1 In the .xxv. yeare of oure captiuite, in the begynnynge of the yeare, the .x. daye of the moneth: that is the .xiiii. yeare, after that the cyte was smyten downe: the same daye came the hand of the Lorde vpon me, and caried me forth:
2 euen into the lande of Israel brought he me in the visyons of God: & set me downe vpon a maruelous hye mountayne, wher vpon there was a buylding (as it had bene of a cyte) toward the north.
3 Thyther he caried me, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, which had a threde of flax in his hande, & a meterode also. He stode in the dore,
4 and sayd vnto me: marcke well with thine eyes, herken to with thine eares, and fasten it in thine hert, whatsoeuer I shal shewe the, for to that intent that they myght be shewed the therfore art thou brought hyther. And whatsoeuer thou seyst, thou shalt certyfye the house of Israell therof.
5 Beholde, there was a wall on the out syde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in his hande, was sixe cubytes longe & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge, which was a meterodde, and the heygth also a meterode.
6 Then came he vnto the east dore, & wente vp the steares, & measured the postes of the dore, wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euery chambre was a meterodde longe & brode:
7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubytes. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde.
8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde.
9 Then measured he the entrye of the dore, that conteyned eyght cubytes, & his pylers two cubytes: and this entrye stode inwarde.
10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: a lyke brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes were of one measure.
11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore, which was .x. cubytes, & the heygth of the dore .xiii. cubytes.
12 The edge before the chambers was one cubyte brode vpon both the sydes, and the chambres six cubytes wyde of eyther syde.
13 He measured the dore from the rydge of one chambre to another, whose wydenesse was .xxv. cubytes, & one dore stode agaynst another.
14 He made pilers also .lx. cubites hye, rounde about the courte dore.
15 Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were .L. cubytes.
16 The chambers and their pylers within, rounde about vnto the dore, had syde wyndowes. So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde about within. And vpon the pylers there stode date trees.
17 Then brought he me into the fore courte where as were chambers & paued worckes, made in the fore courte rounde aboute .xxx. chambres vpon one paued worcke.
18 Now the paued worke was a longe besyde the dores & that was the lower paued worke.
19 After this he measured the bredth from the lower dore, vnto the ynnermer courte of the outsyde, which had an .C. cubytes vpon the east & the north parte.
20 And the dore in the vttermoste court towarde the north, measured he after the length and bredth:
21 hys thre chambres also on ether syde with his pillers and forentryes: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heyght was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubites,
22 hys wyndowes & porches with hys date trees, had euen lyke measure as the dore towarde the east: there were .vij. steppes to go vp vpon, and their porche before them.
23 Nowe the dore of the ynnermer court stode streyght ouer agaynst the dore, that was towarde the northeast. From one dore to another he measured .C. cubytes.
24 After that, he brought me to the southsyde, where there stode a dore towarde the south: whose pillers and porches he measured, these had the fyrst measure,
25 and with their porches they had windowes rounde about, like the fyrst wyndowes. The heyght was .l. cubites, the bredth .xxv.
26 with steppes to go vp vpon: hys porche stode before with hys pyllers and date trees on ether side.
27 And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south, and he measured from one dore to another an .C. cubites.
28 So he brought me into the ynnermer court, thorowe the dore of the southsyde, which he measured: and it had the measure aforsayde.
29 In lyke maner, hys chambres, pyllers and forentreys, had euen the foresayde measure also. And he had with hys porches rounde about windowes of fifty cubites heyght, and .xxv. cubytes broade.
30 The porches round about were .xxv. cubites longe, and .v. cubites broad:
31 and his porche reached vnto the vttermost court, vpon his pyllers, there were date trees, and eyght steppes to go vp vpon.
32 He brought me also into the ynmost court vpon the east syde, and measured the dore, according to the measure aforsayd.
33 His chambers, pyllers and porches had euen the same measure, as the fyrst had: and with hys porches, he had wyndowes rounde about. The heyght was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubites:
34 hys porche reached vnto the vttermost court: his pillers also had date trees on ether syde, & .viij. steppes to go vp vpon.
35 And he brought me to the north dore & measured it: which also had the forsayde measure.
36 His chambres, pillers & porches had windowes rounde about: whose heyght was .l. cubites, and the bredth .xxv.
37 Hys pyllers stode towarde the vtmost court, and vpon them both were date trees, and .viij. steppes to go vp vpon.
38 Ther stode a chambre also, whose intraunce was at the dore pyllers, and there the burntofferynges were wasshed.
39 In the dore porche, there stode on eyther syde two tables for the slaughtinge: to sleye the brentofferinges, synofferynges and trespace offeringes therupon.
40 And on the outside as men go forth to the north dore, ther stode two tables.
41 Foure tables stode on ether side of the dore, that is .viij. tables: wherupon they slaughted.
42 Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntoffringes, of a cubite and a halfe longe and brode, and one cubite hye: wherupon were layed the vessels and ornamentes, which were vsed to the burnt and slayne offeringes: whan they were slaughted.
43 And within, there were hokes foure fingers brode, fastened rounde about, to hange flesh vpon, and vpon the tables was layed the offryng fleshe.
44 On the out syde of the innermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde court besyde the north dore oueragaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore northwarde.
45 And he sayde vnto me: This chambre on the south syde belongeth to the prestes, that kepe the habytatyon:
46 and this towarde the north, is the prestes that wayte vpon the aulter: which be the sonnes of Sadoch, that do seruice before the Lorde in steade of the chyldren of Leui.
47 So he measured the fore court, which had in length an .C. cubites, and asmoch in bredth by the foure corners. Now the aulter stode before the house.
48 And he brought me to the fore entrye of the house, and measured the walles by the entry dore: which were .v. cubites longe on eyther syde. The thycknes also of the dore on eyther syde was thre cubites.
49 The length of the porche was .xx. cubites, the bredth .xi. cubites, and vpon steppes went men vp to it: by the walles also were pyllers on eyther syde one.
Ezekiel 40 Cross References - Great
Exodus 12:41
41 and when the .iiij. hundred and .xxx. yeares were expired, euen the selfe same daye departed all the hoostes of the Lorde out of the lande of Egipt,
2 Kings 25:1-30
1 And it fortuned, that in the nynth yere of hys raygne, the tenth daye of the tenth moneth: Nebuchadnezar kynge of Babilon came, he and all his hoost agaynst Ierusalem: and pitched agaynst it, and made engynes agaynst it on euery syde.
2 And the citye was beseged vnto the eleuenth yere of kinge Zedekia.
3 And the nynth daye of the moneth, there was so greate hongre in the citye, that there was no breed for the people of the lande.
4 And the citye was broken vp: and all the men of armes fledd by nyght, by a waye thorowe a gate which is betwene two walles, by the kynges garden: the Chaldees lyinge about the citye. And the kynge went the waye towarde the playne.
5 And the soudyers of the Chaldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the playne of Iericho, and all hys armye were scatered awaye from hym,
6 So they toke the kynge, and brought hym to Nebuchadnezar the kynge of Babylon to Ribla, where they reasoned wt hym.
7 And they slue the sonnes of Zedekia before hys eyes: and he put out the eyes of Zedekia, and fettered him with two chaynes, and caryed hym to Babylon.
8 And the .vij. daye of the .v. moneth which is the .xix. yere of king Nabuchadnezer king of Babylon, came Nebusaradan a seruaunt of the kynge of Babylon, and chefe captayne of the men of warre, vnto Ierusalem:
9 & burnt the house of the Lorde, and the kynges house, and all the houses of Ierusalem, & all great houses burnt he wt fyre.
10 And all the soudiers of the Chaldees that were with the chefe captayne of the men of warre, broke downe the walles of Ierusalem rounde about.
11 But the rest of the people that were left in the citye, and them that were fledd to the kyng of Babylon, wt the remnaunt of the comen people, dyd Nabusaradan the chefe captayne of the men of warre carye awaye:
12 but the captayne of the souldyers lefte of the poore of the lande, to dresse the vynes, and to tyll the grounde.
13 And the pyllers of brasse that were in the house of the Lord, and the sockettes, and the brasen lauatory that was in the house of the Lorde dyd the Chaldees breake, and caryed all the brasse of them to Babylon.
14 And the pottes, shouelles, dressynge knyues, spones, and all the vessels of brasse that they minystred in, toke they awaye.
15 And the fyer pannes, and basens, and soch thinges as were of golde, & of siluer,
16 then toke the chefe captayne awaye: euen two pyllers, one lauatory, and the sokettes which Salomon had made for the house of the Lord. The brasse of all these vesselles was without waight.
17 The heygth of the one pyller was .xviij. cubytes, and the heed theron was brasse, and thre cubytes hye and vpon the heed was there a wrethen worke and pomegranates rounde aboute, all of brasse. And of the same fassyon was the seconde pyller, with a wrethen worke.
18 And the chefe captayne of the men of warre toke Saraia the chefe preste, and Zephoniah the hyest preste saue one, and the thre kepers of the holy thynges.
19 And out of the citye he toke a chamberlayne, that had the ouersight of the men of warre, and .v. men of them that were euer in the kynges presence, which were founde in the cytie: and him that was scrybe to the captayne of the hoost, which brought out the people of the lande to warre, and thre skore men of the people of the lande, that were founde in the citye.
20 And Nebusaradan the chefe captayne of the men of warre toke these, and brought them to the kynge of Babylon to Ribla.
21 And the kynge of Babylon smote them, and slue them at Ribla in the hande of Hanath. And so Iuda was caryed awaye out of theyr lande.
22 Howebeit, there remayned people in the lande of Iuda, whom Nebuchadnezar kyng of Babylon lefte, & made Gedalia the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan ruler ouer them.
23 And all the captaynes of the souldyers, and other men hearde, that the kynge of Babilon had made Gedalia gouerner: and there came to Gedalia to Mazphah: Ismael the sonne of Nethania, Iohannan the sonne of Karea, Saraia the sonne of Thanhumeth the Netophathite, and Iazaania the sonne of Maachati, & theyr men.
