8 I sawe also that the house was very hye rounde aboute. The foundacyon of the syde chambres was a meterodde, that is .vi. cubites broade.
Ezekiel 41:8 Cross References - Great
Ezekiel 40:5
5 Beholde, there was a wall on the out syde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in his hande, was sixe cubytes longe & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge, which was a meterodde, and the heygth also a meterode.
Revelation 21:16
16 And the cytie was bylt .iiii. square, and the length was as large as the bredth, & he measured the cytie with the rede .xii.M. furlonges: and the length & the bredth, and the heyth of it, were equall.