Deuteronomy 13:12 Cross References - Great

12 If thou shalt heare saye in one of thy cyties which the Lorde thy God hath geuen the to dwell in,

Joshua 22:11-34

11 Which when the children of Israel hearde of, they sayd: beholde, the children of Ruben, the children of Gad, and the halfe trybe of Manasses haue buylt an altare in the forefronte of the lande of Canaan euen in Geliloth besyde Iordan on the syde of the children of Israell. 12 And when the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregacion of the children of Israell gathered them together to Silo, to make batell agaynst them. 13 And the children of Israell sent vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, and to the halfe trybe of Manasses, into the lande of Gilead, Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the preaste, 14 & wyth him ten Lordes, of euery chefe house a Lord, thorow out all the tribes of Israell, which were heades of their fathers housholdes among the thousandes of Israel. 15 And they went vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, & to the children of the halfe trybe of Manasses, vnto the lande of Gilead, and they spake with them, saying. 16 Thus saye the hole congregacion of the Lorde what transgression is this that ye haue transgressed agaynst the God of Israell, to turne awaye this daye from the Lord in that ye haue bylded you an altare, for to rebelle this daye against the Lorde? 17 Is the wicked deade of Peor to lyttell for vs, wherof we are not yet cleansed vnto thys daye, and for the which there was in the congregacion of the people a plage of the Lord? 18 Ye also are turned awaye thys daye from the Lorde. And seynge ye rebelle to daye agaynst the Lorde, it wil come to passe, that tomorow he shall be wroth wt all the congregacion of Israel. 19 Notwithstandyng yf ye thinke, that the lande of youre possession is vncleane, then come ouer vnto the lande of the possession of the Lorde, where in the Lordes tabernacle dwelleth, & take possession amonge vs. But transgresse not agaynst the Lorde, nor prouoke vs, to buylde you anye other aulter, saue the aulter of the Lorde oure God. 20 Dyd not Acan the sonne of Zareth trespase in the excommunicate thing, & wrath fell on all the cogregacion of Israel, which notwithstandinge that he was but one man, yet he alone perisshed not for his wickednesse? 21 Then the children of Ruben & the children of Gad, and halfe the trybe of Manasses answered, and sayde vnto the heades ouer the thousandes of Israel. 22 The God of goddes, the Lorde, God of goddes, euen the Lord he knoweth, & Israel also shall knowe. If it be to rebelle, or to transgresse agaynst the Lorde, then thou Lorde saue vs not thys daye. 23 Or elles if we haue bylt vs an aulter to turne from folowing the Lorde, or to offer theron burnt offryng or meatoffringe, or to offer peace offringes theron: let the Lorde require it. 24 And yf we haue not rather done it of a carefulnes & of a sure occasion, sayenge: In tyme to come your children might saye vnto oures: what haue ye to do with the Lorde God of Israel? 25 the Lorde hath made Iordan a border betwene vs and you (ye children of Ruben and of Gad) ye haue no parte therfore in the Lorde: and so shall youre children make oure children ceasse from fearinge the Lorde. 26 Therfore we sayd: We wil make vs an aulter, not for burntofferinge, nor for sacrifice, 27 but for a witnesse betwene vs and you, and oure generacyons after vs, that we shulde serue the Lorde, with oure offeringes, sacrifices and peace offeringes before him: and that youre children shulde not saye to oures in time to come: ye haue no parte in the Lorde. 28 Therfore sayde we, that if they shulde so saye to vs or to oure generacions in tyme to come, that we wolde saye agayne: Beholde the fassion of the aulter of the Lorde, which oure fathers made, nether for burntofferynges nor sacrifices, but for a witnesse betwene vs and you. 29 God forbyd, that we shuld rebell agaynst the Lorde, and turne thys daye from after him, & buyld any other aulter for burntofferinges, oblacions, or sacrifices, saue the altare of the Lord oure God, that is before his tabernacle. 30 And when Phinehes the Preaste, and the Lordes of the congregacion and heades ouer the thousandes of Israell which were with him, hearde these wordes that the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad and the children of Manasses spake, they were well content. 31 And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the preaste sayde vnto the children of Ruben, and to the children of Gad, & to the children of Manasses: this daye we perceaue, that the Lord is among vs, because ye haue not done this trespase agaynst the Lorde: Now ye haue rydde the children of Israell out of the hande of the Lorde. 32 And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the Preaste wt the Lordes, retourned from the children of Ruben, and from the children of Gad out of the lande of Gilead vnto the lande of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them this worde agayne. 33 And the sayeng pleased the children of Israel, and they blessed God, and dyd not entende to go agaynst them in batell, & to destroye the lande which the children of Ruben and Gad dwelt in. 34 And the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad called the aulter: Oure witnesse, that the Lorde is God.

Judges 20:1-17

1 Then all the chyldren of Israel went out: and the congregacyon was gathered togeather as it had bene but one man, euen from Dan to Berseba and vnto the lande of Gilead, vnto the Lorde in Mizpa, 2 and there stode folke out of al quarters and of all the trybes of Israell, in the congregacyon of the people of God, foure hundred thousande fote men that drewe swerdes. 3 And whan the chyldren of BenIamin hearde that the chyldren of Israell were gone vp to Mizpa, and had sayde. O ye chyldren of Israell, tell vs how this wickednesse happened. 4 And the Leuite, the womans husbande that was slayne, answered and sayde, I came into Gybea that is in BenIamin with my concubyne to lodge all nyght. 5 And the men of Gibea rose agaynst me, and set the house rounde aboute vpon me by nyght, and thought to haue slayne me: and my concubyne haue they so forced, that she is deed. 6 And I toke my concubyne, and cutt her in peces, and sent her thorow out all the landes of the enherytaunce of Israell. For they haue commytted abhominacyon and folly in Israell. 7 Beholde, ye are all chyldren of Israell. Pondre thys matter, and geue youre aduyse in the case 8 And all the people arose, as it had ben one man, saying, there shall not a man of vs go to his tent, nether turne into his house. 9 But this shalbe it that we wyll do to Gibea: We will go vp by lottte agaynst it. 10 And we will take ten men of the hundred thorowe out all the trybes of Israell, and an hundred of the thousande, and a thousande out of ten thousande, to fett vitayle for the people to make that they maye go agaynst Gibea BenIamin, because of all the abhominacyon, that they haue wrought in Israell. 11 And so all the men of Israell gathered to geather agaynst the cytie, knyte to geather, as it had ben but one man. 12 And the trybes of Israell sent men thorow all the trybe of BenIamin sayinge what wyckednesse is this that is happened amonge you? 13 Now therfore delyuer vs the men, those chyldren of Belial which are in Gibea, that we maye sley them, and put awaye euell from Israell. Neuerthelater the chyldren of BenIamin wolde not herken vnto the voyce of their brethren the chyldren of Israell: 14 but geathered them selues to geather out of the cyties vnto Gibea, to come out and fight agaynst the chyldren of Israell. 15 And the chyldren of BenIamin were nombred at that tyme, out of the cyties .xxvj. thousand men that drewe swerdes, besyde the enhabiters of Gibea, which were nombred seuen hundred chosen men. 16 And amonge all these folke were seuen hundred left handed men, which euery one coulde slyng stones at an heare breadeth, and not mysse. 17 And the chyldren of Israell besyde BenIamin, were nombred foure hundred thousande men that drew swerdes, and were all men of warre.

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