24 And Gedalia sware to them and to the men whom they had with them, and sayde vnto them: feare not ye because ye are the seruauntes of the caldees, dwell in the lande, and serue the kinge of Babilon, and ye shalbe well.
25 But it chaunced in the seuenth moneth, that Ismael the sonne of Nethania the sonne of Elisama, of the kynges bloude, came, and ten men with hym, and smote Gedalia, that he dyed: and so dyd he the Iewes and the Chaldees that were with hym at Mizpa.
26 And all the people, bothe small and greate, and the captaynes of warre arose, and came to Egipte: for they were afrayd of the Chaldees.
27 Notwithstandyng yet in the seuen and thyrtye yere after Iehoachin kynge of Iuda was caryed awaye the seuen and twentye daye of the twelueth moneth, Euilmerodach kynge of Babylon, the same yeare that he beganne to raygne, dyd lyfte vp the heade of Iehoachin kynge of Iuda out of the preson,
28 and spake kyndely to hym, and set hys seate aboue the seate of the kynges that were with hym in Babylon:
29 and chaunged hys preson garmentes. And he dyd euer eate breed before hym, all the dayes of hys lyfe.
30 Hys porcyon was a contynuall porcyon that was assigned hym of the kyng, euery daye a certayne, as longe as he lyued.
Jeremiah 39:1-18
1 Nowe when the cytie of Ierusalem was taken (for in the .ix. yeare of Zedekiah Kynge of Iuda in the tenth Moneth, came Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon & all his hoste, and beseged Ierusalem & foughte agenst it.
2 And in the .xi. yeare of Zedekiah in the fourth Moneth the .ix. daye of the Moneth, he brake into the cytie.)
3 Then all the princes of the king of Babylon, came in, & sat them downe vnder the porte: Neregel, Sarezer, Samgarnebo, Sarsachim, Rabsaris, Neregel, Sarezer, Rabmag, wt all the other princes of the Kynge of Babylon.
4 And when Zedekiah the Kynge of Iuda with hys soudiers sawe them, they fled, and departed out of the cytie by nyght thorowe the kynges garden, & thorowe the porte that is betwene the two walles, and so they wente towarde the wyldernesse.
5 But the Caldees Hoste folowed faste after them, and toke Zedekiah in the felde of Iericho, and brought hym presoner to Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon vnto Reblath, that lyeth in the land of Hemath where he gaue iudgement vpon him.
6 So the kyng of Babylon caused the chyldren of Zedekiah and all the nobles of Iuda be slayne, before hys face at Reblath.
7 And made Zedekias eyes to be put out, and bounde him with two chaynes, and sent him to Babylon.
8 Moreouer, the Caldees brent vp the kynges palace, with the other houses of the people, and brake downe the walles of Ierusalem.
9 As for the remnaunt of the people that were in the cytie, and soch as were come to helpe them (whatsoeuer was left of the comen sorte) Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caryed them to Babylon.
10 But Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne let the rascall people (& those that had nothinge) dwell styll in the lande of Iuda, and gaue them vineyardes & corne feldes at the same tyme.
11 Nabuchodonosor also the kynge of Babylon gaue Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne a charge, concernynge Ieremy, sayinge:
12 take and cherish hym, and make moche of him: se thou do hym no harme, but intreate him after his awne desyre.
13 So Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, Nabusazban Rabsares, Nergal Sarezer Rabmag and all the kynge of Babylons Lordes sent for Ieremy
14 and caused hym to be fet out of the fore entrye of the preson, & committed him vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan: that he shulde carye him home, and so he dwelt amonge the people.
15 Now whyle Ieremy laye yet bounde in the fore entrie of the preson, the worde of the Lord came vnto him, sayinge:
16 Goo and tell Abedmelech the Morian: Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Beholde, the cruell and sharpe plage that I haue deuysed for this cytie, will I bringe vpon them, that thou shalt se it:
17 but I wyll delyuer the (sayeth the Lorde) and thou shalt not come in the handes of those men, whom thou fearest.
18 For doutles I wyll saue the, so that thou shalt not perish wt the swearde: but thy lyfe shalbe saued, and that because thou hast put thy trust in me, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 52:1-34
1 Zedekiah was one and .xx. yeare olde, when he was made kyng, and he raygned eleuen yeare in Ierusalem. His mothers name was Hamutall, Ieremyes daughter of lybna.
2 He lyued wyckedly before the Lorde euen as Iehoachin dyd.
3 For the Lorde was angry at Ierusalem and Iuda, so longe tyll he had cast them out of hys presence. And Zedekiah fell from the kynge of Babilon.
4 But in the nynth yeare of hys raygne, In the tenth moneth, the tenth daye of the moneth it happened, that Nabuchodonosor the kyng of Babilon with all hys hooste came before Ierusalem, and beseged it, and made them bulworckes rounde aboute it.
5 And thys besegynge of the cytie endured vnto the eleuenth yeare of kyng Zedekiah.
6 And in the fourth moneth, the .ix. daye of the moneth, there was so great honger in the cytie: that there were nomore vytayles for the people of the lande.
7 So all the soudiers brake awaye, and fled oute of the cytie by nyght thorowe the waye of the porte betwene the two walles vp the kynges garden. Nowe the Chaldees had compassed the cytie rounde aboute, yet went these men their waye towarde the wyldernes.
8 And so the Chaldees folowed vpon them, and toke Zedekiah the kynge in the felde of Iericho, when his hoost was runne from hym:
9 So they caryed the kyng awaye prysoner to Reblath, vnto the kynge of Babylon in the lande of Hemath, where he gaue iudgement vpon hym.
10 The kynge of Babylon also caused Zedekiahs sonnes to be slayne before his face, yee and put all the prynces of Iuda to death at Reblath.
11 Moreouer, he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, caused him to be bounde with two cheynes, to be caried vnto Babylon: and let hym lye in preson, tyll he dyed.
12 Nowe the tenth daye of the fyfth moneth in the nynth yeare of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne and the kynge of Babylons seruauntes came vnto Ierusalem,
13 and brent vp the house of the Lorde. He brent vp also the kynges palace, all the houses and all the gorgeous buyldynges in Ierusalem.
14 And the whole hoost of the Chaldees that were with the chefe captayne, brake downe all the walles of Ierusalem rounde aboute.
15 As for the poore people and soch folke as yet was left in the cytie: which also were fallen to the kynge of Babylon, yee, and what people as yet remayned: Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caried them awaye presoners.
16 But the poore people of the countre, dyd Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne leaue in the lande, to occupye the vyneardes and feldes.
17 The Chaldees also brake the brasen pyllers that were in the house of the Lorde, yee, the seate and the brasen lauer that was in the house of the Lorde: and caryed all the metall of them vnto Babylon.
18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, fleshehokes, sprynklers, spones, and all the brasen vessell that was occupied in the seruyce:
19 with the basens, colepannes, sprynklers, pottes, candelstyckes, spones, and cuppes: wherof some were of golde, and some of syluer.
20 The chefe captaine toke also the two pillers, the lauer, the twelue brasen bullockes that stode vnder the seate which kyng Salomon made in the house of the Lord: and all the vessell conteyned so moch metall, that it myght not be weyed.
21 For euery piller was eyghtene cubytes hye: and the rope that went aboute it, was twelue cubytes, & foure fyngers thycke and rounde.
22 Nowe vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, and euery knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: and vpon the knoppes were whopes, and pomgranates rounde about of cleane brasse:
23 After thys maner were both the pylers fashyoned wt the pomgranates, wherof there were an hundred and .xcvi. which hanged vpon the whoopes rounde about.
24 The chefe captaine also toke Sariah the hie preste, and Sophoniah that was chefe nexte hym, and the thre kepers of the treasury.
25 He toke oute of the cytie a chamberlayne which was a captayne of the souldyers, and seuen men that were the kynges seruauntes, which were founde in the cytie: and Sepher a captayne that vsed to muster the men of warre, with threscore men of the countre that were taken in the cytie.
26 These Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne toke, and caried them to the kynge of Babylon vnto Reblath:
27 and the kyng of Babylon caused them to be put to death at Reblath in the lande of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captiue, oute of hys awne lande.
28 This is the summe of the people, whom Nabuchodonosor ledde awaye captiue. In the seuenth yeare of hys raygne, he caried awaye of the Iewes, thre thousand and thre and twenty.
29 In the .xviii. yeare Nabuchodonosor caryed awaye from Ierusalem eyght hundreth thirty and two personnes.
30 In the .xxiii. yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, toke awaye seuen hundreth fourty and fyue Iewes presoners. The whole summe of all the presoners, is foure thousande and syxe hundreth.
31 In the .xxxvii. yeare after that Iehoachin the kynge of Iuda was caryed awaye in the .xxv. daye of the .xii. moneth, Euilmerodach kynge of Babylon (the same yeare that he reygned) gaue Iehoachin the kyng of Iuda hys pardon, and let hym out of preson,
32 and spake louyngly to him. And sett his trone aboue the trones of the other kynges that were with hym in Babylon.
33 He chaunged also the clothes of his preson, yee, and he dyd eate wt hym all his lyfe longe.
34 And he had a continuall lyuyng geuen him of the kynge of Babylon, euery daye a certayne thynge alowed him all the dayes of hys lyfe, vntyll he dyed.
Ezekiel 1:2-3
Ezekiel 3:14
14 Nowe when the sprete toke me vp, and caryed me awaye, I wente wyth an heuy & a sorowfull mynde, but the hande of the Lorde comforted me ryght soone.
Ezekiel 3:22
22 And there came the hande of the Lorde vpon me, and he sayd vnto me: Stande vp, and go into the felde, that I may there talke wyth the.
