1 Thus saith the Lorde God: the dore of the innermer court towarde the east shalbe shut the .vj. worcking dayes: but in the sabboth and in the daye of the newe moone, it shalbe opened.
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
3 On the same maner shall the people of the lande also do their worshyp before the Lorde without thys dore vpon the sabbathes and newe moones.
4 This is nowe the burntofferyng, that the prince shall bryng vnto the Lorde vpon the sabboth: syxe lambes without blemysh, and a ram without blemish,
5 & an ephah for a meatoffering, with the ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meateofferinges to them as he will: and an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
6 In the daye of the newe moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemish, syxe lambes and a ram also without blemish.
7 With the bullocke he shall geue an ephah, & with the ram an ephah also for a meateoffering: but to the lambes, what he maye come by. And euer an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
8 When the prynce commeth, he shall go vnder the dore porche, and euen there departe forth agayne.
9 But when the people of the lande come before the Lord in the hye solempne feaste, as many as come in by the north dore to do worshyp, shall go out agayne at the south dore. And they that come in at the south dore, shall go forth agayne at the north dore. There shall none goo out at the dore, where he came in, but shall go ryght forth ouer on the other syde,
10 and the prynce shall go in and out amonge them.
11 Upon the solempne and hye feaste dayes this shalbe the meatofferyng. An epha to a bullocke and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambes, as many as he will: but euer an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
12 Nowe when the prynce bryngeth a burntofferyng or an healthofferinge with a fre wyll vnto the Lorde, the east dore shalbe opened vnto hym, that he maye do with his burnt and healthofferinges, as he doth vpon the sabboth: and when he goth forth, the dore shalbe shut after him agayne.
13 He shall dayly bryng vnto the Lorde a lambe of a yeare olde without blemysh for a burntoffering: this shall he do euery morning.
14 And for a meatoffering, he shall geue the syxte parte of an epha, and the thyrd part of an hyn of oyle, to myngle with the cakes, euery morning. Yee, this shalbe a dayly meatofferinge vnto the Lorde: for an euerlasting ordinaunce:
15 and thus shall the lambe meateoffering and oyle be geuen euery morning, for a daylye burntofferinge.
16 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde God: If the prynce gyue a gyfte vnto any of hys sonnes, then shall it be hys sonnes herytage perpetuall, that he maye possesse it.
17 But yf he wyll geue one of hys seruauntes, some of hys heritage, it shalbe hys to the fre yeare, and then to returne agayne vnto the prince: for hys herytage shalbe hys sonnes onely.
18 The prince also shall take none of the peoples enheritaunce, ner put them from their possession: but to his awne sonnes shall he geue his possession, that my people be not scatered abroade, but that euery man maye haue hys awne.
19 And he brought me thorowe the intraunce at the syde of the dore to the habitatyon of the sanctuary, that belongeth to the prestes and stode towarde the north, and beholde, there was a place vpon the west syde,
20 then sayde he vnto me. This is the place where the prestes shall dyght the trespace and synofferynges, and bake meateofferinges, that they nede not beare them into the outwarde court: and so to vnhalowe the people.
21 So he brought me into the vtmost courte, rounde about all the foure corners. Beholde, in euery corner of the court, there was yet a lytle courte.
22 Yee in all the foure corners of the court, there was made a lytle court of .xl. cubites longe, & .xxx. cubites broade: these foure lytle courtes were of one like measure:
23 and there went a ridge wall rounde about them all foure, vnder the which there were harthes made rounde about.
24 Then sayde he vnto me: Thys is the kechin where the ministers of the house shall dyght the slayne offeringes of the people.
Ezekiel 46 Cross References - Great
Genesis 3:19
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eate bread, tyll thou be turned agayne into the grounde, for out of it was thou taken, in asmuch as thou art dust, & into dust shalt thou be turned agayne.
Exodus 20:9
9 Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all that thou hast to do:
Isaiah 66:23
23 and there shalbe a newe Moone for the other, and a newe Sabbath for the other, and all fleshe shall come to worshippe before me (sayeth the Lorde)
Ezekiel 8:16
16 And so he brought me into the inwarde court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twenty men, that turned their backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the easte, and these worshypped the sonne.
Ezekiel 44:1-2
1 After this, he brought me againe to the outwarde dore of the sanctuary on the east syde, and that was shut.
2 Then sayd the Lord vnto me: This dore shalbe styll shut: & not opened for eny man to go thorowe it: but only for the Lorde God of Israel: yee, he shall go thorowe it, els shall it be shut styll.
Ezekiel 45:17-19
17 Agayne, it shalbe the princes parte to offre burntofferynges, meateofferinges & drinckofferinges vnto the Lord, in the holy dayes, newe moones, sabbathes, and in all the hye feastes of the house of Israel. The synoffering, meateofferyng, burntoffring & healthofferyng shall he geue to reconcyle the house of Israel.
18 Thus sayth the Lorde God: The fyrst daye of the first moneth thou shalt take a yonge bullocke without blemysh, and clense the sanctuarye.
19 So the preste shall take of the bloude of the synofferyng, and sprynckle it vnto the postes of the house, and vpon the foure corners of the aulter, with the dorepostes of the ynnermer courte.
Ezekiel 46:6
6 In the daye of the newe moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemish, syxe lambes and a ram also without blemish.
Luke 13:14
14 And the ruler of the synagoge answered with indignacion (because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are syxe dayes in which men ought to worke, in them come, that ye maye be healed, and not on the Saboth daye.
Hebrews 4:9-10
1 Kings 8:22-23
22 Salomon stode before the aultare of the Lorde in the syght of all the congregacyon of Israel, and stretched out hys handes towarde heauen,
23 and sayde: Lorde God of Israel, ther is no God like the in heauen aboue, or in the earth beneth, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy for thy seruauntes that walke before the with all their hert:
1 Chronicles 17:16
16 And Dauid the kynge came & sat before the Lorde, & sayde: what am I (O Lord God,) and what is mynehoushold, that thou hast promoted me thus farre?
1 Chronicles 29:10-12
10 And Dauid blessed the Lorde before all the congregacyon, and sayde: Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel oure father, from euer and for euer.
11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatnesse, and power, glorie, victorie and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in erth is thyne, & thyne is the kyngdom (O Lorde) and thou excellest aboue all, euen as the heed of all.
12 And rychesse and honoure come of the, and thou rayguest ouer all, and in thyne hande is power and strength, and in thyne hand it is to make great & to geue strength vnto all.
2 Chronicles 6:13
13 For nowe Salomon had made a brasen pulpyt of fyue cubytes longe & fyue cubytes broad, and thre of heyght, & had set it in the myddes of the great courte, & vpon it, he stode and kneled downe, vpon his knees before all the congregacyon of Israel & stretched out his handes towarde heauen,
2 Chronicles 23:13
13 And she loked, and beholde, the kynge stode in his place at the enterynge in, & the Lordes and the trompettes were by the kynge, & all the people of the lande reioysed, blowinge wt trompettes, & dyd playe with instrumentes of musycke, & taught to synge & prayse. But Athaliahu rent her clothes, and sayed: treason, treason.
2 Chronicles 29:29
29 And when they had made an ende of offerynge, the kynge and all that were present wt hym. bowed them selues, & worshypped.
2 Chronicles 34:31
31 And the kyng stode at hys standyng, & made a couenaunt before the Lord, to folowe the Lorde, and to kepe his commaundementes, his wytnesses, and hys statutes, wyth all hys hert & wyth all his soule, & to fulfyll the wordes of the appoyntment wrytten in the sayde boke.
Ezekiel 44:3
3 The prince hym selfe shall come thorowe it, that he maye eate bread before the Lorde. At the porche shall he come in, and there shall he go out againe.
Ezekiel 45:19
19 So the preste shall take of the bloude of the synofferyng, and sprynckle it vnto the postes of the house, and vpon the foure corners of the aulter, with the dorepostes of the ynnermer courte.
