Lorde is agaynst them that do euell, to rote out the remembraunce of them from of the earth. 17 The ryghteous crye, & the Lorde heareth them, & delyuereth them out of all theyr troubles. 18 The Lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contryte hert, & wyll saue soche as be of an humble sprete. 19 Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde delyuereth hym out of all. 20 He kepeth all hys bones, so that not one of them is broken. 21 But mysfortune shall slaye the vngodly, and they that hate the ryghteous, shalbe desolate. 22 The Lorde delyuereth the soules of hys seruauntes: and all they that put theyr trust in hym shall not be destitute.

Psalms 67:1-4

1 To the chaunter, in melodyes: a Psalme and songe. God be mercyfull vnto vs, & blesse vs, and shewe vs the lyght of hys countenaunce. Sela. 2 That thy waye maye be knowne vpon earth, thy sauynge health amonge all nacions. 3 Let the people prayse the, O God, yee, let all people prayse the. 4 O let the nacions reioyse and be glad, For thou shalt iudge the folke ryghteously, and gouerne the nacions vpon earth. Sela.

Psalms 69:34-36

34 For the Lord heareth the poore, and despyseth not his presoners. 35 Let heauen and earth prayse hym, the see & all that moueth therin. 36 For God will saue Syon, and buylde the cyties of Iuda, that men may dwell there, and haue it in possession. The posterite also of his seruauntes shall inheret it: & they that loue hys name, shall dwell therin.

Psalms 72:15-19

15 He shall lyue, & vnto him shalbe geuen of the golde of Arabia: Prayer shalbe made euer vnto him, and daylie shall he be praysed. 16 There shalbe an heape of corne in the earth hye vpon the hylles, his frute shall shake lyke Libanus, and shalbe grene in the cite, like grasse vpon the earth. 17 His name shall endure for euer, his name shall remayne vnder the sunne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him, and all the Heathen shall prayse him 18 Blessed be the Lorde God, euen the God of Israell which onely doth wonderous thinges. 19 And blessed be the name of hys maiesty for euer, and all the erth shalbe filled with his maiestye. Amen, Amen.

Psalms 85:1-3

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of the sonnes of Corab. Lorde, thou art become gracyous vnto thy lande, thou hast turned awaye the captiuite of Iacob. 2 Thou hast forgeuen the offence of thy people, and couered all theyr synnes. Selah. 3 Thou hast taken awaye all thy displeasure, and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignacyon.

Psalms 149:6-9

6 Let the prayses of God be in their mouth, and a two edged swerde in their handes. 7 To be auenged of the Heathen, and to rebuke the people. 8 To bynde their Kynges in cheynes, and their nobles wt lynkes of yron. 9 That they maye be auenged of them, as it is wrytten: soche honoure haue all hys saynctes. Haleluiah.

Isaiah 2:11

11 Which casteth downe the high lookes of presumptuous personnes, and bringeth lowe the pryde of man, and the Lorde only shall be exalted in that daye.

Isaiah 10:4

4 that when I with drawe my hande ye come not amonge the presoners, or lye amonge the deed? After all this doth not the wrath of the Lord ceasse, but yet is his hande stretched out styll.

Isaiah 10:25

25 But soone after, shall my wrath and myne indignacion be fulfylled in the destruccion of them.

Isaiah 11:10-11

10 And in that daye shal the gentyles enquere after the rote of Iesse which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the people, & hys dwellynge shalbe glorious. 11 At the same time shal the lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of his people (which shalbe left alyue) From the Assyrians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochians and from the Ilandes of the see.

Isaiah 11:16

16 And thus shal there be awaye for his people, that remayneth from the Assirians, lyke as it happened to the Israelites, what tyme they departed out of the land of Egypt.

Isaiah 14:3

3 When the Lord now shal bringe the to rest, from the trauayle, feare, & harde bondage that thou wast laden wt all:

Isaiah 25:1

1 Thou arte the Lorde my God, I wyll magnifye the, I wyll geue thankes vnto thy name. For thou hast brought wonderfull thinges to passe, according to thyne olde councels truly & faythfully.

Isaiah 25:9

9 And in that daye it shalbe sayde: Lo, this is our God, we haue wayted for hym, & he shall saue vs. Thys is the Lord, in whom we haue hoped, we wylbe mery & reioyce in the saluation that commeth of hym.

