Exodus 38:9-12

Great(i) 9 And he made the courte on the southsyde, & the hangynges of the courte were of whyte twyned sylke, hauynge an hundred cubites. 10 Theyr pylers were twentye, & theyr brasen sockettes twenty. But the knoppes of the pylers, & theyr whopes were of syluer. 11 And on the north syde the hangynges were an hundred cubytes. Theyr pylers were .xx. & theyr sockettes of brasse .xx. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pylers were of syluer. 12 On the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubytes .x. pyllers & theyr .x. sockettes. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pillers were of syluer.