Ezekiel 46:8
8 When the prynce commeth, he shall go vnder the dore porche, and euen there departe forth agayne.
Ezekiel 46:12
12 Nowe when the prynce bryngeth a burntofferyng or an healthofferinge with a fre wyll vnto the Lorde, the east dore shalbe opened vnto hym, that he maye do with his burnt and healthofferinges, as he doth vpon the sabboth: and when he goth forth, the dore shalbe shut after him agayne.
Matthew 26:39
39 And he went a lytell farther, and fell flat on his face, and prayed, sayinge: O my father, yf it be possible, let this cuppe passe from me: neuerthelesse, not as I will, but as thou wilt.
John 10:1-3
1 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: he that entreth not in by the dore into the shepefolde, but clymeth vp some other waye, the same is a thefe and a murthurer.
2 But he that entreth in by the dore, is the shepherde of the shepe:
3 to hym the porter openeth, & the shepe heare hys voyce, and he calleth his awne shepe by name, and leadeth them out.
Colossians 1:28
28 whom we preache, warnynge all men, and teachynge all men in all wysdome, to make all men parfecte in Christ Iesu.
Hebrews 5:7-8
Luke 1:10
10 And he went into the temple of the Lorde, & the whoale multitude of the people were without in prayer, whill the incense was a burninge.
John 10:9
9 I am the dore: by me yf any man entre in, he shalbe safe, and shall go in and out, and fynde pasture.
Hebrews 10:19-22
19 Seyng therfore brethren, that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we haue libertye to enter into the holy place,
20 by the new & lyuing waye whych he hath prepared for vs, through the vayle (that is to saye, by his flesshe.)
21 And seing also that we haue an hye prest whych is ruler ouer the house of God,
22 let vs draw nye wt a true herte in a sure fayth, sprynckeled in our hertes & the euyll conscience put awaye & wesshed in our bodyes wt pure water:
Numbers 28:9-10
9 And on the Sabboth daye two lambes of a yere olde a pece, and without spot, and two tenth deales of flour for a meatoffering myngled wt oyle, and the drinck offerynge therto.
10 The burntoffering of the Sabboth must be done in the selfe Sabboth, besyde the dayly burntoffering and his drinckoffering.
Ezekiel 45:17
17 Agayne, it shalbe the princes parte to offre burntofferynges, meateofferinges & drinckofferinges vnto the Lord, in the holy dayes, newe moones, sabbathes, and in all the hye feastes of the house of Israel. The synoffering, meateofferyng, burntoffring & healthofferyng shall he geue to reconcyle the house of Israel.
Leviticus 14:21
21 If he be poore, and can not gett so moche, he shall take one lambe for a trespace offrynge to waue it for hys clensynge, and a tenth deale of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatoffrynge, and a logge of oyle,
Numbers 6:21
21 Thys is the lawe of the absteyner whych hath vowed his offrynge vnto the Lorde for his consecracyon: Besydes those thynges that hys hande can gett, accordynge to the vowe whych he vowed, euen so he must do after the lawe of hys abstinence.
Numbers 28:12
12 and .iij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering myngled with oyle for one bullocke, and .ij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering mingled with oyle for one ram.
Deuteronomy 16:17
17 but euery man accordynge to the gyfte of hys hande, & accordynge to the blessynge of the Lorde thy God whych he hath geuen the.
Ezekiel 45:24
24 For the meatofferynges he shall geue euer an ephah to a bullocke, an ephah to a ram, and an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
Ezekiel 46:7
7 With the bullocke he shall geue an ephah, & with the ram an ephah also for a meateoffering: but to the lambes, what he maye come by. And euer an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
Ezekiel 46:11-12
11 Upon the solempne and hye feaste dayes this shalbe the meatofferyng. An epha to a bullocke and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambes, as many as he will: but euer an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
12 Nowe when the prynce bryngeth a burntofferyng or an healthofferinge with a fre wyll vnto the Lorde, the east dore shalbe opened vnto hym, that he maye do with his burnt and healthofferinges, as he doth vpon the sabboth: and when he goth forth, the dore shalbe shut after him agayne.
Ezekiel 46:1
1 Thus saith the Lorde God: the dore of the innermer court towarde the east shalbe shut the .vj. worcking dayes: but in the sabboth and in the daye of the newe moone, it shalbe opened.
Ezekiel 46:5
5 & an ephah for a meatoffering, with the ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meateofferinges to them as he will: and an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
Ezekiel 44:1-3
1 After this, he brought me againe to the outwarde dore of the sanctuary on the east syde, and that was shut.
2 Then sayd the Lord vnto me: This dore shalbe styll shut: & not opened for eny man to go thorowe it: but only for the Lorde God of Israel: yee, he shall go thorowe it, els shall it be shut styll.
3 The prince hym selfe shall come thorowe it, that he maye eate bread before the Lorde. At the porche shall he come in, and there shall he go out againe.
Ezekiel 46:2
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
Colossians 1:18
18 And he is the heed of the body, euen of the congregacyon: he is the begynnynge and fyrst begotten of the deed, that in all thynges he myght haue the preeminence.
Exodus 23:14-17
14 Thre feastes thou shalt holde vnto me in a yere.
15 Thou shalt kepe the feaste of swete bread, that thou eate vnleuend bread seuen dayes longe as I commaunded the, in the tyme of the moneth whan corne beginneth to ripe, for in that moneth ye came oute of Egypte: and se that no man appeare before me emptye.
16 And the feaste of Heruest, when thou reapest the fyrst frutes of thy laboures, which thou hast sowne in the felde. And the feast of ingatheryng, which is in the ende of the yere: when thou hast gathered in thy laboures out of the felde.
17 Thre tymes in a yere shall all thy men chyldren appeare before the Lord God.
Exodus 34:23
23 Thryse in a yeare shall all your mens children appeare before the Lorde Iehoua God of Israel.
Deuteronomy 16:16
16 Thre tymes in the yere shall all thy males appeare before the Lorde thy God, in the place which he shall chose: In the feast of swete bread, in the feast of wekes, & in the feast of tabernacles. And they shall not appeare before the Lorde empty
Psalms 84:7
7 They wyll go from strength, and vnto the God of Goddes appeareth euery one of them in Sion.
Ezekiel 1:12
12 Euery one when it wente, it wente streyght forwarde. Where as the sprete led them, thyther they wente, and turned not aboute in theyr goynge.
Ezekiel 1:17
17 When one wente forwarde, they wente all foure, and turned them not about in theyr goinges.
Malachi 4:4
4 Remembre the lawe of Moses my seruaunt, whych I commytted vnto hym in Oreb for all Israell, with the statutes and ordinaunces.
Philippians 3:13-14
13 Brethren, I counte not my selfe that I haue gotten it as yet, but this one thynge I saye: I forget those thinges which are behinde, & endeuoure my selfe vnto those thinges which are before,
14 and (accordinge to the marke apoynted) I preace to the rewarde of the hye callynge of God thorowe Chryst Iesu.
Hebrews 10:38
38 But the iust shall lyue by faith. And yf he withdrawe him selfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him.
2 Peter 2:20-21
20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde thorow the knowledge of the Lord and the sauyour Iesu Christ) are yet tangled againe therin, and ouercome then is the latter ende worse wyth them then the begynninge.
21 For it had bene better for them, not to haue knowne the waye of ryghteousnes, then after they haue knowen it, to turne from the holy commaundement that was geuen vnto them:
2 Samuel 6:14-19
14 And Dauid daunsed before the Lorde withall his myght, and was gyrded with a lynnen Ephod.
15 So Dauid and all the house of Israel brought the arck of the Lorde, wyth showtyng and trompet blowyng.
16 And it fortuned, that as the arcke of the Lorde cam into the citye of Dauid, Michol Sauls daughter loked thorow a window, and saw kynge Dauid spryng, and daunce before the Lorde, and she dyspysed hym in her hert.
17 And when they brought in the Arck of the Lorde, they set it in his place, euen in the myddes of the tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it. And Dauid offered burnt offeringes & peace offeringes before the lord.
18 And as sone as Dauid had made an ende of offeryng burnt offerynges & peace offerynges, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of Hostes,
19 & gaue among all the folke, euen amonge the hole multitude of Israel, as well to the wemen as men, to euerye one a Cake of breed, & a pece of fleshe, & a flasket of drincke. And so all the people departed euery one to his house.
