2 Chronicles 4:7 Cross References - Great

7 And he made ten candelstyckes of golde (accordinge to the paterne that was geuen of them) and put them in the temple: fyue on the ryght hande and fyue on the lefte.

Exodus 25:31-40

31 And thou shalt make a candelstycke of pure golde euen of a whole worke shall the candelstycke be made with his shaft, braunches, bolles, knoppes and floures proceadinge there out. 32 Syxe braunches also shall procede out of the sydes of it: thre braunches of the candelstycke out of the one syde and thre out of the other. 33 Thre cuppes lyke vnto almondes with knoppes & floures in one braunche. And thre cuppes lyke almondes in the other braunche, with knoppes and floures. And euen so thorowe out the syxe braunches that procede out of the candelstycke: 34 and in the candelstycke selfe foure cuppes lyke vnto almondes with theyr knoppes and floures: 35 and there shall be a knoppe vnder euery two braunches. Of the syxe that procede out of the candelstyck. 36 And the knoppes and the braunches shalbe of it. And it shalbe one worke euen of pure golde. 37 And thou shalt make the seuen lampes of it: and the seuen lampes therof, shalt thou put an hye there on, to geue lyghte vnto the other syde that is ouer against it. 38 The tongges and snoffers therof shalbe of pure golde. 39 Of an hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde shalt thou make it with all the apparell. 40 Loke therfore that thou make them after the facyon that was shewed the in the mounte.

1 Kings 7:49

49 And fyue candelstyckes, for the ryght syde, and fyue for the lefte before the queer of pure golde: with floures,

1 Chronicles 28:12

12 & the example of all that he had in hys mynde, for the courtes of the house of the Lorde, & for all the celles rounde about, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasures of the dedycate thynges,

1 Chronicles 28:15

15 The wayght of golde for the candelstyckes, and the golde for their lampes, with the wayght for euery candelstycke, & for the lampes therof. And for the candelstyckes of syluer by wayght, both for the candelstycke and also for her lampes accordinge to the diuersite of the vse of euery candelstyck.

1 Chronicles 28:19

19 All (sayde Dauid) was geuen me by wrytynge of the hande of the Lorde, whych made me vnderstande all the workmanshyp of the paterne.

Zechariah 4:2-3

2 & sayd vnto me: what seyst thou? And I sayde I haue loked, and beholde: a candelstycke al of golde with a boule vpon it, & his seuen lampes therin, and vpon euery lampe seuen stalkes. 3 And two olyue trees therby, one vpon the ryght syde of the boule, and the other vpon the lyftesyde.

Zechariah 4:11-14

11 Then answered I, and sayd vnto him, what are these two olyue trees vpon the ryght and lefte syde of the candelstick? 12 I spake moreouer, and sayd vnto him what be these two olyue braunches (whych thorow the two golden pypes) emptie them selues into the gold? 13 He answered me & sayd knowest thou not, what these be? And I sayde, no, my Lorde. 14 Then sayd he. These are the two olyue braunches, that stande before the ruler of the whole earth.

Matthew 5:14-16

14 Ye are the light of the world. A cytie that is set on an hyll cannot be hyd, 15 nether do men lyght a candell, and put it vnder a busshell, but on a candelstyck, and it geueth light vnto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shyne before men. That they maye se your good worckes, & gloryfy your father, which is in heauen.

John 8:12

12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saying: I am the lyght of the worlde. He that foloweth me, doth not walke in darcknes but shall haue the light of lyfe.

Hebrews 8:5

5 offer gyftes whych serue vnto the ensample, and shadowe of heauenly thynges: euen as the answere of God was geuen vnto Moses, when he was about to fynyssh the tabernacle. Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thinges accordinge to the patrone which is shewed to the in the mount.

Revelation 1:20

20 the mistery of the .vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght hande, and the .vii. golden candelstickes. The .vii. starres are the messengers of the .vii. congregacions, And the seuen candelstickes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacyons.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.