2 Chronicles 16:1 Cross References - Great

1 In the .xxxvi. yere of the raygne of Asa, came Baasa kyng of Israel vp agaynst Iuda, and buylt Rama, to the entent that he wolde let none passe out or in to Asa kynge of Iuda.

1 Kings 12:27

27 For yf thys people go vp and do sacrifyce in the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, then shall the hert of this people turne agayne vnto theyr Lorde Rehoboam kynge of Iuda: and so shall they kyll me, and go agayne to Rehoboam kynge of Iuda.

1 Kings 15:16-22

16 And there was warre betwene Asa & Baasa kynge of Israell all theyr dayes. 17 And Baasa kynge of Israel, went vp agaynst Iuda, & buylt Rama, so that he wolde let none go out or in, to Asa kynge of Iuda. 18 Then Asa toke all the syluer & golde, that was lefte in the treasures of the house of the Lorde, & the treasures of the kynges house, and delyuered them vnto the handes of hys seruauntes, & Asa sent them to Benhadad the sonne of Tabrimon the sonne of Hezion kynge of Siria, (that dwelt at Damasco,) sayenge: 19 there is a bonde betwene me & the, betwene my father and thy father. And beholde, I haue sent vnto the a present of syluer & golde that thou come & breake the bonde that thou hast wt Baasa kynge of Israell, that he maye departe from me. 20 So Benhadad herkened vnto kyng Asa, and sent the captaynes of the hostes (which he had) agaynst the cyties of Israel, & smote Hion, & Dan, & Abel, Beth Macah, & all the region of Ceneroth with all the lande of Nephthali. 21 And when Baasa heard therof, he lefte buylding of Rama & dwelt in Thirza. 22 Then kyng Asa made a proclamacyon thorowout all Iuda, that none shuld be excused. And so they toke the stones of Ramah & the tymber (wherwith Baasa had buylded,) & kyng Asa buylt with them the hyll of BenIamin and Mizpa.

2 Chronicles 11:13-17

13 And the prestes and the leuites that were in all Israel, resorted to hym out of all their coastes. 14 For the leuites lefte their suburbes and their possession, and came to Iuda and Ierusalem: for Ieroboam and his sonnes had cast them out from minystrynge vnto the Lorde. 15 And he ordeyned hym prestes for the hylaultares, for the deuylles and for the calues which he had made. 16 And after the leuites there went of all the trybes of Israel, soche as submitted their hertes to seke the Lorde God of Israel, and came to Ierusalem, to offer vnto the Lorde God of their fathers. 17 And so they strengthed the kyngdome of Iuda, and made Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon myghtye thre yeare longe for thre yere they walked in the waye of Dauid and Salomon.

2 Chronicles 15:5

5 And in that time me there was no peace to hym, that dyd goo out and in: but greate sedicyon was there amonge all the inhabiters of the earth.

2 Chronicles 15:9

9 And he gathered all Iuda and Beniamin, and the straungers with them out of Ephraim, Manasse, & Simeon. For there fell many to hym out of Israel, when they sawe that the Lorde hys God was wt hym.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.