1 Chronicles 29:20
20 And Dauid sayde to all the congregacyon: Nowe blesse the Lorde youre God. And all the congregacion blessed the Lorde God of their fathers, and bowed downe their heades and worshypped the Lorde and the kynge.
1 Chronicles 29:22
22 & dyd eate & dryncke before the Lorde the same daye wt greate gladnesse. And they made Salomon the sonne of Dauid kynge the seconde tyme, and annoynted him prynce before the Lorde, and Zadock to be the hye preaste.
2 Chronicles 6:2-4
2 And I haue buylt an habitacyon for the, and a place for thy dwellynge for euer.
3 And the kynge turned his face, and blessed the hole congregacyon of Israel, and all the congregacyon of Israel stode.
4 And he sayde: blessed be the Lorde God of Israel which hath with his handes, fulfylled it, that he spake with his mouth to my father Dauid, sayinge:
2 Chronicles 7:4-5
2 Chronicles 20:27-28
2 Chronicles 29:28-29
2 Chronicles 34:30-31
30 And the kyng went vp into the house of the Lorde, and all the men of Iuda, and the enhabiters of Ierusalem, & the preastes & Leuites and all the people great and smalle: & the kyng dyd reade all the wordes of the boke of the couenaunt that was found in the house of the Lorde.
31 And the kyng stode at hys standyng, & made a couenaunt before the Lord, to folowe the Lorde, and to kepe his commaundementes, his wytnesses, and hys statutes, wyth all hys hert & wyth all his soule, & to fulfyll the wordes of the appoyntment wrytten in the sayde boke.
Nehemiah 8:8-9
8 And they red in the boke of the lawe of God distinctly & playnly, so that men vnderstode the thinge that was red.
9 And Nehemiah (which is Hathirsatha) & Esdras the preast & scrybe, and the Leuites that caused the people to take hede, sayd vnto all the people: thys daye is holy vnto the Lorde youre God: be not ye sory, and wepe not. For all the people wepte, when they herde the wordes of the lawe.
Psalms 42:4
4 Why art thou so full of heuynes (O my soule) and why art thou so vnquiete within me?
Psalms 122:1-4
1 A songe of the steares of Dauid. I Was glad, when they sayde vnto me: we will go into the house of the Lord.
2 Our fete shall stande in thy gates, O Ierusalem.
3 Ierusalem is buylded as a cytie, that is at vnite in it selfe.
4 For thyther the trybes go vp, euen the trybes of the Lorde: to testifye vnto Israel, to geue thanckes vnto the name of the Lorde.
Matthew 18:20
20 For where two or thre are gathered to gether in my name, there am I in the myddes of them
Matthew 28:20
20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.
Hebrews 3:6
6 But Christ as a sonne, hath rule ouer the house, whose house are we, yf we holde fast the confydence and the reioysynge of that hope, vnto the ende.
Hebrews 4:14-16
14 Seynge then, that we haue a great hye prest which is entred into heauen (euen Iesus the sonne of God) let vs holde the profession.
15 For we haue not an hye preste, which cannot haue compassyon on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted, lyke as we are: but yet with out synne.
16 Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace, that we maye obtayne mercy, and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of nede.
Revelation 2:1
1 Unto the messenger of the congregacyon of Ephesus wryte: these thynges sayth he, that holdeth the seuen starres in hys ryght hande, and that walketh in the myddes of the seuen golden candelstickes.
Leviticus 23:1-44
1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, & saye vnto them: These are my feastes, euen the feastes of the Lorde, whych ye shall call holy conuocacyons.
3 Syxe dayes ye shall worke, but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of reast, an holy conuocacyon: so that ye doo no worke therin, it is the Sabboth of the Lorde, in all youre dwellynges.
4 These are the feastes of the Lorde, euen holy conuocacyons, whyche ye shall proclayme in their ceasons.
5 In the .xiiij. daye of the fyrst moneth at euen is the Lordes Passeouer.
6 And in the fyfteneth daye of the same moneth is the feast of swete bread vnto the Lorde: seuen dayes ye must eate vnleuended bread.
7 In the fyrst daye ye shall haue an holy conuocacyon: ye shall do no laborious worke therin.
8 But ye shall offer sacrifyces vnto the Lorde thorow out those seuen dayes, and in the seuenth daye is an holy conuocacyon: ye shall do no laborious worke therin.
9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
10 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel & saye vnto them when ye be come into the lande (whyche I geue vnto you) & repe doune the haruest therof, ye shall brynge a shefe of the fyrst frutes of youre haruest vnto the preast,
11 whych shall waue the shefe before the Lorde to be accepted for you: & euen the morowe after the Sabboth the Preaste shall waue it.
12 And ye shall offer that daye when ye waue the shefe, an he lambe wythout blemish of a yeare olde, for a burntoffrynge vnto the Lorde:
13 and the meatofferynge therof, shalbe made of two tenth deales of fyne floure mengled with oyle, to be a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde for a swete sauoure: and the drynkoffring therof shalbe of wyne, euen the fourth deale of an Hyn.
14 And ye shall eate nether bread, nor parched corne, nor furmentye, nor newe corne, vntyll the selfe same daye that ye haue brought an offrynge vnto youre God. Let thys be a lawe for euer in youre generacions and in all youre dwellynges.
15 And ye shall counte from the morowe after the Saboth: euen from the daye that ye brought the shefe of the waueoffrynge .vij. Sabbathes complete:
16 euen vnto the morowe after the seuenth Sabbath shall ye nombre fyftye dayes. And ye shall brynge a new meatoffrynge vnto the Lorde.
17 And ye shall brynge out of youre habitacions two waue loues made of two tenth deales of fyne floure and that are made wyth leuen for fyrst frutes vnto the Lord.
18 And ye shall brynge with the breed seuen lambes wythout deformite of one yeare of age, and one yonge oxe & two rammes, whych shall serue for a burntoffrynge vnto the Lorde, wyth meatoffringes and theyr drynkoffrynges, to be a sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
19 Then ye shall offer an he goate for a synne offrynge: and two lambes of one yeare olde for a peace offrynge.
20 And the preast shall waue them wyth the breed of the fyrst frutes before the Lorde, and wyth the two lambes. And these holy thynges of the Lorde, shalbe the preastes.
21 And ye shall proclayme the same daye, that it maye be an holy conuocacyon vnto you: ye shall do no laborious worke therin: let it be a lawe for euer in all your dwellynges, and in all youre generacyons.
22 And when ye reepe doune your haruest, thou shalt not make cleane ryddaunce of thy felde, nether shalt thou make any aftergatherynge of thy haruest: but shalt leaue it vnto the poore and the straunger. I am the Lorde youre God.
23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge:
24 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and saye: In the seuenth moneth, in the fyrst daye of the moneth shall ye haue rest, euen the remembraunce of blowynge, an holy conuocacyon:
25 ye shall do no laborious worke therin, but offer sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
27 the tenth daye also of the selfe seuenth moneth, is a daye of reconcilynge, therfore shall it be an holy conuocacion vnto you, and ye shall humble your soules, and offer sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
28 Ye shall do no worke the same daye, for it is a daye of reconcylynge, to make an atonement for you before the Lorde your God.
29 For whatsoeuer soule it be that humbleth not hym selfe that daye, he shalbe destroyed from amonge hys people.
30 And whatsoeuer soule do any maner worke that daye, the same soule will I destroye from amonge his people.
31 Ye shall do no maner worke therfore: Let it be a lawe for euer in youre generacyons and in all your dwellynges.
32 Let it be vnto you a Sabboth of reste, and ye shall humble your soules in the nynth daye of the moneth at euen: from euen to euen shall ye rest in your Sabboth.
33 And the Lord spake vnto Moses sayeng:
34 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and saye: the fyftenth daye of the same seuenth moneth is the feast of tabernacles, seuen dayes vnto the Lord.