Ezekiel 8:1
1 It happened, that in the syxte yeare the fyfth daye of the syxte moneth. I sat in my house, and the Lordes of the councell of Iuda with me: and the hande of the Lorde God fell euen there vpon me.
Ezekiel 11:24
24 But the wynde toke me vp, and in a visyon (whych came by the sprete of God) it brought me agayne into Caldea amonge the presoners. Then the visyon that I had sene vanyshed awaye fro me.
Ezekiel 29:17
17 In the .xxvii. yeare, the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth, came the worde of the Lord vnto me sayeng:
Ezekiel 32:1
1 In the eleuenth yeare, the fyrst daye of the twelueth moneth, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayenge:
Ezekiel 32:17
17 In the .xii. yeare, the .xv. daye of the moneth, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, sayinge:
Ezekiel 33:21
21 In the .xii. yeare, the .v. daye of the tenth moneth of oure captiuite, it happened, that one which was fled out of Ierusalem, came vnto me, and sayd: the citye is destroyed.
Ezekiel 37:1
1 The hande of the Lorde came vpon me and caried me out in the sprete of the Lorde, and let me downe in a playne felde, that laye ful of bones,
Revelation 1:10
10 I was in the sprete on a sondaye, & herde behynde me a great voyce, as it had bene of a trompe,
1 Chronicles 28:12
12 & the example of all that he had in hys mynde, for the courtes of the house of the Lorde, & for all the celles rounde about, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasures of the dedycate thynges,
1 Chronicles 28:19
19 All (sayde Dauid) was geuen me by wrytynge of the hande of the Lorde, whych made me vnderstande all the workmanshyp of the paterne.
Isaiah 2:2-3
2 It wilbe also in the last dayes that the hyll where the house of the Lorde is builded, shall be the chefe amonge hylles, and exalted aboue all lytle hylles. And all nacyons shall preace vnto hym, and the multytude of people shal go
3 speaking thus one to another: vp, let vs go to the hyll of the Lord, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye shewe vs his waye, and that we maye walcke in his pathes. For the lawe shall come out of Sion, and the word of the Lorde from Ierusalem,
Isaiah 14:13
13 For thou saydest in thyne herte: I will clyme vp into heauen, & exalte my throne aboue besyde the starres of God, I will syt also vpon the holy mount towarde the North,
Isaiah 48:2
2 which are called fremen of the holy cytie, & are grounded vpon the God of Israel, whose name is the Lord of Hostes.
Ezekiel 1:1
1 It chaunsed in the .xxx. yeare, the fyfthe daye of the fourth moneth, that I was among the presoners by the ryuer of Cobar: where the heauens opened, and I sawe a visyon of God.
Ezekiel 8:3
3 This symilitude stretched out an hande, and toke me by the hearrye lockes of my head, and the sprete lyft me vp betwyxte heauen and earth: and brought me in a visyon to Ierusalem, into the entrie of the inner porte that lyeth towarde the north: there stode an ymage, with whom he that hath all thynges in hys power, was very wroth.
Ezekiel 17:22-23
22 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll also take a braunche from an hye Cedre tree, and will set it, & take the vppermost twygge, that yet is but tendre, and plante it vpon an hye hyll:
23 Namely, vpon the hye hyll of Syon will I plante it: that it maye bringe forth twygges, & geue frute, and be a greate Cedre tree: so that all maner of foules maye bylde in it, & make their nestes vnder the shadow of his braunches.
Ezekiel 48:30-35
30 Thus wyde shall the citye reach vpon the north parte .v.C. and .iiij.M. measures.
31 The portes of the citye, shall haue the names of the trybes of Israel. Thre portes of the northsyde: one Ruben, another Iuda, the thyrde Leui.
32 Upon the eastsyde .v.C. and .iiij.M. measures, with thre portes: the one Ioseph, another Beniamin, the thyrde Dan.
33 Upon the southsyde .v.C. and .iiij.M. measures, with the thre portes: the one Symeon, another Izachar, the thyrde Zabulon.
34 And vpon the westsyde .v.C. and .iiij. measures, with thre portes also: the one Gad, another Asser, the thyrde Nephtali.
35 Thus shall it haue .xviij.M. measures rounde about. And from that tyme forth, the name of the citye shalbe, the Lorde is there.
Daniel 2:34-35
34 This thou sawest tyll, the tyme that, without eny handes, there was hewen of, a stone which smote the Image vpon the fete, that were both of yron and earth, and brake them to poulder:
35 then was the yron, the earth, the copper, the syluer and golde broken altogether in peces: and became lyke the chaffe of corne, that the wynde bloweth awaye from the somer floores, that they can no more be founde. But the stone that smote the ymage, became a greate mountayne, which fulfylleth the whole earth:
Daniel 7:1
1 In the fyrst yeare of Balthazar kyng of Babylon; sawe Daniel a dreame, and a visyon was in hys heade vpon hys bedde. Which dreame he wrote, and the summe of the matter is thys.
Daniel 7:7
7 After this I sawe in a visyon by nyght, and beholde, the fourth beast was grymme and horrible, and maruelous stronge. It had great yron teeth, it deuoured and destroyed, and stamped the resydue vnder hys fete. It was farre vnlyke the other beastes that were before it: for it had ten hornes, wherof I toke good hede.
Micah 4:1
1 But in the latter dayes it will come to passe, that the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe sett vp hyer then eny mountaynes or hylles: Yee, the people shall prease vnto it,
Acts 2:17
17 And it shalbe in the last dayes, sayth God: of my sprete I wyll poore out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes & youre daughters shall prophesy, and youre yonge men shall se vysyons, and youre olde men shall dreame dreames.
Acts 16:9
9 And a visyon appered to Paul in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him, saying: come into Macedonia, and helpe vs.
2 Corinthians 12:1-7
1 (2 d) Doutles, it is not expedient for me to boast, I wyll come to visyons and reuelacions of the Lord,
3 I knowe a man in Christ aboue fourtene yeares ago (whyther he were in the body, I cannot tell, or whyther he were out of the body, I cannot tell, God knoweth) howe that he was taken vp into the thyrde heauen.
4 And I knowe the same man (whither in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell, God knoweth)
5 howe that he was taken vp into Paradyse, and hearde secret wordes, which no man can vtter.
6 Of thys man wyll I boast, but of my selfe wyll I not boast, except it be of myne infirmityes
7 For though I wolde boast, I shall not be a foole: for I wolde saye the trueth. Neuerthelesse, I spare you: lest any man shulde thinke of me, aboue that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.
Galatians 4:26
26 But Ierusalem, which is aboue, is fre: which is the mother of vs al.
Revelation 21:10-23
10 And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a great and an hye mountayne, and he shewed me the great cytie holy Ierusalem, descendyng out of heauen from God:
11 hauyng the bryghtnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious, euen lyke a Iasper cleare as Cristall:
12 & had walles great & hye, & had .xii. gates & at the gates .xii. Angels: and names written, whych are the names of the .xii. trybes of Israell:
13 on the East parte .iii. gates, & on the Northside .iii. gates, & towardes the South .iii. gates, and from the West thre gates,
14 and the wall of the cytie had .xii. foundacyons: and in them the twelue names of the lambes .xii. apostles.
15 And he that talked with me, had a golden reade to measure the cytie with all and the gates therof & the wall therof.
16 And the cytie was bylt .iiii. square, and the length was as large as the bredth, & he measured the cytie with the rede .xii.M. furlonges: and the length & the bredth, and the heyth of it, were equall.
17 And he measured the wal therof, an .cxliiii. cubytes: the measure that the angell had, was after the measure that man vseth.
18 And the byldynge of the wal of it was of Iasper. And the cytie was pure golde, lyke vnto cleare glasse,
19 and the foundacions of the wall of the cytie were garnisshed with al maner of precious stones. The fyrst foundacion was Iaspis, the seconde Saphyre, the thyrde a Calcedony, the fourth an Emeralde,
20 the fyft Sardonix, the syxte Sardeos, the seuenth Crysolite, the eyght Berall, the .ix. a Topas, the tenth a Crusoprasos, the eleuenth a Iacynte, the twelueth an Amathist.
21 The twelue gates were twelue pearles, euery gate was of one pearle, and the strete of the cytie was pure golde, as thorow shynynge glasse.
22 And I sawe no temple therin. For the Lorde God almighty and the lambe are the temple of it.
23 And the cytie hath no nede of the sonne, nether of the mone to lighten it. For the brightnes of God dyd lyght it, and the lambe was the lyght of it.
Isaiah 8:20
20 If eny man want lyght, leet hym loke vpon the lawe, and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meaning.
Isaiah 28:17
17 Iudgment also will I laye to the rule, and righteousnes to the balaunce: so that the hayle shall take awaye your vayne confidence as a broome, and the preuy place of youre refuge shall the waters renne ouer.
Ezekiel 1:7
7 Theyr legges were streight, but theyr fete were lyke bullockes fete, and they glystered, as it had bene fayre scoured metall.
Ezekiel 1:27
27 I behelde hym, and he was lyke an angell, as it had bene all of fyre within from his loynes vpwarde. And beneth, when I loked vpon him vnder the loynes, me thought he was lyke a shynynge fyre, that geueth lyght on euery syde. Yee, the shyne and glystre that lyghtened rounde about,
Ezekiel 47:3
3 Now whan the man that had the meterodde in hys hande went vnto the east dore, he measured a .M. cubites, and then he brought me thorowe the water, euen to the ancles:
Daniel 10:5-6
5 I lyft vp myne eyes, and loked: and beholde, a man clothed in lynen, whose loynes were gyrded vp with fyne golde of Araby:
6 his body was lyke the Chrysolite stone, hys face (to loke vpon) was lyke lyghtenynge, hys eyes as the flame of fyre, hys armes and fete were lyke fayre glysterynge metall, but the voyce of his wordes was lyke the voyce of a multitude.
Zechariah 2:1-2
Revelation 1:15
15 & hys fete lyke vnto brasse, as though they brent in a fornace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters.
