28 And Eliab his eldest brother hearde when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was angrye wt Dauid, and sayde: Why camest thou downe hither? and with whom hast thou lefte those few shepe in the wildernesse? I know thy pryde, and the malyce of thyne herte, that thou art come downe to se the battell.
1 Samuel 17:28 Cross References - Great
Genesis 37:4
4 And when hys brethren sawe that theyr father loued him more than all his brethren, they hated hym & coulde not speke peaceably vnto hym.
Genesis 37:8
8 To whom hys brethren sayde: shalt thou be oure kynge in dede? or shalt thou in dede haue dominyon ouer vs? And they hated hym yet the more, because of hys dreames, and of his wordes.
Genesis 37:11
11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.
1 Samuel 16:7
7 But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashyon, or on the heyght of hys stature, because I haue refused hym: for God seyth not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outwarde apperaunce but God beholdeth the harte.
1 Samuel 16:13
13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama.
Psalms 35:11
11 False witnesse dyd ryse vp: they layed to my charge, thynges that I knowe not.
Proverbs 18:19
19 A brother though he be greued wt offence, yet is he more worth then a very stronge castell: and they that holde together are lyke the barre of a palace.
Proverbs 27:4
4 Wrath is a cruell thinge and furiousnesse is a very tempest: but who is able to abyde enuye?
Ecclesiastes 4:4
4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle, & dilygence of labour, that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuy agaynst his neyboure This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.
Matthew 10:36
36 And a mannes foes shalbe they that are of his awne houshold.
Matthew 27:18
18 For he knewe that for enuie they had delyuered him.
Mark 3:21
21 And when they that belonged vnto hym, heard of it, they went out to laye handes vpon him. For they sayde: he is madd.
Jude 1:10
10 But these speake euyll of those thynges whych they knowe not: and what thynges they knowe naturaly (as beastes which are wythout reason) in those thinges they corrupte them selues.