35 The fyrst daye is an holy conuocacyon: ye shall do no laboryous worke.
36 Seuen dayes ye shall offer sacryfyce vnto the Lord, and in the eyght daye shalbe an holy conuocacyon vnto you, and ye shall offer sacryfyces vnto the Lorde. It is the colleccyon, and ye shall do no laborious worke therin.
37 These are the feastes of the Lord, whiche ye shall call holy conuocacyons, for to offer sacrifyce vnto the Lord, burntoffrynge, meatoffrynge, peaceoffrynge, and drynkeoffrynges, euery daye hys due sacrifyc
38 besyde the Sabbothes of the Lorde, & besyde youre gyftes, besyde all your vowes, and all your frewylloffrynges, whyche ye geue vnto the Lorde.
39 Moreouer in the fyftenth daye of the seuenth moneth whan ye haue gathered in the frute of the lande, ye shall kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde seuen dayes. The fyrst daye shall be as a Sabboth: lykewise in the eyght daye shalbe the rest of the Sabboth.
40 And ye shall take you in the fyrst daye, the frutes of goodly trees, braunches of palme trees, and the bowes of thycke trees, and wyllowes of the brooke, and shall reioyse before the Lord your God seuen dayes.
41 And ye shall kepe this feast vnto the Lorde seuen dayes in the yeare. It shalbe a lawe for euer in youre generacyons, that ye kepe it in the seuenth moneth.
42 Ye shall dwell in boothes seuen dayes: euen all that are Israelites borne, shall dwell in boothes,
43 that youre chyldren after you maye knowe, howe that I made the chyldren of Israel to dwell in boothes, when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt: I am the Lord youre God.
44 And Moses spake vnto the chyldren of Israel concernynge the feastes of the Lorde.
Numbers 15:1-41
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
2 speake vnto the children of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye be come into the lande of your habitacions, which I geue vnto you,
3 & wyll offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde. Namely, a burntoffering or a speciall sacrifyce, eyther of a vowe or of a wyllinge mynde, and in youre princypall feastes, to make a swete fauoure vnto the Lorde, of the oxen or of the flocke.
4 Then lett hym that offereth hys offeryng vnto the Lorde, bring also a meatofferinge of a tenth deale of floure, myngled wt the fourth parte of an hin of oyle,
5 & the fourth part of an hin of wyne for a drynckoffering, and offer with the burntofferyng or any other offeryng: when it is a lambe.
6 Or yf it be a ram, thou shalt offer for a meate offerynge, two tenth deales of floure, myngled with the thyrd part of an hin of oyle:
7 and for a drinkofferynge, thou shalt offer the thyrde parte of an hyn of wyne for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
8 And when thou offerest a bullocke for a burntoffring or for a speciall vowe or peace offering vnto the Lorde,
9 let him bring with a bullock a meateoffering of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle. And thou shalt bryng for a drinckofferynge euen halfe an hin of wyne,
10 for an offering of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
11 After thys maner, shall it be done for an oxe, or for a ram, or for a lambe or a kyd.
12 Loke what nombre thou makest in these, such a nombre shalt thou make in them also. And according to the nombre of suche offeringes, thou shalt encrease the meatofferynges and the drynckofferinges.
13 All that are of your selues shall do these thinges after this maner, to offer an offeringe of swete sauour vnto the Lorde.
14 And yf a straunger sogeorne with you, or whoso euer be amonge you in your generacions, and will offer an offering of a swete sauour vnto the Lorde: euen as ye do, so he shall do.
15 One ordinaunce shalbe both for you of the congregacion, and also for the straunger. It shalbe an ordinaunce for euer in your generacions, both vnto you and to the straunger before the Lorde.
16 One lawe and one maner shall serue, both for you and for the straunger that sogeorneth with you.
17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
18 speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: When ye become into the lande to the which I bring you,
19 then when ye will eate of the bread of the lande, ye shall take vp an heueoffering vnto the Lorde.
20 Ye shall take vp a cake of the fyrst of your dow for an heueoffering, as ye do the heueoffering of the barne, euen so ye shall heue it.
21 Of the fyrst of your dowe ye shall geue vnto the Lorde an heueoffering in your generacions.
22 And yf ye ouerse your selues, and obserue not all these commaundementes, which the Lorde hath spoken vnto Moses:
23 euen all that the Lorde hath commaunded you by the hande of Moses, from the fyrst daie that the Lorde commaunded Moses, and hence forwarde amonge youre generacions.
24 Yf it happen that ought is commytted ignorantlye of the congregacion, all the multitude shall offer a bullocke for a burntofferyng, to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde, with the meatoffering and drynckoffering therto, acdynge to the maner, and an he goate for synne.
25 And the preast shall make an atonement for all the multitude of the children of Israel, and it shalbe forgeuen them: for it is ignoraunce. And they shall brynge theyr offeryng for a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: & theyr synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce.
26 And it shalbe forgeuen vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel, and vnto the straunger that dwelleth amonge you: seinge all the people were in ignoraunce.
27 If any one soule synne thorow ignoraunce, he shall brynge a she goate of a yeare olde for synne.
28 And the preaste shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly, with the synneofferynge before the Lorde to reconcyle hym: and that it maye be forgeuen hym.
29 And both thou that art borne of the children of Israel and the straunger that dwelleth amonge you, shall haue both one lawe, whoso doeth synne thorowe ignoraunce.
30 But the soule that doeth ought presumptuouslye, whyther he be an Israelite or a straunger, the same blasphemeth the Lorde. And that soule shalbe roted out from among his people,
31 because he hath despysed the word of the Lorde, and hath broken hys commaundement, that soule therfore shall perish, and his synne shalbe vpon him.
32 And whyle the chyldren of Israel were in the wyldernesse, they founde a man that gathered styckes vpon the Sabboth daye.
33 And they that founde him gatherynge styckes, brought hym vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all the congregacyon:
34 and they put him inwarde, seyng it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him.
35 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Let the man die: and let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoost.
36 And all the multitude brought him without the hoost, & stoned him with stones, and he dyed as the Lord commaunded Moses.
37 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying:
38 speake vnto the children of Israel and byd them: that they make them gardes in the quarters of theyr garmentes thorow out their generacions, and put vpon the garde of the quarters a ryband of yelow sylke:
39 And the garde shalbe vnto you to loke vpon it, that ye maye remembre all the commaundementes of the Lorde, and do them: and that ye seke not after youre awne hert or youre awne eyes: after the which ye vse to go a whoring:
40 but ye shall remembre rather and do all my commaundementes, and be holy vnto youre God:
41 I am the Lorde youre God, which broughte you oute of the lande of Egypte, for to be youre God. I am the Lorde youre God.
Numbers 28:1-29
1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying:
2 Commaunde the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: My offring and my bred for my sacrifyces which are made for a swete sauoure, shall ye obserue in theyr due season.
3 And thou shalt saye vnto them: This is the offering which ye shall offer vnto the Lord .ij. lambes of a yere olde without spot daye by daye, for a continuall burntoffering.
4 One lambe shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other at euen.
5 And therto the tenth part of an epha of floure for a meatofferyng myngled with beaten oyle conteyninge the fourth part of an hin.
6 It is a dayly burntoffering, such as was ordeyned in the mounte Sinai for a swete sauoure a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
7 And let the drinckofferyng of the same be the fourth part of an hin for one lambe, and in the holy place shalt thou commaunde the wyne to be powred vnto the Lorde.
8 And the other lambe thou shalt offer at euen after the maner of the meatofferyng and the drinckoffering of the morning: a sacrifice shalt thou offre for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
9 And on the Sabboth daye two lambes of a yere olde a pece, and without spot, and two tenth deales of flour for a meatoffering myngled wt oyle, and the drinck offerynge therto.
10 The burntoffering of the Sabboth must be done in the selfe Sabboth, besyde the dayly burntoffering and his drinckoffering.
11 And in the beginnynge of youre monethes, ye shall offer a burntofferinge vnto the Lord: two yonge bullockes, and a ram, and vij, lambes of a yere olde without spot:
12 and .iij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering myngled with oyle for one bullocke, and .ij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering mingled with oyle for one ram.