Isaiah 26:1

1 In that daye shall thys songe be songe in the lande of Iuda. We haue a stronge citye. Saluacion shall God appoynte in steade of walles and bulworke.

Isaiah 27:1-3

1 In that daye, the Lorde wt his sore, great and myghtye swearde shall viset Leuiathan the fugityue serpent, euen Leuiathan that croked serpent, and he shall slaye the dragon that is in the see. 2 In that daye, se that ye syng of the congregatyon which is the vyneiard, that bringeth forth the best wyne. 3 Euen I the Lorde do kepe it. In due seasons shall I water it, & lest the enemye do it any harme, I will both nyght and daye preserue it. There is no displeasure in me,

Isaiah 27:12-13

12 And in that daye shall the Lorde make a thresshing from the middes of the riuer Euphrates vnto the riuer of Egipt: and ye children of Israel shalbe gathered together one to another. 13 In that daye shall the great trompe be blowne, so that they which were lost in the lande of Assiria: & they that were banisshed into the lande of Egipt, shall come and worshyp the Lorde in the holy mount at Ierusalem:

Isaiah 35:10

10 And the redemed of the Lorde, I saye, shall conuerte and come to Zion with thanckesgeuing. Euerlastyng ioye shall they haue: pleasure and gladnes shalbe among them. And as for all sorowe and heuynes, it shall vanysh awaye.

Isaiah 40:1-2

1 Comforte my people (O ye prophetes) comforte my people, sayeth your God, 2 comforte Ierusalem at the hert, & tell her: that her trauayle is at an ende that her offence is pardoned, that she hath receaued of the Lordes hande sufficient correccion for all her synnes.

Isaiah 49:13

13 Reioyse ye heauens: & synge prayses, thou earth. Talke of ioye ye hylles, for God hath conforted hys people, and wyll haue mercye vpon his that be in trouble.

Isaiah 51:3

3 Therfore shall the Lorde comforte Syon, & repayre all her decaye: making her deserte as a paradise, & her wildernesse as the garden of the Lorde. Myrth and ioye shalbe founde there, thankesgeuing & the voyce of prayse.

Isaiah 54:8

8 When I was angry, I hydde my face from the for a lytle season, but thorow euerlastinge mercye haue I pardoned the, sayth the Lord thyne auenger.

Isaiah 57:15-18

15 For thus sayeth the hye & excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastyngnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuary, and wyth hym also, that is of a contrite and humble sprete do I dwell: that I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a contrite herte. 16 For I chyde not euer, & am not wroth wyth out ende. But the blastyng goeth from me, and is included in the body, and I made the breath. 17 I am wroth wyth hym for his couetousnes, I smyte him, I hyde me, and am angrye, when he turneth him selfe, & foloweth the by waye of his awne hert. 18 I haue seen his wayes and I heale hym I lede him and restore to hym comforte, and to those that were sory for him

Isaiah 60:18-19

18 Uiolence and robbery shall neuer be hearde of in thy lande, nether harme and destruccyon with in thy borders. Thy walles shalbe called health, and thy gates the prayse of God. 19 The Sunne shall neuer be thy daye lyght, and the lyght of the Moone shall neuer shyne vnto the: but the Lorde him selfe shalbe thyne euerlastyng lyght, and thy God shalbe thy glory.

Isaiah 66:13

13 For lyke as a chylde is comforted of his mother, so shall I comforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem.

Jeremiah 31:18-20

18 Moreouer, I heard Ephraim, that was led awaye captiue, complayne on this maner: O Lorde, thou hast correct me, & thy chastenynge haue I receaued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted: for thou art my Lorde God: 19 Yee, assone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my selfe: and when I vnderstande, I shall smyte vpon my thyghe. For verely I haue commytted shamefull thinges. For I haue borne the reprofe and confusion of my youth. 20 Upon this complaynte, I thought thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sens the time that I first commened with hym, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore, my very hert dryueth me vnto him, gladly and louynglye wyll I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lord.

