1 A Good name is more worth then a precyous oyntment, and the daye of death is better then the daye of byrth.
Ecclesiastes 7:1 Cross References - Great
Job 3:17
17 There must the wycked ceasse from theyr tyrannye, and ther soch as are ouerlaboured be at rest:
Psalms 133:2
2 Lyke the dewe of Hermon, which fell vpon the hyll of Sion.
Proverbs 15:30
30 Lyke as the clearnesse of the eyes reioyseth the herte, so doth a good name fede the bones.
Proverbs 22:1
1 A Good name is more worth then greate rychesse, and louinge fauoure is better then siluer and golde.
Proverbs 27:9
9 Balme and swete encense make the hert mery: so is the swete counsell of a mans frende that agreeth to his purpose.
Ecclesiastes 4:2
2 Wherfore I iudged those that are deed, to be more happye then soch as be alyue:
Ecclesiastes 10:1
1 A Deed flye doth corrupt swete oyntement & maketh it to stynk: Euen so oft tymes he that is made for wysdome & honour, is abhorred because of a lytle foolishnes.
Song of Songs 1:3
3 & that, because of the good & pleasaunt sauoure of thy most preciouse balmes. Thy name is a swete smellynge oyntment when it is shed forthe, therfore do the maydens loue the:
Song of Songs 4:10
10 O howe fayre are thy brestes, my syster, my spouse? Thy brestes are more pleasaunt then wyne, and the smel of thyne oyntmentes passeth all spyces.
Isaiah 56:5
5 Unto them wyll I geue in my housholde and wythin my walles, a better herytage & name, then yf they had bene called sonnes & daughters. I will geue them an euerlastinge name, that shall not perish.
Isaiah 57:1-2
Luke 10:20
20 Neuertheles, in this reioyse not, that the spretes are subdued vnto you: but reioyse, that youre names are wryten in heauen.
John 13:2
2 And when supper was ended, after that the deuyll had put in the herte of Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne, to be traye hym.
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we knowe that yf oure erthy mancion of this dwellyng were destroyed, we haue a byldinge of God, an habitacyon not made with handes, but eternall in heauen.
2 Corinthians 5:8
8 Neuerthelesse, we are of good comforte, and had leuer to be absent from the body, and to be present with God.
Philippians 1:21-23
21 For Christ is to me lyfe, and deeth is to me auauntage.
22 If it chaunce me to lyue in the flesshe, that thinge is to me frutefull for the worcke, and what I shall chose I wote not.
23 For I am constrayned of these two thinges. I desyre to be loosed, & to be wt Christ which is moche & far better.
Hebrews 11:2
2 For by it the elders obtayned a good reporte.
Hebrews 11:39
39 And these all thorow faith obtained good reporte, & receaued not the promes,
Revelation 14:13
13 And I hearde a voyce from heauen saying vnto me: wryte. Blessed are the deed, which here after dye in the Lorde, euen so sayth the sprete: that they rest from theyr laboures, but theyr workes folowe them.