4 O (yf they wolde do this) I shulde heale theyr sores: yee, with all my herte wolde I loue them: so that my wrath shulde cleane be turned awaye from them.
Hosea 14:4 Cross References - Great
Exodus 15:26
26 & sayde: If thou wylt herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, and wylt do that which is right in his sight, and wylt geue eare vnto his commaundementes, & kepe all hys ordinaunces: then wyll I put none of these diseases vpon the which I brought vpon the Egipcians: for I am the Lorde that healeth the.
Numbers 25:4
4 and the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: take all the heades of the people, & hange them vp before the Lorde agaynst the sonne, that the wrath of the Lordes countenaunce maye be tourned awaye from Israel.
Numbers 25:11
11 Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preaste, hath tourned myne anger awaye from the chyldren of Israel, whyle he was gelous for my sake amonge them, that I had not consumed the chyldren of Israel in my gelousye.
Deuteronomy 7:7-8
7 It was not because of the multitude of you aboue all nacyons, that the Lorde had lust vnto you and chose you, seynge ye were fewest of all nacyons.
8 But because the Lorde loued you, and because he wolde kepe the othe whyche he had sworne vnto your fathers, therfore hath the Lorde brought you oute of Egypte thorowe a myghtie hande, & delyuered you out of the house of bondage: euen from the hande of Pharao kynge of Egypte.
Psalms 78:38
38 But he was so mercyfull, that he forgaue theyr mysdedes, and destroyed them not.
Isaiah 12:1
1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me.
Isaiah 57:18
18 I haue seen his wayes and I heale hym I lede him and restore to hym comforte, and to those that were sory for him
Jeremiah 3:22
22 O ye disobedient chyldren, turne agayne (sayinge: lo, we are thyne, for thou art the Lorde oure God:) And so shall I heale youre backturninges.
Jeremiah 5:6
6 Wherfore, a Lyon out of the woodde hath hurte them, and a wolfe in the euenynge shall destroye them. The Leoparde doth lye lurkynge by theyre cytyes, to teare in peces all them that come thereout. For theyr offences are multyplyed, and theyr departynge awaye is encreased.
Jeremiah 8:22
22 is ther no triacle at Gilead? Is ther no physycyon ther? Why then is not the helthe of my people recouered?
Jeremiah 14:7
7 Doutles oure awne wyckednes doth rewarde vs. But lorde do thou accordyng to thy name, though oure transgressyons & synnes be many, and agenst the haue we synned.
Jeremiah 17:14
14 Heale me, O Lorde, and I shall be whole: saue thou me, and I shalbe saued, for thou art my prayse.
Jeremiah 33:6
6 Behold, sayth the Lord, I wyll repayre & heale their woundes, and make them whole: I will open them the large treasure of peace and trueth.
Hosea 6:1
1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs:
Hosea 11:7
7 And my people shall stonde in a doubte whether to torne them, for when the prophetes called them to the most hiest, not one yet wolde gyue him his glory.
Zephaniah 3:17
17 for the Lorde thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a speciall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yee, he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.
Matthew 9:12-13
Romans 3:24
24 but are iustifyed frely by his grace, through the redempcyon that is in Christ Iesu,
2 Corinthians 5:19-21
19 For God was in Christ, and made agrement betwene the worlde and him selfe, & imputed not their synnes vnto them, and hath commytted to vs the preachynge of the attonement.
20 Now then are we messengers in the rowme of Christ euen as though God dyd beseche you thorow vs. So praye we you in Christes stede, that ye be reconcyled vnto God:
21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.
Ephesians 1:6
6 to the prayse of the glory of hys grace, wherwith he hath made vs accepted thorowe the beloued.
Ephesians 2:4-9
4 But God which is riche in mercy (for his greate loue wher with he loued vs,
5 euen when we were deed by synnes) quyckened vs together in Christ (by grace are ye saued)
6 and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte together with him amonge them of heauen in Christ Iesu.
7 That in tymes to come he myght shewe the exceadynge, ryches of hys grace, in kyndnes to vs warde thorowe Chryst Iesu.
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorow fayth, and that not of youre selues. It is the gyfte of God,
9 and commeth not of workes, lest eny man shulde boast him selfe
2 Timothy 1:9
9 which saued vs, and called vs with an holy callynge, not accordynge to oure dedes, but accordynge to his awne purpose & grace, whych was geuen vs thorowe Christ Iesu (before the worlde beganne)
Titus 3:4
4 But after that the kyndnes and loue of oure saueoure God to man warde appeared,