Ezekiel 39:24-29

24 Accordinge to their vnclennesse & vnfaithfull dealinges, so haue I entreated them, and hyd my face from them. 25 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Now will I bringe agayne the captiues of Iacob & haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sak 26 All their confusion and offence that they haue done agaynst me shall be taken awaye: & so safely shal they dwell in their lande, that no man shall make them afrayed. 27 And when I haue brought them agayne from amonge the people, when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies landes, & am praysed in them before many Heathen: 28 then shal they knowe, that I am the Lord their God which suffred them to be led into captiuite amonge the Heathen, but now haue I brought them agayne into their awne lande, and not left one of them yonder. 29 After that, will I hyde my face nomore from them but will poure out my sprete vpon the house of Israell, sayeth the Lorde God.

Hosea 6:1

1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs:

Hosea 11:8

8 What greate thynges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? howe faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt with the as with Adama? or haue I intreated the lyke Seboim? No, my hert is other wise mynded. Yee, my mercy is to feruent:

Hosea 14:4-9

4 O (yf they wolde do this) I shulde heale theyr sores: yee, with all my herte wolde I loue them: so that my wrath shulde cleane be turned awaye from them. 5 Yee, I wolde be vnto Israel as the dewe, and he shulde growe as the lylie, and hys rote shulde breake out as Libanus. 6 His braunches shulde sprede out abroade and be as fayre as the olyue tre and smell as Libanus. 7 They that dwell vnder hys shadowe, shulde come agayne, and growe vp as the corne, & floryshe as the vyne he shulde haue as good a name, as the wyne of Libanus. 8 O Ephraim, what haue I to do wyth Idols eny more? I wyll graciously heare hym, and sede hym forth. I wyll be vnto the as a grene fyrre tre, vpon me shalt thou fynde thy frute. 9 Who so is wise, shall vnderstand thys: and he that is ryght enstructe, wyll regarde it. For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteous, soch as be Godly wyll walke in them. As for the wycked, they wyll stomble therin.

Zechariah 14:9

9 And the Lorde hym selfe shalbe kynge ouer all the earth. At that tyme shall there be one Lord onely, & his name shalbe but one.

Zechariah 14:20

20 At that tyme shall the rydyng gere of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde, & the kettels in the Lordes house shall be lyke the basens before the aulter:

Romans 11:15

15 For yf the castynge awaye of them, be the reconcylynge of the world: what shall the receauynge of them be, but lyfe agayne from deeth?

Revelation 15:3-4

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, & the songe of the lambe, sayinge: Gret and maruelous are thy workes: Lorde God almyghtye, iuste & true are thy wayes, thou Kyng of Saynctes. 4 Who shall not feare o Lorde, & gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy, and all gentyls shall come and worshyppe before the, for thy iudgementes are made manyfeste.

Revelation 19:1-7

1 And after that, I herde a greate voyce of moch people in heauen saying: Alleluia. Saluacion & glory & honour & power be ascribed to the Lorde our God, 2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the gret whore which dyd corrupt the erth wt her fornicacion, & hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of hyr hande. 3 And agayn they said: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore. 4 And the .xxiiii. elders, & the .iiii. bestes fell downe, & worshipped God that sate on the seate, saying: Amen, Alleluia. 5 And a voyce came out of the seat, sayinge: praise our Lord God all ye that are his seruauntes, & ye that feare hym both small and great. 6 And I herde the voyce of moche people euen as the voyce of many waters, & as the voyce of strong thondrynges sayinge: Alleluia, for the Lord our God omnipotent raygneth. 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce, & geue honoure to him, for the mariage of the lambe is come, and hys wyfe made her selfe ready.

Exodus 15:2

2 The Lord is my strength and prayse, and he is become my saluacion. He is my God, and I wyll glorify hym: my fathers God, & I wyll exalte hym.

Psalms 27:1

1 Of Dauid. The Lorde is my lyght and my saluacyon: whom then shall I feare? the Lorde is the strength of my lyfe: of whom then shall I be afrayed?

Psalms 83:18

18 And they shall know, that thou (whose name is Iehoua) art only the moost hyest ouer all the earth.

Psalms 118:14

14 The Lorde is my strength, & my songe, and is become my saluacion.

Isaiah 7:14

14 And therfore the Lord shall geue you a token: Behold, a vyrgin shall conceaue and beare a sonne, and (thou hys mother) shalt cal his name Emanuel.