Revelation 11:1
1 And then was geuen me a rede, lyke vnto a rodd, & it was sayde vnto me. Ryse & meate the temple of God, & the aulter, & them that worshippe therin,
Revelation 21:15
15 And he that talked with me, had a golden reade to measure the cytie with all and the gates therof & the wall therof.
Isaiah 21:10
10 Thou art he whom I must threshe, and thou belongest to my corne floore. This that I herde of the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel haue I shewed vnto you.
Jeremiah 26:2
2 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Stande in the court of the Lordes house, and speake vnto all them which (oute of the cyties of Iuda) come to do worshyp in the Lordes house, all the wordes that I commaunde the to saye. Loke that thou kepe not one worde backe,
Ezekiel 2:1
1 And then sayd he vnto me: Stande vp vpon thy fete (O thou sonne of man) and I wyll talke with the.
Ezekiel 2:7-8
Ezekiel 3:17
17 Thou sonne of man, I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israell: therfore take good hede to the wordes of my mouthe, & geue them warnynge at my commaundement.
Ezekiel 43:10
10 Therfore, O thou sonne of man, shewe thou the housholde of Israel a temple, that they maye be ashamed of their wickednes, & measure them selues an example therat.
Ezekiel 44:5
5 So the Lorde spake vnto me: O thou sonne of man, fasten thys to thyne herte: beholde, and take diligent hede to all that I wyll saye vnto the, concernyng all the ordynaunces of the Lord, & all his lawes: pondre well with thyne hert the commynge in of the house and the goyng forth of the sanctuary:
Matthew 10:27
27 What I tel you in darknes, that speake ye in lyght. And what ye heare in the eare, that preache ye on the house toppes.
Matthew 13:9
9 Whosoeuer hath eares to heare, let him heare.
Matthew 13:51-52
Acts 20:27
27 For I haue spared no laboure, but haue shewed you all the counsell of God.
1 Corinthians 11:23
23 That which I delyuered vnto you, I receaued of the Lorde. For the Lorde Iesus the same nyght, in which he was betrayed, toke breed:
Deuteronomy 3:11
11 For onely Og kynge of Basan remayned of the remnaunt of the gyauntes, whose bed was a bed of yron. And is it not yet at Rabah amonge the chyldren of Ammon? .ix. cubytes doth the length therof conteyne, and foure cubytes the breadth of it, after the cubite of a man.
Psalms 125:2
2 The hylles stande about Ierusalem, euen so standeth the Lorde rounde about hys people, from thys tyme forth for euermore.
Isaiah 26:1
1 In that daye shall thys songe be songe in the lande of Iuda. We haue a stronge citye. Saluacion shall God appoynte in steade of walles and bulworke.
Isaiah 60:18
18 Uiolence and robbery shall neuer be hearde of in thy lande, nether harme and destruccyon with in thy borders. Thy walles shalbe called health, and thy gates the prayse of God.
Ezekiel 42:20
20 So he measured all the foure sydes, where there went a wall rounde about .v.C. meteroddes longe, and as broade also which separated the holy from the vnholy.
Zechariah 2:5
5 Yee, I my selfe (sayth the Lorde) wyll be vnto her a wall of fyer rounde aboute, and wylbe honoured in her.
Revelation 21:12
12 & had walles great & hye, & had .xii. gates & at the gates .xii. Angels: and names written, whych are the names of the .xii. trybes of Israell:
1 Kings 6:8
8 The dore of the myddle chambre was in the ryght syde of the house: and men went vp wt windyng stayres into the myddle chambre, and out of the myddle, into the thyrde.
1 Chronicles 9:18
18 For they watched hytherto, euen vnto the kynges gate eastwarde, thorowe out the tentes of the chyldren of Leuy.
1 Chronicles 9:24
24 In foure quarters dyd they kepe the watche: towarde the east, west, north, & south.
Nehemiah 3:29
29 And after them buylded Zadok the sonne of Immer ouer agaynst his house. After hym buylded also Semeia the sonne of Sechania the keper of the Eastgate.
Psalms 84:10
10 For one daye in thy courtes is better then a thousande.
Jeremiah 19:2
2 into the valley of the chyldren of Hennom, which lieth before the dore that is made of brycke, and shewe them there the wordes, that I shall tell the,
Ezekiel 8:16
16 And so he brought me into the inwarde court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twenty men, that turned their backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the easte, and these worshypped the sonne.
Ezekiel 10:18
18 Then the glory of the Lorde was lyft vp from the thresholde of the temple, and remayned vpon the Cherubyns:
Ezekiel 11:1
1 Moreouer, the sprete of the Lord lyft me vp, and brought me vnto the East porte of the Lordes house. And beholde, there were .xxv. men vnder the dore amonge whom I sawe Iaazaniah the sonne of Azur, and Pheltiah the sonne of Bananiah, the rulers of the people.
Ezekiel 40:5
5 Beholde, there was a wall on the out syde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in his hande, was sixe cubytes longe & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge, which was a meterodde, and the heygth also a meterode.
Ezekiel 40:7
7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubytes. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde.
Ezekiel 40:20
20 And the dore in the vttermoste court towarde the north, measured he after the length and bredth:
Ezekiel 40:26
26 with steppes to go vp vpon: hys porche stode before with hys pyllers and date trees on ether side.
Ezekiel 43:1
1 So he brought me to the dore that turneth toward the east.
Ezekiel 43:8
8 which haue builded their thresholdes in maner hard vpon my thresholdes, & their postes almost at my postes: & a wall betwyxte me and them. Thus haue they defyled my holy name wt their abhominations, that they haue commytted. Wherfore, I haue destroyed them in my wrath.
Ezekiel 44:1
1 After this, he brought me againe to the outwarde dore of the sanctuary on the east syde, and that was shut.
Ezekiel 46:1-2
1 Thus saith the Lorde God: the dore of the innermer court towarde the east shalbe shut the .vj. worcking dayes: but in the sabboth and in the daye of the newe moone, it shalbe opened.
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
Ezekiel 46:12
12 Nowe when the prynce bryngeth a burntofferyng or an healthofferinge with a fre wyll vnto the Lorde, the east dore shalbe opened vnto hym, that he maye do with his burnt and healthofferinges, as he doth vpon the sabboth: and when he goth forth, the dore shalbe shut after him agayne.
Ezekiel 47:1
1 After this, he brought me agayne before the dore of the house: and beholde, there gushed oute waters from vnder the postes of the house eastwarde, for the house stode towarde the east, that ran downe vpon the ryght syde of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde.
1 Kings 6:5-10
5 And in the wall of the house, he made chambers rounde about, (euen in the walles of the house) rounde about the temple & the queer: and made sydes rounde about.
6 The nethermost chamber was fyue cubytes broad, and the myddle was syxe cubytes broade, & the thyrd was seuen cubites broad. For without in the wall of the house he layed beames round about, that the beames of the chambers shuld not be fastened in the walles of the house.
7 And the house was buylt of stone, made perfecte allready before it was brought thyther, so that there was neither hammer, ner axe, ether any tole of yron heard in the house, whyle it was in buyldinge.
8 The dore of the myddle chambre was in the ryght syde of the house: and men went vp wt windyng stayres into the myddle chambre, and out of the myddle, into the thyrde.
9 And so he buylte the house and fynysshed it, and roufft it with beames of Cedar timber.
10 And then he buylt chambers to all the temple, of fyue cubytes heygth, and they were ioyned to the house with beames of Cedar.
1 Chronicles 9:26
26 For the Leuites (which had the ouersyght of the vestryes & treasures of the house of God) were vnder the custody of foure notable porters:
1 Chronicles 23:28
28 the Leuites were nombred from twentye yere and aboue, and their offyce was vnder the hande of the sonnes of Aaron, for the seruice of the house of the Lorde, in the courtes & celles, and in the purifyinge of all holye thynges, and in the worcke of the seruice of the house of God.
2 Chronicles 3:9
9 And the waight of the nayles of gold was fyftie sycles. And he ouerlayde the vpper chambres with golde.
2 Chronicles 31:11
11 And Hezekia bad prepare the chambres in the house of the Lord. And they dyd prepare them,
Ezra 8:29
29 Watch ye, and kepe it: for ye shall weye it downe before the chefe preastes and Leuites, and auncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the treasuries of the house of the Lord.
Jeremiah 35:4
4 and brought them to the house of the Lorde into the closet of the chyldren of Hanan the sonne of Iegedaliah the man of God: which was by the closet of the Princes that is aboue the closet of Maasiah the sonne of Selum, which is the treasurer.
Ezekiel 40:29
29 In lyke maner, hys chambres, pyllers and forentreys, had euen the foresayde measure also. And he had with hys porches rounde about windowes of fifty cubites heyght, and .xxv. cubytes broade.
Ezekiel 40:33
33 His chambers, pyllers and porches had euen the same measure, as the fyrst had: and with hys porches, he had wyndowes rounde about. The heyght was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubites:
Ezekiel 40:36
36 His chambres, pillers & porches had windowes rounde about: whose heyght was .l. cubites, and the bredth .xxv.
Ezekiel 42:5
5 Thus the hyest chambres were alwaye narower then the lowest and myddelmost of the buyldynge:
Ezekiel 45:19
19 So the preste shall take of the bloude of the synofferyng, and sprynckle it vnto the postes of the house, and vpon the foure corners of the aulter, with the dorepostes of the ynnermer courte.
Exodus 27:9
9 And thou shalt make the courte of the habitacyon, that there maye be in the south syde hangynges of white twyned sylke, of an hundred cubytes longe, for one syde,
Exodus 35:17
17 and the hangynges of the court with his pyllers and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the dore of the court:
Leviticus 6:16
16 And of the rest therof, shall Aaron and hys sonnes eate: vnleuened shall it be eaten in the holy place: euen in the courte of the tabernacle of witnesse they shall eate it.
