2 Chronicles 4:6 Cross References - Great

6 And he made ten lauers: and put fyue on the ryght hande, and fyue on the lefte, to washe and clense in them, soch thinges as they offred for a burntofferynge. But the great Lauatory was for the preastes to washe in.

Exodus 29:4

4 And brynge Aaron and his sonnes vnto the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and washe them with water,

Exodus 30:18-21

18 thou shalt make a lauer of brasse, and his fote also of brasse to washe withall, and shalt putt it betwene the tabernacle of witnes, and the aulter: and put water therin. 19 For Aaron and his sonnes shall wash theyr handes and theyr fete therin: 20 euen when they go into the tabernacle of witnesse, or when they go vnto the aulter to minystre and to burne the Lordes offeringe, they shall wash them selues with water, lest they dye. 21 And it shalbe an ordinaunce vnto them for euer, both vnto him and his seed thorow out their generacyons.

Leviticus 1:9

9 But the inwardes and the legges ther of shall he wasshe in water, and the preast shall burne all in the altare, that they maye be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.

Leviticus 1:13

13 But he shall washe the inwardes and the legges with water, and the preste shall bringe all together, and burne it vpon the alter for a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

1 Kings 7:38

38 Then made he .x. lauers of brasse, one lauer conteyning .xl. bates: and one lauer was foure cubytes, and vpon euery one of the ten sockettes, he put one lauer.

1 Kings 7:40

40 And Hiram made pottes, shouels and basens, and so finyshed all the worke that he made kyng Salomon for the house of the Lorde:

2 Chronicles 4:2

2 And he cast a brasen Lauatorye of ten cubytes from brym to brym, rounde in compase, and fyue cubytes hye: and a lyne of thyrtye cubytes dyd compase it rounde aboute.

Psalms 51:2

2 Wash me thorowly fro my wickednesse, & clense me from my synne.

Ezekiel 40:38

38 Ther stode a chambre also, whose intraunce was at the dore pyllers, and there the burntofferynges were wasshed.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And soch were some of you, but ye are wasshed: but ye are sanctifyed: but ye are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesus, & by the sprete of oure God.

Hebrews 9:14

14 how moch moare shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete, offered him self without spot to God) pourge youre conscience from deed workes, for to serue the lyuinge God?

Hebrews 9:23

23 It is nede then, that the similitudes of heauenly thynges be purifyed wyth soch thynges: but that the heauenly thynges them selues be purifyed wt better sacrifyces then are those.

1 John 1:7

7 But & yf we walke in lyght euen as he is in lyght, then haue we fellishippe wt him, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

Revelation 1:5-6

5 & from Iesus Christ, which is a faythfull wytnes, & fyrst begotten of the deed: & Lorde ouer the kynges of the erth. Unto him that loued vs, and wesshed vs from oure synnes in hys awne bloude, 6 & made vs kynges and Prestes vnto God his father, be glory and dominion for euermore. Amen.

Revelation 7:14

14 And I sayde vnto him: Lord thou wotest. And he sayde to me: these are they, whych came out of great tribulacyon, & made their garmentes large, & made them white by the bloude of the lambe:

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