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, & vnto vs a sonne is geuen. Upon hys shoulder doth the kyngdome lye, and he is called wt hys awne name: wonderfull. The geuer of councell, the myghtye God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace, 7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngdome & peace, & shall syt vpon the seate of Dauid & in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, & to stablish it wt equyte and ryghteousnesse, from hence forth for euermore. Thys shall the gelousy of the Lorde of Hostes brynge to passe.

Isaiah 26:3-4

3 Their minde is set vpon the, because thou preseruest them in peace yee, euen in peace: because they put their trust in the. 4 Put ye your trust allwaye in the Lorde: for in the Lorde God there is strength for euermore.

Isaiah 32:2

2 And that man shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynd, and as a refuge for the tempest: lyke as a riuer of water in a thirstye place, and the shadowe of a greate rocke in a drye lande.

Isaiah 45:17

17 But Israel shalbe saued in the Lorde, which is the euerlastinge saluacyon. Ye shall not come to shame ner confusyon, worlde without ende.

Isaiah 45:22-25

22 And therfore turne you vnto me (all ye endes of the earth) that ye maye be saued: for I am God, & there is els none. 23 I sweare by my selfe: oute of my mouth commeth the word of ryghteousnesse, and that maye no man turne: but all knees shall bowe vnto me, and all tunges shall sweare by my name, 24 saying. Uerely, in the Lord is my ryghteousnes and strength. To him shal men come: but all they that thincke scorne of him, shalbe confounded. 25 And the whole sede of Israel shalbe iustified and make their boast in the Lorde.

Isaiah 62:11

11 Beholde, the Lord proclameth vnto the endes of the worlde: tell the daughter Syon: se, thy sauyour commeth, beholde, he bringeth his treasure with him, & his worckes go before him.

Jeremiah 3:23

23 Truly vaynly trusteth he for helth that loketh for it in the hylles and in vayne is it sought in the multitude of the mountaynes, but the health of Israell standeth only vpon God oure Lorde.

Jeremiah 23:6

6 In this tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israell shall dwell without feare. And this is the name that they shal call him: euen the Lorde oure ryghteousnesse.

Hosea 1:7

7 Neuerthelesse, I wyll haue mercy vpon the house of Iuda, and wyll saue them, euen thorowe the Lorde theyr God. But I wyll not delyuer them thorowe eny bowe, swearde, battell, horses or horsmen.

Jonah 2:9

9 They that hold of vayne vanyties, wyll forsake his mercy.

Matthew 1:21-23

21 She shall brynge forth a sonne, and thou shalt cal hys name Iesus. For he shall saue his people from theyr synnes. 22 Al this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying: 23 Behold, a mayd shalbe wt chylde, & shall bring forth a sonne, & they shall call his name Emanuel, which yf a man interpret, it is asmoch to say as God with vs.

Luke 2:30-32

30 For myne eyes haue sene the saluacion: 31 which thou hast prepared before the face of all people 32 A lyght to lighten the gentyls, & the glory of thy people Israel.

Romans 1:16

16 For I am not asshamed of the Gospell of Chryst, because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to euery one that beleueth, to the Iewe fyrst, & also to the Gentyle.

1 Timothy 3:16

16 And without doute great is that mystery of godlynes: God was shewed in the flesshe, was iustifyed in the sprete, was sene amonge the Angels, was preached vnto the gentyls, was beleued on in the worlde, and receaued vp in glory.

Revelation 7:10

10 & cryed with a lowde voyce, sayinge: saluacyon be asscribed to him that sytteth vpon the seate of oure God, & vnto the lambe.

Psalms 36:9

9 For with the is the well of lyfe, and in thy lyght, shall we se lyght.

Song of Songs 2:3

3 Lyke as the apple tree amonge the trees of the wodd, so is my beloued among the sonnes. My delyte is to syt vnder hys shadowe, for hys frute is swete vnto my throwte.

Isaiah 49:10

10 They shall nether honger, ner thurst: heate nor sunne shall not hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them dryncke of the springe welles.