13 And a tenth deale of floure myngled with oyle for a meateoffering vnto one lambe, for a burntoffring and a swete sauoure and sacrifice vnto the Lorde.
14 And theyr drinckofferynges shalbe halfe an hin of wyne vnto one bullocke, and the third part of an hin of wyne vnto a ram, and the fourth part of an hin vnto a lambe. Thys is the burntofferynge of the moneth in hys moneth, thorowout the monethes of the yere:
15 and one he goate for a synoffering vnto the Lord shalbe offred, after the dayly burntofferyng and hys drinckoffring.
16 And the fourtenth daye of the fyrst moneth, is the passeouer of the Lorde.
17 And in the fyftenth daye of the same moneth is the feast: and seuen dayes longe shall vnleuened bred be eaten.
18 In the fyrst daye shalbe an holy conuocacyon, ye shall do no maner of seruile worke therin.
19 But ye shall offer a sacrifyce for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde .ij. yong bullockes, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yere olde, which are to you wtout spot,
20 and let theyr meatoffering be of floure mingled with oyle: thre tenth deales also shall ye offre for a bullock, and two tenth deales for a ram:
21 one tenth deale shalt thou offre for euery lambe of the seuen lambes:
22 and a hegoate for synne to make atonement for you.
23 Ye shall offer these, besyde the burntofferyng in the morning, which is a contynuall burntsacrifyce.
24 After this maner ye shall offre thorowout the .vij. dayes: the fode of the sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lord. And it shalbe done besyde the dayly burntoffering and his drinckofferyng.
25 And in the seuenth daye ye shall haue an holy conuocacion, and ye shall do no seruyle worke.
26 Therfore in the daye of your first frutes, when ye bryng a newe meatoffering vnto the Lorde (accordyng to your wekes) ye shall haue an holy conuocacion,
27 & ye shall do no seruile worke in it: but offer a burntofferynge for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde two yonge bullockes, a ram, and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece,
28 with their meate offerynges of floure myngled with oyle, thre tenth deales vnto a bullock, two tenth deales to a ram,
29 and one tenth deale vnto a lambe thorowout the seuen lambes,
Deuteronomy 16:1-22
1 Obserue the moneth of newe corne, that thou mayest offer passeouer vnto the Lorde thy God. For in the moneth whan corne beginneth to rype, the Lorde thy God brought the out of Egypte by nyght.
2 Thou shalt therfore offer passe ouer vnto the Lorde thy God (and shepe and oxen) in the place whych the Lorde shall chose to put his name there.
3 Thou shalt eate no leuened bread with it: but seuen dayes shalt thou eate vnleuened bred therwith: euen the bread of trybulacyon (for thou camest out of the lande of Egypte in haste) that thou mayst remembre the daye, when thou camest out of the lande of Egypte, all dayes of thy lyfe.
4 And there shall be no leuened bread sene in all thy coastes seuen dayes longe, neyther shall there remayne any thynge of the fleshe which thou offrest the fyrst daye at euen, vntyll the mornynge.
5 Thou mayst not offer passeouer wythin any of thy gates, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the:
6 but in the place which the Lord thy God shall chose, to set his name in, there thou shalt offer Passeouer at euen, aboute the goynge downe of the sonne, euen in the ceason that thou camest out of Egypte.
7 And thou shalt sethe and eate it, in the place which the Lorde thy God hath chosen, and departe on the morowe, & gett the vnto thy tente.
8 Syxe dayes thou shalt eat swete bread, and the seuenth daye is a gatherynge together before the Lorde thy God: thou shalt do no worke therin.
9 Seuen wekes shalt thou nombre vnto the, and begynne to nombre the seuen wekes, whan thou begynnest to put the syckell to the corne,
10 & kepe the feast of wekes vnto the Lorde thy God, wyth a frewylofferynge of thyne hande: which thou shalt geue vnto the Lorde thy God, accordynge as the Lorde thy God hath blessed the.
11 And reioyse before the Lorde thy God, thou & thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunte & thy mayde and the Leuite that is within thy gates, and the straunger, the fatherlesse & the wedowe that are amonge you, in the place whych the Lorde thy God hath chosen to put hys name there.
12 And remembre, that thou wast a seruaunte in Egypte: and thou shalt obserue & do these ordinaunces.
13 Thou shalt also obserue the feast of tabernacles seuen dayes, after that thou hast gethered in thy corne and thy wyne.
14 And thou shalt reioyse in that thy feast, thou and thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunte, and thy mayde, the Leuite, the straunger, and the fatherlesse & the wedowe, that are wythin thy gates.
15 Seuen dayes shalt thou kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde thy God, in the place whych the Lorde shall chose: for the Lord thy God shall blesse the in all thy frutes, and in all the workes of thyne handes, therfore shalt thou be glad.
16 Thre tymes in the yere shall all thy males appeare before the Lorde thy God, in the place which he shall chose: In the feast of swete bread, in the feast of wekes, & in the feast of tabernacles. And they shall not appeare before the Lorde empty
17 but euery man accordynge to the gyfte of hys hande, & accordynge to the blessynge of the Lorde thy God whych he hath geuen the.
18 Iudges and offycers shalt thou make the in all thy cyties, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the thorowe out thy trybes: and they shall iudge the people ryghteously.
19 Wrest not thou the lawe, nor knowe any persone, nether take any rewarde: for gyftes blynde the wyse, & peruerte the wordes of the ryghteous.
20 That whych is iust and ryght, shalt thou folowe, that thou mayst lyue, and enioye the lande, which the Lorde thy God geueth the.
21 Thou shalt plante no groue of whatsoeuer trees it be, nye vnto the altare of the Lorde thy God, which thou shalt make the.
22 Thou shalt set the vp no piler, whiche the Lorde thy God hateth.
Leviticus 1:3
3 Yf hys sacrifyce be a burntofferynge, let hym offre a male of the oxen without blemyshe, and brynge hym (of hys own voluntary wyll) vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde.
Leviticus 7:16
16 But yf he offre hys sacrifyce by reason of a vowe, or of hys awne frewyll, it shall be eaten the same daye that he offreth hys sacrifyce. And yf ought remayne vntyll the morowe, it maye be eaten:
Leviticus 23:38
38 besyde the Sabbothes of the Lorde, & besyde youre gyftes, besyde all your vowes, and all your frewylloffrynges, whyche ye geue vnto the Lorde.
Numbers 29:39
39 These thinges ye shall do vnto the Lorde in youre feastes: besyde youre vowes and frewylofferynges, in youre burnt offerynges, meateofferynges, drynckeofferynges, and peaceofferynges.
1 Kings 3:4
4 And the kyng went to Gibeon, to offer there: for that was a speciall offerynge place. A thousand burnt offeringes dyd Salomon offre vpon that aultare:
1 Chronicles 29:21
21 And they offered offerynges vnto the Lorde. And on the morowe after the sayde daye, they offered burntofferynges vnto the Lorde euen a thousande younge oxen, a thousande rammes & a thousande shepe, with their dryncke offerynges. Many sacrifyces offred they for all Israel,
2 Chronicles 5:6
6 And kynge Salomon and all the congregacyon of Israel that were assembled vnto him before the Arcke, offered shepe and oxen, so manye, that they coulde not be tolde nor nombred for multitude.
2 Chronicles 7:5-7
5 And kynge Salomon offered a sacrifyce of .xxij. thousande oxen, and an hundred & twentye thousande shepe. And so the kynge and all the people dedicated the house of God.
6 And the preastes wayted on their offyces, and the Leuites had the instrumentes of musycke of the Lorde, which kynge Dauid had made to confesse vnto the Lorde, that his mercye lasteth euer, playenge a psalme of Dauid with their hande. And the preastes blewe with trompettes before them: and all they of Israel stode.
7 Moreouer, Salomon halowed the myddle of the courte, that was before the Lorde: for there he offered burntofferinges and the fatt of the peaceofferynges, because the brasen aulter which Salomon had made, was not able to receaue the burntofferynges and the meateofferynges and the fatte.
