Genesis 30:1 Cross References - Great

1 Rahel whan she sawe that she bare Iacob no chyldren, she enuyed hyr syster, and sayde vnto Iacob: Geue me children, or els I am but deed.

Genesis 29:31

31 When the Lorde sawe that Lea was despised, he made her frutefull. And Rahel remayned baren.

Genesis 35:16-19

16 And they departed from Bethel, and when he was but a felde bredth from Ephrath, Rahel began to trauell, and in trauelynge she was in parell. 17 And it happened as she was in paynes of hyr laboure, the mydwyfe sayde vnto her, feare not, for thys sonne is thyne also. 18 Then as hyr soule was a departynge, that she must dye, she called his name. Ben Oni. But hys father called hym Ben Iamin. 19 And thus dyed Rahel and was buryed in the waye to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.

Genesis 37:11

11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.

Numbers 11:15

15 If thou deale thus with me, kyll me, I praye the, yf I haue founde fauour in thy syght, that I se not my wrechednes.

Numbers 11:29

29 And Moses sayde vnto hym: enuyest thou for my sake? wolde God that all the Lordes people coulde prophecye, and that the Lorde wold put hys sprete vpon them.

1 Samuel 1:4-8

4 And it fell on a solempne daye, that Elkana offered, and gaue to Phenenna his wife & to all her sonnes and daughters porcyons. 5 But vnto Hanna he gaue a porcion wt a heuye chere, for he loued Hanna, and the Lord had made her barren. 6 And her enemye (Phenenna) vexed her sore contynually, to moue her, because the lord had made her barren. 7 And so did she yere by yere as ofte as she went vp to the house of the lord. And so chafed her, which wepte, and did not eate. 8 Then sayde Elkana her husband to her: Hanna, why wepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thyne herte troubled? am not I better to the, then ten sonnes?

1 Kings 19:4

4 But he hym selfe went a dayes iourney into the wyldernesse, and came and satt downe vnder a Iuniper tree, and desyred for his soule; that he myght dye, and sayde, it is nowe ynough (O Lorde) take my soule, for I am not better then my fathers.

Job 3:1-3

1 After this opened iob his mouth and cursed hys daye. 2 And Iob answered, and sayde: 3 lost be that daye, wherin I was borne, and the nyght, in the which it was sayde: there is a man chylde conceaued.

Job 3:11

11 Alas, why dyed I not in the byrth? Why dyd not I perysh, as sone as I came oute of my mothers wombe?

Job 3:20-22

20 Wherfore is the lyght geuen to hym that is in mysery? and lyfe vnto them, that haue heuy hertes? 21 Whych longe for death (and though it come not) wolde dygg it oute of hyd places 22 which also wolde be excedyng glad and reioyce, yf they coulde fynde theyr graue any where.

Job 5:2

2 As for the foolysh man, displeasure kylleth hym, and anger slayeth the ignoraunt

Job 13:19

19 What is he, that wil go to lawe with me? that I maye nowe holde my tonge, and dye.

Psalms 106:16

16 They angred Moses also in the tentes, and Aaron the sayncte of the Lorde.

Proverbs 14:30

30 A mery herte is the lyfe of the body, but rancoure consumeth awaye the bones.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle, & dilygence of labour, that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuy agaynst his neyboure This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.

Jeremiah 20:14-18

14 Cursed be the daye, wherin I was borne, vnhappie be the daye, wherin my mother brought me forth. 15 Cursed be the man, that brought my father the tydinges to make him glad, saying: thou hast gotten a sonne. 16 Let it happen vnto that man, as to the cyties which the Lord turned vp syde downe. Lett him heare cryenge in the mornynge, and at none daye lamentable howlynge. 17 Why slewest thou not me, as sone as I cam out of my mothers wombe? O that my mother had bene my graue her self, that the byrth myghte not haue come out, but remayned styll in her. 18 Wherfore cam I forth of my mothers wombe? To haue experience of laboure and sorowe? and to lead my lyfe with shame?

John 4:3

3 he lefte Iewry, and departed agayne into Galile.

John 4:8

8 For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the towne, to bye meate.

1 Corinthians 3:3

3 As longe verely as ther is amonge you enuyinge, & strife & sectes: are ye not carnall, & walke after the maner of men?

2 Corinthians 7:10

10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacyon, not to be repented of, contrary wyse, worldely sorowe causeth deeth.

Galatians 5:21

21 enuyinge, murther, dronkennes, glottonye, and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue told you in tyme past, that they which commyt soch thinges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdome of God.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selues also were somtyme foolyshe dysobedient, deceaued, seruynge diuerse lustes and volupteousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and enuye, full of hate, hatynge one another.

James 3:14

14 But yf ye haue bytter enuyeng & stryfe in your herte, reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth:

James 4:5

5 Ether do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete the dwelleth in vs, lusteth euen contrary to enuy:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.