2 Honoure thy father and mother, (the same is the fyrst commaundement in the promes)
Ephesians 6:2 Cross References - Great
Exodus 20:12
12 Honour thy father & thy mother, that thy dayes maye be longe in the lande which the Lord thy God geueth the.
Deuteronomy 27:16
16 Cursed be he that curseth hys father, & hys mother, and all the people shall saye Amen.
Proverbs 20:20
20 Whoso curseth hys father & mother: his lyght shalbe put out in the myddest of darcknes.
Jeremiah 35:18
18 Ieremy also spake vnto the housholde of the Rechabites: Thus sayeth the Lord of Hostes the God of Israell: For so moche as ye haue obeyed the commaundement of Ionadab youre father, and kepte all hys preceptes, and done accordyng vnto all that he hath bydden you:
Ezekiel 22:7
7 In the haue they despysed father & mother, in the haue they oppressed the straunger, in the haue they vexed the wydowe and the fatherlesse.
Malachi 1:6
6 Shulde not a sonne honoure his father, & a seruaunt his master? Yf I be now a father, where is myne honoure? Yf I be the Lord, where am I feared? sayeth the Lorde of hostes. Now to you prestes, that despyse my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name?
Matthew 15:4-6
4 For God commaundeth sayinge: honoure father and mother, and he that cursseth father or mother: let hym dye the deeth.
5 But ye saye: euery one shall saye to his father and mother: what gift so euer shulde haue come of me, the same is turned vnto thy profyt: & so shall he not honoure his father or his mother.
6 And thus haue ye made the commaundement of God of none effecte, because of youre awne tradicyon.
Mark 7:9-13
9 And he sayde vnto them: well, ye cast a syde the commaundement of God, to mayntayne youre awne constitucyons.
10 For Moses sayd: honoure thy father & thy mother: & whoso curseth father or mother, let him dye the death.
11 But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother, Corban: whych is: what gyfte soeuer commeth fro me, shalbe for thy profyt.
12 And so ye suffre him no more to do ought for hys father or his mother,
13 and make the worde of God of none effecte, through youre awne constitucyon whych ye haue ordeyned. And many soche thynges do ye.
Romans 13:7
7 Geue to euery man therfore hys duetye: tribute to whom tribute belongeth: custome, to whom custome is due: feare, to whom feare belongeth: honoure, to whom honoure pertayneth.