2 Chronicles 29:31
31 And Hezekia answered, & sayde: nowe ye haue consecrate youre handes to the Lord: go to therfore, & bringe in the sacrifices & thankofferynges into the house of the Lorde. And the congregacyon brought in the sacrifyces & thanke offerynges & burntofferinges, as many as were of a fre liberall hart.
Ezra 1:4
4 And whosouer remayneth yet in eny maner of place (where he is a straunger) let the men of that place helpe hym wt syluer and golde, with good & catell, besyde that which they wyllyngly offer, for the house of God that is at Ierusalem.
Ezra 3:5
5 Afterwarde they offred dayly burntoffringes also, & in the new mones and in all the feast dayes that were consecrate vnto the Lorde, and for all them whych dyd (of their awne fre wyll) offre vnto the Lord.
Ezra 6:17
17 and offered at the dedicacion of this house of God, and hundred oxen, two hundred rammes, foure hundred goates: and for the reconcilinge of all Israel twelue he goates, accordynge to the nombre of the tribes of Israel,
Ezekiel 46:1-2
1 Thus saith the Lorde God: the dore of the innermer court towarde the east shalbe shut the .vj. worcking dayes: but in the sabboth and in the daye of the newe moone, it shalbe opened.
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
Romans 12:1
1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercyfulnes of God, that ye make yor bodies a quycke sacryfice, holy & acceptable vnto God: which is youre resonable seruynge of God
Ephesians 5:2
2 and walke ye in loue euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete sauer to God
Exodus 12:5
5 And let the lambe of yours be wtout blemysh, a male of a yeare olde, which ye shall take out from amonge the shepe, or from amonge the goates.
Exodus 29:38-42
38 This is that which thou shalt offer vpon the aulter: euen two lambes of one yeare olde, daye by daye continually:
39 the one thou shalt offer in the mornyng, and the other at euen.
40 And with the one lambe a tenth deale of flour myngled with the fourth parte of an hyn of beaten oyle, and the fourth part of an hin of wyne, for a drynck offerynge.
41 And the other lambe thou shalt offer at euen, and shalt do therto accordynge to the meatofferyng and drynckofferynge in the mornynge, to be an odoure of a swete sauoure and a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
42 And let this be a continuall burntofferynge amonge youre chyldren after you, before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde, where I wyll mete you, to speake there vnto the.
Leviticus 12:6
6 And when the dayes of hyr purifyenge are out: whether it be for a sonne or for a daughter, she shall brynge a lambe of one yeare olde for a burntoffringe, and a younge pigeon or a turtyll doue for synne vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse and vnto the Preaste:
Numbers 28:3-8
3 And thou shalt saye vnto them: This is the offering which ye shall offer vnto the Lord .ij. lambes of a yere olde without spot daye by daye, for a continuall burntoffering.
4 One lambe shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other at euen.
5 And therto the tenth part of an epha of floure for a meatofferyng myngled with beaten oyle conteyninge the fourth part of an hin.
6 It is a dayly burntoffering, such as was ordeyned in the mounte Sinai for a swete sauoure a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
7 And let the drinckofferyng of the same be the fourth part of an hin for one lambe, and in the holy place shalt thou commaunde the wyne to be powred vnto the Lorde.
8 And the other lambe thou shalt offer at euen after the maner of the meatofferyng and the drinckoffering of the morning: a sacrifice shalt thou offre for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
Numbers 28:10
10 The burntoffering of the Sabboth must be done in the selfe Sabboth, besyde the dayly burntoffering and his drinckoffering.
Psalms 92:2
2 To tell of thy louyng kyndnesse early in the mornyng, and of thy trueth in the nyght season.
Isaiah 50:4
4 The Lorde God hath geuen me a well lerned tonge, so that I can confort them which are troubled: yee, and that in due ceason. He wakeneth myne eare vp by tymes in the mornynge: by tymes in the morninge, I saye, he will waken myne eare, that I myght herken as to the scole masters.
Daniel 8:11-13
11 Yee, it grewe vp vnto the prynce of the hoost, from whom the daylye offerynge was taken, and the place of hys Sanctuary casten downe.
12 And a certayne season was geuen vnto it, agaynst the daylye offeringe (because of wyckednesse) that it myght cast downe the veryte to the grounde, and so to prospere in all thynges, that it wente aboute.
13 Upon this I hearde one of the sainctes speakynge, which saynte sayde vnto one that asked this question. Howe longe shall this visyon of the daylye sacrifyce and of the wastinge abhominacyon endure: that the Sanctuary and the power shall so be troden vnder fote?
John 1:29
29 The nexte daye, Iohn seeth Iesus comminge vnto hym, and sayeth beholde the lambe of God, whych taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.
1 Peter 1:19-20
Revelation 13:8
8 and all that dwell vpon the erth worshypt hym: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe, which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde.
Numbers 28:5
5 And therto the tenth part of an epha of floure for a meatofferyng myngled with beaten oyle conteyninge the fourth part of an hin.
Exodus 29:42
42 And let this be a continuall burntofferynge amonge youre chyldren after you, before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde, where I wyll mete you, to speake there vnto the.
Numbers 28:6
6 It is a dayly burntoffering, such as was ordeyned in the mounte Sinai for a swete sauoure a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
Hebrews 7:27
27 Which nedeth not dayly (as yonder hye prestes) to offer vp sacrifice. Fyrst for his awne synnes and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he once, when he offered vp him self.
Hebrews 9:26
26 for then must he haue often offered sence the worlde began. But now in the ende of the worlde, hath he appeared once, to put sinne to flight by the offerynge vp of him selfe.
Hebrews 10:1-10
1 For the lawe (hauynge the shadowe of good thynges to come, and not the very fasshion of the thinges them selues) can neuer with those sacrifices which they offer; yeare by yeare continually make the commers therunto parfayt.
2 For wold not then those sacrifices haue ceased to haue bene offred, because that the offerers once purged shuld haue had no more conscience of synnes?
3 Neuerthelesse, in those sacrifyces, is there mencyon made of synnes euery yeare.
4 For the bloude of oxen and of goates can not take awaye synnes.
5 Wherfore, when he commeth into the worlde he sayth: Sacryfyce and offerynge thou woldest not haue: but a bodye hast thou ordeyned me:
6 Burnt offerynges also for synne hast thou not alowed.
7 Then sayd I: lo, I am here. In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me, that I shuld do thy will, o God.
8 Aboue, when he sayeth: sacryfice & offeryng, & burnt sacryfyces and synne offerynges thou woldest not haue, nether hast thou alowed them (whiche yet are offered by the lawe)
9 then sayd he: Lo, I am here, to do thy wyll, o God: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter,
10 by wych will we are made holy, euyn by the offeryng of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.
Genesis 25:5-6
2 Chronicles 21:3
3 And their father gaue them many greate gyftes of golde, and syluer, and other speciall substaunce, wt stronge cityes in Iuda: but the kyngdome gaue he to Iehoram, for he was the eldest.
Psalms 37:18
18 The Lord knoweth the dayes of the godly, & their inheritaunce shall endure for euer.
Matthew 25:34
34 Then shall the Kynge saye to them that shalbe on hys ryghte hande: Come ye blessed of my father, inheret the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynninge of the worlde.
Luke 10:42
42 verely one is nedefull. Mary hath chosen the good parte, which shall not be taken awaye from her.
John 8:35-36
Romans 8:15-17
15 they are the sonnes of God. For ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare eny mor are, but ye haue receaued the sprete of adopcyon, wherby we crye: Abba father.
16 The same sprete certyfyeth oure sprete that we are the sonnes of God.
17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, & heyres anexed with Chryst yf so be that we suffer with hym, that we maye be also glorified together with hym.
Romans 8:29-32
29 For those which he knewe before, he also ordeyned before, that they shulde be lyke fassyoned vnto the shape of hys sonne, that he myght be the fyrst begotten sonne amonge many brethren.
30 Moreouer, whom he appoynted before, them also he called. And whom he hath called, them also he iustyfyed: and whom he iustyfyed, them he also gloryfyed.