Isaiah 55:1-3

1 Come to the waters all ye, that be thursty, and ye that haue no money. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne and mylck, wythout any money, or money worth. 2 Wherfore do ye laye out youre money, for the thynge that fedeth not, & spende youre laboure aboute the thynge that satisfyeth you not. But herken herken rather vnto me, & ye shall eate of the best, and youre soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnes. 3 Enclyne your eares, and come vnto me, take hede (I saye) & your soule shall lyue. For I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.

Jeremiah 2:13

13 For my people hath done two euels. They haue forsaken me the well of the water of lyfe, and dygged them pyttes, yee vyle and broken pyttes, that can holde no water.

John 1:16

16 And of hys fulnes haue all we receaued, euen grace for grace.

John 4:10-14

10 Iesus answered and sayde vnto hyr: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God, and who it is that sayeth to the geue me drincke, thou woldest haue asked of him, & he wolde haue geuen the water of lyfe. 11 The woman sayeth vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothynge to drawe wyth, & the well is depe: from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe? 12 Art thou greater then oure father Iacob which gaue vs the well, and he him selfe, drancke therof, and his children, and his catell? 13 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto hyr: whosoeuer drincketh of thys water, shall thyrst agayne. 14 But whosoeuer drincketh of the water that I shall geue him, shall neuer bemore a thyrst: but the water that I shall geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, spryngynge vp into euerlastinge lyfe.

John 7:37-39

37 In the last daye, that great daye of the feast Iesus stode, and cryed, sayinge: If eny man thyrst, lett him come vnto me, & drincke. 38 He that beleueth on me (as sayeth the scripture) out of his belly shall flowe ryuers of water of lyfe. 39 But this spake he of the sprete, whych they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.

Revelation 7:17

17 For the lambe whych is in the myddes of the seate, shall fede them, & shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, & God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Revelation 22:1

1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe, clere as Crystall: procedynge out of the seate of God, and the lambe.

Revelation 22:17

17 And the sprete and the bryde saye come. And let him that heareth, saye also: come. And let him that is a thyrst: come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of lyfe, fre.

Exodus 33:19

19 And he sayde: I wyll make all my good go before the, and I wyll be called in this name of the Lorde before the and will shewe mercy to whom I wyll shewe mercye, and wyll haue compassyon on whom I wyll haue compassion.

Exodus 34:5-7

5 And the Lorde descended in the clowde, and stode with hym there: and he called vpon the name of the Lorde. 6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cryed, Lorde Lorde God, mercyfull and gracyous, long suffering, & aboundaunt in goodnes & trueth, 7 & kepyng mercye in store for thousandes, forgeuynge wikednes, vngodlynes & synne, & not leauynge one innocent, visytynge the wyckednes of the fathers vpon the children and vpon childrens children, euen vnto the third and fourth generacyon.

1 Chronicles 16:8

8 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, call vpon hys name, make hys actes knowen amonge the people.

1 Chronicles 29:11

11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatnesse, and power, glorie, victorie and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in erth is thyne, & thyne is the kyngdom (O Lorde) and thou excellest aboue all, euen as the heed of all.

Nehemiah 9:5

5 And the Leuites, Iesua and Cadmiel Bani and Hasabnia, Serebia & Hodia, Sebania, and Phathahia, sayde: stande vp, and prayse the Lord yor God for euer: & let thankes be geuen vnto the name of thy glorye, which excelleth all thankesgeuynge & prayse.

Psalms 9:11

11 O prayse the Lord, which dwelleth in Syon, shewe the people of hys doinges.

Psalms 18:46

46 The straunge chyldren shall fayle, and be afrayed out of theyr presons.

Psalms 21:13

13 Be thou exalted, Lorde, in thyne awne strength: so wyll we synge and prayse thy power.

Psalms 22:31

31 Sede shall serue him: they shalbe counted vnto the Lorde for a generacyon. They shall come, and shall declare hys ryghteousnes: vnto a people that shall be borne, whom the Lorde hath made.

Psalms 34:3

3 O prayse the Lorde with me, and let vs magnifye hys name together.

Psalms 40:5

5 O Lord my God, greate are thy wonderous worckes, which thou hast done: like as be also thy thoughtes which are to vs ward: and yet there is no man that ordreth them vnto the.