1 Chronicles 28:6
6 And he sayde vnto me: Salomon thy sonne, he shall buyld me an house & courtes, I haue chosen hym to be my sonne, & I wilbe his father.
Psalms 100:4
4 O go youre waye into hys gates with thanckesgeuyng, and into his courtes wyth prayse: be thankfull vnto hym, and speake good of hys name.
Isaiah 62:9
9 But they that haue gathered in the corne, shall eate it, & geue thanckes to the Lord: & they that haue borne in the wyne, shall drinck it in the court of my Sanctuary.
Ezekiel 8:7
7 And wyth that brought he me to the courte gate: & when I loked, beholde, there was an hole in the wall.
Ezekiel 42:1
1 Then caryed he me out into the fore court towarde the north, & brought me into the chambre that stode oueragaynst the backbuyldinge north ward, which had the length of an .C. cubytes: whose dore turned toward the north.
1 Kings 6:4
4 And in the house he made wyndowes broade without, and narowe within.
1 Kings 6:29
29 And in all the walles of the house round about, he made fygures of carued and syled worke: as namely, pictures of Cherubs and Palmetrees and grauen floures, both within in the queer, & without in the temple.
1 Kings 6:32
32 and he graued them with grauynge of Cherubs and Palmetrees, and grauen floures, & couered them with gold, and layed thinne plates of golde vpon the Cherubs and Palmetrees.
1 Kings 6:35
35 he graued theron Cherubs Palmetrees, and flours: and couered them with golde, which was layed thynne vpon the carued worke.
2 Chronicles 3:5
5 And the greater house he syled with fyrre tree, which he ouerlayde with the best gold, and graued therto palmetrees and cheynes.
Psalms 92:12
12 and myne eare shall heare hys desyre of the wycked that ryse vp agaynst me.
Ezekiel 40:12
12 The edge before the chambers was one cubyte brode vpon both the sydes, and the chambres six cubytes wyde of eyther syde.
Ezekiel 40:21-22
21 hys thre chambres also on ether syde with his pillers and forentryes: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heyght was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubites,
22 hys wyndowes & porches with hys date trees, had euen lyke measure as the dore towarde the east: there were .vij. steppes to go vp vpon, and their porche before them.
Ezekiel 40:25
25 and with their porches they had windowes rounde about, like the fyrst wyndowes. The heyght was .l. cubites, the bredth .xxv.
Ezekiel 40:30
30 The porches round about were .xxv. cubites longe, and .v. cubites broad:
Ezekiel 41:15-16
15 And he measured the length of the buylding before and behynde with the chambres vpon both the sydes: and it conteyned an .C. cubytes. The ynnermer temple, the porch of the fore court,
16 the syde postes, these thre had syde wyndowes and pyllers rounde about ouer agaynst the postes, from the grounde vp to the wyndowes. The wyndowes them selues were syled ouer with bordes:
Ezekiel 41:18
18 There were cherubins and date trees made also, so that one date tree stode euer betwixte to cherubyns. One cherub had two faces,
Ezekiel 41:26
26 Upon both the sydes of the walles of the porch, there were made depe wyndowes and date trees, hauyng beames and balkes, lyke as the house had.
Ezekiel 42:3
3 oueragaynst the .xx. cubytes of the ynnermer court, and agaynst the paued worke that was in the court, besyde all these thre, ther stode pillers, one oueragaynst another:
John 5:2
2 And ther is at Ierusalem, by the slaughterhouse, a pole (which is called in the Ebrue tonge, Bethseda) hauing fyue porches,
1 Corinthians 13:12
12 Nowe we se in a glasse, euen in a darcke speakyng: but then shall we se face to face. Nowe I knowe vnperfectly: but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen.
Revelation 7:9
9 After this I behelde, & lo, a gret multitude (which noman coulde nombre) of all nacyons & people, & tonges, stode before the seate, & before the lambe, clothed with longe white garmentes, & palmes in their handes,
1 Kings 6:5
5 And in the wall of the house, he made chambers rounde about, (euen in the walles of the house) rounde about the temple & the queer: and made sydes rounde about.
2 Kings 23:11
11 he put downe the horses that the kynges of Israel had geuen to the sonne at the entrynge in of the house of the Lorde, by the chambre of Nathanmelech the chamberlaine which was ruler of the suburbes, and burnt the charettes of the sonne with fyre.
Ezekiel 10:5
5 Yee, and the sounde of the Cherubyns wynges was hearde into the fore courte, lyke as it had bene the voyce of the almyghtye God, when he speaketh.
Ezekiel 40:38
38 Ther stode a chambre also, whose intraunce was at the dore pyllers, and there the burntofferynges were wasshed.
Ezekiel 41:6
6 and one stode harde vpon another, wherof ther were .xxxiij. ther stode postes beneth by the walles rounde about the house, to beare them vp: but in the wall of the house, they were not fastened.
Ezekiel 42:4
4 And before thys chambre there was a walkyng place of .x. cubites wyde, and within was a waye of one cubite wyde and their dores towarde the north.
Ezekiel 45:5
5 As for the sanctuary, it shall stande for it selfe: and to the leuites that serue in the house, there shalbe geuen .xx. habitatyons, of the .xxv.M. length and .x.M. bredth:
Ezekiel 46:21
21 So he brought me into the vtmost courte, rounde about all the foure corners. Beholde, in euery corner of the court, there was yet a lytle courte.
Revelation 11:2
2 & the queer which is wt in the temple, cast out & meate it not for it is geuen vnto the Gentyles, & the holy cytye shall they treade vnder fote .xlii. monethes.
Ezekiel 40:23
23 Nowe the dore of the ynnermer court stode streyght ouer agaynst the dore, that was towarde the northeast. From one dore to another he measured .C. cubytes.
Ezekiel 40:27
27 And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south, and he measured from one dore to another an .C. cubites.
Ezekiel 40:6
6 Then came he vnto the east dore, & wente vp the steares, & measured the postes of the dore, wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euery chambre was a meterodde longe & brode:
7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubytes. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde.
8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde.
Ezekiel 40:10-16
10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: a lyke brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes were of one measure.
11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore, which was .x. cubytes, & the heygth of the dore .xiii. cubytes.
12 The edge before the chambers was one cubyte brode vpon both the sydes, and the chambres six cubytes wyde of eyther syde.
13 He measured the dore from the rydge of one chambre to another, whose wydenesse was .xxv. cubytes, & one dore stode agaynst another.
14 He made pilers also .lx. cubites hye, rounde about the courte dore.
15 Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were .L. cubytes.
16 The chambers and their pylers within, rounde about vnto the dore, had syde wyndowes. So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde about within. And vpon the pylers there stode date trees.
Ezekiel 40:25-26
Ezekiel 40:29-30
Ezekiel 40:34
34 hys porche reached vnto the vttermost court: his pillers also had date trees on ether syde, & .viij. steppes to go vp vpon.
Ezekiel 40:36-37
1 Kings 7:36
36 For in the bordes of the ledges, and on the sydes, he had grauen pyctures of cherubins, lyons and palmetrees, one by an other rounde aboute.
Ezekiel 40:16
16 The chambers and their pylers within, rounde about vnto the dore, had syde wyndowes. So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde about within. And vpon the pylers there stode date trees.
Ezekiel 40:31
31 and his porche reached vnto the vttermost court, vpon his pyllers, there were date trees, and eyght steppes to go vp vpon.
Ezekiel 40:37
37 Hys pyllers stode towarde the vtmost court, and vpon them both were date trees, and .viij. steppes to go vp vpon.
Ezekiel 40:49
49 The length of the porche was .xx. cubites, the bredth .xi. cubites, and vpon steppes went men vp to it: by the walles also were pyllers on eyther syde one.
Hebrews 6:1
1 Therfore leauynge the doctryne that pertayneth to the begynnynge of Christen men, let vs go forth vnto perfeccion, not layenge agayne the foundacyon of repentaunce from deed workes and of fayth towarde God,
Exodus 27:9-18
9 And thou shalt make the courte of the habitacyon, that there maye be in the south syde hangynges of white twyned sylke, of an hundred cubytes longe, for one syde,
10 and .xx. pyllers therof, with theyr .xx. sockettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pyllers & theyr whopes shalbe syluer.
11 In lykewyse on the north syde there shalbe hangynges of an hundred cubytes longe and .xx. pylers with their twentye sockettes of brasse, and the knoppes and the whopes of syluer.
12 13 And the breadth of the court which is eastwarde, shall haue fyftye cubytes.
14 Hangynges of fyftene cubytes in the one syde: and their pillers with their thre sockettes:
15 and lykewyse on the other syde shalbe hanginges of fiftene cubites with their thre pillers and thre sockettes.
16 And in the gate of the court shalbe a vayle of twentye cubites of yelowe silk, purple, and skarlet & whyte twined silke, wrought with nedle worke: & foure pillers with their foure sockettes.
17 All the pillers round about the court shalbe whoped with syluer, & their knoppes shalbe of syluer, and their sockettes of brasse.
18 The length of the court shalbe an hundred cubites, and the breadth fyftye & the heigth fyue. And the hanginges shalbe of whyte twined sylk, and their sockettes of brasse.
Exodus 38:9-12
9 And he made the courte on the southsyde, & the hangynges of the courte were of whyte twyned sylke, hauynge an hundred cubites.
10 Theyr pylers were twentye, & theyr brasen sockettes twenty. But the knoppes of the pylers, & theyr whopes were of syluer.
11 And on the north syde the hangynges were an hundred cubytes. Theyr pylers were .xx. & theyr sockettes of brasse .xx. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pylers were of syluer.
12 On the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubytes .x. pyllers & theyr .x. sockettes. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pillers were of syluer.
Ezekiel 40:19
19 After this he measured the bredth from the lower dore, vnto the ynnermer courte of the outsyde, which had an .C. cubytes vpon the east & the north parte.
