3 thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes. I will turne me agayne vnto Syon, & wyll dwell in the myddest of Ierusalem: so that Ierusalem shalbe called a faythfull & true cytye, the hyl of the Lorde of hoostes, yee, an holy hyll.
4 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes. There shall yet olde men & wemen dwel agayne in the stretes of Ierusalem: yee, & soch as go wt staues in their handes for very age.
5 The stretes of the cytye also shalbe full of yonge boyes and damselles, playinge vpon the strates.
6 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes: yf the resydue of this people thynke it to be vnpossible in these dayes, shuld it therfore be vnpossyble in my syght, sayth the Lord of hoostes?
7 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes: Beholde, I will delyuer my people from the lande of the east & west,
8 and wyll brynge them agayne: that they maye dwell at Ierusalem. They shalbe my people, & I wyll be theyr God, in treuth and ryghteousnesse.