Psalms 46:10

10 Be styll then & knowe that I am God: I wil be exalted among the Heithen, and I wyll be exalted in the earth.

Psalms 57:5

5 Set vp thy self (O God) aboue the heauens, and thy glorye aboue all the earth.

Psalms 71:16-18

16 Forsake me not, O God, in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntyll I haue shewed thy strength vnto this generacion, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come. 17 Thy righteousnes (O God) is very hie, and great thynges are they that thou hast done: O God, who is lyke vnto the? 18 O what greate troubles and aduersyties hast thou shewed me? and yet didest thou turne and refreshe me: yee, and broughtest me from the depe of the earth

Psalms 73:28

28 But it is good for me, to holde me fast by God, to put my trust in the Lorde God, and to speake of all thy workes.

Psalms 96:3

3 Declare hys honoure vnto the Heathen, and his wonders vnto all people.

Psalms 97:9

9 For thou Lorde art hyer then all that are in the earth, thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes.

Psalms 105:1

1 O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, and cal vpon hys name: tell the people, what thynges he hath done.

Psalms 106:47-48

47 Delyuer vs (O Lorde oure God) and gather vs from amonge the Heathen: that we maye geue thanckes to thy holy name, & make oure boast of thy prayse. 48 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel from euerlastyng and worlde without ende, & let all people saye: Amen, Amen. Prayse the Lord

Psalms 107:22

22 That they wold offre vnto hym the sacrifyce of thanckesgeuyng, and tell out hys worckes wt gladnes.

Psalms 113:1-3

1 Prayse the Lorde. Prayse the Lord (ye seruauntes) O prayse the name of the Lorde. 2 Blessed be the name of the Lorde, from thys tyme forth for euermore. 3 The Lordes name is praysed, from the risyng vp of the Sunne vnto the goynge downe of the same.

Psalms 113:5

5 Who is lyke vnto the Lorde oure God, that hath hys dwellyng so hye,

Psalms 117:1-2

1 O prayse the Lord all ye Heithen, prayse him all ye nacions. 2 For his mercyfull kyndnes is euermore and more toward vs, and the truth of the Lord endureth for euer. Prayse the Lorde.

Psalms 145:4-6

4 One generacyon shall prayse thy workes vnto another, and declare thy power. 5 As for me I wylbe talkyng of thy worship, thy glory, thy prayse, & wonderous worckes. 6 So that men shall speake of the myght of thy maruelous actes, and I wyll also tell of thy greatnes.

Isaiah 2:17

17 And it shall brynge downe the pryde of man, and laye mans presumptuousnesse full lowe, and the Lorde shall only haue the vyctory in that daye.

Isaiah 12:1

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me.

Isaiah 24:15

15 Wherfore, prayse ye the lord in the valleys, euen the name of the lord God of Israel in the Iles of the see

Isaiah 33:5

5 The Lorde is exalted, for it is he that dwelleth an hye: he hath fylled Zion with iudgement and righteousnes.

Isaiah 66:19

19 Unto them shall I geue a token, and sende certayne of them (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: into Cilycia, Affryca, and Lydia (where men can handle bowes) into Italye and also Greke lande. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, and haue not sene my glory, shall preache my prayse amonge the Gentiles,

Jeremiah 50:2

2 Preache amonge the Gentyles, let your voyce he hearde, make a token, crye out, kepe no silence, but saye: Babilon is wonne. Bel is confounded, and Merodach is ouercome. Yee, their goddes be brought to shame: and their ymages burst in peces.

Jeremiah 51:9-10

9 We wold haue made Babylon whole, saye they: but she is nott recouered. Therfore wyll we let her alone, and go euery man into his awne countreye. For her iudgment is come into heauen, & is gone vp to the cloudes. 10 The Lord hathe brought forth our righteousnes. And therfore come on, we wyll shewe Sion the worcke of the Lorde oure God.

John 17:26

26 And I haue declared vnto them thy name, and will declare it, that the loue wherwith thou hast loued me, maye be in them, & I in them.

Philippians 2:9-11

9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth, 11 and that all tonges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the Lorde, vnto the prayse of God the father.

