1 In the thyrde yeare of kynge Cirus of Persia, there was shewed vnto Daniel (other wyse called Balthasar) a matter, yee, a true matter, but it is yet a longe tyme vnto it. He vnderstode the matter well, and perceaued what the visyon was.
Daniel 10:1 Cross References - Great
Genesis 41:32
32 And as concernynge that the dreame was doubled vnto Pharao the seconde tyme, beholde, the thynge is certaynly prepared of God, & God wyll shortly brynge it to passe.
2 Chronicles 36:22-Ezra 1:2
22 And the first yeare of Cyrus kynge of Persia (whan the worde of the Lorde spoken by the mouth of Ieremia, was fynisshed) the Lord stered vp the sprete of Cyrus kyng of Persia, that he made a proclamacion thorow out all his kyngdome, and that by writynge, sayeng:
Ezra 1:7-8
Ezra 3:7
7 They gaue money also vnto the masons and carpenters, and meate and dryncke and oyle vnto them of Zidon and of Tire, to brynge them Cedre tymbre from Libanus by see vnto Ioppa, accordyng to the graunt that they had of Cyrus the kynge of Persia.
Ezra 4:3
3 And Zorobabel and Iesua and the other auncient fathers of Israel sayde vnto them: It cannot be, that you and we together shuld buylde the house vnto our God: for we oure selues wyll buylde alone vnto the Lord our God of Israel, as Cyrus the king of Persia hath commaunded vs.
Ezra 4:5
5 and hyred councelers against them, to hynder their deuyce, as longe as Cyrus the kyng of Persia lyued, vntyll the raygne of Darius king of Persia.
Ezra 5:13-17
13 But in the fyrst yere of Cyrus the kyng of Babylon, the same kyng Cyrus gaue commaundement concernyng thys house of God, that it shulde be builded agayne.
14 And the vesselles of golde & syluer of the house of God, which Nabuchodonozer toke out of the temple that was at Ierusalem, & brought them into the temple at Babilon, those dyd Cyrus the kynge take out of the temple at Babilon, and they were delyuered vnto one Sasbazar by name, whom he made captayne,
15 and sayde vnto him. Take these vessels, and go thy waye, and sett them in the temple that is at Ierusalem, and lett the house of God be buylded in hys place.
16 Then came the same Sasbazar, and layde the foundacyon of the house of God which is at Ierusalem. Sence that tyme also vntyll now hath it bene in buyldynge, and yet is it not fynished.
17 Yf it please the kynge now therfore, lett there be searche made in the kynges library which is there at Babylon, whether it haue bene kyng Cyrus commaundement, that thys temple of God at Ierusalem shulde be buylded and let hym sende vs the kynges mynde concernynge the same matter.
Ezra 6:3
3 In the fyrst yeare of kyng Cyrus, gaue the same kynge Cyrus commaundement concernynge the house of God at Ierusalem, that the same house shulde be buylded in the place where they offre the sacrifices, and to ioyne the walles together of threskore cubytes heygth, and threskore cubytes bredth.
Ezra 6:14
14 And the Elders of the Iewes builded, and they prospered thorow the prophecienge of Aggeus the prophet and Zachary the sonne of Iddo: and they builded, and layed vp the foundacion, according to the commaundement of the God of Israell, and after the commaundement of Cyrus, and Darius & Arthaxerses kynges of Persia.
Isaiah 44:28-45:1
28 He sayeth of Cyrus. He is myne herdman: so that he shall fulfyll all thynges after my will. He sayeth also of Ierusalem: It shall be buylded, and of the temple: It shalbe fast grounded.
Daniel 1:7
7 Unto these, the chefe chamberlayne gaue other names, and called Daniel, Balthasar: Ananias, Sidrach, Misael, Misach: and Asarias, Abednago.
Daniel 1:17
17 God gaue nowe these foure springaldes connynge and lernyng in all scripture and wysdome: but vnto Daniel specially, he gaue vnderstandynge of all visyons and dreames.
Daniel 1:21
21 And Daniel abode styll, vnto the fyrst yeare of kynge Cyrus.
Daniel 2:21
21 he chaungeth the tymes and ages he putteth downe kynges, he setteth vp kynges: he geueth wysdome vnto the wyse, & vnderstandinge to those that vnderstande,
Daniel 4:8
8 tyll at the last, there came one Daniel (other wyse called Balthazar, according to the name of my God) which hath the sprete of the holy goddes in him, to whom I tolde the dreame, saying:
Daniel 5:12
12 because that soche an aboundaunt sprete, knowledge & wysdome (to expounde dreames, to open secretes, and to declare harde dowtes) was founde in him: yee, euen in Daniel, whom the kyng named Balthasar. Let this same Daniel be sente for, and he shall tell, what it meaneth.
Daniel 5:17
17 Daniel answered, & sayde before the kyng: As for thy rewardes, kepe them to thy selfe, or geue thy ryche gyftes to another: yet not the lesse, I will rede the wryting vnto the kyng, & shewe him the interpretacyon therof
Daniel 6:28
28 This Daniel prospered in the reygne of Darius and Cyrus of Persia.
Daniel 8:16
16 And I herde a mans voyce in the riuer of Ulay, which cryed, and sayd: O Gabriel, make this man vnderstande the visyon.
Daniel 8:26
26 And thys visyon that is shewed vnto the, is as sure as the euenynge and the mornynge. Therfore wryte thou vp thys syght, for it wylbe longe or it come to passe.
Daniel 9:22-23
22 He infourmed me, & spake vnto me: O Daniel sayde he, I am nowe come to make the vnderstande it.
23 For as soone as thou begannest to make thy prayer, it was so diuised, & therfore am I come to shewe the. And why? For thou art a man greatly beloued. Wherfore, pondre the matter well, that thou mayest learne, to vnderstande the visyon.
Daniel 10:14
14 & am come to shewe the, what shall happen vnto thy people in the latter dayes. For it wylbe longe yet or the visyon be fulfylled.
Daniel 11:2
2 & nowe wyll I shewe the trueth. Beholde, there shall stande vp yet thre kynges in Persia, but the fourth shalbe farre rycher then they all. And when he is in the chefest power of hys ryches, he shall prouoke euery man agaynst the realme of Grekelande.
Daniel 12:4
4 And thou O Daniel, shut vp these wordes, and seale the boke tyll the last time Many shall go aboute here and there, and then shall knowledge increase.
Daniel 12:9
9 He answered: Go thy waye Daniel, for these wordes shall be closed vp & sealed, tyll the last tyme:
Luke 1:20
20 And beholde it shall come to passe, that thou shalt be domme, and not be hable to speake, vntill the daye that these thinges be performed, because thou beleuedst not my wordes, which shalbe fulfylled in their season.
Revelation 19:9
9 And he sayd vnto me, wryte, happy are they whiche are called vnto the supper of the lambes mariage. And he sayd vnto me: these are the true sayinges of God.