31 What shall we then saye to these thinges? yf God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs?
32 which spared not hys awne sonne, but gaue him for vs all: how can it be, that with hym he shulde not geue vs all thynges also?
Galatians 4:7
7 Wherfore nowe, thou art not a seruaunt: but a sonne. If thou be a sonne, thou arte also an heyre of God, thorowe Christ.
Leviticus 25:10
10 And thou shalt halowe that yeare: euen the fyftyth yeare, & proclayme lybertye thorowe out the lande vnto all the inhabiters therof, for it shalbe a yeare of iubelye vnto you, and ye shall retourne: euery man vnto hys possessyon, and euery man vnto hys kynred agayne.
Matthew 25:14-29
14 Lykewise as a certeine man ready to take his iorney to a straunge countre, called his seruauntes, & delyuered vnto them hys goodes.
15 And vnto one he gaue .v. talentes, to another .ij. & to another one: to euery man after his habilite, & streight waye departed.
16 Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes, went, & occupied wt the same, & wanne other fyue talentes.
17 Lykewyse also, he that receaued two, gayned other two.
18 But he that receaued that one, went & dygged in the erth, and hid his Lordes money.
19 After a longe season, the Lorde of those seruauntes came, and rekened wyth them.
20 And so he that had receaued fyue talentes came, & brought other fyue talentes, sayinge: Sir, thou delyueredst vnto me fyue talentes: beholde, I haue gayned with them fyue talentes moo:
21 His Lord sayde vnto him: well thou good and faythfull seruaunt. Thou hast bene faythfull ouer fewe thinges, I wyll make the ruler ouer many thinges: entre thou into the ioye of thy Lorde.
22 He also that had receaued two talentes, came and sayde: Sir, thou delyueredst vnto me two talentes: beholde, I haue wone two other talentes with them:
23 his Lord sayd vnto him: well good & faythfull seruaunt. Thou hast bene faythfull ouer fewe thinges. I will make the ruler ouer many thinges: Entre thou into the ioye of thy Lorde.
24 Then he whych had receaued the one talent, came, & sayd: Sir I knewe the that thou art an harde man: reaping where thou hast not sowen, & gathering where thou hast not strawed,
25 and therfore was I afrayde, & went, and hyd thy talent in the erth: lo, there thou hast that thine is.
26 His lord answered & sayd vnto him thou euyll & slowthfull seruaunt, thou knewest, that I reape where I sowed not, & gather, where I haue not strawed:
27 thou oughtest therfore to haue delyuered my money to the exchaungers, & then at my commynge shulde I haue receaued myne awne with vauntage.
28 Take therfore the talent from hym, & geue it vnto hym which hath ten talentes.
29 For vnto euery one that hath shalbe geuen, and he shall haue aboundance: But he that hath not, from hym shalbe taken awaye, euen that which he hath.
Luke 19:25-26
Galatians 4:30-31
1 Kings 21:19
19 And therfore shalt thou saye vnto him thus sayth the Lorde: hast thou kylled, & gotten possession? And thou shalt speake vnto him sayeng: thus sayth the Lorde in the place where dogges lycked the bloud of Naboth, shall dogges licke euen thy bloud also.
Psalms 68:18
18 Thou art gone vp an hye, thou hast led captiuitye captiue, and receaued gyftes for men. Yee, euen for thyne enemies, that the Lorde God myght dwell amonge them.
Psalms 72:2-4
Psalms 78:72
72 As he was folowinge the ewes greate with yonge ones, he toke hym, that he myght fede Iacob hys people, and Israel his enheritaunce. So he fed them with a faythfull and true hert, & ruled them prudently withall his power.
Isaiah 11:3-4
3 and shall make hym feruent in the feare of God. For he shall not geue sentence, after the thyng that shal be brought before his eyes, nether reproue a matter at the fyrst hearing:
4 but wt ryghteousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the simple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde with the rodd of hys mouth, & wt the breath of hys mouth shall he staye the vngodly.
Isaiah 32:1-2
1 Beholde, a king shall gouerne after the rule of ryghtewesnesse, and the princes shall rule, accordyng to the balaunce of equitye.
2 And that man shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynd, and as a refuge for the tempest: lyke as a riuer of water in a thirstye place, and the shadowe of a greate rocke in a drye lande.
Jeremiah 23:5-6
5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I wyll rayse vp the ryghteous braunche of Dauid, which kynge shall beare rule, and he shall prosper with wysedome, & shall set vp equite & righteousnes agayne in the erth.
6 In this tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israell shall dwell without feare. And this is the name that they shal call him: euen the Lorde oure ryghteousnesse.
Ezekiel 22:27
27 Thy rulers in the are lyke rauyshynge wolues, to shed bloude, and to destroye soules, for their awne couetous lucre.
Ezekiel 34:3-6
3 Ye haue eaten vp the fatt, ye haue clothed you with the woll: the best fedde haue ye slayne, but the flocke haue ye not norished.
4 The weake haue ye not holden vp the sicke haue ye not healed: the broken haue ye not bounde together, the out castes haue ye not brought agayne: the lost haue ye not sought, but churlishly & cruelly haue ye ruled them.
5 Thus are they scatred here & there without a shepherde: yee, all the beastes of the feld deuoure them, and they go astraye.
6 My shepe go wandring vpon all mountaynes and vpon euery hye hyll. Yee, they be scatred abrode in all feldes, and there is no man, that careth for them, or seketh after them.
Ezekiel 34:21
21 for so moch as ye haue shot the weake shepe vpon the sydes & shoulders, and runne vpon them with your hornes, so longe tyll ye haue vtterly scatred them abrode.
Ezekiel 45:8
8 This shalbe hys awne lande in Israel, that my prynces be nomore chargeable vnto my people. And soch as remayneth yet ouer in the lande, shalbe geuen to the house of Israel according to theyr tribes.
Micah 1:1-2
1 Thys is the worde of the Lorde, that came vnto Micheas the Morastite, in the dayes of Iothan Ahas and Iehezekiah kynges of Iuda: whych was shewed hym vpon Samaria & Ierusalem.
2 Heare al ye people, marcke this well O earth and all that therin is. Yee, the Lorde God hym selfe be wytnesse amonge you euen the Lord from his holy temple.
Micah 2:1-2
1 O wo vnto them, that Imagyn to do herme, and deuyse vngracyousnesse vpon theyr beddes, to perfourme it in the cleare daye: for ther power is agaynst God.
2 When they couet to haue lande, they take it by vyolence, they robbe men of theyr houses. Thus they oppresse a man for his house & euery man for his herytage.
Micah 3:1-3
1 And I sayde: heare, O ye heades of the house of Iacob, & ye leders of the house of Israell: Shulde not ye knowe, what were lawfull and ryght?
2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euel: ye plucke of mennes skynnes, and the flesh from theyr bones:
3 ye eate the flesh of my people, and flay of theyr skynne: ye breake theyr bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, & as flesh into a pot
John 10:28
28 and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shall neuer perissh, nether shall eny man plucke them oute of my hande.
Ephesians 4:8
8 Wherfore he sayth: whan he went vp an hye, he ledde captiuitye captyue, and gaue gyftes vnto men.
Ezekiel 40:44-46
44 On the out syde of the innermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde court besyde the north dore oueragaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore northwarde.
45 And he sayde vnto me: This chambre on the south syde belongeth to the prestes, that kepe the habytatyon:
46 and this towarde the north, is the prestes that wayte vpon the aulter: which be the sonnes of Sadoch, that do seruice before the Lorde in steade of the chyldren of Leui.
Ezekiel 42:9
9 These chambres had vnder them an intraunce of the east syde, wherby a man myght go in to them out of the fore court,
Ezekiel 44:4-5
4 Then brought he me to the dore vpon the north syde of the house. And as I loked aboute me, beholde, the glory of the Lord fylled the house: and I fell downe vpon my face.
5 So the Lorde spake vnto me: O thou sonne of man, fasten thys to thyne herte: beholde, and take diligent hede to all that I wyll saye vnto the, concernyng all the ordynaunces of the Lord, & all his lawes: pondre well with thyne hert the commynge in of the house and the goyng forth of the sanctuary:
Leviticus 2:4-7
4 If thou bringe also a meatofferynge that is baken in the ouen, let it be a swete cake of fyne floure myngled with oyle, or an vnleuened wafer anoynted wt oyle.