Exodus 15:1

1 Then Moses & the chyldren of Israel sange this songe vnto the Lord and sayde: I wyll syng vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and him that rode vpon him hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Exodus 15:21

21 And Mir Iam sange before them: Synge ye vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse & his ryder hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Psalms 68:32-35

32 Synge vnto God, O ye kyngdomes of the earth: O syng prayses vnto the Lord. Sela. 33 Which sytteth in the heauens ouer all from the begynnynge: Lo, he doth sende out hys voyce, yee, and that a myghtie voyce. 34 Ascrybe ye the power vnto God, ouer Israel: his worshypp & strength is in the cloudes. 35 O God, wonderfull art thou in thy holy places: euen the God of Israell, he will geue strength and power vnto his people. Blessed be God.

Psalms 72:19

19 And blessed be the name of hys maiesty for euer, and all the erth shalbe filled with his maiestye. Amen, Amen.

Psalms 98:1

1 A Psalme. O synge vnto the Lord a new songe, for he hath done maruelous thynges.

Psalms 105:2

2 O let your songes be of hym: and prayse hym, and let youre talkynge be of all hys wonderous worckes.

Isaiah 40:9

9 Go vp vnto the hye hyll (O Syon) thou that bringest good tydynges, lyfte vp thy voyce with power, O thou preacher Ierusalem. Lyfte it vp without feare, and saye vnto the cyties of Iuda: Beholde youre God,

Habakkuk 2:14

14 For the earth shalbe full of knowledge of the Lordes honoure, lyke as the waters that couer the see.

Revelation 11:15-17

15 And the seuenth Angell blewe, & ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euermore. 16 And the .xxiiii. elders, whych syt before God on their seates, fell vpon their faces, & worshypped God, 17 sayinge: we geue the thankes O Lord God almyghtye: whych arte & wast, & arte to come, for thou haste receaued thy great myght, and hast raygned.

Revelation 15:3

3 and they songe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God, & the songe of the lambe, sayinge: Gret and maruelous are thy workes: Lorde God almyghtye, iuste & true are thy wayes, thou Kyng of Saynctes.

Revelation 19:1-3

1 And after that, I herde a greate voyce of moch people in heauen saying: Alleluia. Saluacion & glory & honour & power be ascribed to the Lorde our God, 2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the gret whore which dyd corrupt the erth wt her fornicacion, & hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of hyr hande. 3 And agayn they said: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore.

Psalms 68:16

16 Why hoppe ye so ye hye hylles? Thys is Gods hill, in the which it pleaseth him to dwell: yee, the Lorde will abyde in it for euer.

Psalms 71:22

22 and so will my soule whom thou hast deliuered.

Psalms 89:18

18 For thou art the glory of theyr strength, & in thy louynge kyndnesse thou shalt lyft vp oure hornes.

Psalms 132:14

14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion, to be an habitacion for him selfe hath he longed for her.

Isaiah 8:18

18 But lo, as for me, and the children which the lord hath geuen me: we are a token and a wondre in Israel, for the Lord of Hostes sake, which dwelleth vpon the hyll of Sion.

Isaiah 10:24

24 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes: Thou my people, that dwellest in Syon, be not afrayed, for the kynge of the Assirians: He shal smyte the with a rodd, & shal wagg his staff at the, as the Egypcians dyd some tyme:

Isaiah 24:23

23 The mone shall be abashed, and the sunne ashamed, when the Lorde of hostes shall raygne in mount Sion and in Ierusalem with worshyp, and in the syght of such as shalbe of hys councell.

Isaiah 30:19

19 Yf the people remayne in Syon and at Ierusalem, thou shalt not be in heuines: but at the voyce of thy complaynte shall he haue mercy vpon the. And when he heareth it he shall geue the an answer.

Isaiah 33:24

24 There lyeth no man that sayth: I am syck, but all euell is taken awaye from the people that dwell there.

Isaiah 41:14

14 Be not afrayde thou lytle worme Iacob, & thou despysed Israel: for I wyll helpe the, sayeth the Lorde, and the holy one of Israel thyne auenger.

Isaiah 41:16

16 Thou shalt fanne them and the wynde shall carye them awaye, and the whirlwynde shall scater them. But thou shalt reioyse in the Lorde, and shalt delyte in praysinge the holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 49:26

26 And wyll fede thyne enemyes with theyr awne fleshe, and make them drynke of their awne bloude, as of swete wyne. And all flessh shall knowe, O Iacob, that I am the Lorde thy sauiour, thy noble redemer.