Ezekiel 40:27-28
Ezekiel 40:44
44 On the out syde of the innermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde court besyde the north dore oueragaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore northwarde.
Ezekiel 40:20-21
Ezekiel 40:28-29
28 So he brought me into the ynnermer court, thorowe the dore of the southsyde, which he measured: and it had the measure aforsayde.
29 In lyke maner, hys chambres, pyllers and forentreys, had euen the foresayde measure also. And he had with hys porches rounde about windowes of fifty cubites heyght, and .xxv. cubytes broade.
Ezekiel 40:35-36
Ezekiel 46:9
9 But when the people of the lande come before the Lord in the hye solempne feaste, as many as come in by the north dore to do worshyp, shall go out agayne at the south dore. And they that come in at the south dore, shall go forth agayne at the north dore. There shall none goo out at the dore, where he came in, but shall go ryght forth ouer on the other syde,
John 12:46
46 I am come a lyght into the worlde: that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shulde not byde in darcknes.
2 Peter 1:19
19 We haue also a ryght sure worde of prophecye, wher vnto yf ye take hede, as vnto a lyght that shyneth in a darcke place, ye do well, vntyll the daye dawne, and the daye starre aryse in youre hertes.
Psalms 92:12-13
Song of Songs 7:7-8
Ezekiel 40:22
22 hys wyndowes & porches with hys date trees, had euen lyke measure as the dore towarde the east: there were .vij. steppes to go vp vpon, and their porche before them.
2 Peter 3:18
18 but growe in grace, & in the knowledge of oure Lorde and sauyoure Iesus Christ. To whom be glory both now and for euer. Amen.
Ezekiel 40:32
32 He brought me also into the ynmost court vpon the east syde, and measured the dore, according to the measure aforsayd.
Ezekiel 40:47
47 So he measured the fore court, which had in length an .C. cubites, and asmoch in bredth by the foure corners. Now the aulter stode before the house.
Ezekiel 40:35
35 And he brought me to the north dore & measured it: which also had the forsayde measure.
1 Chronicles 28:11-12
11 And Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne the paterne of the porche & of the houses that longed therto, of the store houses, upper chambres, ynner parloures, & of the house of the mercyeseate:
12 & the example of all that he had in hys mynde, for the courtes of the house of the Lorde, & for all the celles rounde about, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasures of the dedycate thynges,
Nehemiah 13:5
5 & had made him a great chambre, & there had they afore tyme layed the offeringes, frankencense, vessell, & the tythes of corne, and wyne and oyle (accordyng to the commaundement geuen to the Leuites, syngers and porters) and the heueofferynges of the preastes:
Nehemiah 13:9
9 and commaunded them to clense the chambres. And thither brought I agayne the vessels of the house of God, with the meatoffering, and the incense.
Jeremiah 35:2-4
2 Go vnto the house of the Rechabites, & call them out, and bringe them to the house of the Lorde into some commodyous place, and geue then wyne to dryncke.
3 Then toke I Iazaniah the sonne of Ieremy the sonne of Habaziniah, and his brethren, & all his sonnes, and the whole housholde of the Rechabytes:
4 and brought them to the house of the Lorde into the closet of the chyldren of Hanan the sonne of Iegedaliah the man of God: which was by the closet of the Princes that is aboue the closet of Maasiah the sonne of Selum, which is the treasurer.
Jeremiah 36:10
10 Then redde Baruch the wordes of Ieremy out of the boke with in the house of the Lord out of the treasury of Gamariah the sonne of Saphan the Scribe, which is besyde the hyer lofte of the newe dore of the Lordes house: that all the people myght heare.
Ezekiel 40:10
10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: a lyke brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes were of one measure.
Ezekiel 40:21
21 hys thre chambres also on ether syde with his pillers and forentryes: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heyght was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubites,
Ezekiel 40:28-31
28 So he brought me into the ynnermer court, thorowe the dore of the southsyde, which he measured: and it had the measure aforsayde.
29 In lyke maner, hys chambres, pyllers and forentreys, had euen the foresayde measure also. And he had with hys porches rounde about windowes of fifty cubites heyght, and .xxv. cubytes broade.
30 The porches round about were .xxv. cubites longe, and .v. cubites broad:
31 and his porche reached vnto the vttermost court, vpon his pyllers, there were date trees, and eyght steppes to go vp vpon.
Ezekiel 44:4
4 Then brought he me to the dore vpon the north syde of the house. And as I loked aboute me, beholde, the glory of the Lord fylled the house: and I fell downe vpon my face.
Ezekiel 47:2
2 Then caryed he me out to the north dore, and brought me forth there rounde about by the vtmost dore that turneth eastwarde. Beholde, there came forth the water vpon the right syde:
Leviticus 1:9
9 But the inwardes and the legges ther of shall he wasshe in water, and the preast shall burne all in the altare, that they maye be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 8:21
21 and wasshed the inwardes & the legges in water, and Moses burnt the ram euery whyt vpon the alter, for a burntsacrifyce, that it myght be a swete sauoure, and an offrynge vnto the Lorde, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
2 Chronicles 4:6
6 And he made ten lauers: and put fyue on the ryght hande, and fyue on the lefte, to washe and clense in them, soch thinges as they offred for a burntofferynge. But the great Lauatory was for the preastes to washe in.
Ezekiel 40:17
17 Then brought he me into the fore courte where as were chambers & paued worckes, made in the fore courte rounde aboute .xxx. chambres vpon one paued worcke.
Ezekiel 41:10-11
Ezekiel 42:13
13 Then sayde he vnto me: The chambers towarde the north & the south which stande before the backe buyldynge: those be holy habytatyons, wherein the prestes that do seruyce before the Lorde, must eate the most holy offeringes: and there must they laye the most holy offeringes, meatofferynges, synne offerynges, and trespace offerynges: for it is an holy place.
Hebrews 10:22
22 let vs draw nye wt a true herte in a sure fayth, sprynckeled in our hertes & the euyll conscience put awaye & wesshed in our bodyes wt pure water:
Leviticus 1:3-17
3 Yf hys sacrifyce be a burntofferynge, let hym offre a male of the oxen without blemyshe, and brynge hym (of hys own voluntary wyll) vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde.
4 And he shal put hys hande vpon the heade of the brent sacrifyce, and it shalbe accepted for him, to be hys attonement.
5 And he shall kyll the calfe of the droue before the Lord. And the prestes Aarons sonnes, shall brynge the bloude, and sprynckle it rounde aboute vpon the altare, that is by the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse.
6 And then shall he slaye the burntofferynge, and hewe hym in peces.
7 And the sonnes of Aaron the preaste shall put fyre vpon the altare,
8 and put wodd vpon the fyre. And the preastes Aarons sonne shall laye the partes (euen the heade and the fatt) vpon the wodd that is on the fyre in the altare.
9 But the inwardes and the legges ther of shall he wasshe in water, and the preast shall burne all in the altare, that they maye be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
10 And yf his sacrifyce be of the flockes (namely of the shepe or goates) let hym brynge a male without blemysh for a burntoffering.
11 And let hym kyll it on the northsyde of the alter, before the Lorde. And the Preastes Aarons sonnes shall spryncle the bloude of it rounde aboute vpon the alter.
12 And it shall be cut in peces: euen with hys heed and hys fatt, and the Preaste shall put them vpon the wodd that lyeth vpon the fyre in the alter.
13 But he shall washe the inwardes and the legges with water, and the preste shall bringe all together, and burne it vpon the alter for a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
14 If the burntofferynge for the sacrifyce of the Lorde be of the foules, he shal bring hys sacrifice of the turtill doues or of the yong pygeons.
15 And the preaste shall brynge it vnto the alter, and wrynge the necke a sundre of it, and burne it on the alter. But the bloud therof shall runne oute vpon, by the syde of the alter.
16 And he shal plucke awaye his croppe with hys fethers, and cast them besyde the alter on the easte parte in the place of asshes.
17 And he shall breke the wynges of it, but plucke them not asundre. And the Preaste shall burne it vpon the alter, euen vpon the wodd that is vpon the fyre, that it maye be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lord.
Leviticus 4:2-3
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and saye: Yf a soule synne thorowe ignoraunce, and hath done any of those thynges whyche the Lorde hath forbydden in hys commaundementes to be done.
3 As yf the Preast that is anoynted do synne, (accordynge to the synne of the people) let hym brynge for hys synne whyche he hath synned a yonge oxe without blemyshe vnto the Lorde for a synneofferynge.
Leviticus 4:13-35
13 If the hole congregacyon of Israel synne thorowe ignoraunce, and the thynge be hyd from theyr eyes, so that they haue committed any of those thynges which the Lorde hath forbydden to be done in hys commaundementes, and haue offended.
14 Whan the synne which they haue synned in, is knowne, the congregacyon shall brynge a yonge oxe for the synne, and brynge hym before the tabernacle of witnesse,
15 and the elders of the multytude shall put theyr handes vpon the heed of the yonge oxe before the Lorde. And the yonge oxe shalbe slayne before the Lorde.
16 And the Preast that is anoynted, shall bringe of hys bloude into the tabernacle of witnesse,
17 and the Preaste shall dyppe hys fynger in the bloude, and sprinkle it seuen tymes before the Lorde: euen before the vayle.
18 And shall put of the bloud vpon the hornes of the alter, whiche is before the Lord in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall poure all the bloude vnto the botome of the alter of burntofferynge whyche is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,
19 and shall take all hys fatt from hym, and burne it vpon the alter,
20 and shall do with thys yonge oxe, as he dyd with the yonge oxe for synne: euen so shall he do wt thys. And the Preaste shall make an attonement for them, and it shalbe forgeuen them.
21 And he shall bringe thys yonge oxe without the hoste, and burne hym as he burned the fyrst. For it is an oblacyon for the synne of the congregacyon.
