Hosea 14:1 Cross References - Great

1 O Israell, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorowe thy wickednes.

1 Samuel 7:3-4

3 And Samuel spake vnto all the house of Israel, saying: yf ye be come agayne vnto the Lorde with all your hertes, then put awaye the straunge goddes and Astharoth from amonge you: and prepare your hertes vnto the Lorde, and serue hym only: for he shall ryd you out of the hande of the Philistines. 4 Then the chyldren of Israel dyd put awaye Baalim and Astaroth, and serued the Lorde onely.

2 Chronicles 30:6-9

6 So the postes wente with letters of the hande of the kyng, & of his Lordes thorowe out all Israell and Iuda: & at the commaundement of the kynge they sayd: Ye children of Israel, turne agayne vnto the Lord God of Abraham, Isahac & Israel, and let euery one returne to the remnaunt that are escaped you out of the hande of the kynges of Assur. 7 And be not ye lyke your fathers, & your brethren which trespaced agaynst the Lorde God of theyr fathers, which gaue them vp to be destroyed, as ye se. 8 And nowe be not ye stiffenecked, lyke as were your fathers, but yelde your selues vnto the Lorde, & entre into his holy place, which he hath sanctified for euer and serue the Lorde your God, & the fearcenesse of his wrath shal turne awaye from you. 9 For yf ye turne agayne vnto the Lord, then shall your brethren and your children fynde compassion in the presence of them that toke them captyue, and they shall come agayne vnto this land: for the Lord your God is gracious & mercyfull and wil not turne awaye his face from you, yf ye conuerte vnto hym.

Isaiah 55:6-7

6 Seke the Lorde, whyle he may be founde, and call vpon hym whyle he is nye. 7 Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes, & the vnryghtuous hys owne ymagynacyons, and turne agayne vnto the Lorde: so shall he be mercyfull vnto hym: and to oure God, for he is very ready to forgeue.

Jeremiah 2:19

19 Thyne awne wickednesse shall reproue the, & thy turnynge awaye shall condemne the: that thou mayest knowe & vnderstande: howe euell and hurtfull a thynge it is, that thou hast forsaken the Lorde thy God, & not feared him, sayeth the Lorde God of Hostes.

Jeremiah 3:12-14

12 & therfore go preache these wordes towarde the north, and saye: Thou disobedient Israell, turne agayne (sayeth the Lorde) & I wyll not let my wrathe fall vpon you, for I am mercyfull (sayeth the Lorde) & I wyll not alwaye beare displeasure agaynst the: 13 but this I will, that thou knowe thy greate blasphemy: Namely, that thou hast vnfaythfully forsaken the Lorde thy God, & hast made thy selfe partake of straunge Goddes vnder all grene trees, but hast had no wyll to heare my voyce, sayeth the Lorde. 14 O ye disobedient chyldren, turne agayne sayeth the Lorde: & I wyll be maryed wyth you. For I wyll take one out of the cytie, & two out of one generacyon, from amonge you, and brynge you in to Syon:

Jeremiah 4:1

1 O Israel, yf thou wylt turne the, then turne vnto me, sayeth the Lorde. And yf thou wylt put awaye thyne abhominacyons out of my syght, thou shalt not be moued:

Lamentations 5:16

16 The garlande of oure heade is fallen: alas, that euer we synned so sore.

Ezekiel 28:14-16

14 Thou art a fayre Cherub exalted by the anoyntyng, stretched wyde out for to couer. I haue sett the in this dignyte vpon the holy mount of God, there hast thou bene, & walcked amonge the fayre glysteringe stones. 15 From the tyme of thy creacyon thou hast bene ryght excellent, tyll wickednes was founde in the. 16 Because of thy great marchaundise, thy hert is full of wyckednesse, & thou hast offended. Therfore, wyll I cast the from the mount of God (O thou couering Cherub) and destroye the amonge the glysterynge stones.

Hosea 5:5

5 But the pryde of Israel will be rewarded him in hys face, yee, both Israell & Ephraim shall fall for theyr wickednesse, and Iuda wt them also.

Hosea 6:1

1 In theyr aduersite they shall erlye seke me, & saye: come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smyten vs, and he shall heale vs:

Hosea 12:6

6 Then turne to thy God, kepe mercy and equite, & hope styll in thy God.

Hosea 13:9

9 O Israel, thine iniquite hath destroyed the but in me only is thy helpe.

Joel 2:12-13

12 Nowe therfore sayeth the Lorde. Turne you vnto me with all your hertes, with fastinge, wepynge and mournynge, 13 rente your hertes, and not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the Lord your God, for he is gracious and mercyfull, longe sufferynge and of great compassyon: and redy to pardone wyckednes.

Zechariah 1:3-4

3 And saye thou vnto them: thus sayth the Lorde of hootes: Turne you vnto me (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) and I wyll turne me vnto you, sayth the Lorde of hoostes. 4 Be ye not lyke your forefathers, vnto whom the prophetes cryed afore tyme, sayeng. Thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes. Turne you from youre euell wayes, and from youre wycked ymaginacyons. But they wolde not heare ner regarde me, sayeth the Lorde.

Acts 26:18-20

18 to open their eyes, that they maye be turned from darckness to light, and from the power of Satan vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenes of synnes, and inheritaunce amonge them whych are sanctified by fayth that is toward me. 19 Wherfore (O kynge Agryppa) I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly visyon: 20 but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco, and at Ierusalem, and thorow out all the coastes of Iewry, and then to the gentyls, that they shuld repent, and turne to God, and do soch workes as become them that repent.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.