Isaiah 52:7-10

7 O howe bewtifull are the fete of the Embassitoure, that bryngeth the message from the mountayne, & proclameth peace: that bryngeth the good tydynges, and preacheth health, and sayeth vnto Sion: Thy God is the kynge. 8 Thy watchmen shall lyft vp theyr voyce: with lowde voyce shall they preach of hym: for they shall se hym present, when the Lorde shall conuerte Sion. 9 Be glad, with thankes gyuynge. O thou desolate Ierusalem, & reioyce together for the Lorde hath comforted hys people, he hath delyuered Ierusalem. 10 The Lorde hath made bare hys holy arme, and shewed it forth in the syght of all the Gentiles, & all the endes of the earth hath sene the sauinge health of our God.

Isaiah 54:1

1 Be glad now, thou baren that bearest not, reioyce, synge and be mery thou that art not wyth chylde: For the desolate hath moo chyldren, then the maryed wyfe, sayeth the Lorde.

Ezekiel 43:7

7 that sayde vnto me: O thou sonne of man, this rowme is my seate, & the place of my fotsteppes, where as I wyll dwell amonge the children of Israel for euermore: so that the house of Israel shall nomore defyle my holy name: nether they, ner their kynges thorowe theyr whordome, thorowe their hye places, & thorowe the deed bodyes of their kinges:

Ezekiel 48:35

35 Thus shall it haue .xviij.M. measures rounde about. And from that tyme forth, the name of the citye shalbe, the Lorde is there.

Zephaniah 2:5

5 Wo vnto you that dwell vpon the see coost ye murtherous people: the worde of the Lord shal come vpon you. O Canaan thou lande of the Philistines, I will destroye the, so that there shall no man dwell in the eny more,

Zephaniah 3:14-17

14 Geue thankes, O daughter Syon, be ioyfull, O Israel: reioyce & be glad from thy whole hert, O daughter Ierusalem, 15 for the Lorde hath taken awaye thy punyshement, and turned backe thyne enemyes. The kyng of Israel, euen the Lord hym selfe is with the: so that thou nedest nomore to feare eny mysfortune. 16 In that tyme it shalbe sayde to Ierusalem: feare not, & to Syon: let not thyne handes be slacke, 17 for the Lorde thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a speciall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yee, he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.

Zechariah 2:5

5 Yee, I my selfe (sayth the Lorde) wyll be vnto her a wall of fyer rounde aboute, and wylbe honoured in her.

Zechariah 2:10-11

10 Be glad, & reioyce, O daughter of Syon: for lo, I am come to dwell in the myddest of the, sayth the Lord 11 at the same time there shal many Heathen cleue to the Lord and shalbe my people. Thus wyll I dwel in the myddest of the, and thou shalte knowe that the Lorde of hoostes hath sente me vnto th

Zechariah 8:3-8

3 thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes. I will turne me agayne vnto Syon, & wyll dwell in the myddest of Ierusalem: so that Ierusalem shalbe called a faythfull & true cytye, the hyl of the Lorde of hoostes, yee, an holy hyll. 4 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes. There shall yet olde men & wemen dwel agayne in the stretes of Ierusalem: yee, & soch as go wt staues in their handes for very age. 5 The stretes of the cytye also shalbe full of yonge boyes and damselles, playinge vpon the strates. 6 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes: yf the resydue of this people thynke it to be vnpossible in these dayes, shuld it therfore be vnpossyble in my syght, sayth the Lord of hoostes? 7 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes: Beholde, I will delyuer my people from the lande of the east & west, 8 and wyll brynge them agayne: that they maye dwell at Ierusalem. They shalbe my people, & I wyll be theyr God, in treuth and ryghteousnesse.

Luke 19:37-40

37 And when he was now come nye to hye goyng downe of the mounte Olyuete, the whole multitude of the discyples began to reioyce, & to prayse God with a loude voyce, for all the myracles that they had sene, 38 sayinge: blessed be the kynge that commeth in the name of the Lorde: peace in heauen, and glory in the hyest: 39 And some of the Pharyses of the company sayd vnto hym: Master, rebuke the disciples. 40 He sayd vnto them: I tell you, that yf these holde theyr peace, then shall the stones crye.

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