22 When a Lorde synneth, and commytteth thorow ignoraunce any of these thinges (which the Lorde hys God hath forbydden to be done in hys commaundementes) and hath offended.
23 And yf his synne be shewed vnto him which he hath done, he shall brynge hys offerynge: euen an he goate without blemyshe,
24 and laye hys hande vpon the heed of the he goat, and kill it in the place where the burntofferinge is vsed to be kylled before the Lord
25 For it is a synne offering. And let the preaste take of the bloude of the offerynge with hys fynger, and put it vpon the hornes of the burntofferinge alter, and powre hys bloude vnto the botome of the burntofferyng alter,
26 & burne all his fatt vpon the alter, as the fat of the peaceofferynges. And the Preast shall make an attonement for hym, as concernynge his synne, and it shalbe forgeuen hym.
27 If one of the comen people of the lande synne thorowe ignoraunce, and commytte any of the thynges whiche the Lorde hath forbydden in hys commaundementes to be done, and so hath trespaced:
28 Yf hys synne whyche he hath synned, come to his knowlege, he shall bring for his offering, a she goate from amonge the flockes, without blemyshe for hys synne which he hath synned,
29 and laye hys hande vpon the heed of the offeringe, and slee it in the place of burntofferynges.
30 And the preaste shall take of the bloude therof wt hys fynger, and put it vpon the hornes of the burntofferinge alter, and poure all the bloud vnto the botome of the alter,
31 and shall take awaye all hys fatt, as the fatt of the peace offerynges is taken awaye. And the preaste shall burne it vpon the alter, that it maye be a swete sauoure vnto the Lord, and the preaste shall make an attonement for hym, and it shalbe forgeuen hym.
32 And yf he brynge a shepe for a synne offeryng, he shall bringe a female without blemyshe,
33 and laye hys hande vpon the heed of the offerynge, and slee it for a synofferynge in the place where they kyll the burntofferyng.
34 And the preaste shall take of the bloude of the offerynge with hys fynger, and put it vpon the hornes of the burntofferinge alter, & shall poure the bloude therof vnto the botome of the alter.
35 And he shall take a waye all the fatt therof, as the fat of the shepe of the peace offerynge is wont to be taken a waye. And the preaste shall burne it vpon the alter, that it maye be the Lordes burntsacrifyce, and the Preaste shall make an attonemente for hys synne, that he hath committed, and it shalbe forgeuen him.
Leviticus 5:6-13
6 Therfore shall he brynge hys trespace offerynge vnto the Lorde, for hys synne whiche he hath synned. A female from the flocke, a lambe or a she goate, for a synne offerynge. And the Preaste shall make an attonement for hym concernynge hys synne.
7 And yf he be not able to brynge soche a shepe, he shall brynge for hys trespace which he hath synned, two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons vnto the Lord, one for a synne offerynge, and the other for a burntofferynge.
8 And he shall brynge them vnto the Preaste, whiche shall offer the synneoffering fyrst, and wringe the necke a sundre of it, but plucke it not clene of.
9 And he shall sprynkle of the bloude of the synne offerynge vpon the syde of the alter, and the reste of the bloude shall he powre by the botome of the alter: for it is a synneofferynge.
10 And he shall offer the seconde for a burntofferynge as the maner is: and so shall the Preaste make an attonement for hym (for the synne whiche he hath synned) and it shalbe forgeuen hym.
11 And yf he be not able to brynge two turtyll doues or two younge pygeons, then he that hath synned shall brynge for hys offerynge: the tenth parte of an Epha of fyne floure for a synofferynge, but put none oyle there to, nether put any franckencence theron, for it is a synneofferynge.
12 And let the preaste offre it, and the preaste shall take hys handfull of it, for a remembraunce therof, and burne it vpon the alter, to be a sacrifyce for the Lorde, it is a synneofferynge.
13 And the Preaste shall make an attonement for hym as touchynge his synne that he hath synned in one of these, & it shalbe forgeuen. And the remnaunte shalbe the Preastes, as a meatofferynge.
Leviticus 6:6
6 and let hym brynge for hys trespace vnto the Lord, a Ram wythout blemishe out of the flocke (that is estemed worth a trespace offrynge) vnto the preaste.
Leviticus 7:1-2
Isaiah 53:5
5 and punished where as he (not wythstandynge) was wounded for oure offences, and smytten for oure wyckednes. For the chastysement of oure peace was layde vpon him, and wyth hys strypes are we healed.
Isaiah 53:10
10 Yet hath it pleased the Lorde thus to bruste hym wyth plages, and to smyte hym wyth infyrmite, that when he had made his soule an offeryng for synne, he myght se longe lastynge sede. And thys deuyce of the Lorde shall prospere in hys hande.
Ezekiel 40:42
42 Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntoffringes, of a cubite and a halfe longe and brode, and one cubite hye: wherupon were layed the vessels and ornamentes, which were vsed to the burnt and slayne offeringes: whan they were slaughted.
Ezekiel 41:22
22 The table was of wodde .iij. cubites hye and .ij. cubytes longe: hys corners, the length & the walles were of wodde. And he sayde vnto me: Thys is the table, that shall stande before the Lorde.
Ezekiel 44:16
16 They shall go into my sanctuary, and treade before my table: to do me seruyce, and to wayte vpon myne ordynaunces.
Ezekiel 46:2
2 Then shall the prince come vnder the dore porche, and stande still wtout by the dore check. So the prestes shall offre vp his burnt and healthofferinges. And he shall worshyp at the doreposte, and go hys waye forth agayne: but the dore shall nomore be shut tyll the euenynge.
Malachi 1:7
7 In this, that ye offre vnclene bred vpon myne aulter. And yf ye wil saye: wherin haue we offered any vnclene thinge vnto the? In this that ye saye: the aulter of the Lorde is not to be regarded.
Malachi 1:12
12 But ye haue vnhalowed it, in that ye saye, the aulter of the Lorde is not to be regarded, and the thyng that is set thervpon not worthy to be eaten.
Luke 22:30
30 that ye maye eate and dryncke at my table in my kyngdome, & syt on seates, iudgynge the twelue trybes of Israell.
1 Corinthians 10:16-21
16 Is not the cupp of blessynge which we blesse, partakynge of the bloude of Christ?
17 is not the breed whych we breake, partetakynge of the body of Chryst? because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed & one bodye, in as moche as we all are partakers of one bred.
18 Behold Israel after the flessh. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyce, partakers of the temple?
19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thynge? or that it whych is offered to ymages, is eny thynge?
20 Nay, but thys I saye: that the thynges whych the gentyls offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. I wolde not that ye shulde haue felloshyppe wyth the deuyls.
21 Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the Lorde, and of the cup of deuyls. Ye cannot be the partakers of the Lordes table, and of the table of deuelles.
2 Corinthians 5:21
21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.
Ezekiel 40:39-40
Exodus 20:25
25 And yf thou wylt make me an alter of stone, se thou make it not of hewen stone. Els yf thou lyfte vp thy tole vpon it, thou hast poluted it.
Ezekiel 40:39
39 In the dore porche, there stode on eyther syde two tables for the slaughtinge: to sleye the brentofferinges, synofferynges and trespace offeringes therupon.
Leviticus 1:6
6 And then shall he slaye the burntofferynge, and hewe hym in peces.
Leviticus 1:8
8 and put wodd vpon the fyre. And the preastes Aarons sonne shall laye the partes (euen the heade and the fatt) vpon the wodd that is on the fyre in the altare.
Leviticus 8:20
20 and Moses cut the ram in peces and burnt the heed, the peces and the fatte,
1 Chronicles 6:31-32
31 And these be they, whom Dauid set for to singe in the house of the Lorde, after that the Arcke had reste.
32 And they mynistred before the dwellynge place, and the Tabernacle of wytnesse wyth synginge, vntyll Salomon had buylt the housse of the Lorde in Ierusalem. And then they wayted on theyr offyces, accordynge to the order of them.
1 Chronicles 16:41-43
41 And with them were Heman & Ieduthun, & other that were chosen (whose names were expressed) to geue thankes to the Lorde, that his mercye lasteth euer.
42 And with them dyd Heman and Ieduthun, synge with the trompettes & symbales makynge a swete melody with instrumentes of Musycke and godly songes. And the sonnes of Ieduthun were porters.
43 And all the people departed, euery man to hys house: and Dauid returned to blesse hys house.
1 Chronicles 25:1-31
1 And so Dauid and the captaynes of the hoste appoynted out to do seruyce, the sonnes of Asaph Heman and Ieduthun, whan they dyd prophesye wyth harpes, psalteries and simbales. And there was a multitude of the men that were appoynted to the seruyce and mynistracyon.
2 Of the sonnes of Asaph: Zaccur, Ioseph, Nathania and Aserela that wayted on Asaph, whych prophesyed by the kynge.
3 Of Ieduthun: the sonnes of Ieduthun: Gedeliahu, Zeri, Iesaiahu, Hasabiahu, and Mathithiahu syxe, vnder the handes of theyr father Ieduthun, whych prophesyed wyth a harpe, for to geue thankes & prayses vnto the lord.
4 Of Heman the sonnes of Heman: Buklahu, Mathaniahu, Uziel, Zebuel, Ierimoth, Hanania, Hanani, Eliatha, Gedalthi, Romanthi, Ezer, Iosbekasa, malothi. Hothir, & Mahazioth.
5 All these were the sonnes of Heman which was the kynges Sear in the wordes of God to lyfte vp the horne of the regall dignitie. And God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes and the daughters.
6 All these also were at the hande of their father synging in the house of the Lorde wt simbales, psalteries & harpes, whan Asaph Ieduthun and Heman executed the seruyce in the house of God, at the kinges hande.
7 And the multitude of them wyth their brethren that were instructe in the songes of the Lord: euen all that were connyng, were two hundred foure skore & eyght.
8 And they cast Lottes among them selues howe they shulde wayte as well for the small as for the greate, for the scoler as well as for the skole master.
