9 By fayth he remoued into the lande of promes, as into a straunge countre, whan he had dwelt in tabernacles: & so dyd Isaac & Iacob heyres wt hym of the same promes.
Hebrews 11:9 Cross References - Great
Genesis 12:8
8 And remouynge thence vnto a mountayne that was eastwarde from bethel, he pitched his tent, hauynge Bethel on the west syde, & Hai on the east. And he buyldynge an altare vnto the Lorde, dyd call on the name of the Lorde.
Genesis 13:3
3 And he wente furth on hys iourney from the south towarde Bethel, vnto the place where hys tent had bene at the begynnynge, betwene Bethel & Hai:
Genesis 13:18
18 And Abram takynge downe hys tente, came and dwelled in the okegroue of Mamre, namely in Ebron, and buylded there an alter vnto the Lorde.
Genesis 17:8
8 And I wyll geue vnto the and to thy seed after the, the lande where in thou art a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an euerlastynge possessyon, and wyll be their God.
Genesis 18:1-2
Genesis 18:6
6 And Abraham went a pase in to his tent vnto Sara, & sayde: make redy attonce thre peckes of fyne meale, kneade it, & make cakes.
Genesis 18:9
9 And they sayde vnto him: Where is Sara thy wyfe? he answered: beholde, she is in the tent.
Genesis 23:4
4 I am a straunger & a foryner amonge you, geue me a possessyon to burye in wyth you, that I maye bury my coarse out of my syght.
Genesis 25:27
27 and the boyes grewe, and Esau became a connynge hunter & a tyller of the erth. But Iacob was a perfecte man, & dwelled in the tentes.
Genesis 26:3-4
3 soiourne in thys lande, and I wyll be wyth the, and wyll blesse the: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I wyll geue all these contreys. And I wyll performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraham thy father,
4 and wyll multiplye thy seed as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seed all these contreys. And in thy seed shall all the nacyons of the erth be blessed,
Genesis 28:4
4 and geue the the blessynge of Abraham: to the and to thy seed wyth the, that thou mayst possesse the lande (wherin thou art a straunger) whyche God gaue vnto Abraham.
Genesis 28:13-14
13 yce and God stode vpon it, and sayde. I am the Lorde God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isahac: The lande whyche thou slepest vpon wyll I geue the and thy seed.
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the erth: and thou shalt spreade abrode to the west, to the east, to the north and to the south. And thorowe the and in thy seed shall all the kynredes of the erth be blessed.
Genesis 35:27
27 And so Iacob came vnto Isahar hys father to Mamre vnto kyriath Arba which is Hebron: where Abraham & Isahac soiourned as straungers.
Genesis 48:3-4
3 & Iacob sayde vnto Ioseph: God allmyghtie apeared vnto me at Lus in the lande of Canaan, & blessed me,
4 & sayde vnto me: beholde, I wyll make the growe, & wyll multiplye the, & wyll make a great nombre of people of the, and wyll geue thys land vnto thy seed after the vnto an euerlastyng possessyon.
Acts 7:5-6
5 and he gaue hym none inheritaunce in it, no not the bredeth of a fote: and promysed that he wold geue it to him to possesse & to his seed after hym, when as yet he had no chylde.
6 God verely spake on thys wise that his seade shulde sogeourne in a straunge lande, & that they shulde kepe them in bondage, and entreate them euell .iiij.C. yeares.
Hebrews 6:17
17 So God wyllinge very aboundantly to shewe vnto the heyres of promes, the stablenes of his counsayl, added an oth: