1 Then fouretene yeares thereafter, I went vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas, and toke Titus with me.
Galatians 2:1 Cross References - Great
Acts 4:36-37
Acts 11:25
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tharsus, for to seke Saul.
Acts 11:30
30 Which thinge they also dyd, and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul.
Acts 12:25
25 And Barnabas and Paul returned to Ierusalem, when they had fulfylled their offyce, and toke wt them Iohn whose syrname was Marke.
Acts 13:2
2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost saide: separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worcke wherunto I haue called them.
Acts 13:50
50 But the Iewes moued the deuoute and honest wemen, and the chefe men of the cytie, & reysed persecucyon agaynst Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of theyr coastes
Acts 14:12
12 And they called Barnabas Iupiter, and Paul Mercurius, because he was the preacher,
Acts 15:2-4
2 So when ther was rysen dissencion & disputyng not a lyttel vnto Paul and Barnabas agaynst them, they determined that Paule and Barnabas, and certayne other of them, shulde go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and elders about thys questyon.
3 And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion, they passed ouer Phenices and Samaria, declaryng the conuersion of the Gentyls, and they brought greate ioye vnto all the brethren.
4 And when they were come to Ierusalem, they were receaued of the congregacion & of the Apostles and elders. And they declared all thynges that God had done by them.
Acts 15:25
25 It semed therfore to vs a good thynge, when we were come together with one accorde, to sende chosen men vnto you, with oure beloued Barnabas and Paul,
Acts 15:36-39
36 But after a certayne space, Paul sayd vnto Barnabas: Let vs go agayne, and visite oure brethren in euery cytie where we haue shewed the word of the Lord, & se how they do.
37 And Barnabas gaue counsell to take with them Iohn, whose syrname was Marcke.
38 But Paul wold not take him vnto their company which departed from them at Pamphilia, & went not with them to the worcke.
39 And the contencion was so sharpe betwene them: that they departed asunder one from the other & so Barnabas toke Marcke, and sayled vnto Cypers.
1 Corinthians 9:6
6 Ether onely I and Barnabas haue not power thys to do?
2 Corinthians 8:16
16 Thankes be vnto God, which put the same good mynde for you in the herte of Titus,
2 Corinthians 8:23
23 The greate confidence which I haue in you, hath caused me thys to do: partelye for Titus sake which is my felowe and helper as concernyng you: partely because of other which are our brethren, and the messengers of the congregacyons, & the glory of Christ.
Galatians 1:18
18 Then after thre yeare, I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter, and abode with hym fyftene dayes.
Galatians 2:3
3 Also Titus which was wt me, though he were a greke, yet was not compelled to be circumcised:
Galatians 2:13
13 And the other Iewes dissembled as well as he: in so moche that Barnabas also was brought into their symulacion.
Colossians 4:10
10 Aristarchus my preson felowe saluteth you, and Marcus Barnabas systers sonne: touchynge whom, ye receaued commaundementes. If he come vnto you, receaue hym:
Titus 1:4
4 To Tytus hys naturall sonne after the commen fayth. Grace mercy & peace from God the father & from the Lorde Iesu Christ oure saueoure.