5 If thy meateofferynge be baken in the fryenge pan, it shalbe of swete floure myngled with oyle.
6 And thou shalt mynce it small, & powre oyle theron, that it maye be a meateofferynge.
7 And yf thy meateofferynge be a thynge broyled vpon the gredyren, let it be of floure myngled with oyle.
Leviticus 7:1-38
1 Thys is the lawe of the trespaceoffrynge: it is most holy.
2 In the place where they kyll the burntoffringe, shall they kyll the trespaceoffring also: and hys bloude shall he sprynkle rounde aboute vpon the alter.
3 All the fat ther of shall they offer: the roumpe and the fat therof that couereth the inwardes,
4 and the .ii. kydneys, and the fatt that is on them and vpon the loynes: and the aboundaunce that is on the lyuer shalt thou take awaye wyth the kydneyes:
5 & the Preast shall burne them vpon the altare, to be a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: for it is a trespace offerynge.
6 All the males amonge the preastes shall eate therof in the holy place, for it is most holy.
7 As the synne offrynge is, so is the trespaceoffringe, one lawe serueth for both, and it shall be the Preastes that reconcyleth ther wt.
8 And the Preaste that offereth any mans burntoffringe, shall haue the skynne of the burntoffringe which he hath offred.
9 And all the meatoffrynge that is baken in the ouen, and that is dressed vpon the gredyren, & in the fryenge pan, shalbe the Preastes that offreth it.
10 And euery meateofferinge that is myngled with oyle and that is drye, shall pertayne vnto all the sonnes of Aaron, and one shall haue as moche as another.
11 Thys is the lawe of the peaceoffringe, whan it is offred vnto the Lorde.
12 If he offer it to geue thanckes, he shall bringe vnto hys thanckoffrynge, swete kakes myngled wyth oyle, & swete wafers anoynted wt oyle, and kakes myngled with oyle of fyne floure fryed.
13 He shall brynge hys offerynge vpon kakes of leuended bread for hys peaceoffringes to geue thankes:
14 and of all the sacrifice he shall offer one for an heue offringe vnto the Lorde, and it shall be the Preastes that sprynckled the bloude of the peaceoffringes.
15 And the fleshe of the thankoffrynge in hys peaceoffrynges shalbe eaten the same daye that it is offred. And let hym laye vp nothynge of it vntyll the morowe.
16 But yf he offre hys sacrifyce by reason of a vowe, or of hys awne frewyll, it shall be eaten the same daye that he offreth hys sacrifyce. And yf ought remayne vntyll the morowe, it maye be eaten:
17 but as moche of the offered fleshe as remayneth vnto the thyrde daye, shalbe burnt wyth fyre.
18 And yf any of the fleshe of hys peaceoffrynges be eaten in the thyrde daye, then shall he that offreth it, obtayne no fauoure nether shall it be rekened vnto hym: but shalbe an abhomynacyon. Therfore the soule that eateth of it, shall beare hys synne.
19 And the flesh that toucheth any vncleane thynge shall not be eaten, but burnt wyth fyre: and all that be cleane, shall eate the flesh.
20 But yf any soule eate of the flesh of the peaceoffrynge that pertayneth vnto the Lorde hauynge hys vnclennesse vpon hym: the same soule shall peryshe from amonge hys people.
21 Moreouer, the soule that doth touche any vnclene thynge, that is of the vnclennesse of man or of any vnclene beast or any abhomynacyon that is vnclene: and then eate of the flesh of the peaceoffrynge whych pertayneth vnto the Lorde, that soule shall perysh from hys people.
22 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying:
23 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye. Ye shall eate no maner fatt of oxen of shepe and of goates:
24 neuerthelater the fatt of the beaste that dyeth alone, and the fatt of that whych is torne wyth wylde beastes, shall be occupied in any maner of vse, but ye shall in no wise eate of it.
25 For whosoeuer eateth the fatt of the beaste of whych men vse to brynge an offrynge vnto the Lorde, that soule that eateth it, shall perysh from his people.
26 Moreouer, ye shall eate no maner of bloude, whether it be of foule or of beast.
27 Whatsouer soule it be that eateth any maner of bloude, the same soule shall perishe from hys people.
28 And the Lorde talked wt Moses, sayinge:
29 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye: he that bryngeth hys peaceoffringe vnto the Lorde, let hym brynge hys gyfte vnto the Lorde of hys peaceoffrynge:
30 let his awne handes brynge the offrynges of the Lorde: euen the fatt wyth the brest shall he brynge: that the brest maye be waued for a waue offringe before the Lorde.
31 And the Preast shall burne the fatt vpon the alter, and the brest shalbe Aarons & hys sonnes.
32 And the ryght shoulder shall ye geue vnto the Preaste, for an heueoffrynge, of youre peaceoffrynges.
33 The same that offreth the bloude of the peaceoffringes and the fatt, amonge the sonnes of Aaron, shall haue the ryght shoulder for his parte,
34 for the wauebrest and the heueshoulder haue I taken of the chyldren of Israel, euen of their peaceoffringes, and haue geuen it vnto Aaron & vnto hys sonnes: by a statute for euer of the chyldren of Israel.
35 Thys is the anoyntynge of Aaron and the anoyntynge of his sonnes in the sacrifices of the Lorde, in the daye when he offered them to be Preastes vnto the Lorde.
36 And these be the sacrifyces which the Lord commaunded to be geuen them (in the daye of theyr anoyntynge) of the chyldren of Israel, by a statute for euer in theyr generacyons.
37 Thys is the lawe of the burntoffrynge and of the meatoffrynge, and of the sacrifyce for synne and trespace, for consecracyon & for the peaceoffrynge:
38 which the Lorde commaunded Moses in the mount of Synai, when he commaunded the chyldren of Israel to offer their sacrifyces vnto the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Synai.
1 Samuel 2:13-15
13 And the Preastes made a lawe for the people, that whensoeuer any man offered any offerynge, the Preastes ladd came, while the fleshe was in sething, & a fleshoke wyth thre tethe in his hand,
14 and thrust it into the panne: ketle, caldren, or potte. And all that the fleshe hoke brought vp, that the Preaste toke awaye. And so they did vnto all the Israelites, that came thyther to Silo.
15 Yee & therto, before they burnt the fatte, the Preastes ladd came and sayd to the man that offered: geue flesh that I maye dresse it for the Preaste, for he wyll not haue sodden fleshe of the, but rawe.
2 Chronicles 35:13
13 And they dressed the Passeouer wyth fyre as the maner was. And the other dedycat beastes: sodde they in pottes, caulderns & pannes, and deuyded them among all the people.
Ezekiel 44:19
19 And when they go forth to the people into the outwarde court, they shall put of the clothes wherin they haue ministred, and laye them in the habitation of the sanctuary, and put on other apparell, lest they vnhalowe the people with theyr clothes.
Ezekiel 44:29
29 The meatofferynges, synofferyng and trespaceofferinge shall they eate, & euery dedicate thynge in Israel, shalbe theyrs.
Ezekiel 46:20
20 then sayde he vnto me. This is the place where the prestes shall dyght the trespace and synofferynges, and bake meateofferinges, that they nede not beare them into the outwarde court: and so to vnhalowe the people.
Matthew 24:45
45 Who is a faythfull & wyse seruaunt, whom his Lorde hath made ruler ouer his housholde, to geue them meate in season.
John 21:15-17
15 So when they had dyned, Iesus sayeth to Simon Peter: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me more then these? He sayd vnto him: ye Lord, thou knowest, that I loue the. He sayeth vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayeth to him agayne the seconde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? He saieth vnto him. Yee Lord, thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe.
1 Peter 5:2
2 Fede ye Christes flocke, asmoch as lyeth in you, takynge the ouersyght of them, not as compelled therto, but wyllyngly: not for the desyre of fylthy lucre: but of a good mynde,