15 And he measured the length of the buylding before and behynde with the chambres vpon both the sydes: and it conteyned an .C. cubytes. The ynnermer temple, the porch of the fore court,
Ezekiel 41:15 Cross References - Great
Song of Songs 1:17
17 the sylynges of oure house are of Cedre tree, and oure crosse ioyntes of Cypresse.
Song of Songs 7:5
5 That head that standeth vpon the, is lyke Carmel & the hearre of thy heade is lyke purple and lyke a kynge goynge forth wt his garde aboute hym.
Ezekiel 41:12
12 Nowe the buylding that was separated towarde the west, was .lxx. cubites wyde: the wall of the buylding was .v. cubytes thicke rounde about, and the length foure score cubites & ten.
Ezekiel 41:17
17 and thus was it aboue the dore vnto the ynmost house: and without also. Yee, the whole wall on euery syde both within and without was silled ouer with great borders.
Ezekiel 42:1
1 Then caryed he me out into the fore court towarde the north, & brought me into the chambre that stode oueragaynst the backbuyldinge north ward, which had the length of an .C. cubytes: whose dore turned toward the north.
Ezekiel 42:3
3 oueragaynst the .xx. cubytes of the ynnermer court, and agaynst the paued worke that was in the court, besyde all these thre, ther stode pillers, one oueragaynst another:
Ezekiel 42:5
5 Thus the hyest chambres were alwaye narower then the lowest and myddelmost of the buyldynge:
Ezekiel 42:15
15 Nowe when he had measured all the ynnermer house, he brought me forth thorowe the east porte, and measured the same rounde about.
Zechariah 3:7
7 thus sayeth the Lord of hostes. If thou wilt walke in my wayes, & kepe my watch: thou shalte rule my house, & kepe my courtes, & I wyll geue the place amonge these that stande here.