9 And the fyrst lot in Asaph fell to Ioseph. The seconde to Gedeliahu (wyth his brethren and sonnes) whych men were twelue.
10 The thirde fell to Zaccur wyth hys sonnes & brethren beyng twelue persones.
11 The fourth to Izri with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
12 The fyfte to Nathaniahu with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
13 The syxte to Bukiahu with hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
14 The seuenth to Iesarela with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
15 The eyght to Iesaiahu with his sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
16 The nynth to Mathaniahu with hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
17 The tenth to Simei with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
18 The eleuenth to Azarael wyth hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
19 The twelueth to Hasabia wyth hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
20 The thyrtenth to Subael wyth hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
21 The fourtenth to Mathathiahu wt hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes:
22 The fyftenth to Ieremoth wt his sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
23 The syxtenth to Hananiahu wyth his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
24 The .xvii. to Iosbekasa wyth his sonnes, and brethren twelue personnes.
25 The eyghtenth to Hanani with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
26 The nynetenth to Malothi with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
27 The twentyeth to Eliathath with hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
28 The .xxi. to Hothir with hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
29 The .xxij. to Gidalthi with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
30 The .xxiii. to Mahazioth wt hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes.
31 The .xxiiii. to Romanthi Azer with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.
Ephesians 5:19
19 speakynge vnto youre selues in psalmes and hymnes, and spretuall songes, synginge and makyng melodie to the Lorde in youre hertes,
Colossians 3:16
16 Let the worde of Chryst dwell in you plenteously with all wysdome. Teache and exhorte youre awne selues, in Psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songes syngynge with grace in youre hertes to the Lorde
Leviticus 8:35
35 Therfore shall ye abide in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse daye and nyght seuen dayes longe: & kepe the watche of the Lord, and ye shall not dye: for so I am commaunded.
Numbers 3:27-28
27 And of Cahath came the kynred of the Amramites, and the kynred of the Iezeharites: the kynred of the Hebronites, and the kynred of the Ozielites:
28 These are the kynredes of the Cahathites. And the nombre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue, was .viij. thousande and syxe hundred: and these shall kepe the thynges that are to be kepte in the holy place.
Numbers 3:32
32 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Preaste, was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites, and had the ouersyghte of them that wayted vpon the sanctuary.
Numbers 3:38
38 But on the forefront of the habitacyon before the Tabernacle of wytnesse eastwarde, shall Moses & Aaron and his sonnes pytche, and wayte to kepe the sanctuary, and to kepe the chyldren of Israel. And the straunger that commeth nye, shall be slayne.
Numbers 18:5
5 Therfore shall ye kepe the holy place and the aulter, that ther fall no more wrath vpon the chyldren of Israel:
1 Chronicles 6:49
49 But Aaron & hys sonnes burnt incense vpon the aulter of burntofferynge & on the aulter of incense (and were apoynted) for all that was to do in the place moste holy, and to make an attonement for them of Israel, accordynge to all that Moses the seruaunt of God had commaunded.
1 Chronicles 9:23
23 So they & their children had the ouersyght of the gates of the house of the Lorde, euen of the tabernacle, to kepe them.
2 Chronicles 13:11
11 They burne vnto the Lorde euery mornynge & euenynge, burnt sacrifyces & swete incense: the shewe breed set they in ordre vpon a pure table: & prepare the candelstick of gold wt the lampes of the same to burne euer at euen. And truly we kepe the watche of the Lorde oure God: but ye haue forsaken him.
Psalms 134:1
1 A songe of the stayres. Beholde, prayse the Lorde, all yee seruauntes of the Lorde, yee that by nyght stande in the house of the Lorde,
Ezekiel 8:5
5 And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, O lyft vp thyne eyes, and loke towarde the north. Then lyft I vp myne eyes towarde the north, & beholde: besyde the porte northwarde, there was an aulter made vnto the ymage of prouocacyon in the very entryng in.
Malachi 2:4-7
4 And ye shall knowe, that I haue sent thys commaundement vnto you: that my couenaunt which I made with Leui, might stande sayeth the Lorde of hoostes.
5 I made a couenaunt of lyfe & peace wyth him: this I gaue him, that he myght stande in awe of me: and so he dyd feare me, and had my name in reuerence.
6 The lawe of truthe was in his mouth, and there was no wickednesse founde in his lyppes. He walked with me in peace and equyte, and dyd turne many one awaye from their synnes.
7 For in the prestes lyppes shulde be sure knowledge, that men may seke the lawe at his mouth, for he is a messaunger of the Lorde of hostes.
1 Timothy 6:20
20 O Timothe, saue that which is geuen the to kepe, and avoyde vngostly vanyties of voyces and opposycyons of science falsly so called:
Revelation 1:6
6 & made vs kynges and Prestes vnto God his father, be glory and dominion for euermore. Amen.
Leviticus 6:12-13
Leviticus 10:3
3 Then Moses sayde vnto Aaron: thys is it that the Lorde spake sayinge: I wyll be sanctifyed in them that come nye me and before all the people I wilbe glorifyed. And Aaron helde hys peace.
Numbers 16:5
5 and spake vnto Corah and vnto all his company, saying: to morowe the Lorde will shewe who are his, who is holy, & who ought to approch nye vnto him, and whom he hath chosen to come to him.
Numbers 16:40
40 to be a remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel, that no straunger which is not of the seed of Aaron, come nere to offer cens before the Lord, that it happen not vnto hym lyke as vnto Corah and hys companye, as the Lorde sayde of him by the hande of Moses.
1 Kings 2:35
35 And the kynge put Banaiahu the sonne of Iehoiada in hys rowme ouer the hoost and put Sadock the preste in the rowme of Abiathar.
Ezekiel 43:19
19 To the prestes, to the leuites that be of the sede of Sadoch, and treade before me to do me seruyce, sayeth the Lorde God. Unto these geue thou a yonge bullocke for a synoffering:
Ezekiel 44:15
15 But the prestes, the leuites, the sonne of Sadoch, that kepte the holy ordynaunces of my sanctuary, when the chyldren of Israel were gone fro me, shall come to me, to do me seruyce, to stande before me, and to offre me the fat and the bloude, sayth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 45:4
4 The resydue of that holy grounde shalbe the prestes, which do seruyce in the sanctuary of the Lorde, and goo in before the Lorde to serue hym, that they maye haue rowme to dwell in.
Ezekiel 48:11
11 Yee, this same place shalbe the prestes, that are of the children of Sadoch and haue kept my holy ordinaunce: which went not astraye in the erroure of the children of Israel, lyke as the leuites ar gone astraye:
Ephesians 2:13
13 But nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesu, ye which somtyme were farre of, are made nye by the bloude of Chryst.
1 Kings 6:3
3 And he made a porche before the body of the temple, which was .xx. cubytes long after the bredth of the house, and .x. cubites broade, euen in the forefront of the house.
2 Chronicles 3:4
4 The porche, that was in bredth as large as the temple, had .xx. cubytes: and the heygth was an hundred & .xx. cubytes. And he ouerlayed it on the ynner syde with pure golde.
1 Kings 7:15-21
15 For he cast two pillers of brasse of .xviij. cubites hye a pece, & a stringe of .xij. cubites dyd compasse ether them about.
16 And he made .ij. heed peces of molten brasse (after the fasshion of a crowne) to sett on the toppes of the pyllers. The heigth of the one heed pece conteined .v. cubites, & the heigth of the other heed pece conteyned .v. cubites also:
17 he made also net worck & garlandes of cheyne worcke, vpon the heed peces that were on the top of the pyllers, euen seuen rowes vpon the one heed pece, and seuen vpon the other.
18 And so he made the pyllers, and two rowes round about, in the one wrethen worcke, to couer the heed peces that were vpon the pomgranates. And thus dyd he also for the other heed pece.
19 And the heed peces that were on the toppes of the pillers, couered he aboue with a curyous worke of roses: towarde the palace by the space of .iiij. cubytes.
20 Likewyse, vnder the heed peces in those .ij. pillers beneth, oueragainst the middes & before the net worke. And vpon the seconde heed pece were ther .ij.C. pomgranates in two rowes round about.
21 And he set vp the pillers in the porch of the temple. And when he had set vp the rightpiller, he called the name therof Ioachim: & whan he had set vp the left piller, he called the name therof Boaz.
2 Chronicles 3:17
17 And he reared vp the pyllers before the temple: one on the ryght hande, and the other on the lefte, and called the ryght Iachin, and the lefte Boaz.
Jeremiah 52:17-23
17 The Chaldees also brake the brasen pyllers that were in the house of the Lorde, yee, the seate and the brasen lauer that was in the house of the Lorde: and caryed all the metall of them vnto Babylon.
18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, fleshehokes, sprynklers, spones, and all the brasen vessell that was occupied in the seruyce:
19 with the basens, colepannes, sprynklers, pottes, candelstyckes, spones, and cuppes: wherof some were of golde, and some of syluer.
20 The chefe captaine toke also the two pillers, the lauer, the twelue brasen bullockes that stode vnder the seate which kyng Salomon made in the house of the Lord: and all the vessell conteyned so moch metall, that it myght not be weyed.
21 For euery piller was eyghtene cubytes hye: and the rope that went aboute it, was twelue cubytes, & foure fyngers thycke and rounde.
22 Nowe vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, and euery knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: and vpon the knoppes were whopes, and pomgranates rounde about of cleane brasse:
23 After thys maner were both the pylers fashyoned wt the pomgranates, wherof there were an hundred and .xcvi. which hanged vpon the whoopes rounde about.
Revelation 3:12
12 Hym that ouercommeth, wyll I make a pyllar in the temple of my God, & he shall go nomore out, And I wyll wryte vpon hym, the name of my God and the name of the cytye of my God, new Ierusalem: whych commeth downe out of heauen from my God, and I wyll wryte vpon hym my new name.